People with amber eyes. The rarest eye color in the world

Incredible Facts

Brown-eyed people are more trustworthy than blue-eyed people. scientists have found.

However, as researchers have found Charles University in Prague, it is not the color of the eyes that inspires confidence. When a group of volunteers were shown photographs of the same men whose eye color had been artificially altered in different photographs, they were considered more reliable.

This suggests that trust is not the color of the eyes itself, but the facial features inherent in brown-eyed people.

So, for example, brown-eyed men, as a rule, have a rounder face with a wide chin, a wider mouth with raised corners, big eyes and closer set eyebrows. All these qualities indicate masculinity and therefore inspire confidence.

In contrast, blue-eyed representatives of the stronger sex often have facial features that are perceived as a sign of cunning and volatility. These are, as a rule, small eyes and a narrow mouth with lowered corners.

Women with brown eyes also considered more reliable than blue-eyed, but the difference is not as clear as in men.

One of the first features that attract us to a person is his eyes, and especially the color of his eyes. Did you know which eye color is considered the rarest, or why eyes can be red? Here are a few interesting facts about the color of a person's eyes.

1. Brown eyes are the most common eye color.

Brown eye color is the most common eye color in the world, except for the Baltic countries. It is the result of the presence a large number melanin in the iris, which absorbs a lot of light. People with very high concentrations of melanin may look like they have black eyes.

2. Blue eyes are a genetic mutation.

All people with blue eyes have one common ancestor. Scientists have traced the genetic mutation that led to the appearance blue eyes and found out that she appeared 6000 - 10000 years ago. Until that time, there were no blue-eyed people.

Most people with blue eyes are in the Baltic countries and the Nordic countries. In Estonia, 99 percent of people have blue eyes.

3. Yellow eye color - wolf eyes

Yellow or amber eyes have a golden, tan, or copper tint and are the result of the presence of the lipochrome pigment, which is also found in green eyes. Yellow the eye is also called "the eyes of the wolf", as this rare eye color common among animals such as wolves, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish.

Green is the rarest eye color

Only 1-2% of people in the world have green eyes. Pure green eye color (which should not be confused with marsh color) is a very rare eye color, as it is often eradicated from the family by the dominant brown eye gene. In Iceland and Holland, green eyes are most common in women.

One person can have different color eyes

Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which one person can have a different eye color.. It is caused by an excess or lack of melanin and is the result of genetic mutation, illness or injury.

With complete heterochromia, a person has two different colors of the iris, for example, one eye is brown, the other is blue. With partial heterochromia, the color of the iris is divided into two parts different color.

Red eye color

Red eyes often found in albinos. Since they have almost no melanin, their iris is transparent but looks red because of the blood vessels.

Eye color changes

Eye color can change over the course of a person's life. African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are usually born with dark eyes that rarely change. Most Caucasian children are born with light color eye: blue or blue. But over time, as the child develops, the cells of the iris of the eye begin to produce more melanin pigment. Usually, baby's eye color changes by one year, but it can be established later by the 3rd, and less often by 10-12 years.

In rare cases, a change in eye color during life can also indicate certain diseases, such as Horner's syndrome, some forms of glaucoma, and others.

What eye color will the child have?

The formation of eye color is difficult process which is determined genetically. There are many combinations of genes that we get from both parents that determine the eye color you will have. Here is the most simplified scheme that will help you find out the color of the eyes of the unborn child.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can drown in their bottomless depths, you can nail to a place with a glance or captivate your heart forever ... Masters of the word often use such epithets. And indeed, sky-blue eyes enchant, bright green bewitch, and black ones pierce through. But how often in real life you can meet green-eyed people, and what is the rarest eye color? Read on for answers to these questions.

What eye colors are

In reality, there are only 4 pure eye colors - brown, gray, blue and green. But the mixing of colors, pigmentation, the amount of melanin, the network of blood vessels combine to create many shades. Due to this effect, there are people with light brown, amber, black and even red eyes.

Theoretically it is possible, but practically no one has yet seen

Scientists who study what eye color depends on, the heredity of this issue and possible mutations, have empirically determined that, theoretically, people with purple eyes should live on Earth.

Purple is genetically a pigmented version of blue. Except scientific theories there is evidence that in the remote corners of Northern Kashmir on the Hindustan peninsula there are residents with real lilac eyes. Unfortunately, this is only oral evidence, not confirmed by photography or video, so skeptics coldly perceive such a statement.

However, the eyes of Elizabeth Taylor, a popular actress and queen of Hollywood, had an unusual purple colour. This is clearly seen in the film "Cleopatra", where she brilliantly played leading role. And it couldn't have been colored lenses, because their production was launched in 1983, and the film was released in 1963. Although the play of light and shadow, coupled with skillful makeup, sometimes work wonders ...

If we discard the hypothesis of the existence of people with purple eyes on earth, then we can safely say that green is the rarest eye color on the planet. They have only 2% of the world's population. In this case, the following patterns are observed:

  • the vast majority of green-eyed people live in the central and northern parts of Europe, mainly in Scotland, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Iceland, and Finland. If in Iceland 40% of the total population have green eyes, then this color of the “mirror of the soul” cannot be found in Asia or South America;
  • in women, this eye color occurs 3 times more often than in men;
  • there is a direct relationship between green eyes and skin and hair color. green eyed people almost always white-skinned and most often red-haired. During the Inquisition, green-eyed, red-haired women were considered witches and burned at the stake;
  • if mom and dad are green-eyed, then the probability of having a child with the same eye color is 75%.

If only one parent is green-eyed, then the probability of having the same baby is reduced to 50%. Interestingly, if one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes, then they will never have a green-eyed child. But if both parents are blue-eyed, then the child’s eyes will most likely be green, and not blue color. That's some genetics!

The famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva had eyes of a beautiful emerald hue. Demi Moore and beautiful Angelina Jolie have the rarest natural green iris.

Amber or gold

These colors are varieties of brown eyes. They have a monochrome yellow tint or a mixture of golden, light brown tones. Such exotic wolf-like eyes are very rare. Their amazing color is due to the presence of the pigment lipofuscin.

Blue lake - blue magnet

Blue eyes are the third most common. They are most common among Europeans, especially in the Baltic countries and Northern Europe. For example, almost all Estonians (99% of the population!) and Germans (75% of the population) are blue-eyed.

This shade is quite common among the inhabitants of Iran, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Gray and blue are shades of blue due to the greater saturation of melanin in the iris. Grey eyes are able to change the tone from light gray, mousey to rich color of wet asphalt, depending on the mood of the owner and the lighting.

It is known that only about 6 thousand years ago a mutation occurred at the gene level, as a result of which the first child with blue eyes was born.

blue eyed people have a great desire for sex and pronounced reproductive functions.


The most common eye color is brown. Depending on the saturation of melanin in the iris, the eyes can be light or dark brown, almost black. Scientists are 100% sure that even 10 thousand years ago, all people on the planet had brown eyes.

A variation of the brown shade is black. Black-eyed inhabitants of the Earth are most often found in Asia and Africa. Scientists know that dark color skin causes dark eyes. A black man with blue eyes is the rarest thing on the planet.


Deviations from the norm are red and multi-colored eyes. In the first case, the cause is albinism - the congenital absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the body. In the second - heterochromia, congenital or acquired pathology. Since ancient times, people with different eyes attributed magical powers.

Billions of people inhabit our planet, and they are all, of course, different. Scientists have proved that there are no people in the world with exactly the same eyes. Each has a unique unique color and pattern of the iris. Getting acquainted with a person, we, first of all, pay close attention to his eyes. After all, as you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. They can both attract and repel. Even before the birth of a person, it is laid down by nature what kind of eyes he will have. And it all depends on heredity and the amount of melanin in the body.

Geneticists have calculated that there are 8 primary colors of the iris. Most people have brown eyes. And how many owners of a rare colors? Let's try together to figure out which eye color is considered the most unique.

The rarest eye colors in the world


It has the smallest number of earthlings. It is widely believed that this color can be caused by certain pathologies or diseases. But this is not true. Geneticists believe that purple eye color comes from mixing blue and red, being a shade of blue.

According to researchers, the largest number of inhabitants of the Earth with similar eyes live in the mountains of Northern Kashmir. Despite this fact, purple is the least common eye color.

Interestingly, the famous movie star Elizabeth Taylor had purple eyes. However, as the facts show, in fact, she had them in a gray-blue color, and the purple tint gave light on the film set.

I would only like to add that medicine interprets the appearance of purple eyes very convincingly. Albinism, in which there is no melanin in the human body, causes in most cases the appearance of a red iris. But when mixed with red blue color(blue collagen), a purple hue appears. This shade may be due to hypersensitivity albinos, in which light penetrates the iris, causing a rare purple tint.

Green color

They have only 2% of the inhabitants of the Earth. It is also called the "color of redheads." The largest number melanin is the cause of "green eyes". It is unrealistic to see a pure green color, basically, we see numerous shades of this tone.

Owners of this rarity can most often be found in Europe. There are few people left with green eyes.


It is also called "golden" or tiger. Eyes of this tone give the impression of warmth, clarity and divinity. In fact, similar phenomenon due to the presence of lipofuscin in the body.

Interesting!The owners of brindle colors are very artistic, they always think creatively. They are credited with the ability to read other people's thoughts. It is very pleasant to communicate with such people, of course, if they have not conceived something bad.

Black and red color

Black color is inherent in representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races. Babies among these peoples are born with pronounced black eyes. The structure of the iris is very close to brown, but the amount of melanin in these cases is so huge that the light is simply completely absorbed.

People with black eyes have the strongest energy and restless disposition. They are passionate in everything they do. Often hasty in their decisions, rarely calculate the consequences of their actions.

This list includes people with red eyes, who are often called albinos. Although this is not entirely correct. Such a phenomenon, most likely, can be considered a pathology, since melanin is practically absent in the body of these people, and therefore the color is determined blood vessels and special fibres.

What happens? The color of the most important human sense organ is determined by chemicals located in the human iris. It doesn't matter what eye color we have, and how rare it is. The main thing is the desire to achieve something in life and to do everything that depends on us to achieve our goal.

Attitude towards a person is often formed on the basis of how he looks. But there are things that have little to do with it. Eye color is given to us from birth, and there are those in whom it turns out to be the rarest. And sometimes they say a lot about the character of the owner, which is sometimes explained quite logically.

It turns out that the most rare color eye on earth is Violet . It is unlikely that there will be someone who has seen the owner of such eyes. This color appears due to a rare mutation called the "origin of Alexandria". Immediately at birth, such a patient has the most common color. It changes after 6-10 months.

2nd place.

Red color very rare. It occurs in humans and animals with a specific disease. Also attached to it White color hair.

3rd place.

pure green color eyes are a rarity. In Iceland and Holland, a population study was conducted, which showed that they are more common in women than in men. The softness of the associations is understandable. There is a lot of it in nature - this is the foliage of plants, and the color of some crawling animals, and the color is important for human organs.

4th place.

Rare are multicolored eyes . Scientifically, this phenomenon is called heterochromia. The color may include inclusions of other colors, or just both eyes are colored differently. The phenomenon is rare, but original looking.

5th place.

Blue color the eye is considered a variety of blue. But it is somewhat darker, and is quite rare.

6th place.

Yellow considered a variety of karego, but rare. It is generally accepted that such people are endowed with magical powers. They are said to have telepathic abilities. They usually have an artistic nature. If you have no evil in your thoughts, then communicating with people with this eye color will bring real joy.

7th place.

hazel eye color is the result of mixing. Lighting can affect its hue, and it comes in golden, brown, brown-green. Hazel eyes are common.

8th place.

Even though the owners blue eyes classify themselves as an elite category of society, there are quite a lot of them in the world. They are especially common in Europe, in its northern part and the Baltic countries. Among the population of Estonia, the owners of blue eyes are found in 99% of the population, in Germany - 75%. It is generally accepted that its owners are softer and less psychologically developed than, say, the owners of brown eyes. They are considered a variety gray color although the latter is much more common. In Russia, it occurs in almost 50% of cases.

9th place.

Very common in the world black eye color . Its owners usually belong to the Mongoloid race, in the South, Southeast and East Asia. Sometimes the color of the pupil and iris merge, which creates the feeling of a completely black eye. Given the prevalence of the inhabitants of these regions, black eyes are not uncommon. In this case, the black iris is characterized by a high concentration of the coloring pigment melanin. Accordingly, the color falling on it is absorbed. Also, the color is found among the Negroid race. Colour eyeball sometimes has a grayish or yellowish tint.

10th place.

Most common brown eye color . His warm nature speaks of his origins. He has a very large quantity shades ranging from light to dark brown. Its owners are found in the following countries:

  • Asia,
  • Oceania,
  • Africa,
  • South America
  • Southern Europe.

Very bright and warm eye color. He has a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bshades from light to dark brown. It looks quite strange, and, of course, spectacular.

The first thing that attracts in a person and tunes in to communication is the eyes. Eye color is considered a gift of nature, fate and parents. It makes a person different from others, unlike, and sometimes unique. To find out what is the rarest eye color and why some lucky people can boast of it, you need to turn to information from biology and medicine.

3. Green color: red and freckled eyes. Owners of green eyes are Eastern and Western Slavs. These are residents of Germany, Iceland, as well as Turks. A pure green tint of the eyes is characteristic of no more than 2% of the world's population. Mostly carriers of the gene green eyes- women. It is believed that such a rarity is due to the times of the Inquisition - then red-haired green-eyed women were considered witches and put on fire for communication with evil spirits.

4. Amber-colored eyes: from golden to marsh. This variety hazel color characterized by warmth and light. A rather rare species in its yellowish-gold coloration is similar to the eyes of a wolf. That is what they are sometimes called. They can turn into a red-copper shade. This color is also called walnut. Eyes of this shade are usually endowed with vampires or werewolves.

5. Black color: passionate eyes. True black color is not common, it is only a shade of hazel. In the iris of such eyes is so great amount melanin pigment that it completely absorbs all light rays. Therefore, the eyes appear jet black. More often they can be found among representatives of the Negroid race, as well as the inhabitants of Asia.

Unknown facts about human eyes

7 out of 10 people have brown eyes.

With the help of a special laser surgery brown eyes can be turned into bluish. It is believed that if melanin is removed from the iris, then under it there will be a blue tint.

10,000 years ago, all people living on the Black Sea coast looked at the world with brown eyes. Then, as a result of genetic changes, blue eyes appeared.

The yellow hue of the iris, or as it is called "wolf's eye", is often found among many animals, birds, fish and even domestic cats.

Heterochromia is a disease in which the eyes are painted in different colors. This is rare anomaly found in only 1% of people on the planet. According to signs, such people are happy and successful in life. It was believed that if a person has eyes of different colors, then he is associated with the devil or a demon. These prejudices can be explained by the fear of the inhabitants of everything unknown and unusual.

There is still debate about what is the rarest eye color. Some give the palm to a green tint, some scientists insist on the possibility of the existence of the elect with purple eyes on the planet. Many talk about acceptable color effects when varying degrees illumination, when the eyes can appear amber, and lilac, and red. However, the color of the iris is unique for everyone.