Official high-paying job for the disabled. Work for the disabled at home: reality or myth? Best Work Ideas for the Disabled at Home

Working for a disabled person is a pressing problem for many. Limited physical abilities do not allow a person to make a successful career, to achieve success in business. Although... Why is it not allowed? Today the portal intends to debunk this myth. We will help you find possible options employment and tell you how to take the first steps in this direction.

Work for the disabled: how realistic is it?

Start a conversation on this topic with the fact that hopeless situations can not be. It doesn't matter where you live: in a metropolis or a village in Siberia. You can find a use for yourself anywhere. This has been proved in practice not only by people with disabilities, but also by pensioners, mothers of large families and students. All these people successfully work at a convenient schedule for them at home or in organizations that provide jobs.

Work for the disabled at home with a home computer and Internet access is not a problem

Perhaps the most problematic issue is working for the visually impaired. Indeed, this is not easy, but there is a way out and there are organizations ready to help solve the problem.

In a word, if you have the opportunity to occupy at least a half-sitting position, move your hands, hear and see, you can find a job. So stop complaining about the lack of funds - let's make money!

Let's start with official sources

The first thing to do is contact the employment center at the place of residence. Indeed, there was a period when employment centers practically ceased to provide real help for employment. Now the situation is rapidly changing in better side. Employers are required by law to provide information about the availability of vacancies to the employment service.

In addition, there are government programs for the employment of citizens with disabilities, which means that the employment center is obliged to help you. With the support of government agencies, organizations and enterprises create special jobs for the disabled, while the institutions themselves receive tax benefits. So it turns out that the employer is interested in hiring you. This is not a favor and charity - this is a normal procedure in which a company receives an able-bodied and responsible employee, and even tax breaks, and a disabled person gets a job that he is able to cope with. When hiring such an employee, the organization is obliged to provide him with special equipment for the workplace and free access to the place of work.

What documents do you need to prepare for a visit to the employment service:

  • work book if available;
  • passport;
  • diploma or certificate of education;
  • documents confirming disability.

Don't be discouraged if you don't get offered a job right away. Ask a specialist at the employment center about the availability of retraining courses, perhaps they will help you learn a new profession. Work for disabled people of the 3rd group can be found in the service and trade sectors. Work for disabled people of the 2nd group - these are the positions of PC operators, accountants, dispatchers.

Job options for the disabled at home

Where else can you find job vacancies. There are many options, consider them in more detail.


The second source of information about vacancies is ads in your city. Start by looking at local ads in local newspapers and on the Avito,, website pages.

By the way, look not only for vacancies. Explore the range of service offerings on these sites. Think, maybe you can offer some unique services and make money on it? For example, if you confident user computer, why not offer individual training computer literacy for pensioners at home? Now there is a computer in every home, and older people are just starting to master the simplest programs and the Internet.

Freelance exchanges

Another source of possible vacancies is freelance exchanges. Even if you do not have special skills, but there is a great desire to learn, you will find a suitable occupation. There are text exchanges offering jobs to those who can write texts. The most popular of them are, and Don't expect to be able to make decent money here from day one. But a month will pass-two, you will gain a rating with conscientious work, gain experience and be quite able to provide yourself with bread and butter.

By the way, you can earn money on freelance exchanges not only by writing texts. Here you can sell unique photographs, contract layout and design. There will be work here even for disabled people of the 1st group, it would be possible to manage a computer.

Home work for the disabled: sales and advertising

You can work from home as a sales or advertising agent. The task is not difficult - you need to visit different forums and sites and place posts on them with product advertisements. The most common employers in this area are chain stores of clothing and cosmetics.

In addition to this option, it is possible to work as an operator in some online store. The work is not difficult - to call the customer of the goods, discuss the terms of delivery or give simple consultations.


Work for the disabled at home via the Internet can also be in the field of education. If you have an education and experience in any field, you may well earn extra money by tutoring or teaching. A common type of income is writing term papers and scientific works to order. Through the Internet on Skype, you can give lessons, give lectures.

With some editing skills and a video camera, you can easily record your lectures and sell them via the Internet or earn money by creating your own Youtube channel.


If you have the opportunity to make something, study the demand for products. They can be made to order or sold through the same ad sites or specialized sites for hand-made works. Now manual labor is especially valued, so your paintings, embroidery, wood carving or beadwork will quickly find their buyer. Such earnings can hardly be called permanent, but it brings real income.

How not to fall into the trap of scammers

Unfortunately, there are many people who want to cash in on your problems. They are waiting for you behind the catchy phrases of ads and in the lines of enticing promises of quick money. If you are offered to pay upon employment, refuse this offer. Especially if you need to transfer money to an electronic wallet. Different sticking stamps and assembling handles is also a hoax. Be extremely careful. Decent employers do not require an employee to invest money in their business.

Jobs for the Disabled: Unlimited Opportunities

Don't wait for someone to come along and solve your problems for you. No one will specifically look for a job for you. Do you want to live with dignity? Look for a job on your own. Don't be afraid to try different types activities, not everyone is lucky to immediately find their calling.

The key to success is the desire for continuous development. Learn and learn new things, experiment. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights.

If you have a successful or unsuccessful job search experience - share it in the comments, your information will help many people!




Employment of disabled people in the Russian Federation in 2019 - benefits when hiring a disabled person

Issues of providing jobs for people with handicapped retain their relevance today. Despite the automation of labor and the existence of numerous professions and jobs in which disabled people could work, enterprises and companies are reluctant to accept people with disabilities. This is largely due to the availability of labor benefits for people with disabilities, the registration of a disabled person for work is considered problematic.

Employment of disabled people - general provisions

Meanwhile, the employment of disabled people under the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2019 is not a right, but an obligation of employers. According to labor law, it is impossible to refuse an employee because of his disability. The only possible grounds for refusal can only be an insufficient level of professional knowledge or their absence. Thus, if a disabled applicant has the necessary education and professional competencies that meet the requirements of a manager in a vacant position, then the enterprise is obliged to accept a citizen with disabilities for work. At the same time, today every employer is obliged to calculate the quota for hiring disabled people. In addition, in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to substantiate the reasons and state them in writing, and the disabled applicant, in turn, is given the right to demand a written refusal from the employer. A written refusal gives the disabled person the right to restore and protect their rights in the courts. So, if the court recognizes the refusal to hire unreasonable, then the employer will be obliged to provide the disabled workplace, according to the available quota. The latter determines the provision on the quota of jobs for the disabled in the organization.

Features of employment of disabled people in Russia

Modern Russian legislation does not provide for any restrictions, as well as special advantages in the employment of citizens with disabilities. In general, employment for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in Russia is carried out on the general basis provided for by the labor law. General provisions are enshrined in Article 64 of it. A number of requirements, by virtue of which the employer cannot restrict the rights of persons with disabilities in employment, are provided for by the law on social protection. Also among the additional legal acts can be attributed to the law on quotas for jobs for the disabled. The requirements under these laws are as follows:

  • Executive bodies should establish a minimum number of jobs to be provided by companies operating in the region within the established quotas;
  • State authorities determine the percentage of employees with disabilities relative to the number of employees on the payroll, the established quota for hiring disabled people is, as a rule, from 2 to 4%.

Exempted from the need to establish a quota for disabled workers public organizations persons with disabilities, as well as companies in the authorized capital of which there are shares of citizens with disabilities. At the same time, benefits are also provided for enterprises employing disabled people.

How can a disabled person get a job?

The main functions of employment and professional retraining of people with disabilities are entrusted by the state to the Employment Centers. In general, the employment of disabled people through the employment center is carried out on a general basis, as well as retraining.

When visiting the territorial body of the Employment Center, a citizen with disabilities must provide a standard set of documents:

  • The main document of a citizen is a passport;
  • Documents on the existing education and the passage of course and professional training and receipt additional education;
  • Information about seniority or work book
  • Insurance and tax certificates;
  • Medical documents or other document confirming disability.

During the reception, the question of how to stand on is decided. It is noteworthy that disabled people of the 3rd group receive this right on a general basis.

Employment contract with a disabled person and its features

Labor Relations with citizens with disabilities, despite the fact that they are built on the general basis adopted for all other citizens, have a number of features. In particular, features employment contract with a disabled person of 3 groups are in the following points:

  • Exclude the possibility of involving a disabled person to work in especially dangerous and harmful conditions;
  • Do not contain clauses about the traveling nature of the work;
  • Reduction of working hours, as well as to provide for the remuneration of disabled people with reduced working hours and the procedure for its calculation;
  • Inability to call for work on holidays and weekends;
  • An indication of how many days a year sick leave is paid to a disabled person;
  • The moment of a standard vacation is not at 28, but at 30 calendar days and additional vacations.

For the convenience of employers, a standard sample of an employment contract with a disabled person of the 2nd group has been developed.

AT without fail the contract must contain clauses that reflect the nature of the work, a set of functional duties, corresponding to those that allow medical and social expertise, in addition, the remuneration for disabled people of the 2nd group, as well as the procedure for its calculation and payment periods, should be reflected. Additional payment is taken into account sick leave disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, features of calculation and payment procedure.

The nature of benefits for the employer in the employment of persons with disabilities

Employment of a disabled person for an employer is associated not only with great responsibility, but also with a number of financial costs associated with the organization special conditions labor and certification of workplaces. Because of this, the law provides for benefits to employers when hiring a disabled person, which consists primarily in tax breaks, in particular, in reducing the tax base. To receive benefits, the employer must notify the employment center of the employment of disabled people and a certificate of quota fulfillment. A similar document is submitted to the tax service.

The visually impaired and the characteristics of their work

Visually impaired people are the most difficult category of citizens with disabilities to find employment. Thus, in some cases, the employment of the visually impaired involves retraining and additional training. In addition, there are not so many enterprises that are ready and able to provide jobs. Today, work for the visually impaired is organized by the All-Russian Society of the Blind and consists in the field of assembly and packaging operations. Call centers have become a new direction for the visually impaired.

In general, at the present stage of development of the labor market, citizens with disabilities may well find themselves not just a suitable, but a fairly well-paid job. It should be noted that many enterprises provide options for home and remote work related to the Internet and information processing.


Work for the disabled at home is something that interests many. After all, in Russia quite often a person strives to work, regardless of their health characteristics. If a citizen has a disability, then finding a job can be very problematic. But there is no need to put a cross on it. Modern world offers everyone a lot of job opportunities. And so many think about home-based work. Does he really exist? And can people with disabilities find a job and perform their duties without leaving home? If there is such a chance, then what vacancies are suitable in this or that case?

Myth or reality

The first step is to find out if there really is a work at home for the disabled. In Moscow or any other city, this is not so important. The main thing is the availability of vacancies. Disputes around this topic have long flared up between people.

In fact, homework does take place. And not just for the disabled. Therefore, we can say that people with special health needs have a chance for home-based employment. Much depends on the group of disability, as well as on what kind of disease a person has. It's hardest for the blind. If a person can be at least in a "half-sitting" position, as well as see and move his hands, then you can find a job without any problems. And if everything is with hearing in perfect order, then work for the disabled at home is almost unlimited. But how to find it? Where to go for help?

Search Sources

Suppose a citizen wanted to work from home. Where should he go if he has a disability? On ordinary bulletin boards, if they offer employment, then after realizing that a person with special health is in front of the employer, many refuse. After all, not everyone is ready to take on such a big responsibility as hiring a disabled person. Even with the condition of working from home.

And then what to do? Work for the disabled at home can be selected on special exchanges. They are in every city. There are various sites with ads. There, disabled people can contact the employer, get relevant information about work. Quite often, a citizen is also helped with the official registration of employment.

Another way to find work at home for disabled people is nothing more than an independent search on a variety of job boards. Or, for example, an appeal to specialized freelance exchanges. You can find any type of work there. Both permanent and temporary. The main thing is to know which services to use for help. For example, work at home for a disabled person of group 3 can be found on "Advego" or ETXT. These services are for freelancers. Here, everyone can find some type of work related to working on a PC. Even disabled people of the 1st group, not to mention completely healthy citizens. But what jobs are suitable for people with special needs? What type of offers are recommended to pay attention to?

Suitable vacancies

Work for the disabled at home can be different. It is possible that among the various vacancies there may be fraudulent ones. Therefore, many are interested in the most common and proven work for people with disabilities.

Who can work? It all depends, as already mentioned, on the group of disability. Citizen skills play an important role. For example, work for disabled people of group 1 at home (and all other groups) may be as follows:

  1. Advertising agent/representative. A person will promote this or that product different ways. For example, by placing advertisements. Or attracting citizens with tempting offers. You will also have to sell what is advertised. A common job option, especially among women. Most often they sell cosmetics, children's things and clothes.
  2. Operator at home / dispatcher. A good job for those who have everything in perfect order with their hands, hearing and speech. The disabled person will be provided special system, which will allow you to work at home as an operator. Depending on the activities of the company, you will either have to make calls (cold) and advertise (sometimes promote) products, or consult. For example, to apply for an Internet connection.
  3. Tutor/teacher/teacher. Internet technologies are developing. Now you can study without leaving your home. And teaching as well. A great job for the disabled at home is tutoring or teaching. Lectures are organized via webcam online.
  4. Copywriter. A suitable job for anyone who can write texts. The order is executed in accordance with the requirements of the customer, after which the person receives the money.
  5. Web design / website development / layout designer / 3D programmer / graphics work. Common vacancies. Usually published different companies developing applications or games. The listed jobs require special knowledge.
  6. Programmer. Another one good job for the disabled at home. Suitable, like all previously listed vacancies, and for healthy people. Requires programming knowledge.

These are the most popular and verified vacancies. There is a lot of deception on the Internet. What offers are worth paying attention to?

Beware of scammers

Work for the disabled at home, like just home work, is a big risk. Do not pay attention to the following suggestions:

  • investing in someone's "miraculous" electronic wallet;
  • PC operator at home;
  • contribution to a growing company;
  • collection of pens at home;
  • packing at home;
  • translation of documents into electronic form(usually placed on behalf of libraries and publishers).

These are all the most common types of deception. Jobs like this are a scam. Almost every user knows about it.

Businessman step by step

In general, the most good way earnings for a disabled person with certain skills - building own business. Freelancing usually starts. You can organize your own business. For example, officially work as a copywriter or sell hand-made.

How to work in this way? Offered:

  1. Register IP. In Russia, you can do this through the "Gosuslugi".
  2. Open an electronic wallet for work and a bank account. Everything is reported to the IRS.
  3. Looking for clients to sell own goods or knowledge.

Such a scheme is subject even to the disabled. And any group. Working from home for people with special needs is not a myth, but a reality. The main thing is to learn to distinguish a sensible offer from deceit.

In order to protect the rights of disabled people to employment, the state is obliged to create special quota jobs for large enterprises. This is done in order to ensure normal work activities. In this regard, it will be rational to answer a few questions from applicants.

Which companies are required to hire people with disabilities?

By law, enterprises with more than 100 employees are required to allocate from 2% to 4% of jobs from the total number of employees. What percentage will be at the enterprise depends on the local authorities. She issues a decision. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region it is 2%, and in the Rostov region - 4%. Therefore, it is worth focusing on large firms as a potential employer.

Are there similar quotas for smaller enterprises?

Unfortunately, by law, firms with an average number of employees of less than 100 people are not subject to quotas. But many of them hire people with disabilities on a voluntary basis. Remember that you do not have the right to be denied due to disability directly, only in terms of professional qualities. Therefore, do not despair if your locality few large organizations.

What conditions must the employer create?

Quota place this is what differs from the voluntary employment of a disabled person, which creates all the working conditions prescribed in the rehabilitation card. This can be: complete or partial re-equipment of the workplace, the purchase of special equipment and materials, the creation of an additional cell in the toilet room and in the parking lot. In addition, he is obliged to comply with a lighter schedule and extra days sick leave, holidays.

Who exactly regulates the quota process?

An agreement is created between the employer and local bodies of social protection of the population, on the basis of which control takes place. It is reviewed once a year. On its basis, an order is issued in the organization, which contains data on the number of places, job titles and duties of such employees.

In addition, the employer reports on the fulfillment of quotas to the employment center. If there are violations, then it is fined (up to 10 thousand rubles).

Where to look for vacancies?

The main sources of proposals remain government bodies, such as the employment center and the department of social protection. The first deals with the employment of all categories of unemployed citizens.

To use the services of the Employment Center, you need to be unemployed and collect a standard package of documents (passport, work book, income statement for the last quarter, educational documents, an extract from the personal account and a rehabilitation card).

Also, your duties will include visiting the labor exchange twice a month. Inspectors at this time will look for you a job, and you can get financial assistance.

The second option is an independent search through the Internet. Register on the most popular sites with and place your own resume there. Thus, it will be available to employers. In addition, you can send it when you see an interesting offer.

Some sites have special sections or filters for people with disabilities. For example: on in the advanced search there is a filter “Hide vacancies inaccessible to people with disabilities”. And if you type in the search keywords, by the type of "disabled", you can also get to good propositions.

Try to register on this portal Job updates are not that frequent, but they are all suitable for people with physical disabilities. You can also find many useful information on the subject of employment.