Exercises and recommendations for articulation gymnastics for children. Articulation gymnastics for children: description, effective exercises

If sounds are poorly produced, articulatory gymnastics for children is needed, the goals of which are:

  • develop a certain position of the tongue, lips, cheeks, which is necessary to pronounce a specific sound or group of sounds;
  • train the muscles of the speech organs that do not have the necessary tone;
  • so that the tongue, lips, cheeks can quickly change their position and maintain it.

Articulation gymnastics classes can be done both at home and in classes with a speech therapist.

When doing it on their own, parents first need the help of a speech therapist, who will identify the child’s problems and then tell them how to properly organize classes. This measure is necessary because there are different types disturbances in sound pronunciation, which occur both with hypertonicity and muscle flaccidity.

Parents should remember that the productivity of gymnastics depends on how interesting the activities are to the child. Coercion, threats and intrusiveness are excluded. To make articulation gymnastics for kids interesting, you need to show pictures and do everything in the form of a game.

Remember the following rules:

  1. For the first time, perform the exercises in front of a mirror: this is necessary for visual control of the position of the lips and movements of the tongue. Since the child does not yet understand exactly how he should lie, in what state his cheeks and lips should be, it is important for him to see this position.
  2. The training cycle begins with simple exercises and gradually move on to more complex ones. Eat approximate dates, approximately how long one new exercise takes, but you need to focus on the child’s individual pace: some understand how to do it faster, while others need more time.
  3. The lesson is structured according to the following scheme: the child must repeat the old exercise on his own, then he can continue to work according to the plan.
  4. Exercises must be repeated in cycles twice a day, devoting 5-10 minutes to them.
  5. Each age has its own requirements: for children 3-4 years old, priority is given to mastering the main muscles of the tongue and lips; 5-year-old children should perform the exercises smoothly and clearly, and 6-7 year olds should maintain a stable pace and easily do static exercises.

To make it more fun, articulation gymnastics is organized to music. For two-year-olds, this is a great way to associate a pleasant stimulus with useful actions to pronounce sounds according to age norms.

Articulation gymnastics for children 3-4 years old in verse

If you print out special thematic pictures, then articulation gymnastics is very interesting and the meaning of the movements becomes clear to the baby. At this age, it is better to read gymnastics exercises in poetry.

Children 3-4 years old benefit greatly from the story about the tongue, which is an integral part of articulatory gymnastics. This is a whole series of stories about a cheerful tongue who gets into different adventures.

All exercises are divided into 2 large groups- static and dynamic. The task of the first is to teach how to hold the position as in the image. And the second group is needed in order to master the transitions from one movement and position of the speech apparatus to another. Here is a list of various static exercises:

  • “Pancake”: the baby must place his tongue on lower lip, while keeping it relaxed and wide. The exercise is considered mastered when the time spent holding this position reaches 7-10 seconds.
  • “Mushroom” is an exercise in which you need to quickly touch the palate with the tip of your tongue and at the same time keep your mouth wide open.
  • “Tube” or “Proboscis”: we fold the upper and lower lips into a tube and pull them up, like an elephant.

Exercises for mastering various dynamic movements:

  • “Clock”: the mouth is wide open, and the tongue is engaged in the same work as the pendulum of a clock - it moves from side to side from one corner of the mouth to the other.
  • “Swing”: the position of the jaw is the same as in the “watch”, only now the tongue swings like a swing - up and down, from the upper lip to the lower.
    Such articulatory gymnastics in verse will help make the lesson fun and easy. There are many quatrains on the Internet that can accompany your classes.

Articulation gymnastics for children 5-6 years old

For this age, there are many effective exercises that are suitable for disorders of various origins. Thus, articulatory gymnastics occurs when using additional funds. For example, exercise " delicious jam“involves spreading real jam or honey on the lips so that the child tries to lick them off.

  • “Ladle”: open your mouth wide and smile, stick out your relaxed tongue and slightly lift its tip up. The exercise is aimed at producing hissing sounds.
  • “Needle”: the mouth also opens wide, and the tongue extends out of the mouth in a narrow strip.
  • “Brushing our teeth”: again a very open mouth, only now the tongue moves over the teeth, as if it were a toothbrush.

Exercise time - up to 10 seconds.

Articulation gymnastics for children over 7 years old

Children of this age will enjoy activities using a variety of products and objects:

  • suck spaghetti or tube-shaped marmalade into your mouth, forming your lips into a pipe;
  • put an edible straw on your upper lip and depict a man with a mustache, raising it to your nose;
  • the tongue is extended and an edible straw is placed there, and the child must hold it for as long as possible without dropping it from the tongue - like an equilibrist with a stick;
  • the tongue is curved into a cup and candy is placed there;
  • lick the lollipop from different sides.

Also, pictures are used for articulation gymnastics at this age. Although these are already guys who can perform exercises consciously, the elements of the game act as an additional motivator.

Exercise sets

The articulation of children during articulatory gymnastics improves significantly if the exercises are linked not only to age, but also to those parts of the speech apparatus that need stress or relaxation. We offer a list of them, which is grouped by which muscles they activate.

Complex for developing lip muscles

  1. Alternating between a wide smile and stretching of the lips into the proboscis.
  2. Open your mouth and pull your lips inward as if they want to clasp and hide your teeth underneath.
  3. Place your upper lip under lower teeth, which looks like a grin.
  4. Place your lower lip under your upper teeth.
  5. Snort with your lips the way horses do.

Complex for developing tongue muscles

  1. Use the tip of your tongue to lick your lips, moving it either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  2. Stick your wide tongue out of your mouth and “chew” it a little, saying “me-me...”, “bya-bya...”.
  3. Stick your tongue out of your mouth as far as possible, at the same time alternating between a “shovel” and a “sting.”
  4. Alternate raising and lowering the tip of the tongue either towards the upper palate or towards the lower jaw.
  5. First make a “cup” out of your tongue in your mouth, and then try to stick it out.
  6. Exercise “accordion”: rest the tip of your tongue on the upper palate near the front teeth and open and close your mouth in this position.

Complex for developing cheek muscles

  1. Inflate and deflate cheeks.
  2. Alternately inflate the left and the right cheek.
  3. blow out bubble, blow into a tube.
  4. Slap your puffy hamster cheeks.
  5. Pull your cheeks in as much as possible so that your lips form like a fish’s.

  • The more often the exercises are performed, the faster the work of the parts of the articulatory apparatus is corrected.
  • If classes with a speech therapist are supplemented with exercises at home, the results will be faster.
  • When at the very beginning correctional work The baby resists gymnastics, start doing exercises in his presence in front of the mirror. It looks fun enough - so much so that the child himself will want to join you.
  • Remember that kids are sensitive to praise. After classes, let the child show what he has started to do well to other family members, and they should actively demonstrate their delight and joy at his success.

Speech therapists

The success of classes depends on three factors:

  • correct diagnosis of sound pronunciation disorders;
  • strict sequence of increasing difficulty of exercises;
  • timely correction of the positions of the tongue and lips using massage or instruments, if the child is unable to copy their correct placement.

Classes that are held with a bright emotional coloring have a good performance response in children. Remember that for them this is, first of all, a game, and giving it a corrective meaning is your task.

Correct and clear pronunciation of sounds depends on the functioning of the speech apparatus. This work is called articulation. If the speech apparatus functions actively, if there are no defects, then articulation of speech is considered correct, and diction will be clear.

Diction and articulation are related concepts. Exercises to improve speech involve activating the speech apparatus and improving articulation. For this purpose, there is special gymnastics that prepares the speech organs for proper operation. Gymnastics consists of exercises, the regular performance of which helps develop diction and improve the pronunciation of sounds.

You need to perform the exercises in front of a mirror. This way you can control the process and avoid improper movement of the speech organs. Moreover, the movements of the whole body should be controlled, so you need to take a mirror in full height. One of the main errors of articulation is the transfer of movement intended for the speech organs to other parts of the body - arms, hips, legs. When performing articulation exercises, you need to relax, but the body should not move. Excessive gesticulation is a sign of tension, so if it occurs, you need to stop, relax and start the exercise again. Naturally, under normal conditions the body participates in the speech act, but during articulatory gymnastics only the speech apparatus should work.

Exercises to develop articulation

1) Sit in front of a mirror and straighten your back. All attention should be directed to the face. First, raise your eyebrows and keep them raised until the muscles get tired. Then close your eyes, immediately open your eyes and relax. Smile as wide as possible and immediately stretch out your lips.

2) Open your mouth wide. Then move your jaw different sides, but carefully. In each position you need to fix it for a few seconds. After moving to the sides, make circular movements.

3) Again you need to open your mouth wide. Not only lower your jaw, but also stretch your lips. WITH open mouth try to bring your lips together. Naturally, you won’t succeed, but an exercise to develop speech articulation consists of training and stretching your lips.

4) Now we train the tongue. Its tip needs to be twisted a little. Let's imagine that we need to paint the palate with a paint roller; its role is played by the curled tip of the tongue. You need to reach all possible areas of the palate.

5) For this articulation exercise, you need to imagine that you are very tired and are about to go to bed. At the same time, you yawn widely and sweetly. But you need to yawn not silently, but loudly, and you need to make certain sounds:

6) Here we need to remember how we gargle, for example, during a cold. You need to do the same thing, only without medicinal decoctions. Throw back your head and make sounds like when rinsing - “rrrrr”.

7) You need to open your mouth again, strongly lowering your lower jaw. Don't strain, let it remain free. Try to close your mouth with your fist, placing it underneath. But at the same time, the jaw should put pressure on the fist, preventing its force. Press lightly at first, gradually increase the load. The position of the mouth should not change.

8) Take air into your mouth so that your cheeks puff up strongly, and then release it to make a characteristic sound - “pf”. Repeat this exercise to develop articulation. Then take off your cheeks without opening your mouth or letting out air.

9) Roll the air from one cheek to the other under your lips. Gradually increase the size of this air ball.

10) Now you need to draw a fish. To do this, the cheeks are retracted and the lower jaw is tilted back. Open and close your mouth, imagining that the fish is eating food or grasping air bubbles.

11) These exercises for developing articulation train the lips. You need to pull them tightly over your teeth, as if you want to hide them inner surface. You also need to scratch your lips against your teeth.

12) Stretch your upper lip towards your nose. Then pull your lower lip down, trying to reach your chin.

13) Now we depict a horse. Close your mouth, don't tense your muscles. Pass the air with a “frrrrr” sound. This is what horses usually do, try to reproduce this sound.

14) “Clean” the oral cavity with your tongue – the palate, teeth under the lower and upper lips, under the tongue.

15) Open your mouth a little and touch the corners of your lips with your tongue one at a time.

16) You need to click your tongue, leaning it against the roof of your mouth.

17) Inhale deeply and as you exhale, draw out the sound “a”. Then hold your tongue and, as you exhale, pronounce the sound “l”. Alternate sounds.

18) These articular exercises are performed with a straight back. Relax, looking in the mirror, “draw” a tree or an apple with your lips. Repeat the “drawing” with eyebrows and eyes. Use all parts of the face that move. In this case, the head should not turn.

19) The next exercise has a rich history. Catherine II herself used it to develop her voice. According to contemporaries, she was always regal and majestic, her face expressed calm. Moreover, Catherine herself invented gymnastics, which not only improved speech articulation, but also stimulated facial muscles. The historian Pylyaev wrote about this. The Empress, in front of the mirror, used her hands to remove all indicators of anger or other emotions on her face, and came out to the public emotionally calm and friendly. You too can learn about the secret of this method.

You need to stand in front of the mirror and completely relax, without straining your facial muscles. Then you need to move all your fingers from the cheekbones to the nose, as if you are collecting all the parts of the face in the middle. Cover your eyes, but control the process. After this, begin to straighten your face, running your fingers from your nose to your cheekbones. This stimulates not only the development of speech articulation, but also restores elasticity and smoothness to the skin, acting as a massage.

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Exercise 1

Alternately stick out a narrow, tense tongue (“sting”) and a wide, relaxed tongue (“shovel”).

Exercise 2

Press the tip of your tongue firmly against your upper teeth, then relax it, placing it on the bottom of your mouth. Unclench your lips and teeth, open your mouth slightly.

Exercise 3

Smile, open your mouth slightly, place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. Hold the pose for a count of 1-5.

Exercise 4

Stretch your lips into a smile with tension, then relax your lips and return to their previous position.

Exercise 5

Alternately squeeze and unclench your jaws and lips with force. Relax, lowering your lower jaw freely.

Exercise 6

Slowly lower and raise the relaxed lower jaw without tension or fatigue, opening your mouth wide.

Exercise 7

Pull your tongue back with force. Feel the tension in the root of the tongue. Then relax your tongue, placing it on the bottom of the mouth.

Exercises for the vocal apparatus

Yawn- this is an unconditioned reflex, a voluntary act of breathing, which consists of a slow inhalation and a fast, energetic exhalation. Yawning reduces tension and stiffness of the vocal apparatus.

Exercise 1

Open your mouth wide and yawn deeply. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2

Yawn and, interrupting the yawning, make a drawn out sound Mmm. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 3

Yawn, pronounce syllables as you exhale ah, uh, oh first silently, and then voicing them.

Exercise 4

Yawning with pronunciation of syllables mummi, mummi, mummi on the exhale. Repeat 10-15 times.


When performing exercises, you should capture the contrast between muscle tension and relaxation. Every day mentally reproduce in all details the pleasant feeling of relaxation.

Having mastered relaxation, you will learn to relieve tension and fatigue, and you will feel calmer and more relaxed.

Chapter 5 Training speech muscles

Working muscles- are getting stronger

idle- falling asleep, wrong

working- are destroyed.

General information

Good diction is the basis for clear and intelligible speech. Clarity and purity of pronunciation depend on the active and correct functioning of the articulatory (speech) apparatus, especially on its moving parts - the tongue, lips, palate, lower jaw and pharynx.

To achieve clarity of pronunciation, it is necessary to develop the articulatory apparatus with the help of special exercises (articulatory gymnastics).

These exercises help create a neuromuscular background for the development of precise and coordinated movements necessary for the sound of a full voice, clear and precise diction, prevent the pathological development of articulation movements, as well as relieve excessive tension in the articulatory and facial muscles, develop the necessary muscle movements for free use and control of parts of the articulatory apparatus.

♦ When performing articulation exercises, follow following rules:

♦ perform exercises only in front of a mirror, relying on both visual control and motor sensations;

♦ avoid accompanying (additional) movements;

♦ perform exercises at a calm pace, without effort, striving for smooth and rhythmic execution of movements;

♦ move on to the next exercise only after the previous one has been mastered;

♦ train 2-3 times a day for 7-10 minutes.

Ecology of life: Health and beauty. Do you want the words you pronounce to sound intelligible, clear and precise, and your speech to become beautiful and memorable?

Articulation gymnastics

Many people, even those not associated with public speaking as such, it is often necessary to take on the function of a speaker, presenter or entertainer. This could be a presentation of a project or a report, holding an event, or just a story interesting story with friends. What can we say about those for whom performing is a profession?

But it doesn’t matter at all whether a person performs professionally, is just learning this skill, or has nothing to do with it at all; in any case, correct articulation will always play into his hands, because thanks to her, all spoken words will sound intelligible, clear and precise, and the speech will be beautiful and memorable. This especially applies, of course, to those people who are directly involved in the performances. In this article we present to your attention 10 effective exercises to improve articulation.

Each of the exercises is aimed at training the muscles of the speech apparatus and improving their mobility. When performing, it is important to pay special attention to the fact that the load should be directed to specific muscle groups. It is also important that the muscles of the cervicobrachial region can work freely, and the pace of exercise should be slow - this helps to obtain the greatest effect from the exercises. Before performing the exercises, you must perform warm-up exercises for the speech apparatus. You can devote only 5-7 minutes to it, but the quality of practice will improve significantly.

Articulation gymnastics differs by type:

Gymnastics for the cheeks

  1. Retracting and inflating the cheeks alternately
  2. Distillation of air from one cheek first to the other cheek, then under the lower lip, then under the upper lip
  3. Tension in the cheeks and lips with an attempt to push out oral cavity air
  4. Retraction of the cheeks and simultaneous closing and opening of the lips

Gymnastics of the lower jaw

  • Pressing your fists into the lower jaw and pressing your jaw onto your fists
  • Various movements lower jaw: up-down, back-forward, circular

Gymnastics of the soft palate

  1. Yawning with open mouth
  2. Movement of the tongue, gathered into a “scapula”, to the soft palate and return to the alveoli - the base of the upper and lower teeth
  3. Pronunciation of vowel sounds with yawns
  4. Imitation of gargling

Lip gymnastics

  • A tense smile with closed teeth and lips stretched out like a tube.
  • Various movements of lips with closed teeth: up-down, left-right, circular
  • Chewing lips
  • Pulling the lips over the teeth and then smiling with the lips sliding over the teeth
  • Lifting the upper lip exposing the upper teeth, then lifting the lower lip exposing the lower teeth
  • Snort

Tongue gymnastics

  1. Rotating the tongue in a circle in the space between the lips and teeth and holding the tongue under the right and left cheeks alternately
  2. Chewing the tongue
  3. Slapping tongue with lips
  4. Pulling the tongue forward with a “needle”
  5. Attempts to reach the chin and nose with the tongue
  6. Folding the tongue into a “tube”, moving the “tube” back and forth and blowing air into it
  7. Turning the tongue on different sides
  8. Holding the tongue against the upper palate

After the articulatory gymnastics are completed and you are convinced that all parts of the speech apparatus have been developed, you can move on to the main exercises to improve articulation.

Exercises to improve articulation

Exercise 1

An exercise to feel the tip of the tongue - its hardness and activity in pronunciation. To do this, use your imagination: imagine that your tongue is a small hammer. Then hit it on the teeth with the tip, saying: yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. After this, practice pronouncing the letters “T-D”.

Exercise 2

Exercise to free the larynx and tongue. Its essence is that you need to quickly take a short breath through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth. The exhalation should also be sharp and should be accompanied by the sound “Fu”. The same exercise can be supplemented with an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the larynx: pronounce the letters “K-G” several times.

Exercise 3

Exercise for rapid activation of the labial muscles. You need to puff out your cheeks and release the accumulated air with a sharp clap through pursed lips, while vigorously pronouncing the letters “P-B”.

Exercise 4

An exercise to practice the skill of drawing air before each new phrase. Take any poem or excerpt from a work and consciously take a deep breath before each new phrase. Try not to forget about this so that you develop a habit. And you also need to take into account three points: breathing should be silent, at the beginning of each phrase you should keep your lips slightly open, and after the end of each sound you should immediately close your mouth so that the ending is not “chewed.”

Exercise 5

Exercise for proper air distribution. Typically, a person requires more breathing when speaking loudly, but speaking softly often requires greater control of exhalation. Practice pronouncing phrases in a low and loud voice and determine how much air you need for each of them. Combine this technique with the previous one.

Exercise 6

An exercise for smooth pronunciation of vowels in a single flow and clear pronunciation of consonants within this flow. Choose any poem (or several lines from it) and do it as follows: first, eliminate all consonants from the lines and pronounce only the vowels evenly, stretching them out a little. After this, begin to insert clear and quick consonants into the stream of vowels, trying to ensure that the stream of vowels remains as sonorous.

Exercise 7

Diction exercise. It is a simple reading of tongue twisters. Choose for yourself several tongue twisters with different letter combinations and begin to hone your pronunciation. Slowly at first, measuredly. Then increase the pace. Watch the rhythm, control diction, intelligibility and expressiveness.

Exercise 8

Another exercise to improve diction. It consists in the fact that at the end of each word you need to pay special attention to sharply emphasizing its ending. This will make the pronunciation of the word clearer and more expressive.

Exercise 9

Exercise to improve the pronunciation of sounds. It is used for those sounds that are most difficult for you to pronounce. Take a dictionary, open the letter that is causing you difficulty, and read all the words in a row that have a sound that is difficult for you, listening carefully to it. Through repeated repetitions, pronunciation will improve. In addition to this exercise, you can use a voice recorder to track your progress: record all the words you speak, then listen to the recordings and work on mistakes.

Exercise 10

An exercise to develop the timbre and acoustic properties of the voice. It includes the development of the muscles of the pharynx and tongue. You need to silently pronounce the letters “A-E-O” 10 times, while trying to open not the mouth, but the pharynx cavity.

And as a small bonus, another cool and effective technique to improve the overall quality of not only articulation, but also introductions in general - this isworking with a mirror . Choose a passage of prose or a poem that you remember and read it while watching your reflection in the mirror. Track your facial expressions, movements of lips, eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones. Listen to your voice. The main evaluation criteria should be aesthetics, naturalness, harmony, as well as psychological and physical comfort. You must ensure that you like yourself, so that the sound of your voice is pleasant to you, and your facial expressions and gestures evoke exclusively positive emotions.

Naturally, these exercises are not exhaustive and the only ones of their kind. And they should only serve as pointers for you in working on your articulation. If you wish, you can find great amount similar exercises on the Internet or specialized literature. But to summarize, we can make a brief summary and highlight a few main principles:

  • Of particular importance in articulation training are the systematic nature of exercises and their conscious control.
  • It is very important to regularly work in front of the mirror
  • During training, you must be demanding of yourself, be able to look (listen) to yourself from the outside
  • It is necessary to do numerous repetitions of unpronounceable sounds until you feel a state of complete comfort when pronouncing them.
  • Special attention should be given to working with muscular and emotional tensions
  • Progress significantly speeds up listening to audio and viewing video materials with recordings of people with excellent articulation

Guide your practice by these principles, and desired result will make itself felt very soon. And the first noticeable effect will appear already on initial stage. Remember that developing articulation is recommended not only for singers, professional presenters, lecturers, speakers or actors, but also for any person in general, if only for the simple reason that we all live in society and we constantly have to interact with other people.

We wish you good luck with your articulation work. Speak beautifully!

To train your articulation and improve your mood, we suggest you take a short test:

  1. Try turning your lower lip inside out without using your hands and with your mouth closed.
  2. Try to do the same, but with your mouth open.
  3. Repeat point #2 at the mirror.

    A well-delivered speech is the key to a pleasant impression and often overall success. Teach your child to speak beautifully and clearly, and the fruits of your labor will not keep you waiting.

    What is articulation? This is the totality of the work of individual pronunciation organs in the formation of speech sounds. To put it simply, it is thanks to articulation that we distinguish words by ear.

    Exercises to develop articulation (articulatory gymnastics) are aimed at working with many muscle groups - tongue, lips, palate, as well as chest and shoulder girdle.

    Rules of articulation gymnastics

    1. Do the exercises every day, it is better to do 3-4 sets of 3-5 minutes each.
    2. 1 session is 2-3 exercises, and only one of them is new, the rest are for consolidation and repetition.
    3. Perform each exercise 5-7 times.
    4. Do the exercises while sitting, back straight, body relaxed.
    5. The exercises go from simple to complex, gradually.

    Lip exercises

    • Smile. Keep your lips in a smile so that your teeth are not visible.
    • Tube. Pull your lips out with a tube.
    • Fence. Smile with your teeth closed in a natural bite and visible.
    • Bagel. The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward, so that the upper and lower incisors are visible.
    • Fence - Bagel. Smile - Tube.
    • Rabbit. The teeth are closed. Upper lip raised and exposes the upper incisors.

    Exercises for lip mobility

    • Brush. You need to bite and scratch your teeth first on the upper lip, then on the lower lip.
    • Smile - Tube. Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.
    • Piglet. Move your lips extended like a tube left and right, and rotate them in a circle.
    • Talking fish. Slap your lips together.
    • Cotton. Pull your cheeks inward and then sharply open your mouth. It is necessary to ensure that when performing this exercise, a distinct sound is heard.
    • Disgruntled horse. A stream of exhaled air is sent to the lips until they begin to vibrate, and a sound similar to a horse snorting will be heard.
    • Deflated ball. Open your mouth wide, pull your lips inward, pressing tightly against your teeth.

    Exercises for lips and cheeks

    • Charger. Nibble, pat and rub cheeks.
    • Well-fed hamster. Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks one by one.
    • Hungry hamster. Pull in your cheeks.
    • Mouth shut. Hit your puffed up cheeks with your fist so that the air comes out noisily.

    Static exercises for the tongue

    • Chicks. The mouth is wide open, the tongue lies quietly in the oral cavity.
    • Spatula. The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.
    • Cup. The mouth is wide open. The anterior and lateral edges of the tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.
    • Needle. The mouth is open. Push your tense tongue forward.
    • Slide. The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.
    • tube. The mouth is open. The lateral edges of the tongue are curved upward.
    • Fungus. The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

    Dynamic exercises for the tongue

    • Watch. The mouth is slightly open. The lips are stretched into a smile. Using the tip of your narrow tongue, alternately reach towards the corners of your mouth.
    • Snake. The mouth is wide open. Push the narrow tongue forward and move it deeper.
    • Swing. The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or the upper and lower incisors.
    • Football. Mouth closed. With a tense tongue, press first one or the other cheek.
    • We brush our teeth. Mouth closed. Move your tongue in a circular motion between your lips and teeth.
    • Coil. The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue rolls forward and retracts deep into the mouth.
    • Harmonic. The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth, strongly pull down your lower jaw.
    • Painter. The mouth is open. Wide tip Guide the tongue like a brush from the upper incisors to the soft palate.
    • Let's lick our lips. The mouth is slightly open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

    Exercises to develop mobility of the lower jaw

    • Cowardly little bird. Open and close your mouth wide so that the corners of your lips extend. The jaw drops approximately the width of two fingers. The tongue “sits” and does not protrude. The exercise is performed rhythmically.
    • Sharks. On the count of “one” the jaw lowers, on “two” - the jaw moves to the right (mouth open), on the count of “three” - the jaw is lowered into place, on “four” - the jaw moves to the left, on “five” - the jaw is lowered, on “six” - the jaw moves forward, “seven” - the chin is in its usual comfortable position, the lips are closed. You need to do the exercise slowly without sudden movements.
    • Breakfast. Imitate chewing with your mouth closed and open.
    • Monkey. The jaw drops down with the tongue extending to the chin as much as possible.
    • Strongman. The mouth is open. Imagine that there is a weight hanging on your chin that needs to be lifted up, while raising your chin and straining the muscles underneath it. Gradually close your mouth.
    • Barrier. Lower the jaw down while overcoming resistance (the adult holds his hand under the child’s jaw).
    • Teasers. Open your mouth wide and often and say: pa-pa-pa.
    • Singing lesson. Silently, slowly (with one exhalation) pronounce the vowel sounds: “a”, “ya” (the distance between the teeth is two fingers), “o”, “e” (the distance between the teeth is one finger), “i” (the mouth is slightly open).
    • In full voice. Pronounce vowel sounds with voice: “a”, “ya”, “o”, “e”, “i”.