Spells and prayers for stuttering. Menopause: discomfort

Method of treating stuttering according to Snezhko R.A.

Snezhko's method is based on the author's belief that stuttering is not a disease, but a lack of speech skills. The author believes that speech is a skill that is formed and developed from birth, and if so, then there is nothing to treat here. For some reason, he decided to compare such a complex neuropsychic formation as speech with riding a bicycle. He believes that one can teach one to speak correctly and thus eliminate stuttering, just as one can teach someone who does not know how to ride a bicycle. But it does not mention that stuttering often occurs in people who have already spoken well.

Snezhko claims that he is the only one who can really help a patient with stuttering, and that doctors and speech therapists are in vain taking on this matter and his great discovery makes it possible to cure stuttering in three days.

It is also argued that a person who stutters deliberately causes spasms in his throat and speech muscles and thereby forms his stutter. He challenges the idea of ​​unconsciously occurring stuttering as a disease and believes that all types of treatment, including suggestion and hypnosis, cannot help eliminate stuttering and only his method is capable of this.

The author considers stupor to be the only and main manifestation of stuttering, as if there were no others. clinical manifestations stuttering, which I will mention later.

Snezhko denies those achievements of medical genetics that prove a person’s genetic predisposition to speech, which is not the case in animals.

Psychotherapeutic analysis of the method of treating stuttering Snezhko R.A.

The presentation of the essence of Snezhko’s method is permeated with obvious self-praise of his great discoveries in the field of theory and practice of treating (correcting) stuttering. Presenting himself as a pioneer in the field of stuttering correction, he calls himself “the only Speech Teacher,” well, let a person think so if the truth does not suffer from it.

But the theoretical approach to the problem of stuttering is weak on many points outlined by the author. So let's look at them.

Statement one- the author states that speech is just a “skill” that is not inherited, but is trained from birth to death, and if there are speech disorders, then it can be easily corrected by developing “correct speech skills” through training, and all this is done fast and easy. To confirm all that has been said, he gives an example - when a person finds himself in Africa and does not know the language of the country where he finds himself, he becomes “mute” because does not know the speech of these people and cannot communicate with them.

I can confidently say that the author is absolutely wrong, because... in the human fetus, in utero, areas responsible for speech begin to form and they are functionally connected with the areas of hearing; at birth, these areas of the brain continue their development, which is greatly facilitated by those around them, and the more often they communicate with the child, the faster his speech can form. Thus, we can say that the entire speech apparatus is genetically transmitted to a person, starting from nervous system with areas of speech, hearing and thinking, speech muscles, throat ligaments, but further development speech is possible only in a speech human environment. The author gives an example with Mowgli - when a child finds himself in wildlife, then his speech is not formed, as an example of the importance of speech training. But another example can be given - if there are animals in the house (with the exception of parrots), a cat or a dog, then no matter how much you communicate with them using speech, they still will not speak to you in human language, because they do not have a genetically determined speech apparatus.

As for “numbness” in Africa, this doesn’t happen because... Any person, finding himself in a different language environment, first tries to speak his own language and if he does not find someone who knows, then he continues to communicate with his speech and gestures, trying to explain what he needs. So, in principle, a talking person cannot “go numb”, even if he wanted to.

An attempt to reduce a complex neurotic speech disorder to the level of one simple symptom speaks of a primitive and narrow approach to the very complex problem of stuttering.

Treatment of stuttering cannot be primitive training.

Statement three- Snezhko says that to get rid of possible neurotic symptoms easily, realizing the cause of this disorder and stuttering itself.

The author sees the basis of the cause of nervous disorder and stuttering in the fact that a patient with stuttering is supposedly trying to pronounce two sounds at the same time, but this is impossible and a “stupor” is formed; this “stupor” also develops because of this attempt, since its consequence is confusion and uncertainty. Neurotic disorder, accompanying speech can be cured by breaking the connection between the stupor and the event that caused it. But here the author comes into conflict with his own statement that stuttering is not nervous breakdown caused by stress factors.

According to him, stuttering is simply an inability to use one’s speech apparatus and no psychology. As for understanding the cause of stuttering - most patients remember it, more often it is fright from a dog or other pet, painful medical manipulations(dental treatment, injections), sharp sudden sounds, etc. But just because they remember and understand the reason that led to stuttering, their speech itself does not improve.

Statement four- speech can be cured using a computer program.

Unfortunately, these are all the same speech training, but with a soulless computer. If training with a speech therapist can still give a small therapeutic effect due to his personal suggestion and empathy for the patient, if there is any, then the soulless program does not have this. About a dozen patients contacted me using various programs speech training and the result is the same - no. Most of their patients said that while I’m sitting at the computer, everything works out, but when I go to communicate with people, nothing comes of it!

Perhaps Snezhko helps someone if he conducts personal training, perhaps after three days they begin to speak well, but in the future, I suppose, relapses are possible, because “stupor” is a very strong habit of speaking incorrectly (the author’s position) and, like any habit, especially a pathological one, it requires much more time to correct than it might seem to the author of the technique.

Stuttering is a speech defect that greatly complicates the lives of people who suffer from it. We can say that the everyday life of people who stutter is sheer torment. People feel insecure and shy. During childhood and adolescence, a child who stutters is often subject to ridicule from other children. In some adults, hemming and stuttering appears only in moments of excitement, but in all other situations their speech remains clear. In order to cope with a speech impediment, such people only need to learn to control their emotions. Prayer for stuttering in this case, it will help you calm down and give you the opportunity to pronounce the phrase normally.

Orthodox prayers for adult stuttering

Stuttering occurs because at moments nervous tension: conversation with a stranger, speaking in front of a group of people, any conflict situation(quarrel, resentment) a person experiences an involuntary closure of the vocal cords. Currently, there are a number of techniques that allow you to control breathing and relax vocal cords. Without a doubt, classes with a professional speech therapist can relieve both children and adults from stuttering. But in order for the healing process to take place most effectively, if you have faith, you can call for help. Strong prayers for stuttering are read to Matrona of Moscow, Simeon the God-Receiver, Anastasia the Roman, St. George the Victorious, Agapit of Pechersk, and Anthony the Great.

True prayer for a child's stuttering

Jesus taught us to believe. With true faith, a prayer for a child’s stuttering, said in your own words, will also help. This method helps many adults get rid of stuttering. You need to temporarily isolate yourself from outside world, take a vacation for a month or more, lead a calm, measured life. All this time you need to talk less with others, and instead keep a diary where you can write down anything. When writing, we mentally pronounce the text, but it is impossible to stutter in our own minds. After some time, it becomes a habit and it becomes possible to speak out loud without hesitation. It is also impossible to stutter when singing. Sing to any tune, recite prayers, this really gets rid of stuttering for children.

Text of a strong prayer for stuttering

O blessed Mother Matrono, with her soul standing in Heaven before the Throne of God, her body resting on earth and exuding various miracles with the grace given from above! Look now with your merciful eye on us sinners, waiting for our days in sorrow, illness and sinful temptations. Comfort us, desperate ones, heal our severe ailments, from God to us because of our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in the image of us from our youth even to the present day and the hour we have sinned, so that through your prayers we have received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father and the Son and

1. STUTTERING- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Unreliability. There is no opportunity for self-expression. Crying is forbidden.

I can freely stand up for myself. Now I feel comfortable expressing whatever I want. I communicate only with a feeling of love.

2. STUTTERING- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

There is no feeling of safety. Lack of opportunity for self-expression. They don't allow you to cry.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

3. STUTTERING- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Stuttering is a speech defect that appears primarily in childhood and often persists throughout life.

Emotional blockage

A stutterer in his youth was very afraid to express his needs and desires. He also feared those who represented power to him; It was especially scary in those moments when he needed to show or express something.

Mental block

It's time for you to realize that you have the right to express your desires, even if your head tells you that it is unreasonable, or if you are afraid that someone will consider your desires not entirely legitimate. You don't have to make excuses to anyone. You can afford whatever you want, since in any case you will have to take responsibility for the consequences of your choice. This is what all people do.

You consider other people to be bossy, but there is a bossiness within you that is trying to come out. Once you realize that this power is not associated with evil and can even help you assert yourself, it will reconcile you with those whom you consider to be powerful.

The problem of stuttering occurs in both children and adults. It causes a lot of inconvenience and can seriously undermine self-esteem. And it’s not just the speech defect itself, but a general lack of self-confidence. It’s like a vicious circle: the more you stutter, the more embarrassed you become, which makes you stutter even more... But everything can be solved if you believe in yourself.

We asked experts about how to get rid of stuttering once and for all. Yana Borisovna Polya, a speech therapist of the highest category, says: Most often, stuttering appears in childhood. The most dangerous period is from 3 to 5 years, during the rapid development of speech. But this disease can also affect an adult. Stuttering is a violation of the tempo, rhythm of fluency of speech as a result of convulsions of the articulatory apparatus. A person who stutters may fiddle with his clothes, make involuntary movements with his arms and legs, and may develop nervous tics. Some people who stutter “mask” their defect by inserting meaningless words or sounds into their speech: “so”, “here”, “mmm”, “uh”...

How to cure stuttering? Remember that this is not only a speech defect. It is associated with a disorder of the nervous system. It often turns out that a person’s physical health is not ideal. In an adult, stuttering may remain from childhood or appear spontaneously. Often the problem “dies down” in conditions of calm and harmony, and reappears when a person is exposed to stress. In such cases, you should contact a number of specialists: a neurologist, a speech therapist, a clinical psychologist. A psychologist will help relieve tension and fear of speech. The speech therapist will teach or help you remember the skills of speech breathing, smooth and continuous speech. And the neurologist, for his part, will provide assistance to the nervous system.

It is useful for people who stutter to engage in some sports: swimming, yoga, karate. Singing, theater groups, dancing - all this also helps a person to relax, feel confident, develop breathing, plasticity, and cope with general bodily tension.

In the meantime, the doctor is treating you, use popular practices to combat stuttering.

Treatment for stuttering

How to cure stuttering? Instead of the attitude “oh horror, now it’s going to start again,” choose the attitude: “this is such a feature of mine.” Internally accept the fact that you stutter and try to live with it. If you are afraid of how others will react to your stuttering, you can tell or hint about the problem in advance. The calmer you are about the defect, the less often it will appear.

Learn to relax yourself

Everyone has their own “recipes” for relaxation. Some people are helped by a rosary that can be fiddled with in their hands, a piece of paper whose edges can be folded and unbent, or perhaps a certain crossing of the fingers, which gives a peaceful state. When you are ready, begin your speech. You will see: its quality directly depends on your internal state.

Play a home performance

Many stutterers, when talking with loved ones, completely forget about their problem. But she reminds herself in stressful moments. Rehearse in front of your sister, your man or your parents the speech that you are going to give at the meeting tomorrow. Remember the feeling of relaxation and self-confidence, and save them until the “X” moment.

Learn to breathe correctly

Breathing exercises from yoga or qigong help regulate breathing when stuttering. Learn to control the force of inhalation and exhalation, the rhythms of intake and removal of air from the lungs. Repeat the exercises every day without skipping them: soon you will feel that your stuttering has decreased.

Think about anything - just not about your own speech

People often stutter from the very fact of their uneven speech. This makes them lose the thread of the conversation and miss the point of the conversation. Try to shift your attention from your own voice to the idea you want to convey or to your interlocutor. Concentrate on processing speech information, put emphasis not on form, but on content.

Take breaks

How to get rid of stuttering? When you feel a stutter coming on, give yourself time to regulate your breathing. Pause the conversation and take a deep breath. Repeat inhaling and exhaling, listening to your breathing. This way you can control your speech, and light pauses will give you an interesting mystery in the eyes of your interlocutor.

Get inspired

While you're practicing your speech, be patient and enthusiastic. And good literature and cinema will help you with this. For example, the Oscar-winning “The King's Speech”: feel yourself in the place of the main character and go with him all the way from complexes to complete victory.

Daria Mazurkina quickly looked for ways to get rid of stuttering

Hello, Alexander!

Stuttering is always associated with difficult relationship with parents. Most often with the overwhelming authority of the father. There is a whole range of measures to overcome stuttering.

1. Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikov method. A full set of exercises can be found on the Internet.

2. Psychological attitude . To implement it, you must remember that expectation always stronger than yourself desires. Let me decipher: when we passionately desire something (for example, not to stutter, to speak freely), but in our hearts we expect failure or a pitfall (we don’t believe in success), then we automatically get what we expect. Because this expectation comes from a deeper inner layer of our psyche. To change this negative attitude, you need to clearly track for yourself the moment at which the negative expectation arises and replace it with a positive one. For example, you are faced with stranger, and you need to start talking to him. On the one hand, you want to enter into a conversation freely and naturally, but on the other hand, you are already expecting failure (it is at this moment that you lose). And this expectation of failure gives a feeling of fear, even to the point of nausea. What to do? You need to learn to catch your fear at the very first stage, without waiting for the moment when it completely takes over you and you feel constrained. As soon as you feel the first alarming impulse, a harbinger of negative thoughts, change these thoughts to the opposite ones. Start repeating affirmations to yourself. For example, such - “My speech flows smoothly and freely.” “I express my thoughts easily and naturally.” “I love communicating with people, and I easily choose a topic for conversation,” etc. It’s best to make your own affirmations. The main condition is that they should reflect positively what worries you.

3. This may seem strange to you, but in any negative there is a positive. because we live with you in a dual world. Think about it, what secondary benefits do you have from your stuttering? This is very important question. The benefits can be anything. For example. I haven't achieved anything in life because I stutter. Excuse me, but what about people without hands who draw beautiful pictures? A man without legs, on prosthetics, participating in a running competition. The great composer Bach was deaf and composed his immortal musical works.

Any implementation of ideas in life depends on motivation. If you have a strong motivation to overcome stuttering, you will definitely achieve it. It is important not to lose patience or despair.

P.S. There is a forum on the Internet for those who have gotten rid of stuttering. People share their secrets. Try to communicate with them.

I sincerely wish you success!

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