Difficult relationship. Why don't teenage girls want to wear glasses? If your child is embarrassed to wear glasses

Answers (15):

But I’m not shy and I don’t understand why there’s any reason to be shy in this situation. I would just be embarrassed when I have to squint to see something, or the awkwardness that can happen because I can't see something.

Rather, you are not afraid to show that you have poor eyesight, but are embarrassed to show yourself wearing glasses. Many people have had this complex since childhood. I wore glasses from the age of seven until I was 23. Now, on the contrary, I have found several stylish frames that I wear with pleasure. Some even with good eyesight choose frames to change their look.

There is no need to be shy about this, I would advise you to choose very good and quality glasses that will suit you and will only decorate you. Well, if you really don’t want to wear them, then try contact lenses, my friend did this and is very happy, she sees perfectly, doesn’t wear glasses and also changed her eye color!

When I had ugly glasses, I was embarrassed, but now I have very good frames, so I wear glasses quite often. But still, I almost always take them off on the street. I can’t walk with glasses, they jump on my face when I walk and constantly move. When it's hot it's generally terrible, even Sunglasses I don’t wear them because I can’t stand wearing glasses on the wet bridge of my nose. On the street, glasses quickly gather dust and sweat in winter. In general, I only wear it indoors, or if outside, then when I need to look at something.

Glasses simply don’t suit me, so I wear contact lenses in public, but at home I can walk around in glasses as long as no one sees. I also often experiment with eye color in lenses, I actually fell in love with them, but I’m thinking about laser correction vision.

Nowadays glasses are not only for vision correction, but also for image. I have friends who, with excellent vision, wear glasses just to change their style. The main thing is to choose a frame that is fashionable and suits you. But in general, in my childhood I wore glasses so much that as soon as contact lenses appeared, I immediately switched to them, they are much more comfortable.

For me, glasses are not just a means of correcting vision, they are fashionable and stylish accessory! Any optics offers a wide selection of frames: from classic to trendy. I am absolutely not embarrassed to wear glasses, but, on the contrary, without them I already feel “naked”. It became part of my style.

As a child, I was very embarrassed to wear glasses when my vision was impaired. At school, all the boys teased me about being bespectacled and a diver)) Then I somehow gave up on everyone - my vision was steadily deteriorating and I had no time for complexes. She wore glasses, and in very beautiful frames. But because of the thick glasses, I later switched to contact lenses. Now I only wear sunglasses. But the usual ones are there just in case.

I used to be embarrassed to wear glasses, and even now, if I meet old acquaintances, guys who knew me without glasses, I take them off so they don’t see)) but I wear them every day without any problems, I don’t care what people think, there’s no problem nothing shameful or scary, but not wearing glasses is harmful if your eyesight is poor, you may not see good acquaintances, friends, or see the car that is rushing towards you. Many ridiculous situations happen if you don’t wear glasses. One day I walked into the room and asked, “Is Vova here?” the thing is that he was sitting in front of me. It was very embarrassing. It’s better not to create such situations

What’s there to be shy about? Nowadays they make glasses so beautiful that they even wear them specifically for beauty. My son was prescribed medicinal glasses. He’s 12 years old. I thought there would be big problems. But he wears them with pleasure.

I have good vision, but at one time I fanatically wanted to wear glasses with regular glass. I even ordered frames, but the owner of the store turned out to be a frameless... Moreover, now the image with glasses looks fashionable and stylish.

Research has shown that every second resident of Latvia has vision problems. And these problems are getting younger every year.

One of the reasons is that parents forget to regularly check the vision of themselves and their children. According to statistics, in our country primary school 44% of children who need them do not wear glasses. But you just need to make an appointment with ophthalmologists, who are accepted not only in medical institutions, but also, for example, in Brilles optical salons.

Another reason why schoolchildren and adults refuse to wear glasses is aesthetic. Both children and respectable uncles and aunts unreasonably feel a sense of fear of being branded as a bespectacled person. At the same time, coping with this “trouble” is easy and simple - just come for a consultation with specialists at Brilles optics salons.

However, we will give the floor to their clients.

Opinion of experienced bespectacled people

“I am a bespectacled person with almost twenty years of experience and already understand something about frames. I have been wearing glasses since the fifth grade, after a medical examination, which revealed that I was myopic. I've been wearing glasses all the time since 9th grade. I wasn't teased at school because I always had stylish frames. My wife says glasses suit me. For the last 10-12 years I have only worn “chameleons” - glasses with photochromic lenses, frames I choose are Ferre brands. Stylish, fashionable, Brilles has the lowest prices. Now I have two glasses - for constant wearing and for reading. I ordered my first glasses from Brilles. I am always satisfied with the communication with the salon consultant, the production time of the glasses, the quality of the frames themselves, and the opportunity provided for regular vision checks. Andrey"

“I’ve been wearing daily lenses for five years now. Before that I wore glasses. When I put on the lenses for the first time, I felt like a person - very comfortable, the viewing radius is larger, you can wear normal ones sunglasses, and not the usual ones with diopters. In addition, I don’t have to limit myself with jewelry - with the same hair clips, earrings or clips. When I wore glasses, I chose these little things very carefully - I didn’t want to look like a Christmas tree. True, people around me say that I look better with glasses. The girls were chasing outfits, and I was chasing fashionable frames. I am satisfied with everything about Brilles optics: the selection of frames and lenses, prices, availability of a doctor and optometrist, location. By the way, I was advised to switch to lenses here. I doubted it for a long time, but now I don’t regret it. I only wear glasses at home. Julia"

“Don’t want to be teased with glasses? Buy stylish frames! In Briles, by the way, great choice, especially in the new salon: Ferre, Baldidini, Versace, Laura Biagiotti. For the summer, I bought Laura Biagiotti sunscreens, and I’m delighted with them. Fashionable frame- this is self-confidence. I choose glasses to match my clothing style. We live in the 21st century. Nowadays there is no need to be ashamed of glasses, because, fortunately, you won’t find such ugly frames as our grandparents wore during the day. Lena"

“I play sports and drive enough active image life, that’s why I wear glasses and contact lenses. I wear disposable lenses to the pool. I usually order glasses with ZERORH frames - they look cool. By the way, Brilles has an excellent selection of such frames. It’s convenient for me to order both lenses and modern glasses in one salon. And the service is not intrusive, but truly professional. Arthur"

“Everyone in our family has glasses. And none of us have any complexes, because we have our own “family” optical store - Brilles. For example, my mother, like all pensioners, is a very frugal person. She is pleased that at Brilles you can buy inexpensive and, most importantly, high-quality glasses. Here you can get advice and recommendations from an ophthalmologist. Mom is 75 years old and needs to have her eyes checked regularly, which she does at Brilles.

The second bespectacled person in the family is my husband. With age, his vision began to worsen, but he was embarrassed to wear glasses until we came to Brilles and really picked him up. good frame. How loving woman I admit that I like him better with glasses: he’s so solid and respectable... I see the looks the ladies give him.

The third bespectacled person is myself. At work I spend a lot of time at the computer, so I prefer to wear glasses with Armani branded frames. I wear lenses on vacation. My son is in third grade and already wears glasses. We chose a very neat and stylish frame for him, and he has never been teased yet.

My daughter has no vision problems, but she also visits the optical salon. Buys sunglasses here. Recently I ordered some super fashionable Color VUE lenses (CRAZI LENS), which, as she said, all Hollywood actors wear. All her friends squealed with delight. Irina"

The company Brilles is one of the first Latvian companies in the optics market, known since 1989, its branch has been operating in Daugavpils since 1993. The main office of the company is located in Rezekne.

Daugavpils salonsBrilles optics:

- st. Viestura, 3(nearwith a city clinic); open on weekdaysfrom 9.00 to 17.00; tel. -654 25496, 20223577 ;

- st. Mikhoelsa, 43 ; open on weekdays from 10.00 to 18.00, on Saturday - from 10.00 to 14.00; tel.64904205.

The ophthalmologist is available by appointment.

At Brilles you can test your vision and write a prescription for glasses, select glasses and lenses based on price, wide range and purpose, as well as carry out correction for contact lenses, learn useful exercises for eyes, order glasses with branded or inexpensive, everyday frames, repair glasses.

The child does not want to wear glasses

Many parents face this problem. Boys often don't like glasses because they limit their activity and can be a source of ridicule - they can make them known as a nerd. In girls, glasses give rise to complexes associated with appearance - they think that glasses make them ugly. We asked three representatives of the fair sex to tell us how they felt about glasses when they were at school.

Olga, 33 years old

“At school I wore glasses only when necessary, I tried to sit closer to the board, at the first desk, just so as not to wear them. I wanted to be beautiful, to be liked by boys, and it seemed that with glasses this was simply impossible. Back then there wasn’t a large selection of beautiful frames, you had to wear what you had - I had glasses with metal gold frames, which I really didn’t like.

I got my first beautiful plastic frame in my first year - my mother and I bought it at the Point of View optics salon on Krupskaya, 35. Now I mostly wear contact lenses, they make me feel comfortable and comfortable. But I also stopped having a sharply negative attitude towards glasses - for example, I have special glasses for working on a computer.”

Yulia, 30 years old

“I had an even attitude towards glasses at school. I wasn’t embarrassed and wore them calmly at school. By the way, in school years The glasses have served me well. Our teacher had a clever seating plan for students in class. First, she brought the boys into the office so that they could choose a place for themselves. Then she took them away - and it was the girls’ turn to choose. This happened at the beginning of every quarter. I had my own trick - several times I chose one of the last desks, then looked at who was sitting in the first and asked to be seated with the most normal boy, citing the fact that I have poor eyesight.”

Evgeniya, 24 years old

“I started having vision problems at the age of six - then my older brother bought a computer, and I constantly spent time next to him. At school it got worse because of the stress - and, of course, I always sat in the first desks. One day they decided to move us, and I found myself at the back desk with the most handsome boy, all the girls were in love with him. I sat and suffered because I couldn’t see anything because poor eyesight, but I was still so pleased! I sat like this for 1.5 lessons and was still forced to sit at the first desk - and so I spent the entire elementary school fighting with one harmful neighbor.

I started wearing glasses in elementary school - regular glasses with metal frames. I was embarrassed by them, I didn’t like the way I looked in them. In addition, I wore braces, and just at that time the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” about Katya Pushkareva was on TV. My classmates didn’t draw offensive parallels and didn’t laugh at me, but it was still awkward.

In 10th grade, I persuaded my parents to buy me contact lenses. Now I mostly wear them because they are convenient. Of course, I also have glasses - I wear them mostly at home.”

What can you do to make your child feel comfortable wearing glasses?

Today the attitude towards glasses has changed in better side. For example, with the advent of books and films about the young wizard Harry Potter, many children are no longer embarrassed to wear glasses. In addition, a large assortment of frames allows you to choose them for every taste.

Specialists from the Point of View company give some advice:

  • Explain to your child why he needs to wear glasses and why they are useful for him.
  • Show personal example. Even if you wear contact lenses, switch back to glasses, at least temporarily.
  • Show your child that glasses are a fashion accessory. Browse with him fashion magazines, show that famous people wear glasses. Tell us that glasses with regular lenses, without diopters, are popular today. They are worn by those who have good eyesight, and do this on purpose to emphasize the image and add originality to it.
  • Let the child do independent choice, let the last word in the optics salon will remain his responsibility, because he will wear glasses, not you.

In other words, the Earth is being transformed into a planet of squinting people, especially children. This fact adds a certain tragedy to the situation. The information world has changed. The book has ceased to be the only source of knowledge. New tools for obtaining information and spending leisure time have emerged: computer and telephone screens, video games, which are always quite attractive for children, but not always useful for vision. More and more children are forced to wear glasses. And at the same time, as before, alas, pseudoscientific theories about the dangers of glasses and contact lenses, calling for abandoning them and precisely because of this they bring true damage to vision.

In our preschool ophthalmologist, teachers-defectologistsand teachers of specialized groups for children with amblyopia and strabismus in their diversetherapeutic and rehabilitation And correctional and developmentalThey devote a lot of time to educational activities. It is aimed at developing in children and their parents an adequate assessment of the capabilities of impaired vision, and most importantly - positive attitude for optical vision correction of preschool children.

Our experience suggests that the majority of children with visual impairments who are recommended for optical correction adapt to glasses much faster than adults. As part of correctional classes forsocial and everydayorientation provided for by the Specialized (Corrective) Program educational institutions Type IV (for children with visual impairments) edited by L.I. Plaksina, the typhlopedagogue conducts classes in a fun and accessible way for the children, where they talk about visual hygiene, the significance, the importance of wearing glasses, the rules for wearing them and caring for them. The emphasis is on preventing the development of a “bespectacled” complex in children, which manifests itself in anxiety of condemnation and ridicule, dissatisfaction with oneself and, as a consequence, low self-esteem. And sometimes in psychological reactions- negativism, aggressiveness.

We noted that when glasses are prescribed to a child aged 2-3 years, he does not experience any problems due to this psycho-emotional stress as it happens in the most late age. This is largely explained by the fact that almost everyone in the kindergarten group wears glasses. In our practice, there are many examples when children who are not eligible for glasses ask their parents for them.

In our work to develop a positive attitude towards wearing glasses in children, we use the excellent poems of N. Orlova from her unusually useful book “About Eyes for Children”.

Let's figure it out together, children,

What are eyes for in the world?

And why do we all have

Does the face have a pair of eyes?

What are eyes for?

So that tears flow from them?

It immediately became dark

Where is the crib, where is the window?

Strange and offensive-

You can't see anything around.

Zhenya wants to be a pilot -

Fly a fast plane;

All the seas in this world

Petya dreams of swimming across;

Nikolai will be a tank driver,

And Sergei is a parachutist,

Ilya will become a sniper...

But for this, friends,

In addition to knowledge and ability -

Everyone needs vision!

Close your eyes with your palm,

Sit just a little:

To take flight

Reactive plane,

To boldly ships

We walked along the icy seas

We must remember every hour,

How important eyes are to us!

There are a lot of unknowns

A lot of interesting things

You can find out from books.

Just imagine for a moment...

You will read about everything in the world,

How to fly on a rocket

How many stars are there in the sky?

How is the long bridge constructed?

Who lives at the bottom of the sea,

How each house is built

How is iron mined?

How microbes are studied

How America was discovered

How people lived on an ice floe...

You need to have vision.

So, each of us

Need a pair of sharp eyes!

Our students also like S. Marshak’s poem “Four Eyes.”

Sasha's eyes are big
But they are very short-sighted.
The doctor prescribed him glasses
According to the rules of science.

Sanded in the workshop
Two pieces of glass for glory,
Then with a caring hand
They were inserted into the frame.

The glasses were invested by the masters
In a plastic box
And Sasha’s grandfather yesterday
I received them at the cash register.

When he brought them home,
Grandson straddles his nose with glasses
And put it behind my ears
Silver temples.

Sasha looked through the glass
And the day seemed to brighten.
But he just took off the glass,
How everything around has faded.

With glasses and a sky of doves,
More spacious and higher
And every sparrow is visible,
Perched on the roof.

But about the glasses for all the guys
It became known immediately.
They shout to him. "For what
Do you have four eyes?
Sasha, Sasha is a diver!
You have two pairs of eyes.
Two are the same as ours,
And others in reserve!”

Sasha cried with shame,
I buried my nose in the wall.
“No,” he says, “never.”
I won't wear glasses!

But his mother consoled him:
- There is no shame in wearing glasses.
Everything must be done in order to
To see it better!
Over those who put on glasses
Only fools laugh.

A poet the kids know authoritatively says: “Only fools laugh at those who wear glasses.” In conversation with the guys preparatory groups We draw their attention to book and cartoon characters, to portraits of prominent people who wore glasses. We focus on the fact that glasses not only improve vision: modern glasses are a stylish accessory.

The attitude of children towards wearing glasses largely depends on the position of their parents on this issue. Alas, many adults to this day believe that training alone eye muscles It is possible to save a child from myopia, farsightedness, strabismus and avoid glasses. A significant reason for the fear of glasses is adherence to fashionable pseudoscientific theories calling for people to give up glasses, ignorance and ignorance regarding the benefits of optical correction. Knowing these reasons, we are in our kindergarten we lead great job with parents of students in this direction. Meetings withophthalmologist, conversations with typhoid teachers, monthly assessment of the dynamics of visual acuity of the children convince us of the effectiveness of optical correction. But most importantly, parents note how things are changing internal state their children when, thanks to glasses, their clarity of perception of the world returns. Adults come to the realization that it is not wearing glasses that spoils their eyesight, but, on the contrary, their absence. They take the choice of glasses seriously, taking into account the recommendations of professionals. When ordering glasses for their child, parents take into account a number of important advice to them:

Lightweight, not pressing on the bridge of the nose;
With non-traumatic lenses;
with modern multifunctional coatings:anti-reflex, water and dirt repellent, antistatic, which extends their service life and allows the lenses to always remain clean and transparent;
with an aspherical design that creates a clear image not only in the center, but also in the periphery of the fundus, which provides a natural perception of the world.
Unfortunately, in our practice there are examples when parents did not listen to the advice of experts and refused to wear glasses for their children. They have a huge guilt in front of their children, because without optical correction, the child’s vision will not develop.

Serious visual impairment,congenital or acquired, have every chance of having the most dramatic impact on the formation of the child. Abilities most dependent on the state of vision, including general level wakefulness, motor skills in general, including oculomotor, spatial orientation, ability to maintain balance, spontaneous learning, speech development, relationships with peers, emotional sphere, may be secondarily impaired in children due to visual impairment. Optical correction helps overcome these developmental deviations and ensures full general development children. This is evidenced by the results of the final diagnostics of our graduates and their success in school. They are all different adequate self-esteem, psycho-emotional stability, social adaptation and activity in all areas of life.

Nature has endowed each of us with a wonderful wealth - eyes, the organ of vision. The eyes work flawlessly all their lives, not often reminding themselves of themselves. And aren’t they worthy of attention and care? After all, how easy it is to perform simple rules hygiene:

Perform visual work in normal lighting, so that the light does not fall into the eyes, but onto the object of work located on the comfortable distance from the eyes (33 cm);
use wonderful assistants - glasses, if there are disturbances in the optics of the eyes.
The optical industry offers this moment various devices for improving vision, you don’t have to worry about getting used to them. Our goal is to provide your eyes with best conditions for their endless and required work. Adults - loving parents and specialists - are responsible for creating such conditions for children's eyes. Our children trust us endlessly. Let's not give them a reason to doubt us!