The effect of a stop sign before an intersection. Red stop sign

Signs installed on the road are designed to maintain order and reduce the number of road accidents. Every driver, in order to protect himself and his passengers, must responsibly fulfill their requirements.

general characteristics

Sign 2.5 consists of a red sign with white letters "Stop" in the middle. The driver who sees him must stop before:

  • stop line;
  • directly by the sign itself;
  • crossroads

As a rule, such a sign can be found in the immediate vicinity of a small intersection with high density traffic flow where there is no traffic light installed.

If you stop behind someone in front vehicle, then when approaching the sign, you also need to stop and continue driving only after you are sure that the road is clear.

Where is it installed?

As mentioned earlier, this road sign can most often be found when approaching an intersection with heavy vehicle traffic. It is also installed in front of railway crossings or unregulated pedestrian crossings.

It is designed to prevent road accidents, since the driver who has made a complete stop will have enough time to assess the situation on the road. Having passed vehicles or pedestrians, the driver can safely continue driving in accordance with traffic rules.

Travel rules

Using this priority sign, the order of passage of vehicles is established. Thanks to it, the number of accidents on the road is significantly reduced.

If you see this sign on the road, then you need to:

  1. Assess the situation.
  2. Reduce speed and stop driving completely.
  3. Continue driving according to the rules traffic after the intersection is cleared.

For the convenience of drivers, the stop sign is not installed directly at the intersection, but at some distance from it. This way you will have Extra time for safe braking.

It happens that the sign is not visible due to the existing hills and blind turns. In this case, stopping in front of him can be extremely difficult. As a rule, in this situation there should be appropriate markings in front of the intersection, then you need to stop right in front of it.

In the case when you need to stop before the sign, try to start braking in advance, since it will not be possible to do this instantly. I will introduce several factors:

  • weather conditions;
  • movement speed;
  • road conditions.

Try to take these factors into account and avoid emergency braking.

If there is a wide stop line or pedestrian crossing in front of the intersection, you need to stop just before them, without crossing the markings.

If, after the vehicle has completely stopped, it turns out to be difficult to see the situation happening at the intersection, then you can move forward slightly and stop again in order to fully ensure that the passage is safe.

Drivers often make the mistake of entering an intersection when there is a traffic jam. This is strictly forbidden, as these actions can cause a traffic accident. In such a situation, after stopping at a stop sign, you need to wait until the traffic jam clears and only then enter the intersection.

Penalty for violation

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a driver for failure to comply with the requirements of traffic rules about stopping at a prohibiting traffic light signal, a traffic controller's gesture, marking the roadway or in front of a stop line will be punished with a fine of 800 rubles.

Seeing such a violation, the traffic police officer will definitely draw up a report on administrative offense, for which the driver will have 60 days to pay.

During 10 of them you have the right to appeal your fine. But if you did not stop in front of the sign and this offense was recorded on camera, there is practically no chance of appealing.

If, in your opinion, a lot of accidents occur before the intersection, and a stop sign would help reduce their number, then you need to contact the traffic police.

You will need to write an appeal with a clear rationale for why such a sign needs to be installed. When writing please note:

  • this sign will not help you in the fight against speeding, since most drivers prefer to ignore it if there are no traffic police officers nearby;
  • When there is heavy traffic on a road with a stop sign, traffic jams often appear and air pollution occurs;
  • installing this sign will help if there really are a lot of accidents at the intersection, and the visibility of the road leaves much to be desired.

A large number of traffic accidents occur at intersections due to non-compliance with traffic rules. It is often caused by ignorance of traffic rules and inattention of drivers. Remember that by your actions you can harm not only yourself and your car, but also other road users.

A stop sign is a priority traffic sign that indicates that driving without stopping is prohibited. According to traffic regulations, a motorist is required to stop in front of this sign to ensure unhindered passage for a pedestrian or unhindered movement for another vehicle. Ignoring this sign is an offense and is subject to a fine.

The stop sign “No driving without stopping” is a red polygon with a white border. In the middle it has the inscription stop white. In the traffic rules it is written as sign 2.5. It should not be confused with a rectangular pointer. A stop sign on a white background is a stop line sign. It is installed in front of a regulated or unregulated pedestrian crossing or in front of a traffic light. This sign does not always prohibit further movement without having to stop. A motorist must stop in front of it only if he “walks” along with the stop line, if he is fixed in front of a traffic light or directly below it and it gives a signal prohibiting movement, or if a pedestrian is moving along the crossing.

If there is a sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited,” then the motorist, according to the rules, is obliged to completely stop his car, even if there are no obstacles to traffic on the road, as evidenced by traffic rules.

This sign is usually placed in front of the stop line. In addition, it is placed on the side of the road before entering the intersection. Also, the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is installed in quarantine zones on the roadway and in front of the railway tracks. Usually it is placed on those sections of the road where there is the most active traffic or accidents occur too often.

As the traffic regulations state, a motorist must slow down immediately as soon as he sees the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” After this, he must stop completely as soon as he approaches this sign. If you ignore the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited,” the motorist will be subject to penalties.

Where to stop at a stop sign

The traffic rules provide information on how to stop before the stop sign. Only the right stop will help avoid collection. So, if there is a sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” and in front of it there is a road intersection or a pedestrian crossing marked with a stop line, then you should stop so that the front canopy of the car is above it. The front wheels should not drive onto this line. If the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” does not have a stop line in front of it, then the motorist is obliged to stop the vehicle not directly at the sign, but at the very edge of the intersection with another road. If you violate this rule movement, the driver will be subject to a penalty, and what fine he will have to pay for a stop sign will be discussed below.

Stop sign in front of the railway tracks

If the sign “No driving without stopping” is installed in front of the railway tracks, then there are rules for stopping the vehicle. Here they are:

  • At an unregulated railway crossing, the motorist is obliged to stop the car in front of this sign and look to see if a train is moving. If there is none, then he can continue moving. If a motorist notices a moving train, he must let it pass. He can resume movement only after the train has passed.
  • If a railway crossing is regulated by a traffic light and there is a sign in front of it “No passing without stopping”, then the motorist is obliged to stop in front of the sign only if the traffic light gives a prohibitory signal. If there is none, he can continue moving.
  • If a railway crossing is equipped with a two-section traffic light and this road sign is installed, this means that the motorist must stop the vehicle when the traffic light turns on and continue driving when the traffic light turns on. green light.

Violation of the rules of stopping in front of a STOP sign, which is fixed in front of a pedestrian crossing, is also subject to a fine.

Stop sign fine

The amount of the fine for driving without stopping through an intersection or pedestrian crossing equipped with a stop sign depends on the circumstances in which the offense occurred.

If there is no interference with other road users, then, as a rule, the motorist will be required to pay 800 rubles for this offense.
If the driver did not stop at the stop sign and at the same time ignored a pedestrian at the intersection or an obstacle in the form of a moving car, then the amount of the penalty may increase to 2,000 rubles.

The amount of the fine depends on the circumstances under which the offense occurred and starts from 800 rubles.

If a traffic police officer tries to assign a punishment for driving through a sign indicating that driving without stopping is prohibited, respectively, without stopping the vehicle at a green traffic light, then his actions will be unlawful. In such a situation, there is no violation, since the priority sign for traffic will be a traffic light giving a green signal. Consequently, the sign with the inscription stop will lose its priority and in this case the motorist should not focus on it. If the traffic police officer still considers this traffic violation, then the car enthusiast can challenge his action with a higher-ranking employee or in court.

Running a stop sign without stopping may not always mean that the driver has committed an offense. In what situations can you drive through a sign without stopping, and in what situations could not be considered in this article.

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This road symbol is well known to both pedestrians and drivers around the world. “Moving without stopping is prohibited” is a priority sign. It must be located in accordance with GOST on some sections of transport arteries to ensure the safe movement of vehicles and prevent the occurrence of road accidents. There are 2 types of this sign, each of which has its own color, shape and functionality.

What does a STOP sign look like?

The red sign is a scarlet octagon with white letters “STOP” on it. The edge of the figure is enclosed in a white border. Inscriptions made in black and blue paint are allowed, and temporary sign the surface color may be yellow.

In all countries of the world the sign is 2.5. has a predominant red color

The first STOP sign appeared in the American city of Detroit (Michigan) in 1915.

The white sign has a rectangular shape, the inscription “STOP” on it is black. There is a black border along the edge. This plate is not a priority and belongs to the category of information signs.

Plate 6.16 can even be installed above each specific lane

In the USSR, the “STOP” sign first appeared in 1973 in accordance with GOST 10807–71, which came into force, and became the 106th road symbol in the Traffic Rules.

Why and where should it stand?

The main functionality is to warn drivers that they need to stop at this place.

This sign must be located:

  • at crossroads;
  • near railway crossings;
  • at the exit to the main road;
  • in front of the traffic light.

In front of a stationary sign on the road surface, special markings are often applied and placed additional signs, warning that there is a STOP sign ahead.

The red symbol at the crossing means that you need to make a complete stop and allow the approaching train to pass, if it is in the field of view of the one driving.

If a white signal is on at a three-section traffic light in front of a railway crossing, traffic is allowed, there is no need to stop

A “STOP” sign on a white background is installed near unregulated and controlled pedestrian crossings or traffic lights and unregulated railway crossings. The symbol informs that the motorist may not stop in this place, except when there is a pedestrian at the crossing or the traffic light is prohibited.

When the intersection is regulated, the road signs 2.15 and 6.16 installed on it are not valid

Red STOP sign

This symbol is a priority and is installed in accordance with GOST R 52289–2004 in order to regulate the movement of vehicles at complex intersections in conditions settlement and on highways between cities.

What does it mean

The sign states that driving on this section of the road without stopping is prohibited.

Traffic Laws

According to traffic regulations, a red sign is installed near unregulated intersections, i.e. those without traffic lights. These are places where main and secondary roads intersect, T-shaped intersections, areas where visibility is limited for the driver. Usually the “STOP” sign is accompanied by a special marking - a stop line. Drivers must comply with the following rules:

  • stop before the stop line. Hitting her is prohibited. If there are no markings, you need to stop at least 5 m before the intersection of transport arteries;
  • Having stopped in front of a road symbol, it is necessary to ensure the passage of other cars on the intersection (side) or main road and only then continue moving;
  • When crossing a railway crossing, if there is no traffic light, a complete stop of the car is required. It is only prohibited to stop driving, even if there are no other road users within the viewing radius.

To indicate approaching the stop line 1.12, used in conjunction with 2.15 Driving without stopping is prohibited, markings 1.21 can be placed on the traffic lane - the word “Stop”

White STOP sign

It is installed to inform drivers about the place where they need to stop if further movement is prohibited by a traffic light.

What does it mean

The main purpose is to warn drivers that there is a “Stop Line” marking ahead, where they need to stop if necessary.

The prohibition on movement under sign 6.16 is valid until it is permitted (for example, until the traffic light turns on).

Traffic Laws

According to traffic regulations, the sign can be located on right side roads or hang over the part where the stop line is located. The driver must comply with the following rules:

  • when the markings are not visible, you need to stop at the sign;
  • when the traffic light permitting signal is on, you don’t have to stop on a difficult section;
  • It is prohibited to drive into a stop line; this is a violation of traffic rules, for which you can receive a penalty.

Fines in 2018

A fine of 500 rubles is established for driving under the STOP sign. The penalty is imposed by the traffic police officer after drawing up the protocol.

Sometimes the theft of a STOP sign, which caused an accident with fatal, can be regarded as murder by negligence.

For violation of crossing the stop line, a fine of 800 rubles is imposed. It must be paid within 10 days.

Priority signs on video

STOP signs are some of the most common signs on the country's roads. Motorists need to know what they are, what they mean and strictly follow the rules of behavior on the road in order to avoid administrative fines and the occurrence of road accidents.

Be Prepared To Stop. Sometimes the sign is visible from a great distance, sometimes hills and blind turns interfere with this. In some cases, another warning sign is placed at some distance from the intersection. Whatever the situation, be prepared to stop when you see a stop sign.

Remember that it will take you time and distance to stop in time. Exact time and the distance will depend on many factors, including speed, weather and physical condition roads. However, you should start slowing down at least 50 meters before the sign. If you are driving fast, if the weather is bad, or if the road conditions are very dangerous (for example, the sign is at the bottom of a very steep hill), you will need more time and a greater distance.

  • Typically, if you obey the speed limit, you will be able to slow down and stop in time, even if you cannot see the sign from afar.
  • Stop completely. A stop sign requires the vehicle to come to a complete stop. Don't try to just slow down or pause.

    Determine the type of intersection. The stop sign is used in several cases, all of which require compliance different rules. It is important to know what situation you are dealing with in order to understand what rules to follow.

    • The sign may be placed at the intersection of two roads so that only vehicles coming from the secondary road must stop.
    • The sign may be placed at the intersection of two roads on all sides, meaning vehicles coming from all directions must stop.
    • The sign may be placed at a T-shaped intersection (in which case one road ends at the intersection, which forms the letter T). At such an intersection, a sign can be installed in three places, and either the entire flow moving in all directions must stop, or only cars that approach the intersection along a road that does not continue after the intersection.
    • In some countries, under the stop sign, the type of intersection control by that sign is indicated.
  • Look both ways. After stopping, you must give way to all vehicles moving on the main road. If there are no cars, you can drive through the intersection or turn after coming to a complete stop. If cars are visible in the distance and will not have time to reach the intersection, continue driving. Remember that you need to cross the intersection at the speed limit. Do not enter an intersection if other cars are approaching it.

    • You should cross an intersection only if all moving vehicles are at a great distance from it. The distance depends on the speed of moving traffic and other factors, so always assess the situation and think about safety.
    • Remember that there can be not only cars on the road, but also cyclists, motorcyclists and other road users.
  • Pay attention to pedestrians. If there are pedestrians walking, running, biking or skateboarding at an intersection, you will need to let them pass first and then proceed through the intersection. This rule applies even if there are no other cars at the intersection. You must always give way to pedestrians, even if they are not crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing.

    The STOP sign is a priority indicator for moving vehicles. It obliges the person driving the car to do mandatory stop for a few seconds before continuing on his way. In essence, this is a more strict variation graphic symbol"Give way."

    What does the sign look like?

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    Road sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is known to both pedestrians and drivers. In most countries of the world, it is depicted in the same way: four white Latin letters are written on a red octagon: “STOP”. The edging of the figure is also done in the form of a white stripe.

    A special geometric shape is necessary so that the sign can be recognized even if it is dirty, damaged by vandals, or covered with frost or snow.

    Black and white letters are allowed of blue color. The UN Convention explains that the word “stop” does not have to be written in Latin: each state has the right to approve a sign made using its official alphabet.

    In our country, only the first variety is used. In addition to it, there is information plate 6.16, which is used in conjunction with marking 1.12 “Stop line” or instead of it, marking the border on the roadway before the intersection.

    These graphics serve a slightly different function: they inform the driver where in front of a traffic light he needs to stop to wait for the green signal.

    Where and in what cases is it installed

    Symbol 2.5 is placed by road services:

    • at intersections (both at regulated ones and those where there is no traffic light);
    • before a railway crossing;
    • at the point of exit from the secondary road to the main one;
    • near quarantine posts.

    In other words, a “STOP” sign is necessary where driving without stopping a car can lead to serious consequences: that is, on dangerous sections of roads. It is often accompanied by the graphic symbol 1.23 “Caution Children”.

    If traffic lights are turned on at an intersection, then the established symbol is not followed, but is acted on the basis of the light signals.

    The main mistake drivers make is driving and slowing down to a minimum speed without actually stopping. Such an action would be a violation of the administrative code, which entails a meeting with a traffic police inspector.

    Another common situation: two cars drive up to a sign one after another, the one in front stops to comply with its request, the second is forced to do the same.

    Many people believe that after the first driver has moved off, they can follow him without stopping the movement. This is not so: near the graphic symbol you should again come to a complete stop for a few seconds.

    Where do you need to stop according to the rules?

    In most cases, the “STOP” sign is placed together with markings 1.12 on the roadway. In this case, the driver of the car is obliged to stop in front of the line.

    If it is missing, then it is necessary to stop driving before reaching the edge of the roadway that you plan to cross, giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

    When crossing rails or approaching a quarantine post, you must also stop in front of the marked markings (stop line). If it is not marked, the vehicle must stop moving in front of the sign.

    Important! Do not allow the car bumper to be above the markings. Many people believe that if the wheels have not reached the border marked by it, then there is no violation in this.

    The recording camera will certainly react to such an action, and the driver will receive a decision to impose penalties.

    Coverage area

    The graphic road symbol “STOP” is not equipped with accompanying signs indicating the extent of its validity, since this zone is located directly where it is installed.

    In this place, it is not allowed for a car to cross an imaginary line running along the roadway, that is, the slightest drive “behind the sign.”

    The main point here is that you should see it in time to apply the brakes. In order for the driver to have time to stop, the symbol is usually placed at some distance from the intersection of two roads, and not at the intersection itself.

    It happens that on a “blind” turn it is impossible to predict the presence of a sign in advance. Therefore, the driver should slow down and prepare for possible need make a stop.

    Sometimes terrain conditions or weather even if traffic stops, they prevent the person sitting behind the wheel from assessing the traffic situation.

    It may be advisable to move forward slightly and stop again to make sure it is safe to continue driving. If a traffic jam has formed on the roadway, under no circumstances should you drive beyond the sign, even if the required stop has already been made.

    You should wait until it becomes obvious that driving through the intersection is possible, and only then move off.

    Sometimes, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, a symbol is placed on the road in advance indicating the need to give way. It warns you when you are approaching a place where you will need to brake and stop.

    An additional information sign indicates how many meters the driver will have to travel to reach the STOP sign.

    STOP control

    A rather rare analogue of the graphic symbol “STOP” is the prohibitory sign “Control” (3.17.3). It obliges the driver of the vehicle to stop driving on the section of the roadway where there is a checkpoint.

    It could be:

    • police post;
    • entering a road that is private property;
    • border zone;
    • zone where quarantine is introduced;
    • evacuation zone;
    • area in which there is an emergency situation.

    Very often, symbol 3.17.3 is unreasonably placed at the entrance to sea beaches and resorts. Therefore, every driver should know the above cases for which this sign is intended.

    When stopped by traffic police officers, you should ask which item the installation of a graphic road object relates to.

    When drawing up a protocol for non-compliance with the ban, the decision can be appealed through the court, since in this case it will be unfounded.

    STOP line

    This graphic road object is an informational one. It notifies the driver about the driving mode requirements for a given area, indicating the place where the brakes should be applied.

    This symbol is a rectangle with a white background, on which the inscription “STOP” is written in black in Cyrillic.

    The sign is placed mainly in the following cases:

    • at unregulated crossings over railway rails;
    • at intersections where traffic is controlled by a traffic light or a traffic controller.

    The sign can be located directly on the traffic light support, or on a separate holder, as well as above the traffic lane from above. The duplicating function is performed by marking 1.12 “Stop line” applied to the coating.

    This is a wide transverse strip made of white paint with reflective properties, which limits the route of the car on the approach to the intersection.

    This object is necessary to reduce the probability, since it does not allow you to travel to where transport is moving in a perpendicular direction.

    If the driver's signal is green, then there is no need to stop in front of these two road objects. When the traffic light control is turned off, the intersection becomes uncontrolled.

    Here you should be guided by the established priority signs: when you are on a secondary road, you need to look left and right and let those who have the right pass.

    Fines for traffic violations

    If a person sitting behind the wheel of a moving car ignores the requirement road sign“STOP” and does not stop moving along the roadway for at least a couple of seconds, this will be considered a violation.

    Responsibility for such an act is provided for in Part 1. The traffic police inspector will issue a decision to impose a sanction on the driver in the form of a fine, the amount of which will be 500 rubles.

    A person who has committed a violation in the capital or in St. Petersburg will be prosecuted under Part 5 of Art. 12.19 of the code and will already pay 2000 rubles.

    If, if the order of behavior prescribed by the sign is not followed, a barrier will be created for normal movement for the rest of the transport, the punishment will be determined based on Part 4 of Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    In this case, the offender will also have to pay an amount of 2000 rubles. In Moscow, as well as in St. Petersburg, such an action will be punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles.

    Part 2 contains penalties for non-compliance traffic rules requirements about the need to stop in front of the “Stop Line” sign or corresponding markings 1.12. The driver who ignored these graphic objects will be fined 800 rubles.

    We must not forget about the responsibility that late payment of a fine entails. By law, the entire amount must be transferred to the account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no later than 60 days after the resolution comes into force.

    If the deadline is not met, the person may face:

    • double the fine (while the obligation to pay the first remains);
    • assignment of compulsory work;
    • use of arrest.

    If the driver is confident that he is right, he has 10 days to file a complaint with the court against the inspector’s unreasonable decision.

    Best in controversial situation use the video camera of your mobile device to record what is happening. This way a person will have a much better chance of defending his case in court.

    If the ruling is overturned and the case is dismissed, you will not have to pay anything. Moreover, the driver has every right to file statement of claim V judiciary, in which he may demand compensation for moral damage caused by the unfair actions of the police.

    If the offense is obvious, the fine should be paid as soon as possible. According to the current code, if the driver manages to do this no later than 20 days from the inspector’s decision, then he has the right to transfer only half of the amount. However, the fine will be considered paid in full.

    In most Russian megacities, traffic congestion is a daily occurrence. One of the reasons for their formation is that cars enter intersections when they are not allowed to do so.