Reaching Your Maximum - Brian Tracy. Effective methods of achieving goals according to Brian Tracy


Writing a book is incredibly difficult, especially if you've never done anything like it before. It requires years of research and experience, followed by months, if not years, of writing and rewriting. This book is the result of many hours I have spent teaching seminars, and is based on many ideas and observations from thousands of people with whom I have had the pleasure of working over time.

My whole life is a long continuous process of personal and professional development, including reading thousands of books and articles, studying audio recordings for many hours, attending countless courses and seminars. As Tennyson said in his poem Ulysses, “I am a part of all that I have come to know.” I'm under the influence more more people than I can remember, and I want to thank at least some of them for making this book possible.

First, I would like to thank the many wonderful people who have attended my seminars and lectures over the years that I have taught them. Their insights, observations and personal experience invaluable to me and useful in writing this book. Those whom I do not mention here will understand that we're talking about about them. And I want them to know that my gratitude to them knows no bounds!

I am especially grateful to the late John Boyle for opening my eyes to the role of reason in determining everything that happens to us. I am grateful to Earl Nightingale for his wonderful insights into the potential of the average person, and to Denis Whately for summarizing the principles of success in his audio course, The Psychology of Winning. Many great thinkers, writers, and speakers, such as Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Tom Petere, as well as Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer, have had significant influences in shaping my ideas.

I am especially grateful to my friends at the Nightingale-Conant Corporation, Vic Conant, Kevin McEnealy, Mike Willbond, and Jill Schechter, who worked with me for many years and provided excellent quality audio recordings of my ideas.

I am very grateful to my seminar sponsors, John Hammond, Dan Bratland, Jim Kaufman, and Suanne Sandage, who have made the principles in this book available to thousands of seminar participants over the years in nearly every major cities North America.

There were (and are) people in my company before and now who have provided me with immeasurable help. My heartfelt thanks to Victor Riesling, who worked with me for many years, dedicated himself to his work, and made a significant contribution to my career for her initial stage. I thank my friend and business partner Michael Wolfe, my marketing director Donna Villerilli, and my assistants and secretaries Mavis Hancock and Shirley Whetstone—without their help in typesetting the manuscript, this book would never have been completed.

I thank my friends at Simon & Schuster, especially editor Bob Bender, for their support and inspiration in preparing the manuscript; without them, this book would not have been published. Perhaps the most important person In this entire process was Margaret McBride, my literary agent, whose faith in me and my strengths was the spark that “ignited” me, inspiring me to write this book more than anything else. Thank you, Margaret.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in life is that no one ever does anything alone. We depend on others for absolutely everything. There are so many more I'd like to thank, but there's simply not enough space to do so, so I'll end this section by thanking my wonderful wife, Barbara, for everything, and especially for being so patient with me throughout the months I spent working on the book. , and also to my dear children, Christina, Michael, David and Katerina, for whom I constantly did not have enough time. I promise to make it up to you.


This book is lovingly dedicated to my wonderful wife, Barbara,

to the best friend, the wife, mother and colleague I could only dream of.

God bless you, thank you for everything.

You made me happy man.

The system you learn can change your whole life. This book offers a unique synthesis of ideas, methods and techniques, organized for the first time in one source. The individual components of the system are, of course, not new. For centuries, humanity has been teaching and retraining them anew. These principles and practices have been tried and tested by millions of men and women, and the greatest successes are based on them.


Writing a book is incredibly difficult, especially if you've never done anything like it before. It requires years of research and experience, followed by months, if not years, of writing and rewriting. This book is the result of many hours I have spent teaching seminars, and is based on many ideas and observations from thousands of people with whom I have had the pleasure of working over time.

My whole life is a long continuous process of personal and professional development, including reading thousands of books and articles, studying audio recordings for many hours, attending countless courses and seminars. As Tennyson said in his poem Ulysses, “I am a part of all that I have come to know.” I have been influenced by more people than I care to remember, and I want to thank at least a few of them for making this book possible.

First, I would like to thank the many wonderful people who have attended my seminars and lectures over the years that I have taught them. Their insights, observations and personal experiences were invaluable to me and were useful in writing this book. Those whom I do not mention here will understand that this is about them. And I want them to know that my gratitude to them knows no bounds!

I am especially grateful to the late John Boyle for opening my eyes to the role of reason in determining everything that happens to us. I am grateful to Earl Nightingale for his wonderful insights into the potential of the average person, and to Denis Whately for summarizing the principles of success in his audio course, The Psychology of Winning. Many great thinkers, writers, and speakers, such as Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Tom Petere, as well as Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer, have had significant influences in shaping my ideas.

I am especially grateful to my friends at the Nightingale-Conant Corporation, Vic Conant, Kevin McEnealy, Mike Willbond, and Jill Schechter, who worked with me for many years and provided excellent quality audio recordings of my ideas.

I am very grateful to my seminar sponsors, John Hammond, Dan Bratland, Jim Kaufman, and Suanne Sandage, who have made the principles in this book available to thousands of seminar participants over the years in nearly every major city in North America.

There were (and are) people in my company before and now who have provided me with immeasurable help. My heartfelt thanks to Victor Riesling, who worked with me for many years, dedicated himself to his work, and made a significant contribution to my career in its early stages. I thank my friend and business partner Michael Wolfe, my marketing director Donna Villerilli, and my assistants and secretaries Mavis Hancock and Shirley Whetstone—without their help in typesetting this book, this book would never have been completed.

I thank my friends at Simon & Schuster, especially editor Bob Bender, for their support and inspiration in preparing the manuscript; without them, this book would not have been published. Perhaps the most important person in this entire process was Margaret McBride, my literary agent, whose belief in me and my strengths was the spark that ignited me, inspiring me to write this book more than anything else. Thank you, Margaret.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in life is that no one ever does anything alone. We depend on others for absolutely everything. There are so many more I'd like to thank, but there's simply not enough space to do so, so I'll end this section by thanking my wonderful wife, Barbara, for everything, and especially for being so patient with me throughout the months I spent working on the book. , and also to my dear children, Christina, Michael, David and Katerina, for whom I constantly did not have enough time. I promise to make it up to you.


This book is lovingly dedicated to my wonderful wife, Barbara,

to the best friend, wife, mother and colleague I could ever ask for.

God bless you, thank you for everything.

You made me a happy person.

The system you learn can change your whole life. This book offers a unique synthesis of ideas, methods and techniques, organized for the first time in one source. The individual components of the system are, of course, not new. For centuries, humanity has been teaching and retraining them anew. These principles and practices have been tried and tested by millions of men and women, and the greatest successes are based on them.

By integrating these ideas and methods into your daily life, you will become happier, healthier, and gain more self-confidence. You will experience a great sense of strength, confidence and purpose. Your orientation will become positive, you will be more focused on your goals and gain the ability to achieve them. You will be able to communicate more successfully with people who play important role in your life. You will achieve great success in your career and feel great about yourself.

You will learn how to release the greatest untapped reserves of your own hidden potential. By completing the exercises that accompany each chapter, you will receive results directly proportional to the effort expended. Your whole life will become a single highway of success, achievement and more happiness than you have ever known.

If you use a simple analogy, you can imagine life in the form of a lock with a digital code, only the number of digits here will be much larger. By entering the correct code in the correct sequence, you will open the lock. This is not a miracle; it has nothing to do with luck. It doesn't matter who you are, only the right combination is important. In the same way, there is a suitable combination of thoughts and actions that will allow you to achieve almost anything you want, and this combination can be found if you just look.

Health, wealth, happiness, success and peace of mind - all obey the same principle. Taking the Right Action in the right way, you will get the desired result. If you can determine exactly what you want, you can find out how others have achieved the same thing before you. If you then do what they did, you will get exactly the same results.

This secret to success is so simple that many people overlook it. You can get anything you want if you really want it and if you are willing to work long enough and persistently to achieve what others have previously had to do to achieve the same goal.

Whether you are old or young, male or female, white or black, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you were born with silver spoon in the mouth or came out from the very bottom. Nature is neutral. She doesn't get personal. She doesn't have favorites. She pays with what they give her, no more and no less. You decide what to give.

Goethe once wrote: "Nature does not understand jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always harsh; she is always right, and mistakes and blunders are always the lot of man. She despises a person who is unable to appreciate her, and only to those who are supportive, pure and truthful does she yield and reveal her secrets".

It is difficult for losers to understand this idea, because they are so accustomed to looking for reasons in everything except themselves. But the evidence can be found all around us. Everywhere you look you see men and women of different origins, young and old, black and white, educated and illiterate, doing great things and making valuable contributions to the life of the society to which they belong.

At the same time, you will see men and women with all the advantages of birth and education, unable to navigate their lives. They go to jobs they hate, stay in relationships that don't bring them joy, and use only a small amount of their inner potential.

The path to happiness and success, to getting almost everything you want in life, is to enter the correct combination of numbers on the lock. Instead of trying out the numbers of the life code in hopes of luck, as you do with slot machine, you must study and repeat the experience of those who have done what you are about to do before you and achieved what you are striving for.

This is what this book is about. It contains the best of what has been discovered in the field of personal achievement, distilled into a single source, cleared of jargon and complexity, ready for practical application. This system gives you a combination of code numbers in almost every area of ​​your life.

I am confident in the performance of these ideas for two reasons: the most important reasons. First, I have tested and tested them through trial and error for many years. Secondly, I have taught this system to over a million people and it has worked for everyone individual person, who seriously applied these ideas in his personal life.


Writing a book is incredibly difficult, especially if you've never done anything like it before. It requires years of research and experience, followed by months, if not years, of writing and rewriting. This book is the result of many hours I have spent teaching seminars, and is based on many ideas and observations from thousands of people with whom I have had the pleasure of working over time.

My whole life is a long continuous process of personal and professional development, including reading thousands of books and articles, studying audio recordings for many hours, attending countless courses and seminars. As Tennyson said in his poem Ulysses, “I am a part of all that I have come to know.” I have been influenced by more people than I care to remember, and I want to thank at least a few of them for making this book possible.

First, I would like to thank the many wonderful people who have attended my seminars and lectures over the years that I have taught them. Their insights, observations and personal experiences were invaluable to me and were useful in writing this book. Those whom I do not mention here will understand that this is about them. And I want them to know that my gratitude to them knows no bounds!

I am especially grateful to the late John Boyle for opening my eyes to the role of reason in determining everything that happens to us. I am grateful to Earl Nightingale for his wonderful insights into the potential of the average person, and to Denis Whately for summarizing the principles of success in his audio course, The Psychology of Winning. Many great thinkers, writers, and speakers, such as Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Tom Petere, as well as Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer, have had significant influences in shaping my ideas.

I am especially grateful to my friends at the Nightingale-Conant Corporation, Vic Conant, Kevin McEnealy, Mike Willbond, and Jill Schechter, who worked with me for many years and provided excellent quality audio recordings of my ideas.

I am very grateful to my seminar sponsors, John Hammond, Dan Bratland, Jim Kaufman, and Suanne Sandage, who have made the principles in this book available to thousands of seminar participants over the years in nearly every major city in North America.

There were (and are) people in my company before and now who have provided me with immeasurable help. My heartfelt thanks to Victor Riesling, who worked with me for many years, dedicated himself to his work, and made a significant contribution to my career in its early stages. I thank my friend and business partner Michael Wolfe, my marketing director Donna Villerilli, and my assistants and secretaries Mavis Hancock and Shirley Whetstone—without their help in typesetting this book, this book would never have been completed.

I thank my friends at Simon & Schuster, especially editor Bob Bender, for their support and inspiration in preparing the manuscript; without them, this book would not have been published. Perhaps the most important person in this entire process was Margaret McBride, my literary agent, whose belief in me and my strengths was the spark that ignited me, inspiring me to write this book more than anything else. Thank you, Margaret.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in life is that no one ever does anything alone. We depend on others for absolutely everything. There are so many more I'd like to thank, but there's simply not enough space to do so, so I'll end this section by thanking my wonderful wife, Barbara, for everything, and especially for being so patient with me throughout the months I spent working on the book. , and also to my dear children, Christina, Michael, David and Katerina, for whom I constantly did not have enough time. I promise to make it up to you.


This book is lovingly dedicated to my wonderful wife, Barbara,

to the best friend, wife, mother and colleague I could ever ask for.

God bless you, thank you for everything.

You made me a happy person.

The system you learn can change your whole life. This book offers a unique synthesis of ideas, methods and techniques, organized for the first time in one source. The individual components of the system are, of course, not new. For centuries, humanity has been teaching and retraining them anew. These principles and practices have been tried and tested by millions of men and women, and the greatest successes are based on them.

By integrating these ideas and techniques into your daily life, you will become happier, healthier, and have more self-confidence. You will experience a great sense of strength, confidence and purpose. Your orientation will become positive, you will be more focused on your goals and gain the ability to achieve them. You will be able to communicate more successfully with people who play an important role in your life. You will achieve great success in your career and feel great about yourself.

You will learn how to release the greatest untapped reserves of your own hidden potential. By completing the exercises that accompany each chapter, you will receive results directly proportional to the effort expended. Your whole life will become a single highway of success, achievement and more happiness than you have ever known.

If you use a simple analogy, you can imagine life in the form of a lock with a digital code, only the number of digits here will be much larger. By entering the correct code in the correct sequence, you will open the lock. This is not a miracle; it has nothing to do with luck. It doesn't matter who you are, only the right combination is important. In the same way, there is a suitable combination of thoughts and actions that will allow you to achieve almost anything you want, and this combination can be found if you just look.

Health, wealth, happiness, success and peace of mind - all obey the same principle. By taking the right actions in the right way, you will get the desired result. If you can determine exactly what you want, you can find out how others have achieved the same thing before you. If you then do what they did, you will get exactly the same results.

This secret to success is so simple that many people overlook it. You can get anything you want if you really want it and if you are willing to work long enough and persistently to achieve what others have previously had to do to achieve the same goal.

Whether you are old or young, male or female, white or black, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth or came from the bottom. Nature is neutral. She doesn't get personal. She doesn't have favorites. She pays with what they give her, no more and no less. You decide what to give.

Goethe once wrote: “Nature does not understand jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always harsh; she is always right, and mistakes and blunders are always the lot of man. She despises a person who is unable to appreciate her, and only benevolent, pure and She yields to the truthful and reveals her secrets."

It is difficult for losers to understand this idea, because they are so accustomed to looking for reasons in everything except themselves. But the evidence can be found all around us. Everywhere you look, you will see men and women of all backgrounds, young and old, black and white, educated and uneducated, doing great things and making valuable contributions to the society they belong to.

In this book by Brian Tracy, you will learn how to increase the potential of your personality to achieve maximum results. How the best way organize your life so that you almost always get what you want. Here you will find a unique set of ideas, strategies and techniques.

By integrating Brian Tracy's Maximum Achievement Methods outlined in this work into your life, you will gain more good health, you will become happier, more confident, your life will be more purposeful, and your actions will be more effective.

Characteristics of the book

Date written: 2002
Date of translation: 2003
Name: Reaching the maximum. 12 principles

Volume: 310 pages.
ISBN: 978-985-15-2601-3, 978-985-15-3020-1
Translator: P. A. Samsonov
Copyright holder: Potpourri

Key ideas from the book “Achieving Your Maximum”:

"Good health"

Being healthy and full of energy is natural and normal condition your body. If this is not the case, then mistakes have crept into your lifestyle. Physical body it is designed in such a way that as soon as you stop doing things that are not useful for it, it itself begins to quickly regenerate and become healthier.

Visualize yourself already having excellent health, move towards it slowly, step by step. Someone famously said: “To reach a goal quickly means to move towards it slowly but continuously.”

Maximizing functionality your body, you will triple your performance and be able to achieve significantly greater success with less stress.

“Set goals to achieve the maximum”

The need for a meaningful, purposeful life is very important to a sense of inner well-being. Only by moving day by day towards what is of great value to you can you experience the taste of true happiness. Reflect on what achievements and how your work brings you the greatest joy. Remember what activities you were involved in during those times when you were truly happy.

Life without a goal is like sailing without a compass or a helm, with a constant risk of hitting rocks and no chance of getting where you need to go.

A person is identical to his goals. His life is predetermined by them.

The truth is that to achieve the maximum you have to pay a certain price. The price of effort. Before you can begin to reap a rich harvest, you need to sow the seeds and for a long time look after them. You will have to work hard and also learn to wait patiently before you can see and then enjoy the fruits. This is the law.

“Use the power of habit to achieve maximum results”

Most of people's actions are the result of long-established habits. How you act in every area of ​​your life depends on your past experiences with early childhood. Ultimately, almost all of your actions are habitual habits that you can consciously change if you choose.

Old patterns of behavior are the main obstacles to achieving your maximum potential.

The law of habit is a very important psychological principle. He explains what is inherent in us and the difficulties we face in wanting to change. This is a certain kind of mental homeostasis - constancy internal environment body.

Established habits are only good when they serve you, make you happier and more effective. If, on the contrary, they are obstacles, then it’s time to change them, either by partially modifying them, or by completely replacing them with new ones.

Of all the huge set of habits, the most important are mental ones. As they say, “change the way you think and you will change your life.”

Remember the important idea: bad habits easy to form, but difficult to live with; good habits are a little more difficult to form, but they are more pleasant to live with.

“Achieve your maximum using the power of visualization”

To fill your subconscious with positive thoughts and images of your desired future, I advise you to use the visualization technique. This is one of the most effective self-transformation techniques known to me.

Visualization has four characteristics:

  1. Frequency of application. Successful people constantly visualize the future results they want to achieve. They replay these pictures in their heads over and over again. Every day. Many times.
  2. Clarity (clarity) of images.
  3. The intensity of the images is full of positive emotions and feelings.
  4. Duration. Those. how long the mental image is retained in consciousness. The longer, the higher the likelihood of its real implementation.

With a keen ability to visualize clear pictures of the future, successful people achieve maximum results much more easily than others wherever they want.

"Strategy of continuous action to achieve maximum"

By clearly articulating your goals, making plans accordingly, and making a firm decision to never give up until your goals are achieved, I suggest you use a method I call the “strategy of continuous action.”

Do a few things every day that bring you closer to your goal. It doesn’t have to be a lot of things, two or three are enough, but significant ones. Such a work schedule will constantly maintain momentum in the desired direction.

"Control your emotions"

Your task is to become a person with high level stress resistance and developed ability to achievements. Without this, high achievements are impossible. Maximum self-realization requires using your ability to think rationally and control your own emotional states.

Try practicing the substitution method. Intentionally think only about positive things, strictly optimistic and constructive. When you consciously choose a positive thought, you can no longer think a negative thought at the same time.

Repeat often: “I like myself”, “I like myself”, “I am disciplined and successful man».

Reaching the Maximum - Brian Tracy (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

Finally, I suggest you watch an interesting video:


Writing a book is incredibly difficult, especially if you've never done anything like it before. It requires years of research and experience, followed by months, if not years, of writing and rewriting. This book is the result of many hours I have spent teaching seminars, and is based on many ideas and observations from thousands of people with whom I have had the pleasure of working over time.

My whole life is a long continuous process of personal and professional development, including reading thousands of books and articles, studying audio recordings for many hours, attending countless courses and seminars. As Tennyson said in his poem Ulysses, “I am a part of all that I have come to know.” I have been influenced by more people than I care to remember, and I want to thank at least a few of them for making this book possible.

First, I would like to thank the many wonderful people who have attended my seminars and lectures over the years that I have taught them. Their insights, observations and personal experiences were invaluable to me and were useful in writing this book. Those whom I do not mention here will understand that this is about them. And I want them to know that my gratitude to them knows no bounds!

I am especially grateful to the late John Boyle for opening my eyes to the role of reason in determining everything that happens to us. I am grateful to Earl Nightingale for his wonderful insights into the potential of the average person, and to Denis Whately for summarizing the principles of success in his audio course, The Psychology of Winning. Many great thinkers, writers, and speakers, such as Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Tom Petere, as well as Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer, have had significant influences in shaping my ideas.

I am especially grateful to my friends at the Nightingale-Conant Corporation, Vic Conant, Kevin McEnealy, Mike Willbond, and Jill Schechter, who worked with me for many years and provided excellent quality audio recordings of my ideas.

I am very grateful to my seminar sponsors, John Hammond, Dan Bratland, Jim Kaufman, and Suanne Sandage, who have made the principles in this book available to thousands of seminar participants over the years in nearly every major city in North America.

There were (and are) people in my company before and now who have provided me with immeasurable help. My heartfelt thanks to Victor Riesling, who worked with me for many years, dedicated himself to his work, and made a significant contribution to my career in its early stages. I thank my friend and business partner Michael Wolfe, my marketing director Donna Villerilli, and my assistants and secretaries Mavis Hancock and Shirley Whetstone—without their help in typesetting this book, this book would never have been completed.

I thank my friends at Simon & Schuster, especially editor Bob Bender, for their support and inspiration in preparing the manuscript; without them, this book would not have been published. Perhaps the most important person in this entire process was Margaret McBride, my literary agent, whose belief in me and my strengths was the spark that ignited me, inspiring me to write this book more than anything else. Thank you, Margaret.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in life is that no one ever does anything alone. We depend on others for absolutely everything. There are so many more I'd like to thank, but there's simply not enough space to do so, so I'll end this section by thanking my wonderful wife, Barbara, for everything, and especially for being so patient with me throughout the months I spent working on the book. , and also to my dear children, Christina, Michael, David and Katerina, for whom I constantly did not have enough time. I promise to make it up to you.


This book is lovingly dedicated to my wonderful wife, Barbara,

to the best friend, wife, mother and colleague I could ever ask for.

God bless you, thank you for everything.

You made me a happy person.

The system you learn can change your whole life. This book offers a unique synthesis of ideas, methods and techniques, organized for the first time in one source. The individual components of the system are, of course, not new. For centuries, humanity has been teaching and retraining them anew. These principles and practices have been tried and tested by millions of men and women, and the greatest successes are based on them.

By integrating these ideas and techniques into your daily life, you will become happier, healthier, and have more self-confidence. You will experience a great sense of strength, confidence and purpose. Your orientation will become positive, you will be more focused on your goals and gain the ability to achieve them. You will be able to communicate more successfully with people who play an important role in your life. You will achieve great success in your career and feel great about yourself.

You will learn how to release the greatest untapped reserves of your own hidden potential. By completing the exercises that accompany each chapter, you will receive results directly proportional to the effort expended. Your whole life will become a single highway of success, achievement and more happiness than you have ever known.

If you use a simple analogy, you can imagine life in the form of a lock with a digital code, only the number of digits here will be much larger. By entering the correct code in the correct sequence, you will open the lock. This is not a miracle; it has nothing to do with luck. It doesn't matter who you are, only the right combination is important. In the same way, there is a suitable combination of thoughts and actions that will allow you to achieve almost anything you want, and this combination can be found if you just look.

Health, wealth, happiness, success and peace of mind - all obey the same principle. By taking the right actions in the right way, you will get the desired result. If you can determine exactly what you want, you can find out how others have achieved the same thing before you. If you then do what they did, you will get exactly the same results.

This secret to success is so simple that many people overlook it. You can get anything you want if you really want it and if you are willing to work long enough and persistently to achieve what others have previously had to do to achieve the same goal.