Removing the victim from the water. In case of white asphyxia

Summer is a long-awaited time for many, but it is in summer that situations occur that are dangerous best case scenario allows you to get rid of it later with fear, and in the worst case it even leads to death; drowning, in fact, is one of such situations. First medical aid for drowning, provided promptly and competently, can save a person’s life, and this, as you can guess, is by no means an exaggeration.

A man is drowning: what happens to him?

At the moment when a person drowns, water enters through the upper Airways, which in turn pushes air out. Therefore, the first event in drowning is laryngospasm, that is, a spasm of the vocal folds, resulting in the closure of the path to the trachea while breathing stops. This type of flooding is defined as "dry flooding".

If the victim remains in the water for too long and if a significant volume of liquid enters his respiratory tract, oxygen starvation occurs. This, in turn, leads to the exclusion of the possibility of a vital reflex, which in this case is stopping breathing, and therefore a drowning person simply “inhales” water, which subsequently ends up in his lungs. Absence of the first medical care In case of drowning, it can cause the death of the victim before rescuers arrive at the scene.

The difference between sea and fresh water

Undoubtedly, it exists, no matter how you look at it. Thus, when more than one liter of water enters the human body, a number of its functions are disrupted, which is relevant regardless of the water options under consideration.

If fresh water enters the body, it appears in the blood. This, in turn, leads to a change in its composition, which is especially reflected in the amount of protein and salt. In turn, this leads to trembling of the ventricles of the heart, and a kind of “rupture” occurs.

In front of the assembled sea ​​water in the lungs, blood plasma enters the pulmonary alveoli followed by accumulation there. Subsequently this leads to.

Regardless of what kind of water is in the human body, its presence in it during such manifestations has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the victim and is dangerous for his life.

In case of severe overheating in the sun, overeating, or fatigue, you should refrain from swimming for a while. The point is that the jump into cold water can lead to so-called reflex cardiac arrest, which can cause sudden death.

Providing first aid in case of drowning is very complicated by the fact that resuscitation measures cannot be started on the spot - the victim must first be taken to shore, and this wastes precious seconds.

The first thing to do in case of drowning is to call doctors to the scene of the incident, and then swim for the drowning person.

In this case, you will save time, and the victim will receive immediate and professional help.

Types of drowning and their main characteristics

Here you can familiarize yourself with the types of drowning, their characteristics and the rules for providing assistance to the victim.

Drowning is death from hypoxia, which occurs as a result of the occlusion of the respiratory tract by a liquid, most often water.

Drowning is most often caused by violation of the rules of behavior on the water, fatigue, injuries when diving, riding on thin ice, alcohol intoxication, abrupt change temperatures when immersed in water after overheating in the sun and more.

A doctor or rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is best able to professionally determine the type of drowning, provide assistance on the spot and, if necessary, carry out further resuscitation measures. But how to provide assistance in case of drowning if doctors or rescuers have not yet arrived at the scene?

There are 3 types of drowning:

  • true (aspiration)
  • dry
  • syncope

The main characteristics of the types of drowning are as follows.

In true drowning, water fills the airways and lungs, leading to oxygen starvation and death. In the case of dry drowning, when water enters the upper respiratory tract, a spasm occurs vocal cords, the path to the trachea is closed and water does not enter the lungs. As a result, fainting occurs and breathing stops. In syncopal drowning, the cause of death of the victim is a sudden cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest.

If more than 1 liter of water gets into a person’s lungs, then depending on the type of water, various disturbances in body functions occur. As a result of drowning in fresh water, a large amount of liquid enters the bloodstream through the lungs, which leads to blood thinning, “rupture” of red blood cells, and disruption of ionic balance. As a result, tremors of the ventricles of the heart and cessation of cardiac activity are observed.

Sea water, being, in fact, hypertonic solution, does not penetrate from the lungs into the blood, but causes pulmonary edema due to the accumulation of blood plasma in the alveoli of the lungs.

What to do in case of drowning: the main stages of assistance

Regardless of the type of drowning, first aid should be provided in the following order:

  • call " ambulance»
  • pull the victim out of the water
  • if necessary, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions

When saving a drowning person, you cannot immediately jump into an unfamiliar body of water. The rescuer must not risk his life. You must enter the water slowly. Try to determine in advance where it is best to pull the victim ashore. If an accident occurs on the river, try to hold on to a rope or a long branch, the end of which will be in the hands of an assistant on the shore. If the drowning person is conscious, then, having swum, it is necessary to calm him down.

When removing a drowning person from the water, you need to be careful. You should approach it from behind to avoid grabs, which can sometimes be difficult to free yourself from.

One of the effective techniques that allows you to get rid of such a convulsive embrace is immersion with a drowning person in water. In such circumstances, trying to stay on the surface, the drowning person will let go of the rescuer. Grabbing the drowning person by the hair or under the armpits, you need to turn the drowning person face up and swim to the shore.

First aid rules for drowning

Before providing first aid for drowning, remember the following rules.

According to the rules of first aid for drowning, after delivering a drowning person to the shore, you need to assess his condition. If the victim is conscious, has a satisfactory pulse and is breathing, then when providing first aid for drowning, it is enough to lay him on a dry hard surface so that his head is low, then undress, rub him with his hands or a dry towel.

One of the main stages of assisting with drowning in this case is to give the victim a hot drink, wrap him in a warm blanket and let him rest.

If the victim is unconscious when removed from the water, but his cardiac activity remains, it is necessary to begin artificial respiration as quickly as possible. If the victim has no breathing or cardiac activity during treatment emergency care In case of drowning, artificial respiration must be combined with closed cardiac massage.

To remove water from the trachea and bronchi, the victim is placed with his stomach on the bent knee of the person providing assistance so that the head is lower chest, and with sharp jerking movements squeeze side surfaces chest. These manipulations should not take more than 10-15 seconds, so as not to delay artificial respiration. Next, mucus, vomit, algae and other foreign objects are removed from the oral cavity with a piece of cloth.

After the airways are cleared of water, the victim is placed on a flat surface and, if there is no breathing, artificial respiration is started. In the absence of cardiac activity, it is necessary to simultaneously perform external cardiac massage.

After spontaneous breathing and a stable pulse appear, it is better to place the victim in a lateral position. It is very important to warm the victim, rub his body and limbs, and give him hot tea.

Another rule for providing first aid for drowning is mandatory hospitalization in a hospital, since within 15-72 hours after rescue there is a danger of developing acute respiratory failure, feelings of shortness of breath, hemoptysis, agitation and increased heart rate.

With timely and correct first aid, a drowned person can be saved. In the first minute after drowning in water, more than 90% of victims can be saved, after 6-7 minutes - only about 1-3%.

Photos “Help for Drowning” will help you better understand how to properly carry out resuscitation measures:

Today I want to continue the topic summer holiday, but with a bias about water.

Of course, I would like the essence of the article to be as easy as its beginning, but, unfortunately, it will not work out that way. Because the sun is getting hotter. Water in the sea and other bodies of water is warming up. The number of picnics is increasing. The temperature in the body of many people rises, and sanity often fades into the background. The result is drowning. Moreover, as statistics and news reports show, people, despite all the warnings and others preventive measures, all also continue to sink. The reason in most cases is heat, alcohol, water - convulsion, loss of consciousness...

Our mind can replace the ellipsis in the previous paragraph with “drowned man,” but I want to replace them with “saved person,” who next time will be more conscious about the issue of his own safety on the water.

Let's consider, dear readers, how can we help in a situation when a person begins to drown and needs the help of another person. Moreover, after pulling a person out of the water, it is also necessary to provide him with first aid. So…

Help for a drowning person. What to do?

If you see a drowning person, no matter how trite it sounds, you must:

1. Pull a person out of the water;
2. Call an ambulance;
3. Provide him with pre-medical care.

These 3 points, if performed correctly and quickly, are actually the key to a successful completion of the situation. Delays are not allowed!

1. We pull a drowning person out of the water

A drowning person in most cases panics, does not hear words, and does not understand what is happening. He grabs onto everything he can and thereby becomes dangerous for the person who wants to save him.

If a person is conscious

To pull a person out of the water, if he is conscious, throw him a floating object - an inflatable ball, board, rope, etc. so that he can grab onto it and calm down. This way you can easily pull it out.

If the person is unconscious or exhausted:

1. While still on the shore, get as close to the drowning person as possible. Be sure to take off your shoes, excess clothes (or at least heavy ones), and empty your pockets. Jump into the water and approach the drowning man.

2. If the person has already gone under water, dive after him and try to see him or feel him.

3. Once you find the person, turn him over onto his back. If the drowning person starts to grab onto you, quickly get rid of his grip:

- if a drowning person grabs you by the neck or torso, then grab him by the lower back with one hand, and with the other hand push his head away, resting on his chin;
- if you grab the hand, then twist it and pull it out of the hands of the drowning person.

If such methods do not help get rid of the grip, then take air into your lungs and dive, the drowning person will change the grip, and you can free yourself from it at that time.

Try to act calmly and do not show cruelty to the drowning person.

4. Transport the drowning person to shore. There are several methods for this:

- being from behind, clasp your chin with your palms on both sides and row your feet towards the shore;
- stick your left hand under the armpit of the drowning man's left hand, at the same time, grab his wrist with your left hand right hand, row with your feet and one hand;
- take the victim’s hair with your hand and place his head on your forearm, row with your feet and one hand.

2. First aid for a drowning person (First aid)

When you have pulled the victim ashore, urgently call an ambulance and begin immediately providing him with first aid.

1. Get down on one knee next to the injured person. Place him on your knee, belly down, and open his mouth. At the same time, press with your hands on his back so that the water he swallowed flows out of him. The victim may experience and - this is normal.

If a person is semi-conscious and begins to vomit, do not allow them to lie on their back, otherwise they may choke on the vomit. If necessary, help remove it from oral cavity vomit, mud or other substances that interfere with normal breathing.

2. Lay the victim on his back and remove any excess clothing. Place something under his head to raise it a little. To do this, you can use his own clothes, rolled into a roller, or your knees.

3. If a person does not breathe for 1-2 minutes, it can be fatal.

Signs of cardiac arrest are: absence of pulse, breathing, dilated pupils.

If these signs are present, immediately begin to take resuscitation measures - do “mouth to mouth” and.

Take a deep breath into your lungs, pinch the victim's nose, bring your mouth close to the victim's mouth and exhale. It is necessary to make 1 exhalation every 4 seconds (15 exhalations per minute).

Place your palms on top of each other on the victim's chest, between his nipples. In pauses between exhalations (during artificial respiration), do 4 rhythmic presses. Press on the chest quite firmly so that the sternum moves down by about 4-5 cm, but no more, so as not to aggravate the situation and further harm the person.

If the injured person is elderly, then the pressure should be gentle. If the victim is a child, apply pressure not with your palm, but with your fingers.

Perform artificial respiration and chest compressions until the person comes to his senses. Don't give up and don't give up. There have been cases when a person came to his senses even after an hour of such measures.

It is most convenient for two people to resuscitate, so that one does artificial respiration, and the other.

4. After breathing has been restored, until the ambulance arrives, place the person on his side so that he is lying steadily, cover him and keep him warm.

If the ambulance cannot arrive, but you have a car, complete all the above points in the car while driving to the nearest medical facility.

May the Lord protect us all, dear readers, from such situations.

Help a drowning man - video

Due to the fact that swimming in pools, water parks and various reservoirs has become more accessible, Lately Accidents on the water have become more frequent. This certain type mechanical suffocation or death caused by the filling of the lungs with fluid. It is very important to know the causes, signs and types of drowning: first aid directly depends on these factors.

What can cause drowning?

Many people think that the main reason for an emergency on the water is the inability to swim. But it is not so. As a rule, those who begin to remain insecure on the surface, afraid and lose control over the situation, begin to scream loudly and wave their arms, thanks to which they can be saved in time. But there are cases when drowning occurs almost unnoticed by others, and it is caused by other factors. For example:

  • a person may not calculate his capabilities due to intoxication (caused by alcohol or drugs). 80% of cases deaths drownings are associated precisely with this factor;
  • some people get sucked into whirlpools or strong currents, with which they cannot fight;
  • man got severe bruise when falling flat on the surface or when hitting the bottom and underwater rocks. In this case, anything can happen: concussion, loss of consciousness, fracture of the spine or limbs, etc.
  • when diving to depth, the equipment malfunctioned, the oxygen in the cylinders ran out, oxygen poisoning occurred, or decompression sickness developed. It happens that due to sudden immersion and pressure changes, the liver, spleen or other internal organs;
  • if the water is very cold, convulsions, circulatory arrest, epileptic seizures, and cerebral hemorrhages may occur, which impedes movement and sometimes leads to fainting.

Depending on the reasons, types, signs and, as a result, the first first aid when drowning.

Types of drowning

Types of drowning can be divided mainly into three categories.

Aspiration or “wet” drowning(or otherwise true) occurs when water enters the victim’s respiratory tract and fills the lungs. Then it passes into the alveoli, and if the capillaries begin to burst under the pressure of the liquid, it penetrates the blood. This type Drowning is considered the most common (up to 35% of cases), and is divided into three stages:

  1. Elementary. A drowning person remains conscious, makes voluntary movements, and is able to hold his breath when immersed in water. Those rescued during this period may not show signs of drowning or may be limited to bloating (as the person swallows a lot of water) and chills, even if the water was warm;
  2. Agonal. The victim loses consciousness, but breathing and pulse remain, becoming slower. Reflexes are sluggish, but present;
  3. Clinical death. At this stage, the heartbeat stops and the pupils do not react to light, remaining dilated.

The second type is called “dry” or false/asphyxial drowning. It occurs when there is a spasm of the glottis, which prevents fluid from entering the lungs. Often this condition is caused by intoxication, sudden fright, hitting the stomach or head on the water surface. In most cases, a drowning person loses consciousness, and if asphyxia continues under water for a long time, it turns into clinical death, in which water gradually pours into the respiratory tract, which is much more dangerous.

Syncopal drowning occurs less frequently, in 10% of cases. As a rule, its victims are more often women and children, who begin to suddenly panic, losing control of the situation, or simply freeze very much in cold water. With such drowning, the heart and breathing reflexively stop. However, experienced swimmers, who may develop unstable cardiodynamics, are not immune from it. There is no motor activity, only rare convulsive sighs can be observed. At average water temperature, clinical death lasts within 6 minutes, and in ice water this period increases significantly. There have been cases when it was possible to rescue people from cold water who had been at the bottom for 30-40 minutes!

Signs of drowning by type

You can recognize that a person is starting to drown by the following signs:

  • The person tries to turn on his back or throws his head back to take a breath;
  • Smooth breathing gives way to convulsive breathing with sharp breaths;
  • Before diving, the head is kept low to the water, the mouth is already submerged;
  • The person is in a vertical position, but does not move his legs, trying to help himself with sharp swings of his arms;
  • A person does not try to straighten his hair if it gets in the way and hangs over his eyes;
  • The look becomes empty, "glassy".

In case of true drowning, a person experiences a lot of foamy discharge near the mouth and nose, chills and weakness. If they managed to pull him out during the first stage, then he has intermittent breathing, which is accompanied by coughing attacks, and his heartbeat can change from fast to slow. The upper abdomen is swollen due to swallowing large amounts of water, and vomiting is possible. After drowning, the patient has long period Dizziness may persist headache and cough.

At the second stage of true drowning, the victim’s skin becomes bluish and the foam at the mouth becomes pinkish. The jaws are tightly clenched, and there is practically no movement. There is an arrhythmia of the heartbeat, and the pulsation can only be felt on the femoral and carotid arteries. Sometimes show signs high blood pressure in the veins - their swelling on the neck and forearms.

In asphyxial drowning, water entering the mouth and larynx causes laryngospasm, causing the airways to close. Foam also accumulates at the mouth, and the skin turns blue. Arterial pulsation is almost absent; it can only be distinguished in the carotid and femoral arteries. This type of drowning is quite difficult to distinguish from the first one if the victim has no injuries. However, in this case it is much more difficult to perform artificial respiration due to laryngospasm of the larynx.

Unlike the two types listed above, with syncope drowning, the skin, on the contrary, turns pale due to spasm of the peripheral vessels. Fluid does not leave the lungs, and breathing may be completely absent. Foamy discharge near the mouth and nose is not observed.

First aid rules

The sooner a drowning person receives pre-medical care, the higher his chances of recovery!

Before starting resuscitation measures, the person must be pulled out of the water. To do this, the rescuer swims up to him from behind, grabs him under his arms and brings him to horizontal position and then swims towards the shore. Many victims of drowning begin to reflexively grab the person saving them with their hands, which is why they pull him to the bottom. For a person to open his hands, you need to do deep breath and go under the water, then the grip will loosen.

Depending on the type of drowning, you need to choose different tactics provision of first aid. With "wet" drowning, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Remove water from the respiratory tract. To do this, place the person with their stomach down on their thigh, which will cause the body to bend. Apply pressure to the lower chest and upper abdomen while patting his back. This will help fluid out of the abdomen and lungs;
  2. Remove wet clothes, wrap the victim in a blanket. If he is conscious and not very sick, give him a hot drink. Even in warm water drowning people are very cold;
  3. Call an ambulance, make sure that the heartbeat is not intermittent and breathing is restored.

In case of false and syncope drowning, there is no need to remove water from the lungs if the person has not yet reached the stage clinical death. The following is done:

  1. Water can be removed from the stomach and lungs by the method described above;
  2. It is necessary to do artificial respiration. To do this, a finger, previously wrapped in a rag or bandage, is inserted into the mouth to clean it of all excess. If a spasm occurs and the jaws do not unclench, you need to insert a mouth opener or any other metal object. Then the patient is placed on the ground, his head is tilted back, one hand is placed on his forehead, the other on his neck. After this, the rescuer presses his mouth tightly against the victim’s mouth or nose and begins intense inhalations and exhalations. Continue artificial ventilation the lungs stand until the person fully comes to his senses and begins to breathe on his own;
  3. This measure can be combined with indirect massage hearts. To do this, the rescuer places his hands perpendicular to the drowned person’s sternum and makes 60-70 sharp pushes per minute. If everything is done correctly, blood will begin to flow from the ventricles into the vessels.

If one person saves a drowned person, then he can alternate between the second and third stages. For example, do one blow and 4-5 pushes on the heart.

As a rule, if first aid was provided within 4-6 minutes after drowning, the victim has every chance of a full recovery.

After providing first aid, you need to call a doctor, because even if the victim feels well, he may have secondary drowning. In addition, within 7-10 days after the incident there is a risk of colds, pneumonia, circulatory problems and pulmonary edema.

There are three types of drowning. Drowning can be primary wet, dry or secondary. In addition to drowning, death in water sometimes occurs due to various injuries, heart diseases, brain disorders and so on.

Drowning is possible under a variety of circumstances:

1. From an injury received in water.
2. In case of sudden cardiac arrest.
3. In case of cerebrovascular accident.
4. Spasm of the larynx and inability to inhale and exhale:
- because of fear;
- sharp when suddenly entering very cold water.

Types of drowning.

Primary (true) drowning.

This is the most common type of drowning. A drowning person does not immediately plunge into the water, but tries to stay on the surface; in panic, he begins to make feverish and erratic movements with his arms and legs. It is the most common type of accident on the water.

With it, fluid enters the respiratory tract and lungs, and then enters the blood. When a drowning person inhales, he swallows a large amount of water, which fills the stomach and enters the lungs. The person loses consciousness and sinks to the bottom. Oxygen starvation- hypoxia - gives the skin bluish color therefore this type of drowning is also called "blue".

When victims drown in fresh water, the blood quickly becomes diluted with water, the total volume of circulating blood increases, red blood cells are destroyed, and the balance of salts in the body is disrupted. As a result, the oxygen content in the blood drops sharply. After rescuing a drowning person and providing him with first aid, the phenomenon of pulmonary edema is often noted, in which mouth goes bloody foam.

Drowning in sea water has a very different effect on the victim’s body than drowning in fresh water. Sea water has a higher salt concentration than human blood plasma. As a result of sea water entering the human body, the amount of salts in the blood increases and its thickening develops. In case of true drowning in sea water, pulmonary edema quickly develops, and white “fluffy” foam is released from the mouth.

"Dry" drowning.

Also occurs quite often. With this type of drowning, a reflex spasm of the glottis occurs. Water does not enter the lower respiratory tract, but suffocation occurs. This usually occurs in children and women, and also when the victim gets into dirty or chlorinated water. In such a drowning, the water in large quantities enters the stomach.

Secondary or "pale" drowning.

Occurs due to cardiac arrest when the victim falls into cold water, which is called ice cold. This is based on the body’s reflex reaction to water entering the windpipe or in the ear when there is damage eardrum. Secondary drowning is characterized by pronounced spasm of peripheral blood vessels. Pulmonary edema, as a rule, does not develop. Such drownings occur when a person does not try or cannot fight for his life and quickly goes to the bottom.

This often happens during shipwrecks at sea, capsizes of boats, rafts, when a person is immersed in water in a state of panic fear. If the water is also cold, this can lead to irritation of the pharynx and larynx, which in turn often leads to sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest. This type of drowning can also occur if a person in the water has a head injury or has already fallen into the water with one. In this case, a rapid loss of consciousness occurs. The skin is characterized by increased pallor, hence the name of the type.

Rescue of drowning people.

When rescuing a drowning person, you should not grab him by the hair or head. The most reliable and safe way- grab him under the armpits, turn his back to you and swim to the shore, trying to keep the victim’s head above the water.

Condition of drowning victims.

It is associated with the duration of being under water, the type of drowning and the degree of cooling of the body. In mild cases, consciousness is preserved, but agitation, trembling, and repeated vomiting are noted. With a prolonged stay in water, with true or “dry” drowning, consciousness is impaired or completely absent, the victims are very excited, there may be convulsions, and the skin is bluish. In case of secondary drowning, pronounced pallor of the skin is noted, the pupils are dilated. The victims have bubbling, rapid breathing.

When drowning in sea water, pulmonary edema quickly develops and the heart rate increases. When drowning is prolonged and secondary, the victim can be removed from the water in a state of clinical or biological death. True drowning in fresh water can be complicated by impaired kidney function in the form of blood in the urine. During the first 24 hours, pneumonia may occur. With pronounced breakdown of red blood cells in the body, acute renal failure develops.

Emergency assistance for drowning.

Regardless of the type of drowning, assistance must be provided immediately, otherwise irreversible changes brain In case of true drowning, this occurs within 4-5 minutes, in other cases after 10-12 minutes. First aid on shore will be different for blue and pale drowning. In the first case, it is necessary first of all to quickly remove water from the respiratory tract. To do this, standing on one knee, place the victim on the bent second leg so that the lower part of the chest rests on it, and top part the torso and head hung down.

After this, you need to open the victim’s mouth with one hand, and with the other pat him on the back or gently press on the ribs from the back. These steps must be repeated until the rapid flow of water stops. Then perform artificial respiration and indoor massage hearts. In case of pale type of drowning, artificial respiration is needed immediately, and in case of cardiac arrest - closed massage. Sometimes in the airways of a drowned person there are large foreign bodies, which get stuck in the larynx, as a result of which the airways become obstructed or a persistent spasm of the glottis develops. In this case, a tracheostomy is performed.

In any type of drowning, it is strictly forbidden to turn the victim’s head, as this can cause additional injury and a possible spinal fracture. To prevent the head from moving, place cushions of tightly twisted clothing on both sides, and if necessary, turn the victim over, while one of those providing assistance should support the head, preventing it from moving on its own.

Resuscitation, in particular artificial respiration, must be continued even if the victim begins to breathe spontaneously, but there are signs of pulmonary edema. Artificial respiration carried out even when the victim has a breathing disorder (i.e., its frequency is more than 40 per 1 minute, irregular breathing and sudden blueness skin). If breathing is preserved, then the patient should be allowed to breathe in vapors. ammonia. If the rescue of the victim was successful, but he is feeling chills, you need to rub his skin and wrap him in warm, dry blankets. You can not use heating pads in the absence or violation of consciousness.

In severe types of drowning, the victim must be taken to the intensive care unit. During transportation, artificial ventilation of the lungs should be continued. emergency doctor or intensive care unit hospital in case of impaired breathing and pulmonary edema in the victim, administers breathing tube into the trachea and its connection to a device or ventilator.

First, a probe is inserted into the victim's stomach. This will prevent stomach contents from entering the respiratory tract. The patient must be transported in a position lying on his side, with the headrest of the stretcher lowered. It is dangerous to stop artificial ventilation prematurely. Even if a person develops independent breathing movements, this does not mean restoring normal breathing, especially with pulmonary edema.

When drowning in fresh water, a victim in a hospital with sudden blueness and swelling of the neck veins is sometimes bled. In case of pronounced breakdown of red blood cells, sodium bicarbonate solution, red blood cell mass, and blood plasma are transfused intravenously. To reduce swelling, diuretics, such as furosemide, are administered. A decrease in protein levels in the body is an indication for transfusion of concentrated albumin.

With the development of pulmonary edema against the background arterial hypertension 2.5% benzohexonium solution or 5% pentamine solution, glucose solutions are administered intravenously. Large doses of hormones are used: hydrocortisone or prednisolone. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent pneumonia. To calm motor agitation, 20% sodium hydroxybutyrate solutions, 0.005% fentanyl solution or 0.25% droperidol solution are administered intravenously.

Based on materials from the book " Quick help in emergency situations."
Kashin S.P.