How is International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebrated? Day of the Disabled: changes for the better When is the Day of the Disabled in the year.

The UN General Assembly in 1992, at its 47th session, in a special resolution proclaimed December 3 International Day disabled people and called on all states and international organizations to cooperate in celebrating this day. Currently, over 650 million people or 10% of the world's population have various forms of disability.

There are approximately one billion people with disabilities in the world (about 15% of the world's population), all of whom face physical, socioeconomic and behavioral barriers that exclude them from full, effective and equal participation in society.

According to the UN, they make up a disproportionate share of the world's poorest people and lack equal access to basic resources such as education, employment, health care and social and legal support systems.

Therefore, holding on December 3 International Day people with disabilities is aimed at drawing attention to the problems of people with disabilities, protecting their dignity, rights and well-being, and attracting the attention of society to the benefits that it receives from the participation of people with disabilities in political, social, economic and cultural life.

The goals for which this day was proclaimed are full and equal respect for human rights and the participation of people with disabilities in the life of society. These goals were set in the World Program of Action regarding Disabled Persons, adopted by the General Assembly in 1982. Every year, events held as part of of this Day, dedicated to a specific topic.

One of the main directions of the socio-economic policy of our state is to ensure a high standard of quality of life, to create the conditions necessary to improve the standard of living and well-being of the country's population, including people with disabilities.

It should be noted that in some countries, persons with disabilities are provided with assistance to start their own business, and preferential taxation is applied to the employer.

Thus, in the USA, companies that employ disabled people have tax benefits, including South Korea such companies are provided with government subsidies.

In Poland, up to 75% of an employer’s expenses for training a disabled person are reimbursed from funds State Fund rehabilitation of disabled people.

In Germany, Poland, Croatia, and Austria, there is a practice of creating employment funds for people with disabilities through fines for failure to meet the quota for the employment of people with disabilities.

IN Russian Federation Since 2010, in order to stimulate the hiring of people with disabilities and the creation of special jobs for them, employers have been reimbursed for the costs of equipping special workplaces for employing people with disabilities.

The goals for which this day was proclaimed are full and equal respect for human rights and the participation of people with disabilities in the life of society. These goals were set in the World Program of Action regarding Disabled Persons, adopted by the General Assembly in 1982.

Each year, events held within the framework of this Day are dedicated to a specific topic. So, in different years The theme of the Day was: “Arts, culture and independent living”, “Accessibility for all in the new millennium”, “Full participation and equality: demanding new approaches to measure progress and evaluate results”, “Independent living and sustainable livelihoods”, “ Nothing about us without us”, “Disability rights: action in development”, “Decent work for people with disabilities”, “Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: dignity and justice for us all”, “Remove barriers, open doors: for a society open to everyone”, etc.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated in the first ten days of December. The day was established in 1992 by the UN General Assembly. Traditional events of the Day of People with Disabilities are dedicated to highlighting and solving their pressing problems.

According to World Bank estimates, 20% of the world's poorest people are people with disabilities and require special attention. The overall prevalence of officially recorded disability in the world is already approximately 10%, but in 2016 alone there were more than one billion people on our planet (15 percent of the population) who suffered from various forms disability medical indications and WHO criteria. For example, in the USA, where they are not accustomed to hiding or understating such data, about 19% of the population are people with disabilities. In Ukraine, according to official data for 2013, this figure was 6.1% of the total population. In Russia, Rosstat statistics as of January 1, 2018 showed a figure of 8.2%.

The level of civilization of this society in our world depends on how society treats people who, for one reason or another, find it difficult or impossible to take care of themselves independently, including socially. It is not surprising that in ancient times and even down to modern history the people we now classify as people with disabilities had very little chance of surviving at all. This terrible truth– always and at all times, care for such people was mainly based on sincere good will individuals. What are the chances modern people with disabilities to survive safely without outside help Now? The chances haven't changed, they just don't exist.

They do not demand pity for themselves, because, like no one else, they realized long ago that this is the road to nowhere. They adapt as best they can to the best of their ability. It happened, because any other person could have been in their place. And for their survival, they don’t need anything special, just something basic – the ability to live, live among people, be in society and simply feel like people, like the rest of us. We are all equal before God.

Modern social society finally decided to take a step towards its own civilization. It should be noted that the measures that were taken by the official government structures of many countries, public organizations and the civic position of people who are not indifferent to the problems of disabled people, brought to our civilization those new notes of hope that were previously simply ignored. At the end of the twentieth century, from 1983 to 1992, the United Nations held a kind of “Decade of Disabled Persons”. The time in which our society tried to give itself an answer, to find itself in this problem. The main result of this search was positive changes. They started talking about the problems of people with disabilities, they were translated into active practical solutions, and the rights of people with disabilities began to be enshrined at the legislative level. The work has become systematic. This makes me happy.

According to the project website, at its 47th session in 1992, the UN General Assembly, in special resolution No. A/RES/47/3, proclaimed an annual event of global scale - December 3 became the date of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The goals of this Day were expressed in a separate resolution No. A/RES/47/88, adopted at the same session (based on materials from the website Activities and courses of action for states to which on this Day this esteemed international organization, should be aimed at integrating people with disabilities into full life our society. It is not difficult. This shouldn't be put off. Our civilization depends on this.

On this Day, we join this international initiative and wish everyone who is not indifferent to this problem strength and health, resources and success. By defending the dignity of people with disabilities, we are protecting our human face. Disability is not a death sentence. Practice shows that these people can and do become full-fledged and highly effective members of society, excellent specialists and even politicians, economists, socially active and life-affirming people who inspire many, including completely healthy members of our society.

As a reminder, International Day of the Deaf is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. It is celebrated as part of International Week of the Deaf. November 13 is International Day of the Blind, followed a month earlier by International White Cane Day, which has been held on October 15 since 1969. International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - May 5th.

Don't remain indifferent - they need our support!

It’s difficult to call this date a holiday, but its importance should not be diminished in any way. On the third of December they try to point out to the public the problems of disabled people - people with serious impairments in the functioning of the body. Various physical disabilities, hearing and vision problems, psychological illnesses - the list of diseases that can lead to disability can be continued for a long time. On this day, people try to help protect the rights and freedoms of those who, for some reason, have lost their ability to work.

history of the holiday

Its story began in 1976. Then the UN General Assembly decided to devote the eighties to people with disabilities. For these purposes, an Advisory Council was established, experts developed a program of action and came up with slogans under which the events would be held. In 1982, a plenary meeting was held, during which the interim results of the work were summed up.

In December 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is a human rights instrument focused on social development is both a human rights treaty and a development instrument. The Convention entered into force on May 3, 2008, and its principles of the convention are: respect inherent in man dignity and personal independence; non-discrimination; full and effective involvement and inclusion in society; respect for the characteristics of persons with disabilities and their acceptance as a component of human diversity and part of humanity; equality of opportunity; availability; equality between men and women; respect for the developing abilities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to maintain their individuality. It turned out that after this period, the situation of citizens with disabilities improved significantly, and people began to treat them with greater understanding. When the ten-year program was completed, it was decided to approve the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This date has been celebrated since 1992.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine with their own eyes what life is like for those whom nature or chance have deprived of health, those whom we usually call disabled. But every seventh person living on the planet today is such. A person with disabilities, meanwhile, does not lose either the intelligence characteristic of our species or ordinary human desires and aspirations.

Unfortunately, on his life path many barriers of a very different nature are erected and they are not always due to objective reasons. There is enough prejudice and ignorance, which significantly complicate the lives of people already deprived of their fate. Such a situation cannot be tolerated in a civilized society, and, in connection with this, a special date was established - the Day of Persons with Disabilities.


In 1992, the UN Decade of Persons with Disabilities, which had been going on since 1983, ended. And the General Assembly, by resolution 47\3, established that on December 3 of each year, the “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” will henceforth be celebrated. With a special document, the Assembly called on people all over the world to annually hold events dedicated to this date in order to facilitate the integration of people with disabilities into society and give them the most fulfilling life possible.

The United Nations specifically drew public attention to the glaring fact that people with disabilities make up disproportionately most the poorest people on the planet. It was to eliminate this situation that the discussed memorial date was established. Its celebration is dedicated every year to a new, most relevant topic at the moment.


In Russia, Disabled Persons' Day is marked by many different events.

In official bodies and public organizations Thematic conferences are held on:

  • problems of persons with disabilities;
  • improving measures for their integration into society;
  • improving their living conditions.

Charitable events are also held, including cultural ones - concerts, performances, creative meetings of outstanding creators and performers.

And people with disabilities themselves actively take part in this process - today they try as much as possible to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, organizing sports competitions within the framework of the Paralympic movement and other similar processes.

(International Day of Disabled Persons) was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on October 14, 1992 and is celebrated annually on December 3.

On this day, the Assembly called on UN member states to carry out activities aimed at further integrating people with disabilities into society.

Over the years, the policy towards disabled people has changed: it has gone from conventional care for disabled people in appropriate institutions to education for disabled children and rehabilitation of people who have become disabled already in mature age. Organizations of disabled people, their families and supporters have been created that advocate for improving the living conditions of disabled people. Concepts such as integration and inclusion of persons with disabilities in normal life societies that reflected a growing understanding of the potential capabilities of people with disabilities.

In the late 1960s, in some countries, disability organizations began to develop a new concept of disability, which took into account the close relationship between the limitations experienced by the disabled person, the structure and nature of his environment and the attitude of the population towards the disabled.

At the same time, the problems of people with disabilities are increasingly being highlighted in developing countries. In some of these countries, the percentage of people with disabilities in the total population is very high, and people with disabilities tend to be the poorest people in society.

During its existence, the UN has strived to improve the situation of people with disabilities and their living conditions. In 1971, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, and in 1975, the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 1982, and the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in 1993.

On December 13, 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals in relation to people with disabilities. The Convention entered into force on May 3, 2008.

In September 2012, Russia joined the international convention on the rights of people with disabilities.

On December 3, 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed the federal law"On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues social protection disabled people in connection with the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities." Amendments that relate to the sphere of culture, transport, the judicial system, social protection and healthcare, information and communications, as well as political and electoral rights of people with disabilities. The law, in particular, provides for the creation of a federal register in the Russian Federation disabled people as a national mechanism for personalized assessment of the effectiveness of their rehabilitation.

In 2011, the “Accessible Environment” program began in Russia, designed for five years. The goals of the program are to create conditions for unhindered access to priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and others low mobility groups population; improving the mechanism for providing services in the field of rehabilitation and state system medical and social examination with the aim of integrating disabled people into society.

In October 2015, the Russian government extended the Russian state program "Accessible Environment" for five years - until 2020. In the program: employment services and pedestrian structures are added. Other innovations include increasing the accessibility of preschool, additional, higher education, formerly the program " Accessible environment"covered only schools and institutions of secondary vocational education.

In November 2016, at the congress of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that 44 thousand new jobs have been created for people with disabilities. At the same time, she noticed that in Russia there are still many disabled people who want to engage in labor activity. Only 24% of disabled people in the Russian Federation are of working age.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources