How to make glasses out of paper. Detailed instructions for homemade 3D glasses

Now you will also have the opportunity to watch films with 3D effects, because you can easily make them yourself without purchasing them in a store.

Pictures with stereoscopy appeared not so long ago, but have firmly gained popularity among the population. Three-dimensional paintings, the effect of presence, the ability to immerse yourself in the image - What could be more exciting?

There are three types of such glasses - anaglyph, shutter and polarized. Unfortunately, not all are available for production.

Read also:

Multi-colored lenses

The effect of a three-dimensional image is achieved in anaglyph glasses due to multi-colored lenses - blue and red.

So this is exactly the option we will do today. Although these glasses are of lower reading quality, they are cheaper.

The only thing is: there should be a distance of no more than 5 meters between you and the TV.

To explain briefly, during viewing, each of our eyes, looking into a lens of its own color, sees differently. In the brain, such pictures are combined into one, giving an unusual result.

How to make from scrap materials

Here's what we need to make 3D glasses with our own hands:

  • alcohol markers - blue and red
  • frame from old glasses
  • transparent plastic (you can take a thick folder from office supplies)

If you find the translucent plastic you need in color then consider yourself lucky. Otherwise, you will have to work as a draftsman.

And there should be no problems with glasses frames.

There are no old ones - make them from a thick piece of cardboard or thin plastic (for example, the same folders for papers).

Color filters

Cheapest option- cut plastic bottles or paper folders.

Mark the shape of the lenses based on the old frame or the new one you invented, take a margin of about 0.5 cm. After all, you will be gluing the edges.

Important information! For the right eye you need to color the plastic filter in Blue colour, and for the left - red. It is impossible to confuse, otherwise all efforts are in vain.

If you simply paint the lenses, thin stripes will remain on them.

Ideally, remove the refills from the markers and pour paint onto the plastic. Some craftsmen manage to use ink from an inkjet printer instead of markers.

Let the lenses dry thoroughly.

We insert them into our frame and glue them along the edge with “Moment”.

Now you can watch movies in 3D format! True, the image quality leaves much to be desired.

Polarized glasses

This is a more complex option, but the image quality of these glasses is significantly higher than the previous product.

We need:

  • CD case
  • glycerin or distilled water
  • dye

In the diagram below you will see which parts need to be cut out of plastic.

  • jumper made of opaque material - 1 pc.
  • vertical elements on which lenses are attached - 3 pcs.
  • lower part - 1 piece
  • top part- 1 PC

We make holes in the upper horizontal part, assemble the entire structure, and glue it with Moment glue. The height of the lenses must be the same, otherwise the liquid will leak out.

Draw into the syringe glycerin solution with paint. Fill it inside the lenses. We seal the holes with transparent tape.

This homemade product is heavy and does not fold, but watching a 3D movie in it is a real pleasure.

Modern technologies, modern trends, but the Slavic mentality remains the same. Folk magicians and craftsmen can always find a solution to all sorts of problems. Not long ago, movies appeared in 3D format. There is nothing unusual about this. Everyone knows that Slavic children are better at physics than in the West, so the schoolchildren found how to use Western practice in their own way.

Origins of the 3D format

The 3D format is a three-dimensional image that has long been known to scientists. IN scientific world it is called stereoscopic, that is, one when a person can receive information not only about the height and width of an object, but also about its distance and depth. This all creates the impression of volume and you can see a capacitive image on a flat screen.

Circulation-polarized glasses

The three-dimensional image is conventionally divided into a couple of views. The difference between them is the method of transmitting information. In cinemas, modern films must be watched using circulation-polarized glasses, which adjust the images to each other. At this time, the image displayed on the screen passes through special filters. If the viewer wears circulation-polarized glasses, he will be able to perceive the picture more clearly and succinctly, because they also have filters.

At the same time, if a person wearing these glasses looks at other objects, they will be ordinary. You can also watch movies in 3D without glasses, but the picture will be a little blurry.

Anaglyph glasses

The most simple method To achieve a three-dimensional effect is the use of anaglyph glasses. They will help you view even ordinary static images in 3D format. Naturally, they will not fully convey clarity and contrast, but the perception will be quite adequate.

It takes 30 seconds to a minute for the person and his eyes to get used to these glasses. But they cannot be used for too long, it is better about 0.5 hours, and for children - half or even three times less. Otherwise, the natural perception of colors may be disrupted. If the film lasts about 1.5 hours, then you should take at least 2 breaks.

If you want, you can find many images on the Internet that are designed to be viewed with anaglyph glasses. Often these are pictures of small life forms, such as mosses, insects, etc., as well as photographs from space.

Making 3D glasses at home

First of all, you need ordinary children's plastic glasses, which sell for pennies. Blue and red markers are also needed. However, keep in mind that they must be saturated. You should not be content with buying their shades, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Next, remove the lenses from the glasses, and instead of them, cut out lenses of similar sizes from a transparent hard film (1.5 liter plastic transparent bottles). Also, the starting material can be cases for CD and DVD discs, which are made of transparent plastic. Then evenly color one lens blue and the other red. Remember that the lens opposite the right eye should be blue, and the one opposite the left eye should be red. If you change places, nothing will work.

Our theme new article for handymen - how and from what materials you can do good glasses DIY 3d to watch movies with a 3D effect. In the world of science, the currently popular 3D effect is called stereoscopy, and a three-dimensional image, accordingly, is called stereoscopic. Depending on the method by which the image is transmitted, it can be divided into several types.

You can enjoy watching feature films and animated films using special circulation-polarized glasses. They contain filters, thanks to which human eye can only see one image, created by projecting two images onto each other. It is thanks to this that the required 3D effect is achieved.

Sometimes there are situations when there is no way to buy new 3D glasses in the near future, but you really want to watch a new movie with a 3D effect. In this case, using improvised means, you can make them yourself. At the end of the article you will find several simple master classes that will help you make DIY 3d glasses from scrap and waste materials.

First let's look at the general the principle of making homemade 3D glasses at home. So, you will need transparent thin plastic, for example, a transparent box from music CDs or plastic from a badge, two alcohol-based markers, red and blue. To make one pair of glasses, a front disc cover will be sufficient.

Let's take a closer look at the technology for making 3D glasses at home.
1. Take a square piece of plastic and place it briefly in hot water. This is necessary in order to soften the material and prevent it from breaking when cut. Then use scissors to cut out two ovals and connect them together using a jumper. To prevent unpleasant burrs from remaining along the edges, you should first clean the edges with sandpaper.
2. Take a red marker and evenly paint over the entire left oval of your future glasses, and with a blue marker do similar action with the right oval. To achieve uniform coloring, you should remove the alcohol rod from the marker, squeeze it onto a plastic surface, or carefully apply the paint with a sponge or brush.

3. Wait a while for the surfaces to dry completely and for the alcohol dye to evaporate from the surface of the plastic.
4. To make you feel more It’s comfortable to use these 3D glasses, you can attach a handle to one of the sides, and you will get something like a monocle.
Of course, homemade 3D glasses will differ significantly from factory ones, but even they will help you enjoy watching three-dimensional 3D films.

How to make 3D glasses with your own hands from waste material (multi-colored candy wrappers and a piece of cardboard or a sheet of thick paper). Master Class

We make 3D glasses with our own hands. Master class with photos of work stages. (Click on the image to expand it)

Due to the growing popularity of VR technologies, many people want to join them. Today there are many different variations and models of devices on sale in different price categories. However, some users, out of curiosity or to save money, wonder how to make glasses virtual reality do it yourself from cardboard or plastic (which is more difficult)?

This option is suitable, first of all, for those who have a modern smartphone with a large screen and a built-in set of sensors (more about the required sensors below). According to statistics, a considerable part of the world’s population uses such devices. Thus, with insignificant monetary and certain time costs, the user can make excellent three-dimensional glasses with his own hands. We will look at what is needed for this and how all the parts are assembled below.

An interesting point is that even Google produces and distributes a simplified design made of cardboard and simple lenses, called Cardboard. Their VR glasses, even in a similar design, are available in several versions that are not difficult to replicate at home.

Moreover, the company itself has made all the necessary information publicly available.

Thus, there is no need to talk about the relevance of the issue under consideration.

What you need to assemble VR glasses at home

Before worrying about the materials and components of future glasses, you should make sure that your smartphone is compatible with the technology. The phone settings should ensure comfortable work with 3D films, games and other virtual reality projects.

Suitable for such purposes, for example:

  • Android 4.1 JellyBean or better
  • iOS 7 or higher
  • Windows Phone 7.0 and so on

The screen diagonal must be at least 4.5 inches for comfortable and full operation of all applications.

What sensors are needed:

  • Magnetometer, that is, a digital compass
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope

The last two conditions are required for most virtual applications, otherwise, the user will only be able to view . Without these two components, it is not possible to fully evaluate VR technology.

It should be noted that for self-made no need for expensive or rare components. So, now let’s move on to the list of necessary materials for making VR glasses with your own hands at home:

  • Cardboard. It is recommended to use the most dense and at the same time thin variations, for example corrugated cardboard. The cardboard must be in the form of a single sheet with dimensions of at least 22x56 cm and a thickness of no more than 3 mm.
  • Lenses. Most the best option will be the use of biconvex aspherical lenses with focal length 40-45 mm and 25 mm in diameter. It is recommended to use a glass option instead of plastic.
  • Magnets. You will need two magnets: a neodymium in the form of a ring and a ceramic in the form of a disk. The dimensions should be 19 mm in diameter and 3 mm in thickness. As a replacement, you can use ordinary food foil. Alternatively, you can use a full mechanical button.
  • Velcro i.e. textile fastener. This material requires two strips of approximately 20-30 mm each.
  • Rubber. The length of the elastic band should be at least 8cm, since it will be used to secure the smartphone.

In addition to materials, you will also need some tools: ruler, scissors, glue. Based on your capabilities and ingenuity, some materials and tools can be replaced with alternative options, if this does not affect functionality.

As you already understand, materials and tools alone will not be enough to manufacture, much less assemble, an entire structure. Of course, this requires a drawing or simply a template diagram for creating virtual reality glasses.

You can find a template for cutting out glasses below. It can be easily printed and then pasted onto a piece of cardboard. Since the expanded version of the glasses goes beyond the usual landscape format(and amounts to 3 sheets of A4 format), then you will have to carefully and accurately combine all the fragments at the joints.

To download the template to your computer, you need to right-click on the picture, and then click on the item "Save Image As".

3 parts template

Below you will see 3 large pictures that will need to be printed and then glued onto cardboard so that all the joints are respected.

The finished result on cardboard

This is the final result that you should get by connecting 3 parts of A4 sheet on cardboard.

Cut out cardboard design

This is what we got after we completely cut out the cardboard according to the drawing. Carefully follow the numbers and connect all the parts correctly.

Where to get glasses lenses

In this matter, it is the lenses that are the most difficult to access component. In case the nearest stores and retail outlets If you can’t find them, you can search on the Internet.

Among the available and most probable places who may offer a similar product for sale, the following can be noted:

  • Shops in the “Optics” category. Here the product is measured in dimensions - dioptre, and for glasses you will need lenses of at least +22 dioptres.
  • Stationery stores. Magnifiers (i.e. magnifying glasses) are sold here, tenfold lenses should work as an alternative.
  • Search on domestic sites and trading platforms, or at foreign online auctions.
  • Make from plastic bottle(more details in video instructions)

In the event that the lenses received by the user differ to a certain extent from the specified standard, it will be necessary to either grind the lenses themselves or make appropriate adjustments to the design of the glasses. Often the problem can be solved by including in your design a device for adjusting the distance from the smartphone to the lens.

How to make glasses without lenses

Those who imagine the option of creating VR glasses without lenses can immediately forget about it. Without special lenses, the resulting design will be no different from regular glasses or glass. Such a design will not bring any practical benefit, except that it can be used to create a cinema effect.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make virtual reality glasses with your own hands from cardboard

So, when the user has all the materials, tools and a printed template, then assembly can begin.

First step

  1. Paste the template onto the cardboard
  2. Cut along the contour
  3. Bend and fasten individual places

The first step is to glue the drawing onto a sheet of cardboard. The main thing is to be careful and maintain accuracy at the joints so that the dimensions are not distorted. Then all elements must be carefully cut along the contour. By special marks on the drawing it will be clear in which places the structure needs to be bent and in which to fasten.

Second step

  1. Insert lenses into the finished structure
  2. Magnet fastener
  3. Lining cardboard with foam

Next, you need to insert lenses into the already assembled frame, and, if necessary, fix them to increase the reliability of the fastener. Then a strip of foil or magnets is glued to create something like a control button.

To increase the comfort of using the resulting device, in places of contact with the head, the surface can be covered with foam rubber or other softening material.

Video instruction

Certain points from the given algorithm of actions for assembling the structure in question may be incomprehensible or cause difficulties. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with the visual and step-by-step execution of all actions in the attached video instructions.

This is a fairly simple and cheap option that will satisfy your needs great circle users. After everything works out for you, do not forget to read the article about how to use it comfortably.

Today’s topic is for jacks of all trades: how and from what products you can create good 3D glasses with your own hands for watching movies with the effect of 3D images. In our world, the 3D effect that is now in demand is called stereoscopy, and a three-dimensional image is, accordingly, a stereoscopic image. It all depends on the method used to transfer the image. It can be divided into several types.

You can get a thrill from watching feature films and cartoons using special quality glasses. They contain filters, with the help of which our eyes can see only one image, created by projecting two images onto each other. It is thanks to these actions that we get the 3D effect that we need.

Sometimes there are rare moments when there is absolutely no chance to buy new 3D glasses, but you really want to watch a new movie with a 3D effect. In this case, using some means you can make them yourself. At the end of our tips you can find a couple of simple master classes that will help you create 3D glasses with your own hands from simple and waste materials.

Let's look at it first main principle creating simple 3D glasses at home. So, you will need transparent thin plastic, for example, a transparent box from ordinary CDs or plastic from badges, two alcohol-based markers, red and blue flowers. To create one pair of glasses The front cover for disks is quite enough.

Of course, homemade products will be very different from factory ones, but even they will give you the chance to enjoy watching a movie and three-dimensional 3D films. OK it's all over Now. Now you know, how to make 3d glasses on a computer with a pen.

A budget option

In this case, it is worth taking a frame made of cardboard, because it is easier to glue the lenses to it. You will also need large transparent tape and transparent silicone film, three felt-tip pens red, blue and green flowers and sharp scissors.

Description of work:

Third option for creating glasses

This job is much harder than in the case of anaglyph. You will need solid transparent plastic and liquid colored in the desired color style. For plastic, you can take a case from a simple CD. You will need both of its particles, so we don’t throw anything away. The liquid for glasses will be distilled water or our glycerin.

First, let's cut out some parts from plastic: three vertical parts needed to assemble the lenses, the lower and upper parts, and a bridge made of opaque material. You can see exactly how to cut out the parts in special diagrams.

Then we will make two holes in the upper horizontal part. They will be needed, when it’s time to fill the lenses with our solution.

Let's assemble the entire structure, gluing all the particles with quick glue. We make sure that the height of the lenses is the same everywhere, otherwise the liquid will begin to flow out.

After connecting the elements, we treat the joints with glue, which we combine with plastic shavings.

Glycerin is the best liquid for filling lenses. We take the glycerin solution into a syringe and pour it inside.

Then cover the holes with transparent tape. We create ear horns from pieces of plastic and glue them to the filter. Unfortunately, the full design does not fold, but it definitely helps you enjoy watching movies in 3D format, even on a computer.

Now you will know How to create 3D glasses at home.