Treatment with aluminum foil. Food foil - a universal remedy for diseases

The foil is characterized by a high heat-reflecting ability, due to which it can be used in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the joints and spine.

What is foil

Foil is a very thin (from thousandths to tenths of a millimeter) rolled sheet of metal: aluminum, tin, copper, bronze, gold, silver. A sheet of foil is comparable to paper - it is flexible, plastic, can take a variety of shapes, which is why it is convenient to use it for wrapping.

Foil is food and technical. The main difference between food foil is that it consists of aluminum alloys. Also, food foil usually has a smaller thickness and strength.

In general, aluminum is most often used in the production of technical foils. This is because aluminum is highly reflective and corrosion resistant. This metal is even normal conditions capable of forming a thin oxide film on its surface, preventing its destruction and making it difficult to react with other chemicals. noble metals have higher anti-corrosion properties, but are usually not used in everyday life due to the high cost.

Therapeutic properties of foil

Foil, in particular aluminum foil, perfectly reflects thermal (infrared) radiation coming from both outside and outside, due to which the object wrapped with “metallized paper” retains its temperature longer.

This property of the foil has found application in one of the types of physiotherapy - heat treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other organs.

Foil can be used in two ways: together with warm compresses or applications, or independently. Wrapping the compress with foil contributes to long-term preservation of heat, and a compress made of foil alone, especially folded in several layers, significantly reduces heat transfer from the affected area of ​​the body.

There is also an alternative theory that explains differently healing effect foil: allegedly the metal reflects certain biocurrents emanating from certain energy meridians thus having a beneficial effect on the body. However, weighty scientific justification to confirm this theory today is not: neither the existence of these meridians with biocurrents, nor therapeutic effect whatever it is on energy points» modern science not proven.

The healing effect of the foil, as well as a number of other "folk" drugs, can also be multiplied many times in a group of patients susceptible to suggestion due to the placebo effect - a blind faith in a good result of such treatment, which activates its own protective, adaptive and regenerative mechanisms of the human body.

Indications for use

Foil is used in thermotherapy, and heat affects the body in the following ways:

Accordingly, heat is used in the treatment of certain injuries and diseases of the joints and spine, accompanied by inflammation and pain:

  • gout;
  • heel spurs;
  • other joint diseases accompanied by inflammation (arthritis) and deformity (arthrosis);
  • osteochondrosis and radiculitis;
  • bruises, sprains, dislocations.

Heat treatment in general and foil in particular in a number of cases (for example, with arthrosis, osteochondrosis) does not eliminate the causes of the disease, however, it greatly facilitates the life of the patient, relieving pain.

There are contraindications to foil treatment:

Torso wraps with foil cannot be used for cardiovascular and respiratory failure, and leg wraps - for thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

How to use foil for healing

General leadership:

  • you should choose aluminum foil - no matter food or technical - with a high (98-99%) aluminum content in the alloy - this will reduce the likelihood adverse reactions skin;
  • foil applications are undesirable to leave on long time(no more than 2 hours in one day session and 7-8 hours at night): the metal sheet does not transmit not only radiation, but also oxygen from the outside and sweat-fat secretions from the inside - along with elevated temperature this contributes to skin irritation and creates an excellent breeding ground for pathogens;
  • between the compress or application with the medicine and the foil there must be a layer of cellophane - some substances (including saline solutions) can cause metal corrosion, accompanied by adverse effects on the body;
  • it is advisable to work with foil in protective gloves - it is easy to cut yourself on its sharp edges.

The surfaces of food foil are usually different: one is shiny and the other is matte. Which side to apply such a foil to the skin does not matter - their reflectivity is almost the same.

Foot and hand treatment

For the treatment of injuries and diseases of the joints of the extremities, foil wraps are used. The knee or elbow joint is wrapped with foil (several layers are possible), which is fixed elastic bandage or knee pad.

Ischialgia - pain in the legs caused by a lesion sciatic nerve(most often a consequence of diseases of the spine), they are treated by wrapping the limb with foil - in this case, the foil can not be additionally fixed (or the sections at the top and bottom can be glued with a plaster), it will hold on anyway.

Joint bandages and leg wraps are more convenient to use during the rest period - before going to bed or all night. During the day, during the highest activity, the foil will tear, and there is also a risk of injuring the skin.

For the treatment of gouty pain thumb feet and the diseased joint is wrapped with foil, which is fixed on top with a plaster.

To treat pain caused by a heel spur, foil insoles are used or a piece of aluminum sheet is secured to the heel with a patch.

The listed dressings and wraps can be performed up to three times a day (for 40-120 minutes in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening), if it is possible to ensure peace, or they are applied all night. The course of treatment is 1-3 weeks.

Spine treatment

For the treatment of back pain, it is more expedient to use not wraps, but pieces of a plaster or a belt pasted over with foil strips.

A patch measuring 10x15 cm with foil strips 8-10 mm wide glued to it every 15 mm can be used to treat any part of the spine. It is important not to forget to leave 1-2 cm wide areas free from foil along the edges for better fixation.

For lower back pain, a belt will help better than a patch, the front part of which is made of elastic fabric with a clasp, and the back is made of dense, non-stretch fabric in two layers, on the lower of which the foil strips are pasted in the same sequence as on the patch .

The back is treated in the same mode as the joints of the limbs.

Foil treatment, like any other method, must be agreed with the attending physician: heat treatment and metal contact with the skin are not always desirable and useful. For example, the use of certain drugs inside may be a contraindication to foil applications.

Treatment of joints with foil seems to be something unusual and implausible, but such a method exists, and it is quite effective.

Already tried to treat joints with food foil a large number of of people. Everyone is used to using this material for baking food, but it can be used not only for these purposes. It is especially effective to use aluminum foil to get rid of salt deposits. Ways to get rid of the disease may not always be traditional and familiar to people. How should this material be used to improve the condition of the joints?

How can foil affect joints?

Experts carefully studied the medicinal properties of the foil. Studies have shown that this material is able to have a beneficial effect on sore spots. The thing is that absolutely every person has his own energy field. If he is going through a difficult period in life, stress, is in depressed state, then its energy shell is gradually destroyed. That is why he begins to develop various diseases including those associated with joints.

Treatment aluminum foil leads to a positive result, because thanks to this material, a return of biocurrents occurs in a person. As a result, this in a positive way affects cellular level. Medicinal properties foils are also in strengthening the positive energy of a person.

Treatment with this material:

  • gets rid of pain in the joints;
  • removes salt deposits.

The foil, acting on the affected area, directs its beneficial energy, so the person is healed. Some people do not believe this and are skeptical about this method of treatment, however, numerous reviews confirm the miraculous properties of this material.

However, one should not forget about the main methods of dealing with the disease. Treatment of arthrosis and other diseases should be under the supervision of a doctor, and foil for joint pain should be used additionally. This would be a perfectly sound approach. Excellent results can be achieved through complex treatment.

The benefits of foil are obvious. With the help of a leaf, you can significantly reduce the pain of the joints and relieve inflammation.

How to use food foil for treatment?

Many people prefer not to go to specialists, but to be treated at home. They make foil wraps for pain and use other folk recipes. In any case, a trip to a specialist is necessary so as not to worsen your condition.

Do not self-medicate. If the doctor gave the go-ahead, then you can use several effective ways. After them, most people note a decrease in pain or its complete disappearance.

There are many various ways foil applications. With its help, the knee joint is well treated. For this, the material must be applied to the diseased joint or silver compresses should be made. To keep the foil well in the area knee joint, it must be firmly fixed. Usually, tape or adhesive tape is used for such purposes. Sometimes it is allowed to use cotton fabric for wrapping. Strongly wrapping the affected area is not recommended. The main thing is that the foil is held firmly and does not fall.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and on which place needs to be cured. For diseased joints, compresses are recommended to be kept from 10 to 40 minutes. In some cases, there is a need to increase the duration of the procedure up to 2 hours.

Before starting treatment, you should study the principle of the material. The foil for the joints should be applied with the shiny side to the body. If you just need to adjust the energy, then you can attach the matte side.

It is very good to use the foil together with a special ointment for the treatment of joints. To do this, you need to spread it on the affected area, and wrap the joint with foil on top. It will turn out very good compress which will work effectively.

How to make a silver bridge?

The silver bridge is the most common method used to treat joints. What is the feature of this method? With the help of foil, a kind of bridge is made between the healthy and diseased area on the body. As a result, positive information and beneficial energy is transmitted through the silver bridge. After a while, the patient will feel that the pain becomes less and the swelling disappears.

How is the silver bridge made? For this procedure, you must follow the sequence.

  1. First of all, you need to cut the patch so that the strip is wide enough (at least 5 cm). The length should be guided by the affected area. The patch should completely cover it.
  2. Then you need to attach strips of foil to it with a matte side. It is necessary to retreat 1 cm from the edges. The width of the strips should be 0.5 cm, and the distance between them will be approximately the same.
  3. Silver bridges should be attached to the sore spot vertically to the spinal column. They should be worn for an average of 3 days. If the pain has not gone to the end, then you need to increase the duration of wearing. If necessary, the adhesive plaster should be changed.
  4. After the pain has passed, you need to remove the silver bridges and lubricate the skin of this place with any natural oil or herbal infusion. This will help soothe the skin.

Treatment of limb joints

A large number of people in the world suffer from pain in the fingers. In this case, ordinary aluminum foil can also help. To do this, you need to prepare a sheet, attach it with a matte side to the diseased limbs and leave for an hour. After that, the foil is removed, and after 2 hours the procedure is repeated. Then the sheet is removed again, and after 2 hours the manipulation should be repeated. Thus, 3 procedures should be done per day. This improves the flow of energy.

A similar procedure can be done when you suffer from knee pain or elbow joint. Sheets of foil should be carefully applied to the affected areas and fixed with a bandage or a clean cloth. It is necessary to keep the material for 10 hours. This procedure is recommended to be done at night. It should be repeated after 2 weeks. Most patients note the amazing effect of such manipulations.


Foil treatment has its own indications and contraindications. The latter are practically non-existent. However, sometimes some procedures, for example, compresses, in which it is necessary to increase the temperature of certain places, are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, with hypertension, dermatological diseases and cardiovascular pathologies.

Some people believe that such actions cannot cause harm, because it is a simple foil. In any case, you need to be careful and listen to the advice of experts.

Other people, in principle, treat foil treatment with caution and great skepticism, not believing in its miraculous properties. However great amount people were able to help themselves get rid of diseases of the joints. In addition, many serious clinics began to use this material for professional procedures.

Joint treatment with foil is one of the available methods therapy of various articular pathologies manifested by pain, swelling and limitation of joint mobility.

Medicinal properties

The foil is a thin sheet of metal (aluminum, bronze, silver, copper or tin). There are two types: technical and food. The latter type is less durable, but thinner.

Aluminum foil is characterized by high plasticity and the ability to reflect infrared radiation. Due to these properties, it has become widely used in Food Industry where it is used for cooking and food storage.

In medicine, food foil is used in the form of applications and wraps during certain physiotherapy procedures and first aid in case of frostbite.

A theory has been developed that states that the therapeutic effect lies in the ability to reflect biocurrents, outgoing and energy meridians in the body. Any inflammatory process is accompanied by pain, which is a signal of biologically active points. The use of foil allows you to reflect energy waves back, which leads to the development of bioresonance. Such an influence is beneficial effect on the body: the foil helps to restore the energy field in the body.

Foil properties include:

  • Relief of pain syndrome;
  • Elimination of signs of inflammation;
  • Anti-edematous action;
  • Improvement of blood circulation processes;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.

Treatment of the knee joint with foil helps to speed up the healing process by strengthening the immune system and stimulating the regenerative abilities of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Before use alternative medicine should be familiar with the indications for treatment:

  • Soreness in the knee joint with arthrosis, gout or arthritis;
  • Osteocondritis of the spine;
  • Sprains, dislocations;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Migraine;
  • Toothache.

Foil wrapping promotes the breakdown of salt deposits in gout, which improves joint mobility.

  • Tumor-like processes of a malignant or benign nature;
  • Developing purulent or infectious processes in the joint cavity (heating provokes acceleration inflammatory processes increases the risk of pus infiltration into surrounding tissues);
  • Pathologies of cardio-vascular system(hypertension, heart disease);
  • Skin injuries and dermatological diseases(wounds, abrasions or erosions);
  • The first day after severe bruising (within 24-48 hours after the injury, cold is applied, and after the time has passed, warming up is recommended);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Allergic reactions to metals;
  • The presence of metal implants or stimulants in the knee (the risk of their rejection increases with foil treatment).

On a note!

One of the contraindications is foil wrapping in case of diseases. lower extremities: thrombophlebitis, diabetic foot, polyneuropathy.

The advantages of using foil for joint pain are the availability of the method, low cost and the ability to combine with other methods of treatment.

Treatment Options

Methods for the treatment of joints with foil consist in the manufacture of applications, silver compresses or bridges from it. It is permissible to wrap with foil according to indications both individual joints and the whole body completely. An impromptu bandage is fixed with adhesive tape, cloth or plaster.

When using a metal sheet, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Aluminum foil for the treatment of joints on the legs should contain a large amount of aluminum (food grade);
  • The duration of the wrap is 2 hours. in daytime and at 7-8 o'clock. a bandage is applied at night;
  • The foil must be applied with a shiny side in the skin (matte surface does not block heat transfer);
  • The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days, then there is a break for 2 weeks. If the knee continues to hurt, then it is permissible to repeat the procedure.
  • AT folk recipes it is permissible to use foil with gauze wipes soaked in the drug. Be sure to place polyethylene between the layers to prevent the development of oxidation and corrosion processes.


The foil does not transmit thermal radiation and prevents oxygen from entering the tissues. This leads to violations of the sweating process. To prevent the creation greenhouse effect restrictions on the duration of the procedure have been developed.

Metal sheet wrapping technique

Before treating the joints with foil, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, wash the skin warm water and dry with a soft towel.

A common treatment technique is the silver bridge. The foil is fastened on an adhesive plaster with a width of at least 5 cm: the metal sheet is cut into strips of 0.5 cm and distributed over the plaster while maintaining the same distance.

The finished bridge must be attached to the focus of pathology and not removed for 3 days. At the end of the procedure, the bandage is removed, the skin is treated vegetable oil or wash herbal decoction.

Indications for the use of silver bridges:

  • Dizziness and frequent headaches;
  • Diseases thyroid gland;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive system;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Edema in the extremities;
  • Phlebeurysm.

For treatment, it is necessary to place a bridge on the focus of pathology. In diseases of the spinal column, it must be fixed along the vertebrae; in case of pain in the joints, the adhesive plaster is placed vertically along the limb. The bridge located below the navel helps to cope with the pathologies of the small pelvis.

It is permissible to take a shower during treatment, replace the silver bridge, and engage in daily activities. Mandatory control of their condition: the appearance of itching, redness and discomfort are indications for stopping the procedure.

In folk recipes for pain in the joints, metal wraps are practiced: the sheet is plastic, so the knee is wrapped in polyethylene, and then covered with foil on top, which is fixed with a cloth or knee pad. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the knee joint is covered with a metal sheet in several layers.

If necessary, use medicinal product, the drug is applied to the affected foot, then the lesion is covered with polyethylene and foil, fixing the bandage with a plaster. The duration of the procedure is 40-120 minutes. it is recommended to apply a compress three times a day, for 7-14 weeks.

If the duration of the procedure is violated, the risk of skin irritation, diaper rash and rash increases.

It is unacceptable to apply a tight bandage during the procedure: prolonged squeezing provokes circulatory disorders, which is manifested by numbness of the limb, the skin is cool to the touch.

Despite the originality, the treatment of joints with foil receives favorable reviews from patients and doctors. This is because a thin silver sheet enhances the influence of energy flows on biologically active points. Stimulation of biocurrents has a positive effect on the cellular level. If we talk about the joints, then such manipulations alleviate the symptoms of joint diseases, break up salt deposits. The advantage of the method is the fact that it has almost no contraindications.

Foil properties for the body

According to folk medicine, each person has an energy field that can be destroyed by the influence of stress. Its depletion leads to the development of diseases. Foil treatment is based on the restoration of this biofield.

The mechanism of therapy is based on the fact that when wrapping a sore spot, the aluminum material reflects the energy emitted by the human biofield. As a result, the energy impact on the body is doubled, since the foil "returns" biocurrents back. Therapeutic effect affects the outer cells of the epidermis, improving health. This theory can be skeptical, but doctors notice that the method helps to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

With the help of a silvery material, you can reduce or completely get rid of pain in the joints, this factor depends on the degree of development of the disease. It can also break up and remove salt deposits. Patients note that the methods help relieve inflammation, restore mobility and improve general state health. The therapeutic properties are to enhance the positive energy of a person.

Advantages of the method

This method of treatment gives good results with myositis.
  • Folk ways food foil treatments are used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, sciatica,.
  • Aluminum foil reduces muscle and joint pain, which makes the technique suitable for headaches.
  • The method accelerates rehabilitation after surgery or injuries, accelerating tissue regeneration.
  • Foil heals severe bruises, hematomas, breaks salt deposits, reduces swelling of the legs in the joints.
  • The method is recommended even if there is a heel spur.

Other indications can be added to the list. For example, foil is useful in the composition complex treatment some heart diseases urinary system, liver, respiratory system, trophic ulcers. In addition, foil has the following advantages:

  • The use of food material in medical purposes sterile, since the method of hot rolling is used in its production.
  • Foil sheets do not cause allergies or irritation.
  • For the procedure, not only food, but also gold-coated foil is suitable.
  • Simplicity and accessibility.

Simple recipes for the treatment of joints with foil

The knee joint can be wrapped with a piece of this material.

There are no restrictions on the use of a specific method for a particular disease, all recipes are equally useful for osteochondrosis, arthritis or other joint disease. Particularly convenient treatment of the knee joint, can be used healing methods for the back or waist. The simplest recipe is to wrap your knees or other sore joint with foil, after lubricating the affected area with a special ointment. It turns out a good compress, but it is worth noting that other methods are used in the treatment of joints:

  • Applications. They differ from compresses in that they are wrapped around the affected area several times.
  • Silver bridges. With their help, energy is transferred from healthy areas of the skin to the affected areas. It is simple to make the procedure, it is enough to stick a strip of foil on the adhesive tape and attach it vertically to the spine for several days. You can try to fix it with adhesive tape.
  • Wrapping. Silvery material is wrapped around the neck, knee, elbow or finger joints on the limbs. It is recommended to fix with a matte side.
  • Wrap. A more global procedure, which involves wrapping the diseased part of the body in several layers.

Features of foil treatment

Alternative treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. In addition, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations before proceeding with the procedures:

Adhesive plaster will be needed to fix the compress on the skin.
  • The size of the compress or application depends on the affected area.
  • Standard Quantity medical procedures- 10. It is recommended to take a break of 2 weeks and repeat if necessary.
  • To cure pain in the joints and spine, it is recommended to leave compresses for 10-40 minutes. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is sometimes allowed to leave for 1.5 hours. The exception is "silver bridges", which are placed for 3 days.
  • It is recommended to apply medical material with a shiny side. From matte - there is also a benefit. It acts as a regulator of energy frequencies.
  • You can fix the foil using adhesive tape, adhesive tape, bandage or a warm scarf.

Possible restrictions and contraindications

The material is not capable of harming the body, the limitations for the use of foil are associated with its thermal property.

When a person is faced with any sore, suffering from unpleasant symptoms, he agrees to experience a variety of treatments. They don't have to be traditional. For example, many people treat joints with foil. Indeed, such material, which everyone is accustomed to using in their kitchen, can become a real helper in case of joint disease. Reviews of many patients confirm this. It is especially important to use aluminum foil when salt deposits or arthritis. How does she act? How to use food foil to improve joint health?

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Joint Treatment

Doctor medical sciences, professor Safronov Yu.V.
Medical practice: more than 30 years.

I have been treating joint pain for many years. I can say with confidence that the joints are always treatable, even in the deepest old age.

Our center was the first in Russia to receive certified access to the latest drug from osteochondrosis and joint pain. I confess to you, when I first heard about it - I just laughed, because I did not believe in its effectiveness. But I was amazed when we finished testing - 4,567 people were completely cured of their sores, this is more than 94% of all subjects. 5.6% felt significant improvement, and only 0.4% did not notice any improvement.

This drug allows as soon as possible, literally from 4 days, forget about pain in the back and joints, and within a couple of months cure even very difficult cases. Moreover, within the framework federal program every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get it FOR FREE.

Learn more>>

How does foil affect the body?

Specialists began to study the effect of aluminum foil. With its help, the treatment of joints was carried out. Surprisingly, studies have shown that such therapy gives a positive result. How can this be explained? The fact is that all people have their own energy field. When a person often worries stressful situations, nervous shocks, then the destruction of its energy shell occurs. As a result, certain diseases begin to develop in him.

But, if you treat with aluminum foil, you can notice the following result:

  • there will be a reflection of human energy;
  • the energy field increases.

The whole essence is hidden in bioresonance. When a person treats joints with foil, biocurrents return to where they came from. This has a positive effect on membranes and cells. There is a shielding of biocurrents, which leads to the restoration of the pulse in the body. Also, food foil enhances positive energy.

Many people have already tried this unique way joint treatment. Large quantity of them showed positive results. Foil treatment relieved people not only of joint pain, it fights with a variety of painful sensations.

As a result of the action of the food foil, positive energy to the affected area, so healing occurs. Many do not believe this fact, but this is confirmed by the reviews and studies of experts. The main thing is that a person should not forget about traditional methods fight against the disease, since foil treatment is only an addition to the main therapy. Only comprehensively can be achieved positive result. Therefore, initially you need to go to the doctor, who will prescribe the treatment of the joints, and you can supplement it with aluminum foil.

With this sheet, you can reduce pain internal organs, joints, soft tissues. Food foil can help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is an amazing tool with which you can speed up the recovery of the skin after a person has had some kind of operation. In this case, the foil is applied to the scars. But the most best effect it can be obtained during the treatment of joint diseases, as it significantly reduces pain.

Foil Options

Most people tend to self-treatment foil, they don't apply for medical care. After using this method, many note that the pain has greatly decreased, and there are also patients in whom the pain has completely disappeared. This does not depend on which sore spot aluminum foil was applied to, because it is used to treat a variety of internal organs.

There is more than one method of treatment with this material.

The most popular are the following options for the use of food foil:

  • silver compresses;
  • often with diseases of the spine, the application of circular sheets is used;
  • silver bridge;
  • winding.

To keep the foil on the body, it must be fixed. For this purpose, adhesive tape, a patch that is well attached, as well as a piece of cotton fabric are used. It is not necessary to wrap the affected area strongly, one layer will be enough. The main thing is that the foil stays on.

If a man needs to wrap most skin or the whole body, then it is recommended to use a layered overlay option. To do this, the sheets alternate with paper or fabric material. In this case, it is necessary to make 3-7 layers.

The duration of foil treatment is determined depending on which area is treated. At joint pain in the extremities, diseases of internal organs, such compresses are kept for 10-40 minutes. But there are times when such a session needs to be increased, and the foil lasts about 2 hours.

Our readers write

Subject: Cured joints in 14 days!

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: site administration

Hello! My name is
Lyudmila Petrovna, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to get rid of the pain in my joints. I'm leading active image
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And here is my story

From the age of 45, my joints, knees, fingers, and especially my back began to hurt. When I turned 58 years old, I practically could not walk, and these terrible pain, you just can’t imagine how I suffered, everything was very bad ...

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Who wants to live a long and energetic life without back and joint pain, take 5 minutes and read this article.

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It is worth noting that it is necessary to use this method of treatment correctly. To get the effect, the foil is placed against the body with the side that glitters. To regulate the energy frequencies, a matte surface is applied.

Foil is also used to improve the effect of various compresses used to treat joint diseases. To do this, the prepared mixture is first applied to the affected area or special ointment, after which you need to wrap it all in foil.

Silver Bridge

The silver bridge is considered the most common method of treating joint diseases for which foil is used. Quite often, people use this method at home. What is the peculiarity of such treatment? It lies in the fact that a specific bridge is made between a healthy and a diseased place on the body. As a result of the silver bridge, positive energy and information are transferred. This leads to the fact that after a while the patient will no longer feel pain, and the inflammation will also fade.

For the bridge, you need to follow the following sequence:

  1. Initially, the adhesive plaster is cut off. The resulting strip should be wide, its width should not be less than 5 cm. The length is adjusted to the sore spot, since the adhesive plaster should cover it.
  2. Next, strips of foil cling to the patch. You need to attach the matte side and retreat a centimeter from the edges. The width of such strips is 0.5 cm, there should be the same distance between them.
  3. Such bridges are attached to the affected area, they should be vertical to the spine. They must be worn for 3 days. You can increase the duration of wearing silver bridges if the person is still in pain. If necessary, the adhesive plaster is changed.

After the end of the treatment, the bridges are removed. Skin covering should be oiled plant origin or herbal decoction, which will improve the result and help fight inflammation.

How to treat the joints of the limbs?

Quite often, people experience pain in the fingers. To get rid of such discomfort, you can use the foil treatment. To do this, aluminum sheets are applied to the affected area and left for an hour. In this case, the matte side should touch the body.

Stories from our readers

Cured sore joints at home. It's been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my joints. Oh, how I used to suffer, my knees and back ached, recently I couldn’t really walk normally ... How many times I went to clinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all. And now the 7th week has gone, as the joints don’t bother a bit, in a day I go to the country to work, and from the bus it’s 3 km, so I walk easily! All thanks to this article. Anyone with joint pain should read this!

Read full article >>>

When the appointed time has passed, the foil is removed. Then you need to wait another 2 hours, after which a second procedure is performed. It is carried out again for the third time. During the week it is necessary to repeat such manipulations. If necessary, you can do this treatment again. You should first consult with a doctor. There are 3 procedures per day. In this way, the energy flow is improved.

If a person is suffering from pain in the elbow or knee area, then aluminum foil treatment can also help. Sheets are applied to the place that hurts. To fix the foil, use a regular bandage. Experts advise applying such a bandage for 10 hours. It is best to put it on overnight. Then you need to wait 1-2 weeks, after which a second procedure is performed.

This amazing procedure shows excellent results in the treatment of joints. But it is also used in other cases. It will help speed up recovery in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For this reason, foil treatment is used for gout, sciatica.

If a person has gout, then it is recommended to apply aluminum sheets to the feet. In this way, you can get rid of pain. You need to keep the foil for about 40 minutes, and after 2 hours, carry out repeated procedure. If you repeat the manipulations every day for 10 days, there will be a noticeable relief of the condition.

What are the contraindications?

When people decide to try for themselves this method, they are interested in the question of whether everyone can use foil treatment. This method of getting rid of pain has almost no contraindications. But it should be understood that sometimes, when the procedure is carried out, it is necessary to increase the temperature of certain zones. To do this, the affected area on top of the compress is wrapped in a cotton cloth, which can be moistened with hot water. You also need to get under the covers. The result is a sauna effect that not all people can create.

It is prohibited in such cases:

  • when a woman is carrying a baby or breastfeeding him;
  • when blood pressure rises;
  • if a person has vascular or heart disease;
  • when did they appear skin diseases or skin ulcers.

Many people underestimate the properties of the foil, so they self-treat with it, even if there are contraindications. But it is absolutely impossible to do this. In any case, before using the joint foil treatment, you need to go to the doctor to be sure that the procedure does not harm, despite the fact that it seems harmless.

At first glance, foil treatment seems to be a primitive way. But today, many people have already tried this option. In addition, it is used in a variety of popular clinics. With its help, complement the main therapy. In some cases it is used as independent method treatment.

The main thing is that it is easy to be treated in this way, you do not need to spend a lot of money for this. Also, foil can help with a variety of diseases, and reviews confirm the effectiveness of the method, after which pain disappears and strength is added.

Cold treatment

Probably all people have experienced a cold in their lives. But few people suspected that foil could help get rid of it. This is especially a great method for those who have a negative attitude towards the use of medicines. The foil will help remove a runny nose, inflammation that has appeared in the nasopharynx. To do this, it is enough to wrap the feet with this aluminum sheet in several layers. 4-7 layers will be enough.

After that, you need to wrap your legs in a cotton cloth. After 40 minutes, the foil is removed. Every day you need to repeat such manipulations 3 times.

If you fix the foil well in the ear area, then you can get rid of otitis media. If you apply a compress to chest, you can say goodbye to coughing.

Treatment of internal organs using foil

Surprisingly, foil can help even with diseases of the internal organs. For this, silver bridges are used. They can help get rid of diseases of the liver, heart and other internal organs. It has already been described above how such bridges are made. They are glued to the affected areas. In this case, they should be placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased organ.

This method of treatment is also used after surgery. Bridges are able to accelerate the healing of sutures that are left after surgery. Foil is recommended to be used even after surgical intervention in the field of gynecology. Bridges are also applied if the wound does not heal well, or the person has received a severe bruise.

There is evidence that such treatment has a positive effect on neoplasms in the thyroid gland or female breast. It is also recommended to use it if the lymph nodes are inflamed. Foil is even used by cosmetologists. With its help, they smooth wrinkles to clients, remove skin defects. It could be a scar or a bump.

Foil helps you lose weight

If a person wants to say goodbye to extra pounds, then he can also use the foil. With its help, you can create the effect of a sauna, and this, in turn, helps to eliminate toxins and excess moisture. It also expands the pores, so anti-cellulite creams and gels will be absorbed much better.

It is worth noting that in the salons you can meet similar procedure. At the same time, the price of such a service is rather high. But, spending little money, the procedure can be done at home. The main thing is to make sure that a person does not fall into the list of contraindications.

Who else can use aluminum sheets?

Such compresses are still recommended for those people who have varicose veins veins who suffer from the appearance of acne, wrinkles. This is due to the fact that the foil improves skin regeneration, while there is no need to carry out surgical intervention. Also, this material is used in pathologies associated with gynecology, urology. Foil will help with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

If a person often experiences depression, stressful situations, fear that cannot be justified, then foil can also help him. Experts advise to carry out silver wraps. To do this, take a lot of foil, which wraps the whole body. The foil is removed in no less than half an hour. After such a manipulation, the mood will become better, any discomfort or pain will also disappear.

With the help of foil, sciatica can be cured. To do this, you first need to purchase this product. Next, a foil belt is formed, between which there should be paper gaskets. On such a homemade device, you must lie daily 3 times a day. The procedure should last 40 minutes. It will take only a couple of days, and the person will no longer feel pain, the muscles will relax, the tension will disappear. Symptoms of sciatica disappear after 2 weeks. If a person decides to be treated in this way, one should not forget about traditional methods and visiting a doctor.