What name can you give a cat? How to choose a name for a male kitten of any breed and color

What can you name a cat? This question arises immediately as soon as a cat appears in the house. You can name the cat whatever you want, but it is better if the name matches the character or appearance of your pet.

Often a small kitten is called by the most common cat name, or according to its appearance. But, after some time, you realize that this nickname does not suit him or her at all. Some owners rename their animal, while others simply shorten the name.

The main thing is that you like the nickname, and the cat doesn’t care what you call it. But, remember that any sounds and consonances carry both positive and negative energy, therefore, you should not call the animal by the names of gods or evil spirits. It may happen that you bring a lot of trouble on yourself, and the animal will suffer along with you.

So, you brought the kitten home, fed it, showed it where to go, and now it’s time to choose a name.

It is better if the cat's name is short, but sonorous for her. What does sonorous mean? This means that her name must contain hissing sounds. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that you remember this name yourself and that it is easy to pronounce. Cats quickly get used to their nickname, especially if it is supported by something tasty.

Every time we have new cat or a cat, the whole family chooses a name, and sometimes we even have to vote. As the cat gets used to it and some special traits begin to appear in its behavior, we understand that this nickname does not really suit it. In this case, we either change her name, shorten it, or modify it.

You don't call your children full name and patronymic. Most often, each family member has their own pet name, shortened from their full name, or generally associated with some associations of your family.

The same thing happens here. First you give a beautiful sonorous nickname, and then imperceptibly it transforms into an abbreviated word or one close to the character of the animal.

So we have a completely white and fluffy Angora cat, which we called Fluff from the very beginning. But after a few months it turned out that he was completely deaf, and he didn’t care what his name was. He only understands gestures. Gradually his nickname was modified, and he became Cannon. After all, among ourselves we must call it something.

Another cat, the Neva Masquerade breed, came to us as an adult, and for his beauty we named him Philip, in honor of Philip Kirkorov. But it is not convenient to call him by his full name, so he became first Filey, and then Fisey.

Sometimes my daughter insists on her names, and we have to put up with it. So one of our pets is named Mavrik, in honor of the singer Kipelov. For a long time, my mother and I could not get used to such an unusual nickname, but nothing can be done, we have to take into account the wishes of all family members.

We gave some of our cats names without even thinking, they suited them so much. So we have Murka, and Murzik, Kuzya, and Kesha. But there are also unusual names, such as Fufik, Fox, Bulka and Pipette.

Fufik is a derivative of Poufik. Since we previously had a Puffy of the same color and with the same character as this one (he died of illness), we did not want to name the new kitten with the same name. So we just changed the first letter.

Fox got his name because his gait, color and habits resemble a fox cub.

Bulka, at first was Pusey, but because of his gluttony, was first renamed Bulemia (after the name of the disease in which one wants to eat endlessly), and then became Bulka.

Pipette is a fluffy gray-blue girl (), with a short pom-pom tail, which, when probed, ends in an empty bag, like a pipette. That's how she became Pipette, and according to her passport, she became a Marquis.

Every time we have a question, what to name a cat, we are divided into two camps. More often than not, we quickly find a suitable name for a cat, but sometimes each of us defends our position so much that we don’t even talk for several hours until we calm down.

If you don’t want to philosophize about what to name your cat, you can simply choose a name from this list below.

Nicknames for boys

Nicknames for girls

Apricot Aurora
Adam Adele
Adolf Agnes
Alex Alpha
Harlequin ICQ
Bucks Alice
Barsik Anfisa
Bulka Athena
Watson Bagheera
Vasya Bonya
Whiskey Bead
Smoke Vasilisa
Zeus Jessie
Marshmallow Jessica
Indium Dusya
Casper Haze
Cake Eve
Kitty Egoza
Button Zhuzha
Kuzya Toffee
Lavrik Caramel
Lucky Cassie
Lordik Kisa
Lorik Cleopatra
Lux Klyopa
Mauritius Lisa
master Lulu
Marquis Lucy
Martick Lyalya
Martin Mayan
Marsik Manya
Masik Margot
Murzik Margosha
Musick Marquise
Oscar Martha
Peach Marusya
Donut Matilda
Pusya Milka
Fluff Motya
Ottoman Moore
Radon Musya
Rudik Mouse
Simon Nika
Sema Nyusha
Snowball Sima
Tishka Simka
Thomas Snowball
Wrapper Snowflake
Felix Sonya
Funtik Stesha
Fufik Tasya
Yuzik Chanel
Yandex Sherry
Yasha Yulka
Ian Yasya

You can come up with your own names. No one will blame you for this.

This is interesting!

Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, with one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out, and it is raining outside, the tail will swing due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay at home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging.

Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “A”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “B”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “G”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “D”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “E”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “F”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “I”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “O”

Oh yeahOdalisqueOddie

Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “R”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “C”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “C”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “E”


Nicknames for cats starting with the letter “I”

YagozaJadwigaI am for

When the owners get a new furry family member, give him worthy name– this is one of the main tasks. After all, a name always characterizes a person and determines his fate. And because this choice is not always easy, we will help you choose nice nickname for your pet.

And also in this article we will discuss some signs with names. The options can be very different, in this article we will offer you some, and then use your worldview.

What to call a kitten?

There are some rules that apply to choosing a name for cats:

  1. It should be simple, or better yet short; words of two syllables (Musya, Kuzya) are suitable for this;
  2. Experts say that it is easiest for kittens to remember those words that contain hissing letters (ts, ch, w, s, x);
  3. It is also believed that a suitable nickname would be one that ends with a vowel.

Therefore, we present for you a list of names that may be suitable for your pet: Tom, Miles, Dani, Archie, Richie, Santa, Kitty, Rick, Nikki, Mickey.

If you have a very tiny animal and you really want to name it tenderly and affectionately, then choose one of the names: Mini, Baby, Dwarf, Knopa, Baby.

When the owners have an animal that is quite large in size or fluffy, then nicknames are suitable for it: Snowdrift, Hippopotamus, Mister, Big, Fluff, Fat Man, Uncle.

Famous owners of their friends also call them funny names, for example, Anastasia Volochkova nicknamed her cat, a Neva Masquerade breed, Zhorzhik. And Evgeniy Plushenko (skater) gave his pet a nickname - Pukhlik.

In the same way, if you have two furry four-legged animals living at home, then you can give them funny nicknames, remembering the cartoon series. These include: Chuk and Huck, Timon and Pumbaa, Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, Tilly and Willy, Lelik and Bolik, Chic and Glitter.

Names for kittens

Because the cat breeds have been living with people for quite a long time, then humanity has already come up with a lot of things regarding nicknames for females. There are many familiar names that are already quite boring and tired of society, such as: Murka, Barsik, Mashka, Dashka, Musya, Bonya, Kuzya, Lyusya.

Therefore, in our 21st century, you can choose something original. Agree that even if you have a crazy cat, such respectable names make him more gallant: Bonnie, Daniel (Daniela), Chloe, Marilyn, Monica, Jessica.

If you had a special event in your life (or the cat itself brought some zest into your life), then calling it a suitable name, you will remember this all your life (see). These include nicknames: Champion, Moment, Surprise, Victory, Ballerina, Actress.

Why not choose a beautiful, elegant name for your girl? Malibu, Samantha, Rose, Mary, Alice, Elizabeth, Ava, Aphrodite, Lady, Lala.

And again, if you have two cats that need their own name, then choose something like this: Rikki and Tikki, Gerda and Bertha, Yin and Yang.

For those who have a male and a female, the following nicknames are suitable: Lilo and Stitch, Kai and Gerda, Lala and Po, Count and Countess, Tsar and Queen, Adam and Eve, Tinky and Winky, Bubble and Straw.

Funny and unusual nicknames

Cats usually always bring something bright and kind into the lives of their owners. With their tricks and inventions, they cannot help but make even the most formidable person smile. But, if you also choose a cheerful name for such a pet, then you will always have a positive feeling at home.

Usually such names are born by looking at the kitten’s appearance, its habits and characteristics.

Therefore, when a cat that won’t sit still appears in the house, give it a nickname: Bouncer, Scamp, Grumpy, Yula, Shuler, Ninja, Hurricane, Rogue or Spy. If the owners have a fluffy animal with pronounced cheeks, then the following names are suitable for it: Hamster, Garfield, Piglet, Sandwich, Sandwich, Dumpling.

Nicknames considered quite original are: Bucks, Dollar, Bearded Man, Mummy, Rarity, Masyanya, Chaplin, Gluck, Eggplant, Romeo, Pirate, Brick, Susanin, Gopher, Lucifer, Robber, Student or Cowboy. The following would be very suitable for girls: Lyalya, Fairy, Doll, Chocolate, Swallow, Carmelita, Caramel, Berry, Fantasy, Cutie, Pistachio, Marmalade or Gypsy. If such a female stands out for her tough disposition, then call her: Chimera, Podliza, Skoda, Shaggy, Monkey.

Beautiful and gentle names

Naturally, for every owner, a furry lady is always the best and most beautiful. You can emphasize your love by giving it a cute name. These include: Acey, Beauty, Barbie, Laska, Milka, Cutie, Nyashka, Rafaelka, Masya, Nezhenka, Snowflake. You can also name it based on your favorite pretty flowers: Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Tulip, Violet, Lily.

Suitable nicknames for ladies would be: Samantha, Josie, Izya, Joselle, Matilda, Katie, Bella, Britney, Monica.

And for males the following names are suitable: Arnold, Archie, Richie, Dani, Mickey, Leo, Lamur, Sebastian. If your boy is too gentle for such names, then name him: Timka, Lyolik, Laskat, Fluff, Murko, Lyubimysh, Karapuz, Yashka, Snezhok.

Russian names for cats

Of course, if your friend is taken from a club, then often his name may already be indicated in the passport. Unfortunately, it can be complex, ugly or not ours. But many people want their animal to have a name in accordance with their country (see).

For some reason, it is accepted among people that if it is a British cat, then its name must be American, if it is a Siamese, it must be Oriental, and if it is Russian, then it must be Russian.

Sometimes the owners simply shorten the official names given in the passport, but they can also come up with their own.

When the owner has a Russian cat, he wants to give him an appropriate nickname. But, let's first figure out which cat breeds are considered Russian.

These include:

  • Russian Blue;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Ural rex;
  • Kurilian Bobtail;
  • Siberian;
  • St. Petersburg Sphinx;
  • Thai Bobtail.

However, it is not necessary for the kitten to be purebred in order to give it Russian name. If any pet, even a mongrel one, lives in a family that is Russian by blood, then they can safely take their native name. Why not name the cat: Trofim, Philip, Zakhar, August, Julius, Anton, Boris, Veniamin, Evdokim, Bogdan, Vsevolod, Gregory or Makar?

And for a cat who lives in Russia, the following are suitable: Seraphima, Aza, Marta, Zoya, Gloria, Afanasia, Marfa, Nika, Octavia, Faina.

But it is also worth remembering that by calling your four-legged pet by a human name, you may offend someone. Imagine that a person with the same name as your male or female comes to visit you. Will he feel uncomfortable?

Or maybe he will be offended, thinking that his name is not so attractive that animals are called by it. Therefore, this question is purely personal and it is up to its owner to make a decision about such a nickname for his cat.

Names that match your character

When the kitten comes to new house, then it is not immediately possible to determine its character. Often children are stressed from a new environment and new people, but after waiting just a little, he will still show his “I”. Therefore, if you see that this is a restless miracle, then call it: Shustrik, Flyer, Batman, Zhivchik, Runner, Bullet, Rambo, Adrenaline, Tarzan.

And if you have a female with such a restless character, then name her: Pulka, Dragonfly, Vertelka, Runner, Fidget, Squirrel. When the owner is a true lover and connoisseur of cars, then active cat may remind him of his favorite car. And therefore the names are suitable for them: Lexus, Bentley, Ferrari, Mercy, Gina (Lamborghini), Skoda.

In the same way, funny names are suitable for active kittens: Motorchik, Veselchak, Lightning, Snickers, Jumper, Thunder, Shocker, Brawler, Player. Nicknames that will be suitable for girls are: Star, Feather, Igrulya, Zabava. If the owners are the same cheerful people and jokers, then the clockwork pet can be given the opposite nicknames, for example: Snail, Ballerina, Turtle.

Naturally, not all owners have active animals, so if you meet a calm and gentle young lady, you can nickname her: Sonya, Nezhenka, Lyalya, Murlena, Knopa. And with such an unsightly character, a boy can become Quiet, Curdled Milk, Matroskin or Poslushaika.

If your female is too proud for simple name, then choose a nickname: Aristocrat, Fifa, Goddess, Lady, Princess, Diva, Princess. And when your guy looks very elegant and behaves with dignity, then the following names will suit him: Major, Bucks, Boss, Dollar, Baron, Prince, Sultan.

Folk signs

For some people, traditions or signs are of great importance, so when choosing a name for their pet, they also take this into account.

One of the most important signs states that you cannot name an animal after a deceased cat or person. This sign suggests that if you name a cat this way, then the deceased soul, not having time to ascend to heaven, can move into the soul of your kitten. Therefore, it is believed that such males or females do not live long.

Therefore, if you want to protect your beloved animal from an unfortunate fate, then choose a worthy nickname for it.

For people who believe that names bring good luck, wealth or something else, there is a list of such names, for example:

  • Lucky, Rada, Happy, Lucky - names that bring happiness to the house;
  • Fish, Healer, Hottabych, Wizard, Genie, Magician - suitable for those cats that will be able to bring good luck or heal weak spots in a person;
  • Lyuba, Love, Venus, Lyubava, Love - pet names that will bring love to your home;
  • Kopek, Evrik, Rublik, Denezhka, Bucks are among those animals that are responsible for wealth in the family. Also, if you have a female and a male, then call them by combining these names, for example, Kopeika and ruble. Many believe that this is what will bring wealth to their home, because their cats correspond to the proverb “A penny saves a ruble”;
  • Bayun, Peace, Harmony, Peace - these are names for those who believe that they will bring peace and tranquility to the house.

Such lists with the names of cats and cats can be continued and continued. However, each person has his own fantasies, worldviews and desires. Therefore, after reading this article and thinking a little, we hope that you will be able to choose a worthy and appropriate name for your animal.


Think, maybe you don’t have to go far and call the cat one of the human names? For this, all you need is to arm yourself with a dictionary, where names are given in abundance. Along the way, you can see which name means what. But is it worth it? Most often it is selected through an association link and appearance or some details of the animal’s behavior. It is extremely important to take into account the fact whether the cat will respond to this name. Unanimous opinion no, but most specialists who study the behavioral aspects of animal life are confident that they perceive a nickname that is no more than three sounds long. The rest are being cut back. Some time ago, the press actively discussed the idea that a cat has three names: what the cat mother called him at birth, what a person calls him, and what he calls himself. This point of interest sight, she carries some logic, in particular, when in the direction of the kids, often one person runs up to her, hence the feeling that it was he who was called.

Remember that the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in the nickname is important - it is this that creates a certain rhythm. A name without rhythm will never sound good. Another basic rule– do not place two consonants in a row. By and large, even a short name must have at least one voiced consonant. Sometimes a cat breeder prescribes that the kitten be named after a specific letter. This is done to further determine the litter of purebred animals. All of your cat's brothers and sisters born at the same time will also have names starting with her.

Decide whether it is worth moving away from the idea of ​​a human name by naming the cat in accordance with its breed (, behavioral reactions). Abyssinian or bengal cat may bear the nickname Red, Red, Orange (organic abbreviation - Apple). The oriental cat is Ushastik or Ushan, however, Cheburashka is also possible. American Curl – Silktail (they have a surprisingly soft “silky” coat). Adequate name for british cat with his massiveness and impressiveness - Emperor, General (as an option - Colonel). Donskoy or Sphynx, as well as Bambino, Devon Rex and even more so - Cornish Rex, bald, with an amazing body structure reminiscent of aliens (the image that has developed in the understanding of society after watching the corresponding films), can be called by the names of the heroes “ Star Wars" A Persian cat with a doll face (it was even invented for such special term- baby face) it is appropriate to name Fluff (Punya), Dymok (Dymka), Bantik (Banya).

Perhaps you shouldn’t split hairs - stop at some common cat (sometimes derived from a human) name. Nobody said that all Barsiks are necessarily red-haired “noblemen”; calling a fluffy Siberian or, say, a Norwegian forest cat with such a nickname is completely normal. The Murzik can be a Maine Coon or a Ragdoll, and the Peterbald Vaska is so original. At approximately the same level of originality are the Ocicat Boris, the Siamese Sigismund (for domestic animals - Munya), the Angora Mitrofan (Mitya), the Egyptian Mau Kotofey (Kotya), and the Kurilian bobtail Kuzya. And you can go even further by doing the opposite. Who said that there are no cats Tuzikov, Sharikov, Bobikov and Polkanov. It is unusual to call a member of the feline family by a dog name.

After choosing a name for your pet, repeat it to yourself several times. You should be comfortable pronouncing it. Experts believe that what you name your cat largely determines how your relationship will develop in the future. This is especially important to consider if you have a family. Everyone needs to come up with a nickname together so that everyone, regardless of age, can participate in the discussion. It’s unlikely for the cat or you loving owner will be comfortable in conditions where one of your household members cannot find mutual language with the animal, he will clearly begin to dislike him and at the same time will not shy away from demonstrating this from time to time. So the whole family should look for a name (by the way, this will benefit it - it is from such droplets that the feeling of unity is formed). Perhaps your child will notice some positive or negative traits, invisible to you. Then the animal can be called Shustrik, Bindweed, Razinya. Or you might want to name the fluffy in honor of the famous (from cartoons) cat brothers - Leopold, Garfield, Matroskin, Behemoth (there are advanced children who watched “The Master and Margarita”).

Name the cat according to its breed. Abyssinian - Afrikanich, Kerla - Yankee, Bangal - Galich. Based on this principle, a Scottish Fold can be an Albion, a significant part of hairless cats can be a Rex or a Sphinx, a Munchkin can be a Munchik, a Maine Coon can be a Kuney, and a cute nickname for a bobtail can be Bobby. Surely cat history has seen more than one cat of the Persian breed, whose name would be Peach, and Thai cats named Mai-Tai. Toyger can be a Tiger, and a Tigger, and a Tigger, and a Tigger. A Japanese Bobtail cat with a characteristic color can be called Kyoto, Murakami, Sumo (especially if it is large), Okinawa, Asahi. Siamese or Mekong Bobtail – Buddha, Krishna, Dharma, Samsara, Dosha, Lotus. Of course, all these nicknames have more than three sounds, but they are all worthy of being the name of your pet.

As soon as a kitten appears at home, the question immediately arises of what to name it. Of course, I want to give him some unusual, funny name. The most cool nicknames for cats you will learn from this article. The name can be chosen based on the pet’s character or appearance. It is not necessary to call a white cat Snowball, you can go the opposite way and give him the nickname Coal or call the sphinx Fluff.

This article will look at nicknames for male cats. You can find cool Russian and foreign names that are suitable specifically for your pet in this publication.

How to come up with a name for a cat?

Have you decided to get a cat or even already brought one home? It's time to think about a name. There are some tips on how to choose a name for a cat. You don't have to follow them, but it's worth learning about them:

  1. It is believed that cats respond best to hissing and whistling sounds, especially “k” and “s”. It’s not for nothing that we call them “kitty-kitty.” There is also an opinion that cats only hear the first three sounds clearly, so the name should be short. If you choose a short name with a hissing sound, the cat will get used to it faster. Nevertheless, practice shows that cats get used to a variety of nicknames, including long ones.
  2. Do not forget about euphony, call the animal obscene and unpleasant names, names that are consonant with swear words. After all, it may happen that you have to walk down the street shouting this nickname loudly.
  3. Be careful with human names. Not every friend will understand if a cat is named after him. Yes, and people with that name may appear in your environment.
  4. Choose a nickname for the whole family. Each family member will have to say this word several times a day, so it is not advisable for anyone to have negative associations. Try to come to an agreement; there are often cases when an animal different people are called differently. It is better to accustom the kitten to one name.
  5. The nickname you choose should be pleasant to you and easy to pronounce. If you choose long name, then say it several times. Do you pronounce it easily, without stuttering?

Cool nicknames for white cats

Do you have a snow-white fluffy pet? The first name that comes to mind is related to its color: Snow, Snowball, Blondie, Blanche (French “white”), White, White, Whitey, Snow (English “snow”), Ice (English “ice”), Sugar ( English "sugar"), Sugar, Kefir, Belyash, Loaf, Coconut, Rice (English "rice").

What is it primarily associated with? White color? Of course, with cleanliness. Cool nicknames for cats can indicate cleanliness different languages, for example: Chistyulya, Tide, Tidy, Taidik (English “clean”), Rain, Rainik, Raini (German “clean”).

The white color represents something good, bright: Ray, Light, Angel, Angel (English “angel”), Light (English “light”), Kindy (English “kind”), Gut (German “kind” ), Hell (German: “bright”), Holly (English: “saint”), Kasper.

Nicknames that simply start with the letter “b” are also suitable: Bill, Bruce, Barry, Bayan, Buyan, Brand, Bobby.

Cool nicknames for black cats

Do you have a black kitten in your house? Contrary to prejudices, it will definitely bring you good luck! What to name the boy?

First of all, let's turn to color: Knight, Naitik, Find (English “night”), Black (English “black”), Schwartz (German “black”), Hay (Chinese “black”), Noir (French . "black"), Coal, Coal, Chernysh, Negro, Raven, Dusk, Beetle.

A black cat is often associated with something mystical. Why not reflect this in a cat's name? Demon, Magician, Sorcerer, Priest, Mystic, Sorcerer, Devil, Ares (god of war), Kronos (god of time), Lucifer - cool nicknames for black cats.

You can simply use names starting with the letter “h” - Genghis, Charles, Chuck.

For the red cat

Do you have a cute and mischievous ginger kitten? This is how a bright sunny name suggests itself. Cool nicknames for a ginger cat can be: San, Sunny (English: “sun”), Red (English: “red”), Rouge (French: “red”), Altyn (Turkish: “gold”), Svelyachok, Ryzhik , Fox, Fox, Orange, Mandarin, Peach, Saffron, Felix, Pumpkin, Mango, Pikachu, Jam, Oscar, Garfield, Orange, Tangerine, Fakir, Ogonyok, Gold (English "gold"), Amber, Fire.

R-r-r-red. Do you want to name your kitten starting with the letter “r”? Choose: Rocks, Paradise, Rome, Roman, Rudi, Rufik, Rubin, Robert.

What other cool nicknames are there for red male cats? A bright, positive red color, and I want to give a cheerful, joyful nickname: Joy (English “joy”), Freud (German “joy”), Lucky (English “luck”), Gluck (German “happiness”), King.

Cool nicknames for gray cats

Is your kitten smokey or tabby? You might like the nicknames from this list: Asher, Ash (English: "ash"), Ashton, Gray, Ash, Smoke, Smokey, Smokey, Smough, Wulf, Tom, Mouse, Gray, Silver (English: "silver") , Wolf, Wolf (German "wolf"), Wulf, Wolf (English "wolf"), Smog.

And just names starting with the letter “S”: Steven, Spirit (English “spirit”), Sarkis, Solomon, Samson, Simon, Samir, Sinbad.

Do you think that your kitten is not gray, but rather smoky? There are many names starting with the letter "D": Dandy, Dale (maybe you'll have Chip soon?), Dominic, Dan, Jay, Joy, James (who is Bond).

For British cats

You are purebred british cat? You might want to give him a nickname English language or traditional English name: Arthur, Bruno, Benjamin, Valentine, Harold, Gregory, Horace, Henry, John, Jerome, Quentin, Luke, Lyon, Michael, Oliver, Austin, Patrick, Roger, Sam, Tobby, Thomas, Sean, Hugo , Edward, Mister, Rich. As you can see, there are very cool nicknames for British cats.

Japanese names for cats

Maybe you have a short-tailed bobtail, maybe you're into Japanese culture, or maybe you just want to give your cat an unusual name. Then you might be interested in cool Japanese nicknames: Hikari (“light”), Hotaru (“firefly”), Natsumi (“beautiful summer”), Natsu Natsuko (“born of summer”), Nariko (“thunder”), Akane ( "red"), Haruko ("born in spring"), Ryuyu ("dragon"), Yuki ("snow"), Hayato ("falcon").

Russian nicknames

Do you want to give your cat a traditional Russian nickname? And here there is plenty to choose from: Vaska, Agat, Afonya, Bars, Boris, Efim, Kuzya, Marquis, Makar, Murzik, Sadko, Pushok, Tisha, Yasha. Cool Russian nicknames for cats are more suitable for outbred pets.

Famous nicknames

You can choose famous funny nicknames for cats. This name is especially suitable for a cat that is similar in appearance to its namesake: Matroskin, Garfield, Simba, Boniface, Basilio, Behemoth, Leopold.

"Wild" nicknames for cats

Does your pet resemble a wild animal in appearance or personality? Call it like this: Leo, Leo, Leopard, Barsik, Tiger, Tiger.

Nicknames for cats with character

Do you have an unusual cat and want to reflect its character in a nickname? Is he acting like a king or is he a real bandit? The following nicknames are suitable for him: Ataman, Baron, Marquis, Buyan, Demon, Tyrant, Taran, Shock, Sheikh, Dandy, Dandy, Thunder, Pirate, Sultan, Pharaoh, Tsar, Hussar.

Divine names

Does your cat think he's a god? No wonder cats were extolled Ancient Egypt. You can name your pet in honor of a god or hero, and not necessarily Egyptian: Zeus (supreme greek god), Ares (god of war), Boreas (god north wind), Helios (sun god), Hephaestus (fire god), Hercules (hero), Dionysus (wine god), Icarus, Morpheus (god of sleep), Odysseus (hero), Amon (sun god), Anubis (patron of the dead), Horus (sun god), Montu (war god), Ptah (creator), Ra (sun god), Set (desert god), Loki (god of harm), Odin (supreme god).

Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

Name your cat after your favorite book, movie, game, comic book character, or after your favorite writer, actor, musician, or just famous person: Harry, Jean Claude Van Damme, Alf, D'Artagnan, Woland, Max, Zorro, Poirot, Sherlock, Hamlet, Bush, Tamerlane, Newton, Luke, Neo, Morpheus, Hulk, Messi, Goodwin, Bruce.

Geographic nicknames

Do you like to travel, or is there a city you dream of visiting? The names of lakes, rivers, mountains, countries and cities can be excellent nicknames for a cat: Altai, St. Petersburg, Shanghai, Tokyo, Brooklyn, New York, Amur, Danube, Nile, Congo, Baikal, Taimyr.

Space nicknames

Mysterious space... and a lot of ideas for an original cat name. Stars, planets, galaxies, names of famous astronauts: Mars, Antares, Pluto, Jupiter, Hector, Sirius, Altair.

"Edible" nicknames

Is your cat the sweetest? Name it after something delicious: Whiskas, Loaf, Coconut, Cream, Cupcake, Candied Fruit, Dill, Pate, Marshmallow, Raisin, Ice Cream, Donut, Lemon, Gingerbread.

Money nicknames

Do you believe that a cat will bring you good luck in financial matters? Or did it cost so much that it left your wallet completely empty? Cats are often called by money names: Ruble, Bucks, Evrik, Rich (English: “rich”), Pound, Topaz, Diamond, Cent, Shekel.

The most unusual names for cats

Cool nicknames for boys and cats can be associated with anything. At least with scientific terms, for example Boson or Basic. Or with your favorite dish - Macaron, Soup. Or like a car brand - and you can tell everyone that you have a black Lexus. Here are other options: Joker, Godzilla, Noodles, Scooby, Piggy, Anchovy, Crucian Carp, Confucius, Big Mac, Wasabi, Skittles, Yeti, Cola, Waffle, Muffin, Cinnamon, Hunter.

As soon as a kitten appears at home, the question immediately arises of what to name it. Of course, I want to give him some unusual, funny name. You will learn the coolest nicknames for cats in this article. The name can be chosen based on the pet’s character or appearance. It is not necessary to call a white cat Snowball, you can go the opposite way and give him the nickname Coal or call the sphinx Fluff.

This article will look at nicknames for male cats. You can find cool Russian and foreign names that are suitable specifically for your pet in this publication.

How to come up with a name for a cat?

Have you decided to get a cat or even already brought one home? It's time to think about a name. There are some tips on how to choose a name for a cat. You don't have to follow them, but it's worth learning about them:

  1. It is believed that cats respond best to hissing and whistling sounds, especially “k” and “s”. It’s not for nothing that we call them “kitty-kitty.” There is also an opinion that cats only hear the first three sounds clearly, so the name should be short. If you choose a short name with a hissing sound, the cat will get used to it faster. Nevertheless, practice shows that cats get used to a variety of nicknames, including long ones.
  2. Do not forget about euphony, call the animal with obscene and unpleasant names, names that are consonant with swear words. After all, it may happen that you have to walk down the street shouting this nickname loudly.
  3. Be careful with human names. Not every friend will understand if a cat is named after him. Yes, and people with that name may appear in your environment.
  4. Choose a nickname for the whole family. Each family member will have to say this word several times a day, so it is not advisable for anyone to have negative associations. Try to come to an agreement; there are often cases when different people call an animal differently. It is better to accustom the kitten to one name.
  5. The nickname you choose should be pleasant to you and easy to pronounce. If you choose a long name, say it several times. Do you pronounce it easily, without stuttering?

Cool nicknames for white cats

Do you have a snow-white fluffy pet? The first name that comes to mind is related to its color: Snow, Snowball, Blondie, Blanche (French “white”), White, White, Whitey, Snow (English “snow”), Ice (English “ice”), Sugar ( English "sugar"), Sugar, Kefir, Belyash, Loaf, Coconut, Rice (English "rice").

What is the color white primarily associated with? Of course, with cleanliness. Cool nicknames for cats can mean cleanliness in different languages, for example: Clean, Tide, Tidy, Taidik (English: “clean”), Rain, Rainik, Rainie (German: “clean”).

The white color represents something good, bright: Ray, Light, Angel, Angel (English “angel”), Light (English “light”), Kindy (English “kind”), Gut (German “kind” ), Hell (German: “bright”), Holly (English: “saint”), Kasper.

Nicknames that simply start with the letter “b” are also suitable: Bill, Bruce, Barry, Bayan, Buyan, Brand, Bobby.

Cool nicknames for black cats

Do you have a black kitten in your house? Contrary to prejudices, it will definitely bring you good luck! What to name the boy?

First of all, let's turn to color: Knight, Naitik, Find (English “night”), Black (English “black”), Schwartz (German “black”), Hay (Chinese “black”), Noir (French . "black"), Coal, Coal, Chernysh, Negro, Raven, Dusk, Beetle.

A black cat is often associated with something mystical. Why not reflect this in a cat's name? Demon, Magician, Sorcerer, Priest, Mystic, Sorcerer, Devil, Ares (god of war), Kronos (god of time), Lucifer - cool nicknames for black cats.

You can simply use names starting with the letter “h” - Genghis, Charles, Chuck.

For the red cat

Do you have a cute and mischievous ginger kitten? This is how a bright sunny name suggests itself. Cool nicknames for a ginger cat can be: San, Sunny (English: “sun”), Red (English: “red”), Rouge (French: “red”), Altyn (Turkish: “gold”), Svelyachok, Ryzhik , Fox, Fox, Orange, Mandarin, Peach, Saffron, Felix, Pumpkin, Mango, Pikachu, Jam, Oscar, Garfield, Orange, Tangerine, Fakir, Ogonyok, Gold (English "gold"), Amber, Fire.

R-r-r-red. Do you want to name your kitten starting with the letter “r”? Choose: Rocks, Paradise, Rome, Roman, Rudi, Rufik, Rubin, Robert.

What other cool nicknames are there for red male cats? A bright, positive red color, and I want to give a cheerful, joyful nickname: Joy (English “joy”), Freud (German “joy”), Lucky (English “luck”), Gluck (German “happiness”), King.

Cool nicknames for gray cats

Is your kitten smokey or tabby? You might like the nicknames from this list: Asher, Ash (English: "ash"), Ashton, Gray, Ash, Smoke, Smokey, Smokey, Smough, Wulf, Tom, Mouse, Gray, Silver (English: "silver") , Wolf, Wolf (German "wolf"), Wulf, Wolf (English "wolf"), Smog.

And just names starting with the letter “S”: Steven, Spirit (English “spirit”), Sarkis, Solomon, Samson, Simon, Samir, Sinbad.

Do you think that your kitten is not gray, but rather smoky? There are many names starting with the letter "D": Dandy, Dale (maybe you'll have Chip soon?), Dominic, Dan, Jay, Joy, James (who is Bond).

For British cats

Do you have a purebred British cat? You may want to give him a nickname in English or a traditional English name: Arthur, Bruno, Benjamin, Valentine, Harold, Gregory, Horace, Henry, John, Jerome, Quentin, Luke, Lyon, Michael, Oliver, Austin, Patrick, Roger , Sam, Tobby, Thomas, Sean, Hugo, Edward, Mister, Rich. As you can see, there are very cool nicknames for British cats.

Japanese names for cats

Maybe you have a short-tailed bobtail, maybe you're into Japanese culture, or maybe you just want to give your cat an unusual name. Then you might be interested in cool Japanese nicknames: Hikari (“light”), Hotaru (“firefly”), Natsumi (“beautiful summer”), Natsu Natsuko (“born of summer”), Nariko (“thunder”), Akane ( "red"), Haruko ("born in spring"), Ryuyu ("dragon"), Yuki ("snow"), Hayato ("falcon").

Russian nicknames

Do you want to give your cat a traditional Russian nickname? And here there is plenty to choose from: Vaska, Agat, Afonya, Bars, Boris, Efim, Kuzya, Marquis, Makar, Murzik, Sadko, Pushok, Tisha, Yasha. Cool Russian nicknames for cats are more suitable for outbred pets.

Famous nicknames

You can choose famous funny nicknames for cats. This name is especially suitable for a cat that is similar in appearance to its namesake: Matroskin, Garfield, Simba, Boniface, Basilio, Behemoth, Leopold.

"Wild" nicknames for cats

Does your pet resemble a wild animal in appearance or personality? Call it like this: Leo, Leo, Leopard, Barsik, Tiger, Tiger.

Nicknames for cats with character

Do you have an unusual cat and want to reflect its character in a nickname? Is he acting like a king or is he a real bandit? The following nicknames are suitable for him: Ataman, Baron, Marquis, Buyan, Demon, Tyrant, Taran, Shock, Sheikh, Dandy, Dandy, Thunder, Pirate, Sultan, Pharaoh, Tsar, Hussar.

Divine names

Does your cat think he's a god? No wonder cats were extolled in Ancient Egypt. You can name your pet after a god or hero, and not necessarily Egyptian: Zeus (supreme Greek god), Ares (god of war), Boreas (god of the north wind), Helios (god of the sun), Hephaestus (god of fire), Hercules (hero), Dionysus (god of wine), Icarus, Morpheus (god of sleep), Odysseus (hero), Amon (sun god), Anubis (patron of the dead), Horus (sun god), Montu (god of war), Ptah (creator), Ra ( sun god), Set (god of the desert), Loki (god of harm), Odin (supreme god).

Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

Name your cat after your favorite book, movie, game, comic book character or after your favorite writer, actor, musician or just a famous person: Harry, Jean Claude Van Damme, Alf, D'Artagnan, Woland, Max, Zorro, Poirot, Sherlock , Hamlet, Bush, Tamerlane, Newton, Luke, Neo, Morpheus, Hulk, Messi, Goodwin, Bruce.

Geographic nicknames

Do you like to travel, or is there a city you dream of visiting? The names of lakes, rivers, mountains, countries and cities can be excellent nicknames for a cat: Altai, St. Petersburg, Shanghai, Tokyo, Brooklyn, New York, Amur, Danube, Nile, Congo, Baikal, Taimyr.

Space nicknames

Mysterious space... and a lot of ideas for an original cat name. Stars, planets, galaxies, names of famous astronauts: Mars, Antares, Pluto, Jupiter, Hector, Sirius, Altair.

"Edible" nicknames

Is your cat the sweetest? Name it after something delicious: Whiskas, Loaf, Coconut, Cream, Cupcake, Candied Fruit, Dill, Pate, Marshmallow, Raisin, Ice Cream, Donut, Lemon, Gingerbread.

Money nicknames

Do you believe that a cat will bring you good luck in financial matters? Or did it cost so much that it left your wallet completely empty? Cats are often called by money names: Ruble, Bucks, Evrik, Rich (English: “rich”), Pound, Topaz, Diamond, Cent, Shekel.

The most unusual names for cats

Cool nicknames for boys and cats can be associated with anything. At least with scientific terms, for example Boson or Basic. Or with your favorite dish - Macaron, Soup. Or like a car brand - and you can tell everyone that you have a black Lexus. Here are other options: Joker, Godzilla, Noodles, Scooby, Piggy, Anchovy, Crucian Carp, Confucius, Big Mac, Wasabi, Skittles, Yeti, Cola, Waffle, Muffin, Cinnamon, Hunter.