Map of Mongolia with attractions. Satellite map of Mongolia

State in East Asia, Mongolia borders with and . This is one of the most sparsely populated countries - at 1,566 thousand square meters. km there are only 2 million people living there. Almost the entire territory of the country is located on a plateau elevated by 90–1,500 m, above which mountains rise. The highest mountain range is Mongolian China, stretching 900 km from west to south. It is continued by the Gobi Altai, which does not form ridges. Several mountain ranges are located on the border with Siberia, but they do not form massifs. The eastern mountain range is Khentei, the central one is Khangai.

Towards the border with China, the Mongolian plateau decreases and becomes a plain, flat in the east and hilly in the south. The Gobi Desert occupies almost the entire southern part of Mongolia and continues into China. In the Gobi landscapes, sands alternate with rocky areas and hills. The Mongols divide the desert based on color and call its sections the Yellow, Red and Black Gobi. There are no rivers and few land sources on these lands, but groundwater comes close to the surface.

All Mongolian rivers originate in the mountains, the largest of which are Selenga, Kerulen, and Onon. The Selenga is deep and different fast current, her muddy waters always cold, and the shores are clay-sandy. The second source of fresh water is lakes, of which there are many in Mongolia. Lake Khubsugul is the deepest in Central Asia, wild animals live on its shores, and there are a lot of fish in the water.

Map of Mongolia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Mongolia online in real time. Detailed map Mongolia was created based on high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Mongolia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Mongolia. The map of Mongolia from the satellite easily switches to regular card(scheme).

Mongolia is a country of ancient traditions. Everyone knows about the world's famous tourist centers, where you can ski, swim in the warm sea or ocean, and visit ancient temples and museums. But few people know that there are countries on our planet that do not have ski resorts, warm and snow-white beaches, and dense and green forests are generally a luxury. To one of these mysterious and unique places belongs to Mongolia.

After studying the world map and viewing the territory of Mongolia on it, practically no associations arise. This country has not distinguished itself in anything in the modern world community, except for a small “but”. Everyone knows that a long time ago there were Mongol-Tatars who conquered many countries and created their own unique culture, cities made of gold. Everyone knows the great commanders - Genghis Khan, Batu Khan. Yes, the descendants of these Mongols currently live in this country; the local population is reluctant to use modern achievements of science and technology, since they still lead a nomadic lifestyle, driving their herds across the wide steppes.

Any person will have a question: what to do in this country? The answer will be this: despite the unacceptability of many Mongols living according to the traditions of their ancient ancestors, modern technology and other scientific and technical discoveries, these people are very friendly and will never offend a guest. There is a lot to see in this country: wide steppes, small mountain streams and lakes. wild nature preserved very well in Mongolia. If a tourist is going to travel by car, then it is immediately necessary to recommend a good off-road truck or SUV. The lack of roads in Mongolia is not the country’s poverty, but a tradition, since the horse and camel are the best transport for a Mongolian.

The country is very rich in various burial mounds. The local population says that the mounds are in bad places and warn of danger. Of course, it is better to travel with a guide who will show you all the interesting places in the country and give you a good excursion.

A holiday in this country will be more like a safari across the steppe and mountain ranges, but it’s worth it if the tourist wants to breathe fresh air, look at nature untouched by man, and get acquainted with the traditions of the local population. In this country, even tea is specific, as milk, flour and salt are added to it, so it is salty. Those who are tired of lying under the scorching sun, welcome to the Mongolian steppe, where you can turn into a nomad for a couple of weeks and get a lot of unusual pleasures.


(Mongolian Republic)

General information

Geographical position. Mongolia is a state in Central Asia. It borders on Russia in the north, and China on the east, south and west.

Square. The territory of Mongolia occupies 1,566,000 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital is Ulaanbaatar. Largest cities: Ulaanbaatar (600 thousand people), Darkhan (90 thousand people), Erdenet (58 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 18 aimags; the cities of Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Erdenet are designated as special administrative units.

Political system

Mongolia is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. Supreme body state power - the State Great Khural.

Relief. Mongolia is located in desert, semi-desert and steppe zones. Most of the country lies at an altitude of 1,000-2,000 m. The highest point is Mount Munkh-Khairkhan-Ula (4,362 m). Part of the Gobi Desert enters the territory of Mongolia. The most significant river, the Selenga (600 km across the territory of Mongolia), belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of oil, coal, copper, iron ores, tungsten, molybdenum, phosphorites, tin, nickel, and gold.

Climate. The climate of Mongolia is continental. Temperatures in winter range from -15°C to 30°C, in summer - from + 10°C to +27°C. Precipitation is 100-200 mm (in the mountains up to 500 mm) per year.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Selenga, Kerulen, Kobdo, Dzabkhan, Orkhon. Large lakes - Uvsu-Nur, Khubsugol.

Soils and vegetation. Steppes predominate; in the south there are semi-deserts and deserts, in the mountains there are forest-steppes and coniferous forests in places. Great Gobi Nature Reserve.

Animal world. Mongolia is home to the marmot, jerboa, hamster, hare, wolf, fox, wild boar, lynx, kulan, goitered gazelle.

Population and language

The population of Mongolia is about 2.579 million people, the average population density is 1.6 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Khalkha Mongols and Buryat Mongols - 90%, Kazakhs. Language: Mongolian (state).


Traditionally, the Mongols were adherents of Lamaist Buddhism, but it is now believed that most of population are atheists.

Brief historical sketch

Mongolia is one of the oldest state entities in the world. Mongolia reached the peak of its power in the 13th century, when Genghis Khan and his descendants conquered China and influenced all countries up to the borders of Poland and Hungary. However, after a few centuries, Mongolia became a province of China called Outer Mongolia. In 1924, Mongolia declared independence and became known as the Mongolian People's Republic; in 1991, the name and type of government were changed.

Brief economic essay

Mongolia is an agrarian-industrial country. IN agriculture livestock farming predominates (large cattle, horses, sheep, goats, camels; In the mountains they raise yaks, in the suburbs they raise pigs and poultry. Fur farms. They cultivate grains, fodder crops, potatoes and vegetables. Mining of coal, copper, molybdenum, tin, uranium, fluorite. Processing of livestock products. Woolen, leather and shoe, sheepskin and fur, carpet, meat and dairy, flour milling, glass and ceramic, metal and woodworking enterprises. Production of building materials. Export: mining products, beef cattle, meat products, leather, leather products, wool.

The monetary unit is the tugrik.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Among the attractions of Mongolia: Central State Museum; Museum of Fine Arts; Museum of Religion, located in former monastery The Living Buddha is the residence of the country's spiritual leader until 1924. There is also a a large number of paleontological excavations - about a third of dinosaurs known to science were found in Mongolia.