How to tell fortunes using ordinary cards for the future. Layout on playing cards according to desire

Fortune telling playing cards for the future - this is a common ritual that is popular all over the world. There are a large number of different layouts that allow you to find out. To get a truthful answer, you need a new deck of playing cards and the desire to lift the veil of secrets.

In the article:

Simple fortune telling on ordinary cards for the near future

Card fortune telling for the future can give answers to all your questions, and you can carry out the ritual yourself. Fortune telling " Seven" - an example of one of the ancient fortune-telling, which uses famous symbol - Solomon's seal .

Thanks to him, the magical power of the circle increases several times. The cards are laid out in the shape of a six-pointed star (starting from the top, clockwise), and the main card is placed in the center of the seal. Once all 7 revealed cards are in front of you, you can begin interpretation.

Clubs symbolize health, hard work, partnerships.

Ace- New beginnings await you.

King- an impatient, successful person.

Lady- a dark-haired woman with good organizational skills.

Jack- a young man who must make an important decision.

10 - happiness, a successful endeavor.

9 - loss of control over the situation, many responsibilities.

8 - fate gives you a chance that cannot be missed.

7 - a victory that you have to fight for.

6 - you can relax and unwind.

5 - it's time to fight for your own views.

4 - there is an opportunity to escape from the oppression of others.

3 - soon you will be able to make a successful transaction.

2 - disappointment.

Diamonds are responsible for patience.

Ace- Opportunity to move up the career ladder.

King- a reliable adviser will be nearby.

Lady- a reliable and organized woman.

Jack- a person who is always ready to lend his shoulder.

10 - success in all endeavors.

9 - You should not follow the lead of others when making decisions.

8 - new knowledge will give you the opportunity to become more successful in business.

7 - harmony in everything.

6 - be careful and do not make important decisions too quickly.

5 - financial difficulties.

4 - yours financial position will not depend on you.

3 - You are on the right track.

2 - the preparation of new events should be approached more responsibly.

Hearts- a symbol of feelings and love bonds.

Ace- promises a new novel.

King- there will be a person nearby who can restore everyone’s faith in themselves.

Lady - adult woman, very close to you.

Jack- loves languor and being in love, but nothing more.

10 - You will achieve harmony with the world only with outside help.

9 - self-confidence, freedom from shackles.

8 - Your enemy is jealousy.

7 - trust your intuition and feelings.

6 - harmony in relationships with everyone.

5 - unreasonable jealousy.

4 - the time has come to make a choice.

3 - rivalry in relationships.

2 - success in love, marriage, creating a strong family.

Peaks- represent old age and wisdom.

Ace- the black streak is ending, new challenges lie ahead.

King- a stern person on whom a lot depends.

Lady- an unpleasant, domineering woman.

Jack- a sarcastic, unfriendly young man.

10 - temporary despondency.

9 - you can overcome all adversity.

8 - if you close the door to the past, then a happy future awaits you.

7 - listen to your heart.


5 - be careful, you may be deceived.

4 - all the difficulty is due to your fears and insecurities.

3 - it is worth cleansing yourself of anger and hatred.

2 - You have to make a choice, but all the options will not be very attractive.

...Knowing the meaning of individual cards for successful fortune telling is not enough; here it is necessary to understand the combination of cards and their influence on each other. In this sense, fortune telling is work that requires a certain amount of mental effort, observation, intuition, inspiration, caution and sensitivity. Well, if this is lacking, more imagination and a little humor.
So, you have a deck of cards in your hands

Fortune telling "Nine" - get answers to your questions

« Nine" - popular on playing cards. You will need a new deck of 36 playing cards. They need to be shuffled and 9 cards drawn.

Place them in front of you in the order in which you took them out. You can't arrange the cards any other way. You need to be able to analyze this alignment correctly. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to what suits the dropped cards have.

Peaks promise troubles and grief.
Clubs- problems in various areas.
Hearts- success in love and friendship.
Diamonds- speedy enrichment.

After this, you need to count the number of major and minor arcana in the deck. If there are more of the former, then in the near future you will expect to meet distant relatives and old acquaintances A large number of small cards indicates that, most likely, in the near future you will be in a state of apathy and constantly bored.
If you get 4 identical cards, what does that mean?
Special attention should be paid to the layout if it contains 4 cards of the same value. This makes it possible to interpret the layout in more detail.

Four 6- you will be helpless in the face of impending difficulties.

Four 7- separation from loved ones and melancholy.

Four 8- gray everyday life.

Four 9- a pleasant surprise.

Four 10- success, victory, fulfillment of desires.

Four Jacks- do not borrow money.

Four ladies- minor troubles.

Four Kings- success in all matters.

Four Aces- don’t do stupid things, they can lead to big troubles.
Important three card combinations
The interpretation of the three cards that are nearby is important. Pay attention to these combinations. They will bring additional clarity to fortune telling regular maps for the future.

If the suit of a card is not indicated, this means that it (the suit) does not play a role.

King of Clubs+6+Jack- a journey awaits you soon.

Any card+jack of clubs+any card- the future will be restless.

8 clubs + 7 clubs + ace of hearts- a strong love marriage.

Big piece + 6 of clubs + big piece- celebration.

King+queen+jack (all spades)- assistance from a high-ranking official.

Spades 7+any card+9 spades- grief with loved ones.

Queen of Diamonds+Jack of Diamonds+10 of Spades- unpleasant strangers will appear in the house.

Diamond 8+diamond 9+any card- betrayal by someone in whom you are confident.

An ancient morning layout will help reveal all the secrets

It is best to carry out this ritual in the morning. It's very simple and sunlight will contribute to obtaining an accurate and correct answer. Pick up a new deck, concentrate and get rid of extraneous thoughts, mix the cards thoroughly. Take out the Ace, King, Queen, Jack (all four suits) and 10 of spades.

Now focus on what you want to learn. Mentally repeat the question to yourself several times, shuffling the selected cards. After that, take out 2 of them and place them in front of you. For this fortune telling, it does not matter what suit the cards are in front of you, or the meaning of each of them individually. The decisive role is played by what they mean in pairs.
Decoding the results
Ace+Ace- favorable changes in life. Even drastic changes will only bring you success. Minor difficulties are possible. But you will have enough strength to overcome them.

Ace+King- someone has a strong, detrimental influence on you. Pay attention to the people around you. Perhaps among them there are those who wish you harm. It is better to get rid of such people.

Ace+Queen- on your life path A powerful woman will appear who will bring many victories. New friends and business partners may appear.

Ace+Jack- if you can do everything to achieve your goal, you will be satisfied with the result. Your efforts will be appreciated.

Ace+10- Success awaits you in all endeavors that are not related to finances. Everything you have in mind will come true.

King+King- an adult man will appear next to you, who will lead you to victory and help you implement all your plans.

King+Queen- refrain from participating in disputes, do not try to manage someone else’s life and refrain from harsh comments.

King+Jack- Minor problems await you in the family. Direct all your attention and care to your loved ones, they really need it.

King+10- a stormy new romance or restoration of an old relationship. Lots of new emotions and feelings.

Russian method of fortune telling with 36 cards

Russian method of fortune telling with 36 cards
First you must determine who you will be guessing on. For the right choice cards, it should be taken into account that for unmarried young women and single men, the king and queen of diamonds are chosen. For middle-aged men and women who are married, we take the king and queen of hearts. Elderly people are represented by the king and queen of clubs.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. The deck of cards is carefully shuffled. After this, we begin to lay out the cards in fans of three, picture up, to find the fortuneteller’s card (king or queen of the corresponding suit). The cards drawn along with this one allow you to make an initial prediction. After this, you pass the deck of cards into the hands of the fortuneteller so that he can shuffle it and make a wish. Having taken cards from a fortuneteller, you no longer shuffle them. Place the fortuneteller's card in the center of the table. Having chosen any card from the deck, you place it face down “on your heart” on the fortuneteller’s card, covering it.

We place any next two cards under the fortuneteller’s card (“at the feet”) with the picture up next to each other, the next two cards are placed “in the head” of the fortuneteller. Then we place two cards to the left and to the right of our central card. Having laid out the cards in a cross, we lay out two cards in the spaces between the sides of the cross. We will have sixteen cards on the table.

After this, we begin to sort through the deck of cards. We put three cards aside, and place the fourth on the central card of the fortuneteller. We do this until the end of the deck. The layout of the cards is shown in the figure.

Now let's begin to interpret the cards. The cards lying at the feet of the central card belong to the past; you begin your story with them. After this, proceed to the interpretation of the cards lying to the right and left of the central card; they relate to “what is next to the fortuneteller,” that is, to his present. The cards lying on top refer to “what the fortuneteller will have.” The card lying on the fortuneteller’s heart means his attitude towards the events of his life that you are talking about.

A large number of spades speaks of difficulties and experiences, and the figures speak of the people involved in the life of the fortuneteller. If the figure of the fortuneteller’s card “looks” at some card, then these cards are of great importance in his life. If there are bad cards in the layout, but the figure “turns away” from them, this means that misfortunes will not affect him much.
A large number of hearts suit indicates that a favorable moment has come in the life of the fortuneteller and he should not be upset even by bad cards warning of difficulties, because everything will end well.

If a figure is found at the “feet” of the fortuneteller, then its meaning in life already belongs to the past.

After the initial story, we collect all the cards on the table, carefully shuffle them and begin to lay out three cards in fans, saying: “For yourself, for the home, for the family, what happened, what will happen, how will your heart calm down?” The first three cards mean cards for the fortuneteller, the second - for his family, the third - says what he had, etc. This allows you to get a clearer and more specific forecast. The sixteenth card is placed at the base of this column of fans. It symbolizes the fortuneteller’s feelings, his attitude towards the events of his life.

After this, we begin to put aside cards of the same value from the resulting layout, starting from the top. This means that if there are two tens, two sevens, two kings in the layout, then we put them aside. If, for example, three sixes are encountered, then we put aside the first two and leave the third. You cannot put aside the fortuneteller's card.

The remaining cards speak of the most important events in the life of a fortuneteller, about what will remain with him for a certain period of his life. The events that the postponed cards warned about will soon pass away. They didn't play great importance in his life, but the cards left on the table will determine his present and future.

Card meanings


This card means home, family. In combination with the Ace of Diamonds - good news; with a ten of spades - unpleasant news; with six clubs - a late date in a government (that is, not private) house; with ten of spades - a friendly meeting.

This card is interpreted as a married wealthy person who loves you - a spouse, a patron. In combination with cards of the club suit there is trouble; with cards of the diamond suit - making profit, money. In combination with the heart suit, it means success and good luck, but when combined with a card of the spades suit, it means trouble.

Queen of Hearts

This card signifies a married woman. Together with cards of the heart suit, it speaks of happy love. In combination with the six and ten of hearts, it is interpreted as grief and tears.


An unmarried young man. This could be an unpleasant person, a friend or a business partner. Together with the queen or king of hearts, it means a guest; with other cards of the heart suit - luck; with the Ace of Hearts - declaration of love. Together with the eight of hearts, it means a love conversation. In combination with the nine of clubs, this card speaks of an imminent journey; with seven clubs, if there are four queens or sevens in the layout, the birth of a son; with an eight of clubs - an unpleasant conversation. The jack of hearts and the eight of diamonds are interpreted as business negotiations.


This card talks about pure love, is sometimes interpreted as a pleasant surprise. In combination with the Ace, the diamond is a love letter, money or papers that bring money. Together with the king of hearts, she speaks of the love and fidelity of her beloved man, with the queen of hearts - the love and fidelity of her beloved woman; with the six of hearts - a quick pleasant date, with the eight of hearts - a quick date with the lady of the heart, with the nine of hearts, if the whole suit of hearts is present in the layout - a complete triumph of love. In combination with the six of tambourine - a fun trip to visit. With a ten or nine of clubs, this card speaks of success in love. With the Ace of Diamonds - receiving a letter or other papers that will please you.


This card signifies happy love. In combination with a six or seven of hearts, it is interpreted as a love date. Together with the nine of clubs - the attention of a loved one. In a scenario with a six of a different suit - it means an unexpected meeting; with the Queen of Spades talks about happiness.


This card denotes matters of the heart, long journey. In the situation with the ladies, there is gossip; with the eight of clubs - selfless love. Together with the seven of hearts - unexpected happiness, and with the nine of hearts - a quick departure. In combination with the ten of diamonds - a great inheritance; with a dozen of hearts - a date alone with your loved one.


This card represents changes in life. Together with the ten of spades - an unexpected marriage proposal, with the seven of spades - the end of doubts. With tens or nines of hearts - a pleasant love date. Together with the four kings - a fun, successful conversation.


This card is interpreted as a road, obstacle or delay in business. Together with the ten of hearts - the road and love. If the entire suit of hearts falls out, this means complete victory in love.

This card means money, a letter, news, unexpected joy. In combination with any card of the diamond suit - a lot of money in the near future, with a club or spades suit - big troubles. Together with a seven, nine or ten of hearts - a love, pleasant letter. With six clubs - a late date; with a nine of spades - deception; with ten spades on the left - sad news; with ten tambourines - money papers.


For a fortune-telling young man - himself. For a fortune-telling woman - a groom, a single man. Together with cards of the spades suit - a protector, with cards of clubs - a young comforter. In combination with the six of tambourines - the fulfillment of a wish, with the six of hearts - a cheerful company, a quick change in life. With ten and jack of diamonds - the assistance of the groom or a new acquaintance.

Queen of Diamonds

This card means a fortune-telling woman. For a fortune-telling man - a bride, a young, flighty woman. Together with the nine of hearts, this card means good for a woman and theft for a fortune-telling man.


This card is interpreted as a thief, courier, confidant. In combination with the Ace of Diamonds - postman. Next to a figure speaks of its dubious qualities. Together with the seven of spades - a businessman, business man. In combination with the king of spades - a fraudster; with the seven of spades and nine of tambourines - an enemy, a warning to treason; with six of clubs - a quick trip.


This card means gifts, an unexpected find, a win. Together with the nine of hearts - a successful business, with the seven of hearts - a large inheritance, money. In a layout with the king and queen of diamonds, this figure shows interest in you. Together with the nine of diamonds - quick profit, with the eight of diamonds - not so quick profit. With a jack or ten of clubs - stable monetary interest; with the ace of spades - a scandal over money; with a ten of spades - a big unpleasant conversation.


This card also talks about money. Together with the four kings - a fun conversation. With the jack of hearts, you won’t have to go against your wishes. With the eight of hearts - departure. In combination with the nine of spades - failure.


This card means fun noisy company. In combination with the eight of spades - failure. With a king or queen of spades - evil from evil man. Together with the seven of diamonds - the unreliability of the figure located next to it.


This card means a business date. Together with the figure - a good conclusion to the events. With ten spades - an unexpected offer.


It means an early (fast) road. Together with the Ace of Spades - an unfair commercial transaction. With a nine of spades - grief for relatives. With the eight of spades - death, but with the seven - only troubles at home. Together with a ten of tambourines - good income.

This card denotes a reputable institution, a rich apartment. In combination with a figure - a gift from this person, without a figure - from an unknown person. If the ace lies with the point down, then it means money, success in business, with the point up - bankruptcy. Together with the queen and eight of clubs - love affairs; church. In combination with the king of clubs - love, with the seven of clubs - victory, winning. Together with the nine of hearts of hearts - tender love; with a six of hearts - Railway. With a nine of spades, there is a gain, with the point up, there is a loss.


This card means a faithful (decent) friend, a military man, a respectable person. In combination with other cards of this suit - groom, friend, husband and happiness. Together with the eight of clubs - news of an absentee. With a jack of clubs - woe. Together with a six of any suit - the road to luck.

Queen of Clubs

This card represents a wealthy lady after thirty. In combination with the Queen of Spades - problems in marriage. Together with the eight of clubs - support from a friend or relative.


This card denotes a groom of low rank (no higher than an ensign), a friend. Sometimes she is a harbinger of misfortune. If this card is between two ladies, then it means an unfaithful wife. Together with the ten of tambourines - financial success. With the Ace of Diamonds - help in trouble. A jack of clubs between two jacks warns of a troubled future.


Intellectual work, scientific society, travel, change. In combination with spades, this card means deception and poverty. Together with the heart suit - winning in a gambling game. Next to the figure there is a fire, danger. With a nine of clubs - fun, with an eight of clubs - inheritance, money; with a seven of clubs - good news. Together with the six of clubs - an unexpected departure. In combination with the ten of hearts - victory in love. Together with the peak ten - recovery; with the seven of spades - deception, tears. With the ace of spades pointing towards the fortuneteller - swipe, grief


This card denotes an inheritance, a successful game on the stock exchange, or the acquisition of real estate. In combination with a figure, it means that this person will no longer bother you. Together with a card of the heart suit - mutual love; with tambourines - spending, dinner in a restaurant. In combination with a nine or ten of hearts - success in love. With the jack of hearts - travel. Together with the peak ten - financial problems. In combination with clubs ten, seven or eight - a wonderful present and future.


This card denotes a reputable enterprise, office; clarification of relationships, melancholy, tears. In combination with the ace of clubs - success. If the ace lies point up, it means defeat. With a jack of clubs - the beginning of a lucky streak; with a ten of clubs - inheritance, wealth, acquisition of large things, even houses. Together with the Jack of Hearts - a discussion of financial problems. With the seven of clubs and the ace of hearts - happy marriage or inheritance.


This card signifies victory over nature, invention, a short road, empty chores. Combined with the jack of hearts - theft. Together with four ladies and sevens - the birth of a son. With the eight of spades, the peak is the betrayal of a loved one.


This card represents ambitious dreams, the evening road; a date, a way to a respectable house. If the card lies among the figures, then it means an outdoor walk in a large company.


This card means a government house, a blow, bad news. In combination with the Queen of Spades - a gap love relationship, with the jack of spades - falling in love with another, with the ten of spades - unexpected money, with the seven of spades - a trial; with a six of any suit - the road. Together with the ace of clubs - a blow.

This card signifies a respectable person. In combination with figures of this suit, it portends good things, but with the nine and ten of spades - illness, with the eight - trouble. Together with clubs it is interpreted as enmity and obstacles.

Queen of Spades

This card means an evil woman - an intriguer and a gossip. In combination with cards of the club suit - an evil woman; with the suit of diamonds - a greedy person who brings evil in love and deeds. Together with cards of the heart suit, it promotes love and commerce.


This card means a beggar, a traitor, or bad news. In combination with cards of the spades suit - a faithful assistant; with cards of the club suit - an envious person; with hearts - loving friend; with diamonds - partner. Together with the Queen of Spades, it warns of a major conversation, a scandal. The combination of spades king, queen and jack means the help of a respectable person.


This card means blow, illness. Together with the ten of diamonds it is interpreted as anger, with the ace of spades - unexpected money, with the nine of spades - grief, with the eight of spades - illness, with the seven of spades - a change in life. In combination with eights of other suits - unpleasant news. Together with the seven of diamonds - an unexpected offer. In combination with a ten of clubs - recovery; with a ten of hearts is a successful business. This ten and the ace of diamonds indicate sad news. Together with other aces - an anonymous letter of unpleasant content.


This card is interpreted as a quarrel, tears. Together with the ace of spades - illness; with an ace of clubs - benefit; with the ace of diamonds - your relatives take advantage of your decency; with an ace of hearts - a joyful meeting with an old friend. In combination with the ten of spades - unexpected money; with the Queen of Spades and the King - true love.


This card means waiting, unpleasant news. When combined with a nine of clubs, it warns of misfortune. With the jack of hearts he talks about the illness of his loved ones. Together with the seven of clubs - treason dear person; with a peak of ten - illness.


This card means deception, robbery, tears, quarrel. Together with the jack of diamonds - business, with the jack of clubs - loss; with a peak ten - an unexpected change in life, with a peak nine - grief among close relatives. In combination with the ace of spades - court; with an eight of any suit - a feast. Together with the figure - trouble on the part of the figure. In combination with the six of diamonds - trouble, and with the seven of diamonds - an unpleasant conversation. With a seven of hearts, this card means the end of the torment.


This card is interpreted as a late road, loneliness. Combined with other cards of this suit - a fun road. With cards of the club suit - an empty journey. With diamonds - worries about money.

Interpretation of card combinations

The presence of four aces in the layout speaks of the fulfillment of desires. The combination of four aces and four tens speaks of complete triumph. Ace of hearts is interpreted as one’s own house, one of clubs is someone else’s house or institution, one of diamonds is important papers, and one of spades is a hospital, police station or other government institution.

Four kings mean success, a decent position in society. Kings are men; king of spades- an official or military man, in a word, a government person.

Four ladies for a woman mean troubles and gossip. For a man, this indicates his success with women. The Queen of Spades means falsehood, deception, evil.

Four jacks - troubles, vanity. A large number of jacks indicates the low social position of the fortuneteller. Four jacks mean great surprise, and sometimes stress. The jack of spades means empty troubles.

Four tens mean complete fulfillment of desire. The ten of spades warns of illness, the ten of diamonds - money, the ten of hearts - prosperity, joy, the ten of clubs - change.

Nines indicate that someone is interested in you. The Nine of Spades is a strong experience.

Four eights or sevens are interpreted as the ordinary life of a fortuneteller without any special shocks. Sevens mean meetings; The seven of clubs warns of tears, the seven of diamonds promises small money, and the seven of spades promises losses. Eights mean conversations, but the eight of spades means treats, some things; Eight of Diamonds - not very important documents or small amounts of money.

Four sixes speak of the fulfillment of a desire. Six means the road, while the six of spades speaks of a late road, i.e. in dark time day or it may mean a long journey; clubs - evening, hearts - a pleasant love walk, diamonds - a fast road.

If a lot of sixes appear in a reading, then we can say that the person’s work involves traveling. If, with the six of spades, the rest of the card layout speaks of some event, then this means that the event will not happen soon.

If the eight of spades is next to the ten of spades, then this is interpreted as illness or drinking. This eight together with the ten of hearts means fun company, and in combination with the Ace of Spades, these cards mean a wedding. The eight of spades with the ten of diamonds speaks of an expensive thing; and with the ten of clubs - a change of things. The same card with the ace of hearts is a change of house. The same eight with the queen of spades is a fake treat, don’t eat from bad people. Eight of spades with an ace and six of the same suit is the road to a government house (usually a prison) with things. Eight and jack of spades are empty troubles for things.

Would you like to know what events await you in the near future? Then do fortune telling with playing cards. That's what it's called - fortune telling for an event that will happen soon.

So take it playing deck, consisting of 36 cards, and hold it in your hands for a while. Now shuffle with your left hand and move it towards you. Place the removed “cap” underneath and arrange all the cards into 4 parts.

Pull one from each pile and guess its meaning. The description will help you understand what to expect in the future. In the process of divination, it is important to pay attention to both the name of the card and its suit.

The four of hearts cards speaks of the desire of a loved one to see you. This means that a meeting will take place between the lovers. If you are married, then the pictures of hearts portend peace and harmony.

If the withdrawn cards belong to the suit of clubs, expect profits and gifts. No financial difficulties are expected. The near future will be smooth in material terms.

Four diamond cards are interpreted as quick success, fame, rise in career ladder, recognition in society and gaining authority.

If the pictures accidentally taken out turn out to be peak pictures, it is possible that troubles will happen that will bring grief and tears to the person. However, you should not tune in to long negative events, because life is fleeting and prone to change. After the black stripe, a white stripe will definitely come.


Fortune telling should be carried out on a new deck, which has not previously been used for games and other fortune telling. The ideal option would be to acquire decks for each individual layout. In this case, the predictions will be 100% true. Do not allow your loved ones to touch your fortune telling decks and store them in a place where they do not come into contact with foreign objects. And so that the cards do not lose their power, do not resort to their advice too often.

For getting reliable information From a fortune telling session, it is advisable to conduct it on special days. These are your own birthday, New Year and the eve of Epiphany. On a suitable day, sit down at a table with a deck and mentally ask yourself a question to which the cards should provide an answer. If you are not telling fortunes for yourself, look at a photograph of the object of fortune telling or imagine his face.

Proceed with one of the following methods:

  1. Three layout. A simple version of knowing the future allows you to understand what to expect from the coming day and how people treat you special person. After thoroughly mixing the deck, remove 3 cards from it and interpret them. If there is not enough information, extract three more.
  2. The layout called “Fan” allows you to find out the answers to the most various questions. To do this, you need to link a specific card to the right person or with yourself. Let's say you identified yourself as the queen of diamonds. Shuffle the deck, remove 3 cards from the top and lay them out in a fan. Place all subsequent rows a little lower until the intended card appears. Secure the process with another “fan” and figure out the meaning of the cards. Those that lie closer to you mark the near future. The bottom row will tell about the past, the top row will tell about the distant future.
  3. "Yes or no". This common technique gives answers to all questions - love and work relationships, the financial side of life, friends and close circle. Also, the method of fortune telling based on the “Yes or no” principle reveals the attitude of a loved one, his feelings and intentions. To get the layout, you need to make a question or wish when shuffling the deck, for which you will receive an answer. Think about your problem for at least a minute, then move it with your ring finger right hand“cap” and place it under the bottom. Then take the top and bottom cards from the deck, and pull the third one from the depths at random. Interpret the answer to the question posed by suit. Diamonds and clubs give negative, hearts and spades give positive. If one of the cards contradicts the others, it means that difficulties will arise on the way to the goal.
  4. Layout "15". The essence of this simple variation is that the fortuneteller must thoroughly mix the deck and remove any 15 cards from it, which at the next stage will be arranged into 5 identical piles. The first part of the layout will tell about the present, the second - about personal life, the third is about friendly relationships with people, the fourth will reveal dreams, the fifth is about the near future.

After shuffling the playing deck for a few minutes, knock down the top 5 cards and lay them out horizontally. Remove five more again and place them above the ones already on the table. After a few more layups, you should end up with 5 piles with 3 cards each. Perform all manipulations with your left hand. Finally, remove one and place it aside.

Start solving the resulting stacks. The first one will reveal to you the secrets of your own future. From the second, you will understand the future of the relationship you are interested in. The third will talk about the future of the family. In the fourth you will learn your past, in the fifth you will learn the future.

A card lying separately from the rest tells about possible course events in case of any trouble. Many fortune tellers denote it with the phrase “how the heart will calm down.” The card talks about what will happen after failure.

Gypsy fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling is carried out after shuffling the cards on the table. While concentrating on the question, slide part of the deck towards you and place it down. Now take out any 9 cards one by one and place them face up. You should end up with 3 rows, each containing 3 cards. The top one shows the past, the middle one shows the present, the bottom one shows the future. At the same time, the seventh card reveals the near future, and the ninth card reveals the distant future. Interpret the meaning of the entire fortune telling based on the meanings of the cards drawn.

The meaning of playing cards

The suit of worms in fortune telling for the future is interpreted as follows:

  • 6 – long way;
  • 7 – a date dear to the heart;
  • 8 – meeting a stranger;
  • 9 – gaining notoriety;
  • 10 – a miracle in life;
  • jack - obstacles and troubles;
  • lady - communication with a friend;
  • king - heartfelt love;
  • ace – own house.

Peaks during a prediction session will tell about the following possible events:

  • 6 – empty trip;
  • 7 – tears, grief, sadness;
  • 8 – unpleasant conversation;
  • 9 – heartache from unrequited love;
  • 10 – empty interest;
  • jack - pipe dreams;
  • lady - surrounded by an insincere person;
  • king - communication with a dangerous person;
  • ace - illness, bad news, mental crisis.

Diamonds are interpreted as follows:

  • 6 – pleasant time with friends;
  • 7 – unexpected but pleasant surprise;
  • 8 – important long-awaited conversation;
  • 9 – passion for the opposite sex, flirting;
  • 10 – successful completion of plans;
  • jack - unpleasant news;
  • lady - mother or close relative;
  • the king is an enemy;
  • ace – letter, signing papers.

The suit of clubs is identified with the following situations:

  • 6 – pipe dreams;
  • 7 – unexpected income;
  • 8 – pleasant meetings;
  • 9 – mutual love;
  • 10 – interest;
  • jack - pleasant chores;
  • lady - surprise;
  • the king is a married man;
  • ace - state house.

As you can see, all fortune telling is very simple. To prevent the cards from lying, do not abuse sessions.

At the end there is another video that will teach you how to guess your future.

Everyone has exciting questions that they want to find answers to without waiting for them to happen. Eat different ways fortune telling, and the simplest of them is fortune telling with playing cards, which will help you find out the near future at home.

Most fortune tellers began with such fortune-telling, this easy way find out the answer to questions, look into the future, look at the present from a different angle. With the help of cards, you can determine your feelings, career prospects and calculate the likelihood of your wish coming true.

To believe or not in fortune telling is a personal matter for everyone. You can lay out cards not only to lift the curtain on the future, but also to have a great time.

Preparation for layouts

Fortune telling requires special preparation, otherwise the prediction will be inaccurate. Setting up for the process should take place in a quiet place where no one will disturb you, preferably late in the evening or early morning.

It is important to distract yourself from everyday problems and devote all your thoughts to fortune telling. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to remove unnecessary things from the room, cover the table with a tablecloth and light a candle. Please note that strict adherence to rituals when fortune telling at home is not necessary. The main thing is to focus on the question and find the answer.

  1. Shuffle the cards well, place them on the table and stir clockwise for a few minutes. Only the left hand is used for the layout. Collect the deck and shuffle it again.
  2. When telling fortunes for yourself, make a question or a wish. Cut the deck twice and distribute the cards into three piles in order, starting from the top.
  3. When telling fortunes with simple (playing) cards, you can use Tarot layouts, and vice versa.

When laying out you can combine different techniques, this will not lead to a violation of mystical laws. Trying new methods will help you discover the technique that is most suitable for fortune telling.

How to set up a new deck

If you are using the deck for the first time, you will have to adjust the cards. There are complex methods of preparation involving real magic. They require patience and strict adherence to the conditions, while they pronounce a special spell that sets the deck up for predictions.

For example, a new deck is placed in a crystal vase, which is placed on the east side of the house. Candles are placed around the vase and a small spell is read, after which the cards cannot be touched for three days.

There are also simple ways, which do not require skills in magic or knowledge of spells. A new, unplayed or homemade deck is taken and imbued with energy for three days. You can put it under your pillow or carry it in your pocket.

Fortune telling on simple playing cards for the near future

An affordable way to find out the future is. The standard playing deck is distinguished by the absence of the Major Arcana, so the wands are replaced by the suit of clubs, the swords are replaced by spades, the pentacles are replaced by diamonds, and the cups are replaced by hearts. For simple fortune telling, a full deck of 36 cards is used. Such layouts are among the simplest, so no preparation is required.

Fortune telling "Four suits"

Shuffle the deck thoroughly and say a question about the future in your mind. Draw any card. The answer is hidden behind the resulting suit.

  • ♧ Clubs - there are no obstacles to achieving what you want.
  • ♢ Diamonds - it can come true, but you have to try.
  • ♡ Hearts - a wish made is not what a fortuneteller really needs.
  • ♤ Spades - something will interfere with achieving your goal, and soon it will become clear that it is for the better.

Predictions based on the “Four Aces” in two versions

  1. Aces are laid out in a row, one is chosen for desire. The cards are shuffled and removed one at a time and placed under the Aces. If there are more than five suited cards under, your wish will come true.
  2. Guessing by wish. The deck is shuffled and removed with the left hand. 15 cards are counted three times, Aces are removed with each layout. If all the Aces go in three hands, your wish will come true.

☞ Video story

Black Rose

The deck is shuffled and a wish is made. One card is pulled out, the decoding of which answers the question.

  • Ace of red color - one hundred percent fulfillment of desire;
  • Heart pictures - the wish will come true, but after a while;
  • Hearts 6-10 - there is a chance of your wish coming true, but the probability is low;
  • Diamond pictures - there are many obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Diamonds 6-10 - your wish will come true if you solve minor problems;
  • A black ace is an unfulfilled desire;
  • Pictures of spades, clubs - it is unlikely that the wish will come true;
  • Numbers of spades, clubs - a very small chance of fulfilling your plans.

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Fortune telling for your innermost desire

While the deck is being shuffled, a wish or a clear question is made. A card is drawn from the pile with the left hand. Ace and King indicate the imminent fulfillment of plans or a positive response. Queen and Jack say that you will have to try hard to achieve your goal. All other cards show a negative answer.

Simple fortune telling on cards for a loved one

They help you find out about your loved one’s feelings, whether there is a chance for a future relationship, and determine your own desires regarding your personal life. Thanks to such layouts, you can understand which direction to move and what to focus on in the future.

Fortune telling "Male Thoughts"

One of the simplest fortune telling, it shows what is hidden in the heart of a beloved man. The cards are shuffled, it is important to think about whose thoughts it is interesting to know. Six cards are removed from the deck in random order. The first shows the man’s thoughts, the second – what’s in his heart, the third – the future together, the fourth – desires, the fifth – fears, the sixth – the present.

Map♡ Hearts♢ Diamonds♧ Clubs♤ Spades
SixJourneyA short tripBusiness tripLong journey
SevenCommunicationMeetingMeetingSadness and melancholy
EightConversationsMeetingA business meetingUnexpected invitation
NineDateLove between unmarried peopleStrong loveDisease
TenHopes (near 10 peak) - unrealisticPlansCash profitPipe dreams
JackMinor troublesProblemsMoney problemsEmpty troubles
LadyMother, loverGirlfriend or mistress of the kingMother-in-law, colleagueJealousy, anger
KingMarried, divorced manUnmarried manBoss, father of a loved oneNew acquaintance
AceHome, familyImportant letterCareerDepends on the direction of the peak

The Ace of Spades has two meanings. If the suit is pointed up, it indicates drunkenness; if the point is pointed down, there is a strong shock, death. You shouldn’t blindly believe in such a result; they need to be used as a warning to change your fate.

Fortune telling for a guy

Make a wish for a guy and introduce him in detail. The cards are shuffled and laid out face down. The number of rows depends on the number of letters in the guy's name. The entire deck is laid out according to these cards. The next pile is taken, after the one on which the last card fell, and laid out. This is done until there are two piles left. One card is taken with both hands, and if the same ones fall out, they are put aside. When the deck runs out, look at the value of the paired cards.

If two are rolled:

  • Sixes - he is looking for a way to meet;
  • Sevens - wants to meet;
  • Eights - wants to have a serious conversation;
  • Nines - loves;
  • Dozens – interested;
  • Jack - angry;
  • Lady - dating someone else;
  • King - feels jealous;
  • Ace – wants intimacy.

☞ Video story

Love does not love

Fortune-telling solitaire, where you need to imagine the desired man in detail, pay attention to all the little details and thoroughly shuffle the deck.

With the left hand, cards are removed towards the heart. Six cards are laid out in a row front part up, the next six cards are placed under them, and this is laid out until the deck runs out. During the layout, concentration is important; if cards of the same value are placed diagonally from each other, they are removed and the entire row is moved.

The cards that remain are mixed well and laid out into a new solitaire game, but in five piles. Continue this way until there are two columns left. After counting the number of remaining cards, the answer is deciphered.

  • 1 – he intends to get married;
  • 2 – sincere love;
  • 3 – feels attracted;
  • 4 – sad;
  • 5 – constantly thinks about you;
  • 6 – dating someone else.

If there are more than six cards left, it is better to postpone the fortune telling to another time.

☞ Video story

Fortune telling for marriage

The most common question asked by women is related to marriage. You can find out when you will get married with the help of fortune telling.

A card is selected, for girls - the Queen of Diamonds, for women - the Queen of Hearts. A deck of 52 cards is shuffled. The first twenty cards are dealt face up. If the chosen card comes across among them, fortune telling can be stopped, since the marriage will take place this year if you sincerely believe in the result.

If the Queen is not included in the twenty cards, one of them is replaced with it, and the resulting deck is shuffled well. It is laid out into five piles of four cards. The stack with the hidden Lady will answer the cherished question if you look at its number and find out the meaning:

  • 1 – marriage in the near future;
  • 2 – unknown yet;
  • 3 – marriage after some time;
  • 4 – an early engagement, but the marriage will not take place;
  • 5 – marriage will not last long.

The meaning of simple cards in fortune telling

The interpretation of playing cards in fortune telling is of significant importance, because it helps to find the answer to asked question. Different fortune telling has its own meanings, which are suitable for the chosen method of fortune telling. There are also general interpretation. It is important to remember that each card has its own interpretation, and with individual combinations the interpretation changes.

Map♡ Hearts♢ Diamonds
SixA love date, before which you should make sure of your intentions.A pleasant trip that can change things.
SevenA romantic meeting, someone you know decides to confess their feelings.Financial support for the implementation of plans from a new acquaintance or old friend.
EightA written declaration of love from an uninteresting person.Minor troubles, problems that do not require special intervention.
NineAn unpleasant conversation, next to a spades card - there is a high probability of a scandal.Successful business, for the full implementation of plans, it is necessary to weigh the possibilities.
TenA romantic trip that could turn into a scandal.Unexpected career changes, promotion.
JackThere is a person nearby who has mixed feelings and is capable of acting meanly.There is a person nearby who can deceive in financial matters, you should make informed decisions until the situation is resolved.
LadyClose faithful friend. If it appears next to the card, it means his mistress.A woman with an unpleasant character, capable of meanness due to envy.
KingA married person, you should take a closer look at the surrounding cards.A person with power, capable of providing support in business.
AceHome and family, if the suit of clubs is nearby - quarrels and tears are inevitable, spades - troubles in the family, diamonds - financial well-being.Important news in love or financial matters. Next to peak cards indicates unpleasant news or relationship problems.
Map♧ Clubs♤ Spades
SixA trip on which your career depends.Unforeseen trip to resolve problems.
SevenConversations at work, next to the suit of spades - an unpleasant conversation with the authorities.Quarrels, scandals, if there are hearts nearby - troubles in relationships.
EightImportant professional meeting.Warning about possible problems with health.
NineChanges in life. If there are spades nearby - problems, diamonds - large purchases, hearts - changes in your personal life.An obvious illness in the fortuneteller or relatives.
TenBig profit, winning.Failure of hopes, unfulfilled desires.
JackWorries related to work or relationships.Possibility of deception, fraud.
LadyNext to the suit of spades - a loud scandal with a neighbor or mother-in-law, diamonds - a hostile attitude on the part of an employee, hearts - a mistress.Indicates black forces, damage.
KingAn elderly man, a father or father-in-law, maybe a boss.Troubles associated with a high-ranking person.
AceIndicates place of work and business relationships.If the point is directed downwards, there is a holiday ahead, if upwards, there is a big disaster.

To do this at home, you don’t need any special skills, and in order for the result to be as truthful as possible, you need to follow the following tips.

  • Cards are always removed with the left hand towards you.
  • It is advisable to make predictions for a short period of time, since fate is changeable and sometimes depends on the interventions of third parties.
  • It is good to tell fortunes on the 13th and on Fridays; at the beginning of the week it is better to give up fortune telling, especially Monday is contraindicated. Love predictions come true at Christmas time.
  • Before starting, the cards are held in their hands for several minutes and they tune in to the ritual.
  • Questions must be sincere; deceit and ridicule will anger higher powers.
  • They don’t tell fortunes more than once a week. Any ritual of divination requires maximum concentration.
  • The powers of the fortuneteller and the cards should have time to recover.
  • It is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts, turn off your phone so that nothing interferes.
  • Cards are stored in a specific beautiful place- in a box or box.
  • Avoid dependence on interpretations. Predictions guide action, but do not act as mandatory rules.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

Maps show the future taking into account the line on which the person is located this moment. Changing one's fate at one's own request can cause an unfulfilled prediction.

For example, the cards show a girl that she will soon get married, and she changes jobs and begins rapid advancement up the career ladder. Now she's interested successful work, she has already forgotten about marriage. Thus, the girl herself changed her life line, and what was predicted loses its meaning.

There are three important restrictions that must not be violated in order to obtain an accurate prediction.

  1. The deck must be new, unused in the game. You can buy it in a store or create it yourself. A prerequisite for reliable fortune telling is the absence of extraneous energy or its neutral form. To clean the cards from energy debris, they are held over a candle, sprinkled with holy water and sprinkled with salt on the back.
  2. The deck must not be touched by anyone other than its owner. This rule follows from the first. When telling fortunes vital role energy plays. Cards love to be held in the hands of the owner and imbued with his emotions. You cannot use someone else's deck.
  3. Can not use fortune telling cards for games, then the deck will be grateful and show true predictions.

The future has many options, the transition to another line can be imperceptible. We ourselves influence our lives, make decisions, make choices. The main thing is to believe in good predictions, then everything will come true. If the alignment is bad, it is better to treat it as a warning; it is not inevitable.

Guessing should be fun, because positive energy has a good effect on ritual. Follow simple rules and everything will work out!

Helps you find out what tomorrow promises, what to prepare for, what to fear. Who will appear on the path of life and what to expect from him. How are things going on the personal front, financially, health-wise. An important aspect is. or six. The last option gives a complete and accurate prediction for the next 24 hours.

Preparing for the schedule

  • Prepare yourself mentally, focus on the fortune telling process.
  • Sometimes music, the aroma of incense, or a candle flame are required to create the necessary mood.
  • For fortune telling, take a new deck of 36 cards.
  • Shuffle thoroughly, move it towards you with your left hand.
  • Lay out so that the images are not visible.

Step-by-step plan for fortune telling for tomorrow

To get a forecast for the coming day, you can select one card and interpret the meaning. This is a simple method, without details.

After you have moved the cards, remember what date is tomorrow. If, for example, it is the 20th, start removing cards one at a time from the top and work your way up to the twentieth. She will tell you what to expect the next day.

A more detailed answer is given by a 6-card layout. To do this, shuffle the deck and lay out 3 pieces in two rows. Each one indicates what event should happen tomorrow.

☞ Video story

How to read layouts and interpret dropped cards

  1. The first card will tell you what your head will be occupied with tomorrow, what thoughts will disturb you.
  2. The second one is responsible for your feelings; it will tell you what to expect from them tomorrow.
  3. The third is a map of emotions. It indicates what thoughts are in your head about tomorrow. He will tell you whether you should count on fulfilling your desires and deeds.
  4. Fourth - will reveal the secret about events next day. If it turns out that the day promises trouble, there will be time to try to prepare or avoid it. "Forewarned is forearmed".
  5. Fifth, it will give you the answer to what to pay attention to. Why the day will be good and successful. You can adjust the next day's affairs and do what the cards say.
  6. Sixth - the result arising from the alleged events indicated in paragraphs 4 and 5.

What does this or that card in the deck mean?

AceAn unexpected gift that brings joy.News that changes the course of life for the better.Bad news, unpleasant truth.New, useful meeting.
KingEverything will work out, put aside all worries about love relationships.For unmarried people - meeting a potential groom. For family people - finding a new friend.Preparation of business papers. An opponent may intervene and disrupt plans.Old, reliable friends will provide help and advice.
LadyEvents related to family and children. Change for the better.Meeting and talking with an unpleasant lady.A quarrel with a lady, or a meeting with an unpleasant person.The planned celebration will be successful.
JackA fun, soulful party with friends.The day is good for meeting friends.Depressed mood, gossip, rumors.Concern, assistance.
TenPerhaps a new acquaintance, romance.Unexpected receipt of money.Plans fall apart. Misunderstanding of others. Pay attention to your health.Pleasant changes or meeting an interesting person, communication with whom will direct life in a different direction.
NineRomantic interest, flirting.Day of romance.Warning: a serious quarrel with a loved one is possible, even leading to a break in the relationship.The conversation will be enjoyable.
EightA good day for your favorite activity.An excellent time for meditation, immersion in dreams and daydreams.Showdown; don't relax.A sad day, bringing disappointment and tears.
SevenChanges are coming that require strength of character.Spending money, buying.Deception, and a vile one at that, from a person I would never have thought possible.The information received will change your life for the better.
SixReceiving an important task. You will need to travel outside the city.The road leading to the fulfillment of your plans.There is an overnight journey ahead and extra care is required.The road leading to a date.

Stable combinations that you need to pay attention to in fortune telling.

  • Two black queens (clubs and spades) lead to failure.
  • The six of spades together with a club of any image is a road with an unfortunate ending. She is in the company of a ten or nine of diamonds - the road to receiving money.
  • The Jack of Hearts coupled with the Nine of Diamonds is a bad road.
  • Cross jack with seven of spades - the enemies are plotting and you should expect trouble.
  • If you get a seven of hearts surrounded by four kings, you need to get ready for a fun feast.
  • Queen of Hearts with the same ten - finding a long-lost friend.
  • Ten of hearts with nine of diamonds is an unexpectedly profitable business.

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  • For fortune telling, buy a deck of 36 cards and a tablecloth, used only for the reading. After the session, put everything away and do not touch it until your next attempt to look into the future.
  • The mood is very important in the business of divination.
  • Before the start of the session, take the deck, press it to your heart and ask them to tell the whole truth, to guide them on the right path.
  • You have to guess completely alone.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

Higher powers do not like to be taken lightly. They start to lie if you ask the same question. They get angry and say that they will feel free to do so. If you don’t like something, don’t try to repeat the layout again. It is better to think about what needs to be done to correct the situation. You already know what or who the undesirable situation is related to, which means you have the opportunity to correct the situation in advance.

Fortune telling for tomorrow at home will tell you how the next day will turn out. The layout will describe the general background - positive or negative, or indicate specific events and meetings. By comparing some facts of life today and the previous day, it is easy to understand who is the enemy, who is the friend, and what moment the cards are talking about. The right attitude and faith will help you get a truthful answer. You can verify this the next day.