Medsi Clinical Hospital in Botkinsky Proezd.

Urban clinical Hospital them. S.P. Botkin has been working since December 23, 1910. It was built with the money of the merchant of the first guild, Kozma Terentyevich Soldatenkov, who in his will ordered the allocation of 2 million rubles for the construction of a free hospital “for everyone, without distinction of rank, class and religion.”

The hospital received the name of Sergei Petrovich Botkin in 1920. Today, medical care is provided here in surgical, gynecological, therapeutic, cardiac and neurosurgical, and traumatological fields.

In addition, the hospital operates several highly specialized centers: vascular, hematological, joint replacement, and a center for the diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis.

Address: Moscow, 2nd Botkinskoy proezd, 5

Botkin Hospital on the map (direction)

Directions to the Botkin Hospital

Thanks to its convenient location, there will be no difficulties getting there. The only thing you need to do is choose the one that suits you most.


The closest metro stations from the hospital are Begovaya station and Dynamo station. From them to the clinic you can easily walk or take a bus.

From Begovaya station

The station is located on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya (or purple) metro line.

  1. Fifty meters from the station exit you will see the Begovaya Metro bus stop.
  2. Take bus No. 847 and go to the Temple stop.
  3. The main hospital building is a five-minute walk away.

The entire journey will take you no more than 20 minutes.

From Dynamo station

The station is located on the Zamoskvoretskaya (green) metro line.

  1. After exiting the metro, cross Leningradsky Prospekt.
  2. From the Metro Dynamo stop, take bus No. 207 to the Medical Building stop.
  3. Walk to the Botkin Hospital for 5 minutes.

In this case, you will spend about 25 minutes on the road.

On foot

If you decide to walk from the Dynamo metro station to the hospital, you will need no more than 25 minutes.

  1. Go through the underground passage to the other side of Leningradsky Prospekt and go along 1st Botkinsky Proezd all the way to the hospital buildings.
  2. The Begovaya metro station is just a kilometer from the clinic.
  3. Without crossing the road, walk along 1st Khoroshevsky Proezd, turn left along Polikarpova Street.
  4. After walking a hundred meters, you will find yourself at the hospital complex.

The journey will take even less time, about 15 minutes.

If you live within walking distance of the hospital, you can walk to it. Streets leading to the hospital: Khoroshevsky Proezd, Begovoy Proezd, Polikarpova Street, 2nd Botkinsky Proezd. Any of them will lead you to the complex of buildings of the Botkin Hospital.

By bus

Numerous buildings of the Botkin Hospital occupy an entire block, so you can get to them by buses of several routes. Buses No. 101, No. 84, No. 847, No. 175 go to the Temple stop. At the “Medical Building” stop, in addition to those listed, bus No. 207 stops.

By trolleybus

The Botkin Hospital stop can be reached by trolleybuses No. 82, No. 65, No. 20. You need to get off at the stop “Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin"

By car

If you choose this method to drive up to the gates of the main building, move along Leningradsky Prospekt.

  1. From the avenue, turn onto Begovaya Street.
  2. Then, turning right onto 2nd Botkinsky Proezd, you will drive up to the entrance to the hospital building.

You can also get to Begovaya Street from Khoroshevskoye Shosse, Zvenigorodskoye Shosse and 1905 Street. All these streets, one way or another, lead to Begovaya Street, which, in turn, will lead you to the buildings of the Botkin Hospital.

When choosing this method, you need to remember about traffic jams on Moscow roads; they always make adjustments to the time on the road.

From Belorussky railway station

Hospital named after S.P. Botkina accepts not only Moscow residents for treatment. Here they can get qualified assistance residents of any region of Russia. The Belorussky railway station is the closest to the hospital. From the stop with the same name, bus 101 goes to the hospital. Don't miss the "Medical Building" stop.

The journey from the station to the clinic will take no more than 40 minutes. From other stations you can come to the hospital using any of the previously described methods.

The hospital includes about thirty buildings. Most often, visitors are interested in the reception department. The main building, which houses the reception department, is the largest of all. It is located a two-minute walk from any public transport stop. Therefore, getting to it will not be difficult.

All information about the location of buildings, departments, working hours of specialists, etc. You can find out in person at the reception department, or by calling the information desk of the Botkin Hospital.

The hospital has the following profile of beds - 160 therapeutic, 100 cardiological, 120 hematological, 100 nephrological, 60 pulmonological, 180 neurological, 258 surgical, 25 thoracic, 170 neurosurgical, 148 traumatological, 60 orthopedic, 125 urological, 90 otorhinolaryngological, 30 radiological, 0 gynecological, 40 psychiatric, 150 infectious, 30 coloproctological, 60 vascular surgical and 20 diagnostic in the emergency department. The hospital has all necessary complex diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment, allowing to provide basic types of specialized medical care according to the profiles of departments available in the hospital staff. So, after the introduction of a new diagnostic and treatment building...

The hospital has the following profile of beds - 160 therapeutic, 100 cardiological, 120 hematological, 100 nephrological, 60 pulmonological, 180 neurological, 258 surgical, 25 thoracic, 170 neurosurgical, 148 traumatological, 60 orthopedic, 125 urological, 90 otorhinolaryngological, 30 radiological, 0 gynecological, 40 psychiatric, 150 infectious, 30 coloproctological, 60 vascular surgical and 20 diagnostic in the emergency department. The hospital has the entire necessary range of diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment, which allows it to provide basic types of specialized medical care according to the profiles of the departments available in the hospital staff. Thus, after the introduction of a new treatment and diagnostic building with 800 beds, specialized new departments were opened in the hospital - neurotraumatology, coloproctology, cardiovascular, orthopedic and diagnostic in the emergency department. A completely renovated urological building was put into operation.

A unique feature of the hospital is that almost all departments of the city clinical hospital are the clinical base of leading educational and research institutions in Moscow. Thus, on the basis of the hospital’s departments there are 15 departments of Russian medical academy postgraduate education and three departments of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. Sechenov. In addition, the hospital hosts a number of divisions of the Research Institute of General Reanimatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Scientific Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (department of innovative minimally invasive technologies), the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (department of adolescent and age-related hematology), as well as the Moscow Faculty of Russian State Medical University (department pathological anatomy). This allows us to develop and quickly implement into practice the hospital’s most modern methods examination and treatment of patients. In addition, doctors from various regions of our country are constantly being trained at the hospital departments.

In the city clinical hospital named after. S.P. Botkin currently employs about 600 doctors. Of these, two are academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, eight professors, 12 doctors medical sciences and 82 candidates of medical sciences. Six doctors of the hospital were awarded the honorary title “Honored Doctor Russian Federation", and two employees - "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation". Almost every second doctor has a Higher qualification category. The hospital also employs about 1,000 employees from among the average medical personnel. In addition, it should be noted that more than 400 employees of departments, research institutes and centers work in the hospital departments that are their clinical base, including 36 professors and 56 associate professors.

The hospital includes city centers for the diagnosis and treatment of toxplasmosis, an endoprosthetics center large joints, a city hematology center providing highly qualified care to the population of the capital. The hospital's visiting teams provide emergency specialized neurosurgical and resuscitation (obstetrics and gynecology) care to Moscow hospitals. The hospital has a consultative clinic for 350 visits per day, within the walls of which about 60 thousand patients referred to their various clinics in the city are consulted annually by the hospital staff, as well as by the teaching staff of the departments. In addition, about 22,000 patients per year receive consultation and treatment at the city hematology center, and about 12,000 receive diagnosis and consultation at the center for the diagnosis and treatment of toxopplasmosis. Besides, in staffing table The hospital includes 4 organizational and methodological departments of the Moscow Department of Health.

On the territory of the hospital there is a medical school named after. S.P. Botkin. Total in the departments "Nursing" and " Laboratory diagnostics"There are 635 people studying. Students are trained on a state basis.

28.05.18 22:05:52

+2.0 Excellent

Hello everyone who visits this site and will read this review. I never thought that I would write anything on the Internet, although I read all the reviews about this clinic, because I myself was treated there. It so happened that I ended up at the RMANPO clinic for examination, where, as a result of histology, they diagnosed cancer thyroid gland, almost last stage with metastases to the lymph nodes of the neck. All the medical workers who treated me were highly professional, sensitive, kind, and patient. I would like to mention everyone I encountered during treatment, starting with the surgeon highest category Kozeev Sergei Fedorovich - a surgeon from God (sorry for the cliches, but I simply can’t find other words). An intelligent, energetic person who will not refuse to help anyone. Always near him great amount people, each with their own misfortune, problem, and he finds advice, recommendations, and words of support for everyone, without exception. I would like to say about the highest category surgeon Teterin Konstantin Andreevich - a golden man with golden hands. Positive, with sparkling humor, easy to communicate, approachable and at the same time professional high class. And my attending physician, Elena Vladimirovna Zaborskikh, is so smart, friendly, calm, correct, clearly, intelligibly explains your situation, simply and elegantly, you feel like a great professional in her field and a wonderful person. In preparation for the operation, anesthesiologist Svetlana Mikhailovna Fedotova worked with me. She conducted the inspection cheerfully, cheerfully, and kept joking and encouraging. And after the anesthesia, when I woke up, I didn’t even understand whether there was an operation at all. I would like to tell you a separate episode that happened with resuscitator sister Margarita Viktorovna Bodulinskaya. Special thanks to her! Once, in a conversation with her, I shared my impressions about the attitude of health workers towards their patients (believe me, I have something to compare with, I’ve seen all sorts of different things). This is what she answered me: “How could it be otherwise. Our patients suffer not only physically, they all also have psychological trauma. That's why it's like this for them special treatment" How true this is! We wish there were more health workers like this. I also want to mention the guard nurses for their patience and benevolence. Unfortunately, I don’t remember their names, but I remember one in particular. Her name is Nana, an extraordinary woman, I personally have never met such people. will find it for everyone kind word support and consolation. After communicating with her, my soul was calmer and brighter, I jokingly called her Nana - psychotherapist. I would like to mention the radiology workers. Radiation was prescribed 2 months after surgery radioactive iodine. I was terribly afraid. Radiologist Sergei Leonidovich Kiriyenko personally called, called for a conversation, explained everything sensibly and clearly, gave instructions and recommendations on how to prepare for the procedure, set a date, everything was clear and precise. After the procedure, they gave me all the recommendations, which I strictly followed. Everyone was polite and patiently answered all the questions, of which all the patients had many. Thanks a lot, everyone! I would especially like to express my gratitude to the head physician of the clinic. Unfortunately, I don’t know him personally, but I am sure that without such a leader there would not be such a wonderful clinic as it is now. Of course, during my treatment I did not have time to get to know everyone who works in this clinic, but it is clearly felt that there is a large, friendly team. I’ll even say more – family! Selected by an extraordinary person. And all the guys in this family-team have the most wonderful human qualities. Doing a great job to save lives ordinary people suffering from a terrible disease - oncology. I am 50 years old, in October 2017 I thought that my life was over when I was diagnosed terrible diagnosis. A period of fear, uncertainty, doubt, complex and lengthy treatment began. 8 months after the full course did a follow-up examination and cancer cells not found. Hooray! Victory! Of course, you have to be monitored for 5 years, undergo examinations, oncology is insidious, but now there is hope to live as before full life healthy person. I cannot express in words all my gratitude to the people who, by doing their job, saved my life. Thank you! Thanks everyone! I appeal to everyone who suffers from this disease. Trust your doctors! Follow all their recommendations! Believe in yourself! Believe in God! Oncology is not a death sentence! I now know this for myself. Good luck to you and God bless you! Pishchulina L. R.


Emergency hospitalization:
Mon. – Sun: 24 hours a day (only in the field of gynecology and general surgery)

Planned hospitalization:
Mon. – Fri: 8:00 - 16:00

Reception of patients at the clinic:
Mon. – Sun: 8:00 - 20:00

Inpatient care:
Mon. – Sun: 24 hours a day

Mon. – Fri: 24 hours a day

Visiting patients:
Mon. – Sun: 16:00 - 19:00

2nd Botkinsky proezd, building 5, buildings 3 and 4 of the State Clinical Hospital named after. Botkin

On public transport:

From Begovaya metro station

  • From 8:00 to 20:00: walk along 1st Khoroshevsky Proezd 500 meters to the intersection with Polikarpova Street. At the intersection, turn left and walk to the gate of the Botkin Hospital. Enter the territory of this hospital. When you reach the intersection, turn right, then when you reach the T-junction, turn left. After walking another 200 meters, on the left you will see a three-story building made of light brick - this is the clinic building. Immediately after the building, turn right and you will see the main entrance
  • From 20:00 to 8:00: walk along 1st Khoroshevsky Proezd 500 meters to the intersection with Polikarpova Street. At the intersection, turn left to the intersection with Boris Petrovsky Street, then turn right to the checkpoint at the Botkin Hospital. After the checkpoint, go straight after building 21, turn right, then before building 9 turn left, then along right side there will be a three-story building made of light brick, you need to go under 2 arches of this building and turn right, the entrance to the building is from the end of the building

From Dynamo metro station

  • From 8:00 to 20:00: After exiting the last car from the center onto Leningradsky Prospekt following the sign “Botkin Hospital”, walk 100 meters against the direction of traffic to the underground pedestrian crossing. Cross to the other side of Leningradsky Prospekt. Then you can take trolleybus No. 82 to the Botkin Hospital stop or walk from the crossing in the direction of traffic, turn into 1st Botkinsky Proezd and walk 700 meters to the end. Directly in front of you will be the main entrance to the Botkin Hospital. Entering the main gate, you will see a monument to Botkin. Turn left and follow the road for 250 metres. To your right will be a three-story building made of light brick. In front of it are signs “Building 3” and “Medsi”. Turn right to the main entrance of the building
  • From 20:00 to 8:00: exiting the last carriage from the center onto Leningradsky Prospekt following the sign “Botkin Hospital”, walk 100 meters against the direction of traffic to the underground pedestrian crossing. Cross to the other side of Leningradsky Prospekt. Then you can take trolleybus No. 82 to the Botkin Hospital stop or walk from the crossing in the direction of traffic, turn into 1st Botkinsky Proezd and walk 700 meters to the end. The main entrance to the Botkin Hospital will be right in front of you. It is closed at night. You need to turn right and then the road turns left, where the street begins. Boris Petrovsky, there is a 24-hour post on it through which you can enter the territory of the Hospital. After the checkpoint, go straight after building 21, turn right, then before building 9, turn left, then on the right side there will be a three-story building made of light brick, you need to go under 2 arches of this building and turn right, the entrance to the building is from the end of the building

Modern multidisciplinary hospital and an outpatient department in the center of Moscow, specializing in therapeutic and surgical oncology, operative gynecology, urogynecology, surgical mammology, abdominal minimally invasive surgery, surgical traumatology and orthopedics, phlebology, coloproctology, diagnostic and operative endoscopy, plastic surgery.

MEDSI Clinical Hospital in Botkinsky is:

  • More than 12,000 sq. m of high-tech medicine
  • More than 15,000 patients per year
  • More than 90 highly qualified specialists
  • Doctors of more than 11 specializations, including 5 candidates and 4 doctors of medical sciences, 3 professors and 1 academician
  • 4 chief specialists of MEDSI Group in the areas of oncology, gynecology, surgery, endoscopy
  • More than 20 years of experience

We make the achievements of technological medicine accessible

  • Consultations with leading Russian specialists in the following areas: oncology, traumatology and orthopedics, gynecology, surgery, endoscopy, radiation, ultrasound and functional diagnostics
  • Possibility of treatment under compulsory medical insurance
  • Referral for rehabilitation to the MEDSI sanatorium, including compulsory medical insurance
  • Use of high-tech diagnostic and treatment equipment (equipment expert level, for various types diagnostics ultrasound, functional diagnostics, gastro- and colonoscopy, x-ray, CT (24/7) and MRI (24/7)
  • 24-hour comfortable hospital with single and double rooms
  • 4 operating rooms operating on the Fast Track surgery principle*
  • Oncological service under the leadership of A. N. Makhson and academician M. I. Davydov
  • Unique centers competencies
  • The whole range of minimally invasive, laparoscopic, endosurgical, open surgical operations
  • Monitoring of patients by hospital specialists in the outpatient department

Patient selection

  • Leading doctors with experience in the largest clinics in Russia and Europe
  • Personalized approach to treatment taking into account combined pathologies Expert-class diagnostic equipment and many years of expertise of the clinic’s specialists mean a correctly diagnosed diagnosis and successfully completed treatment
  • Preference for advanced low-impact methods surgical treatment
  • Use of high-tech equipment and high-quality original consumables
  • High level service: convenient work schedule, no long wait for hospitalization, payment in cash and compulsory medical insurance, same-day appointment
  • Unique surgical operations Davydova M. I.


  • Department of Therapeutic Oncology
  • Department of Surgical Oncology
  • Branch general surgery
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics
  • Endoscopy Department
  • Department of functional and ultrasound diagnostics
  • Branch radiology diagnostics
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory
  • Outpatient department

Competence centers

  • Chemotherapy Center
  • Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics
  • Mammology Center
  • Center for implantation of infusion port systems
  • Center for Diagnostics and Endoscopic Treatment early forms cancer
  • Competence Center "Women's Health"

Convenient service options

Comfortable service

  • Reception daily
  • 24/7 call center
  • Hot food buffet and snack points

You can ask any questions and make an appointment with a specialist by phone.

City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin is located at 125284, Moscow, 2nd Botkinsky proezd, 5.

How to get to the place: by personal car or public transport: by buses No. 84, 101, 175, 847 to the “Temple” stop. You can also get there by buses No. t79, 27, 101, 175, 847 or trolleybuses No. 20, 65, 82 to the Herzen Institute stop, then walk about 500 meters in a northwest direction.

The nearest metro stations are Begovaya (900 meters), Dynamo (1.1 km). From the Begovaya metro station you can take bus No. 847 to the Medical Building stop. From the Dynamo metro station you can take bus number 207 to the Botkin Hospital stop.

Chief physician— Shabunin Alexey Vasilievich.

Help numbers

Hospital departments

  • Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation for Neurosurgical and Trauma Patients
  • 2 hematology departments
  • 2 gynecological departments
  • City Center for Toxoplasmosis
  • Diagnostic department
  • Infectious diseases department
  • Cardiology department for patients with myocardial infarction (department emergency cardiology)
  • 2 Cardiology departments
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory
  • Coloproctology department
  • Advisory department
  • Moscow City Hematology Center
  • Neurological department for patients with acute disorder cerebral circulation
  • Neurological department
  • 2 neuro surgical departments
  • 2 nephrology departments
  • Orthopedic department
  • Department of Radiation Diagnostics
  • 2 departments of abdominal oncology
  • Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation for Patients cardiovascular pathology
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care for Surgical Patients
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation for Cardiac Patients
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation to ensure surgical interventions
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care for Urological Patients
  • Department of Anesthesiology-Resuscitation
  • Department of Gastrohepatopancreatoenterology
  • Branch hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Department of Purulent Traumatology
  • Department of Cardiac Surgery
  • Department of Coloproctology
  • Branch physical therapy
  • Department of Medical Psychology
  • Department of Neurosurgery
  • Department of General Oncology
  • 2 oncourology departments
  • Department of Otorhinolaryngology
  • Department of Ophthalmo-Oncology
  • Blood transfusion department
  • Radiotherapy Department
  • Intensive care unit for infectious patients
  • Department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment
  • 2 compartments vascular surgery
  • Department of Thoracic Oncology
  • Department of Thoracic Surgery
  • Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics
  • Department of Physiotherapy
  • Branch functional diagnostics
  • Chemotherapy department
  • Department of Liver and Pancreas Surgery
  • Department of surgical treatment of rhythm disorders and cardiac pacing
  • Branch maxillofacial surgery
  • Department of Extracorporeal Treatment Methods
  • Department of Endocrine Surgery
  • Short-stay ophthalmological hospital
  • Pathology department
  • Reception department for non-infectious patients
  • Psychiatric department For patients with combined mental and somatic pathology
  • Pulmonology department
  • X-ray diagnostic department
  • 3 therapeutic departments
  • 2 trauma departments
  • 2 urology departments
  • Branch No. 1. Ophthalmological service
  • Branch No. 2 " Maternity hospital With antenatal clinics»
  • 2 surgical departments
  • Endocrinology Department
  • Endoscopy department