How to put a person to sleep - simple ways. What drugs are added to alcohol to make a person fall asleep

Sometimes situations arise when you need to quickly put a person to sleep for at least 2 hours. Sometimes you need to fall asleep yourself, but tension or excitement does not give such an opportunity. Pharmaceuticals can adversely affect health, and sometimes even lead to death. Empirically, it was found that in order to put a person into sleep, it is not necessary to resort to sleeping pills. There are safer ways.

How to put a person to sleep without sleeping pills?

To fall asleep, you can use the following methods:

  • influence hypnosis;
  • use chloroform;
  • click on the special points located on the body.

Important! Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it in detail, to study the possible consequences.

How to put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to health: hypnosis theory

Hypnosis has a close connection with the history of mankind. It is mentioned even in religious books. To put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to his health, you must be fluent in the technique of hypnosis. This method is used in medicine to calm the patient by influencing his consciousness.

Important! It is necessary not only to know how to hypnotize a person, but also to have the techniques of awakening him.

When using hypnosis, there is one important nuance. Even doctors manage to lull far from every patient. A person must be suggestible, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep.

Important! If you do not have certain knowledge and experience of hypnosis, its use can lead to changes in a person's consciousness.

Below is a video about hypnosis.

Points on the body for sound sleep

There are many areas on the human body, when exposed to which, you can quickly turn off consciousness. The most famous point is the carotid artery, which is located on the neck. If you press it, the blood flow to the brain will stop. As a result, a person falls out of reality for a long time.

On a note! To put to sleep by pressing on carotid artery should be used with caution, since there is a possibility of transferring it, which entails serious consequences.

The second well-known point is the area on the shoulder, closer to the neck. Clicking on it brings you to sleep. It should be noted that the different people the location of this point may vary.

There are other areas on the body that are less known, but exposure to them can also put you to sleep. "Sleepy points" are located in such places:

  • between the eyebrows (should be pressed several times index finger);
  • on the outer corners of the eyes (the impact is carried out by pressing with both hands clenched into fists);
  • on the upper eyelids(you need to press on both points, and then look at the legs with an “internal” look);
  • area on the nose, which is located at a distance of 1 cm from the nostrils.

Important! Care must be taken when using sleep points. This method can instantly put you to sleep, however, if it is used incorrectly or for a long time, it leads to a change in consciousness and even death.

Human sedation liquid

Surely many have seen films where a scarf is brought to the face of a character without his knowledge, after which he falls unconscious. The audience is presented with the idea of ​​being put to sleep with chloroform. He is narcotic substance, which provides strong impact on the human body. To immerse a person in a state of sleep, it is necessary to moisten a handkerchief in chloroform and apply it to the nose and mouth, pressing and holding for several seconds. As a rule, turning off consciousness occurs already on the second breath. By the way! In the game Yandere Simulator, you can put people to sleep in a similar way.

On a note! Chloroform is highly toxic.

There is also a way to put to sleep with clonidine, but it is not recommended to use it. Feeling after waking up feeling unwell: worried about pain in the head, dizziness, nausea. But that is not all. If the dosage is exceeded, the person may die.

You can also put to sleep at home, for a couple of hours or more, with alcohol, azaliptin, with the help of psychotropic drugs. Each of the above methods is not completely safe. If used incorrectly, it can cause harm.

Insomnia - serious problem faced by men and women of all ages. The result of sleep disturbance is irritability, a tendency to stress. Prolonged insomnia can lead to depression. Return calm, healthy sleep sleeping pills will help. Medicines of this class differ in speed of action. Choose drugs that will help you fall into a deep sleep in a short period of time.

Insomnia is of two types:

  1. presomnic- prolonged falling asleep;
  2. intrasomnic - frequent awakening at night.

It should also be highlighted

Causes of insomnia:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • stress;
  • tension.
  1. relax muscle tissue;
  2. suppress brain activity;
  3. promote fast sleep.

Sleeping pills fast action increase the period REM sleep and shorten the duration of the deep.

What sleeping pills can be used to put a person to sleep instantly

Drugs that cause rapid, within five minutes, falling asleep, are used in emergency cases. You can buy them with a prescription. Moreover, doctors very rarely recommend their use.

Majority medicines, used to speed up falling asleep, act within 15-30 minutes. They are classified as:

  • strong (Chloral hydrate, Methaqualone),
  • moderate (Phenazepam, Flurazepam),
  • lungs (Bromunal).

The effect of such drugs lasts up to eight hours. Feeling sluggish after waking up. Cause rapid addiction. With an increase in dosage, they can have a narcotic effect.

The main disadvantage of most sleeping pills is rapid addiction. As a result, it is necessary, which can lead to side effects.

Now a new generation of sleeping pills have appeared on the pharmaceutical market - Z-drugs:

  • Zaleplon,
  • Zopiclone,
  • Zolpidem.

They are strong hypnotics and are available only by prescription. Their main advantage is that they are not addictive.

Fast-acting sleeping pills

Sleeping pills with a fast spectrum of action include:

Soothes, accelerates the process of falling asleep, normalizes sleep. Valid for 8 hours. It is necessary to comply with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Has side effects such as daytime sleepiness heart rate, blurred vision, constipation.

  • (analogues: Melatonin, Melarena, Melarithm).

Accelerates falling asleep, improves the quality of sleep. Works within 7-8 hours. Does not cause daytime sleepiness and lethargy. May be recommended for elderly patients. It has side effects such as headache and nausea.

Calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep, accelerates falling asleep. Action time - till 8 o'clock. It has side effects in the form of daytime sleepiness, lethargy, constipation. In case of an overdose, heart rhythm disturbances may occur.

Valid up to eight hours. Removes emotional stress promotes fast sleep. Does not cause lethargy and drowsiness upon awakening. It has almost no side effects, except for individual intolerance.

Calms, reduces anxiety, speeds up the process of falling asleep. Valid up to 10 hours. May weaken the respiratory center. It has side effects in the form of headache, daytime sleepiness.

Reduces emotional stress, relieves anxiety, accelerates falling asleep, normalizes sleep. The duration of action is 10-12 hours. After awakening, lethargy is observed, daytime sleepiness is felt. It has side effects in the form of a headache, decreased concentration, decreased memory. With prolonged use, it can cause a state of euphoria or depression.

Herbal preparation that relieves nervous tension that speeds up sleep. Valid up to eight hours. It has a side effect in the form of bronchospasm and constipation.

Herbal preparation. Relieves emotional stress, accelerates the process of falling asleep. Valid up to 7-8 hours. Almost no side effects. In case of an overdose, a decrease in efficiency, lethargy, daytime sleepiness is possible.

Light tranquilizer with a calming effect, accelerating falling asleep. The effect of the drug is up to eight hours. It has no side effects, except for individual intolerance.

  • Thalidomide

Possesses sedative effect, speeds up sleep. Valid for 8 hours. After waking up, it causes a state of lethargy, reduces concentration. It has no pronounced side effects, but is not recommended for hypertension, pregnancy. Prohibited for children.

Light sleeping pills, non-addictive

To light drugs, not addictive relate

  • extracts medicinal plants(valerian, motherwort);
  • Persen (extracts from lemon balm and valerian);
  • Novo-Passit (valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn, hops);
  • Corvalol (as part of phenobarbital, valerian extract and mint oil);
  • Ortho-Taurine (multivitamins);
  • Fitosedan (motherwort, valerian, thyme, oregano, sweet clover).

After taking these drugs, it is removed nervous excitement, sleep is normalized, the process of falling asleep is much faster.

What sleeping pills can be bought at the pharmacy freely

Most sleeping pills are potent and are available only on prescription. Moderate and mild medicines are freely available. You can always buy at the pharmacy:

  • Corvalol,
  • Novo-Passit,
  • Fitosedan.

The main thing is to consult a doctor before buying sleeping pills.

For people who suffer from insomnia but do not want to use sleeping pills, it may be recommended home remedy to speed up the process of falling asleep and normalize sleep.

For this purpose, they have been used for a long time sleepy grass- the so-called valerian root. At home, an infusion is prepared from it. The crushed valerian root (1 tsp) is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infused for 8 hours. The infusion is filtered. Consume ¼ cup three times a day and once before bed.

Another herb that has a sleepy effect is oregano. To prepare the infusion, take 1 teaspoon of herbs and pour it with a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to drink 1/3 cup three times a day. In a similar way, you can prepare an infusion of lemon balm and mint, which are also excellent sleeping pills.

How sleeping pills affect a person

One of the main causes of insomnia, doctors recognize increased nervous excitability. The action of sleeping pills is aimed at reducing excitation and increasing inhibition. nervous system. They are distinguished by the degree of impact on the body: short, medium and long. The latter are considered the most powerful, and their use cannot go unnoticed by the body.

There are sleeping pills and the effect on the body:

  • barbiturates - disrupt the structure of sleep;
  • benzodiazepines - act similarly to barbiturates, but have fewer side effects;
  • Z-drugs - have a strong effect, but are not addictive;
  • histamine blockers - are not addictive, but are accompanied daytime sleepiness and decreased attention
  • aldehydes - do not change the structure of sleep, but are addictive.

You may be interested in knowing effective techniques and exercises for fast falling asleep

Fast-acting sleeping pills - harm to humans

Rapid-acting sleeping pills can solve the problem of insomnia, but their use will not go unnoticed. Usually, doctors recommend using them when sleep disturbances are caused by some kind of disease. They act immediately and do not need accumulation in the body to improve the effect.

With temporary sleep disturbances caused by increased nervous excitability, stress, changes in the situation, it is necessary to change the regimen, take the usual sedative, drink herbal tea with herbs that have a similar effect.

Do not forget that some of the drugs are addictive and this can lead to an overdose. It can result in depression, convulsions, hallucinations.

Abruptly stopping the use of sleeping pills will again cause insomnia.

Only a doctor can decide on the need to use a fast-acting sleeping pill.

Insomnia - unpleasant phenomenon. It affects mood, performance, general state health. If sleep disturbance is temporary and not caused by another serious illness, it is better to stop using fast-acting sleeping pills, eliminating the causes that caused it. In extreme cases, you can drink herbal tea, which is not addictive and has no side effects.


Dogs and cats give us a lot of joy, affection, positive emotions. But, unfortunately, it happens that pet owners may encounter such situations when, due to the diagnosis incurable diseases, the only way out, which, although it cannot be called humane, is to put the pet to sleep. It should be noted that diseases such as tuberculosis, rabies, oncological diseases are late stages not amenable to treatment. In world veterinary medicine, there are still no universal, effective pharmacological agents to treat some deadly dangerous ailments. The disease progresses, subjecting animals to severe torment, suffering. This article is written in the context of euthanizing dogs, but it applies to cats as well.

Of course, you need to fight for the life of your beloved dog to the last, but if the situation is hopeless, an effective, effective medical therapy has not been developed, veterinarians recommend euthanizing pet. In some cases, this is the only way out.

Indications for euthanasia

The euthanasia of animals is carried out in veterinary clinics or at home. If the animal is not transportable, it is best to call an experienced veterinarian at home in such a situation, so that after examining the doctor, the doctor will make an appropriate decision and carry out a painless euthanasia procedure.

There are two main reasons for euthanasia:

  • medical;
  • social and household.

To medical indications include diseases, infections that are not amenable to medical therapy and bring severe suffering to animals, as well as congenital pathologies that are incompatible with the life and normal existence of pets.

Indications for euthanasia:

  • severe brain damage, rupture spinal cord(myelitis);
  • neurological disorders, pathology of the fifth stage;
  • chronic hepatic, kidney failure at the stage of uremia, hepatic coma, decompensated hepatopathy;
  • cancer, malignant tumors final stages development of the disease (osteosarcoma, leukemia, angiosarcoma);
  • some infectious, bacterial and viral diseases (tuberculosis, rabies);
  • old age, incurable pathologies, diseases.

Euthanasia is prescribed for severely injured animals, for example, if the dog fell under the wheels of a car, fell off high altitude, received injuries incompatible with life, further existence.

It is not uncommon for dogs to be euthanized if the pet exhibits excessive aggression, which cannot be eliminated by training, adjustment of education. Another aspect is financial insolvency, when the owners do not have funds for a long-term expensive treatment. To similar procedure often resorted to when the dog was left alone after the death of the owner.

Important! Euthanasia can be resorted to if the dog has brought unwanted offspring, but only if the newborn babies are not 10 days old.

In any case, sometimes the owners of our smaller brothers have to make a rather difficult decision: to resort to euthanasia or not? At the same time, we note that euthanasia cannot be a whim of the owners! The question of carrying out such a procedure should be taken by a veterinarian, following established legislation. Otherwise, everything that is not provided for by law is considered the killing of animals, and the specialist who made such a decision will be deprived of a license to conduct medical practice.

Euthanasia without appropriate indications, the conclusions of a veterinarian is impossible! In addition, self-killing a dog cannot be called a humane way. Without experience, knowledge, you can not calculate correct dosage drugs, thereby subjecting the animal to severe torment.

How does humane, painless euthanasia work?

There are several ways to kill animals. Veterinarians most often resort to the injection technique. In extremely rare cases, the aerogenic method is used, in which dogs are euthanized with argon, other gases that provoke suffocation, since this is a less humane option.

Veterinarians do not use tablet preparations for euthanasia, because similar funds tend to cause only deep prolonged sleep. Tablets are slowly absorbed into the blood, they cannot immediately stop breathing, heart activity. Can provoke muscle spasms, clonic convulsions, severe poisoning, paralysis.

Inhumane, painful ways to put dogs to sleep include: euthanasia by electric current (a powerful discharge is carried out through the body), introduction into the lungs alcohol solutions, ammonia. Last Method used to kill unwanted offspring. Animals die in severe pain due to suffocation.

At home, euthanasia is carried out when the dog cannot move independently, transportation is contraindicated, in others emergency situations.

Important! If there was urgency to euthanize a dog, you should not take advice from forums on the Internet. In case of non-compliance with the dosage, the wrong choice of the drug can doom the animal to even greater torment. Therefore, be sure to consult with a veterinarian, call a veterinarian at home.

In clinics and at home, the scheme for euthanasia is the same. The veterinarian introduces the animal into deep anesthesia. Medications introduced into large dose. Cause oppression of the respiratory center, muscle relaxation. Barbiturates, curare-like drugs, Propaphor, Rometar, Zoletil, or combinations thereof are used. The dosage is calculated based on the body weight of the animals.

After falling asleep, the specialist uses special means causing cardiac arrest. Injectable drugs for anesthesia are intended for intramuscular, less often for intravenous administration.

In time, the procedure for euthanizing animals takes from 20 minutes to half an hour. In this case, euthanasia is completely painless for dogs and other pets. A pet goes to another world without pain, torment, agony, convulsions.

Sleeping pills for the temporary euthanasia of animals

In free sale, in veterinary pharmacies, it is almost impossible to purchase tablets and other drugs for euthanizing animals without a prescription. There are no certified sleeping pills for dogs in our country! Can be used pharmacological preparations for people: Sibazon, Seduxen, Diazepam, Relanium, Phenazipam or their analogues.

Important! As already noted, the tablets are suitable for temporary euthanasia of dogs and cats. May contain potent poisons, which do not provoke instant death, but only relax the muscles, disrupt the central nervous system.

A similar procedure is used:

  • if it is necessary to urgently deliver the animal to a veterinary clinic;
  • before some lengthy surgical operations;
  • during long-term transportation on airplanes, trains, in cars, if the pet does not tolerate travel;
  • when catching stray, aggressive animals.

When using veterinary drugs to temporarily euthanize dogs, you need to be very careful. It is very important to correctly calculate the dosage. In order not to harm pet, we recommend using homeopathic remedies, sedatives on the plant-based.

According to the type of action, drugs for temporary sleep are classified into:

Be sure to consult your veterinarian before using any drugs for temporary euthanasia of animals.

For temporary euthanasia of animals, you can use:

  1. Droperidol. neuroleptic drug. Belongs to the group of butyrophenones. It has antiemetic, pronounced sedative, tranquilizing effect. Reduces motor activity, relaxes the muscles. Used for premedication.
  2. Propofol. It has a general anesthetic effect at the level of lipid membranes of CNS neurons. Available in the form of an emulsion. In large doses, it inhibits the activity of the respiratory center.
  3. Ditilin. Refers to curare-like drugs. Muscle relaxant.
  4. Xylazine. Causes relaxation of muscle structures, depresses respiration, cardiac activity.
  5. Thiopental. Immerses in a state of deep anesthesia.
  6. Dimedrol. Depresses the central nervous system, has a hypnotic effect.
  7. Ardown is a relaxant, a relaxing drug, the action of which is aimed at blocking the innervation of muscle structures.
  8. Zolarepam. An anesthetic drug relieves pain symptoms.

For temporary euthanasia of dogs, you can use Kot Bayun, Stop Stress in drops or tablets, Amitriptyline, other sleeping pills, sedatives, plant-based barbiturates.

In any case, in order not to provoke serious complications, not to harm the health of the dog, be sure to consult with your veterinarian regarding the choice of a drug for temporary euthanasia.

Everyone knows the common phrase that sleep is the best medicine. Indeed, after a few hours of rest, we feel vigorous and healthy. It is no coincidence that people at all times have been actively interested in ways of artificial lulling without harming the body. Sleepy points and arteries became the main research, and healers and magicians used relaxation for practical purposes.

The most talked about way to sleep is hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis is one of the most mysterious, but at the same time absolutely harmless ways to turn off a person without sleeping pills. In addition to hypnosis itself, the practice of self-hypnosis is widespread - putting oneself to sleep to improve physical or psychological capabilities.
  • Hypnosis has its origins in primitive people. It was during this period that the first "intermediaries" with other worlds began to appear - shamans. Their role in the formation of hypnosis is quite large.
  • Hypnosis involves the body, but most often occurs without bodily contact. Sleeping and other manipulations are carried out at a subconscious level. However, this topic is still under study. But one thing is certain - sleepy man can be the object of influence of the hypnotist for both good and selfish purposes.
  • Hypnotic sleep is a kind of disconnection of the body from self-adoption solutions. The will of a person is controlled by a hypnotist or his assistants.

Interesting fact. Our consciousness is not able to quickly return to its previous state after the removal of hypnosis. Therefore, people do not always remember where they are and what happened to them before.

The standard hypnotic procedure is relaxation for an hour. Sometimes the object of influence can be an emotional rowdy or a person in a state of alcohol intoxication. Hypnosis does not require pressing on the body - the action takes place at the level of consciousness.

How to put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to health?

Artificial euthanasia is used for a specific purpose. For example, you need to fall asleep quickly, but there is no sleeping pill at hand. Or you suffer from insomnia, but you do not want to take medication. There is a way out - today you can relax a person for 2 hours using pressing on sleepy points:

  • find a point in a person at a distance of 1 cm near the corner of the eye, and press it with two fingers;
  • another way to put a person to sleep is to press on the point between the eyebrows with the index finger;
  • measure the distance from the nostrils at the width of a finger, and then massage the point at this place with rotational movements of the brushes;
  • determine the points above the eye sockets and press them with both fists at once - as soon as you do this, lower your eyes to your knees and fix your eyes on your feet.

Attention! When using sleep points, it is important to monitor the reaction of the body. It's best not to put yourself to sleep alone. There should be a partner nearby who, in which case, will help you return to your previous state.

What liquid is sedated?

After analyzing common physical ways, we turn to the description of special preparations for euthanasia. An important rule the use of liquids is strict adherence to dosage. As a rule, the drug is prescribed by a doctor. Even if you need quick result, do not overdo it with the dosage in order to avoid health problems.

Chloroform is a colorless liquid with a pleasant aroma. In its strength, chloroform is superior to ether and other sleeping pills. Anesthesia does not require special preparations. Chloroform relaxes the muscles of the body and disperses the mind, putting a person to sleep.

It is also important to remember about side effects from chloroform:

  1. The first thing to note is respiratory failure. Fluid knocks down the rhythm respiratory tract and can lead to health problems.
  2. Second, activation of cardio-vascular system. Chloroform increases the pulse and affects the heart contractions.
  3. Third, chloroform disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
As a result, we can conclude that hypnosis, sleep points and a liquid for sleeping a person help to cope with insomnia. However, in no case should you use the other methods of euthanasia indicated in the article on another person, especially against the will of this person.

What is chloroform?

Chloroform is a fatty narcotic substance that has more strong action, how anesthetic ether .

Unlike ether, it causes an offensive much faster and relaxes well. skeletal muscles . However, at the same time, it is characterized as a very toxic agent.

Formula and properties of the substance

Wikipedia says about Chloroform that when normal conditions this chemical compound is a mobile, volatile, colorless, transparent liquid with a characteristic ethereal odor. Chloroform is non-explosive and non-flammable.

The formula of Chloroform is CHCl3. The formula was established by the French chemist Dumas.

The substance is practically insoluble in water and is miscible in all proportions with fatty acids. essential oils, alcohols and ether. It also dissolves a large amount organic matter(e.g. paraffin, resins, rubber) and some inorganic substances(for example, sulfur or phosphorus).

Chloroform - the compound is enough unstable . Under the influence of light and air, it is oxidized by oxygen. The products of this reaction are chlorine, and carbonic acid dichloride (phosgene) is a poisonous Chemical substance, which has a suffocating effect.

For this reason, open flame chloroforming should be avoided. poisoning phosgene - a fairly common occurrence when working with chloroform, which has been stored in a warm place for a long time.

To prevent decomposition of Chloroform, it must be stored in orange glass jars. For the same purpose, alcohol is added to chloroform or - sometimes -.

Hazard class Chloroform according to the degree of impact on humans - II (Highly hazardous substances).

Release form

Release form Chloroform is an emulsion for external use in 50 ml vials.

The substance is produced in accordance with the current standard GOST 20015-88.

result constant exposure on the body of this substance are liver disease and kidney .

According to statistics, almost every tenth inhabitant of the planet has Chloroform. It is most often expressed as strong rise body temperature (up to 40 degrees) and vomiting (after surgical operations in which the substance was used as anesthetic , vomiting was observed in approximately 70-85% of patients).

Animal studies have shown that inhalation of air containing as little as 0.03% Chloroform by pregnant female rats leads to spontaneous abortion. The same was observed in rats given Chloroform orally.

In the next generations of experimental rats and mice, continuing to inhale air with Chloroform, was born large quantity cubs with various kinds of congenital pathologies than their healthy counterparts.

The effect of the substance on reproductive function man has not been fully studied. It is only known that prolonged inhalation of its vapors (within 2-10 minutes) can provoke fatal outcome .

Presumably Chloroform can cause hereditary changes in the fetus and increases the likelihood of occurrence. These properties appear only in cases where the permissible concentration of a substance in the air is exceeded.

How to make Chloroform at home

On the forums, the questions “How to put a person to sleep with Chloroform?” are not uncommon. and “How to make Chloroform yourself?”.

If putting a person to sleep is the task of an experienced anesthesiologist, then almost everyone can get the substance at home if desired.

Chloroform is a chlorine derivative of methane. It is obtained by heating bleach with ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

Preparation from ethyl alcohol

To obtain a substance in this way, it is necessary to take 430 g of bleach, which contains 23.4% CaO2Cl2, and mix it with 1.5 liters of water. Then 100 g of caustic (slaked) lime and 100 cu. see alcohol 88.5%.

The resulting mixture is distilled, and milk of lime (a suspension of slaked lime in lime water) and calcium chloride CaCl₂ are added to the distillate. The released chloroform is separated, shaken several times with concentrated sulfuric acid and rectified (separated into practically pure components by repeated evaporation of the liquid and condensation of vapors).

Getting from acetone

To get Chloroform from acetone, take 275 g of bleach, which contains 33.3% active chlorine, rub it with 800 cubic meters. cm of water and gradually pour in a mixture of acetone and water (for its preparation, acetone is taken 22 g, and water in the amount of 70 cubic cm).

Preparation from potassium (K) or sodium (Na) hypochlorites

This method involves electrolysis aqueous solution potassium chloride and alcohol. Instead of alcohol, the use of acetone or aldehyde is allowed.

Receiving from Whiteness

One of the easiest ways to get a substance is by mixing Whiteness and acetone. At the same time, 10 ml of acetone should be taken for 100 ml of Whiteness. This amount of ingredients allows you to get a fairly large (about 3 ml) drop of Chloroform. Probably, by distillation, a slightly larger amount of the required substance can be obtained.

Indications for use Chloroform

Chloroform is used as anesthetic at surgical interventions. In addition, the nomenclature of medicines also includes the drug “Chloroform for external use”.

Since one of the main properties of Chloroform is its ability to irritate the skin and mucous membranes, it is often used in combination with turpentine or methyl ether salicylic acid for rubbing with and inflammatory lesions skeletal muscle () .

In some cases, Chloroform in the form of drops (mixed with tincture ) is assigned at , vomiting and pain in the epigastric region .

To reduce sensitivity mucous membranes of the respiratory tract , affected by toxic substances of irritating and lachrymal action (in particular, arsenic hydrogen - one of the most powerful inorganic poisons that have blood-destroying action and provoking development malignant tumors ) Chloroform is prescribed in the form of a so-called anti-smoke mixture, which, in addition to it, includes Ethyl and , and also anesthetic ether .


Contraindications to the use of Chloroform as anesthetic are:

  • increased individual sensitivity to it;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system ;
  • liver disease ;
  • kidney disease ;
  • asthenic syndrome .

For external use Chloroform is contraindicated if the patient has purulent-inflammatory skin diseases . Contraindications for oral administration have not been established.

Side effects

Exceeding the recommended dose of Chloroform when putting a patient to sleep by, and in particular by inhaling concentrated vapors of this substance (when the concentration exceeds 2%), leads to a weakening cardiac activity , sharp drop indicators (up to the development collapse ) and cardiac arrest .

Chloroform vapors are irritating to mucous membranes of the eyes , respiratory tract , and when taken orally - also gastric mucosa . As a result of such an impact in a person:

  • mucous membranes redden;
  • there is a feeling burning sensation ;
  • copious separation begins slime, tears and saliva ;
  • seizures occur cough ;
  • there is a feeling nausea ;
  • arises vomit .

Increased secretion of mucus provokes breathing difficulties , and in some cases can be the cause.

As a result of the selection salivary glands a large number saliva in humans often begins vomit . Entry of vomit into lungs in turn leads to strangulation or development pneumonia .

Chloroform vapors are irritating and sensory nerve endings located in respiratory mucosa , which has a reflex effect on the function respiratory and vasomotor centers , as well as for activities vagus nerve center .

As a result, after the primary excitation, a person reflexively begins to slow down breathing and heartbeat (sometimes even to a complete stop).

Chloroform has the ability to penetrate intact skin , initially irritating her. Prolonged local exposure is accompanied by strong inflammation , and education . Sometimes they can develop or.

In some cases, the patient may develop an addiction to Chloroform, associated with the ingestion of the substance or its abuse in the form of inhalation. This species is called "chloroformomania".

Instructions for Chloroform (Method and dosage)

Outwardly Chloroform is used in the form of a complex chloroform liniment, in which it is included in equal parts with an oil extract of black henbane leaves or dope oil. The product is applied to the painful area and gently rubbed.

The drug for oral administration in the form of Chloroform on water is prescribed to take three to five drops 3-4 times a day. The drug in the form of chloroform water with a content of Chloroform 0.5% is taken in one tablespoon. Multiplicity of receptions - 3-4 per day.

The highest single oral dose for adult patients is 0.5 ml, the daily dose is 1 ml.


Chloroform renders toxic effect on the metabolism and function internal organs .
The odor perception threshold is 0.0003 mg per litre. A pronounced specific odor is observed when the concentration of Chloroform is 0.02 mg per liter.

The narcotic concentration of the substance is 0.25-0.5 mg / l. At this concentration, Chloroform provokes a change in the rate of development reflex muscle tension , change in current metabolic processes, gastric and intestinal disorders a decrease in the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys and appearance of sugar in the urine .

Serious substance poisonings are most often observed in people working in the pharmaceutical industry. They are accompanied by violation heart function and respiratory center , mucosal lesions (eye , stomach , respiratory tract ).

Milder forms of poisoning are accompanied vomiting , increased weakness throughout the body, dizziness. Some people may experience stomach pain and agitation.

Laboratory tests may show a change cellular composition blood , characterized by high or low content.

Even low concentrations of Chloroform can provoke severe poisoning with liver damage .

Treatment of chloroform poisoning

If symptoms of poisoning occur during inhalation administration of Chloroform to a patient, the supply should be stopped immediately. anesthesia . Further measures are aimed at facilitating patency respiratory tract .

The patient is connected to the device artificial ventilation lungs , for elimination oxygen starvation apply oxygen therapy (deliver humidified oxygen for inhalation) and provide hyperventilation lungs .

To ensure efficient oxygen transport and eliminate symptoms and consequences intoxication also resort to infusion-transfusion therapy .

The patient is warmed, prescribed to him intravenous administration and (at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight). To remove from blood toxic products carry out procedures and hemosorption . Prevention is also considered appropriate. pneumonia .

To normalize activities hearts appoint subcutaneous injections with caffeine (10%), camphor (20%) and (25%). The volume of one injection is 1-2 ml.

If symptoms of poisoning occur as a result of oral ingestion of a substance, first aid is reduced to lung intubation , gastric lavage , prescribing to the patient and laxatives - sodium salt sulfuric acid (sodium sulfate) and vaseline oil .

The action of Chloroform is eliminated within a few days. Bowel lavage it is recommended to do to clean wash water (the so-called siphon enema ).

Also prescribed procedures aimed at the prevention of lesions kidney and liver . Specialists often resort to bloodletting (150-300 ml) with further partial blood replacement.

If the patient develops collaptoid state (mild form collapse ), he is shown intravenous administration of 0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution in 10-20 ml of a solution glucose . According to indications it can be appointed.

Therapy using sympathomimetic amines (, norepinephrine , etc.) is contraindicated. In addition, sulfanilamide and chlorine-containing hypnotics should not be prescribed.

After poisoning with the drug, it is strictly forbidden to eat fatty foods and alcohol.


Drug interactions have not been described.

Terms of sale

By prescription or by lists for medical institutions.

Storage conditions

List B. Keep the drug in a well-corked vial in a cool, dry place. If stored incorrectly, the substance evaporates quickly.