Clio blue ovulation test. How the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test works

I’ll say right away that I’m a dough addict))) Although I got pregnant pretty quickly, I bought packs (for ovulation and pregnancy) in batches, so that later I could test them in action - to “catch” ovulation or find out if pregnancy occurred. True, my body gave signs about this even without tests, but this was my entertainment - to wet the tests)))

Once, in a pharmacy, I saw a ClearBlue digital ovulation test and, of course, became interested. The price "bite" - 600 rubles for 7 tests in a package, but I bought it anyway, it's curious what a modern miracle of technology is.

The test was made in China, but the manufacturer is Swiss, the packer is Polish, and the manufacturer's representative is Procter & Gamble - Russia, in general, the geography is wide, which is probably why the price is so high.

Test modules (7 pieces), digital block, packed in a cardboard box, which depicts a chubby smiling baby, detailed instructions attached in Russian.

The manufacturer claims that the accuracy of the test approaches 100%

Over 99% accuracy in definition 2 better days for conception*, with an unmistakable digital result.

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is more accurate than calendar and temperature methods* and delivers unmistakably clear results on the digital screen.

The test can be used at any time of the day at one time, but it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid before testing.

The day of testing depends on the length of your cycle, for example, with a standard 28 day cycle, testing should begin on day 11 menstrual cycle, there is a table in the instructions where you can see which day to use the test. I started testing on the 15th day of the cycle.

Application of the test:

– Remove the test module from the foil package.

– Remove the cap.

– Before contact with urine, the test module must be inserted into the housing.

– Align the pink arrow of the test module with the pink arrow on the test body and insert until it clicks into place.

– Wait for the "test ready" symbol to appear and perform an ovulation test immediately.

Place the absorbent sampler pointing downwards under the urine stream for 5–7 seconds.

– Alternatively, collect a urine sample in a clean, dry container. Place the absorbent sampler in the collected urine sample for 15 seconds.

– Be careful not to wet the case.

– Hold the sampler pointing downwards or place the test module on a horizontal surface. During testing, never hold the test with the absorbent strip pointing upwards.

– After 20-40 seconds, the “Test Ready” symbol will flash to indicate that the ovulation test is working.

– Do not remove the test module until you have received a result.

– Remove the cap from the test module and wait 3 minutes.

We wait 3 minutes and read the result:

* an empty circle on the display means that ovulation is not yet expected, there has not yet been a surge of the LH hormone, which rises 12-48 hours before ovulation. It is recommended to repeat the test the next day with a new test module.

* a smiling emoticon on the body screen indicates that an LH surge has occurred and you have 48 hours ahead of you, favorable for conceiving a child.

The test result is interpreted only on the display, it is not readable by test modules, i.e. no need to compare the strips for brightness. Within 8 minutes, either an empty circle or a smiley will be displayed on the case screen.

Everything is not difficult in practice, although the instructions for the test are extensive, but disappointment awaited me, the case of my test was apparently defective and the test gave an error every time I used it (I exhausted 4 test modules).

The instruction contains detailed information on questions about the test, including errors. Unfortunately, I did not see an empty circle or a smiley face during the test, although I strictly followed the instructions.

The test gave an error. In the end, I still read the result from the strips on the test module, contrary to the manufacturer's statements that you only need to read on the display. By the 4th test, the strips were equal, they became the same brightness, which means that ovulation is about to come. Another simple ovulation test, much cheaper (Chinese, ordered from Tao Bao) confirmed this to me, and a few hours later I myself felt the approach of ovulation.

Stripes of the same brightness, ovulation soon. That's how I "thrown" 600 rubles down the drain for a defective digital miracle of technology. But despite the defective test in the same cycle, I got pregnant)))

I put the test 3, maybe marriage is not common, but I can’t give a higher rating and I won’t recommend this test for use, in any case, for such a high cost.

Text: based on press release

Did you know that every second couple tries to conceive at the wrong time? And all because not all women know the days of their ovulation.

To identify the days favorable for conception, an ovulation test will help.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is a process that occurs once per menstrual cycle, when, due to changes in hormone levels, an egg is released from the ovary. This usually happens 12-16 days before the start next menstruation. Closer to ovulation, the body produces increased amount the hormone estrogen, which promotes the growth of the endometrium in the uterus and allows you to create a favorable environment for sperm. High level estrogen provokes a sharp increase in another hormone - LH (luteinizing hormone). The so-called LH surge promotes the release of an egg from the ovary, and ovulation occurs. Fertilization of the egg can occur within 24 hours of ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the overgrown endometrium begins to flake off the walls of the uterus, and you begin your period. From this moment on, a new cycle begins.

What is an ovulation test for?

When planning a pregnancy, it is important to remember that the number of days in each cycle when a woman is fertile is limited. The most favorable are only two days on which ovulation occurs, and for each woman and for each cycle these days are different. An ovulation test will help identify them.

Most ways to determine the most auspicious time time to conceive or are ineffective (for example, the method of measuring basal body temperature ineffective due to the fact that the temperature rises only after ovulation), or require medical intervention(for example, a blood test or an ultrasound scan). The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test guarantees unsurpassed accuracy (over 99%) and confidence at every step of the test - all at home.

If you want to know when you're fertile, you need to know your body and your menstrual cycle. To calculate your cycle length, you need to count the number of days from the first day of your period to the day before your next period starts. Cycle times may vary different women, but, as a rule, it is from 23 to 35 days. The most favorable days are approximately in the middle of the cycle, but the Clearblue digital ovulation test will help to accurately determine them.

How does the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test work?

Clearblue based digital ovulation test simple analysis urine determines the increase in the level of the hormone LH, which occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation, which allows you to determine the 2 most favorable days for conception in this cycle. Making love on these 2 days will give you a better chance of getting pregnant.

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is very easy to use, more than 99% accurate and the result is completely clear.

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test package contains 7 inkjet tests and a special holder with a display. To determine the result, before using the test strip, you need to insert it into the test holder, and then place it under the stream of urine for a few seconds - everything is very simple. After 3 minutes, the LCD will show a 100% clear result. If the smiley icon appears on the display, it means that the LH surge in the urine has reached its maximum concentration, and the chances of conceiving a child in the next 2 days are highest. If an empty circle appears on the display, ovulation has not occurred. Everything is clear, and you do not have to look closely at the color of the stripes and nervously compare their number with the instructions, as in other tests. In addition, unlike traditional tests, where the result is stored for only a few minutes, the digital display shows it for 24 hours.

The test must be used daily at the same time for several days when ovulation is expected.

  • If the life of the egg is 24 hours, then the sperm remain active for up to five days. Therefore, a couple can conceive a child by having sex a few days before ovulation.
  • Many women believe that ovulation occurs on the 14th day, but this is not always true. The day of ovulation depends on the length of the cycle.
  • Some women experience pain during ovulation, but most do not experience any sensations at this time, and there are no other signs of ovulation.

Reusable ovulation tests are designed to determine the most suitable days for conception. The ideal period for their use is 10-20 days of the menstrual cycle, when the egg leaves the follicle. It is during these days that fertilization occurs.

Repeated use tests are especially relevant for problems with conception, when you need to do them every month. The test is a small device that comes with several strips. Some manufacturers additionally include pregnancy tests in it, which is very convenient.

The strips are changed every time when it is necessary to determine ovulation, while the device itself remains operational for a long time. Test results are displayed on a small screen.

Types of reusable ovulation tests

Reusable devices for determining the days of ovulation have been widely used since 2012. Some of them work with saliva, others with urine. In both cases, the reliability of the information obtained is higher than when testing with disposable strips.

Reusable tests include:

  • tablet;
  • electronic;
  • microscope tests.

"Tablets" or "cassettes"

This is a small rectangular container made of plastic, which has two inspection windows. The first is for collecting the test liquid, the second is for displaying the results on the screen. This takes no more than 2-5 minutes, while the data in 90-95% of cases are more accurate than with conventional strips.

For correct use a reusable ovulation test, it is substituted with the right side under the stream of urine for 5-10 seconds. After 3-4 minutes, the results will be displayed in the result window. This method is reliable, but requires a lot of money.

This method of determining the days of ovulation is recommended for women with irregular menstrual cycles.

The principle of operation of test cassettes, of which there are 7 pieces in a set, is to identify high content in the body of the hormone LH. If its release has already occurred, then the chances of getting pregnant in the next two days are high. The sensitivity of such devices is from 30 mIU / ml.

Electronic tests

They differ from the usual ones in that both saliva and urine are suitable for working with them. They contain chlorides, to which the strips are sensitive.

The device consists of a control module and sticks that are inserted into it. With their help, you can conduct tests on any day of the menstrual cycle. The device itself evaluates the received data and displays the “response” (degree of fertility). To work with it, you need very little biological fluid. The reliability of the results is 95–98%.

Data interpretation: if the “answer” is negative, an empty circle will appear in the window, if the “answer” is positive, “smile”. You can use the test at any time of the day. Before the test, do not drink a lot of water and empty bladder within 4 hours.

Electronic devices are very light, making them easy to carry in your pocket or purse. approximate cost one set of reusable electronic ovulation test - 700-1000 rubles, shelf life - up to 2-3 years. If you follow the instructions, the probability of getting wrong results is practically eliminated.

Among the electronic tests, the most effective is Clearblue, which shows the 2 most successful (fertile) days for conception. It is more accurate than the temperature and calendar methods, its reliability is more than 99%.

To obtain results, a strip from the kit is inserted into the case, after which the signal "Ready for testing" appears on the display. The absorbent end down is placed under the stream of urine for 5-10 seconds, which should not fall on the holder. If this is inconvenient, you can place the sampler in a container with collected urine and hold it in vertical position 15 seconds. The display will then flash and after 3 minutes the result will be visible.

The received data can only be seen for 8 minutes after the test, after which the new module must be used.

Microscope Tests

It takes 10 to 20 minutes to identify ovulation days using such devices, which is much longer than with other methods. For this purpose, a drop of saliva is applied to a reusable glass slide, which must dry completely.

After that, the analysis of the remaining traces (patterns similar to fern leaves) is performed. If saturated colors are visible in them, the egg will soon leave the follicle.

The task of the ovulation microscope is to detect a surge of progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the success of conception. A high concentration of these hormones provokes the accumulation of potassium and sodium in the body, which affects the density and composition of saliva. All this leads to its crystallization. Thanks to this, it is possible to choose a day suitable for fertilization a few days before its onset.

The shelf life of such an "assistant" is from 3 to 4 years. This device is ideal not only for its ability to show suitable days for conception. It also easily identifies safe numbers that are almost impossible to get pregnant. It is also important that the optics of the device is easy to clean.

To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to conduct from 10 to 20 samples throughout the entire menstrual cycle. The best time to do this is in the afternoon and evening time. The test strip can only be used once; there are usually 7–15 pcs in a set. The average cost of such a device is 1000-1500 rubles.

Benefits of Reusable Ovulation Tests

Instructions for use are attached to each ovulation test. Strictly following it, you can be sure of the accuracy of the results. Also, many manufacturers post videos with step by step algorithm actions.

Advantages of multiple tests:

  1. Quick result (from 2 to 15 minutes), most of the time is spent waiting for the “response” of the device. In order to prepare biological fluid and load it into a special window, it takes no more than 3 minutes.
  2. Saving money through long term services. If a we are talking about the electronic ovulation test, it can be used up to 4 years, other types last up to 2 years.
  3. The procedure is painless - only urine or saliva is needed for its implementation, and not blood.
  4. Easy to use.
  5. Small weight of the device. This allows you to carry it with you and use it if necessary outside the home. The lightest are electronic tests, which weigh up to 100 grams, followed by “microscopes” (their weight, together with a case and glass slides, is about 150 grams) and other models.
  6. High accuracy. The probability of obtaining false information is 1-5%. The lowest percentage is for digital tests, which are considered the most accurate. They are followed by flatbed views and microscopes.
  7. Multifunctionality. With their help, you can both plan a pregnancy and avoid it. Tests allow you to monitor the level of hormones in the blood to detect ovarian dysfunction in the early stages.

The most efficient of all test systems reusable is digital. It eliminates the possibility of error due to human factor independently interpreting the results. This is a worthy replacement for conventional test strips, which allows you to determine the most accurate days for conception.

Today, every woman can easily find out the date when there is real opportunity conceive a child. It is the Clearblue ovulation test that will help to cope with this difficult problem, relieving the couple of numerous doubts. This digital test gives the maximum accurate results and is popular with women.

Device Features

In any menstrual cycle, there are several days when an egg matures in the ovarian follicle. Under the influence female hormones The follicle ruptures and the mature egg is released into the uterine tubes. There she has a chance to meet active sperm and be fertilized. One of important hormones during this period is luteinizing. It is he who is present in the urine of a woman during the period of ovulation, and its amount will be sharply increased. According to this indicator, the definition is carried out. If it has become more, then ovulation has begun.

Clearblue Ovulation Test - perfect helper for all couples who wish to conceive a child. It is a small device that is easy to use and store. It is quite compact and does not take up much space. It is sold together with the test strips that are included in the kit. The principle of operation of the device is based on the detection of luteinizing hormone in the urine of a woman. To do this, the test strip is inserted into the device, the absorbent part is dipped into a container with urine. At the same time, the Clearblue Digital ovulation test analyzes the data and shows the result. Each time you should take a new test strip. The set consists of 5-7 pieces. This is enough for one menstrual cycle. You can buy such a test at any pharmacy.

Device advantages

The ovulation test has a lot positive properties. With it, you can identify the days when the girl's body will maximum amount hormone in the urine. The accuracy of the result is 99%, which is much more accurate than the well-known temperature and calendar methods. Its main advantage is ease of use and the ability to do the test in any secluded place.

This device can adapt to each organism individually, depending on the hormonal background.

An ovulation test shows only 2 days per month when the probability of conceiving a child is highest. The device itself is equipped with a small digital display, which shows the results of the manipulation.

All women of childbearing age (18 to 49 years) can use this device. In most cases, they are bought by those girls who long time unsuccessfully dream of getting pregnant, and all their attempts were unsuccessful. They may have tried it in the wrong days. There are times when the device is used to prevent conception by choosing a day with a minimum hormone value.

The instructions for using the device clearly describe its operation and interpretation of the results. It has no contraindications for use and side effects.

Helpful information

Always read the instructions carefully before starting manipulation. next step there will be a definition exact day start of the manipulation. To do this, you need to know the duration of the menstrual cycle. For each woman, it is individual and can range from 21 to 40 days. To find out the duration, you can add the days of the last 3 periods and divide by 3. For example, in the first month the cycle consisted of 28 days, in the second - 29 days, in the third - 30 days. The total is 87 days. If divided by 3, then average duration will be 29 days.

The table in the instructions shows the days when the procedure should be started. For example, the number 29 came out, which means that the test should be carried out on the 12th day of the next menstruation.

For the most accurate result, the Clearblue digital ovulation test should not be taken in the morning. After all, morning urine, even on a normal day, has an increased amount of luteinizing hormone. Most optimal time- from 10 am to 8 pm. It is desirable to carry out the test at the same time. You should refuse to urinate 4 hours before the procedure.

It must be remembered that when using hormonal drugs and birth control pills the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine decreases. This also applies hormonal ointments which are used for external use.

If the girl’s cycle is irregular, then one test cannot be trusted, it may turn out to be false. Should back it up traditional methods, such as measuring basal temperature.

For more reliable result it is recommended to carry out manipulation every 12 hours, then you can accurately determine the onset of ovulation. If the packaging is damaged, there are traces of opening, the integrity of the device is violated, then it is strongly not recommended to use it. It can be broken, then the result will be implausible.

Carrying out the procedure

First, take the meter out of the box and unpack 1 test strip. The strip is placed in the device itself until the display shows that the test is ready for use. It is necessary to urinate in a clean vessel so that there is 2-3 fingers of urine. It is better to take special vessels for urine or a small glass. Next, lower the strip with an absorbent plate into the urine for 15-20 seconds to the mark. You can also substitute the strip under the stream of urine for 5-7 seconds.

After that, they put the Cleablue ovulation test, a digital version, on the table, remove the extra drops of urine, close it with a cap. It is not necessary to pull out the strip, because the result will be ready only after 3-4 minutes. If everything is done correctly, the words on the digital display will flash. After a few minutes, you need to evaluate the result. If a smiley face appears on the display, then ovulation will occur within the next 2 days. In this case, it is necessary to start working on conceiving a child. sexual contact increase up to 3-4 times a day. If an empty circle appears, then there is no need to wait for ovulation yet. You need to keep doing Clearblue ovulation tests.

After using the test, it should be discarded. Do not leave the device long time without supervision, because the result is displayed on the screen for only 8-10 minutes, and then it goes out. It is not possible to draw a conclusion from the strips themselves.

The only drawback of this test is its price. But for a cherished dream, a high price is not a hindrance. Girls who use the Clearblue digital model ovulation test can conceive a child several times faster and more often than other females. Usually, to conceive a baby, it is necessary to carry out this manipulation for several months in a row. If everything is fine with a woman’s health, then after 2-3 months a pregnancy test will show positive result. And after another 9 months, the baby or baby will smile and bring long-awaited joy.

If nothing comes out within 6-8 months, then you should consult a doctor and check your health.


work is based on the definition rapid growth the amount (release) of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. The release of LH occurs approximately 24-36 hours before ovulation (the process of release of the egg from the ovary). This day, when the LH surge is determined, and the day following it, are your most auspicious days for conception.
Ovulation is the period when an egg is released from the ovary. It is this egg that is capable of fertilization. Normally, a woman under 28 has 8 - 10 ovulations per year, at the age of 28 - to 33 years, about 6 - 8 ovulations per year, and after 35 even less.
Your 2 most fertile days start when the Clearblue digital ovulation test detects your LH surge. To maximize your chances of getting pregnant, make love anytime during the next 48 hours.
An easy way to determine your most fertile time - no need to start the morning with a thermometer and measure rectal temperature, draw graphs or perform some complex procedures. Simply hold the absorbent test tube under your urine stream for five seconds and wait 3 minutes to see the result.
Home digital ovulation test clear blue gives you a clear, easy-to-read result that tells you if you're about to ovulate or not.
With high precision
99% Accurate Digital Ovulation Test clear blue will indicate to you the peak concentration of luteinizing hormone that precedes ovulation.

Mode of application

The day of the LH surge is different for all women, it also varies from cycle to cycle. To have the best chance of detecting an LH surge using the number of tests in one pack, you need to know your typical cycle length. To calculate your cycle length, count from the day (Day 1) that your period started (Day 1 menstrual bleeding), until the day before the next menstruation. This number will be the duration of your cycle.

1.When you are ready to test:

  • Remove the test strip from the bag.
  • Before you place the test under your urine stream, you must insert it into the test holder.
  • Follow the directions below.

2. Remove the cap

  • Find the Pink Arrow on the Test Stick
3. Assemble test
  • Find the Pink Arrow on the Dough Holder
  • Align both Pink Arrows
  • Insert the test stick until it clicks into the Test Holder, the "Ready to test" symbol will appear.
  • Do not use the test before the "Ready to Test" symbol appears.
  • As soon as the "Ready to test" symbol appears, test immediately.
4. Take a test
  • When the "Ready for Test" symbol is visible on the display:
  • Keeping the tip of the absorbent pointing down, place it under the urine stream for 5-7 seconds.
  • Take care not to get urine on the Holder.
  • or You can also test by collecting the urine in a clean, dry container. In this case, place only the sampler in the collected urine sample for 15 seconds.
5. Wait
  • Hold the tip of the sampler pointing down or place the test on a horizontal surface.
  • The Ready for Test symbol starts flashing after 20-40 seconds, indicating that the Test is running.

6. Read your score

  • After 3 minutes, your result will be visible on the display.
  • If your result is O, this means that the LH surge has not yet occurred. Test the next day at the same time using a new test stick. And so every day until the appearance of the symbol?.
  • If your result is ?, you have had an LH surge, and now you have the most fertile days. To maximize your chances of getting pregnant, make love anytime during the next 48 hours. There is no need to continue testing in this cycle.