When do puppies open their eyes after birth? That time when a puppy turns from a blind lump into a funny watchdog.

If your dog has given birth to little puppies for the first time, then you obviously have a question: when do puppies' eyes open? Well, in this article we will give a detailed answer to this question, and also give you a lot useful tips about how to properly care for babies in the first weeks of their life. And your first dog offspring will grow up to be strong and healthy beauties!

Immediately after birth, babies are completely unprepared for the life ahead. So, they completely lack vision and hearing, but their sense of smell is slightly developed, and even then they can only recognize the smell of their own mother. Moreover, in newborns, even thermoregulation has not yet developed; they cannot warm themselves up, so they huddle together and cling to their mother. And even the little ones move with the help of clumsy crawls.

Puppies cannot warm up on their own, so they huddle together and cuddle up to their mother.

As a result, all that a lump has at birth is a small sense of smell, the ability to crawl and a sucking reflex. The latter, by the way, begins to manifest itself in the womb, as nature prepares the individual for a new life.

Let's not languish for a long time: approximately 10-15 days after birth. In general, this time is quite individual, even among littermates it can differ quite greatly. And yes, breed does not play a role here. But it is worth noting that stray dogs puppies become sighted a little faster: already at 9-12 days.

Eyes open approximately 2 weeks after birth

But baby pets do not need to grow up in such harsh street conditions, so on average their eyes open on the 13th day after birth. Remember also that late eruption in no way can indicate a lag in mental, motor, and reflex development.

It is quite rare that both eyes open on the same day. Almost always, one opens first, and then the other, and in general the opening occurs gradually, and always from the inner corner to the outer.

And yes, at first the lump will not see objects clearly. A completely blurred picture will appear before his eyes, which will become sharper every hour. Within a couple of days the puppy will be able to see clearly and will begin to respond to objects.

This is what a puppy sees in the first days after opening its eyes.

Of course, these days we definitely exclude getting bright light Young fighters should under no circumstances be exposed to the sun; it is better to let them get stronger for a couple of weeks, and only then will you tinker with them in the open air.

During the same period, between the 10th and 20th days, the cuties’ hearing will begin to emerge. Again, gradually, but the kids will begin to hear everything around them, perhaps even reacting to sound. But do not be afraid if the puppy does not show any reaction to sources of noise: this is normal, many experts note that hearing impairment in general can only be determined at the age of 3-4 months, not earlier.

The dog begins to respond to hearing around the fourth week of life.

So don’t rush to sound the alarm if you don’t see a reaction to the noise: everything is fine, later your pet will definitely respond! As a rule, the dog reacts to loud sounds at 3 weeks.

Why can't you try to open your eyes ahead of time?

We understand that some owners are impatient to see the tiny eyes of their tiny pets as soon as possible, but you should definitely not try to bring this time closer! The fact is that the eyelids must fully develop so that they can perform their functions:

  1. protect the cornea from all kinds of external influences;
  2. prevent surface drying;
  3. promote the natural production of tears, which play an extremely important role in cleansing the organs of vision.

To help your puppy open his stuck eyes, rinse warm water literally a couple of minutes

If pus begins to be released, this indicates that microbes have entered the eye slits. The baby begins to develop mycoplasmosis, and, perhaps, chlamydia, conjunctivitis, which is treated by washing with furatsilin in combination with antibiotic drops. The procedure is carried out up to 6 times a day, but more detailed recommendations The veterinarian will give them to you, adjusting them to the individual condition of the pet.

And it’s a real disaster if a newborn has serious problems, for example, inversion of the eyelids, which occurs in breeds with folds on the muzzle. In such cases, surgery will be required, which is performed at approximately 3-4 months of age. Again, contact your veterinarian, who will accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment. But don’t be afraid, such cases are extremely rare, this is an extreme condition that occurs once in a million!

Once the puppy opens its eyes, teeth will begin to cut.

And the cute little lump will start wagging its tail! Yes, yes, but he won’t do it yet out of happiness from seeing you. This is where reflexes come into play. By the way, they will lead to the fact that you will notice: the puppy begins to gradually chew and try to bite. There is only one reason: he starts teething at 20-23 days. Plus, we are already beginning to actively turn our heads, explore the world around us, even begin to choose a favorite place to sleep, and learn to communicate with our brothers and sisters. In general, “socialization” and development are in full swing. Well, then there will be a gradual manifestation of character and so on, so on, so on.

What to do in the second week

If you are going to dock the tail, then do it 2-4 days after birth, it is at this time that the individual will not experience suffering, the wound will quickly heal. If you are docking at the clinic, be sure to take the bitch with you, she will calm and feed her babies.

In the second and fourth weeks, deworming is carried out, and the bitch is usually dewormed along with her puppies. And please note that there are not only roundworms and tapeworms, but also heartworms. At the age of 6-7 weeks you can get your first vaccinations. You can check all this with your veterinarian.

What is the most important thing from this article?

The eyes of puppies open approximately on the 13th day after birth, but maybe earlier, maybe later. There is no need to be afraid of a late opening, this is absolutely normal process, it is unlikely to lead to complications. But if you notice pus, swelling, or other problems, then immediately go to the veterinarian and let him prescribe treatment. You can help the eyes open, but not earlier than 14 days, and then only with warm boiled water and a tampon. In general, it’s better to entrust the process to mother nature and just be patient: you won’t even notice how the young beauties will fly around the house, not letting you sleep peacefully!

All puppies are born completely blind, so they are absolutely helpless and very vulnerable. The mother dog takes special care of them, which is why it is advisable not to disturb the puppies and the adult dog for several weeks.

Many dog ​​owners are interested in how long it takes for puppies to open their eyes after birth, because they want to play with the babies.

What happens to newborn puppies

When puppies open their eyes, they gradually begin to explore space and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Every dog ​​owner should know what happens to his pet during the first 30 days of his life. This is very important, since you need to help the animal in a timely manner at critical moments in its life.

From the moment puppies are born, a new and wonderful world opens up not only for them, but also for their owner. After birth, all animal systems are not working well enough, which is why care must be taken to provide warmth, food and comfortable conditions kids. In the first few days, it is undesirable to separate babies from their mother, since she takes an active part in the formation of all systems and organs of babies. The nutritional and defecatory systems are constantly stimulated. The sense of smell during this period is quite poorly developed.

Small puppies can only distinguish the smell of their mother, and after a while they can actively crawl near her, attracting attention by squeaking. This period is characterized by the activation of many organs and systems, as well as the beginning of their normal functioning.

Around the 13th day of life, babies begin to learn to walk, taking small steps, staggering and falling. Around the 20th day, teeth begin to erupt, which stimulates the process of biting and chewing. At this time the puppy begins to wag its tail. Around this time, the dog develops hearing, but it cannot recognize the source of the sound and its direction.

The eyes open and vision appears differently for each puppy, it all depends on the breed and individual characteristics baby. Besides, great importance also has a gestation period, physical state babies, as well as many other factors.

A newborn puppy's eyes have a bluish tint, which may change to a permanent color over time. If the eye color is too blue or, on the contrary, cloudy, then this is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Why do puppies have their eyes closed?

When puppies open their eyes, this means their eyelids are fully formed. The eyelids are not fully formed during the gestation process and continue to form after birth.

Due to the fact that the eyelids are closed, the cornea of ​​the eye does not dry out, it is sufficiently well moisturized and protected from injury. That’s why you shouldn’t expect puppies’ eyes to open very quickly, as this is considered a pathology. If the eyelids open too early, before they have fully formed, this can negatively affect the animal’s organ of vision.

At what age do puppies open their eyes?

All pet owners look forward to that moment after birth. This happens approximately in 8-20 days. Pets' eyes open gradually, starting from the inner corner and gradually moving to the inner one.

Often, initially a small gap appears on the eye, and then little by little the eye begins to open completely. However, it happens that the eye immediately opens completely. After this, animals begin to learn the world and learn to live. If the puppy opens its eyes too early or, conversely, too late, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian.

How does eye opening occur?

How long does it take for puppies to open their eyes and how exactly does this happen - these questions worry many animal owners. The opening of the eyes of each puppy occurs purely individually, approximately on the 8-20th day. This process always begins from the inner corners. Initially, this is where the eyelid rises.

In some cases, the eyelids lift in both eyes at once, and sometimes one eye opens first, and then only the other, after a short period of time.

How puppies change after opening their eyes

When puppies open their eyes, they become more independent. There is a sharp impetus in their development. First of all, they begin to learn to turn their heads. Puppies learn to look with curiosity and try to examine everything that surrounds them. Then they begin to choose their own place to sleep.

After the final formation of vision, the pet begins to drive active image life. The animal begins to explore everything, so you need to take care of the baby’s safety during this period.

The opening of the eyelids does not mean that the pet immediately has good vision. In the first few days, babies can only distinguish between light and dark. Some puppies cannot even do this, remaining completely blind. They don't react to light at all. Fully good vision is formed only a month after birth.

Basically, along with the appearance of vision, the pet begins to hear. It happens that hearing appears only a week after vision appears.

Caring for your puppy while he opens his eyes

Around the 20th day, puppies open their eyes completely; during this process, you need to provide proper care for your pet’s eyes. When the process of opening their eyes begins, puppies need to be protected from very bright light. It is best to place a box or bed with pets in a room where there is constant twilight. This will make it much easier for the animals to get used to the light.

Under no circumstances should you open your pet's eyes yourself. If a small slot appears, then you need to wait until the process is completed and not disturb the kids. You need to visit a veterinarian in advance and purchase special ointments and drops for treatment.

Why puppies don't open their eyes right away

You need to know not only after how many days puppies open their eyes, but also for what reasons their eyes do not open immediately. After birth, the puppy has underdeveloped eyelids, the process of their development continues for some time. Their final development plays an important role in the formation of the animal as a whole. This all happens due to the fact that the animal’s eyelids perform certain functions, in particular such as:

  • protection against drying out of the cornea;
  • protection from adverse factors;
  • holding back tears.

If this process occurs earlier or later, it can negatively affect the state of the animal’s visual organs and lead to various kinds of disorders.

Why puppies' eyes may not open for a long time

It is very important to know on what day puppies open their eyes, since in some cases this process is greatly delayed, which indicates the presence of problems with the health of the animal. If your pet’s eyes do not open in a timely manner, this may indicate disorders such as:

  • microbes getting into the eye slit;
  • accumulation of dirt on eyelids and eyelashes;
  • conjunctivitis.

It is important to begin solving the problem in a timely manner to prevent further deterioration of the animal’s condition. If the cause of the disorder is conjunctivitis, then you need to regularly wash your eyelids with furatsilin solution, and also use special drops with antibiotics. This procedure must be carried out several times a day. If the treatment was carried out correctly and in a timely manner, then very soon you can notice a positive result.

It is worth remembering that each animal is individual, which is why there is no exact time when puppies open their eyes. However, if this does not happen within a month, then you need to contact a veterinarian, as this may be the cause of the dog’s blindness.

How to help a puppy open its eyes

If a puppy’s eyes do not open for a long time, then the reason for this may be various disorders. It is important to know how to help the animal, and for this purpose a pet examination is carried out. If germs have accumulated, then you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with warm water and gently wipe your eyelids several times a day, carefully removing all accumulations. The most important thing is to do everything very carefully during the procedure. Be sure to make sure the water is not too hot.

If the eyelids have swelling or accumulations of pus, then you need to wash your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in salt water. You need to wipe the eyes in an outward direction, so that the pus can be removed from the corners. To remove bacteria, you need to instill 1-2 drops of salt water several times a day. You can also dilute 1 tsp. boric alcohol with a glass of boiled warm water, moisten a cotton pad and wipe the eyes.

You can also wipe your eyelids with strong tea leaves, repeating this procedure up to 6 times a day. This usually helps solve the existing problem.

So cute that not only children, but also adults enjoy them. Their future fate depends on how well the owners treat and care for their pets. Many people probably know that babies’ eyes do not open immediately after birth.


Features of eye opening in newborn puppies

The eyes begin to open from the inner corner to the outer until the palpebral fissure is completely open. The opening takes place gradually and individually. For example, only one eye may open in a day, but the second only after a day or two. And sometimes they erupt at the same time.

At this time, you need to prevent bright light from shining on the puppy; it is advisable to do this correctly for several days. There is no need to be afraid if the baby reacts little to light, since in such a infancy Babies may not be able to differentiate between light and dark. Only after a few days will the baby see the same as an adult dog. This process may take several weeks.

Age of puppies

Many people are interested in the question of how many days must pass after the birth of a puppy for it to open its eyes. When is born small pet, then his eyes are closed and ear canals, so for the first time after birth he does not hear or see anything. On average, dogs' eyes fully open between 10 and 15 days after birth, and around this time their ears begin to function fully. Some animals' ears open on the seventeenth day, but they begin to hear only by 4 weeks. But it is worth understanding that each dog is individual, so the process of complete opening does not always occur during this period.

When 18 days have already passed after birth, and the eyes are still closed, you can help your pet by washing them boiled water. Some puppies can open their eyes even in the fourth week of life. It is at this time that animals begin to skillfully walk and move around their box or bed. Of course, after opening, all processes accelerate, and the baby can learn to walk even earlier.

When a dog develops eyes, it becomes more mature, learns to turn its head on its own and already chooses a place to sleep. It is at this time that the dog’s character begins to be built, which will be difficult to change. But if the baby is already a month old and has not yet regained his sight, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, since the health of the puppy is important for any owner.

Why do puppies' eyes not open immediately?

When a puppy is born, its eyelids do not have time to fully develop, so development continues after birth. Their full development plays one of the important roles for the complete development of the animal.

The eyelids perform different functions:

  • do not allow the eyes to dry out;
  • protect the cornea from various factors;
  • produce tears that clean the eyes.

When eyes erupt too early, this does not have a very good effect on the development of the dog. After all, if they open early, then the eyelids do not have time to fully develop, which means they will not be able to perform their main functions. That is, it is better if babies develop vision within one to two weeks from birth.

Problems that may prevent your eyes from opening

There are also cases where the opening of a dog’s eyes is associated with different problems with health. To prevent trouble from happening to your animal, you need to carefully care for it and monitor its development; there are special recommendations for this.

If the baby does not open his eyes for a long time, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • entry of microbes into the palpebral fissure;
  • development of conjunctivitis;
  • accumulations on eyelashes and eyelids.

But don’t be upset if your dog has abnormalities; after identifying problems, you need to begin treatment. If we're talking about about the development of conjunctivitis, you need to wash your eyes regularly with a solution of furatsilin and use drops with antibiotics. It is recommended to use the drugs no more than six times a day. After similar procedures all problems will disappear and they will open. If the eyes do not open due to accumulations of discharge, then you just need to wipe them with swabs soaked in warm water several times a day. This procedure is completely harmless.

Despite the fact that there are certain limits for opening the eyes, it is worth considering that each animal is unique and individual - this determines when the eyelids open. Much depends on the age at which the puppy’s eyes open, including its full development. After all, the age at which the dog begins to walk, hear and lead an active life depends on this. After how many days your animal’s vision begins to clear depends, first of all, on the structure of the body.

Video "Husky puppies open their eyes"

In this video you can see funny babies at the age when their eyes are appearing.

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The eyes of newborn puppies open gradually. This process starts from the inner corner of the eyes, located near the nose, and continues until the eyes are completely open. This may take from several days to a week. Sometimes both eyes begin to open at the same time, and it also happens that one eye opens first, and only after a few days this process begins on the second.

During this entire time, avoid exposure to bright light in your eyes. sunlight. It should also be avoided in the first few days after the puppies open their eyes. But even after the puppy opens his eyes, his vision will not immediately be 100%. Such good vision like adult dog, puppies reach only 1-2 weeks after opening their eyes.

Age of puppies

Many dog ​​breeders are interested in the question: how long should it actually take from the moment a puppy is born until it opens its eyes?

It is quite remarkable that immediately after birth the puppy not only sees nothing, but also does not hear anything, since his ear canals are closed as well as his eyes. On average, an animal's eyes open 10-15 days after birth. At approximately the same age, his ears begin to function. But in some dog breeds, although the ears open during this period of time, puppies begin to hear closer to four weeks from birth.

If, 18 days after birth, the puppy's eyes are still closed, he needs help. To do this, wipe your eyelids with boiled water or brewed natural tea several times a day. And as soon as the puppy begins to see normally, it becomes much easier for him to grow and develop. In just a matter of days, he begins to confidently walk and even run, and it is no longer difficult for him to reach his mother’s breast.

When a dog begins to see well, it immediately becomes much more independent. From this moment on, the puppy can choose his own place to sleep and feeding time.

And when the dog is already a month old, you should contact a veterinarian for an examination. It is at this age that some abnormalities can be detected in the puppy, which can be easily corrected in early childhood.

Why puppies don't open their eyes right away

A puppy that has just been born has underdeveloped eyelids. Therefore, the process of their development continues after birth. The final development of this organ plays a fundamental role in the development of the animal as a whole. And all because the animal’s eyelids perform the following functions:

  • prevents eyes from drying out;
  • protect the cornea of ​​the eye from various adverse factors;
  • holds back tears that cleanse the eyes.

If a puppy's eyes erupt much earlier than expected, this may have a negative impact on further development dogs. In this case, quite often the eyelids do not have time to fully develop, and therefore cannot perform their intended functions.

What can prevent puppies from opening their eyes?

It should be understood that if a puppy’s eyes have not opened after reaching the required age, this may indicate the presence of some problems with the animal’s health. In order to prevent trouble arising from small problem, the health of your pet must be carefully monitored.

If the puppy's eyes do not open in time, the reason for this may be:

  • microbes getting into the eye slit;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • accumulation of dirt on the eyelids and eyelashes.

There is no need to be upset because your puppy has some abnormalities in opening his eyes. It is best to begin solving this problem immediately. For example, if the cause of this is conjunctivitis, then the puppy’s still unopened eyes should be washed with a furatsilin solution, and special drops with an antibiotic should be used. This procedure should be carried out several times a day, but no more than six. If the treatment was carried out correctly, then soon after its completion the result will be noticeable, and the puppy’s eyes will open.

If the puppy’s eyes do not open because too much discharge has accumulated on them, you should simply wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. boiled water. This procedure is completely harmless and cannot carry any negative influence on the animal's body.

All puppies are born completely blind, so they are helpless and extremely vulnerable. The mother dog carefully looks after them: licks their fur, feeds them and takes care of the babies in every possible way. During this period of time, it is very important not to disturb the puppies and adult dog.

People whose dogs are giving birth for the first time very often ask the question: “When do puppies open their eyes?” After all, they can’t wait to play with the kids and look into their tender eyes.

At what age do puppies open their eyes?

The birth of puppies is an exciting and joyful event that everyone looks forward to. When puppies are born, after 10 to 14 days they open their eyes.

Pets' eyes begin to open gradually, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Most often, a gap appears in one eye, and then the whole eye opens. But it also happens that the puppy’s entire eye opens at once.

How to care for your pets while their eyes are opening:

  • When the time comes and the puppies should begin to open their eyes, they must be protected from bright light. It is best to place the box with pets in a room in which there is twilight. This will make it easier for pets to get used to the light.
  • Under no circumstances should you open your pet's eyes yourself. If you see a gap appearing in the puppy’s eye, then wait until the eye is fully opened.
  • Visit your veterinarian in advance and purchase special eye drops and ointments, just in case.

By opening their eyes, puppies learn about the world around them and begin to learn to live.

After pets are born, puppies' eyelids continue to form and develop.

The main functions that the eyelids perform:

  • They protect the pet’s cornea from adverse factors;
  • The eyelids produce tears, and tears help the eye cleanse itself of debris;
  • Eyelids prevent the eyes from drying out.

Do not forget that opening the eyes of puppies too early is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if the eyes open early, the pet should be taken to the veterinarian.

However, there are also situations when puppies do not open their eyes, although the time has already come? What to do in this case?

Reasons why puppies do not open their eyes

Of course, if a pet does not open its eyes in time, then this is not normal. It is better to consult a doctor with this problem.

The main reasons why puppies do not open their eyes on time:

  1. Microbes could enter the palpebral fissure and cause widespread eye disease– conjunctivitis. In this case, it is necessary to take the pet to the doctor and treat the baby.
  2. Your puppy may not open his eyes if there is dirt or other buildup on his eyelids. In this case, you should carefully wipe your pet's eyes with warm water.

Eye problems in dogs are very serious. After all, because of them, the dog may lose his sight. Therefore, to prevent your pet from permanently losing his vision, it is necessary to regularly examine the dog’s eyes and eyelids.