Fishing cat (viverrid fishing cat). Economic significance for humans

Experts who know all the details of a cat's life well say that cats are only allowed to eat boiled fish. But everyone who has a cat in their home knows very well that fresh fish is a real delicacy for her!

You can often watch a fisherman fishing on the shore of a reservoir with his pet, who is waiting for the owner to share the future catch with him.

Not every cat lover knows absolutely all the breeds that exist in the world. Therefore, when many people hear about a fishing cat, they imagine an animal that not only awaits its owner’s catch, but also helps him in this matter. It is possible that if the civet cat were a pet, it would be able to get fish for its beloved owners.

The history of the birth of the civet cat is not known in detail, but one thing is clear: it is a completely wild animal that avoids meeting people, which is noticeable even in the photos of the civet fishing cat available on the Internet.

It must be said that people do not appear in the places where he lives especially often - the fishing cat likes to settle in places with high humidity, for example, near swamps, where he can perfectly camouflage himself with his fur coat.

Today there are a huge number of people who adore the exotic, and many believe that everyone wild animal, if he settles with a person, as a small kitten, he will become gentle, affectionate and obedient. For this reason, those who want to acquire a civet fishing cat as a pet plenty.

Description of cats of the viverrid fishing cat breed

The size of this large and rare animal is quite large, although it is smaller than, for example, a panther or a leopard. But, with a weight equal to fifteen kilograms for a mature cat, and ten kilograms for a cat, fishing cats can be considered full-fledged large predators.


  • The length of the animal’s body, including the tail, is more than one meter, and the tail, which is the same in thickness from base to end, accounts for approximately one-fourth of the total length of the cat’s body. One has only to look at the massive and strong body of a fishing cat, and it is immediately clear that this is a true hunter;
  • large and wide head, elongated muzzle. The ears are somewhat rounded. Large eyes and a wary gaze, however, it also reflects the confidence of a civet cat. These cats have naturally powerful and strong limbs, so they can successfully defeat even larger enemies;
  • The coat is olive-gray in color, with black spots and stripes that are placed in a row. Matte fur helps the cat to camouflage perfectly in the bushes. There are also black stripes on the tail, and they are also present on the animal’s forehead and neck;
  • The way these cats differ from cats of other breeds is their uniquely shaped nose. They do not have a bridge of the nose, and the nose itself is very large and wide. Such wide nose no longer has any cat, no matter how big or small it is. This structure allows the civet cat to swim and dive well. He is able to hold his breath while doing deep breath without getting water up your nose.

Character of cats of the viverrid fishing cat breed

In almost every country in the world, it is prohibited to breed fishing cats in captivity. In addition, those who still decide to do this will definitely have a lot of problems.

The civet cat has a very complex character. Many generations of these animals living in the wild come into conflict not only with other inhabitants of their environment, but also with their own relatives.

No one can guarantee that even a tiny kitten of a fishing cat raised at home will exist in peace and harmony with the person in whose house he lives. It is necessary to raise a civet cat taking into account specific requirements. This means that its owner must certainly have specific knowledge and have on hand experienced specialists who are well acquainted with the peculiarities of keeping such a pet.

Caring for cats of the viverrid fishing cat breed

As soon as the baby has settled in his new home, he needs to be fed by hand, so he will quickly get used to both the owner and the housing. He needs to always be surrounded by people. Many owners of fishing cats who live outside the city build special enclosures for their pets. If a growing animal sits in an enclosure forever, it will never be able to turn into a full-fledged pet.

Like any cat, this pet loves to play and expects affectionate and gentle treatment from its owner. It is necessary to remember that, carried away by the game, an animal can forget itself and accidentally cause harm to a person. You cannot scold or beat him for this, because the cat will begin to defend himself. The best thing is the word “no” pronounced loudly and strictly.

Reviews of cats of the Viverrid fishing cat breed

  • Alexei.

I have a domestic civet cat living in my apartment. I wouldn’t say that he is particularly aggressive, because any animal can show aggression.

He needs to be taught, to instill his character. I trained him for a long time, and now he is my most faithful comrade. Shows less activity during the day than at night. It is better to keep other animals away from him. I present a photo of my fishing cat.

  • Kirill.

Such a pet is difficult to raise. You need to take care of him like small child, but the effort is worth it. This is a very devoted friend, as well as a wonderful guard of its territory.

Price of a civet fishing cat. Where to buy a fishing cat.

Catteries for fishing cats

You can only find nurseries where you can buy a kitten of fishing cats abroad. In order to buy this magnificent beast, you need a special permit, because it is listed in the Red Book. The price of a civet fishing cat is also not the most affordable - approximately three hundred thousand rubles.

Health and feeding of cats of the viverrid fishing cat breed

These animals must be vaccinated, like all domestic cats. You should make sure that the vaccine is of high quality and that it does not contain active viruses. As soon as you notice any oddities in your pet's movement or behavior, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The fishermen's menu consists of fish and raw meat with bone, for example, beef or poultry. It’s good if the diet includes a special vitamin complex. An adult animal can eat up to one and a half kilograms of fish per day.

If you take good care of your pet, he will adore you! Once you have attached a domestic civet fishing cat to you, you will gain great love and trust, which would seem not inherent in wild animals.

Viverrid fishing cat. Photo

The Internet is full of funny photos and videos about how cats don’t like to bathe. Meanwhile, there is a family that not only loves to swim and swims well, but most often obtains food in the water.

These wild cats called differently: fish cat, fish cat, speckled cat, fishing cat. In Latin the name of the species is Prionalurus viveirrinus, which is understandable, because and by appearance and by name the speckled cat resembles the civet (in Latin viverra).

The color of the fishing cat's coat is brownish-gray, the stripes on the head are replaced by spots on the body. The color of the fish cat provides maximum camouflage in the coastal mangroves of Southeast Asia, where it lives in tropical and subtropical forests at altitudes of up to 1,500 meters above sea level.

In order for the civet cat to easily dive and swim, its ears are small and low-set, the bridge of the nose is almost absent, the tail is short and thick, and there are webbed feet.

Wild in size civet cats twice as large as their average domestic relatives, and males are larger than females.

The fish cat's diet mainly consists of fish, but it can also eat all small living creatures that fly, jump and crawl near water bodies. Sometimes the fish cat attacks domestic animals and birds.

The fishing cat can climb trees, but does not like to do it. The fish cat is more willing to walk in shallow water and swim. Viverrid cats, like most cats, are individualists, leading an isolated lifestyle and controlling their territory.

The civet fishing cat is listed in the Red Book and one of the main problems threatening its existence is the destruction by people of its habitual habitats. By the way, a similar problem is typical for the habitats of the Australian panda.

In captivity, male civet fishing cats help the female take care of the kittens (however, it is unknown whether they behave as gentlemanly in wildlife...). Female fishing cats can become pregnant and bear offspring year-round. There are usually two or three blind kittens in a litter; after a couple of weeks they begin to see, and become adults after nine months.

In the wild, a fish cat tries not to meet a person, although his character cannot be called timid. Rather, on the contrary, the civet fishing cat is considered pugnacious and often conflicts with its neighbors. This, however, does not prevent young animals from being domesticated and tamed. Sometimes civet cats fish, and sometimes together with ordinary cats, but this is a rather risky business. After all, a fishing cat is a wild cat, not a domestic cat!

Although at the zoo, watching speckled cats and kittens is no less interesting than admiring our usual furry pets.

There are only a few nurseries where they breed them. IN Lately appeared on the network a large number of photographs (almost all of the same cat) showing a domestic, good-natured representative of this breed. Of course, this provoked demand. Consider how well your home can accommodate the needs of a large cat. In addition, weigh your capabilities as a trainer and educator, because only correct and consistent actions will allow you to raise a friend, and not a dangerous beast.

Who is this mysterious creature?

It actually has many names, which is why some confusion arises: civet (or fish) cat.

Like everyone else, it belongs to the class mammals. genus - oriental cats. There are two subspecies of these magnificent animals.

Where do these animals live?

We're getting to the point important issue. This is first and foremost a wild animal. Like a hedgehog, turtle, tiger or bear, it can be taken from the wild, but several generations must pass for the predatory instincts to subside somewhat, as can be seen in modern domestic cats.

Raising such a pet requires a lot of effort, time and knowledge. When taking a kitten from a nursery, you must realize that its ancestors live with people for only a few generations, and instincts will definitely awaken in it sooner or later.

Fishing cats live in tropical regions South-East Asia. The larger subspecies inhabits Sumatra and India. The second, a little smaller, lives in Bali. Found near swamps and slow rivers.

Exterior data

Fishing cats are quite large animals: the size of a dog, about 40 centimeters at the withers, weighing up to 15 kg (females are smaller, about 7 kg).

The length of the body is about a meter. Fit and muscular, they have the grace and swiftness of a leopard and great strength. Their muzzle is short and wide, which makes them even more impressive. The ears are small and round, pressed to the head - demonstrating aggression. The jaws are very strong, which is why these animals are called the pit bulls of the cat world.

The head is large, almost merges with the body due to short neck. The legs and tail are short and thick. The fur is short and coarse, waterproof. Fishing cats have another remarkable feature: they have membranes between their paws that help them hunt in the water. They prevent you from retracting your claws, but they help a lot when fishing.

Features of behavior

If you live in a large private house with a pool or pond nearby, then this is the most interesting breed to observe. Fishing cats are excellent swimmers, and they hunt with amazing skill. They have quite a lot of techniques; they can wait on the shore, and when they see a fish approaching, they can attack it from the shore. Cats have fun searching for frogs and snails in shallow water. Even more interesting is the reception of depth. The paws of a swimming cat create small ripples that attract underwater inhabitants. Seeing prey, it dives after it to any depth.

These animals are big fighters. There is a known case when a civet cat kept in a zoo killed a leopard. In the wild they usually avoid humans. Raised by humans, with a large territory for outdoor games and a reservoir for hunting, animals can be quite affectionate, but a maturing uncastrated male can claim his rights to the status of owner. It's not easy to argue with him.


If you decide to focus your attention on this breed, then we hasten to please you. accepts this lifestyle quite easily, unlike other wild cats. There are a number of tips that you can follow to raise a loyal friend.

Opt for a female; they are less prone to dominance and more flexible. Buy a kitten at a very young age, ideally at 6-8 weeks. By the beginning of puberty (7 months), the kitten should be neutered. Be sure to pay attention to your pet, play more often and feed him by hand.

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Prepare in advance for the fact that the kitten will play a lot in the water. Baths are suitable for indoor games, and for entertainment on fresh air- swimming pools, ponds or rivers flowing near the house. Don't forget floating toys, they will act as fish. By the way, it will be useful for a growing cat to hunt for live fish thrown into the bathtub if there is no natural body of water nearby.

The diet should contain a lot of fish and meat. An adult cat eats about 1.5 kg of fish per day, so be prepared for the expense.


Forget about brute force. An adult meter-long animal with huge claws can easily defeat a person. From childhood, accustom him to the fact that if it is impossible, then completely and forever. The prohibition should be indicated in a calm, confident tone. An air pump can be used to punish systematic offenses. A blast of air + a verbal command will be remembered much better.

Don't play with your kitten using your own hands and feet as toys! Growing up, cats remain just as playful, but become much stronger. A playful bite on the leg will become quite painful. Buy a variety of toys for joint leisure.

This is very smart breed. We train a fishing cat in almost the same way as a dog, so with early age carry out regular classes. A light collar should be put on your pet on the day of purchase, gradually replacing it with a more durable one. The same goes for litter box training. Don't punish your kitten for relieving itself. in the wrong place, show where necessary, and praise when he does everything right.


These are very strong animals with excellent health. The issue of vaccination is controversial: some believe that by doing this we are weakening the breed, others see salvation in vaccinations. Usually, veterinarians advise to carry out the necessary treatment for everyone. Keeping in mind the possible serious diseases, it is difficult to disagree with them.

It should be noted that today in Russia there are no nurseries for breeding this breed. And that's not even bad. Owners who can really offer an animal suitable conditions, only a few, and even patient dogs, let alone a fishing cat, are not suitable for living in a small apartment. Photos of this royal beast are captivating, but think twice before you go searching for it. Kittens are not cheap, about $10,000. Choose breeders with a good reputation.

Viverrid cats and other pets

It is believed that they get along peacefully with any pets. But, given the small number of families in which these people lived long and happily big cats, you need to get other animals with an eye on the character of your pet. Plan how many and what kind of animals you want. It is better to take everyone while the kitten is very small. This is the key to a strong friendship between your pets.

Since mature age, introduce the fishing cat to newcomers in your family carefully so that he does not see them as rivals.

Let's sum it up

The fishing cat is the most interesting representative of the cat world. Attractive appearance and bright personality, large dimensions and incredible grace - all this is harmoniously combined in him. All you have to do is love the animal with all your heart and take care of it. Cats sense your true attitude towards them. He will become attached to such an owner like no other animal, and will never give reason to think that a wild animal lives in your house.

The fairy tale of the Fishing Cat is a story about what will happen if you divide what does not yet exist. The forest animals were so eager to feast on the fish that the cat promised to catch for them that instead of helping, they hindered him in every possible way. The fairy tale Fishing Cat can be read by both kids and older children. She teaches you to be patient and not interfere with others' work.

Fairy tale Cat-fisher download:

Fairy tale The fisherman cat read

One day the Cat went to the river to fish and met the Fox at the very edge of the river.

The Fox waved her fluffy tail and said in a honeyed voice:

- Hello, godfather, fluffy cat! I see you are going to catch fish?

- Yes, I want to bring some fish to my kittens.

The fox lowered her eyes and asked very quietly:

- Maybe you can treat me to some fish too? Otherwise it’s all chickens and ducks...

The cat grinned:

- So be it. I'll give you the first fish.

- I don’t know how to thank you.

- OK OK.

- My first fish, my first fish!..

And then, from behind the trunk of a shaggy spruce, a large shaggy man came out to meet them. Gray wolf.

- Great, brother! - Wolf wheezed. — Are you going fishing?

- Yes, I want kittens...

- Well, will you throw me some fish, brother? Otherwise it’s all goats and sheep, goats and rams... I would like something lean!

The cat grinned:

- OK. The first fish is for the Fox, and the second is for you!

- Well done, brother! Thank you!

- OK OK.

The wolf hobbles behind, muttering:

- And the second one is mine! And the second one is mine!

Suddenly a Bear came out of the thicket.

I saw a cat with a fishing rod and roar:

- Hey, son! Are you fishing?

- I want kittens...

- Listen, son, won’t you give me, an old man, some fish? I love fish to death! Otherwise they’re all bulls and cows, with horns and hooves...

The cat grinned into his mustache and said:

“I promised the first fish to the Fox, the second to the Wolf, and you will have the third.”

- Let it be the third, but the biggest one!

The Cat walks ahead, the Fox skips behind him, the Wolf sneaks behind the Fox, and the Bear waddles behind everyone.

- The first fish is mine! - the fox whispers.

“And the second one is mine...” mutters the Wolf.

- And the third one is mine! - Bear growls.

So everyone came to the river.

The cat took off the bag, placed the bucket next to it, and began to unwind the fishing rod. The Fox, Wolf and Bear settled down in the bushes nearby: they are waiting for their share of the catch.

The cat put a worm on the hook, threw out the fishing rod, sat down comfortably and stared at the float.

The friends in the bushes also don’t take their eyes off the float. Are waiting.

The fox whispers:

- Catch, fish, big and small...

And suddenly the float shook.

Lisa gasped:

- Oh, my fish is biting!

The float danced and jumped on the water; circles ran from him in all directions.

- Pull! Pull! Get my fish! - Lisa shouted.

The cat got scared and pulled. The fish flashed silver and went under the water with a splash.

- Lost it! - Wolf wheezed. “I was in a hurry, stupid, I started screaming... Well, now it’s my turn!” Mine won't break!

The Cat put a new worm on the hook and cast the fishing rod again.

The Wolf rubs his paws and says:

- Catch, fish, big and big... Catch...

Just then the float shuddered and began to walk on the water. The cat has already taken the rod into his paw.

- Don't pull! - the Wolf growls. - Give the fish a stronger hold.

The cat let go of the fishing rod, and the float suddenly stopped immediately.

- Now get it! - commanded the Wolf.

The cat pulled the fishing rod - a bare hook was dangling at the end of the line.

“I waited,” Lisa giggled. - Your fish ate the whole worm!

The cat put a new worm on the hook and cast the fishing rod for the third time.

- Well, now it’s quiet! - the Bear barked. - If you scare away my fish, I’ll tell you!.. Here it is!!!

The entire float went under the water, the line was stretched like a string: it was about to break...

- Ho-ho! - the Bear rejoices. - That's mine! As I punished, the biggest!

The cat can barely stay on the shore: the fish will drag him into the water.

A terrible, mustachioed muzzle has already appeared from the water...

That's catfish!

- I’m the first, it’s mine!.. I won’t give it!!! — the Fox suddenly squealed and rushed into the river.

- Noooo, you're being naughty... It will be mine! - The Wolf growled and dived after the Fox.

The bear on the shore roars at the top of his lungs:

- Robbed!.. Robbers!..

And in the water there is already a battle going on: the Wolf and the Fox are tearing fish from each other.

The bear didn’t think long and, with a running start, also fell into the water.

The water in the river is boiling like a cauldron. Every now and then someone's head will pop up: now a fox's, now a wolf's, now a bear's. It is unknown why they are fighting. The fish had already swam away a long time ago.

The cat grinned in his mustache, reeled in the fishing rod and went to look for another place. Where is it quieter?