Short prayers for communion. Mandatory prayers and canons before communion

Confession and communion are important religious rites in Christianity. Believers cleanse their souls of sins, undergoing blessed repentance, and participate in a sacred rite that traces its origins to the Last Supper. However, it is necessary to properly prepare for these rituals. It is known that if the penitent is not completely sincere, confession will not have any effect, even if the priest reads all the necessary texts. Communication with the Lord through the holy sacraments changes life and brings peace. Prayers before confession and communion set the soul in the appropriate mood.

Even holy and righteous people regularly go through the rite of repentance. There is a common opinion that a person needs such rituals only if he has committed strong sins. According to an apt comparison by Abbot Isaac, if you leave a table in an empty, closed room for a week, then after a while a layer of dust will appear on the tabletop. So it is.

Preparation for rituals: canons before confession and communion

Holy rites are combined with a three-day fast, during which you cannot eat meat and dairy products. It wouldn't hurt to read the Bible: Old Testament re-reading the Ten Commandments (Exodus, 20: 2-17), and in the New - the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, 5-7), which is revered by many Christians.

  • Canon to the Guardian Angel. It consists of a troparion, sedalen, kontakion, ikos, eight songs and ends with a prayer. In addition to ritual significance, these texts are read or sung to appeal to the Guardian Angel for help.
  • Canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. Includes two troparions, a psalm, two kontakia, the same number of stichera, eight songs and prayers to the Mother of God. Written in the Middle Ages by the monk Theoctistus Studite, who, in addition to creating the texts of hymns and prayers, described the lives of saints.
  • Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ. Often used by priests as penance. A person guilty of grave sins is subject to spiritual punishment, and this canon is one of its types. Believers can read it without the direction of a clergyman on the eve of and after sacred rites.

  • What prayers to read before confession: liberation of the soul from sinful burden

    Repentance requires sincere faith and focus. However, no less time must be devoted to preparatory prayers. It is best to read them within three days before confession. It is especially beneficial for the spiritual body to pronounce holy words on the night before the day appointed by the priest.

    • The prayer “Before Confession” was inspired by the Lord to St. Simeon the New Theologian, who lived in the 10th century. The saint was of the opinion that communication with God through prayer plays a leading role in the life of a Christian.
    • The prayer “For the forgiveness of forgotten sins” is short but succinct. The Creator set out these simple words by the hand of the Monk Barsanuphius the Great, a holy monk and ascetic of the 6th century, originally from the sinful land of Egypt.
    • “Following to Holy Communion” includes many texts of prayers, canons, kontakions, troparions, and psalms. To read the holy words correctly, you must consult a priest.

    How to read prayers and canons correctly

    Before turning to the Lord through holy texts, it is necessary to cleanse your thoughts from temptations and pride. Humble your ego and feel like humble servants of God. Seclude yourself or gather your family if they also wish to receive communion or confession. Joint prayers strengthen the bonds of marriage and protect children's souls from sinful thoughts. Turn off phones and other electrical devices so that they do not distract from your righteous time.

    Sins fall on a person unnoticed: the soul becomes covered with “dust” and a heavy burden presses on the spiritual shell, causing depression and health problems. Which ones are no less important for every Christian to know than the list of canons used to prepare for repentance and communion.

    Communion and confession belong to the seven sacraments of the Holy Orthodox Christian Church. The duty of every Christian is to prove his faith by actions and deeds pleasing to God. This is, first of all, strict adherence to the canons and norms of Christian life. Communion is a demonstration of the soul’s readiness to accept the Lord with all its heart. Therefore, it is important to understand how to prepare for confession and communion, so as not to violate the fragile line between regulations and heresy with your ignorance. This is a question worth devoting all your efforts to.

    “And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take, eat, this is My body.” And he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them: and they all drank from it. And he said to them, “This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many” (Gospel of Mark 14:22 – 24)

    In Christianity, communion is a visible act of accepting the Lord and uniting one's soul with him. The power of communion is compared to the medical understanding of blood purification. Just as a person’s blood is passed through many filters and poured back into him in order to cleanse the body of ailments, so communion is an act of freeing the soul from sin and accepting pure, bright Divine matter. Separating sins from himself, renouncing an unrighteous life, a person comes to know the truth in God, reaching Eternity.

    • “Blessed is the one who has received the Body of Christ into himself, thereby giving himself the opportunity to reject everything about which he should be sad and ashamed. By cleansing humanity from sin and death through his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus made it possible for our souls to come to God and receive eternal life. By receiving communion, we receive blessed healing for our souls, for the power of the Holy Spirit is great, giving us hope for finding eternal happiness.” (Nikodim the Good, hieromonk)

    Eating the flesh and blood of Christ became a symbol of the reception of the Holy Spirit into the human heart. This is what makes us one with Jesus, just as He is one in Spirit with the Lord of Heaven. The history of Communion began at the very moment that was later called the Last Supper. Having broken bread and shared wine with the Apostles, Christ gave them eternal life and unity with God, instructing them to do the same with every person who accepted the Lord into their lives.

    Communion (Eucharist) is rightly called the pinnacle of human communication with God, for all other sacred rites (sacraments) are steps in preparation for the most important act Orthodox Christian– the unity of the Holy Spirit and man, God’s creation.

    Only those people who have known these sacraments are allowed to receive Communion:

    • Baptism is important step accepting the One God as ruler over your soul. For he who has not accepted God as the Most High Creator and Sovereign cannot allow His Holy Spirit into himself and accept with all his nature the one who created human flesh and soul from corruption. You must first accept the sacrament of Baptism, so that the Guardian Angel is allowed to lead you along the righteous path to the Heavenly Creator.
    • Confession. Without repentance, sins will not go away, remaining a heavy burden on the soul and, closing the path of the Holy Spirit into your heart and mind, will not allow the Guardian Angel to guide a person on the righteous path. By pouring out his sadness in church and repenting, casting off his sins, a person becomes a clean vessel to receive God's blessings and his mercies.

    By accepting Christ into ourselves, we become deified and become involved in his greatness and plan. The Eucharist (Communion) is the essence of the Christian church, its foundation, which is a guarantee of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Without constant communion with the Body of Christ, a person loses connection with God. Thus, accumulating sins and evil, he drowns in the abyss of the devil’s traps, joining the ranks of sinners who have rejected God.

    How to prepare your body and soul for Communion

    One should prepare for the sacred rite of receiving Christ’s Gifts not so much physically as to acquire the spiritual ability to be involved in God. After all, it is impossible to give the Guardian Angel the strength to guide himself through earthly life without being filled with the light and goodness of the Christian Faith. For sins will fetter the loins, and the stones in the heart will pull into the abyss of the Underworld. Without freeing ourselves from their burden, we will not be able to gain participation in the Holy and Pure Creator.

    The basics of preparation for the sacrament are prayer, repentance and fasting:

    • A strict week-long fast, without eating modest foods, in order to cleanse the body of all physical defilement.
    • Mandatory evening worship in church.
    • Strictness in refusing to eat food on the day of Communion and until the very completion of the sacrament. The Holy Spirit must be the first to penetrate the flesh, so you must stop taking all food and drink from midnight.
    • It is important to read the canon of repentance and prayers the day before at home, to prepare the soul to receive the Holy Sacraments.
    • Presence in church and diligent prayer throughout the Divine Liturgy before the ceremony.
    • Obligatory repentance and receiving forgiveness for your sins. Before Communion, you must free your heart from the burdens of sin.
    • Permission and blessing by the priest for the sacrament of Eating the Flesh of Christ. Without this, a Christian is not allowed to receive Communion, for there is doubt about his readiness to accept the Holy Gifts.
    • Without mandatory confession, only foolish children under seven years of age and those who are haunted by a fatal illness can be admitted to Communion.

    This preparation in church practice is called fasting. It is often confused with the meaning of the word - fasting, but this is a mistake. Fasting is not so much abstaining the body from food, but preparing your mind to accept goodness into itself, the ability to be with God in unity and indivisibility. After all, in order to accept the Highest Meaning into yourself, you need to be ready for it - to cleanse yourself of vice and sinful thoughts, which are an obstacle to the Holy Spirit. The fast begins a week before communion.

    Important! Preparing the body for receiving Communion includes not only renunciation of food and earnest prayer, but also complete renunciation of carnal pleasures. It is necessary to completely stop married life for this period, and in case of carnal heat, read consoling prayers so that the demon of lust will be released and will not lead you into the sins of fornication and adultery.

    Canonical prayers - preparation for the holy sacrament

    An important component of the fast is the prayers before confession and the canonical prayer service throughout the week of preparation for Communion. It is also obligatory to appeal to the Almighty and Guardian Angel for the liberation of the soul from the captivity of sin. Achieving purity in your mind determines your readiness to accept the Holy Spirit and further sinless steps along the earthly path to the Heights of Heavenly Paradise.

    The first thing to do is prayer before confession - it should help prepare the consciousness for repentance, which will be the key to the salvation of the soul. Confession in mandatory takes precedence, for in repentance you will find salvation. Next, the priest looks at your readiness to receive the Holy Gifts. It is possible that, having imposed penance, he will forbid you to receive communion until you have completed certain steps to cleanse yourself or acknowledge your sins - prayer, bows, helping the suffering, or some other charitable deed.

    Then the canons are read sequentially before communion, which are mandatory for preparing the soul to receive the Holy Gifts. They need to be read at home, in peace and thoughtfulness, without being distracted by the bustle of the world.

    1. Canon of repentance to the Lord All-Holy Jesus Christ.
    2. Prayer canon to the Mother of God, the Most Pure Mother of the Lord.
    3. To the Guardian Angel - canon to the patron of Heaven.
    4. In conclusion - Follow up to Communion.

    Memo to the believer: how the sacrament of Communion takes place

    As already mentioned, the process of receiving Communion itself begins with the evening service in the temple. Do not forget to light a candle in front of the faces of the Holy Trinity, the Heavenly Mother and the Guardian Angel, your earthly patron and intercessor before the Almighty. This candle is a symbol of your faith and sacrifice before the Orthodox Christian Church.

    • After the evening service they no longer eat or drink.
    • In the morning, before the liturgy, you need to read a prayer to the Guardian Angel and Psalms from the Follow-up to Holy Communion.
    • It is better to get permission to receive Communion the day before and go through repentance (confession) in church - during Sunday services there may be many sufferers coming to confession.
    • People come to the temple early in the morning before the start of the Divine Liturgy. They stand until the end of the entire service.
    • At the end, the time comes for communion with the Flesh and Blood of Christ.

    The rules for administering the rites and sacraments of the Holy Church strictly determine the sequence of receiving the Gifts of Christ:

    1. Let God’s servants—bishops and presbyters—receive them first, then deacons and subdeacons, readers and the rest of the dignified people.
    2. Then comes the turn of the women - deaconesses, maidens, widows.
    3. Then, without crowding, they let the children go ahead.
    4. In order, with humility and modesty, reverent of the importance of the moment, everyone accepts the Holy Gifts of the Lord, for there is nothing higher than the understanding of your unity with God.
    5. When it is your turn, cross yourself and kiss the edge of the Chalice, accepting the consecrated wine and antidoron.
    6. When the priest gives you a taste of the Holy Gifts, humbly fold your hands on your chest.
    7. Then they kiss the altar cross in the hands of the priest. Remember that one does not leave church without kissing the cross.
    8. In conclusion, they light candles for the health of their souls and loved ones in front of the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, and then for the repose of those who were dear to you, but left the sinful vale.

    Important! One must approach the Holy Gifts of Christ in a state of complete mental peace and tranquility. Cast away all sins and anxieties, for you have received remission of them. Forgive the offenders, for unless you forgive others, you yourself will not be worthy of forgiveness.

    Special cases

    When describing traditional communion, one should indicate possible exceptional cases, when the usual way of the sacrament may undergo changes. The rules allow for a simplified procedure for receiving the Holy Gifts in cases where it is not possible for health reasons to perform fasting.

    Children are sinless lambs

    The Orthodox Church does not treat children under the age of seven harshly, for they are sinless creatures with a bright soul. Any mother can bring her child to the temple so that he has the opportunity to taste the Gifts of Christ. Sins have not overwhelmed his innocent soul, so there is no need to endure long procedure confession.

    • If possible and within your child’s understanding, try to accustom him to prayer. The main prayer with which a child’s Orthodox spiritual education begins is to the Guardian Angel. It’s good if the child says it before bedtime, it will protect him from evil and give him peace at night.
    • The text of the prayer can be learned by heart until the baby can read - this is the concern of parents, as senior mentors.
    • When teaching your child to follow church rules, show gentle persistence. There is no need for the road to God to cause rejection and protest in a child. God is love, and the road to him must be full of goodness.
    • Fasting for small children is not considered mandatory. The Lord is merciful in this case and does not want such a sacrifice from a growing organism.

    Sick and unable to withstand the health test

    In this case, you should not be cunning and pass off an imaginary illness as an unresolved health problem - the Lord will see everything. The list of exceptions includes only those who really do not have the opportunity to overcome a series of trials without harm to life.

    • This number includes frail old people or sick people. In this case, the inability to undergo the sacrament of confession on your own allows the priest to come home. The need for repentance is undeniable, because a person’s life can end at any moment. And fasting and a complete list of prayers are considered optional. It is good if the opportunity to read the canon remains, so that, having left our world, the soul will find peace, for it has taken off all earthly sins and ascended clean to Heaven.
    • Pregnant women are especially favored. New life- the highest meaning of the continuation of the universe, fasting and fasting are not necessary for them, as they can be detrimental to the health of the mother and child. Prayers are considered important so that God’s grace is transmitted to the child. The canon to the Guardian Angel especially contributes to the successful gestation of the fetus, so that it takes care of and protects the particle of God’s universe that grows in the mother’s womb.

    In conclusion, it should be admonished Orthodox man to remember to receive the Body and Blood of Christ at least once a year. Typically, Christians of the Eastern rite take communion at Lent, in order to appear before the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord with a pure heart and a bright soul. But this period is only a convention - communion must take place according to command and necessity. If your thoughts strive to atone for sin and receive the Holy Spirit, be sure to follow them and receive the sacraments more often.

    Confession, as it is also called repentance, is a Christian sacrament (of which there are only seven). The essence is that the sinner repents of his sins to the priest, while reading a special prayer. After this, the penitent resolves his sins. Priests talk about confession as a second baptism.

    In order for confession to take place, it is necessary to admit one’s sinfulness, sincere repentance and regret for what has been done, the will and willingness to leave everything in the past and not repeat it again, faith in God and his pity, and forbearance. The belief that the Sacrament cleanses must be present. Prayer should be said with hope and from a pure heart.

    It is possible and necessary to prepare for confession. Special literature is read upon request. Sins are written out on a piece of paper and read to the Holy Father. Particularly heavy and terrible sins are told out loud. The story should be clear, without unnecessary backstory and fluff.

    What is communion?

    Communion is a sacrament that gives the human soul unity with God. This ritual exists in every religion in its own form, but in every religion it is necessary on a regular basis to save a person’s soul.

    Communion is the celebration of times and events of God's suffering, death and resurrection. At the same time, believers accept bread and wine as a symbol of the body and blood of the Lord God.

    For communion, as for confession, you need to prepare accordingly. It shakes the soul and excites the flesh. A conscious understanding of what is ahead and a conscious attitude are required. Understanding and faith are a must. Purifying your soul involves forgiving all those who have offended you and those whom you have offended. Communion in church is called liturgy. It takes place in the time interval from 7 to 10 am.

    The connection between communion and confession.

    Let's start with the fact that the most important thing is repentance. This is the guarantee of salvation. And it is important that these two concepts follow one another and are interconnected. Confession and communion bring a person into a pleasing state. The soul is ready to accept all divine gifts, all the Sacraments. Confession and communion are only increasing as other spiritual riches are used less and less. There is no need to neglect the sacrament. You need to strive for purity of soul and then life will become easier and simpler. Hypocrisy in the things of God is unforgivable. The Lord hears and sees a person’s aspirations, his requests and forgives him many sins. Confession and communion are necessary in order to forgive sins and receive grace-filled power, to prevent other and the same mistakes.

    If you have any doubts, then come into faith, get used to it and start living in it! Do not judge and you will not be judged!

    Why pray before communion and confession?

    Prayer before communion and confession is mandatory, moreover, it must necessarily consist of three canons: the canon of repentance to our Lord, the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the canon to the Guardian Angel. On the evening before communion, it is necessary to pray at home, observing all the rules of this ritual. You should not think that when praying before communion at home, there is no need to take communion in church. These are two different concepts that can exist separately, however, which cannot free a person’s soul from sins in the face of God. When a person prays himself, the Lord undoubtedly hears him and forgives him his sins, however, when a person receives communion in church with the help of the celebrant, a completely different appeal to the Almighty occurs. This gives peace to the human soul.

    You cannot neglect prayer before communion or before confession; this rite is necessary for every person who respects religion and who cares about the peace of his soul.

    Prayer before confession

    God and Lord of all! You who have the power of every breath and soul, who alone is able to heal me, hear the prayer of me, the accursed one, and the serpent nesting in me by the influx of the All-Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, slaying: and for me, poverty and nakedness, all the virtues that exist, at the feet of my holy (spiritual) father with tears grant him the honor, and his holy soul, to be merciful, so that you may be merciful to me. And grant, Lord, in my heart humility and good thoughts, befitting a sinner who has agreed to repent to You, and may you not completely abandon the one soul that united with You and confessed You, and instead of the whole world chose and preferred You: weigh for, Lord, as I want to be saved, even if my evil custom is an obstacle: but it is possible for You, Master, the essence of everything, what is impossible is of man. Amen.

    Lord, help me to sincerely repent.

    Prayers before communion

    Prayer before Holy Communion Basil the Great.

    Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the source of life and immortality, the Creator of all creation, visible and invisible, the Son of the beginningless Father, with Him eternal and beginningless, in the last days, out of excessive mercy, clothed in flesh, crucified and buried for us, the ungrateful and insensitive Who renewed our nature, damaged by sin, with His blood! Immortal King Himself, accept repentance from me, a sinner, incline Your ear to me and hear what I will say: I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned before heaven and before You and I am not worthy to raise my eyes to the height of Your glory, for I have angered Your mercy by transgressing Your commandments and not listening to Your commands.
    But You, Lord, gentle, long-suffering and abundantly merciful, did not leave me to perish with my iniquities, waiting in every possible way for my conversion. You, O Lover of Mankind, Yourself said through Your prophet: “I absolutely do not want the death of a sinner; but I want him to convert and live.” So You, Lord, do not want to destroy the creation of Your hands; You do not want the destruction of people. But you want everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Therefore, even though I am unworthy of heaven and earth and this fleeting life, having given myself entirely into slavery to sin and sensual pleasures, I have desecrated Your image. But I, unfortunate one - Your creation and creation - do not lose hope for my salvation and approach, hoping for Your immeasurable mercy. And so, Lover of mankind, accept me as a harlot, as a thief, as a publican, as a prodigal son, and remove from me the heavy yoke of sin, You who take away the sins of the world, heal human infirmities, call to yourself the toiling and burdened and calm them , who came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Cleanse me from all impurity of body and spirit. Teach me to perform a holy work with reverence for You, so that I, with an impeccable testimony of conscience, accepting part of Your holy things, unite with Your holy Body and Blood and have You within me, living and abiding together with the Father and Your Holy Spirit.
    Hey, Lord Jesus Christ my God! May the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Mysteries not serve as a condemnation for me, and may I not become weak in soul and body from unworthy communion of them. Grant me, Lord, until my last breath, to uncondemnably accept part of Your holy things into the communion of the Holy Spirit, as parting words of eternal life, as a favorable response to Your terrible judgment, so that with all Your chosen ones I can participate in Your incorruptible blessings that You have prepared for those who love You and for which You are blessed forever. Amen.

    Prayer before Holy Communion John Chrysostom

    Oh my God! I know that I am unworthy and unsuitable for You to come under the roof of the house of my soul, because it is empty and fallen, and you will not find in me a place worthy to lay your head. But You, from heavenly heights, appeared on earth for us in a humble form; descend also now to my misery. And just as You deigned to lie down in the cave and in the manger of dumb beasts, enter also into the manger of my foolish soul and into my sinful body. Just as you did not disdain to enter and dine with sinners in the house of Simon the leper, deign also to enter the house of my wretched soul, leper and sinner. Just as You did not reject from Yourself a sinful harlot like me, who came and touched You, also have mercy on me, a sinner, who comes and touches You. And just as you did not disdain the uncleanness of her defiled lips that kissed You, do not also disdain my even more unclean and foul lips and my disgusting, unclean and defiled lips, and my even more unclean tongue.
    But may the coal of Your most holy Body and Your honest Blood serve me in sanctification, enlightenment and strengthening of my wretched soul and body, in easing the burden of many of my sins, in preserving me from all devilish influence, in removing and liberating me from my evil and evil habit, to mortify passions, to preserve Your commandments, to increase Your Divine grace, to win Your Kingdom. I approach You, Christ God, not with negligence, but with boldness in Your ineffable mercy, so that, avoiding communication with You for a long time, I would not be caught by a mental wolf, like a predatory beast.
    Therefore, I pray to You: You, one holy Master, sanctify my soul and body, mind and heart, and all my insides, renew me entirely, root Your fear in my members, and make Your sanctification unchangeably be in me. And be my help and shield, ruling my life in silence, worthy of me standing on the right side with Your Angels, through the prayers and intercession of Your Most Pure Mother, Your incorporeal servants and most pure powers and all the saints who have pleased You from the beginning of the world. Amen.

    Prayer before Holy Communion John of Damascus

    Master Lord Jesus Christ, our God, merciful and humane, who alone has the power to forgive the sins of people, despise (forget), forgive all my sins, conscious and unconscious, and grant me, without condemnation, to partake of Your divine, glorious, most pure and life-giving Mysteries not in punishment, not for the multiplication of sins, but for cleansing, sanctification, as a deposit future life and kingdoms, for a strong stronghold, for protection, for the defeat of enemies, for the destruction of many of my sins. For You are the God of mercy and generosity, and love for mankind, and we glorify You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    Prayer before Holy Communion Basil the Great

    I know, Lord, that I unworthily partake of Your most pure Body and Your honorable Blood, and I am guilty, and I eat and drink condemnation for myself, not realizing that this is Your Body and Blood, Christ and my God. But, trusting in Your mercies, I come to You, who said: “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood, he abides in Me, and I in him.” Have mercy, O Lord, and do not expose me as a sinner, but deal with me according to Your mercy, and may this Holy Place serve me for healing, cleansing, enlightenment, for the protection, salvation and sanctification of soul and body, for driving away every dream and evil deed, and the attack of the devil, acting through thought in me - into boldness and love for You, into correcting life and strengthening it, into increasing virtue and perfection, into fulfilling the commandments, into communication with the Holy Spirit, into parting words into eternal life, into a favorable response at Your Last Judgment - not to condemnation.

    Prayer before communion to St. John Chrysostom

    God! Let go, resolve, forgive my sins that I have committed in word, deed, thought, voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or unconsciously, and, as a merciful and philanthropic person, grant me forgiveness in everything. And through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, Your intelligent servants and holy powers (angels) and all the saints who have pleased You from the beginning of the world, deign me, without condemnation, to accept Your holy and most pure Body and honorable Blood for the healing of soul and body and for the purification of my evil thoughts . For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Sovereign Lord! I am not worth it for You to enter under the roof of my soul, but since You, as a lover of mankind, want to live in me, I approach with boldness. You command that I open the doors created by You alone, and You should enter into them with Your characteristic love for mankind. You come in and enlighten my darkened thoughts. I believe that You will do this, for You did not withdraw from the harlot who came to You with tears, did not reject the publican who brought repentance, did not drive away the thief who knew Your kingdom, and the persecutor who turned to You, did not leave what he was , but You placed all those who turned to You through repentance among Your friends. You alone are blessed always, now and in endless ages. Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ, my God! Let go, resolve, cleanse and forgive me, Thy servant, sins, crimes, falls and everything that I have sinned from my youth to this day and hour - consciously or unconsciously, in words, deeds, intentions, thoughts, activities and in all my feelings - and through the prayers of the Most Pure Ever-Virgin Mary, who gave birth to You without seed (without a husband), Your Mother, the only undoubted hope, intercessor and salvation of my, grant me without condemnation to partake of Your most pure, immortal, life-giving, and terrible sacraments for the forgiveness of sins, in eternal life, sanctification and enlightenment, strengthening, healing and health of soul and body, destruction and complete elimination of my unclean thoughts, thoughts, undertakings and night dreams, dark and evil spirits. For Thine is the kingdom, power, honor and worship, together with the Father and Thy Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Prayer before communion to St. John of Damascus

    I am already standing before the doors of Your temple, and unclean thoughts do not leave me. But You, Christ God, Who justified the publican, who had mercy on the Canaanite woman and who opened (opened) the doors of paradise to the thief, open to me the doors of Your love for mankind and accept me, who comes and touches You, as a harlot and a bleeding woman. As soon as one touched the hem of Your garment, she immediately received healing; the other, grasping Your most pure feet, received remission of her sins. I am the accursed one, who dares to accept Your whole body, so that I will not be scorched (burned). But accept me like those two, and enlighten the feelings of my soul, burning away sinful inclinations, through the prayers of the immaculate One who gave birth to You and through the prayers heavenly powers. For You are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

    Prayers after communion

    Many people are interested in the question of why it is necessary to pray after Communion and whether it is necessary. Yes, this is one of the mandatory rules which must be followed after this ritual. How can we thank God, who accepted death for our sake and for his mercy unite with him in the sacrament of Communion? There are prayers for this.

    It is not forbidden to give thanks in your own words, but this is what you are created for. prayers after communion, in which there is nothing superfluous. These are not just words, but something Divine that can work miracles. That is why a sincerely praying person feels himself to be in a special state. Prayer gives us the opportunity to meet with God and take care of our soul; this, one might say, is spiritual food.

    This is direct access to the Lord, to his love, his help, his forgiveness. In some cases, His help is truly necessary, but this cannot be abused. The meaning of prayer should be gratitude and the meeting with Him itself. Everyone feels the touch of God differently, but this does not always happen. Many things can interfere with this, so only true righteous people are granted such meetings quite often.

    Therefore, one should lead a life in which there are as few sins as possible, because they become the blank wall separating us from God. He is always near us, but we are far from Him, and it depends only on us whether the Meeting will take place. But this is not all that prayer gives. She also has several other actions.

    This is a way of serving God, preparing us for important events, helping us overcome devilish temptations and illnesses, and a means of helping us strengthen our faith. It is important to understand that after the Eucharist the sacrament does not end, but gradually fades away. And with your behavior it is important not to “scare off”, not to dissipate the Grace that was received during the ritual. Prayer also helps with this.

    Glory to You, God! Glory to You, God! Glory to You, God!

    First prayer

    I thank You, Lord my God, that You have not rejected me, a sinner, but have made me worthy to be a participant in Your holy things. I thank You for making me, unworthy, worthy to partake of Your most pure and heavenly gifts. But, O philanthropic Master, for our sake you died and rose again, and gave us these terrible and life-giving sacraments of Yours for the benefit and sanctification of our souls and bodies! Give them to me for the healing of soul and body, for the reflection of every enemy, for the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, for the pacification of my spiritual strength, for unashamed faith, for unfeigned love, for the increase of wisdom, for the fulfillment of Your commandments, for the increase of Your grace and the assimilation of Your kingdoms, so that I, protected by them in Your sanctification, always remember Your grace and live not for myself, but for You, our Lord and benefactor. And so, having finished real life with the hope of eternal life, I have achieved eternal rest, where the unceasing voice of those enjoying bliss and the endless joy of those contemplating the indescribable beauty of Your face is heard, for You, Christ our God, are the true delight and inexpressible joy of those who love You, and You are praised by all creation forever. Amen.

    Prayer of St. Basil the Great

    Lord Christ God, King of the ages and Creator of all! I thank You for all the benefits that You have given me in accepting Your most pure and life-giving sacraments. I beg You, merciful and humane, keep me under Your roof and in the shadow of Your wings and grant me, until my last breath, with a clear conscience, to worthily partake of Your holy things for the remission of sins and eternal life. For You are the bread of life, the source of holiness, the giver of blessings, and we send up glory to You together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
    Prayer three
    Lord Jesus Christ, our God! May Your holy body be for me eternal life and Your venerable blood for the remission of sins. May this (supper) thanksgiving be for me joy, health and joy. At Thy terrible second coming grant me, a sinner, to be with right side Your glory through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

    Prayer after communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Most Holy Lady Theotokos, light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy! I thank You for deigning me, unworthy, to partake of the most pure Body and honorable Blood of Your Son. But, having given birth to the true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart! Producing the source of immortality, revive me, killed by sin! As the merciful Mother of the merciful God, have mercy on me and grant to my heart tenderness and contrition, to my thoughts modesty and liberation from the captivity of my thoughts. Grant me, until my last breath, to uncondemnably accept sanctification with the most pure sacraments for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, so that I can sing and glorify You all the days of my life; for You are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.
    Now do You let Your servant go, O Lord, according to Your word, in peace; For mine eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all people, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel (Luke 2:29-32).

    Are you thinking about going to confession, but haven't decided to do it yet? Are you confused because you don't know how to properly prepare for this? Using the following below simple tips you can take your first steps.


    Confession- the sacrament of reconciliation with God, when the penitent, in the presence of a witness-priest, reveals his sins to God and promises not to repeat them, and the priest prays for the forgiveness of the sins of the confessor. A confidential conversation with a priest, where you can discuss some details of your life and get answers to questions, should be distinguished from confession. Of course, some issues can be resolved during confession, but if there are a lot of questions or their discussion requires a long time, then it is better to ask the priest to set up a time for you to talk separately. Next, let's move directly to tips on preparing for confession.

    1. Realize your sins. If you are thinking about confession, it means that you admit that in your life you did something wrong. It is with the awareness of one’s sins that repentance begins. What is sin and what is not? Sin is everything that contradicts God's will, or, in other words, God's plan for the world and man. God's plan for the world is revealed in Holy Scripture- Bibles. A partial, most “compressed” expression of God’s plan regarding practical life man are the commandments - the famous Ten Commandments given to Moses at Sinai. Jesus Christ summarized the essence of these commandments as follows: “ Love the Lord God with all your heart" and "love your neighbor as yourself" Before preparing for the first confession, it is useful to re-read the Savior's Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7 of the Gospel of Matthew) and the parable of the Last Judgment, where Jesus Christ says that our life will be assessed based on how we treated our neighbors.

    2. Don’t use “sin lists.” Recently, among believers (as they say, “churched”, that is, more familiar with church tradition, and in practice - also with parachurch superstitions) are common various kinds"lists of sins" They rather harm the preparation for confession, because they very successfully help turn confession into a formal listing of “what-is-sin.” In fact, confession should not be formal under any circumstances. In addition, among the “lists of sins” there are some completely curious examples, so it is better not to consider brochures of this kind seriously at all.

    The only exception may be the most a brief “memo” of the main sins, which are often not recognized as such. An example of such a memo:

    A. Sins against the Lord God:

    - disbelief in God, recognition of any significance for other “spiritual forces”, religious doctrines, in addition to the Christian faith; participation in other religious practices or rituals, even “for company,” as a joke, etc.;

    - nominal faith, not expressed in any way in life, that is, practical atheism (you can recognize the existence of God with your mind, but live as if you were an unbeliever);

    - the creation of “idols,” that is, placing something other than God in first place among life values. Anything that a person really “serves” can become an idol: money, power, career, health, knowledge, hobbies - all this can be good when it occupies the appropriate place in the personal “hierarchy of values”, but when it comes first , turns into an idol;

    - turning to various kinds of fortune tellers, sorcerers, sorcerers, psychics, etc. - an attempt to “subdue” spiritual forces magically, without repentance and personal effort to change life in accordance with the commandments.

    b. Sins against one's neighbor:

    - neglect of people, resulting from pride and selfishness, inattention to the needs of one’s neighbor (a neighbor is not necessarily a relative or acquaintance, it is every person who happens to be next to us in this moment);

    - condemnation and discussion of the shortcomings of others (“ You will be justified by your words and you will be condemned by your words", says the Lord);

    — prodigal sins of various kinds, especially adultery (violation of marital fidelity) and unnatural sexual relations, which are incompatible with being in the Church. The so-called so-called, widespread today, also refers to prodigal cohabitation. " civil marriage", that is, cohabitation without marriage registration. It should, however, be remembered that a registered but unmarried marriage cannot be regarded as fornication and is not an obstacle to remaining in the Church;

    — Abortion is the taking of the life of a human being, essentially murder. One should repent even if the abortion was done according to medical indications. Inducing a woman to have an abortion (by her husband, for example) is also a serious sin. Repentance for this sin implies that the repentant will never knowingly repeat it again.

    — appropriation of someone else’s property, refusal to pay other people’s labor (ticketless travel), withholding wages subordinates or hired workers;

    — lies of various kinds, especially slandering one’s neighbor, spreading rumors (as a rule, we cannot be sure of the veracity of rumors), inability to keep one’s word.

    This is an approximate list of the most common sins, but we emphasize once again that you should not get carried away with such “lists”. When further preparing for confession, it is best to use the Ten Commandments of God and listen to your own conscience.

    3. Talk only about sins, and your own. In confession you need to talk about your sins, without trying to minimize them or show them as excusable. It would seem that this is obvious, but how often do priests, when accepting confession, hear, instead of confessing sins, everyday stories about all their relatives, neighbors and acquaintances. When in confession a person talks about the grievances caused to him, he evaluates and condemns his neighbors, essentially justifying himself. Often in such stories, personal sins are presented in such a light that it would seem completely impossible to avoid them. But sin is always the fruit of personal choice. It is extremely rare that we find ourselves in such conflicts when we are forced to choose between two types of sin.

    4. Don’t invent a special language. When talking about your sins, you shouldn’t worry about how to call them “correctly” or “church wise”. We must call things by their proper names, in ordinary language. You are confessing to God, who knows even more about your sins than you do, and calling sin as it is will definitely not surprise God.

    You won't surprise the priest either. Sometimes penitents are ashamed to tell the priest this or that sin, or there is a fear that the priest, having heard the sin, will condemn you. In fact, over the years of ministry, a priest has to listen to a lot of confessions, and it is not easy to surprise him. And besides, all sins are not original: they have practically not changed over thousands of years. Being a witness to sincere repentance of serious sins, the priest will never condemn, but will rejoice at the person’s conversion from sin to the path of righteousness.

    5. Talk about serious things, not trifles. There is no need to start confession with such sins as breaking the fast, not going to church, working on holidays, watching TV, wearing/not wearing certain types of clothes, etc. First of all, these are definitely not your most serious sins. Secondly, this may not be a sin at all: if a person throughout for long years didn’t come to God, then why repent of not keeping fasts if the “vector” of life itself was directed in the wrong direction? Thirdly, who needs endless digging into everyday minutiae? The Lord expects from us love and giving of the heart, and we told him: “I ate fish on a fast day” and “embroidered on a holiday.”

    The main focus should be on our relationship with God and our neighbors. Moreover, by neighbors, according to the Gospel, we mean not only people who are pleasant to us, but everyone who has met us in our lives. life path. And above all, our family members. Christian life for family people begins in the family and is tested by it. Here is the best field for cultivating Christian qualities: love, patience, forgiveness, acceptance.

    6. Start changing your life even before confession. Repentance on Greek sounds like “metanoia”, literally “change of mind”. It is not enough to admit that you have committed such and such offenses in life. God is not a prosecutor, and confession is not a confession. Repentance must be a change of life: the penitent intends not to return to sins and tries with all his might to keep himself from them. Such repentance begins some time before confession, and coming to church to see the priest already “captures” the change taking place in life. This is extremely important. If a person intends to continue sinning after confession, then maybe it’s worth postponing confession?

    It is necessary to stipulate that when we talk about changing life and renouncing sin, we mean first of all the so-called “mortal” sins, according to the word of the Apostle John, that is, incompatible with being in the Church. Since ancient times, the Christian Church has considered renunciation of faith, murder and adultery to be such sins. Sins of this kind can also include the extreme degree of other human passions: anger towards one’s neighbor, theft, cruelty, etc., which can be stopped once and for all by an effort of will, combined with the help of God. As for small, so-called “everyday” sins, they will largely be repeated after confession. One must be prepared for this and accept it humbly as an inoculation against spiritual exaltation: there are no perfect people, only God alone is sinless.

    7. Be at peace with everyone. « Forgive and you will be forgiven", says the Lord. - " By which court you judge, you will be judged" And even more powerfully: “ If you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift" If we ask God for forgiveness, then we ourselves must first forgive the offenders. Of course, there are situations when asking for forgiveness directly from a person is physically impossible, or this will lead to an aggravation of an already difficult relationship. Then it is important at least, forgive on your part and have nothing in your heart against your neighbor.

    Some practical recommendations. Before you come to confession, it would be a good idea to find out when confession is usually held in the church. In many churches they serve not only on Sundays and holidays, but also on Saturdays, and in large churches and monasteries - on weekdays. The greatest influx of confessors occurs during Lent. Of course, the Lenten period is primarily a time of repentance, but for those who come for the first time or after a very long break, it is better to choose a time when the priest is not very busy. It may turn out that confession is held in the church on Friday evening or Saturday morning - on these days there will probably be fewer people than during Sunday services. It’s good if you have the opportunity to personally contact the priest and ask him to appoint you convenient time for confession.

    Exist special prayers, expressing a repentant “mood”. It is good to read them the day before confession. Canon of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ is printed in almost any prayer book, except the shortest ones.

    During confession, the priest may assign you penance: abstaining from communion for a while, reading special prayers, prostrations or acts of mercy. This is not a punishment, but a means to overcome sin and receive complete forgiveness. Penance can be prescribed when the priest does not meet the proper attitude towards serious sins on the part of the penitent, or, conversely, when he sees that the person has a need to do something practically to “get rid of” the sin. Penance cannot be indefinite: it is appointed for a certain time, and then must be terminated.

    As a rule, after confession, believers take communion. Although confession and communion are two different sacraments, better preparation combine for confession with preparation for communion.

    If these small tips helped you prepare for confession - thank God. Do not forget that this sacrament must be regular. Don't put off your next confession for many years. Confession at least once a month helps you to always be “on your toes” and treat your life attentively and responsibly. Everyday life, in which, in fact, our Christian faith should be expressed.


    A reminder to a Christian who wishes to approach the Holy Chalice to receive communion of the life-giving Body and Blood of Christ the Lord.

    An Orthodox Christian who wishes to begin the Holy Sacrament of Communion must remember that in order for Communion to the Lord not to be “in court and condemnation,” a Christian must fulfill a number of essential and disciplinary conditions. Disciplinary conditions are not strictly mandatory, and in the event of extraordinary circumstances (for example, in the event of a serious illness of a person or his dying condition) are not enforced. However, Orthodox Christians should remember that the development of these disciplinary conditions was great experience life of the Church, and therefore, under normal circumstances, this external preparation(attendance at worship services, fasting, home prayer etc.) is also mandatory.

    1. Awareness of meaning. A person must be absolutely aware of where and why he has come. He came to enter into Communion with God, to become a partaker of the Divine, to unite with Christ, to taste the Lord’s Supper for his sanctification and cleansing from sins, and not to perform a religious ritual, “drink compote” or have dinner. The Apostle Paul puts it this way: “ Next, you gather together in a way that does not mean eating the Lord's supper; for everyone hastens to eat his food before others, so that some are hungry, and others get drunk. Have you no houses to eat and drink? Or do you neglect the church of God and humiliate the poor? What should I tell you? Should I praise you for this? I won't praise you"(1 Cor. 11:20-22).

    2. Sincere desire. A person must have a completely sincere desire to unite with Christ. This desire must be alien to all hypocrisy, and it must be combined with the Fear of God: “ The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord"(Prov. 9:10). A person must remember that “whoever eats this Bread or drinks this Cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord"(1 Cor. 11:27).

    3. Mental peace. A person approaching the Chalice must have peace of mind, that is, a state alien to malice, enmity or hatred against anyone. In such a state, it is impossible for a believer to approach the Sacrament. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “ So, if you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift"(Matt. 5:23-24).

    4. Churchness. And, finally, the last essential condition: a person must not violate the canons of the Church, excommunicating him from Communion and the Church, that is, be within the limits of faith and moral life permitted by the Church, since “ grace is given to those who do not violate the limits of faith and do not transgress the traditions of the fathers"(Message to Diognetus).

    5. Confession. Russian tradition Orthodox Church requires mandatory confession before Communion : « Let man test himself, and in this way let him eat from this Bread and drink from this Cup. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, without considering the Body of the Lord. That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many are dying."(1 Cor. 11:28-29). Confession before Communion can take place either the night before or in the morning before the Liturgy., and in necessary cases (holidays, workload of priests due to large cluster people, etc.), a few days before Communion.

    6. Liturgical fast. Before communion ancient tradition The Church needs the so-called liturgical fast, or fasting before communion, which consists of from 24 o'clock on the night before communion they do not eat or drink anything, for it is customary to approach the Holy Chalice on an empty stomach . On holiday night services (Easter, Christmas, etc.), it should be remembered that the duration of liturgical fasting, as determined by the Holy Synod, cannot be less than 6 hours. The question arises: if someone, fasting for communion of the Holy Mysteries, while washing or being in a bathhouse, reluctantly swallowed a little water, should he receive communion? As St. Timothy of Alexandria answers in his canonical letter: “ Must. For otherwise Satan, having found an opportunity to remove him from Communion, will more often do the same"(answer 16). In doubtful cases, in the morning before the service, you should seek advice from the priest.

    7. Body fasting. Anyone who wishes to receive communion must try to adequately prepare for this holy sacrament. The mind should not be overly distracted by the trifles of life and have fun. During the days of preparation, if circumstances permit, one should attend church services and more diligently follow the home prayer rule. The means to such a more focused spiritual life is fasting (in church practice it is called fasting): the body is prescribed abstinence and restriction in food (meat and dairy) . Physical fasting before Communion usually lasts for several days. And general rule here it is: the less often a person receives communion, the stricter and longer the physical fast should be, and vice versa. The amount of physical fasting is also determined by family and social circumstances (life in a non-church family, hard physical and intellectual work), and under these conditions it naturally decreases. Let us note that for Christians who observe one-day and multi-day fasts, during Bright Easter Week, physical fasting before communion is, as a rule, completely abolished.

    8. Bodily cleanliness. There are certain requirements for bodily cleanliness for men and women. First general requirement There is renunciation of physical marital relations on the eve of Communion . The ancient ascetic tradition also prescribes, without urgent need, men should abstain from Communion on the day after an overnight involuntary flow, and for women during women's days and 40 days postpartum period : « It is not forbidden to pray, no matter what state someone is in and no matter how disposed they are, to remember the Lord and ask for help. But let him who is not entirely pure in soul and body be prohibited from approaching what is the Holy of Holies."(Second canonical rule of St. Dionysius of Alexandria).

    9. Attendance at worship services and home prayer. Since temple worship allows you to better prepare for the liturgy ( common cause- Greek), healthy person On the eve of Communion, you must come to church and pray with everyone at the evening service .

    Home prayer includes except the usual morning and evening prayers , reading Follow-up to Holy Communion (after morning prayers in the morning).

    The evening before Communion is also provided reading the three canons:

    • Canon of repentance to the Lord,
    • Prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos, And
    • Canon to the Guardian Angel

    Those who wish, according to their personal zeal, can also read other prayers, for example, the Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus.

    Alexander Bozhenov
    Patriarchal Center spiritual development children and youth

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    In the life of an Orthodox Christian the most an important event- this is the acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. It takes more than one day to prepare for it. Fast for three days, and also read prayers before confession and Communion. This is how believers must prepare themselves to meet God.

    Before proceeding to receive the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, the believer must cleanse his soul by repentance. It's about about the sacrament of confession established by the church.

    Before the sacrament of repentance, fasting is not required. But, as the holy fathers say, every sin requires proportionate repentance, and if there is no repentance, corresponding torment will come.

    If we have committed a serious sin, then we must especially cry and lament what we have done, and refrain from any actions that led to the commission of this sin. It is imperative to repent of small sins, and do not neglect this. We must remember everything we have done since our last confession.

    In order not to forget all the sins committed during this time, the holy fathers recommend summing up the day before going to bed every day. Evaluate your actions, ask God for forgiveness if you have done something contrary to His commandments. In order to set yourself in the right mood, before confession you need to read the canon of repentance. This helps bring the soul into a contrite state.

    What to read before confession

    The penitential canon, read by all Orthodox Christians in preparation for confession and Communion, was written by the great Russian man and commander A. Suvorov.

    This happened in February 1800, undoubtedly under the influence of the canon of Andrew of Crete, read during Lent.

    The general wrote the canon with a weakened hand. He will be gone in May of this year. The dream of the great Russian commander to become a monk and take refuge in the Nile Desert, where he had strived for many years with all his soul, never came true.

    A. Suvorov was not only a soldier in life, but also a pilgrim. For his piety, he was named Russian Archangel Michael by his compatriots. Suvorov was a prominent representative of Orthodox Russia.

    The contradictions that he combined, the prayerful state of mind and the need to shed someone’s blood, may have led him to write a canon, which for several centuries has been calling all believers to the realization of their sins and high repentance.

    The canon that is read before confession can be found in any Orthodox prayer book. It is necessary to help the believer remember:

    • the transience of life;
    • the coming terrible judgment;
    • the need to seek the Kingdom of God with all our might;
    • repentance and cleansing of the soul from sins;
    • awareness of one’s hardness of heart;
    • the madness of a man holding on to temporary wealth;
    • strengthening in virtue;
    • much more.

    According to the charter of the church, believers do not have the right to approach the Holy Chalice without preparing and without cleansing the soul with the sacrament of repentance. In this case, home repentance is not enough.

    It is necessary to undergo the sacrament of confession, at which the clergyman will absolve sins with the power given to him by God. An exception is made for children under 7 years of age. It is believed that this is the angelic age, when there are no sins yet or they are committed unconsciously due to age.

    Attention! Many books have been written about what you need to pay attention to when preparing for confession. Somewhere detailed explanations are given, somewhere sins are simply listed. Prayers to prepare for this sacrament can be found in liturgical books or listened to online on the Internet.


    Christ Himself commanded us to receive communion. This must be done in order to be saved and have eternal life.

    Mysteriously, the wine and bread in the Chalice for the Eucharist during the liturgy are transformed into the Flesh and Blood of Christ.

    By taking them inside, we unite with God, thereby receiving cleansing from sins and strength for the further path to the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Communion is a very important and responsible moment in the spiritual life of an Orthodox person. A lot depends on how you prepare for it. An unworthy application to the Gifts without proper preparation will entail even worse punishment. The process itself consists of several steps:

    1. Compliance with a 3-day fast.
    2. Reading certain prayers.
    3. Confession in the church where the sacrament will be performed.
    4. Participation in the Sacrament.
    5. Listening to prayers of thanksgiving.

    On the day of Communion, before the start of the liturgy and especially the moment when the Gifts are received inside, do not drink anything or eat any food. The exception is people who are taking vital medications at this time.

    If delay in taking medications can lead to sharp deterioration health, in this case their use is allowed until the moment of Communion. But nothing more. It is advisable to do all this with the blessing of the confessor.

    How to read prayers before communion

    Fasting and prayer help believers purify their soul and body to receive the Holy Gifts. The Church has established certain prayers that are necessary for every believer who wants to unite with Christ in the sacrament of Communion. So what you need to read:

    1. Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ.
    2. Canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.
    3. Canon to the Guardian Angel.
    4. Follow-up to Holy Communion.

    Priests, monastics and pious laity read daily the three canons mentioned above in the list of prayers that must be read before receiving the Holy Gifts. But we ordinary believers, immersed in the bustle of numerous affairs, would not be able to do this prayerful work.

    Interesting! When is it celebrated according to the Orthodox church calendar?

    Therefore, reading the three canons is prescribed to us only during preparation for Communion, as a particularly important and responsible moment in our spiritual activity.

    Seraphim Zvezdinsky, a preacher and church hierarch of the early 20th century, who later became a martyr, called them three roses of paradise, which should be smelled by everyone striving for the Kingdom of Heaven.

    And those who pay attention and with an open heart will read the lines of the canons, will be able to feel the special spiritual aroma emanating from each word. The fragrant lines cleanse and inspire the soul of the person praying, producing a mysterious spiritual transformation.

    Following to Holy Communion is a cycle of texts compiled in a certain order and aimed at preparing the believer’s soul for a worthy passage of the sacrament. Let us list what prayers they include:

    1. General beginning.
    2. Psalms troparia.
    3. Canon.
    4. A cycle of ten or more prayer texts.
    5. Brief prayers said immediately at the moment of receiving the Holy Gifts.
    6. Prayers of thanksgiving read after the end of the sacrament of Communion and liturgy.

    All of these prayers, except the last two, must be performed in advance, in preparation for the Sacrament. You can listen to prayers of thanksgiving in church or pray on your own at home.

    Attention! Prayers before Communion for children, as a rule, are reduced or abolished altogether if the age of the person who is fasting is conducive to such a relaxation of the rules. Your spiritual mentor will tell you what to read before Communion and Confession for children.

    How and why to prepare for the sacraments

    The views of clergy on the celebration of the Divine Eucharist by believers at times do not coincide. Some confessors bless their children to receive communion as often as possible.

    But this is more appropriate during Lent or in the event that a parishioner is at the monastery as a laborer.

    Perhaps he simply lives in a monastery hotel long time and, of course, he goes to all services and performs any obedience that does not burden him too much.

    In this case, the believer is immersed in a state of prayerful contemplation around the clock, constantly fasting, since in the monastery refectories they mainly offer Lenten food. He has all the conditions to receive communion often and do it with dignity.

    Other Orthodox clergy believe that too active participation of parishioners in the Divine Eucharist can diminish high value this Sacrament. First of all, the quality of preparation for communion and confession will suffer.

    In the bustle of numerous affairs that surround a layman, it will be very difficult for him to often arrange fasts for himself, to carve out additional time and energy for frequent reading of the obligatory prayer rule, which is quite voluminous.

    There will be an emasculation, a depreciation in the consciousness of Christians of this high and holy Sacrament, since preparation for it will be put on stream, done in a hurry and carelessly, without due reverence.

    In Russia, before the revolution, the church had a clearly established model of behavior for Christian believers, who at that time constituted the majority of the country's population. Pious people were ordered to receive communion at every fast for one simple reason. Communion was impossible without a week-long fasting with all severity. During fasting, this condition could be fulfilled much easier and simpler than on ordinary days.

    Attention! Experienced confessors advise taking communion once a month. It is not advisable to do this more often, but you should not delay it too much.

    Are special prayers needed before communion for children? The views of the clergy on this issue are also diametrically opposed. Some people believe that from an early age a child should be gradually taught to fast and read at least a few prayers, gradually increasing their number. Other confessors insist that it is enough at first to introduce restrictions on chocolate, ice cream, and cartoons during the preparation period.

    In this way, the child will feel that something significant and out of the ordinary is about to happen. A child should not avoid church and prayers because they bore him. It will be enough for him to see how adults participate in the preparation for confession and Communion, and to stand with them for a few minutes while reading prayers.

    Useful video

    Let's sum it up

    If we want to approach the Eucharistic Chalice, then we must go through confession. The priest will read a prayer of permission, placing the stole on our head. In this way he will testify to the purity of the soul and conscience of the one who dares to approach the Holy Gifts. It is necessary to read prayers before Communion in order to prepare the soul for this sacrament.