Translation unified form. Filling out the form correctly

Employee transfer is a movement within an organization between positions and departments. To formalize it, you need to draw up an order in which the manager gives an order to carry out personnel changes in relation to a specific employee, and also register with him additional agreement about a change of position or department.

The signature of the employee in respect of whom the transfer is being carried out within the organization must be present both on the order as an introductory note and on the additional agreement to labor contract. It is recommended to fill out a standard T-5 order form, specially designed for processing transfers to another job. You can download the T-5 form and a sample to fill out when transferring one employee to another position below.

To complete this procedure you need a respectful reason regardless of the source of the need for its implementation (the initiator can be either an employee or management), as well as documentary justification.

The reason depends on many factors and must be stated in the order. If this is an employee initiative, then most often it is medical indications, when the state of health does not allow working in the previous position, the employee can also express a desire to improve his level by transferring to a more qualified position. The worker expresses his desire in a written statement, a sample of which can be downloaded.

If the transfer is caused by the need of the company, then the employee is presented with a notification paper that explains the essence of the transfer - to what job and from what day the employee is planned to be transferred. The latter has the right to agree or refuse.

Regardless of who initiated the transfer process, the organization must draw up an order in the T-5 form or in free form. The issue of form is decided individually for each organization. If you have your own form, it is important to make sure that its use is enshrined in the accounting policy.

The procedure for filling out an order for transfer within an organization

We will consider moving an employee to another position using the example of filling out the T-5 form, through which it is possible to formalize the transfer of one worker. To move a group of people, form T-5a must be filled out.

How to fill out an order:

  • In the “transfer to another job” field, the date of entry into force of the changes – the date of transfer – must be filled in. The “by” line is filled in for an urgent transfer, that is, when the employee will work in another position for a limited period. If the transfer is permanent, then it is enough to indicate the starting date;
  • details of the employee for whom the changes are being made;
  • type of transfer – permanent or temporary;
  • information about the position and department where the employee worked until now;
  • then the reason is entered into the order - in connection with which there is a need for changes, for example, it may become work injury or occupational disease;
  • information about the new position, structural unit;
  • level of payment at the new place of work - salary components;
  • basis - in this field of the order, form T-5, details of all documents related to the case are given. Mandatory - an additional agreement to the contract, which specifies the new position and place of work within the organization, an application from the worker, a notification if the initiator is the employer. It may also be a document confirming the reason, for example, a conclusion from a medical commission.

In order to transfer an employee to another position without changing the company - LLC or individual entrepreneur, you need to correctly draw up all the documents and conclude a transfer agreement. In this case, the employee must confirm his consent - provide an application.

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Types of transfers

Properly completing the transfer of an employee is necessary not only to pay taxes, but also to maintain internal documentation and reporting.

There are several types of translations for company employees:

Temporary transfer Carried out only by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee, or without the consent of the employee - on short term. Most often, employment is maintained until another employee is found or the previous one is returned. By agreement of the parties, the period of transfer on a temporary basis cannot exceed 12 months.

To complete the transfer, you need to draw up a corresponding document - an agreement. In order not to indicate a specific period, you can make a note that the employee’s return to his previous place will be carried out upon the return of the previous employee. An agreement must also be concluded with the temporary employer, and an order must be drawn up, which sets out the main provisions.

Permanent translation The man, who for a long time works in the same place, may wish to move to another position or to another department, in which case a permanent transfer will be issued. Both the employer and the employee can take the initiative.
Applying for a job in another department, with the same employer This type transfer refers to permanent ones, while a person can change qualifications, position, and receive a higher salary.
Registration to another employer, to a subsidiary or branch, in another location This type of re-registration is permanent. In this case, a transfer agreement and an order are issued, which establishes the main provisions.

A citizen can agree to continue working for the same director, provided that he changes his place of residence and branch of the company. In this case, the employment agreement needs to be renegotiated.

Whatever transfer method is chosen, it is important to prepare the documents correctly and outline the main terms of the agreement between the director of the company and the employee.


An employer can transfer his subordinate to another department only on the basis of mutual agreement. The registration process is fully regulated by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The law also establishes some grounds for temporary transfer when the employee's consent is not required:

  1. Earthquake, flood, fire or other natural disaster.
  2. A production accident that requires a reshuffle of personnel to eliminate it.
  3. Man-made disaster on the ground.
  4. An incident at an enterprise resulting in casualties.
  5. Epidemic.
  6. Other cases, the occurrence of which poses a danger to the health and life of citizens.

Any type of transfer is possible only after the relevant documents have been signed, first of all, an order.

In addition, the transfer of a citizen without obtaining consent can be carried out in case of downtime of the enterprise. But at the same time, a stop in work should be caused by the situations listed above.

Any other circumstances cannot become a basis for re-registering a citizen to another department without obtaining his consent.

However, subject to consent, the transfer may be carried out for the following reasons:

  1. Improved qualifications, obtaining a higher position.
  2. Liberation workplace in another department.
  3. An alternative to dismissal in case of staff reduction or liquidation of a department of the enterprise.

A transfer for a period of one month without obtaining consent is possible only if an employee of another department suddenly does not appear on site as a result of force majeure.

If an employer wants to transfer an employee to a position with lower requirements for qualifications and skills, then it is strictly necessary to obtain the citizen’s consent. At the same time, the salary should remain at the same level or at a higher level.

The director of the company has no right to reduce the salary of an employee, since this is a direct violation of the agreement and labor legislation and threatens liability.

How to apply

The order must be completed using the unified form No. -5. It was approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee, and is used in all cases, but with different variations. Data about the company, employee and new position are entered into the prepared form.

The document must contain the following information:

  1. OKPO code, company name.
  2. The date of issue of the order and the document number are determined in accordance with the internal numbering at the enterprise. If necessary, you can use a digital-alphabetic code.
  3. The date from which the citizen must begin performing new duties.
  4. The end date is indicated on a separate line after the word “to”. When this day arrives, the transfer period is considered completed.
  5. The employee's personnel number, full name and date of completion of duties upon taking up a new position. The name of the department in the company.
  6. Type of transfer – temporary or permanent.
  7. The department in which the citizen previously performed his duties.
  8. The reason why the re-registration is being carried out.
  9. New size information wages, information about the position, working conditions in another department of the company.
  10. Reason for transfer - you need to make a link to the document, most often, this is an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which the employee’s signature is placed confirming that he agrees with the terms proposed to him. If the reason for the transfer was the employee’s health condition, you need to make an appropriate note and attach a document issued by a doctor.
  11. Chief's signature.
  12. Employee signature.

Sample order for transfer to another position within the organization in 2019:

Certification of the document with the signatures of both parties - mandatory requirement. In addition, the type of translation must be indicated in the corresponding line. If it is temporary, the start and end dates of the agreement are indicated.

If the end date is not known, the document must describe the condition under which the person gets the opportunity to return to his place.

When making a permanent transfer, you additionally need to make an entry in the employee’s card and work book. The main difference between a temporary and a permanent transfer is that with a temporary transfer you do not need to make an entry in the labor register.

Sample entry in work book:

In some cases, a power of attorney may be required, for example, if the employee cannot appear to sign documents, or the transfer is carried out with his consent to another region on a permanent basis.

What will be considered a violation

The employer must protect the rights and interests of employees, since otherwise he may face liability.

  1. Late notification of the employee about the transfer, or its complete absence.
  2. Reducing wages in another department, without the person’s consent.
  3. Transfer to another department in the absence of grounds for this - man-made disaster, natural disasters, lack of personnel.
  4. Incorrect execution of documents, orders, applications.

The main task of the company director is to provide the employee with all the necessary information in a timely manner. If an employee believes that his rights have been violated, he can contact labor inspection or court, after which a full inspection will be scheduled.

You can prepare the document correctly using forms that are freely available. It is very important to indicate the start and end dates, the department to which the transfer is being made and the position. In addition, it is important to indicate whether the agreement is temporary or permanent.

Current legislation invariably requires that it be accompanied by documents. various actions and changes in matters of labor relations between employer and employee. In particular, he is involved in regulating the issue labor legislation. Transferring an employee to another position is a serious action and must be based on legally it is necessary to draw up a special document - a transfer order.

When transferring to another position, an order must be issued

An order for transfer to another position is a document in accordance with which an employee is transferred within one company. The basis for its preparation is considered to be a special letter from the employee, or a memorandum, which indicates the real prerequisites for making the transfer.

Both arbitrary document design and the use of forms specially created for this are allowed. Regardless of the method of drawing up the order, a specialist from the HR department is considered responsible for its preparation, and the document drawn up must have the signatures of the employee.

The legislation provides for two unified forms of this document - T-5 and T-5a. The difference between them is that the first is used when processing the transfer of one employee, and the second when transferring several people. Those situations when an employee has to move to another place with the organization, or when he is transferred to some remote branch of the company, are also necessarily accompanied by an order.

Actually, the document itself can be drawn up either by hand or using machine printing. The transfer can be made in different situations, For example:

  • transfer of an employee to a position with higher pay due to his promotion
  • transfer to a position with lower pay if an employee fails certification
  • structural change within organizational units
  • staff reduction
  • availability of vacancies in the company
  • medical grounds for transfer of an employee (occupational injuries)
  • replacing a temporarily absent employee who is or is temporarily unable to work
  • transfer of an employee to a remote branch of a company

The transfer of an employee to another position is necessarily accompanied by an order. This is a special document drawn up in the HR department. In order to transfer an employee, objective grounds are needed.

Sample of filling out a transfer order

Order for transfer to another position: sample filling

Some change in labor responsibilities The employee is always present when he is transferred to another position. This change in conditions is necessarily stipulated in a special agreement, which becomes part of employment contract between employee and employer.

It is most convenient to draw up a transfer order using the T-5 form. Since it already contains the details necessary for translation, the specialist responsible for drawing up the document can only fill in the missing information:

  1. the name of the organization within which the transfer takes place, as well as its OKPO
  2. document number and date of its preparation
  3. the date when the employee will be considered transferred to another position (in the case of a temporary transfer, the “from” and “to” fields are filled in; in case of a permanent transfer, the “to” field is not filled in)
  4. Full name of the employee in the genitive case
  5. his personnel number
  6. type of transfer (temporary or permanent)
  7. previously occupied
  8. objective reason translation
  9. the place of work that the employee will occupy after the transfer
  10. which will be assigned to the employee in the new position (allowances and bonuses are also displayed on the form)
  11. document on the basis of which the translation is made
  12. employer's signature and its decoding
  13. company seal
  14. signature of the employee who has reviewed the document

An order compiled in this way receives its unique number. Also, in connection with the transfer, the HR department makes a special note in the work book and in the employee’s personal file.

Using the T-5 form is the simplest and most in a convenient way issuing an order for the transfer of an employee. The missing information is entered into it, after which the signatures of the manager and employee are placed on the document.

Some nuances when drawing up an order

Entry in the work book about transfer to another position

It is not necessary to draw up an order using a unified form. The law allows its registration in any form. In this case, the organization’s letterhead, drawn up in accordance with state standard. The word “TRANSLATE” is written at the beginning of the document; no introduction is required in the document. After which it states:

  • Full name and position of the employee in which he is currently located
  • department and position to which he will be transferred
  • start date of the transfer, its duration and working conditions in the new place, as well as salary
  • objective basis for transfer

With temporary transfers, the specific date for completion of the work is not always known. These may be the following situations:

  1. transfer in case of replacement of an employee who cannot work for an unknown period of time (vacation, )
  2. transfer of an employee associated with a change in his health status (working in a lighter position, which is associated with the employee’s pregnancy, before)

Transfer to another position may be temporary

In these situations, the completion date of the temporary transfer cannot be determined exactly at the time the order is issued. There are two ways out of the situation: in the “to” line, instead of a specific date, mark a specific event upon completion of which the transfer period ends. In this case, the event must be fully described in words, for which it is possible to change the size of the required line.

In the second case, the “by” line is simply not filled in until the occurrence of a certain event, which is agreed upon between the employers and the employee. In this situation, the “type of transfer” line indicates the event itself, and the “by” line is filled in after this event occurs.

In some cases, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when an employee is transferred to a position with a lower salary due to a deterioration in his health, he is retained the average salary that he had in his previously held position for one month from the date of transfer. If an employee is transferred due to any occupational disease, or injury, then the old salary is retained until the employee is completely unable to work, or until he recovers.

In these situations, it is allowed to add some lines in the “tariff rate” line to correctly justify the salary received by the employee. An order for transfer to another position is not necessarily issued using a special form. may be submitted in free form.

Transfer of an employee to another position can only be done upon execution of a special document. The order can be drawn up in various forms. It contains the information necessary for legal translation, as well as the signatures of the manager and employee.

This video will tell you how to properly process an employee transfer:

  • Automatic filling standard forms documents
  • Printing documents with signature and seal image
  • Letterheads with your logo and details
  • Uploading documents in Excel, PDF, CSV formats
  • Sending documents by email directly from the system

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There are situations when an employee needs to be transferred to another job - due to operational necessity, for health reasons or at will. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of an employee to another job is carried out only with written consent the employee himself. Exceptions may be cases provided for in Parts 2 and 3 of Art. 72.2 Labor Code. An employer does not have the right to offer an employee a transfer to a position that is not suitable for him due to health reasons. There are two types of transfer of an employee to another job: permanent or temporary. The transfer can be initiated by either the employer or the employee.

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How to fill out a transfer order correctly

Filling out the T-5 form begins with details that will provide the document with the necessary legal force. These include:

Title of the document;
- date of preparation of the document, its serial number;
- name of the organization in which the document was drawn up;
- position and surname of the employee responsible for drawing up the document, signature (signature is placed at the bottom of the document).

The name of the organization is indicated in full, that is, exactly as it is indicated in constituent documents. To put the date of the order can be used following methods:
- using words and numbers (for example, May 22, 2012);
- Arabic numerals in the order "day, month, year" (for example, 05/22/2012);
- Arabic numerals in the order “year, month, day” (for example, 2012.05.22).
When filling out the T-5 form, OKPO (All-Russian Classifiers of Enterprises and Organizations), OKUD ( All-Russian classifier management documentation).

The text of the order must begin with the words “transfer to another job.” Next, write the date from which the employee will be transferred. If the transfer is temporary, then the exact timing of the transfer is indicated. This situation may arise, for example, when replacing an employee during a period of parental leave to care for a child under three years of age. Depending on the amount of information, you can expand the rows and columns in tabular forms. According to Part 5 of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20, it is allowed to make changes in the area of ​​expanding lines and columns of the unified document form.

Do not forget to indicate the basis for the transfer, which is usually an appendix to the employment contract.

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