Order for transfer to another position as a consultant. Difficulties in filling out standardized forms

2.1. Unified forms T-5 and T-5a used for design:
. permanent transfers of employees to another job in the same organization (Articles 72, 72.1, 73 and 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
. temporary transfers of workers to another job in case of production necessity (Articles 722 and 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of transfer to another permanent job in the same organization includes a change in the employee’s labor function and (or) structural unit in which the employee works (if the structural unit was specified in the employment contract), while continuing to work for the same employer, as well as transfer to work in another area together with the employer or a change in the conditions determined by the parties employment contract(except for changes in the employee’s job function). Thus, a transfer order can be issued:
1) transfer of an employee to another position (position or profession) in the same department;
2) transfer of an employee to another unit for a similar or different position;
3) transfer of a temporary worker to a permanent job;
4) transfer of the employee to another work mode (with irregular working hours, part-time or reduced work time, on shift work, for a flexible schedule, summarized recording of working hours, etc.) and other situations that can be regarded as transfer situations in the context of the above articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Of course, cases of constant change essential conditions an employment contract, except in cases 1) and 2), can also be drawn up by orders drawn up in free form, but it is much more convenient to use ready-made unified forms.
Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the employer to unilaterally change the terms of the employment contract for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions. In these cases, it is permitted to change the essential terms of the employment contract determined by the parties at the initiative of the employer while the employee continues to work without changing his job function*.
Let's consider possible situations with examples.
Option one. In the process of its development, the company increased the staff of the division, which was originally called the sales department. In addition, there has been a de facto division of specialists in the department into those who primarily serve corporate clients and those who work with individuals. The company's management decides to formalize this situation legally and make changes to the staffing table: instead of a sales department, create two others - a department for working with corporate clients and a department for working with individuals. The employees of the former sales department will be transferred to one of these divisions in accordance with their actual specialization. In this case, there is a change in organizational working conditions while maintaining the labor function of workers. Option two. Of the many cases of changes in the technological working conditions of workers that the author of the article had to deal with, the most indicative is the following. At one time, as a result of the general computerization of all companies, the profession of a typist ceased to be in demand, and typing bureaus in organizations were most often liquidated. However, in one of the organizations, all typists were offered training and transfer to work as PC operators. This illustrative example changes in the working conditions of workers that occurred as a result of changes in work technology (again, with the overall preservation of the labor function of workers).
Any change in job* or professional** instructions and many other local regulations regulating the procedure for performing work by certain employees is for these workers a change in technological working conditions***, and changes, for example, made to internal labor regulations, may be equated to a change in the organizational working conditions of employees. Such situations, of course, are not formalized by transfer orders, but it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding the timing of advance warning of workers and other guarantees).
In both examples, unified transfer order forms can be used to formalize changes.
Using forms T-5 and T-5a, orders for the temporary transfer of an employee (workers) made on the basis of Art. 72.2 and 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
So, let's look at the rules for filling out the unified forms T-5 and T-5a.
2.2. The order number may include the letter index “l/s” or, for example, “per” (depending on the volume of personnel document flow in the organization).
2.3. The date of the order may:
a) coincide with the date of transfer (i.e. the order for transfer can be issued directly on the day of transfer):

B) be earlier than the date of transfer (i.e. the order can be issued in advance):

c) be later (i.e. the order legally secures an event that has already actually occurred). This results in a transfer order that has retroactive effect:

or the word “temporarily” is written if it is impossible to calculate the moment of completion of the transfer (by analogy with an order for employment), say, in the case of a transfer to replace a sick employee:

Finally, this cell may remain empty. This in itself shows that exact date the end of the temporary transfer period is unknown:

The case depends not only on the desire of the personnel officer, but also on the method of filling out the unified form: manually (then most likely an entry will be made in accusative case) or using a computer program (which generates orders in the nominative case).
The personnel number is indicated if employees of the organization are assigned personnel numbers. Otherwise, this cell is left blank or a dash is placed in it.
2.6. Next, you must indicate whether the employee is permanently or temporarily transferred to another job:

Entering this information into the unified form T-5a is very problematic due to the lack of a special column in which the words “permanently” or “temporarily” could be entered. In this unified form, only the start and end dates of the transfer are “normally” entered:

However, you still need to indicate the type of translation in some way. The most acceptable options are presented below.
If necessary, the words “permanently” and “temporarily” can be shortened so that the text with a font size of 12 pt fits into the cells:

To avoid these difficulties, you can simply not use the T-5a form, completing all transfers only with orders in the T-5 form.
Finally, you can enter an additional column into the unified form T-5a, which, apparently, is the most successful solution to the problem*:

2.7. It is especially important to note that it is quite possible that a temporary worker, with whom a fixed-term employment contract has been concluded, is permanently transferred to another job. Permanent translation is a translation “forever”, i.e. in this case, the employee does not retain his previous place of work (position) and he will not be returned to this job at the end of the transfer period. This can also happen to a temporary worker, and his employment contract remains fixed-term.
However, the moment of completion of the transfer here is determined by the moment of expiration of the employment contract, and if this date is not indicated in the order, a labor dispute may arise: the employee will argue that if he was transferred permanently without specifying a period, then he is now working in the organization on a permanent basis .
Therefore, the fact that the order indicates both the start date and the end date of the transfer does not mean “by default” that the transfer is temporary. This could be a permanent transfer until the expiration of the fixed-term employment contract. Therefore, it is imperative to indicate the type of transfer as in the order prepared on the basis of the T-5 form:

2.8. The structural unit and position (for an employee) or profession (for a worker) are entered into the order in strict accordance with the organization’s staffing table, taking into account the following rules:
a) if an employee is transferred to another department and to another position (profession), all data will be different:

b) if an employee is transferred to another department for the same position, this position name is indicated twice - both as the previous one and as the new one:

c) if an employee is transferred to another position (profession) in the same department, the name of this department is indicated twice - both as the previous one and as the new one:

d) in cases where other terms of the employment contract change - not a position/profession or a structural unit - the same names are indicated both as “previous” and as “new”:

2.9. When discussing the procedure for issuing transfer orders, students of seminars and the “HR School” greatest number questions are asked about filling out the “reason for transfer” line.
In order to understand what entry should be made on this line, it is necessary to answer the question why the employee was transferred. The reasons may be the following.
1) An employee, knowing that there is a vacancy that interests him, requests a transfer:
a) if he expressed his desire orally and management agrees to the transfer, it is the employee’s desire that is recorded in the order:

b) if the employee wrote an application for transfer, then a reference is made to this document:

In this case, the employee’s surname and initials may be indicated (which is not mandatory, since the order already contains this information):

2) The initiator of the transfer of an employee to another job may be the head of a structural unit:
a) the head of the department can also express his opinion to the head of the organization orally and, having received his consent and having also secured the oral consent of the employee, offer the HR department to issue documents for the transfer. After which the personnel officer prepares an additional agreement with the employee and a draft transfer order. The line “reason for transfer” in this case again reflects the true state of affairs:

3) In addition, the idea of ​​translation could have arisen from general director(head of the organization). Then the entry in the line in question will look like this:*

4) Finally, the transfer could have been made for the reason provided labor legislation. In many cases, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the dismissal of an employee both on general grounds (clauses 7 and 8 of Article 77), and at the initiative of the employer (clauses 2 and 3 of Article 81) or due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties ( clauses 2, 8, 9, 10) is possible only after the employee is offered another job suitable for him (of course, if the organization has such vacancies). If the employee agrees to the proposed vacancy, then the wording of the basis for the failed dismissal is used in the transfer order in the line “reason for transfer”:

5) Translation according to Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions) can, in particular, be formalized as follows:

If the employee refuses to continue working under the new conditions, he is subject to dismissal under clause 7 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with refusal to continue work due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties. However, such dismissal can be carried out only after the employee is offered another job (both a vacant position or a job corresponding to the employee’s qualifications, and a vacant lower position or lower paid job) taking into account his state of health (if there are corresponding vacancies in the organization’s staffing table). In this case, the employer is obliged to offer the employee all vacancies available in the given area that meet the specified requirements. The employer is obliged to offer vacancies in other locations, if so provided collective agreement, agreements, employment contracts (part 3 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
If the employee agrees to the proposed job, the line “reason for transfer” in the transfer order can be formatted, for example, as follows:

6) Other changes to the terms of the employment contract must also be clearly, clearly and unambiguously reflected in the line “reason for transfer”:

7) In relation to an employee who has entered into a fixed-term employment contract with the employer and continues to work after the expiration of this contract, since neither party has demanded termination of the employment relationship, a transfer to permanent work must be issued. In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 58 and paragraph 2 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the condition on the fixed-term nature of the employment contract in this case loses force and the employment contract is considered concluded for an indefinite period and, as for some reason many believe, is extended “automatically”. However, this is the wrong approach: the actual extension of the contract must be legally formalized, i.e. documented. An additional agreement to the employment contract must be signed with the employee recognizing the employment contract as concluded for an indefinite period, and on the basis of this additional agreement it is necessary to issue an order for transfer to permanent work. In this case, you can make an order in any form (something like this: “Consider so-and-so accepted for a permanent job in such-and-such a position in such-and-such a department”). However, it is much easier to make an order based on the unified T-5 form, in which the reason for the transfer should be recorded:

8) The reason for the temporary transfer must also be stated in the order. The temporary transfer is made by the employer on the basis of Art. 72.2 and 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the title and text of the article. 72.2 states that a temporary transfer is possible if its need is caused by emergency circumstances in the cases listed in parts 2 and 3 of this article. Thus, the reason for the transfer must be formulated clearly, clearly and unambiguously. It must be clear exactly what fact or what event, out of those provided for in the law, forced the employer to decide to transfer the employee.
8.1) The vague expression “production necessity”, used earlier, before the adoption of amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, does not make it clear whether the transfer was made within the framework of the law, or whether the employer exceeded his authority. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the situation in detail.
Thus, it can be considered incorrect next way processing a temporary transfer related to emergency:

The execution of an order can be recognized as correct only in cases where one of the following is indicated as the reason for the transfer: following situations:
. preventing destruction or damage to property due to:
. natural or man-made disasters (specify which one);
. industrial accident (indicate which equipment or in which department);
. industrial accident (specify which one);
. fire;
. floods;
. hunger;
. earthquakes;
. epidemics or epizootics;
. the occurrence of the specified emergency circumstances;
. downtime (temporary suspension of work for reasons of economic, technological, technical or organizational nature) under the above emergency circumstances (specify the reasons and possible consequences just me); any exceptional cases threatening the life or normal living conditions of the entire population or part of it (indicate what exactly is happening).

8.2) In one of the cases provided for in Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is the temporary absence of any employee under the emergency circumstances discussed above. Very often, when transferring another employee to his place, the order indicates the reason for the transfer incorrectly or too generally, which can lead to labor disputes.
In the author's memory there was such a case. The secretary, transferred to the position of sales manager with the wording in the order “to replace a temporarily absent employee,” refused to return to work as a secretary after returning to work after the illness of this employee. She motivated her refusal by the fact that this moment Another sales manager was on vacation. Consequently, she sincerely believed that the order to transfer her to the position of sales manager during the employee’s absence had not ended. Thus, given the vagueness of the wording in the order and big number sales managers in the company, it could well turn out that our heroine will work as a sales manager indefinitely. Fortunately, we managed to solve this problem painlessly by finding an opportunity to reach an agreement with the employee.
So, in order to avoid violations of the law and the emergence of such conflicts, it is necessary to accurately indicate the reason for the transfer to replace a temporarily absent employee (indicate possible adverse consequences absence of the employee, the reason for his absence, as well as the surname and initials of the absent employee), for example:

8.3) Other cases of replacing an absent employee are provided for in Part 1 of Art. 72.2 and are now possible, with the entry into force of amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only by agreement of the parties, concluded in writing.
In particular, if the parties reach agreement, the employee may be temporarily transferred to another job with the same employer for a period of up to one year. If such a transfer is carried out to replace a temporarily absent employee, who, in accordance with the law, retains his place of work, then the period of transfer is extended until this employee returns to work. The reason for such a transfer must also be indicated specifically, indicating the reasons for the absence, as well as the surname and initials (or full name and patronymic) of the employee to whose place the transfer is being made:

You should remember the novelty of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, if at the end of the transfer period the employee’s previous job is not provided, and he did not demand its provision and continues to work, then the terms of the agreement on temporary nature transfer becomes invalid and the transfer is considered permanent. Therefore, written confirmation of the provision of the employee’s previous job is required.
It seems that in this case the employer (personnel department) can get by with a written notification that from such and such a date the employee will begin to perform his duties at his previous (before transfer) place of work (position). However, it is well known how difficult it is for an employer to win a labor dispute in court and how important it is for him to protect himself as much as possible by creating a solid evidence base in the event of a conflict.
Therefore, upon completion of a temporary transfer to replace a temporarily absent employee, we recommend issuing an order for the permanent transfer of the replacement employee to his previous job. In this case, the line “reason for transfer” can be formatted as follows:

As readers have probably already noticed, when considering the line “reason for transfer”, an example was never given using the unified form T-5a. The fact is that there is no such column in the form of an order for the transfer of several employees:

What to do if you need to transfer several employees with one order? The actions will be similar to those discussed when considering the execution of orders for employment in the context of the details “Conditions of employment, nature of work”, available in the T-1 form and for some reason absent in the T-1 form a. In other words, we either simply do not use the T-5a form, issuing an order for each employee, or we introduce an additional column in the T-5a form*:

2.10. The next detail in the transfer order is “Size wages» employee(s).
When registering a permanent transfer, of course, the personnel officer must indicate in the order the amount of the salary or tariff rate and the amount of allowances in accordance with the organization’s staffing table:

However, often when applying for a temporary transfer, the personnel officer does not have all the information necessary to fill out this detail.
According to Part 4 of Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in case of temporary transfer due to an emergency situation, the employee’s wages are paid according to the work performed, but not lower than the average earnings for the previous job, i.e. of two possible options the employee should be paid more. An HR employee is not able to accurately calculate which is greater—the salary for the job performed or the average earnings for the previous job.
Consider a situation where a warehouse loader finished products transferred as a fireman to the boiler room. Fireman's salary, according to staffing table the organization is higher, therefore, in the order of temporary transfer, the personnel officer will indicate exactly this salary. But in the past accounting year, the loader received bonuses, which the accounting department necessarily takes into account when calculating his average earnings and thanks to which his average salary turns out to be higher than the salary of a fireman. Thus, if the temporary transfer order specifies only the size of the fireman’s salary, then the employee’s rights may be infringed, and the employing organization, as well as personally the director of the organization who signed the order, become violators of labor legislation*.
Of course, it is assumed that the accountant who calculates wages for employees is aware of the requirements of labor laws. However, in practice this assumption is not always confirmed. Therefore, the temporary transfer order must indicate exactly how wages should be paid to the transferred employee in these cases. The corresponding cells indicate, of course, the salary for temporary work. However, you can also provide a hint for accounting by placing it on the “reason for transfer” line, for example:

You can enter this text in the line “position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications” for a new place of work, for example:

You can also place this hint in details related to employee remuneration:

And then it’s up to the accounting department to make the calculations and pay the employee the correct amount.
You can, of course, go the other way: first request from the accounting department a calculation of the average salary of the transferred employee and indicate the required amount in the transfer order, but this is unnecessary complexity for both accountants and personnel officers.
During a temporary transfer to replace a temporarily absent employee on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 72.2 this problem does not arise, since the transfer is carried out by written agreement of the parties to the employment contract, which must record the agreement of the parties on the amount of payment for the period of the transfer.
2.11. The last detail of the transfer order is the “Ground” for issuing the order. This detail must include a reference to the document that confirms the fact or event indicated as the reason for the transfer.
1) A permanent transfer involves changing the terms of the employment contract and is therefore only possible with the consent of the employee; it is necessary for both parties - the employee and the employer - to sign a document that will change the content of the employment contract. This is provided for in Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prescribes that changes to the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties, including transfer to another job, are allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code. An agreement to change the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is concluded in writing.
An agreement is also concluded in writing between the employee and the employer in the event of a transfer to replace a temporarily absent employee (except for transfer in emergency situations).
The unified forms contain the title of the document “Amendment to the employment contract.” Indeed, the document signed by the parties may bear this name. In this case, all that remains is to enter the “Changes” details into the order:

However, this document may be called, for example, an “addition to the employment contract.” Then it will already be classified as “other documents”:

Most HR officers have developed the practice of making changes and additions to employment contracts by drawing up additional agreements, which are also considered as “other documents”:

However, it is not so important what exactly this document will be called: “amendment”, “addition”, “additional agreement” or something else. It is important that only this can serve as a legal basis for issuing a transfer order in the above cases. That is why it is not necessary to indicate any document as the “reason for transfer” in the order for permanent transfer (employee’s application for transfer, submission for transfer, memo etc.), but you can also indicate the oral expression of the will of both the employee himself and the head of the department or the head of the organization.
There can be only one exception: permanent transfer to another job based on a medical report. The fact is that a medical report, which states that the employee cannot perform the work under the employment contract or is able to work, for example, only part-time, is mandatory for both the employee and the employer.
Therefore, having received from doctors (after the employee has completed the mandatory medical examinations) or from the employee (in other cases) such a medical report, the employer, if there are appropriate vacancies, must offer the employee another job that is suitable for him in terms of qualifications and health. In this case, the employee is provided with a list of vacancies for a certain date, indicating the names of positions (professions), main functional responsibilities, working hours, wages and other mandatory terms of the employment contract (if during the transfer they differ from the current ones). If an employee agrees in writing (in the form of a signature on consent on the list) to be transferred to one of the positions or professions indicated in the list, then drawing up an additional agreement is no longer mandatory:

2) For a temporary transfer in cases where the employee’s consent is not required, it is sufficient to provide in the “Basis” the details of the document (or documents) that contain confirmation that the fact or event provided for in Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, indeed took place. The basis for issuing an order may be an act recording the fact of an accident, accident and other situations listed in parts 2 and 3 of this article, a memorandum on in a threatening state equipment, etc.

In cases where a temporary transfer requires the mandatory consent of the employee (transfer to a job requiring lower qualifications, or to replace a temporarily absent employee), the employee may be given a proposal for transfer describing the main conditions of temporary work (position name, main responsibilities, work schedule , amount of payment and others, mandatory for the employment contract and changing during a temporary transfer), on which he records his consent:

Or, after oral negotiations with the employee, during which he expressed his consent to the transfer, the personnel service employee invites him to write a statement of consent, which must also contain all the conditions of temporary work indicated above:

However, in cases where a temporary transfer cannot be carried out without the consent of the employee, i.e. when transferring to a job requiring lower qualifications, or when transferring to replace an absent employee, the most convenient and reliable way to formalize the employee’s consent to a temporary transfer is, as shown by arbitrage practice, additional agreement to the employment contract (as with permanent transfer):

The basis for issuing an order to transfer to the previous job at the end of the temporary transfer is the order by which the employee was transferred to the temporary job:

The transfer of an employee to another position is usually made due to production needs or personnel changes. Although this phenomenon happens quite often in an enterprise, some specialists have difficulties with its correct registration. Let's take a closer look at the reasons and types of transfers, as well as how to correctly issue the appropriate order.

According to Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, transfer to another job is a permanent or temporary change in the employee’s labor function while continuing labor activity with the same employer. It can only be done by agreement of the parties, with the exception of certain cases, which we will consider below.

Types and reasons for transfer

The Labor Code provides for temporary and permanent transfers. Temporary work is done for another job, but with the same employer. Such an appointment may be for a period of no more than 1 year. If an employee holds a temporary position for more than this time, the shift becomes permanent. A temporary appointment must be agreed upon with the employee, unless it is due to the following factors:

  • a natural or man-made disaster that threatens the life of the entire population or part of it;
  • industrial accident;
  • industrial accident;
  • downtime of equipment or property that may deteriorate due to the absence of an employee;
  • downtime of equipment or property that may deteriorate due to man-made or natural reasons.

In such cases, personnel reshuffle can be carried out for a period of no more than one month. However, assignment to work requiring lower qualifications can only be made with the written consent of the employee. As for remuneration, it cannot be lower than the average salary for the previous job.

A permanent transfer can only be made with the consent of the employee. But even in this case, the legislation provides for mechanisms for forced change of position. For example, when an employee can no longer carry out his work activities due to health reasons and this is confirmed by a medical certificate. Another case is when a company is downsizing, resulting in personnel changes.

Please note that the employee’s consent is not required when moving from the same employer to another workplace or a structural unit located in the same area. And also when entrusting work with other devices and mechanisms, if this does not contradict the terms of the employment contract.

Procedure for registering a transfer to another position

The translation processing algorithm depends on its type. To assign a person to perform another job on a permanent basis, the employer must follow the following procedure:

  1. Conclude an additional agreement.
  2. Issue an order for transfer to another position.
  3. Make an appropriate entry in your work book.
  4. Enter information about the appointment in the employee’s personal card.

The additional agreement specifies all new conditions offered to the employee. In particular, the title of the position, salary, work schedule, and so on. This document is drawn up in two copies, which are certified by both parties. Each party to the agreement retains one copy. Then an order is drawn up, the rules for its execution will be discussed below.

Order to transfer an employee to another job

The order is issued on the basis of the unified form T-5, which is approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. It is a form in which everyone enters necessary information about the employee, his previous and new place of work and the basis for the change of position. At the end, the document is certified by the signatures of the manager and employee. It is worth remembering that in the Order you need to indicate the type of transfer in the appropriate line. When applying for a temporary one, you must also indicate the start and end date of work in the new position. If the end date is not known, then a condition is entered under which the employee will return to his job. For example, until your colleague returns. A sample order for transfer to another position is presented below.

Entry into the work book and personal card of the employee

The main difference in registering a permanent transfer from a temporary one is that the fact of the latter does not need to be entered in the work book and personal card of the employee. When changing a position on a permanent basis, the corresponding entry is made in column 4 of the work book, where the details of the order are entered. It must be done within a week from the date of its publication. Then changes are made to section 3 of the employee’s personal card. The employee must be familiarized with them against signature.

The transfer of an employee to another job (to another position, to another department) can be done at the initiative of the employee himself or the employer. In any case, there must be the consent of both parties, as well as an order in the T-5 form.

The final decision on the transfer is enshrined in the order, which is approved by the manager and signed as a sign of familiarization by the employee. Thus, both parties express their consent and awareness in the order.

If the transfer of an employee is not related to changes in the employment contract, for example, it is transferred from one structural unit to another, and the contract does not indicate where the employee was hired, in this case it can be completed without obtaining the employee’s consent.

An order to transfer an employee to another job can be issued using a standard form - T-5 or T-5a. Moreover, to move a group of employees within an organization, it is convenient to use the T-5a form, which allows you to list all employees to be transferred in one form. This significantly reduces the company's document flow.

Unified forms are not required to be filled out, therefore it is possible to draw up your own order form for transfer to another position within the same organization, which will be convenient for a particular organization.

In order to transfer an employee there must be a basis document - this can be the employee if it is his initiative. It could also be written agreement employee to make changes if the employer proposes to make them.

Forms standard forms orders T-5 and T-5a are presented for free download at the bottom of the text. As an example, we suggest downloading a sample of filling out the T-5 form when transferring one employee to another position within the same organization. If an employee is transferred to another company, he should be fired from his current place of work and hired at a new one. The basis for dismissal is clause 5 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If an employee is transferred from full-time to part-time, then it is necessary to issue an order according to.

Instructions for filling out order T-5 when transferring to another job

The document has a standard structure for unified personnel orders. At the top - the name of the company, OKPO, document number, day, month, year of registration.

In the “transfer to another job” field, the date of transfer is written - the first working day in the new position. If the transfer is carried out for a specific period, then the date is also entered in the “to” field.

The employee's full name and personnel number are filled in in the appropriate lines of the order. Next, you need to indicate how long the transfer is being carried out - forever or for a limited period.

In the “previous place of work” field, you need to indicate in what position and in what department the employee worked, and also indicate the reason for the transfer, this could be, for example, work injury or promotion.

In the subsection of the order “new place of work” a new position within this organization, a division and the amount of wages in the new place are written. Often, a gradual increase or decrease in salary is introduced over the course of a month, especially if the reason for the transfer is an injury received in the course of performing work duties.

Information about the new position and new place of work must be reflected in the employment contract. In order not to enter into a new contract, an additional agreement to it is drawn up, which specifies all changes, responsibilities and other aspects of the parties in connection with the transfer to another position within the organization

If there is another document explaining the reason for the transfer, then it is also indicated in the order.

After the order is issued, it must be approved according to the established rules, after which the document comes into force and an entry is made in

03.08.2018, 8:01

Current legislation assumes that an employee of an organization has the right to permanently or temporarily move to another position. This is due to the need to replace absent colleagues, moving to another area with the company, vertical or horizontal growth and development. Personnel changes are possible with the mutual consent of both parties (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer's administration is required to draw up a number of documents accompanying the procedure, one of which is form T-5.

When is the document drawn up?

Let's start with the fact that the T-5 is unified form order for the transfer of an employee proposed by the State Statistics Committee. Today, commercial companies have a choice: use this sample or develop their own version containing all the necessary details.

According to the requirements of Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an order to transfer T-5 is issued provided that the good will of the parties is documented. This means that its registration is preceded by the receipt of one of the following documents:

  • a handwritten statement from the employee confirming consent to the transfer, signed by the manager who supported the initiative.
  • notification to the specialist about the planned transfer, on which the citizen indicated “I do not object” and put a handwritten signature.

When the parties have reached an agreement regarding the upcoming personnel reshuffle, they enter into an additional agreement to the employment contract. It specifies which clauses of the original contract are subject to change (for example, schedule, wages, list of responsibilities, place of work), and stipulates that other provisions remain unchanged.

The final step of the procedure is the issuance of an order. Personnel officers of the enterprise can download the T-5 form at the end of the article and use it as a sample, securing it with the internal acts of the company.

Transfer order format

The unified order form contains the following information:

  • employer's name;
  • its OKPO code;
  • date of issue of the order and its number according to the rules of internal numbering;
  • the name of the document is “Order on transfer to another position”;
  • the date from which the transfer occurs;
  • the date until which the transfer is valid (for temporary personnel changes);
  • FULL NAME. and employee personnel number;
  • type of transfer (urgent or unlimited);
  • information about the specialist’s previous place of employment (indicate the department and position);
  • information about the new place of work (department and specific position);
  • the amount of wages at the new site (salary and bonus);
  • link to the basis document (additional agreement to the employment contract, signed by both parties).

The completed order is certified by a handwritten visa from the head of the employing company. It must be given for review to the employee, who agrees with the text of the document with his signature.

When to use bulk form

Now let's talk about the form used when transferring a number of employees at the same time. The sample for filling out the T-5a form is used as a basis in situations where a personnel transfer is planned for several employees at once.

This is convenient: the administration does not need to prepare a separate order for each specialist. The text of the document is presented in the form of a table, the columns of which indicate the following information:

  • FULL NAME. and the specialist’s personnel number;
  • department of his employment (former and new);
  • former and new position;
  • the amount of salary and bonus;
  • type of transfer (temporary or permanent), its dates;
  • No. and date of the additional agreement on transfer;
  • handwritten signature of a specialist.

The drawn up order T-5a is certified by the signature of the first person of the enterprise.

Transfer orders are a prerequisite for personnel changes. Refusal to draw them up or ignoring the legal requirements for the procedure will lead to questions from regulatory authorities and the imposition of penalties on the company.

Especially for readers, we have prepared a sample form No. T-5, which can be downloaded for free on.

Labor relations in modern society differ in complexity and ambiguity. They include many nuances that need to be taken into account by both the employee and the employer.

A common practice in production is to transfer an employee to another position for some reason. All changes in labor relations issues current legislature requires documentation.

Legislative regulation of the issue

In order for such a major change in labor relations happened on legally, it is required to compile order for transfer to another position– a special document documenting the changes that have occurred in production.

The issue of transfer of employees within divisions or labor functions of one enterprise is regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, articles 30, 35, 40, 73, 77 Labor Code RF and other regulatory documents.

From a legal point of view, this procedure means a change in the essential conditions of the previously concluded agreement. In this regard, the employer instructs the employee to perform work in accordance with another profession, specialty, qualification or position. The only exception is a change in the name of the profession of this employee, then this is not considered a translation.

The regulation of this procedure is described in the following video:

General transfer procedure

An employee of an enterprise or organization may be transferred to another position on his own initiative, on the initiative of the employer, or for health reasons. In addition, this transfer may be temporary or permanent.

Permanent and temporary transfers differ in time frames and design features. In the first case, with constant translation, you should irreversible change labor function, for which it is mandatory to conclude with the employee, a corresponding entry is also created in. In the second case, changes are recorded only in the order.

When transferring to another constant work reasons may be:

If carried out temporary transfer to another position, the date of completion of work may not always be known. As a rule, the main reason for the temporary transfer of an employee is to replace another employee who will not work at this production for an unknown period of time (maternity leave, child care, etc.).

In cases where the transfer of an employee within an enterprise is related to his health status , he may be offered easier working conditions. The same applies to the transfer of an employee to another position due to her pregnancy.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes in a number of cases, when transferring an employee for health reasons to a position with a lower salary, to leave him (established for the position previously held by him) for one month from the date of transfer.

When the reason for the transfer is Occupational Illness or an injury sustained at work, the employee retains his old salary for the entire period of performance of his professional duties in this position.

An employee may be transferred to another position in the organization at the initiative of the employer or in connection with his own interests and plans. The order also formalizes the employee’s relocation to a new workplace in a branch or territorial subdivision of the organization.

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Drawing up and processing of necessary documentation

In case of transfer to another position at the initiative of the employer, the employee is provided notification from the management of the enterprise about the proposed changes in his work history.

If the transfer is carried out at the employee's initiative, then he is required to submit statement or memorandum , where the real premises justifying the upcoming translation are indicated.

An application or memorandum requesting a transfer to another position, an amendment to an employment contract, a medical report and other types of documents act as the basis documents for the transfer procedure and preparation employee transfer order to another position.

The corresponding order formalizes the procedure for transferring an employee to another position and is issued by the management of the organization. This document can be presented in any form, or it can be approved using a form specially created for it (both cases are permitted by law).

The unified order form is contained in form T-5 (applied if one employee is transferred to another position), or in form T-5a (if a group of employees is planned to be transferred). As a rule, formal preparation of an order is more convenient and is used most often. You can fill out the order by hand or using computer typing by electronic means.

If the order is drawn up according to ready-made forms - T-5 and T-5a, then it already contains ready-made details for the transfer, and you only need to enter the missing information: name of the organization, its name, number and date of the document, as well as the date of transfer of the employee to another position within the organization.

If a temporary transfer is carried out, then it is necessary to indicate the end date of his work in this position.

IN main content of the order To transfer an employee in an organization to another position, you must enter the following information:

  1. Full name of the employee in respect of whom the document is approved;
  2. the date from which he must be transferred to another position;
  3. previous place of work or position of the employee;
  4. what type of transfer is carried out (temporary or permanent);
  5. information about the new place of work and position;
  6. the basis (reason) for such a decision;
  7. the amount of salary, tariff rate, as well as allowances and bonuses (if any) of the employee.

Responsibility for drawing up the order lies with a specialist from the enterprise’s HR department. The document is signed by the head of the organization, and the employee who is being transferred to another position puts his signature after reading the order.

A change in the terms of an employment contract when an employee is transferred to another position is confirmed in the execution of a special additional agreement. In particular, working conditions, etc., are subject to change. Once signed by the employee and the employer, the executed document becomes part of the employment contract concluded by the two parties to the labor relationship.

Also, in connection with the transfer, a special note is made in the HR department work book and in . The basis for such marks is an order to transfer the employee to another position.

In what cases does translation become mandatory?

Mandatory grounds to transfer an employee to a new position in the organization are:

This kind personnel movements must be carried out with the mandatory consent of the staff.

Refusal to transfer and what to do in this case

An employee, even if there are sufficient grounds for transferring him to another position, has the right to refuse it. Sometimes situations arise when the employer himself cannot find for his employee appropriate place, which would correspond to new working conditions:

The rules for carrying out personnel transfers in 1C are presented in the following video lesson: