Blessed Alexander Nevsky embroidered with beads. Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky icon

Alexander Nevsky is a great Russian ruler, commander, thinker and, finally, a saint, especially revered by the people. His life, icons and prayers are in the article!

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (1220 - November 14, 1263), Prince of Novgorod, Pereyaslavl, Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1249), Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1252).

Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the ranks of the faithful under Metropolitan Macarius at the Moscow Council in 1547.

Memorial Day of Alexander Nevsky

Commemorated on December 6 and September 12 according to the new style (transfer of the relics from Vladimir-on-Klyazma to St. Petersburg, to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery (from 1797 - Lavra) on August 30, 1724). In honor of the memory of St. Alexander Nevsky, many churches have been built throughout Russia, where prayer services are held on these days. There are such churches outside our country: the Patriarchal Cathedral in Sofia, Cathedral in Tallinn, temple in Tbilisi. Alexander Nevsky is such a significant Saint for the Russian people that even in Tsarist Russia an order was established in his honor. It is surprising that in the Soviet years the memory of Alexander Nevsky was honored: on July 29, 1942, the Soviet military order of Alexander Nevsky was established in honor of the great commander.

Alexander Nevsky: just the facts

– Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich was born in 1220 (according to another version - in 1221) and died in 1263. IN different years During his lifetime, Prince Alexander had the titles of Prince of Novgorod, Kyiv, and later Grand Duke of Vladimir.

– Prince Alexander won his main military victories in his youth. During the Battle of the Neva (1240) he was at most 20 years old, during the Battle of the Ice - 22 years old. Subsequently, he became famous more as a politician and diplomat, but he also periodically acted as a military leader. In his entire life, Prince Alexander did not lose a single battle.

Alexander Nevsky canonized as a noble prince. This rank of saints includes lay people who have become famous for their sincere deep faith and good deeds, as well as Orthodox rulers who managed to remain faithful to Christ in their public service and in various political conflicts. Like any Orthodox saint, the noble prince is not at all an ideal sinless person, but he is, first of all, a ruler, guided in his life primarily by the highest Christian virtues, including mercy and philanthropy, and not by the thirst for power and not by self-interest.

– Contrary to popular belief that the Church canonized almost all the rulers of the Middle Ages, only a few of them were glorified. Thus, among the Russian saints of princely origin, the majority were glorified as saints for their martyrdom for the sake of their neighbors and for the sake of preserving the Christian faith.

Through the efforts of Alexander Nevsky, the preaching of Christianity spread to the northern lands of the Pomors. He also managed to promote the creation of an Orthodox diocese in the Golden Horde.

- On modern performance Alexander Nevsky was influenced by Soviet propaganda, which spoke exclusively about his military merits. As a diplomat building relations with the Horde, and even more so as a monk and saint, he was completely inappropriate for the Soviet government. That’s why Sergei Eisenstein’s masterpiece “Alexander Nevsky” does not tell about the prince’s entire life, but only about the battle on Lake Peipsi. This gave rise to a common stereotype that Prince Alexander was canonized for his military services, and holiness itself became something of a “reward” from the Church.

– The veneration of Prince Alexander as a saint began immediately after his death, and at the same time a fairly detailed “Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” was compiled. The official canonization of the prince took place in 1547.

The Life of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

Portal “Word”

Prince Alexander Nevsky is one of those great people in the history of our Fatherland, whose activities not only influenced the destinies of the country and people, but largely changed them and predetermined the course of Russian history for many centuries to come. It fell to him to rule Russia in the most difficult, turning point that followed the ruinous Mongol conquest, when it came to the very existence of Rus', whether it would be able to survive, maintain its statehood, its ethnic independence, or disappear from the map, like many other peoples of Eastern Europe, who were invaded at the same time as her.

He was born in 1220 (1), in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and was the second son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, at that time the Prince of Pereyaslavl. His mother Feodosia, apparently, was the daughter of the famous Toropets prince Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny, or Udaly (2).

Very early, Alexander became involved in the turbulent political events that unfolded around the reign of Veliky Novgorod - one of the largest cities of medieval Rus'. It is with Novgorod that most of his biography will be connected. Alexander came to this city for the first time as a baby - in the winter of 1223, when his father was invited to reign in Novgorod. However, the reign turned out to be short-lived: at the end of the same year, having quarreled with the Novgorodians, Yaroslav and his family returned to Pereyaslavl. So Yaroslav will either make peace or quarrel with Novgorod, and then the same thing will happen again in the fate of Alexander. This was explained simply: the Novgorodians needed a strong prince from North-Eastern Rus' close to them so that he could protect the city from external enemies. However, such a prince ruled Novgorod too harshly, and the townspeople usually quickly quarreled with him and invited some South Russian prince to reign, who did not annoy them too much; and everything would be fine, but he, alas, could not protect them in case of danger, and he cared more about his southern possessions - so the Novgorodians had to again turn to the Vladimir or Pereyaslavl princes for help, and everything was repeated all over again.

Prince Yaroslav was again invited to Novgorod in 1226. Two years later, the prince again left the city, but this time he left his sons - nine-year-old Fyodor (his eldest son) and eight-year-old Alexander - as princes. Together with the children, the boyars of Yaroslav remained - Fyodor Danilovich and the princely tiun Yakim. They, however, were unable to cope with the Novgorod “freemen” and in February 1229 they had to flee with the princes to Pereyaslavl. For a short time, Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov, a future martyr for the faith and a revered saint, established himself in Novgorod. But the southern Russian prince, who ruled remote Chernigov, could not protect the city from outside threats; In addition, severe famine and pestilence began in Novgorod. In December 1230, the Novgorodians invited Yaroslav for the third time. He hurriedly came to Novgorod, concluded an agreement with the Novgorodians, but stayed in the city for only two weeks and returned to Pereyaslavl. His sons Fyodor and Alexander again remained to reign in Novgorod.

Novgorod reign of Alexander

So, in January 1231, Alexander formally became the Prince of Novgorod. Until 1233 he ruled together with his older brother. But this year Fyodor died (his sudden death happened just before the wedding, when everything was ready for the wedding feast). Real power remained entirely in the hands of his father. Alexander probably took part in his father’s campaigns (for example, in 1234 near Yuryev, against the Livonian Germans, and in the same year against the Lithuanians). In 1236, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich took the vacant Kiev throne. From this time on, sixteen-year-old Alexander became the independent ruler of Novgorod.

The beginning of his reign came at a terrible time in the history of Rus' - the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars. The hordes of Batu, who attacked Rus' in the winter of 1237/38, did not reach Novgorod. But most of North-Eastern Rus', its largest cities - Vladimir, Suzdal, Ryazan and others - were destroyed. Many princes died, including Alexander’s uncle, Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich and all his sons. Alexander's father Yaroslav received the Grand Duke's throne (1239). The catastrophe that occurred turned the entire course of Russian history upside down and left an indelible imprint on the fate of the Russian people, including, of course, Alexander. Although in the first years of his reign he did not have to directly confront the conquerors.

The main threat in those years came to Novgorod from the west. From the beginning of XIII century, the Novgorod princes had to hold back the onslaught of the growing Lithuanian state. In 1239, Alexander built fortifications along the Sheloni River, protecting the southwestern borders of his principality from Lithuanian raids. In the same year it happened an important event in his life - Alexander married the daughter of the Polotsk prince Bryachislav, his ally in the fight against Lithuania. (Later sources name the princess - Alexandra (3).) The wedding was held in Toropets, an important city on the Russian-Lithuanian border, and a second wedding feast was held in Novgorod.

An even greater danger for Novgorod was the advance from the west of the German crusading knights from the Livonian Order of the Swordsmen (united in 1237 with the Teutonic Order), and from the north - from Sweden, which in the first half of the 13th century intensified its attack on the lands of the Finnish tribe Em (Tavasts), traditionally included in the sphere of influence of the Novgorod princes. One might think that the news of Batu’s terrible defeat of Rus' prompted the rulers of Sweden to transfer military operations to the territory of the Novgorod land itself.

The Swedish army invaded the Novgorod borders in the summer of 1240. Their ships entered the Neva and stopped at the mouth of its tributary Izhora. Later Russian sources report that the Swedish army was led by the future famous Jarl Birger, the son-in-law of the Swedish king Erik Erikson and the long-time ruler of Sweden, but researchers are doubtful about this news. According to the chronicle, the Swedes intended to “capture Ladoga, or, simply put, Novgorod, and the entire Novgorod region.”

Battle with the Swedes on the Neva

This was the first truly serious test for the young Novgorod prince. And Alexander withstood it with honor, showing the qualities of not only a born commander, but also a statesman. It was then, upon receiving news of the invasion, that his now famous words were spoken: “ God is not in power, but in righteousness!

Having gathered a small squad, Alexander did not wait for help from his father and set out on a campaign. Along the way, he united with the Ladoga residents and on July 15, he suddenly attacked the Swedish camp. The battle ended in complete victory for the Russians. The Novgorod Chronicle reports huge losses on the part of the enemy: “And many of them fell; they filled two ships with the bodies of the best men and sent them ahead of them on the sea, and for the rest they dug a hole and threw them there without number.” The Russians, according to the same chronicle, lost only 20 people. It is possible that the losses of the Swedes are exaggerated (it is significant that there is no mention of this battle in Swedish sources), and the Russians are underestimated. The synodikon of the Novgorod Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Plotniki, compiled in the 15th century, has been preserved with the mention of “princely governors, and Novgorod governors, and all our beaten brethren” who fell “on the Neva from the Germans under the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich”; their memory was honored in Novgorod both in the 15th and in 16th centuries, and later. Nevertheless, the significance of the Battle of the Neva is obvious: the Swedish onslaught in the direction of North-Western Rus' was stopped, and Rus' showed that, despite the Mongol conquest, it was able to defend its borders.

The life of Alexander especially highlights the feat of six “brave men” from Alexander’s regiment: Gavrila Oleksich, Sbyslav Yakunovich, Polotsk resident Yakov, Novgorodian Misha, warrior Sava from the junior squad (who cut down the golden-domed royal tent) and Ratmir, who died in the battle. The Life also tells about a miracle that occurred during the battle: on the opposite side of Izhora, where there were no Novgorodians at all, many corpses of fallen enemies were subsequently found, who were struck by the angel of the Lord.

This victory brought great fame to the twenty-year-old prince. It was in her honor that he received the honorary nickname - Nevsky.

Soon after his victorious return, Alexander quarreled with the Novgorodians. In the winter of 1240/41, the prince, together with his mother, wife and “his court” (that is, the army and the princely administration), left Novgorod for Vladimir, to his father, and from there “to reign” in Pereyaslavl. The reasons for his conflict with the Novgorodians are unclear. It can be assumed that Alexander sought to rule Novgorod with authority, following the example of his father, and this caused resistance from the Novgorod boyars. However, having lost a strong prince, Novgorod was unable to stop the advance of another enemy - the crusaders. In the year of the Neva Victory, the knights, in alliance with the “chud” (Estonians), captured the city of Izborsk, and then Pskov, the most important outpost on the western borders of Rus'. The next year, the Germans invaded the Novgorod lands, took the city of Tesov on the Luga River and established the Koporye fortress. The Novgorodians turned to Yaroslav for help, asking him to send his son. Yaroslav first sent his son Andrei, Nevsky’s younger brother, to them, but after a repeated request from the Novgorodians he agreed to release Alexander again. In 1241, Alexander Nevsky returned to Novgorod and was enthusiastically received by the residents.

Battle on the Ice

And again he acted decisively and without any delay. In the same year, Alexander took the Koporye fortress. Some of the Germans were captured and some were sent home, while the traitors of the Estonians and leaders were hanged. The next year, with the Novgorodians and the Suzdal squad of his brother Andrei, Alexander moved to Pskov. The city was taken without much difficulty; the Germans who were in the city were killed or sent as booty to Novgorod. Building on their success, Russian troops entered Estonia. However, in the first clash with the knights, Alexander's guard detachment was defeated. One of the governors, Domash Tverdislavich, was killed, many were taken prisoner, and the survivors fled to the prince’s regiment. The Russians had to retreat. April 5, 1242 on ice Lake Peipsi(“on Uzmen, at the Raven Stone”) a battle took place that went down in history as the Battle of the Ice. The Germans and Estonians, moving in a wedge (in Russian, “pig”), penetrated the leading Russian regiment, but were then surrounded and completely defeated. “And they chased them, beating them, seven miles across the ice,” the chronicler testifies.

Russian and Western sources differ in their assessment of the losses of the German side. According to the Novgorod Chronicle, countless “chuds” and 400 (another list says 500) German knights died, and 50 knights were captured. “And Prince Alexander returned with a glorious victory,” says the Life of the saint, “and there were many captives in his army, and they led barefoot next to the horses of those who call themselves “God’s knights.” There is also a story about this battle in the so-called Livonian Rhymed Chronicle of the late 13th century, but it reports only 20 dead and 6 captured German knights, which is apparently a strong understatement. However, the differences with Russian sources can partly be explained by the fact that the Russians counted all killed and wounded Germans, and the author of the “Rhymed Chronicle” only counted “brother knights,” that is, actual members of the Order.

The Battle of the Ice was of great importance for the fate of not only Novgorod, but all of Russia. The crusader aggression was stopped on the ice of Lake Peipsi. Rus' received peace and stability in its north- western borders. In the same year, a peace treaty was concluded between Novgorod and the Order, according to which an exchange of prisoners took place, and all Russian territories captured by the Germans were returned. The chronicle conveys the words of the German ambassadors addressed to Alexander: “What we took by force without the prince, Vod, Luga, Pskov, Latygola - we are retreating from all of that. And if your husbands were captured, we are ready to exchange them: we will release yours, and you will release ours.”

Battle with Lithuanians

Success accompanied Alexander in battles with the Lithuanians. In 1245, he inflicted a severe defeat on them in a series of battles: at Toropets, near Zizhich and near Usvyat (not far from Vitebsk). Many Lithuanian princes were killed, and others were captured. “His servants, mocking, tied them to the tails of their horses,” says the author of the Life. “And from that time on they began to fear his name.” So the Lithuanian raids on Rus' were stopped for a while.

Another, later one is known Alexander's campaign against the Swedes - in 1256. It was undertaken in response to a new attempt by the Swedes to invade Rus' and establish a fortress on the eastern, Russian, bank of the Narova River. By that time, the fame of Alexander’s victories had already spread far beyond the borders of Rus'. Having learned not even about the performance of the Russian army from Novgorod, but only about preparations for the performance, the invaders “fled overseas.” This time Alexander sent his troops to Northern Finland, which had recently been annexed to the Swedish crown. Despite the hardships of the winter march through the snowy desert area, the campaign ended successfully: “And they all fought Pomerania: they killed some, and took others as captives, and returned back to their land with many captives.”

But Alexander not only fought with the West. Around 1251, an agreement was concluded between Novgorod and Norway on the settlement of border disputes and differentiation in the collection of tribute from the vast territory in which Karelians and Sami lived. At the same time, Alexander negotiated the marriage of his son Vasily to the daughter of the Norwegian king Hakon Hakonarson. True, these negotiations were not successful due to the invasion of Rus' by the Tatars - the so-called “Nevryu Army”.

In the last years of his life, between 1259 and 1262, Alexander, on his own behalf and on behalf of his son Dmitry (proclaimed Prince of Novgorod in 1259), “with all the Novgorodians,” concluded a trade agreement with the “Gothic Coast” (Gotland), Lübeck and German cities; this agreement played important role in the history of Russian-German relations and turned out to be very durable (it was referred to even in 1420).

In the wars with Western opponents - the Germans, Swedes and Lithuanians - the military leadership talent of Alexander Nevsky clearly manifested itself. But his relationship with the Horde was completely different.

Relations with the Horde

After the death of Alexander's father, Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, in 1246, who was poisoned in distant Karakorum, the grand-ducal throne passed to Alexander's uncle, Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. However, a year later, Alexander’s brother Andrei, a warlike, energetic and decisive prince, overthrew him. Subsequent events are not entirely clear. It is known that in 1247 Andrei, and after him Alexander, made a trip to the Horde, to Batu. He sent them even further, to Karakorum, the capital of the huge Mongol Empire (“to the Kanoviches,” as they said in Rus'). The brothers returned to Rus' only in December 1249. Andrei received from the Tatars a label for the grand-ducal throne in Vladimir, while Alexander received Kyiv and “the entire Russian land” (that is, Southern Rus'). Formally, Alexander’s status was higher, because Kyiv was still considered the main capital city of Rus'. But devastated by the Tatars and depopulated, it completely lost its significance, and therefore Alexander could hardly be satisfied with the decision made. Without even visiting Kyiv, he immediately went to Novgorod.

Negotiations with the Papal throne

His negotiations with the papal throne date back to the time of Alexander’s trip to the Horde. Two bulls of Pope Innocent IV, addressed to Prince Alexander and dated 1248, have survived. In them, the head of the Roman Church offered the Russian prince an alliance to fight against the Tatars - but on the condition that he accepted the church union and came under the protection of the Roman throne.

The papal legates did not find Alexander in Novgorod. However, one can think that even before his departure (and before receiving the first papal message), the prince held some negotiations with representatives of Rome. In anticipation of the upcoming trip “to the Kanoviches,” Alexander gave an evasive answer to the pope’s proposals, designed to continue the negotiations. In particular, he agreed to build a Latin church in Pskov - a church, which was quite common for ancient Rus' (such a Catholic church - the “Varangian goddess” - existed, for example, in Novgorod since the 11th century). The pope regarded the prince's consent as a willingness to agree to union. But such an assessment was deeply erroneous.

The prince probably received both papal messages upon his return from Mongolia. By this time he had made a choice - and not in favor of the West. According to researchers, what he saw on the way from Vladimir to Karakorum and back made a strong impression on Alexander: he became convinced of the indestructible power of the Mongol Empire and the impossibility of ruined and weakened Rus' to resist the power of the Tatar “kings”.

This is how the Life of the Prince conveys it famous response to papal envoys:

“Once upon a time, ambassadors from the Pope from great Rome came to him with the following words: “Our Pope says this: We heard that you are a worthy and glorious prince and your land is great. That’s why they sent to you two of the most skilled of the twelve cardinals... so that you could listen to their teaching about the law of God.”

Prince Alexander, having thought with his wise men, wrote to him, saying: “From Adam to the flood, from the flood to the division of languages, from the confusion of languages ​​to the beginning of Abraham, from Abraham to the passage of Israel through the Red Sea, from the exodus of the children of Israel to death King David, from the beginning of the kingdom of Solomon to Augustus the King, from the beginning of Augustus to the Nativity of Christ, from the Nativity of Christ to the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord, from His Resurrection to the Ascension to Heaven, from the Ascension to Heaven to the Kingdom of Constantine, from the beginning of the Kingdom of Constantine until the first council, from the first council to the seventh - all that We know well, but we don’t accept teachings from you“. They returned home.”

In this answer of the prince, in his reluctance to even enter into debates with the Latin ambassadors, it was by no means some kind of religious limitation that was revealed, as it might seem at first glance. It was a choice both religious and political. Alexander was aware that the West would not be able to help Rus' liberate itself from Horde yoke; the fight against the Horde, to which the papal throne called, could be disastrous for the country. Alexander was not ready to agree to a union with Rome (namely, this was an indispensable condition for the proposed union). Acceptance of the union - even with the formal consent of Rome to preserve all Orthodox rites in worship - in practice could only mean simple submission to the Latins, both political and spiritual. The history of the dominance of the Latins in the Baltic states or in Galich (where they briefly established themselves in the 10s of the 13th century) clearly proved this.

So Prince Alexander chose a different path for himself - the path of refusal of all cooperation with the West and at the same time the path of forced submission to the Horde, acceptance of all its conditions. It was in this that he saw the only salvation both for his power over Russia - albeit limited by the recognition of Horde sovereignty - and for Rus' itself.

The period of the short-lived great reign of Andrei Yaroslavich is very poorly covered in Russian chronicles. However, it is obvious that a conflict was brewing between the brothers. Andrei - unlike Alexander - showed himself to be an opponent of the Tatars. In the winter of 1250/51, he married the daughter of the Galician prince Daniil Romanovich, a supporter of decisive resistance to the Horde. The threat of uniting the forces of North-Eastern and South-Western Rus' could not help but alarm the Horde.

The denouement came in the summer of 1252. Again, we don’t know exactly what happened then. According to the chronicles, Alexander again went to the Horde. During his stay there (and perhaps after his return to Rus'), a punitive expedition under the command of Nevruy was sent from the Horde against Andrei. In the battle of Pereyaslavl, the squad of Andrei and his brother Yaroslav, who supported him, was defeated. Andrei fled to Sweden. The northeastern lands of Rus' were plundered and devastated, many people were killed or taken prisoner.

In the Horde

St. blgv. book Alexander Nevskiy. From the site:

The sources at our disposal are silent about any connection between Alexander’s trip to the Horde and the actions of the Tatars (4). However, one can guess that Alexander’s trip to the Horde was connected with changes on the khan’s throne in Karakorum, where in the summer of 1251 Mengu, an ally of Batu, was proclaimed great khan. According to sources, “all the labels and seals that were indiscriminately issued to princes and nobles during the previous reign,” the new khan ordered to be taken away. This means that those decisions in accordance with which Alexander’s brother Andrei received the label for the great reign of Vladimir also lost force. Unlike his brother, Alexander was extremely interested in revising these decisions and getting his hands on the great reign of Vladimir, to which he, as the eldest of the Yaroslavichs, had more rights than his younger brother.

One way or another, in the last open military clash between the Russian princes and the Tatars in the history of the turning point of the 13th century, Prince Alexander found himself - perhaps through no fault of his own - in the Tatar camp. It was from this time that we can definitely talk about the special “Tatar policy” of Alexander Nevsky - the policy of pacifying the Tatars and unquestioning obedience to them. His subsequent frequent trips to the Horde (1257, 1258, 1262) were aimed at preventing new invasions of Rus'. The prince strove to regularly pay a huge tribute to the conquerors and to prevent protests against them in Rus' itself. Historians have different assessments of Alexander's Horde policies. Some see in it simple servility to a ruthless and invincible enemy, a desire to retain power over Russia by any means; others, on the contrary, consider the prince’s most important merit. “The two feats of Alexander Nevsky - the feat of warfare in the West and the feat of humility in the East,” wrote the greatest historian of the Russian Abroad G.V. Vernadsky, “had one goal: the preservation of Orthodoxy as the moral and political force of the Russian people. This goal was achieved: the growth of the Russian Orthodox kingdom took place on the soil prepared by Alexander.” The Soviet researcher of medieval Russia V. T. Pashuto also gave a close assessment of the policies of Alexander Nevsky: “With his careful, prudent policy, he saved Rus' from final ruin by the armies of nomads. By armed struggle, trade policy, and selective diplomacy, he avoided new wars in the North and West, a possible but disastrous alliance with the papacy for Rus', and a rapprochement between the curia and the crusaders and the Horde. He gained time, allowing Rus' to grow stronger and recover from the terrible ruin.”

Be that as it may, it is indisputable that Alexander’s policy for a long time determined the relationship between Russia and the Horde, and largely determined Rus'’s choice between East and West. Subsequently, this policy of pacifying the Horde (or, if you prefer, currying favor with the Horde) will be continued by the Moscow princes - the grandchildren and great-grandsons of Alexander Nevsky. But the historical paradox - or rather, the historical pattern - is that it is they, the heirs of the Horde policy of Alexander Nevsky, who will be able to revive the power of Rus' and ultimately throw off the hated Horde yoke.

The prince erected churches, rebuilt cities

...In the same 1252, Alexander returned from the Horde to Vladimir with a label for the great reign and was solemnly placed on the grand prince's throne. After the terrible devastation of Nevryuev, he first of all had to take care of the restoration of the destroyed Vladimir and other Russian cities. The prince “erected churches, rebuilt cities, gathered dispersed people into their homes,” testifies the author of the prince’s Life. The prince showed special concern for the Church, decorating churches with books and utensils, bestowing them with rich gifts and land.

Novgorod unrest

Novgorod gave Alexander a lot of trouble. In 1255, the Novgorodians expelled Alexander's son Vasily and put Prince Yaroslav Yaroslavich, Nevsky's brother, in reign. Alexander approached the city with his squad. However, bloodshed was avoided: as a result of negotiations, a compromise was reached, and the Novgorodians submitted.

A new unrest in Novgorod occurred in 1257. It was caused by the appearance in Rus' of Tatar “chislenniks” - census takers who were sent from the Horde to more accurately tax the population with tribute. Russian people of that time treated the census with mystical horror, seeing in it a sign of the Antichrist - a harbinger of the last times and the Last Judgment. In the winter of 1257, the Tatar “numerals” “numbered the entire land of Suzdal, and Ryazan, and Murom, and appointed foremen, and thousanders, and temniks,” the chronicler wrote. From the “numbers,” that is, from tribute, only the clergy were exempted - “church people” (the Mongols invariably exempted the servants of God from tribute in all the countries they conquered, regardless of religion, so that they could freely turn to various gods with words of prayer for their conquerors).

In Novgorod, which was not directly affected by either Batu’s invasion or the “Nevryuev’s army,” the news of the census was greeted with particular bitterness. The unrest in the city continued for a whole year. Even Alexander’s son, Prince Vasily, was on the side of the townspeople. When his father appeared, accompanying the Tatars, he fled to Pskov. This time the Novgorodians avoided the census, limiting themselves to paying a rich tribute to the Tatars. But their refusal to fulfill the Horde’s will aroused the wrath of the Grand Duke. Vasily was exiled to Suzdal, the instigators of the riots were severely punished: some, on the orders of Alexander, were executed, others had their noses “cut,” and others were blinded. Only in the winter of 1259 did the Novgorodians finally agree to “give a number.” Nevertheless, the appearance of Tatar officials caused a new rebellion in the city. Only with the personal participation of Alexander and under the protection of the princely squad was the census carried out. “And the accursed began to travel through the streets, copying Christian houses,” reports the Novgorod chronicler. After the end of the census and the departure of the Tatars, Alexander left Novgorod, leaving his young son Dmitry as prince.

In 1262, Alexander made peace with the Lithuanian prince Mindaugas. In the same year, he sent a large army under the nominal command of his son Dmitry against the Livonian Order. This campaign was attended by the squads of Alexander Nevsky’s younger brother Yaroslav (with whom he managed to reconcile), as well as his new ally, Lithuanian prince Tovtivil, who settled in Polotsk. The campaign ended in a major victory - the city of Yuryev (Tartu) was taken.

At the end of the same 1262, Alexander went to the Horde for the fourth (and last) time. “In those days there was great violence from non-believers,” says the Prince’s Life; “they persecuted Christians, forcing them to fight on their side. The great prince Alexander went to the king (Horde Khan Berke - A.K.) to pray his people away from this misfortune.” Probably, the prince also sought to rid Rus' of the new punitive expedition of the Tatars: in the same year, 1262, a popular uprising broke out in a number of Russian cities (Rostov, Suzdal, Yaroslavl) against the excesses of Tatar tribute collectors.

Last days Alexandra

Alexander obviously managed to achieve his goals. However, Khan Berke detained him for almost a year. Only in the fall of 1263, already ill, Alexander returned to Rus'. Having reached Nizhny Novgorod, the prince became completely ill. In Gorodets on the Volga, already feeling the approach of death, Alexander took monastic vows (according to later sources, with the name Alexei) and died on November 14. His body was transported to Vladimir and on November 23 buried in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of the Vladimir Nativity Monastery in front of a huge crowd of people. The words with which Metropolitan Kirill announced to the people about the death of the Grand Duke are known: “My children, know that the sun of the land of Suzdal has already set!” The Novgorod chronicler put it differently - and perhaps more accurately: Prince Alexander “worked for Novgorod and for the entire Russian land.”

Church veneration

Church veneration of the holy prince began, apparently, immediately after his death. The life tells of a miracle that happened during the burial itself: when the prince’s body was laid in the tomb and Metropolitan Kirill, according to custom, wanted to place a spiritual letter in his hand, people saw how the prince, “as if alive, stretched out his hand and accepted the letter from his hand.” Metropolitan... Thus God glorified his saint.”

Several decades after the death of the prince, his Life was compiled, which was subsequently repeatedly subjected to various alterations, revisions and additions (in total there are up to twenty editions of the Life, dating from the 13th-19th centuries). The official canonization of the prince by the Russian Church took place in 1547, at a church council convened by Metropolitan Macarius and Tsar Ivan the Terrible, when many new Russian wonderworkers, previously revered only locally, were canonized. The Church equally glorifies the prince’s military prowess, “never defeated in battle, but always victorious,” and his feat of meekness, patience “more than courage” and “invincible humility” (in the seemingly paradoxical expression of the Akathist).

If we turn to the subsequent centuries of Russian history, then we will see a kind of second, posthumous biography of the prince, whose invisible presence is clearly felt in many events - and above all in the turning points, the most dramatic moments in the life of the country. The first discovery of his relics took place in the year of the great Kulikovo victory, won by the great-grandson of Alexander Nevsky, the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy in 1380. In miraculous visions, Prince Alexander Yaroslavich appears as a direct participant in both the Battle of Kulikovo itself and the Battle of Molodi in 1572, when the troops of Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Vorotynsky defeated the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey just 45 kilometers from Moscow. The image of Alexander Nevsky is seen above Vladimir in 1491, a year after the final overthrow of the Horde yoke. In 1552, during the campaign against Kazan, which led to the conquest of the Kazan Khanate, Tsar Ivan the Terrible performed a prayer service at the tomb of Alexander Nevsky, and during this prayer service a miracle occurred, regarded by everyone as a sign of the coming victory. The relics of the holy prince, which remained in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery until 1723, exuded numerous miracles, information about which was carefully recorded by the monastic authorities.

A new page in the veneration of the holy and blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky began in the 18th century, under the emperor Peter the Great. The conqueror of the Swedes and the founder of St. Petersburg, which became for Russia a “window to Europe,” Peter saw in Prince Alexander his immediate predecessor in the fight against Swedish domination on the Baltic Sea and hastened to transfer the city he founded on the banks of the Neva under his heavenly protection. Back in 1710, Peter ordered that the name of St. Alexander Nevsky be included in the dismissals during divine services as a prayer representative for the “Neva Country.” In the same year, he personally chose the place to build a monastery in the name of the Holy Trinity and St. Alexander Nevsky - the future Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Peter wanted to transfer the relics of the holy prince here from Vladimir. Wars with the Swedes and Turks slowed down the fulfillment of this desire, and only in 1723 did they begin to fulfill it. On August 11, with all due solemnity, the holy relics were taken out of the Nativity Monastery; the procession headed towards Moscow and then towards St. Petersburg; Everywhere she was accompanied by prayer services and crowds of believers. According to Peter's plan, the holy relics were supposed to be brought into the new capital of Russia on August 30 - the day of the conclusion of the Treaty of Nystadt with the Swedes (1721). However, the distance of the journey did not allow this plan to be implemented, and the relics arrived in Shlisselburg only on October 1. By order of the emperor, they were left in the Shlisselburg Church of the Annunciation, and their transfer to St. Petersburg was postponed until next year.

The meeting of the shrine in St. Petersburg on August 30, 1724 was distinguished by special solemnity. According to legend, on the last leg of the journey (from the mouth of Izhora to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery), Peter personally ruled the galley with a precious cargo, and at the oars were his closest associates, the first dignitaries of the state. At the same time, an annual celebration of the memory of the holy prince was established on the day of the transfer of the relics on August 30.

Nowadays the Church celebrates the memory of the holy and blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky twice a year: November 23 (December 6, new style) and August 30 (September 12).

Days of celebration of St. Alexander Nevsky:

May 23 (June 5, new art.) - Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints
August 30 (September 12 according to the new art.) - the day of transfer of the relics to St. Petersburg (1724) - the main one
November 14 (November 27 according to the new art.) - day of death in Gorodets (1263) - canceled
November 23 (December 6, New Art.) - day of burial in Vladimir, in the schema of Alexy (1263)

Myths about Alexander Nevsky

1. The battles for which Prince Alexander became famous were so insignificant that they are not even mentioned in Western chronicles.

Not true! This idea was born out of pure ignorance. The Battle of Lake Peipsi is reflected in German sources, in particular in the “Elder Livonian Rhymed Chronicle”. Based on it, some historians talk about the insignificant scale of the battle, because the Chronicle reports the death of only twenty knights. But here it is important to understand that we are talking specifically about “brother knights” who performed the role of senior commanders. Nothing is said about the death of their warriors and representatives of the Baltic tribes recruited into the army, who formed the backbone of the army.
As for the Battle of the Neva, it was not reflected in any way in the Swedish chronicles. But, according to the largest Russian specialist on the history of the Baltic region in the Middle Ages, Igor Shaskolsky, “... this should not be surprising. In medieval Sweden, until the beginning of the 14th century, no major narrative works on the history of the country, such as Russian chronicles and large Western European chronicles, were created.” In other words, the Swedes have nowhere to look for traces of the Battle of the Neva.

2. The West did not pose a threat to Russia at that time, unlike the Horde, which Prince Alexander used exclusively to strengthen his personal power.

Not like that again! It is hardly possible to talk about a “united West” in the 13th century. Perhaps it would be more correct to talk about the world of Catholicism, but it, as a whole, was very colorful, heterogeneous and fragmented. Rus' was really threatened not by the “West”, but by the Teutonic and Livonian Orders, as well as the Swedish conquerors. And for some reason they were defeated on Russian territory, and not at home in Germany or Sweden, and, therefore, the threat posed by them was quite real.
As for the Horde, there is a source (Ustyug Chronicle) that makes it possible to assume the organizing role of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich in the anti-Horde uprising.

3. Prince Alexander did not defend Rus' and the Orthodox faith, he simply fought for power and used the Horde to physically eliminate his own brother.

This is just speculation. Prince Alexander Yaroslavich first of all defended what he inherited from his father and grandfather. In other words, with great skill he performed the task of a guardian, a guardian. As for the death of his brother, it is necessary, before such verdicts, to study the question of how he, in his recklessness and youth, put down the Russian army without benefit and in what way he acquired power in general. This will show: it was not so much Prince Alexander Yaroslavich who was his destroyer, but rather he himself laid claim to the role of the quick destroyer of Rus'...

4. By turning to the east, and not to the west, Prince Alexander laid the foundations for the future rampant despotism in the country. His contacts with the Mongols made Rus' an Asian power.

This is completely groundless journalism. All Russian princes were in contact with the Horde at that time. After 1240, they had a choice: to die themselves and subject Rus' to new devastation, or to survive and prepare the country for new battles and ultimately for liberation. Someone rushed headlong into battle, but 90 percent of our princes of the second half of the 13th century chose a different path. And here Alexander Nevsky is no different from our other sovereigns of that period.
As for the “Asian power”, there are indeed different points of view here today. But as a historian, I believe that Rus' never became one. It was not and is not part of Europe or Asia or some kind of mixture where the European and Asian take on different proportions depending on the circumstances. Rus' represents a cultural and political essence that is sharply different from both Europe and Asia. Just as Orthodoxy is neither Catholicism, nor Islam, nor Buddhism, nor any other confession.

Metropolitan Kirill about Alexander Nevsky - the name of Russia

On October 5, 2008, in a television program dedicated to Alexander Nevsky, Metropolitan Kirill gave a fiery 10-minute speech in which he tried to reveal this image so that it would become accessible to a wide audience. The Metropolitan began with questions: Why can a noble prince from the distant past, from the 13th century, become the name of Russia? What do we know about him? Answering these questions, the Metropolitan compares Alexander Nevsky with the other twelve applicants: “You need to know history very well and you need to feel history in order to understand the modernity of this person... I looked carefully at the names of everyone. Each of the candidates is a representative of his workshop: politician, scientist, writer, poet, economist... Alexander Nevsky was not a representative of the workshop, because he was at the same time the greatest strategist... a person who sensed not political, but civilizational dangers for Russia. He did not fight against specific enemies, not against the East or the West. He fought for national identity, for national self-understanding. Without him there would be no Russia, no Russians, no our civilizational code.”

According to Metropolitan Kirill, Alexander Nevsky was a politician who defended Russia with “very subtle and courageous diplomacy.” He understood that it was impossible at that moment to defeat the Horde, which “ironed Russia twice,” captured Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, reached the Adriatic Sea, and invaded China. “Why doesn’t he start a fight against the Horde? – asks the Metropolitan. – Yes, the Horde captured Rus'. But the Tatar-Mongols did not need our soul and did not need our brains. The Tatar-Mongols needed our pockets, and they turned these pockets out, but did not encroach on our national identity. They were not able to overcome our civilizational code. But when danger arose from the West, when the armored Teutonic knights went to Rus', there was no compromise. When the Pope writes a letter to Alexander, trying to win him over to his side... Alexander answers “no”. He sees a civilizational danger, he meets these armored knights on Lake Peipsi and defeats them, just as he, by a miracle of God, defeated the Swedish warriors who entered the Neva with a small squad.”

Alexander Nevsky, according to the Metropolitan, gives away “superstructural values”, allowing the Mongols to collect tribute from Russia: “He understands that this is not scary. Mighty Russia will return all this money. We must preserve the soul, national self-awareness, national will, and we must give the opportunity to what our wonderful historiosopher Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov called “ethnogenesis.” Everything is destroyed, we need to accumulate strength. And if they had not accumulated forces, if they had not pacified the Horde, if they had not stopped the Livonian invasion, where would Russia be? She wouldn't exist."

As Metropolitan Kirill asserts, following Gumilyov, Alexander Nevsky was the creator of that multinational and multi-confessional “Russian world” that exists to this day. It was he who “teared the Golden Horde away from the Great Steppe”*. With his cunning political move, he “persuaded Batu not to pay tribute to the Mongols. And the Great Steppe, this center of aggression against the whole world, found itself isolated from Rus' by the Golden Horde, which began to be drawn into the area of ​​Russian civilization. These are the first vaccinations of our union with the Tatar people, with the Mongol tribes. These are the first inoculations of our multinationality and multireligion. This is where it all started. He laid the foundation for the world-being of our people, which determined the further development of Rus' as Russia, as a great state.”

Alexander Nevsky, according to Metropolitan Kirill, is a collective image: he is a ruler, thinker, philosopher, strategist, warrior, hero. Personal courage is combined in him with deep religiosity: “At a critical moment, when the power and strength of the commander should be shown, he enters into single combat and hits Birger in the face with a spear... And where did it all start? He prayed at Hagia Sophia in Novgorod. A nightmare, hordes many times larger. What resistance? He comes out and addresses his people. With what words? God is not in power, but in truth... Can you imagine what words? What power!”

Metropolitan Kirill calls Alexander Nevsky an “epic hero”: “He was 20 years old when he defeated the Swedes, 22 years old when he drowned the Livonians on Lake Peipsi... A young, handsome guy!.. Brave... strong.” Even his appearance is the “face of Russia.” But the most important thing is that, being a politician, strategist, commander, Alexander Nevsky became a saint. “Oh my God! – Metropolitan Kirill exclaims. – If Russia had had holy rulers after Alexander Nevsky, what would our history be like! This is a collective image as much as a collective image can be... This is our hope, because even today we need what Alexander Nevsky did... Let us give our not only our voices, but also our hearts to the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky - the savior and organizer of Russia !”

(From the book of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) “Patriarch Kirill: life and worldview”)

Answers of Vladyka Metropolitan Kirill to questions from viewers of the “Name of Russia” project about Alexander Nevsky

Wikipedia calls Alexander Nevsky “the favorite prince of the clergy.” Do you share this assessment and, if so, what causes it? Semyon Borzenko

Dear Semyon, it’s difficult for me to say what exactly guided the authors of the free encyclopedia “Wikipedia” when they named St. Alexander Nevsky. Perhaps because the prince was canonized and is revered in the Orthodox Church, solemn services are held in his honor. However, the Church also reveres other holy princes, for example, Dimitri Donskoy and Daniil of Moscow, and it would be wrong to single out a “beloved” from among them. I believe that such a name could also have been adopted by the prince because during his lifetime he favored the Church and patronized it.

Unfortunately, the pace of my life and the amount of work I do allow me to use the Internet exclusively for business purposes. I regularly visit, say, informational sites, but I have absolutely no time left to view those sites that would be personally interesting to me. Therefore, I was not able to take part in the voting on the “Name of Russia” website, but I supported Alexander Nevsky by voting by telephone.

Descendants of Rurik were defeated (1241), fighting for power in civil wars participated, betrayed his own brother to the pagans (1252), scratched out the eyes of the Novgorodians with his own hands (1257). Is the Russian Orthodox Church really ready to canonize Satan to maintain a split in churches? Ivan Nezabudko

When talking about certain acts of Alexander Nevsky, it is necessary to take into account many different factors. This is also the historical era in which St. lived. Alexander - then many actions that seem strange to us today were completely commonplace. This is the political situation in the state - remember that at that time the country was experiencing a serious threat from the Tatar-Mongols, and St. Alexander did everything possible to reduce this threat to a minimum. As for the facts you cite from the life of St. Alexander Nevsky, then historians still cannot confirm or refute many of them, much less give them an unambiguous assessment.

For example, there are many ambiguities in the relationship between Alexander Nevsky and his brother Prince Andrei. There is a point of view according to which Alexander complained to the khan about his brother and asked to send an armed detachment to deal with him. However, this fact is not mentioned in any ancient source. The first time this was reported was only by V.N. Tatishchev in his “Russian History”, and there is every reason to believe that the author here got carried away with historical reconstruction - he “thought out” something that actually did not happen. N.M. Karamzin, in particular, thought so: “According to Tatishchev’s invention, Alexander informed Khan that his younger brother Andrei, having appropriated the Great Reign, was deceiving the Mughals, giving them only part of the tribute, etc.” (Karamzin N.M. History of the Russian State. M., 1992. T.4. P. 201. Note 88).

Many historians today tend to adhere to a different point of view than Tatishchev. Andrei, as is known, pursued a policy independent of Batu, while relying on the khan’s rivals. As soon as Batu took power into his own hands, he immediately dealt with his opponents, sending detachments not only against Andrei Yaroslavich, but also against Daniil Romanovich.

I am not aware of a single fact that could at least indirectly indicate that the veneration of St. Alexander Nevsky is a reason for a church schism. In 1547, the noble prince was canonized, and his memory is sacredly revered not only in the Russian, but also in many other Local Orthodox Churches.

Finally, let us not forget that when deciding on the canonization of a person, the Church takes into account such factors as the prayerful veneration of the people and the miracles performed through these prayers. Both of these took place and are happening in large numbers in connection with Alexander Nevsky. As for the mistakes such a person makes in life, or even his sins, we must remember that “there is no man who will live and not sin.” Sins are expiated by repentance and sorrow. Both of these, and especially the other, were present in the life of the noble prince, as they were in the lives of such sinners who became saints as Mary of Egypt, Moses Murin and many others.

I am sure that if you carefully and thoughtfully read the life of St. Alexander Nevsky, you will understand why he was canonized.

How does the Russian Orthodox Church feel about the fact that Prince Alexander Nevsky handed over his brother Andrei to the Tatars and threatened his son Vasily with war? Or is this as canonical as the blessing of warheads? Alexey Karakovsky

Alexey, in the first part, your question echoes the question of Ivan Nezabudko. As for the “blessing of warheads,” I am not aware of a single similar case. The Church has always blessed its children for the defense of the Fatherland, guided by the commandment of the Savior. It is for these reasons that the rite of blessing weapons has existed since ancient times. At every Liturgy we pray for the army of our country, realizing how heavy a responsibility lies on the people who stand guard with arms in their hands to guard the security of the Fatherland.

Is it not so, Vladyka, that when choosing Nevsky Alexander Yaroslavich we are choosing a myth, a film image, a legend?

I'm sure not. Alexander Nevsky is a very specific historical figure, a man who did a lot for our Fatherland and laid the foundations for the very existence of Russia for a long time. Historical sources allow us to learn quite definitely about his life and activities. Of course, in the time that has passed since the death of the saint, human rumor has introduced a certain element of legend into his image, which once again testifies to the deep veneration that the Russian people have always given to the prince, but I am convinced that this shade of legend cannot serve as an obstacle to that so that today we perceive Saint Alexander as a real historical character.

Dear Lord. What qualities, in your opinion, of the Russian hero, Saint Alexander Nevsky, could the current Russian government pay attention to, and, if possible, adopt? What principles of government are still relevant today? Victor Zorin

Victor, Saint Alexander Nevsky belongs not only to his time. His image is relevant for Russia today, in the 21st century. The most important quality, which, it seems to me, should be inherent in power at all times, is boundless love for the Fatherland and one’s people. The entire political activity of Alexander Nevsky was determined by this strong and sublime feeling.

Dear Vladyka, answer whether Alexander Nevsky is close to the souls of the people of today’s modern Russia, and not just of Ancient Rus'. Especially nations professing Islam and not Orthodoxy? Sergey Krainov

Sergey, I am sure that the image of St. Alexander Nevsky is close to Russia at all times. Despite the fact that the prince lived several centuries ago, his life and his activities are still relevant for us today. Do such qualities as love for the Motherland, for God, for one’s neighbor, or the willingness to lay down one’s life for the sake of the peace and well-being of the Fatherland, have a statute of limitations? Can they be inherent only to the Orthodox and be alien to Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, who have long lived peacefully, side by side, in multinational and multi-confessional Russia - a country that has never known wars on religious grounds?

As for Muslims themselves, I will give you just one example that speaks for itself - in the program “The Name of Russia,” shown on November 9, there was an interview with a Muslim leader who came out in support of Alexander Nevsky because it was the holy prince who laid the foundations for dialogue East and West, Christianity and Islam. The name of Alexander Nevsky is equally dear to all people living in our country, regardless of their nationality or religious affiliation.

Why did you decide to take part in the “Name of Russia” project and act as Alexander Nevsky’s “lawyer”? In your opinion, why do most people today choose not a politician, scientist or cultural figure, but a saint, to name Russia? Vika Ostroverkhova

Vika, several circumstances prompted me to participate in the project as a “defender” of Alexander Nevsky.

Firstly, I am convinced that it is Saint Alexander Nevsky who should become the name of Russia. In my speeches, I repeatedly argued my position. Who, if not a saint, can and should be named “in the name of Russia”? Holiness is a concept that has no temporal boundaries, extending into eternity. If our people choose a saint as their national hero, this indicates a spiritual revival taking place in the minds of people. This is especially important today.

Secondly, this saint is very close to me. My childhood and youth were spent in St. Petersburg, where the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky rest. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to often resort to this shrine, to pray to the holy prince at his resting place. While studying at the Leningrad theological schools, which are located in close proximity to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, all of us, then students, clearly felt the gracious help that Alexander Nevsky provided to those who called on him with faith and hope in their prayers. At the relics of the holy prince I received ordination to all degrees of the priesthood. Therefore, I have deeply personal experiences associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky.

Dear Master! The project is called “Name of Russia”. For the first time the word Russia was heard almost 300 years after the prince’s dormition! Under Ivan the Terrible. And Alexander Yaroslavich just reigned in one of the fragments Kievan Rus– an upgraded version of Great Scythia. So what does St. Alexander Nevsky have to do with Russia?

The most direct thing. In your question you touch on a fundamentally important topic. Who do we consider ourselves to be today? Heirs of what culture? Bearers of what civilization? From what point in history should we count our existence? Is it really only since the reign of Ivan the Terrible? A lot depends on the answer to these questions. We have no right to be Ivans who do not remember our kinship. The history of Russia begins long before Ivan the Terrible, and it is enough to open school textbook stories to prove this.

Please tell us about the posthumous miracles of Alexander Nevsky from the moment of his death to the present day. Anisina Natalya

Natalya, there are a great many such miracles. You can read about them in detail in the life of the saint, as well as in many books dedicated to Alexander Nevsky. Moreover, I am sure that every person who sincerely, with deep faith called upon the holy prince in his prayers, had his own small miracle in his life.

Dear Lord! Is the Russian Orthodox Church considering the issue of canonizing other Princes, such as Ivan IV the Terrible and I.V. Stalin? After all, they were autocrats who increased the power of the state. Alexey Pechkin

Alexey, many princes besides Alexander Nevsky have been canonized. When deciding on the canonization of a person, the Church takes into account many factors, and achievements in the political field do not play a decisive role here. The Russian Orthodox Church does not consider the issue of canonization of Ivan the Terrible or Stalin, who, although they did a lot for the state, did not show qualities in their lives that could indicate their holiness.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

(to schemamonastic Alexy)

Quick helper to all those who diligently come running to you, and our warm representative before the Lord, holy and blessed Grand Duke Alexandra! look mercifully upon us, unworthy, who have created for ourselves by many iniquities, who now flow to the race of your relics and cry out from the depths of your soul: in your life you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith, and you have unshakably established us in it with your warm prayers to God. You carefully carried out the great service entrusted to you, and with your help, instruct us to abide in what we were called to do. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove away from the borders of Russia, and brought down all visible and invisible enemies against us. You, having left the corruptible crown of the earthly kingdom, you chose a silent life, and now, righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reigning in heaven, you intercede for us too, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life, and arrange for us a steady march towards the eternal Kingdom of God. Standing before the throne of God with all the saints, pray for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we ever glorify and bless God, in the Trinity of the Holy Saints, the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, Tone 4:
Know your brethren, Russian Joseph, not in Egypt, but reigning in heaven, faithful Prince Alexander, and accept their prayers, multiplying the lives of people with the fruitfulness of your land, protecting the cities of your dominion with prayer, and helping Orthodox people to resist.

Troparion, Voice of the same:
As you were at the root of a pious and most honorable branch, blessed Alexandra, for Christ manifests you as a kind of Divine treasure of the Russian land, a new miracle worker, glorious and God-pleasing. And today, having come together in your memory with faith and love, in psalms and singing we joyfully glorify the Lord, who gave you the grace of healing. Pray to him to save this city, and for our country to be pleasing to God, and for our sons of Russia to be saved.

Kontakion, Tone 8:
As we honor your bright star, which shone from the east and came to the west, enriching this entire country with miracles and kindness, and enlightening with faith those who honor your memory, blessed Alexandra. For this reason, today we celebrate yours, your existing people, pray to save your Fatherland, and all your relics flowing to the race, and truly crying out to you: Rejoice, strengthening of our city.

In Kontakion, Tone 4:
Just like your relatives, Boris and Gleb, appeared from Heaven to help you, struggling against Weilger Sveisk and his warriors: so you too now, blessed Alexandra, come to the aid of your relatives, and overcome those who fight us.

Icons of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

> icon of Alexander Nevsky

Before you is the icon of Alexander Nevsky. The iconography of St. Alexander Nevsky is divided into two parts, reflecting his life path. Some of the icons depict the period from 1221 to 1262 - the time when the noble prince Alexander Nevsky was a warrior and great commander who managed to unite many Russian lands. On such icons, St. Alexander Nevsky is most often depicted with weapons and in princely clothes. Another part of the icons indicates the end of the life of Alexander Nevsky - in 1263 the Saint took the schema with the name Alexey and became a monk. Such icon of St. Alexander Nevsky depicts the noble prince in monastic robes. Similar iconography was typical until the 18th century.

This icon of Alexander Nevsky depicts the first part of the life of the great Russian commander - the time of his service to the establishment of statehood in Rus', the time of his great feats of arms for the glory of the Orthodox faith. Icons of Prince Alexander Nevsky are found in churches and cathedrals throughout Russia - from Transbaikalia to Kaliningrad; for many cities in Russia, including St. Petersburg, he is the patron saint.

The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky was born in May 1221 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The father of Alexander Nevsky was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - the son of Vsevolod Big Nest, Grand Duke of Vladimir, who during his reign managed to unite the Vladimir, Ryazan and Novgorod lands. Six years old, in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery of Pereslavl, Alexander and his brother Theodore undergo princely tonsure, where Bishop Simon of Suzdal initiates them into warriors and blesses them for “feats of arms in the name of the Russian Land and the Russian Church.”

In 1227, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich accepted Novgorod the Great into reign from Prince Yuri of Vladimir, and moved there with his sons. But the Novgorodians, having expressed dissatisfaction with the reign of the princes of Vladimir and their refusal to abolish them in the lean year of 1228, the “zabozhnichye” - princely tribute, call on Mikhail of Chernigov, and Saint Alexander Yaroslavich, together with his brother Theodore and father, return back to Pereslavl. Three years later, Prince Mikhail of Chernigov went back to reign in Chernigov, betrothing his daughter Theodulia to Alexander’s older brother Theodore to strengthen relations with the princes of Vladimir. After this, the Novgorodians called Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to reign, and he installed his sons to reign in Novgorod the Great. In 1233, the noble prince Theodore Yaroslavovich died at the age of 13.

The Holy Righteous Prince Alexander Yaroslavich performed his first feat of arms in 1234 together with his father’s army, when a battle took place on the Omovzha River, as a result of which Dorpat was recaptured from the Livonians. In 1236, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich left to reign in Kyiv, and Alexander became the sole full-fledged prince of Novgorod. Three years later, Alexander Yaroslavich married the daughter of Prince Bryachislav of Polotsk, Alexandra. Alexander Nevsky's father blesses the newlyweds with the Feodorovskaya icon Mother of God(Yaroslav Vsevolodovich bore the name Theodore before baptism) with the patroness of weddings and brides, Saint Paraskeva Friday, on the back of the image. It was this icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God that from that time on constantly accompanied the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky as his prayer image.

Saint Alexander Nevsky had to reign in the most difficult times - in the west the lands of Novgorod were threatened by the crusaders: the Livonian Germans came close to Pskov, and the Swedes led by Jarl Birger were advancing on Novgorod; in the east, hordes of Mongol Tatars hung over Russia as a constant dark threat. On July 15, 1240, Prince Alexander Nevsky and his small squad, consisting of residents of Novgorod the Great and Ladoga, won their first independent victory, completely defeating the camp of Jarl Birger’s soldiers, which had stopped at the mouth of the Izhora River flowing into the Neva. Legend has it that at dawn before the battle, one of the warriors from the squad of St. Alexander Yaroslavich, the sea patrolman Pelguy, had a vision of a floating boat in which were the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb, dressed in crimson clothes, rushing to the aid of Prince Alexander. For his courage in battle and a convincing victory in that memorable battle, the young Prince Alexander received the nickname “Nevsky”. And the noble prince was lucky in his future victories, therefore The icon of Alexander Nevsky is especially revered by people of military professions and diplomats.

After a brilliant victory over the Swedes, the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky had to deal with the Germans, who in 1242 besieged and took Pskov. First, Alexander Nevsky, together with his squad, liberated the Koporye fortress, then the city of Pskov, and already on April 5, 1242, dealt a crushing blow to the knights of the Livonian Order during the famous Battle of the Ice on the ice of Lake Peipus. Three years later, the Lithuanian knights will again try to conquer the lands of Novgorod, but the noble prince Alexander Nevsky, with his courage and military talent, puts them to flight, for a long time discouraging any desire from their western neighbors to attack their lands. The result of Alexander Nevsky's policy on the western borders of his possessions was the complete liberation of the Novgorod lands from the Germans and the annexation of part of Latgale - (now the eastern edge of Latvia) to his principality. At the same time, in September 1246, in the possessions of the Golden Horde, Mikhail Chernigovsky was forcibly killed and the father of Alexander Nevsky, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was poisoned in Karakorum, and the noble prince had to completely switch to improving relations with the Mongol-Tatars. Before his death, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich bequeathed Alexander Nevsky to conclude a diplomatic alliance with the Golden Horde, and with this incredible challenging task The holy noble prince coped brilliantly.

In 1247, Prince Alexander Nevsky and his brother Andrei from Khan Batu from the Lower Volga region went to Mongolia to visit the Great Khan Guyuk. This difficult and dangerous journey lasted for two whole years. The Great Khan gave Andrei the Vladimir lands to reign, and Saint Alexander Nevsky became the Prince of Kyiv and Novgorod.

In 1251, Batu's uncle Munke became the Great Khan - and Saint Alexander Nevsky again had to go to the Horde. At the same time, Prince Andrei Yaroslavich of Vladimir and Prince Yaroslav of Tver led an unsuccessful uprising against the Tatars. As a result of the punitive invasion of the Tatars under the command of Nevryuy, Andrei was forced to flee to Sweden, and Yaroslav Tverskoy took up defensive positions in Pskov. As a result, the Vladimir-Suzdal lands also passed into the reign of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. After this, a new stage of the war with the Germans and Lithuanians, successful for Rus', began, which lasted 7 years, as a result of which Pomorie became Russian and Orthodox.

In 1258, Saint Alexander Nevsky went to the Golden Horde to the new Khan Berke to show him his respect and confirm the friendly disposition of the Russian lands subordinate to him. After this campaign, the freedom-loving population of Veliky Novgorod, who previously did not want to fully recognize the strength and will of Alexander Nevsky, finally submits to the will of the noble prince. In 1261, in the new capital of the Golden Horde - Sarai, through the efforts of Metropolitan Kirill and St. Alexander Nevsky, the Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established.

A year later, Saint Alexander Nevsky makes his last trip to the camp of the Golden Horde. On the secret instructions of the noble prince, the Baskaks, the Golden Horde tax collectors, were killed in all the cities of Rus'. But the wise Alexander Yaroslavich was personally able to convince Khan Berke of the impossibility and inexpediency of collecting tribute in favor of Mongolia, and encouraged him to declare the independence of the Golden Horde. In this way, Saint Alexander Nevsky achieved the appearance of a powerful natural barrier from the uninvited and unfriendly Mongols.

In Sarai-Berk, Saint Alexander Nevsky falls ill. On the way back from the capital of the Golden Horde, his illness intensified. On November 14, 1263, in Gorodets, having adopted the schema under the name Alexy, the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky completed his historically great journey in life. Metropolitan Kirill, announcing the death of Alexander Nevsky in Vladimir, called him “the setting sun of the Russian land.”

In 1724, the Russian Emperor Peter the First, by his decree, transferred the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky from the Nativity Monastery of Vladimir to the St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky Monastery (after 1797 - Lavra). To this day, the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky is the heavenly patron of St. Petersburg.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky and prayers to him help people in military professions and diplomats.

For many centuries, the Orthodox Church has preserved the memory of the feat of Queen Alexandra, who was the wife of the Roman emperor. On the icons, Saint Alexandra is depicted in royal robes, her young beautiful face expresses calm. In the face of martyrdom, she managed to maintain her dignity and strong faith, serving as an example for many generations of Christians.

Wife of Emperor Diocletian

In Orthodoxy there are many icons dedicated to various saints with the name of Alexander. But the most famous, perhaps, is the wife of Emperor Diocletian. She lived at the end of the 3rd century and suffered at the beginning of the 4th century. Her name is closely connected with St. George the Victorious, even the holiday is established on the same day. The woman’s feat is known from the life of the saint. Seeing his torture, she could no longer hide her faith, which was unacceptable at court.

A noisy crowd surrounded the place where the bound George was tortured. The queen began to pray to the Lord to help her approach him. She openly admitted that she was a Christian, which shocked everyone, including the emperor. This hurt him greatly, because Diocletian considered his former military leader nothing more than a powerful sorcerer.

The icon of the martyr Alexandra does not show her suffering. She is depicted in a renewed state, like all saints. There are both belt icons and full height. You can recognize Alexandra of Rome by several signs:

  • in her right hand the empress holds a cross;
  • the left hand is either pressed to the chest or with an open palm facing forward;
  • on the head there is a crown;
  • long rich clothes, usually red and blue.

The Empress can stand against the background of a city with a river, or simply against a golden background. This color is typical for many icons; it denotes the radiance of eternity, heavenly abodes, and sometimes God himself. Thus, icon painters report that the saints reside where there is no more pain, suffering and death.

Death of a Saint

Many people are probably asking the question: where did the saints get the courage and strength to endure torment? The answer is simple - the source of strength and all blessings is the Lord. Much is written in the Bible about how the relationship between God and man should be built: for example, Christ said that one must ask - and the one who asks will receive, knock - and then the door will be open. That is, the believer must take the initiative himself and not be passive.

The martyr Alexandra did not experience the suffering that befell George. She died quietly on the way to the place of execution. Good example that God does not give tests that a person cannot bear.

Alexandra Fedorovna

At the very beginning of this century, Russian Orthodox Church officially recognized the family of the last Russian emperor as saints, including his wife Alexandra Feodorovna. The German-born princess was not initially approved as a candidate for the crown, but Nicholas was stubborn. He managed to connect his life with his beloved. They lived together, and the whole family also suffered.

There is a separate icon of Queen Alexandra, and there is also an image in which her husband and children are represented. The Empress earned the love of the people during her lifetime, although there are also critics who do not spare the foreign princess. For example, Rasputin’s close connection with the royal family caused a lot of noise. But time puts everything in its place - only a virtuous life becomes the basis for canonization.

  • On a number of icons, the queen holds a palace in one hand and a cross in the other. Her clothes are embroidered with double-headed eagles, and she wears a snow-white scarf on her head. There are images that have a very strong portrait resemblance, there is makeup on the face, expensive jewelry on the neck. Probably, these are not quite canonically consistent icons, and it is better to refrain from purchasing them, since they are more like a photograph, and the icon should show the soul of a person.

When babies are born, it is customary to order measured icons; they are made according to the baby’s height. Such images become family heirlooms, which the child will eventually be able to pass on to his own children.

Other holy wives

Orthodoxy knows many saints with the name Alexander. You can choose a patroness for yourself according to your personal desire, having familiarized yourself with the life.

  • Among the 7 virgins who suffered for their faith under Diocletian, there was one under the name of Alexandra. The women had already reached old age, but this did not stop the torturers. Having learned that they were Christians, they were subjected to humiliating tortures and then drowned in the lake.
  • The pious noblewoman Agafya, who lived in the 18th century, is known from icons as the Venerable Alexandra. Being from a wealthy family, the woman was only looking for silence monastic life. Having lost her young daughter, she regarded this as a sign to finally leave for a monastery. Mother Alexandra was a nun of Diveevo, helped the poor, built churches, and prayed a lot.

Christening gift

Many people believe that a personalized icon will be a guardian angel for the baby. If the child is named after the martyr Alexandra, then such an image in the house will really not hurt. It is not at all necessary to hang it over the crib - it is not a talisman. Many are sure that it is enough to buy a candle in the temple, hang “strong” icons at home - and happiness is guaranteed. But such “Christians” will be disappointed. It is impossible to pay off the Lord - he does not need candles or money.

Protection for a child is God's grace, which resides everywhere on earth, and not just around consecrated objects. In order for a child to be healthy, it is necessary to pray, attend services, and participate in the life of the church community. The Lord favors those who keep His commandments in their hearts and do not come to the temple a couple of times a year. Alexandra’s personal icon may well be in the home iconostasis. Just understand that the board with the image itself has no power.

Holy teachers

What do the saints remind us of? Although the faces on the icons are devoid of imprints Everyday life- wrinkles, fatigue, these were all living people, made of flesh and blood. But they were able to confess their faith in such a way that even after death, miracles happened through their prayers. The icon of Saint Alexandra reminds that a woman must maintain virtue, be faithful, modest, and obedient to the Lord. Then for her loved ones she will be able to become that inspiring force that can lead them to God.

First prayer to the Holy Martyr Queen Alexandra

O glorious passion-bearer, divinely crowned Queen Alexandro Novaya, our speedy helper and intercessor and tireless prayer book for us.

Standing before the image of your saints and you, as I live, visually, crouching, we pray to you: accept our petitions and lift them up to the Throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as you have great and glorious boldness towards Him; ask everyone who flocks to you, and everyone who honors your holy memory, for eternal salvation and temporary prosperity, for quick deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. She, our child-loving mother and queen, you who stand before the Throne of God know our needs, spiritual and everyday, look at us with your maternal eye, and with your prayers turn away from us hesitations with every wind of teaching, the increase of evil and ungodly customs; establish in all the faith a concordant knowledge, mutual love and like-mindedness; Yes, to everyone: in words, writings and deeds, glorified in our midst is the All-Holy Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity, to Him be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to the holy Queen-Martyr Alexandra nova

O holy queen-martyr Alexandro Novaya, merciful intercessor of the orphans, crusader mother, with your generous right hand illuminate us, who are now praying to you, and ask from the All-Bounteous and Most Merciful God, His name is Love, rich mercies and awaken: in your existing marriage - purity and holy guardian love; children of small children and youth - a wise nurturer; the orphaned and mournful - a compassionate comforter; the sins of those overwhelmed by the compassionate physician; from tempted enemies - a strong protector; and to all who ask for your intercession - merciful intercessor before God and the Queen of Heaven; Most of all, pray to our holy mother and queen to grant us the grace of the All-Holy Spirit; May we be protected and saved by it in this life, and with you we will be worthy to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever, to whom glory befits, together with His All-Good Father and the Holy Most Generous Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky is a living reminder of courage and feat, when a ruler, for the sake of love for the fatherland, does not spare his blood. The significance of his courage and prudence in the history of the formation of the Russian state is enormous. How the holy martyr helps modern people, what is the significance and meaning of his feat, you will learn in this article.

Alexander Nevsky lived only 42 years, but during this short period of time he managed to do so much that, perhaps, his one life will be enough for hundreds in terms of the amount of influence on the course of world events.

Icon of Alexander Nevsky: description

On the icon we often see the noble prince with a sword. Sometimes there is a picture where he holds a cross and a scroll. But basically in all images the warrior is depicted in grand ducal clothes, sometimes in armor. There are many illustrations where, as befits a commander, he is depicted on horseback. This style of writing exists relatively recently - it was introduced by Peter I. Before this, the noble prince, according to tradition, was depicted in monastic clothes, since before his death he took the schema with the name Alexy.

Information about his appearance that has reached us describes him as a broad-shouldered young man with powerful arms, a handsome face, strong-willed eyebrows and a decisive look throughout his appearance.

Icon of Alexander Nevsky: meaning

From the time of the adoption of Christianity in Rus' to the present day, there have been many intercessor saints in the treasury of the Orthodox faith. Alexander Nevsky lived in conditions of territorial rivalry and strong religious tension that characterized the era of the formation of Orthodoxy. Holy Rus', the heir of Byzantium, inherited from it not only faith, but also enemies. Following the fall of Constantinople, the Latins began to attack the Russian principalities, using a time-tested method - union or capture.

The noble Prince Alexander appears on the icon as the defender of the fatherland. In St. Petersburg, on the supposed site of the Battle of the Neva, Peter I founded a monastery in his honor. Now the hermitage has become the Holy Lavra, bearing the name and storing the holy relics of the defender of the Russian land. It was before the Battle of the Neva that the young commander uttered his famous words: “God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horses, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God! They wavered and fell, but we rose up and stood firm.” The prince carried out his first major and most famous slaughter when he was not yet 20 years old. The Russians perceived the victory as spiritual: in an unequal ratio of troops, Alexander won it with the clear help of God.

Unlike Western culture, a different enemy future Russia- Mongol Khanate - respected all religions without exception and did not impose his own. It was this principle that became decisive: the young but talented politician Alexander made the Khanate his ally for the benefit of the Russian lands.

The significance of the reign of the noble prince is characterized positively by historians; several theses can be highlighted:

  • destruction of the Swedish army on the Neva;
  • defeat of the Germans in the Battle of the Ice;
  • protecting the interests of the state on the world stage;
  • maintaining the purity of Orthodoxy;
  • establishing wise order in the country;
  • abolition of the Mongolian tax in a number of areas.

The veneration of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky arose immediately after his blessed death, since the people loved him very much and highly valued his merits. “We are already perishing,” the subjects exclaimed when they learned of the death of the ruler. Prayer to him as the patron saint of all the people began after the miracle before the Battle of Kulikovo, and the discovery of the holy relics of the prince in 1380 by his great-grandson Dmitry Donskoy, the winner of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Alexander Nevsky: what does an icon help with?

Orthodox Christians pray in front of the icon for the acquisition of courage and wisdom, courage and valor, for self-sacrifice for the sake of a higher goal. Alexander Nevsky is the patron saint of all soldiers who wear his icon under their hearts, so that the holy commander protects the person with his prayers.

They did not forget about those exploits during the Second World War - the aviation squadron was named with a glorious name with the inscription “Alexander Nevsky” on board. There is a Soviet and Russian military order for special merits, bearing the name of the saint.

The enormous popularity of the blessed prince goes beyond the current Russian state: the Orthodox peoples of Serbia, Greece, and Georgia pray to him for the preservation of their borders and erect churches in his honor. This gives hope for strengthening relations and increasing cooperation among Orthodox people around the world.

Prayer before the icon of Alexander Nevsky

Prayer to the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky for healing

O holy blessed Prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servant of God (names), and intercede for us a quiet and serene life, and through your intercession arrange for us a steady procession towards the eternal Kingdom, may the Lord God preserve us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years May we ever glorify and bless God in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky for health

Quick helper to all those who diligently come running to you, and our warm representative before the Lord, holy and faithful Grand Duke Alexandra! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy, who have committed many iniquities that are indecent to ourselves, who are now flowing to the race of your relics and crying from the depths of your soul: in your life you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith, and you have unshakably established us in it with your warm prayers to God. You have carefully carried out the great service entrusted to you, and with your help, guide us to remain in what we are called to do. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove away from the borders of Russia, and brought down all visible and invisible enemies against us. You, having left the corruptible crown of the earthly kingdom, you chose a silent life, and now, righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reigning in heaven, intercede for us, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life, and arrange for us a steady march towards the eternal Kingdom of God. Standing before the throne of God with all the saints, pray for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we ever glorify and bless God, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones, the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky is important for modern times: it is an example of devotion to the beliefs that shaped the Russian character. It is important to remember what the noble prince helps with and to use his help.

The personification of courage, wisdom, and strength for Russians is Prince Alexander Nevsky. Among the saints, he is called a “true believer” - this means that during his life the person showed sincere faith, carrying out his political service and was able to keep Christ’s commandments. On icons, Alexander Nevsky is most often depicted in armor.

Collector and defender of Russian lands

The future ruler was born in difficult times - in 1220, his earthly journey ended at 42 years old. Being the heir of the Pereyaslavl prince, Alexander from an early age learned what politics, war, and responsibility for the fate of his subjects were. His grandfather was Prince Vsevolod, who managed to unite the lands from Vladimir to Ryazan. As a six-year-old boy, Alexander and his brother were ordained warriors; the bishop himself blessed him for exploits in the name of the Russian land and the Church.

A year later, the father takes Novgorod under his rule, but the local residents ask for another prince. The family returns to their native Pereslavl. Only a few years later the Novgorodians call Yaroslav back, and he makes his sons rulers. Soon the eldest of the brothers, Fedor, dies.

It is not for nothing that Saint Alexander Nevsky in icons is often dressed like a warrior - in his hands is a sword, under his cloak is metal chain mail, on his head is a helmet with an image of a cross. The prince fought his first battle early, at the age of 14, under the leadership of his father. Then the city of Dorpat was taken. A couple of years later, the prince is left to govern Novgorod on his own, as Yaroslav leaves for Kyiv. The young prince marries the daughter of the Prince of Polotsk - apparently, the marriage had political grounds.

In difficult years the young man fell to reign - the crusaders threatened from the west, the Swedes were advancing. For many years the Mongol-Tatars kept at bay most Russian lands. But the small squad led by Alexander did not lose heart - people believed that the Lord would stand next to them for a just cause. After all, they did not attack, but defended their own homes and families.

Little known facts

  • In Soviet times, it was customary to mention only the military exploits of the prince. Monk and saint were not fit for Soviet propaganda. Hence the impression arose that the Church made the prince a saint because he did a lot for the country.
  • Preaching the Gospel was one of the main affairs of the prince's life. He even managed to open an Orthodox community in the Horde.
  • Alexander Nevsky achieved his main military victories when he was very young. He didn't lose a single battle.
  • Popular veneration of the prince arose immediately after his death - as is the case with many righteous people. Officially, canonization took place only three centuries later.

How does the icon of St. help? Alexandra

The prince departed to the Lord in 1263, after another visit to the Horde. His body rested in the Nativity Monastery in the city of Vladimir. But Tsar Peter, having founded a new city, decided to move there the relics of the famous warrior, defender Russian statehood. In just a few years, a new monastery was built, after which the relics were solemnly transferred.

All the way the procession was surrounded by crowds of people - everyone remembered and loved the saint. He was not only a defender of the borders of the Motherland, but also a champion of the Orthodox faith. Therefore, the icon of Alexander Nevsky helps in spiritual matters as well as in military service. Before any important military campaign, the clergy and authorities prayed to the saint, and once during such a prayer service, King John was relieved of pain in his hand, which he accidentally placed in the tomb with his relics.

How Alexander Nevsky is portrayed

The iconography of the saint is divided into two main parts. The first demonstrates it at a time in his life when the prince was more involved in military affairs. The saint is depicted in princely vestments, with a sword, the tip of which is directed either upwards or St. Alexander leans on the handle. A shield may also be present, but not always.

  • In his right hand the prince can hold a banner with the image of the “Savior Not Made by Hands”, and with his left he can lean on the sword. That is, he is ready to defend his faith at the cost of his own life.
  • Behind the saint’s back one can see the city wall, behind it are houses and the domes of the temple. The prince himself is standing in the field where the battle is taking place - the crusaders are against the Russians, the enemies are retreating, they have already turned their horses to escape. The figure of the prince is much larger than the others - such is the composition of the icon, because its language is allegorical, not literal.
  • There is also a waist icon, St. Alexander is depicted thoughtfully, leaning on his sword with one hand and putting the other to his chest. Rich clothes are embroidered with stones and trimmed with fur. The hair is thick, curly at the ends, the face is young, slightly elongated, the head is slightly tilted to the left. The saint seems to be thinking about what will happen to Russia, will it be able to worthily preserve the faith that he so defended?

Other types of icons of Alexander Nevsky tell about the spiritual side of his personality: there he is depicted in mature age, in monastic vestments - this is a monastic cassock with a hood, on it there are eight-pointed crosses. In his left hand the saint holds a scroll, his right hand points to his heart as a sign that it is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • There is a very interesting hagiographic icon from the late 19th century. In the foreground is the prince in the vestments of a schema monk (it differs from the clothes of an ordinary monk - it is more closed, embroidered with crosses). The figure of the saint is turned towards Christ, who is seated on the clouds in the upper left corner of the composition. There, as it were, the curtain of heaven opens slightly, and the angelic ranks surrounding the Throne of God are visible. Christ holds an open Book in his left hand. The right one sends His blessing to the prince.

In the distance you can see the river bank, and ships on the waters. A battle has broken out on the shore - Russian warriors on white horses are going on the attack. An Angel hovers above the battle, carrying a crown in his hands.

Miracles of the Holy Image

In those days, the Roman Church was actively expanding into foreign lands. It didn’t matter that the Christian brothers suffered: the Pope sought to get as many subjects as possible, and therefore money and power. In those years, Innocent the 4th reigned, and twice he demanded submission from the prince.

But Alexander Nevsky always knew that Orthodoxy was the destiny of Russia. He steadfastly repels the attacks of the Germans. Conflicts with Finland and Norway were resolved. There was only one enemy left - the Tatar yoke. Seeing that the forces are not yet equal, the prince decides to endure the tribute. The main thing is that the horde does not interfere in the internal affairs of the country. This allows Russians to maintain their faith. The prince knows that one day the people will be free, he thinks about how to keep his soul intact.

Spiritual painting

Artists depicted Alexander Nevsky in their paintings; you can also have them in your home, but not to confuse them with icons. The painting has a completely different purpose - it narrates, entertains, maybe even educates, but the icon is designed to collect a person’s thoughts and focus them on prayer.

Alexander Nesterov created a wonderful image of the prince - he showed him as a commander, in robes and with weapons. But the weapon lies on the floor of the temple, and the warrior himself bowed his head in prayer. This is a courageous man, at the same time having a strong faith. He understands that the outcome of any battle depends not on his efforts, but on the will of God.

Contemporary artist P. Ryzhenko depicted the conversation of the prince with Khan Sartak. They are sitting in a field in front of an open Bible. The Khan is deep in thought, and the Prince seems to be waiting for an answer to an important question. It is known that a descendant of Genghis Khan, under the influence of Alexander Nevsky, converted to Orthodoxy, for which he was subsequently killed.

Shrines and temples of Alexander

The relics of the saint rest in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg). During the years of persecution they were preserved, although the cancer was transferred to the museum. In 2007, the shrine was transported to places associated with earthly life prince Particles of relics are found in Vladimir, Sofia (Bulgaria), and the Urals.

The temple in the name of the saint, located in Moscow, is very famous. In 2009, the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”, which has ancient origins, was transferred here. Now the icon is constantly in the Alexander Nevsky Church. The church has a unique iconostasis consisting of five tiers. The floors are made of marble, special treatment allows it to shine by reflecting light. The special design of the vault provides excellent acoustics. The temple is worth a visit.

The icon of St. Alexander Nevsky will be a wonderful gift for a military man, a leader holding a responsible position. Before her, you can ask the Lord to help you fulfill your duties with dignity. You can turn to him in prayer for any other reason; the church does not impose restrictions on this.

Prayer to the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky

O holy blessed Prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servants of God (names), and intercede for us a quiet and serene life, and through your intercession arrange for us a steady march towards the eternal Kingdom, may the Lord God preserve us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years May we ever glorify and bless God in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

As you were at the root of a pious and most honorable branch, blessed Alexandra, for Christ manifests you as a kind of Divine treasure of the Russian land, a new miracle worker, glorious and God-pleasing. And today, having come together in your memory with faith and love, in psalms and singing we joyfully glorify the Lord, who gave you the grace of healing. Pray to him to save this city, and for our country to be pleasing to God, and for our sons of Russia to be saved.