Radonezh miracle worker. Beginning of monastic life

The influence of St. Sergius led, among other things, to a noticeable revival of the desire for monastic life: from 1240 to 1340, about 30 new monasteries arose, and in the next century, from 1340 to 1440, the generation of the Battle of Kulikovo and its immediate descendants gave the world founders up to 150 new monasteries. The direction of monastic life also changed. Until the middle of the 14th century, “almost all monasteries in Rus' arose in cities or under their walls.” Subsequently, a decisive numerical superiority was gained by the monasteries that arose far from cities, on uncultivated lands, and the monastic struggle against the spiritual shortcomings of man was combined with new struggle- “with inconvenience external nature“, and “this second goal has become a new means to achieve the first.”

However, the monks' flight from the temptations of the world served his immediate needs. Until the middle of the 14th century, the Russian population was locked between the Oka and Upper Volga rivers - in a triangle, the exit from which to the west, south and southeast was blocked by the Tatars and Lithuania. Open path to the north and northeast it led beyond the Volga, into a remote, impassable region, here and there inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes. Russian peasants were afraid to settle in these places. “The desert monk went there as a brave scout.”

From the middle of the 14th century until the end of the 15th century, new monasteries for the most part arose beyond the Volga, among the Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Vologda forests. Russian monasticism peacefully conquered the Finnish pagan Trans-Volga region for the Christian Church and the Russian people. Numerous forest monasteries became strongholds of peasant colonization.

In any Orthodox church you will always find an icon with the image of the Venerable Elder Sergius of Radonezh. His large, famous icon conveys to us his serious and thoughtful look. Sergius of Radonezh - it was truly great miracle worker Russian land, to whom we and our descendants should be grateful until the end of time. However, not many people know about his merits and exploits.

In 2014, on May 3 (16), the entire Christian Orthodox world celebrated the 700th anniversary of the birth of the visionary elder, who became famous for his holiness during his lifetime. Throughout Rus' he was revered by various rulers, boyars, princes and simple peasant people.

Icon of Sergius of Radonezh. Photo

Everyone knows that icons of holy worshipers help people solve their problems. Therefore, I definitely want to know how the icon of Sergius of Radonezh helps. First of all, you need to know that only through sincere prayer and faith to this holy man and to God can people receive protection from any unpleasant life circumstances. Parents ask him for help in raising their children, protecting them from bad influences, giving them humility and taming their young pride, since this is the greatest evil, which later causes a lot of trouble. With all this, people turn to him with different requests.

The icon of Sergius of Radonezh is not noticeable. Her photo, however, makes us think about whether we are doing everything right, whether we are ready to sacrifice our lives for our Fatherland, as our heroic ancestors did at the prompting of the great seer.

Icon "Sergius of Radonezh". Meaning in Orthodoxy

God gave him signs of grace, he could heal the sick. He once even resurrected his dying son through his father's desperate prayers. The Monk Sergius was able to see and hear at a distance. But the most remarkable and miraculous was the appearance of the Mother of God with the Apostle Peter to the elder during the Nativity Fast in 1384.

The Monk Sergius of Radonezh reposed peacefully on September 25 (October 8), 1392. Exactly 30 years later, his relics were discovered, and today they are kept in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra near Moscow.

This holy elder is always asked for intercession in fate Orthodox Rus'. The icon "Sergius of Radonezh" has become a real amulet for Russia against its enemies.


Our God-bearing father Sergius was born in Rostov to pious parents Cyril and Mary, who were later also canonized. The Lord himself chose the future saint to serve. His mother, being pregnant, stood at the service, and at this time the cry of the baby was heard three times in the womb. The people standing around also heard this, and then the priest realized that soon a faithful servant of the Holy Trinity would appear in this world. The baby, who would later be named Bartholomew, jumped joyfully before the Lord and His Church as John the Baptist jumped joyfully in the womb of his mother before the Most Holy Theotokos.

The born baby Bartholomew no longer took his mother’s breast on Wednesdays and Fridays. This was the beginning of his great abstinence and fasting.


As a teenager he was sent to school, but he was prevented from studying well bad memory. An elder monk helped him in this, or, to be more precise, an angel sent by God, whom he met while walking through an oak grove. The elder promised that from now on the boy would study well himself, and then he would teach others. So the very young Bartholomew accepted the blessing, and from now on he had no problems with his studies. But instead of the usual children's games, he devoted all his free time to reading the Holy Scriptures.

The icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh is very necessary for parents, as it can help them in raising their children. And it is simply necessary for students who have difficulty studying, for whom weak memory and attention. In general, the icon "Sergius of Radonezh" should be in everyone Orthodox home and in every believing family.


Then Bartholomew's parents moved from Rostov to Radonezh. There they rested in peace. After this, in 1337, the future saint distributed his inheritance to poor people and settled on Makovets Hill with his brother Stefan, a Khotkovsky monk of the Intercession Monastery. They built a hut on this site. So Bartholomew labored as a monk away from people, and began to pray unceasingly. Soon his brother left this wild, deserted abode, unable to withstand the harsh life.

After some time, Hieromonk Mitrofan came to him and blessed young Bartholomew to become a monk. He was then 23 years old, and they named him Sergius. Having learned about such a pious monk, other monks began to come and settle in his monastery. He received everyone kindly. Together with the brethren, they first built a small chapel, which Bishop Theognostos consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. Then, with the grace of Christ, the monastery was built. One day Archimandrite Simon came to them from Smolensk, he brought precious gifts and gave them into the hands of Father Sergius. These funds were used to build a large church and expand the monastery.

To this day, this church stands, renovated, in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery near Moscow, where both the holy relics and the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh are located. This monastery is always crowded with pilgrims from all over Russia, who go there to honor the memory of the holy elder and ask him for protection and patronage.

Trinity Monastery. 1355

Over time, with the blessing of the Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheus, a communal charter was introduced in the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh in 1355. The territory of the monastery was divided into three parts - public, residential and defensive. In the center of the monastery stood the new wooden Church of the Holy Trinity. The abbot of the monastery first became the previously mentioned abbot Mitrofan, and after his death - the Monk Sergius of Radonezh.

Soon the Trinity Monastery, supported by the great princes, began to be considered the center of the Moscow lands. It was here that the Monk Sergius of Radonezh blessed the army of Dmitry Donskoy for victory in battle with the horde of Mamai.

The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the birthday of the Mother of God, September 8 (September 21, new style), 1380. The date was not chosen by chance, because the Mother of God herself was the patron of Rus'. The monks of the Trinity Monastery Peresvet and Oslyabya, who had received the blessing of St. Sergius, entered the battlefield; they were once glorious warriors in Dmitry’s squad. It was everyone's sacred duty Orthodox Christian. The victory was won, many brothers died in those days. After the battle, Dmitry Donskoy came to the Trinity Monastery to personally notify Father Sergius of the victory.

There is such an extraordinary miraculous icon St. Sergius of Radonezh, where he blesses Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the Battle of Kulikovo. This icon can heal diseases and protect real warriors from injury and death.

Battle of Kulikovo. 1380

Let us dwell on the Battle of Kulikovo in more detail, because it was a great battle of Russian troops led by the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and the military leader of the Golden Horde, Khan Mamai.

Western, as they say today, occult curators and psychologists persuaded Mamai to go to Moscow and said that this war would strengthen the power and influence of the Golden Horde, and that Mamai as a commander could easily compete with Tamerlane himself. The West helped its mentor with weapons, money and specialists in taking fortresses. A military contingent with Genoese infantry was even presented. All that was required from Mamai was to destroy Muscovy as soon as possible, destroy and burn to the ground cities and villages, and make slaves the entire Slavic population. And after this victory it will be possible to attack with all our might Novgorod land, in order to destroy and plunder it, especially since the troops of the Lithuanian Catholic Jagiello and the Livonian knights are always ready to come to the rescue. In the spring of 1380, the Khan's steppe army of thousands moved from the Volga to the Don.

The Decisive Role of St. Sergius

Most historians agree that a very important and main role The Monk Sergius of Radonezh played a role in the unification of Rus' before the advancing formidable enemy. At that difficult moment, many Russian principalities, which had previously waged endless internecine wars, united into a single fist. Saint Sergius managed to do the literally impossible - to reconcile two religions that were warring at that time. He showed the Vedic Russians that the true teaching of Jesus Christ had nothing in common with Western Christianity, that Christ never taught to organize crusades, burn Vedic temples and heretics at the stake. He showed Russian Christians that true Christianity is as deep a teaching as their ancient faith, therefore there is no reason for religious hostility, since now perverted Christianity is coming from the West, where the most terrible and vile crimes are being committed under the name of Christ.

It is these unrest for Orthodox Rus' that the icon “Sergius of Radonezh” hides. Still, it was not for nothing that he was called “The Sorrower of the Russian Land,” since he never ceased to care about it and with his incessant prayers contributed to its spiritual uplift and liberation from Tatar yoke.

Siege of the Trinity Lavra

So, the victory on the Kulikovo Field became a turning point in the struggle for the liberation of Rus' from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. However, the final liberation from it occurred much later - in 1480. The nomadic raids continued for a long time, in 1408 the Trinity Monastery was completely burned. But it literally rose again from the ashes, and people rebuilt it. In 1422, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was also reburied.

The road from Moscow to Rostov, and then to Arkhangelsk, passed through the monastery. The heirs to the throne were baptized at the Trinity Monastery Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible. Over time, the monastery turned into a serious defensive fortress. It was surrounded by strong stone walls that connected 12 towers. Ivan the Terrible personally supervised this construction.

Soon all this came in handy when defending the monastery from the numerous troops of False Dmitry II.

Resistance to interventionists. 1608-1609

In 1608-1609, the Sergiev Posad land repulsed the invaders. For 16 months there were terrible battles. The Poles wanted to rob the monastery and kill the defenders, who during the times of great unrest remained faithful to their Fatherland. Then the governors were the okolnichy prince G.B. Roshcha-Dolgoruky and the nobleman Alexei Golokhvastov. These defenders were strong in spirit, and their monastery was full of faith and was under the protection of the great wonderworker Sergius. At his coffin everyone kissed the cross and swore that they would never surrender their monastery to the enemy. After heavy attacks and started due to poor nutrition scurvy, which claimed hundreds of lives over many months, only about 300 warriors remained in the monastery, although initially there were 2,400 people. These insignificant forces of the monastery were opposed by 15 to 30 thousand of the best armed forces of the Polish governors Sapieha and Lisovsky, who also had 60 guns.

On the night of one of the most decisive battles, when thousands of Polish troops rushed to the fortress, the impossible happened. Their troops, due to some fatal mistake, heavy fog, or ridiculous orders from their superiors, shot themselves, mistaking allied troops for enemies. And the besieged also very courageously met the enemy with fire. The next morning, joy knew no bounds, as the enemy siege weapons were abandoned and the enemy fled. With the name of God, the support of the Mother of God and the Holy Father Sergius, the heroic Russian soldiers held out. They were confident that victory would be theirs.

There was a lot of evidence of how Saint Sergius of Radonezh helped and advised his soldiers. He even appeared in a subtle dream to one monk and suggested that an enemy mine was underway under the monastery, and then two peasants blew themselves up and this mine, thereby accomplishing a great feat in the name of God and the Fatherland.

I really want to hope that the icon of Sergius of Radonezh, the prayer to this saint and his veneration, even today, will not leave Russia without his support.

Minin and Pozharsky. 1610

You cannot ignore the history associated with Minin and Pozharsky. After all, it is known from history that the comrade-in-arms of the governor Prince Pozharsky in the pious cause of expelling the Catholic interventionists was the landowner and butcher by trade Kozma Minin. He was distinguished by chastity and other virtues, loving silence, he always had God in his heart. One day, the Wonderworker Sergius of Radonezh appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to collect money and soldiers and go to Moscow, where he wanted to take the Russian throne. Polish king, who prepared Rus' for the adoption of the union.

At first Minin did not attach any significance to his dream. The landowner thought: “Well, who am I to do such things? important matters, and who will listen to me? But then the dream repeated itself twice more, and Minin, eventually repenting of his disobedience, decided on a God-pleasing deed. Minin and Pozharsky began to gather people throughout Rus'.

On March 19, 1611, a spontaneous uprising against the interventionists began in Moscow; the Poles were unable to resist it and locked themselves in Kitay-Gorod and the Kremlin and burned Moscow. The situation was very difficult. The Poles have settled in the capital, in the north-west the Swedes are seizing Russian lands, in the southern outskirts hordes of Crimean Tatars are rampaging...

However, on August 22-24, the interventionists had less than half of their troops left. The Poles suffered heavy losses. The hope of owning the Moscow state was irrevocably destroyed. This means that Saint Sergius of Radonezh, whose icon and cross was always of help to them, heard the prayers of the defenders of Rus'.

Analyzing all these events, you begin to understand that it is not in vain and not by chance that at the most difficult moment for the Russian land, every time people encounter the image of St. Sergius.

I would certainly like to note that in Orthodox Christianity, military service is a God-pleasing activity. The Church always teaches us patriotism and love for the Motherland. This is the meaning that is embedded in the description of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh.


The life of the youth Bartholomew has become an example for modern children and youth, which convinces us that unpleasant external circumstances or such objective ones as ill health, inability to learn, can either destroy life or provide the basis for the formation of a strong personality and its special character traits, which happened to our venerable father Sergius of Radonezh.

Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh always hears our prayers for our families, children, parents, and therefore for the future of the Fatherland.

Personalized icon of St. Sergei of Radonezh.

He is the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad.

Saint Sergius of Radonezh .

In history, there are sometimes facts that future outstanding personalities in childhood do not receive elementary gifts from God: memory and the ability to master teaching. They try their best, but the results are disastrous. They are punished and laughed at. Driven to extreme despair, some spend the whole night crying and begging to ask God for help. And, suddenly, they receive a unique gift. This was the case, for example, with John of Kronstadt. Something similar happened to Bartholomew, the future Sergius of Radonezh.

Born into a family of noble, but not very rich boyars, simple, calm, hardworking people, the boy was also always at work. He knew how to handle horses, drove them into the field, home, and at night.

The torment began at the age of 7 while studying at a church school, where studying was completely impossible, despite great perseverance and diligence. The teacher punishes, the kids laugh at him, the parents try to influence his conscience. He cries alone.

The boy loved solitude, dreaming in nature, but at the same time he conscientiously carried out any task entrusted to him. This characteristic all his life.

One day, completely saddened by his failures, he wandered through the fields and forest, looking for foals, and came across an old man standing by an oak tree. Chernorizets, seeing the saddened boy, asked why he was so upset. Bartholomew spoke with tears about his grief and asked the elder to pray to God to help him succeed in reading and writing.

The presbyter (that was his rank) was praying at the oak tree, and the boy stood nearby. After the prayer, the elder, blessing Bartholomew with a piece of prosphora, said to eat, adding that this is a sign of grace and for understanding Holy Scripture that he will master literacy better than his comrades. The elder, invited by the boy to the house, told Kirill and Maria, his parents, about the great future of their son before God and country. The parents immediately remembered that the priest also said that the child would be a servant of the Holy Trinity, since, while in the womb, he shouted loudly three times during the service, frightening those around him.

Bartholomew began to fast and pray at night after a few years, and went to church. At this time, the family moved to Radonezh. After some time, the parents went to monasteries, and soon died.

After the death of his parents, Bartholomew persuaded his brother Stefan, who was a monk in the Intercession Monastery, to go with him to a deserted place. In a deep forest, they built not only a home for themselves, but also a church in the name of the Holy Trinity, which was consecrated by the Metropolitan of Kiev. But Stephen soon left, and Bartholomew was tonsured a monk, taking the name “Sergius”; after his communion, the church was filled with fragrance. He was about 23 years old, he lived alone in the desert, he was attacked by demons, frightened, threatened, but he drove them out with the cross and prayer.

Monks came to Sergius, some stayed and built cells for themselves. When there were 12 of them, after much persuasion and at the behest of Bishop Athanasius of Pereslavl, Sergius became abbot of the Trinity Monastery (Trinity-Sergius Lavra near Moscow), instructed the brothers, took care of them, performed all the work, and wore shabby old clothes. He had unique abilities. There was no water near the monastery. Through his prayer, a healing spring arose.

One evening, Sergius saw many birds in the bright light in the sky, and a voice said that soon there would be many monks in the monastery. The prediction came true, since with the consent of the Russian Metropolitan, the Greeks came to the monastery. In addition, wanderers and beggars found shelter in the monastery.

One day the monastery ran out of bread. Sergius called on the upset brothers to pray. Before they had time to finish the prayer, they heard a knock at the gate: several carts with warm bread drove in. The drivers did not know who had entrusted them with the grain.

During one service at the Trinity Monastery, a man in shining robes served the liturgy together with the abbot, and radiance emanated from him. The abbot did not want to say for a long time who it was. Then he admitted that it was God's angel. Many brothers, with the help of Sergius, organized their own monasteries.

Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the battle with the Tatars from Sergius. In a moment of doubt among the Russians at the sight of the huge Tatar army, a messenger appeared from the monk who encouraged them. The Russians won. Sergius saw all the events on the battlefield, who died and how many. In honor of the victory, the Assumption Monastery was built, and the disciple Sergius Savva was appointed abbot. Prince Dmitry asked to build the Epiphany Monastery in Golutvino. Sergius himself chose the place, built a church, leaving his disciple Gregory there.

Prince Dmitry Serpukhovsky asked Sergius to found a monastery on his estate, which was done. The monk left his disciple Athanasius in the Conception Monastery.

Sergius of Radonezh was not only the founder and organizer of monasteries, a remarkable miracle worker, a great ascetic, but also a healer. Many people came to him for healing.

The peasant brought the sick boy to Sergius’s cell, but the boy died immediately. The upset father went to get the coffin, and when he returned, he saw his son healthy. Sergius resurrected the boy with prayer and asked him not to talk about the miracle. We learned about this from a student.

One nobleman suffered from a demon. He was taken by force to the monastery. The demon was cast out.

A poor man complained that his rich neighbor took his hog away without paying for it. The rich man promised the abbot to give money to the poor man, but he did not fulfill his promise. However, upon entering the pantry, I discovered a completely rotten carcass, although it was frosty. This miracle frightened him, he gave the money.

The bishop from Constantinople, not believing in Sergius’ unique abilities, came to look at him. Entering the monastery, he immediately became blind. He regained his sight after the healing performed by the “saint.” All miracles, help and healings cannot be listed in one article.

After the Mother of God appeared to Sergius with the apostles, promising that she would not leave the Trinity Monastery with her care, the monk realized that he would soon have to leave the earth. This was six months before his death.

A fragrance spread throughout the room. Despite his will to bury him with his brothers outside the church, with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill, he was buried in the church. Many people came and came to him, including princes, boyars, priests, and monks.

30 years later, under Abbot Nikon, they built on the site of a wooden new temple « Life-Giving Trinity" The monk appeared to one resident and asked him to tell the abbot to pull out the coffin, around which there was water, which was constricting the body. The coffin was found in the water, but the body and clothes were unharmed. This happened on July 5 (18), 1422. On this day the Church celebrates his memory.

The relics of Sergius of Radonezh are in the Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius, which he created. Previously it was called “Zagorsk”, now “Sergiev Posad” near Moscow. In addition, in several churches in Moscow there are pieces of relics.

There are icons of the saint with particles of relics in the following churches:

  • Trinity Life-Giving (monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra);
  • St. Nicholas in Klenniki;
  • Elijah the Ordinary.

In the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Arkhangelsk-Tyurikov there is the famous miraculous icon “The Appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius of Radonezh.” It was found in the forest in 1995. Or rather, a dark board from which a glow emanated in the temple at night. Gradually she renewed herself.

Prayers to St. Sergius of Radonezh help adults and children and protect them from life’s problems. Children will be protected from academic failure. They will help punish offenders and win a court case. Holy wonderful healer.

The Orthodox Church considers the date of birth of Sergius of Radonezh to be May 3 (New Style) 1314. In connection with the 700th anniversary of the birth of the great ascetic, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, a grand celebration is being planned for 2014 in the Lavra and Sergius Posad.

An exhibition dedicated to the Saint has already opened in St. Petersburg at the State Museum of the History of Religion. Rare icons are presented.

The icon of Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most revered Orthodox shrines. The life of the saint is an example of the true and faithful path that ultimately leads to God. The image of the righteous helps everyone who wants to ask the Lord for help.

Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most significant figures in Orthodoxy. His name is known to every believer. The whole world prays to him, relying on his support and protection to get rid of all problems on the path of spiritual growth. There is none Orthodox man, who, having indulged in sincere prayers near the icon of the martyr, would not have received gracious help.

History of the icon

Russian Orthodox Church ranks Sergius of Radonezh among the most respected and revered saints. The Monk Sergius lived in the 14th century and devoted himself entirely to serving the Lord. He lived a godly life, keeping all the Bible commandments. The saint strictly adhered to fasting and did not violate the laws of God, instructing righteous people by his example. Sergius did not admit laziness, he always worked hard. He was kind to all people, helping the poor and needy.

As a young man, Sergius of Radonezh went into the forest alone. Far from the city and people, he built a dwelling, where he lived for a long time and prayed to the Lord daily. His prayers were sent to God with requests for the protection of Russian lands and support for the Russian people. The saint repeatedly refused work offered to him in the metropolis Russian state, because he treated politics with contempt. He lived a solitary life and served only God.

During his lifetime, the monk helped many people in need, revived their faith in Christ, and became support and support in difficult times. Thanks to his devotion to the Lord and unshakable faith, he earned the love of the Orthodox people and the respect of the church. After his death, Sergius of Radonezh became one of the saints.

Where are the relics and icon of Sergius of Radonezh

Great amount churches throughout Russia are named in honor of the holy martyr Sergius of Radonezh. Shrines with the image of the pious Sergius can be found in every church in our Motherland. Most often, Christians from all over the world come to Sergiev Posad to the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, where the earliest icon of Sergius of Radonezh and the relics of the saint, which have miraculous powers, are kept.

Description of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh

Traditionally, on the shrine, icon painters depict Sergius of Radonezh himself, the holy elder, in full height or waist-deep. His shoulders are covered with a monk's robe. The novice's cassock is usually depicted in black or red. In his left hand the monk holds an unfolded scroll, symbolizing the desire for knowledge, and with the other hand the monk gestures to bless the believers. With all his appearance, the martyr calls for fortitude, devotion to faith, meekness and zeal. Even when looking at a shrine, you can overcome pride and become a better person, taking the path of spiritual growth.

How does the holy image help?

Before the face of the saint, people pray for deliverance from vanity, pride and selfishness. The martyr helps to overcome one of the most serious mortal sins - pride. Christians ask Sergius in prayer for help with any earthly needs and needs. Often a saint helps resolve life's difficulties, gives beneficial advice and guides on the right path. Also Orthodox people They pray to the martyr for healing of ailments, recovery from various diseases and help in studies.

Days of celebration

Officially, 4 days a year are set aside for the veneration of the saint, according to the holiday calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church.

  • The first day is considered to be October 8 (September 25 according to the old style). On this day the saint ended his earthly life.
  • The second day is considered to be July 18 (July 5, old style). This date is considered special for Orthodox believers, since on this day the relics of Sergius were found.
  • June 5 (May 23) is the third day when Christians honor the martyr. Every year on June 5, people pay tribute to all the saints who walked their righteous path in the Rostov-Yaroslavl lands, including Sergius of Radonezh.
  • The fourth celebration in honor of the saint is held on July 19 (July 6, old style). This day is known as “The Day in Honor of the Radonezh Cathedral.” It is celebrated the day after the discovery of the relics of Sergius.

Prayer before the icon

“Oh, Saint Sergius! Hear our sincere prayers, pray for our souls before the Lord and ask for the forgiveness of our sins. Deliver us from grief and suffering, guide us on the righteous path and do not allow us to leave the road leading to better life. Become our shield and sword. Don't let fear and doubt consume us. Drive away pride and vanity from us. Heal our bodies from illnesses, and free our souls from anger and sadness. We repent and ask for your support. May we glorify your name. Let God's will be done for everything. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And forever and ever. Amen".

Sergius of Radonezh is the intercessor of the entire Orthodox people. Even after his death, he remained in the memory of people as a man who accomplished the feat of faith and achieved unity with the Lord. Prayers addressed to him and other saints will become a kind of conductor of your words to God. When faced with difficulties face to face, you can rely on the help of a Higher Power. We wish you strong faith, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Monk of the Russian Church, founder of the Trinity Monastery near Moscow, transformer of monasticism in Northern Rus'. (Wikipedia)

July 5 (old)/ July 18 (new style)- acquisition of honest relics (1422);
July 6 (old)/ July 19 (new style)— Cathedral of Radonezh Saints;
September 25 (old) / October 8 (new style)- repose (death) (1392).
Besides, August 24 (September 6) The appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius is celebrated.

Date and place of birth: 14 May 1314, p. Varnitsy, (near Rostov the Great)
Date and place of death: September 25, 1392 (age 78), Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius

St. Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most famous Russian saints. Founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, teacher and mentor of many dozens of Russian saints. The monk truly became the abbot and intercessor of the entire Russian Land, an example of meekness and humility for monks and laity. They pray to St. Sergius for help in learning, in monastic work, for overcoming passions, for increasing faith, for preserving the Fatherland from the invasion of foreigners.

Brief Life

The Monk Sergius was born in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, on May 3, 1314, into the family of pious and noble boyars Kirill and Maria. The Lord chose him from his mother's womb. In the Life St. Sergius It is narrated that during the Divine Liturgy, even before the birth of her son, Righteous Mary and the worshipers heard the baby exclamation three times: before the reading of the Holy Gospel, during the Cherubic Song and when the priest said: “Holy to Holies.” God gave the Monk Cyril and Mary a son, who was named Bartholomew.

From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting; on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept mother’s milk; on other days, if Maria ate meat, the baby also refused mother’s milk. Noticing this, Maria completely refused to eat meat.

At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study with his two brothers - the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. His brothers studied successfully, but Bartholomew lagged behind in his studies, although the teacher worked with him a lot. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished him, and his comrades mocked him for his stupidity. Then Bartholomew with tears prayed to the Lord to grant him book understanding.

One day his father sent Bartholomew to fetch horses from the field. On the way, he met an Angel sent by God in a monastic form: an old man stood under an oak tree in the middle of a field and prayed. Bartholomew approached him and, bowing, began to wait for the end of the elder’s prayer. He blessed the boy, kissed him and asked what he wanted. Bartholomew replied: “With all my soul I wish to learn to read and write, Holy Father, pray to God for me, so that He will help me learn to read and write.” The monk fulfilled Bartholomew’s request, raised his prayer to God and, blessing the youth, said to him: “From now on, God gives you, my child, to understand literacy, you will surpass your brothers and peers.” At the same time, the elder took out a vessel and gave Bartholomew a piece of prosphora: “Take it, child, and eat it,” he said. “This is given to you as a sign of God’s grace and for the understanding of Holy Scripture.” The elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew asked him to visit his parents’ house.

The parents greeted the guest with honor and offered refreshments. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place in their son. Saying goodbye, the elder prophetically predicted about St. Sergius: “Your son will be great before God and people. It will become the chosen abode of the Holy Spirit.” From then on, the holy youth easily read and understood the contents of books. With special zeal, he began to delve deeper into prayer, not missing a single service. Already in childhood he imposed on himself strict fast, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water.

Around 1328, the parents of St. Sergius moved from Rostov to Radonezh. When their eldest sons got married, Cyril and Maria, shortly before their death, took the schema at the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stefan also accepted monasticism in this monastery. Having buried his parents, Bartholomew, together with his brother Stefan, retired to live as a desert in the forest (12 versts from Radonezh). First they erected a cell, and then a small church, and with the blessing of Metropolitan Theognostus, it was consecrated in the Name of the Holy Trinity. But soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stefan left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to the monk Alexy, later Metropolitan of Moscow, commemorated February 12).

Bartholomew, on October 7, 1337, took monastic vows from Abbot Mitrofan with the name of the holy martyr Sergius (October 7) and marked the beginning of a new residence for the glory of the Life-Giving Trinity. Enduring temptations and demonic fears, the Reverend rose from strength to strength. Gradually he became known to other monks who sought his guidance.

The Monk Sergius received everyone with love, and soon a brotherhood of twelve monks was formed in the small monastery. Their experienced spiritual mentor was distinguished by his rare diligence. With his own hands he built several cells, carried water, chopped wood, baked bread, sewed clothes, prepared food for the brethren, and humbly performed other work. St. Sergius combined hard work with prayer, vigil and fasting. The brethren were surprised that with such a severe feat, the health of their mentor not only did not deteriorate, but became even stronger. Not without difficulty, the monks begged St. Sergius to accept the abbess of the monastery. In 1354, Bishop Athanasius of Volyn ordained the Rev. a hieromonk and elevated him to the rank of abbot. Monastic obediences were still strictly observed in the monastery. As the monastery grew, so did its needs. Often the monks ate meager food, but through the prayers of St. Sergius, unknown people brought everything they needed.

The glory of the exploits of St. Sergius became known in Constantinople, and Patriarch Philotheus sent the Rev. a cross, a paraman and a schema, as a blessing for new exploits, a Blessed Letter, and advised the chosen one of God to establish a cenobitic monastery. With the patriarchal message, the Reverend went to Saint Alexy and received from him advice to introduce a strict community system. The monks began to grumble about the severity of the rules, and the Reverend was forced to leave the monastery. On the Kirzhach River he founded a monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Order in the former monastery began to quickly decline, and the remaining monks turned to Saint Alexis so that he would return the saint.

The Monk Sergius unquestioningly obeyed the saint, leaving his disciple, the Monk Roman, as abbot of the Kirzhach Monastery.

During his lifetime, St. Sergius was awarded the grace-filled gift of miracles. He resurrected the boy when the desperate father considered his only son forever lost. The fame of the miracles performed by St. Sergius began to quickly spread, and sick people began to be brought to him both from surrounding villages and from distant places. And no one left the Reverend without receiving healing of ailments and edifying advice. Everyone glorified St. Sergius and reverently revered him on a par with the ancient holy fathers. But human glory did not seduce the great ascetic, and he still remained a model of monastic humility.

One day Saint Stephen, Bishop of Perm (April 27), who deeply revered the Monk, was heading from his diocese to Moscow. The road ran eight miles from the Sergius Monastery. Intending to visit the monastery on the way back, the saint stopped and, having read a prayer, bowed to St. Sergius with the words: “Peace be with you, spiritual brother.” At this time, the Monk Sergius was sitting with the brethren at meal. In response to the blessing of the saint, the Monk Sergius stood up, read a prayer and sent a return blessing to the saint. Some of the disciples, surprised by the extraordinary act of the Rev., hastened to the indicated place and, having caught up with the saint, were convinced of the truth of the vision.

Gradually the monks began to witness other similar phenomena. Once, during the liturgy, an Angel of the Lord concelebrated with the Saint, but in his humility, Saint Sergius forbade anyone to tell about this until the end of his life on earth.

Close ties of spiritual friendship and brotherly love connected St. Sergius with St. Alexis. The saint, in his declining years, called the Venerable One to him and asked to accept the Russian Metropolis, but Blessed Sergius, out of humility, refused the primacy.

The Russian land at that time suffered from the Tatar yoke. Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, having gathered an army, came to the monastery of St. Sergius to ask for a blessing for the upcoming battle. To help the Grand Duke, the Reverend blessed two monks of his monastery: schema-monk Andrei (Oslyabya) and schema-monk Alexander (Peresvet), and predicted victory for Prince Demetrius. The prophecy of St. Sergius was fulfilled: on September 8, 1380, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Russian soldiers won a complete victory over the Tatar hordes on the Kulikovo field, marking the beginning of the liberation of the Russian land from the Tatar yoke. During the battle, St. Sergius stood with his brethren in prayer and asked God to grant victory to the Russian army.

For his angelic life, St. Sergius was awarded heavenly vision from God. One night, Abba Sergius read the rule in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Having finished reading the canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to rest, but suddenly told his disciple, the Monk Micah (May 6), that a miraculous visit awaited them. A moment later she appeared Mother of God accompanied by the holy apostles Peter and John the Theologian. From unusually bright light The Monk Sergius fell on his face, but Holy Mother of God She touched him with her hands and, blessing him, promised to always patronize his holy monastery.

Having reached a very old age, the monk, having foreseen his death six months later, called the brethren to him and blessed a disciple experienced in spiritual life and obedience, the venerable Nikon (November 17), to become abbess. In silent solitude, the Monk reposed before God on September 25, 1392. The day before, the great saint of God called the brethren for the last time and addressed the words of his testament: “Take heed to yourselves, brethren. First have the fear of God, spiritual purity and unfeigned love...”

Troparion to St. Sergius of Radonezh, tone 8

From your youth you received Christ in your soul, reverend, and most of all you desired to evade worldly rebellion: you courageously moved into the desert and the children of obedience in it, the fruits of humility, you grew. Thus, having given residence to the Trinity, you enlightened with your miracles all those who come to you by faith, and abundantly provided healing to everyone. Our Father Sergius, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Troparion to St. Sergius of Radonezh, tone 4
(Finding of relics)

Today the reigning city of Moscow shines brightly, as with the radiant dawns and lightning of your miracles, it convenes the whole universe to praise you, God-Wise Sergius; Your most honorable and glorious abode, even in the Name of the Holy Trinity, you have created many of your works, Father, having your flocks within you, your disciples are filled with joy and gladness. We, celebrating the glorious discovery of your honorable relics, in the hidden lands, like a fragrant flower and a fragrant censer, kindly kissing me, accept various healings and are honored by your prayers for the forgiveness of sins, Father Reverend Sergius, pray to the Holy Trinity to save our souls.

Troparion and Kontakion to St. Sergius of Radonezh, Brothers of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Prayers to St. Sergius of Radonezh

Other sources

Library of Yakov KROTOV— THE LIFE AND MIRACLES OF THE REVEREND SERGIUS IGUMENE OF RADONEZH, RECORDED BY Reverend Epiphanius the Wise, Hieromonk Pachomius Logothetes and Elder Simon Azaryin. Moscow: Orthodox Encyclopedia, Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. M, 1997

Missionary and apologetic project “TO THE TRUTH”— The complete life of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Compiler of the Life of Sergius of Radonezh, Archimandrite Nikon of the Nativity, Archbishop of Vologda and Totem (1851 - 1919), prayer, akathist, canon, Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Publications about Sergius of Radonezh on the Pravmir.ru website: pravmir.ru

Life of Sergius of Radonezh, written on paper at the end of the 16th century, more than 600 facial images: Facial Life of Sergius of Radonezh

Additional materials

Archpriest Andrei Tkachev “Earthly angels, heavenly people.” M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 2013.-192s -

Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, video (Sense and benefit)

Paintings by Sergei Efoshkin, cycle “The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh”

Sergey Efoshkin – artist-painter, member of the Union of Artists of Russia and the International Association Fine Arts lives and works in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute. V.I.Surikov Academy of Arts. And since 1988, he himself became a teacher at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

The artist works in the genres of historical painting, portrait, landscape, book design and illustration. Sergei Efoshkin is the author of pictorial historical cycles: “The Life of St. Sergei of Radonezh, XIV century,” “From the history of the Russian State,” “The Life and Miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker,” as well as the author of the design and illustrations of the books: V.P. Stolyarov “The Legend of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, the Wonderworker”, O. Kastkina “Reverend Sergius of Radonezh”, publications of the Novospassky Monastery “ABC in Proverbs”.

A separate direction in the artist’s work was the work on murals Orthodox churches Moscow. S. Efoshkin is a repeated winner of various domestic and international competitions, actively participates in exhibition activities. It is impossible not to note the artist’s personal exhibitions that were held with great success in many cities of Russia, as well as in near and far abroad.

Book miniatures “The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh the Wonderworker”

Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. 16 postcards. Published in the printing house of the Patriarchal Publishing and Printing Center of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. -2014

Book miniatures by Tatiana Kiseleva, made in an iconographic manner, repeat the plots of the miniatures of the ancient manuscript of the Facial Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh - the oldest known manuscript of the Life of St. Sergius, the basis of which was the first biography of the saint, created by his disciple St. Epiphanius the Wise in the 15th century, a priceless artistic masterpiece, decorated with 652 miniatures.