What to do to prevent the dream from coming true. To prevent a bad dream from coming true: tips and conspiracies

A team of scientists led by Dr. Philippe Reignox from the University of Liege in Belgium conducted a 20-year experiment and studied more than 3,000 people. The result showed that, firstly, the "owls" turned out to be richer than the "larks", secondly, the former's health was much better, and thirdly, the "larks" get tired faster.

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What to do to prevent the dream from coming true

You can have different attitudes towards dreams, believe in them or not believe them, consider them a figment of our imagination or harbingers of the future. But, regardless of all this, bad dreams have the same depressing effect on almost everyone. You know the feeling when you wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night, and you realize that you dreamed about something... Something you didn’t even think about, and if you did, it was only with a shudder. And then you drive this dream away, but it just doesn’t go away, it clings to your consciousness, pops up at every opportunity. But why exactly is the dream scary? Because it can come true. This means that we need to make sure that it never comes true under any circumstances.

Taking measures against bad dreams

The first and simplest solution is to retell your dream to someone. It doesn't matter to whom. Mom, husband or wife, friend, neighbor. Here, they say, listen to what nonsense I dreamed about. It is believed that a dream spoken out loud loses its power and cannot come true (by the way, for this reason it is not recommended to share your good dreams with anyone).

But there are dreams that either you don’t want to voice out loud, or it’s simply impossible to do so - only disturbing and frightening images remain in your memory that threaten trouble, but what kind of disaster is still unclear. Don’t despair, there are also laws against such words.

What else should I do?

So, what else can you do to prevent the dream from coming true:

  • 1. A believer and baptized person is recommended to go to church, clear his thoughts of unpleasant images, light candles for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives and for the health of the living.
  • 2. If possible, light a fire. Let it be wood in the fireplace, a fire in the yard, or even a candle light. You need to look at the flame, imagining how your unpleasant dream burns in it, turns into ashes and scatters in the wind. You can write the essence of the dream on paper and burn it, and then scatter the ashes.
  • 3. In the morning, immediately after waking up, you can take a handful of small coins and throw them out the window with the words “The night has gone, the bad dream has taken away. I paid my debts, there’s nothing left.” After that go and wash your face cold water, saying, “Wash away the bad dream with some water, take it with you.” It’s better not to wipe yourself off after this, wait until the drops dry on their own.

As you can see, there are many options on how to prevent the dream from coming true. Well, in order to bad dream you didn't dream about it again, make a dream catcher. This is a kind of amulet that is made with your own hands from available natural materials. Most often it is crafted in the form of a closed circle with various additions. You can find many options for making it on the Internet.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

Few doubt the existence prophetic dreams. History and human experience are replete with examples of how images of the future come in dreams. It happens that dreams foreshadow misfortune. But knowledgeable people They say that there is nothing fatal in the world, any dream can be “cancelled”.

So, if you had an unpleasant dream, when you wake up, immediately say: “Where the night goes, the dream goes.” When you get out of bed, repeat this phrase open window. After that, without talking to anyone, go to the bathroom and wash your face three times with cold tap water. Then place your hands under the running water and repeat the above phrase three times. Now head to the kitchen, pour a glass of water there and dissolve one teaspoon of salt in it. Say: “As this salt melts, so my dream will not come true.” Then turn your back to the sink and throw water from the glass over your left shoulder. There is another way to avoid the consequences of a negative dream. Without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, you need to say: “Rise up the good, and crack the bad in half.” To prevent bad things from coming true, some experts recommend not telling anyone about bad dreams. There is even a special technique: if you tell the content of a dream to three people, it will lose its evil power. But in reality, this can only worsen the situation and lead to the materialization of the dream. You shouldn’t tell anyone your dreams before lunch. An exception can be made only for those who interpret dreams well. Sometimes adjustments can be made to dreams. Try this. Let's say if you dreamed of a black cat, imagine that you have a brush with white paint in your hands. Mentally repaint the animal in White color- and troubles will pass you by! If you dream that you are falling into an abyss, imagine that you are growing wings. Then in real life you will be able to “soar” above a negative situation and find a non-standard way out. Try to destroy any image that frightens you in a dream - tear it into pieces, set it on fire, throw it in a hole, bury it or blow it up. It happens that somehow relatives and friends don’t dream very well: they get sick, find themselves in unpleasant situations. Try, without waking up, to replace the negative with the positive, imagining the person as healthy and prosperous. This will help remove the negativity. And one more thing: you don’t need to wait for unfortunate events to occur after a nightmare. After all, your thoughts can attract negativity. If the same nightmare or “not good” dream is repeated more than once, write down its contents. This will help protect you from harm. A glass or cup of water will help you escape from obsessive nightmares. clean water(better with holy water). You need to put it on at night. It will absorb negative energy. Under no circumstances should you drink this water or wash your face with it. The next morning you need to pour it out, and put in a fresh one in the evening. What should you do to make good dreams come true? In this case, it is useful to remember the details of a happy dream. This must be done until the dream comes true. But you can’t tell anyone a good dream: when it comes true, then share it. The fact is that others may be skeptical about your story and thus interfere with the fulfillment of the dream.> There are also purely magical ways. When you wake up in the morning, without opening your eyes, say: “What I saw in my dream, I took everything for myself.” After this, clearly imagine the image of the desired event. You can also now find on sale an amulet called “dream catcher”. As experts note, it relieves nightmares and wards off bad dreams, but does not affect the “come true” of good dreams. It should be borne in mind that some dreams come true in the opposite way. So, kissing someone in a dream can warn of an upcoming quarrel or even a breakup with this person. If you dream that you got the job you dreamed of, or successfully passed the exams and entered a university, then in reality you may face complete failure. But dreams in which you fail in some area, on the contrary, can portend success. I would also like to note that it is not always and not in all cases necessary to turn to dream books and dream interpreters. If the dream left behind a vivid impression, a certain mood, then perhaps you should not watch its “scientific” interpretation. Just believe that a positive dream will come true, and a negative one will bypass your life.

What needs to be done so that the dream does not come true? First of all, you shouldn’t attach everything you see in a dream great importance, worry, fall into panic even from the worst dream. Nightmares are especially frightening when we see creatures from the other world. You run, but you can’t get far, you feel so heavy that you can’t move or scream. Nightmares include bites from poisonous and wild animals, fighting them, as well as when darkness, earth, and all this suffocate you, you lack air, press on your chest and are accompanied by an indescribable feeling of fear.

But not only did you experience fear in a dream, but in reality you are also worried and worried about what consequences await you in the future. What should be done to horrible dream didn't come true? To do this, when you wake up, immediately say three times: “I had a dream, from the servant of God (name) rolled off into the distance, into the endless distance. Wherever there is night, there comes sleep.” And don't tell it to anyone. After the manipulations, the dream will not come true. But what should we do to prevent “horror films” from disturbing us during sleep? The most the best way against them is to develop the ability to control your own dreams, i.e. when you wake up in a cold sweat from the horror you have experienced, turn over, read the “Our Father,” close your eyes and try to continue the action of the dream, imagining how you defeat the enemy.

You can also put a sprig of wormwood under the pillow, which will drive away evil spirits, or hang a small wreath woven from gray feathers.

You can make a protective magic circle around your bed every night before going to bed. To do this, take a small round one-way mirror, stand at the head of the bed and, turning clockwise three times, hold the mirror so that the walls of the bedroom are reflected in it. Read the plot, imagining how a mirror wall grows around your bed, which will reflect all the bad things: “Fear, not fear, I’m not afraid of shaggy sleep. There is a wall around my bed from heaven to earth, from earth to sky. I’ll lie down, lock myself up, I’m not afraid of anyone.” These simple rituals will prevent nightmares that bother you.

If you had a bad dream , at dawn say: “I will put on the holy robe and stand on the dome. Just as a shadow does not drop its shadow, a hand does not eat a hand, or curse its tongue, so a bad dream passes and does not come true. Lord Jesus Christ, protect me! Amen. Amen. Amen". If you had a bad dream, then to prevent it from coming true, perform the following ritual. You need to take in your hand the candle that was lit when the priest blessed the Easter cakes on Easter, and walk around your home 12 times. Cross all the corners and say: “Father of Hosts, place the Cross of Crosses from heaven to earth. Lock up my shelter. The House of Christ is the Lord's cover. Here is the Most Pure Mother of God with her angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, with all heavenly forces, protect us from all enemies, adversaries. Amen. Amen. Amen". During this ritual, you can also read the following prayer: “Saint John the Warrior, place your bright guard on my estate, around my house, on the windows and on the doors. Guard my house and everyone living in it. Amen".

If you had a nightmare , which causes you anxiety and restlessness even after waking up, do so. Stand with your left foot halfway up the threshold, thumb hide your left hand into a fist. And with your right hand, sign yourself with the sign of the cross and say quietly, almost in a whisper: “The devil is to the devil, God remains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" (3 times). Then wash your face without soap. At the same time, say: “Whatever bad things you dreamed about at night has already been washed away with this water. Let it be so".
If the anxiety does not go away, it makes sense to “visit a church and light a candle in it for the health of your enemies. If after this the problem persists, then we can assume that an astral attack was committed on you psychic attack, and then it is removed as damage.

If you had a bad dream , then after waking up, say 9 times: “What arrived in a dream disappeared without a trace at sunset! Amen. Amen. Amen!" If this dream is from the night, then refrain from eating until noon, but you can drink. If you are dreaming during the day, then do not eat before sunrise. After you have had a bad dream, light a church candle bought for a big holiday, take it to right hand and, turning your face to the east, whisper the prayer “Our Father” 9 times. Afterwards, go around your entire home clockwise, making the sign of the wide sign of the cross over the windows and doors and saying: “Lord, forgive and have mercy on me, the servant of God (your name). May it be done according to Your word and deed! Amen! Amen! Amen!" If you had a bad dream at night, then when you wake up 30 minutes later, do this: sprinkle cold water on your face, and say three times: “What was dreamed is forgotten. If it wasn’t forgotten, it didn’t come true! Amen!"

What to do to make the dream come true?

Don't tell anyone about him. Don't try to interpret it. Take it literally, “as it is.” If you are a believer, pray to the God (or gods) of your religion for the dream to come true. However, there is an opinion that dreams seen in certain days from the new moon, do not come true under any circumstances, but it’s still worth a try. In fairy tales and legends different nations there are references to happy dream can be bought from the person who dreamed about it. In this case, the dream will come true for the buyer - but only if he does not tell anyone about it.

What to do to prevent the dream from coming true?

The famous Siberian witch Natalya Stepanova recommends the following: “To prevent bad dreams from coming true, you need to wake up and not look out the window or say one of the spells:

1. Wherever there is night, there comes sleep.
2. Good dream rise again, crack the bad one in half.
3. What I saw in a dream, I will not see in reality.

In addition, a bad dream must be immediately “exchanged”, i.e. tell me as much as possible more of people. All these remedies are considered necessary and useful, although they can only weaken the influence of a bad dream, but cannot cancel it completely.

In order for a bad dream to have no consequences at all, you need to “work off” it, i.e. in one form or another, repeat the events of a dream in reality. After this, the dream will be considered fulfilled, and the events predicted by it will no longer happen."

Notes from ethnographers and missionaries often report similar rituals among “primitive” peoples. Thus, the case of an Iroquois warrior who dreamed that his enemies had taken him prisoner is widely known. Waking up, he hurried to his neighbor and persuaded him to “take him prisoner” for fun. He sat tied up behind his wigwam for three days, after which he regained his confidence and was released.

Here is an example from very recent times. For some time now, one woman began to dream disturbing dream: as if she's walking with infant, and suddenly it becomes dark around. When the dream repeated three or four times, she became alarmed and went to her “grandmother” for advice. She actually suggested that she go out for a walk with the child at sunset and return to the house when it was completely dark. After this, the bad dreams stopped, and nothing bad happened to the child.

What to do with imaginary dreams?

Dreams are a perishable “product”: already in the first seconds after awakening, sleep is often destroyed by 80, or even 100%. Trying to remember our dream, we often invent it, giving events logical coherence and “finishing” hopelessly forgotten episodes. In addition, some people have the habit of openly falsifying their dreams, telling others what they actually did not dream. Why they do this - God knows, but the question is different: is there any point in interpreting such dreams? And are they able to predict the future?

Experienced interpreters of all countries and backgammon answer this question in the affirmative: of course, such dreams can also predict the future. As an example, let me cite the famous story of an extremely volatile dream that occurred in China during the Age of the Three Kingdoms (220-264 AD).

One day, a man came to the dream interpreter Zhao Xuan and said, “Last night I saw a straw dog in my dream. What does this mean?” The interpreter said that he would soon be invited to a sumptuous dinner.

And so it happened. After some time, the same man came to the same interpreter and said that he had again seen a straw dog in a dream. Zhou warned him: “Be careful: you might fall off the cart and break your leg!” Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. The man then came to Zhou again and told him the same dream. Zhou replied: “Be very careful: there may be a fire in your house!” And the fire really happened. Finally, this man came to Zhou and admitted that he had never dreamed of the straw dog, he was simply testing the interpreter. To this Zhou replied: “So what? All the same, the spirits made you think about a straw dog, and how they did it is not at all important.”

But why were the interpretations so different? Zhou explained that the straw dog was a sacred symbol that the ancients used as a sacrifice to the gods. At first it was placed on the table during an important ceremonial meal. When the ceremony was over, she was thrown onto the road and run over by a cart, and then burned. All this happened to a man who “had a dream” about a straw dog three times in a row.

Dreams and fantasies arise in the same brain and stem from the same source, which is called the subconscious. Therefore, any invention and fantasy of a person can be interpreted according to the same rules as a dream, and is subject to the same laws. Sometimes “invented” dreams come true literally: remember that Pushkin, like Lensky, was killed in a winter duel, which he himself started; that all the circumstances of Lermontov’s death were described in advance by him in “A Hero of Our Time,” and the author of “Notes of a Madman” at the end of his days almost went crazy.

All our fantasies come true someday, and the only difference between them and dreams is that we can consciously influence their form. But their content is still dictated by something beyond consciousness.

Anyone can have unpleasant dreams. They often frighten, and a person sees terrible pictures, waking up in a cold sweat the next morning. What to do to prevent such a dream from coming true, and do nightmares always predict troubles in reality?

To do this, you need to know the nature of unpleasant dreams or perform several rituals if the horror can really come true. Here is some information about dreams that can predict various troubles or dangerous situations.

Where do nightmares come from?

There are several versions of their origin. Negative dreams with bloody and dramatic scenes are often seen by those who experience a feeling of fear in life, and are also interested in mysticism, without using protection from negativity.

At the same time, nightmares with vampires and werewolves will not come true, since they have nothing to do with reality and performing rituals in such a situation is completely pointless.

Therefore, if you dreamed about scary scenes on TV that you saw a few days ago, there is nothing wrong with that. It’s just your psyche getting rid of negative feelings, even if you had an unpleasant dream a few days ago.

Another reason for the appearance terrible dreams– fears and concerns, worries and worries. Moreover, they may not appear in dreams when emotions reach their highest point.

Usually a person begins to see them a few days after experiencing an unpleasant situation. The dream book writes that nightmares in which your fears and concerns appear very rarely come true.

Therefore, if you are deathly afraid of maniacs in dark time day or robbers, and you dreamed that such people were chasing you, aiming for your wallet, then modern dream book writes that such a dream should be interpreted symbolically.

This is either the materialization of fears, the fact that they gradually go away, or a loss, but not related to money or any property. Such dreams, if they come true, are not in the same form as dreamed.

That is, you should not be afraid of an unpleasant dream, nor should you carry out rituals so that the negative forecast does not come true. And if you dream about what you fear most, then your fears will go away after waking up.

And finally, the most dangerous unpleasant dreams that can come true are the horrors associated with everyday life. Especially if you did not expect any troubles or had a vague presentiment that something very bad might still happen.

Such dreams can come true if a negative event has already happened, but you don’t know anything yet.

But in some cases, troubles can be prevented and bad dream will come true.

However, this is not always possible to do quickly, especially if a negative event has already happened. Often these dreams are frightening, embedded in your memory, and you easily remember them.

Can a bad dream come true

It depends on how believable what you dreamed was.

Abstract nightmares, unpleasant dreams that occur in another city, or even abroad, are unlikely to come true, and may simply reflect the release of subconscious negative energy.

For example, touchiness, anger, hostility, fear or resentment. The dream book writes that in this situation, you also shouldn’t do anything to prevent the bad dream from coming true.

After all, the unreality of such dreams, even the most frightening and nightmarish ones, is unlikely to contribute to their fulfillment.

But what to do if you had a nightmare that could very well become reality? To prevent the dream from coming true, you need to take some action or step, depending on the plot, but the effectiveness of the technique is not high enough due to the fact that nightmares sometimes show something that cannot be corrected.

For example, if death happened just at the moment when you saw a loved one covered in blood, no rituals will help. Therefore, in 20% of cases, nightmares, unfortunately, will come true in the same way as they were dreamed.

And sometimes, for a dream to come true, a hasty action that your loved one will perform without knowing about the dream is enough.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true, it is important to immediately understand its nature. Nightmares that have nothing to do with reality must be immediately swept aside, and then act according to the circumstances.

For a dream to come true, especially one that portends something bad, an hour or even minutes is enough. Therefore, you need to be prompt and talk about it to a loved one.

Fortunately, there are tablets and smartphones for this, as well as social media, in which, after waking up, you can tell your dream to a loved one. This important step, which will help prevent misfortune.

For example, a person may cancel plane tickets, cancel a trip, or not open the door to an acquaintance who has a grudge against him.

Sometimes this is enough to prevent a bad dream from coming true. Here are some more tips to prevent disaster.

How to cheat fate

This can only be done in a situation where the bad event has not yet happened. Here's what you need to do to prevent a bad dream from coming true.