House 2 series with Svetlana Mikhailovna. Aliana Ustinenko about her mother’s death: “There was no worse event in my life

Mom in her native Volgograd. Her little son Robert helps her survive the tragedy. “I don’t know how to return to life... Probably only God knows why and for what... I’m sad, lonely, empty in my soul,” the grieving daughter shared her grief with followers on Instagram. “If it weren’t for my Robik, then I would lie down next to him and that’s it. But he is my little engine in life. I can’t leave him, I’m also his mother... And he’s also afraid of being left without me.”


Gobozova thanked everyone who cared (the ex-participant of “House-2” has a million subscribers on Instagram alone) for good words. “Thank you for your sympathy and words of support... Like a warm fire in my heart... Thank you so much. It is comforting to think that mommy is no longer tormented and does not suffer from this terrible and disgusting disease... I believe that mommy next to me, I believe that she feels good and easy there, every day I help her with my prayers and alms to those in need... I will do everything so that she is proud of me and does not worry about me,” Aliana promised. “She is my angel.” 👼🏽".

Let us remind you that Gobozova found out about it when she was on the set. The producer gave her difficult news at the end of the broadcast. A little later, the former participant of “House-2” shared her grief with subscribers on social networks, publishing a photo of Svetlana with a mourning ribbon.

“Today your heart stopped... But you will forever be in our hearts and souls, my bright, gentle, kind, sincere mom... Mom, do you hear, I feel bad without you... I love you more life, I love you like no one else... I’m always there, I feel you... I ask all those who care to read with me a prayer for the repose of the soul of God’s servant Fatinya,” Gobozova addressed her subscribers.

Ustinenko underwent several operations to remove a tumor (glioblastoma), underwent courses of chemotherapy and turned to folk medicine. Gobozova’s mother tried not to lose her presence of mind, said that she was determined to win, and believed that she would be able to recover.

As Dni.Ru wrote, Svetlana came to the Dom-2 project with her daughter Aliana Gobozova at the end of 2014. However, health problems during the filming of the reality show forced her to leave the “perimeter”. Ustinenko fainted several times on the site, after which she turned to specialists for help.

At the first stage of treatment, after a course of chemotherapy, she showed positive dynamics. However, knowing the dangers of this method, Ustinenko abandoned it. But it only got worse. Then Svetlana had to return to chemotherapy again.

Svetlana Mikhailovna passed away exactly two years ago. Aliana Ustinenko cannot come to terms with the passing of a loved one. The young woman admitted that she would feel pain for the rest of her days.

Aliana Ustinenko and her mother Svetlana Mikhailovna
​Photo: Instagram

Exactly two years ago, on October 14, the star of “HOUSE-2” Aliana Ustinenko was orphaned. Her mother Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko, who was also a participant in the reality show, died. Woman dies after struggling with severe cancer, terrible diagnosis Doctors diagnosed her with malignant brain cancer in 2014.

Aliana Ustinenko was terribly worried about the untimely death of her mother, who at that time was only 48 years old. On the anniversary of Svetlana Mikhailovna’s death, Aliana dedicated poignant lines to her memory, publishing a heartbreaking post-address to her loved one on the microblog.

How I miss all this. How I need this, mommy. I will live with this pain for the rest of my life. My life will never be the same again. I love you. Thank you for always being there for me, I feel it, thank you for your help,” Aliana Ustinenko wrote on the microblog.

Al Iana Ustinenko with her mother on her wedding day
​Photo: Instagram

Subscribers of the reality show participant rushed to support Aliana. In the comments they remember how kind and a bright person was her mother. And many admit that they cannot help but cry when reading the poignant words written by Aliana.

“People, appreciate your parents! Alina, we have the same pain, my mother has also been gone for 3 years, but everything is like yesterday. Our loved ones, as long as we are alive, we love and remember you,” “I still can’t believe that this beautiful, young, beautiful woman“,” “She was a good woman, kind, calm, fair,” “Well, I burst into tears. I can’t even imagine life without my mother, I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you,” they say on the Internet.

Aliana supported her mother during her illness
​Photo: Instagram

Let us remember that Svetlana Ustinenko’s terrible diagnosis became known during the period when she was on the project. The woman became a participant in a reality show when her pregnant daughter was humiliated by Sasha Gobozov and Olga Vasilyevna. After it became known that Svetlana Mikhailovna was seriously ill, the entire Gobozov family helped her cope with the disease, Aliana took her mother to different clinics in the hope of curing her. However, the cancer turned out to be stronger.

In the popular television project "Dom-2", she was remembered by fans as a strong and confident beauty whom they want to imitate. Unfortunately, the death claimed the life of a woman at the age of 49.

The biography of Svetlana Ustinenko is no different from the biography of the average Russian woman.

Svetlana was born in the city of Kamyshin, which is Volgograd region, July 4, 1967. The woman's maiden name is Vinogradova. The girl grew up calm and reasonable, which pleased her parents. As a teenager, Svetlana Mikhailovna moved to Volgograd, which seemed to her a more promising city than her native Kamyshin. There she entered college as a correspondence student.

In order not to be left without a livelihood, the young woman had to earn extra money. Unfortunately, life turned out in such a way that Svetlana had to quit her studies. She studied for only three years, however, by her own admission, even in adulthood she did not give up her dream of becoming a psychologist.

Participation in the project "Dom-2"

Svetlana Ustinenko got onto the television show House thanks to her daughter Aliana, who at that time had already become a popular and beloved star of this project by fans. At first, both viewers and participants in the TV show found it strange to have an adult and accomplished woman on the set. It was assumed that Svetlana would only help her daughter improve relations with her lover’s mother, Olga Mikhailovna, but the life of a virtual construction site bogged down Svetlana Ustinenko.

Thus, Aliana Ustinenko’s mother first attracted attention with frequent clashes with Olga Gabozova, her alleged matchmaker, and then received the official status of a reality show participant. According to Svetlana, at some point she realized that life was giving her another chance to build her own personal life. The woman began to actively participate in the events taking place in the town of Doma-2, which won both the love and hostility of regular TV viewers. Instagram Svetlana Ustinenko began to be filled with photographs from which a confident beauty smiled, ready to do anything for love.

Svetlana Ustinenko in the show "Dom-2"

As it turned out, Svetlana was really ready for a lot. The very first romance that she started on the project almost broke up the already established family of Vasily and Antonina Toderik, participants in the same TV show. However, at the last moment, the unfaithful husband returned to his wife, leaving Svetlana Ustinenko with broken hopes for simple female happiness.

Svetlana Mikhailovna’s character did not allow her to despair for a long time, and she decided to take care of her appearance. The Reboot project helped the woman with this. Soon fans were able to see photos of Svetlana Ustinenko, in which she appeared younger and prettier. However, opinions were divided: there were those who thought dark color hair is a bad decision. From that moment on, the mature lady took root in the youth project and even settled her fourteen-year-old son Gegham on the television set.

Personal life

Svetlana first got married in at a young age. The beauty's chosen one, Arthur Hasratyan, very persistently and romantically courted the girl and easily won the heart of the young beauty. Unfortunately, real life turned out to be not so cloudless and romantic. Svetlana Mikhailovna herself admitted that Arthur, despite his natural gallantry and courtesy, was also distinguished by a very tough disposition and emotionality. Outbursts of anger and jealousy began to recur more and more often. Even a visit from a friend became a reason for displeasure.

Despite the disagreements, Svetlana decided to give Arthur a child, and in 1993 their daughter Aliana was born. Shortly before this, the couple formalized the relationship, although the groom's parents were opposed to the Russian bride. After another 8 years, son Gegham was born. However, the long-awaited harmony in the relationship did not come even with the birth of children, and after a few more years, Svetlana Mikhailovna decided to leave her aggressive and jealous husband. According to her, Arthur hoped until the last that he would be able to earn forgiveness and return his family, but the woman was adamant.

There is another version of events: according to rumors, the initiator of the breakup was Arthur, who met a younger girl and left the family. But Svetlana herself did not confirm these rumors. The woman was sure that ex-husband continues to suffer from love for her, and he had to enter into a second marriage due to pressure from his parents.


The death of Svetlana Ustinenko came as a terrible surprise to fans. In September 2014, the woman was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Life prepared a new test for Svetlana Mikhailovna, which at first seemed surmountable. After the first operation, Svetlana had to endure several courses of chemotherapy, and the woman also turned to traditional methods treatment. At some point, there was even hope that the trouble had passed, but this hope was not destined to come true.

The woman's condition began to rapidly deteriorate, and doctors insisted on a second operation. Repeated surgical intervention turned out to be an overwhelming challenge. Svetlana had a very difficult time recovering from anesthesia and lost her hearing and vision. Her daughter Aliana and close people were constantly on duty next to the woman. Unfortunately, the efforts of doctors and the support of relatives were not enough to defeat the terrible disease, and on October 14, 2016, Svetlana Ustinenko died. The funeral of Svetlana Ustinenko took place 5 days after the death of the woman, on October 19, in Volgograd.

The death of a former participant in the Dom-2 television project became known last evening. For two years, the woman did everything to recover from cancer, but the disease turned out to be stronger. “StarHit” remembered what this courageous struggle was like and what Svetlana Ustinenko’s family did.

Svetlana Ustinenko

Svetlana Ustinenko for a long time tried to cope with the disease, but neither her own attempts nor the efforts of the doctors could help her heal. A little over two years ago, Aliana Gobozova’s mother could not even suspect what she was about to go through. In September 2014, doctors diagnosed Svetlana Mikhailovna with grade IV glioblastoma of the brain. It all started with the fact that a 47-year-old woman began to lose consciousness, she was plagued by headaches and her general health noticeably deteriorated. During the recording of one of the episodes of “House-2”, Svetlana Mikhailovna became ill and fainted.

Many then decided that the culprit was really the extreme stress that Ustinenko had to endure. However, the woman decided to turn to Volgograd doctors. After an MRI, Svetlana Mikhailovna had to hear a terrible diagnosis. The decision was made to undergo surgery to remove the brain tumor. After this, it was discovered that the tumor turned out to be malignant. Aliana Gobozova believed until the very end that the tragedy would bypass their family. The daughter’s infusion was passed on to Svetlana Mikhailovna, who then firmly decided not to sit idly by, but to begin the fight for life.

“House-2” participant Svetlana Ustinenko has a brain tumor in the third stage

Rumors that 47-year-old Dom-2 participant Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko has a tumor did not arise by chance. Information about the woman’s illness was confirmed to StarHit by her daughter Aliana Gobozova: “Unfortunately for everyone, this is true. IN Lately our family went through a lot of stress, my mother was constantly nervous and one day she fainted right in the perimeter. It was just a terrible sight: my eyes rolled back, I had to unclench my jaw... in general, it looked like epileptic seizure, but it wasn't him. Everyone was shocked and terribly scared.”

“House-2” participant Svetlana Ustinenko underwent surgery

Aliana Gobozova visited her mother in the hospital to support loved one before an important event.

Svetlana Ustinenko tolerates chemotherapy well

Svetlana Ustinenko hopes for treatment in Israel

“House-2” participant Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko asks to help her financially, as she needs additional medical advice.

“My mommy, I love you very much, everything will be fine with us. Tomorrow is a very difficult day for all of us, let's all pray together. God grant that everything goes well,” Alina wrote on her microblog after her mother’s first operation.

Fans of the family carefully monitored how the treatment proceeded and what was achieved during all this time. Svetlana Mikhailovna chose to return to Moscow in order to be able to constantly be with her beloved family members, who provided her with great support and helped her go through all stages of treatment. She offered her help Native sister Ustinenko, who spent a lot of time with her. Svetlana Mikhailovna began to undergo the first stage of chemotherapy, which did not produce positive changes, and if this happened, it was only for a short period. On December 16, 2014, the 42-day course of “chemistry” was supposed to end. Aliana admitted that she and her husband Alexander Gobozov were prepared for a significant deterioration, but everything turned out much better.

One way or another, the woman continued to believe. She read a lot, became interested in psychology, conducted spiritual training, while simultaneously going through all the necessary stages of treatment. Together with a friend, she inspired herself on Skype: “Every cell of my body is healthy!” Svetala Mikhailovna often went to church. Her daughter always tried to help her mother. Even at the first stage, she turned to her subscribers with a request to help raise money for expensive treatment: « Dear friends! I never thought that we would encounter such a problem. But, unfortunately, life is unpredictable and, perhaps, the most valuable thing a person has. Now my mother has been diagnosed with brain cancer, and it’s scary. Chemotherapy is required, which costs 1,200,000 rubles. Please help me cure my mom. Thank you all so much!” Aliana had plans to send her mother for a consultation with Israeli doctors, but this would have cost them almost 3 and a half million rubles. Svetlana Mikhailovna herself said that she well understood how unaffordable this amount was for them.

It must be admitted that Aliana Gobozova spared no effort to earn more money for treatment of the parent. At the same time, she did not try to pour out her soul into in social networks, tried not to post photos of her mother, so as not to escalate the situation and hide all the feelings that were hidden in her soul. She actively participated in new projects and did advertising on her microblog. At the same time, her relationship with her husband did not work out for a long time. For several months they communicated little, but eventually found the strength to make peace. Alexander and Aliana even got married a second time, which pleased their followers and gave them hope that peace and tranquility would reign in their large family.

Svetlana Ustinenko from “House-2” feels a little better

Aliana Gobozova spoke about the health of her sick mother, who will soon go to Israel.

Svetlana Ustinenko suspects that she was treated for cancer with counterfeit drugs

Ex-participant of “House-2” Svetlana Ustinenko believes that the reason for her ineffective treatment in Volgograd is counterfeit medications.

Relatives of Svetlana Ustinenko reported a decrease in her tumor

According to Alexander Gobozov’s mother, there has been improvement in the woman’s condition. Svetlana Mikhailovna’s family is trying to do everything so that she can overcome the disease as soon as possible.

Throughout 2015, Svetlana continued to look for more and more new ways to overcome the disease. At the beginning of the year, she talked with Dmitry Shepelev, who at that time was focused on treating his beloved woman Zhanna Friske. He said that they did not resort to chemotherapy, but were looking for an alternative. The presenter advised Svetlana a nanovaccine that could help. Then Zhanna experienced positive changes in her condition; she visited America, China, and then underwent a rehabilitation course in Latvia. Svetlana Mikhailovna refused chemotherapy, preferring folk remedies treatment. One day she appeared in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program, where she shared her misfortune with the audience and asked anyone to help in any way they could.

Attempts to believe in the best were exhausted when, an hour before the onset of New Year 2016, the woman became ill and had to call an ambulance. Then everything worked out, and she was able to celebrate the holiday with her family. She tried to act casual. In May of this year she had repeat operation for tumor removal. For almost two years she did not agree to this, but in the end she was unable to resist. However, soon her condition sharply deteriorated to such an extent that Svetlana Mikhailovna gave up and stopped believing in herself.

Svetlana Ustinenko: “Due to deterioration, I had to return to chemotherapy”

The ex-participant of “House-2” spoke about the struggle with a serious illness and attempts to start life anew. For a year and a half, Svetlana Ustinenko has been trying to do everything possible to recover.

Svetlana Ustinenko: “My family and I decided to be hospitalized”

Now the reality TV star is undergoing treatment in a clinic. Svetlana Ustinenko felt worse and decided to see doctors. The whole family is worried about her health.

Svetlana Ustinenko underwent surgery to remove the tumor

The "House-2" star is in the cancer center in in serious condition. After several courses of chemotherapy, which were not successful, Svetlana Ustinenko was operated on in one of the capital’s clinics.

Svetlana Ustinenko: “After the operation I don’t see or hear anything”

The cancer-stricken ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” is trying not to give up. Svetlana underwent another operation, but she only got worse. The medications that the doctors prescribed for her are quite expensive; the family cannot afford such treatment.

“I don’t know what they did to me. I don’t see or hear anything, I’m completely confused... Thanks to my daughter and relative, who came from Volgograd and helps me, sits with me. There is no money for medicine - I have now been prescribed an expensive drug, the course of which costs 100 thousand rubles, and I need to take it every month. Of course, these are unaffordable sums for my daughter and I. I don’t know what will happen to me... My life is over,” said Svetlana Mikhailovna.

In the summer the family decided to go to healing place Djily-Su, in Kabardino-Balkaria. It is famous for its springs, which help to heal. It was for this purpose that Svetlana Mikhailovna went there along with her daughter, son-in-law and his mother. Back in the summer of 2015, she traveled to the Caucasus region and was able to achieve good success - the tumor decreased by 50%. After a while, she again believed that there she had a chance to turn the situation in her favor.

Thanks to this trip, the Gobozov and Ustinenko family managed to establish communication. The disease brought them closer together and taught them not to pay attention to meaningless problems. At the same time, Aliana’s relationship with her husband became better. She shared a photo on her microblog, under which she wrote that she was grateful to her husband for everything he did for her and her mother. Universal support and care inspired confidence that the disease would recede sooner or later, but this did not happen.

Svetlana Ustinenko went to the Caucasus for treatment

An ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2”, who has been battling a brain tumor for two years, went to Jily Su, in Kabardino-Balkaria. According to Aliana Gobozova’s mother, it was there that last time she felt better and her condition improved.

Svetlana Ustinenko's serious illness brought her family together

The stars of “House-2” forgot their grievances and asked each other for forgiveness. After a joint trip to the Elbrus region, Svetlana Ustinenko, her daughter Aliana, as well as Alexander Gobozov and his mother Olga finally became close.

Former participants in the television project still cannot find words to describe what happened. In a conversation with StarHit, Liberge Kpadonu was unable to hide her emotions. After all, for her, like for many other people who knew Svetlana Mikhailovna, this was a real shock.

“I couldn’t get through to Aliana; her phone will probably be turned off for three days. I don't want to bother her now. I’ll probably contact Sasha to find out everything from him. Svetlana Mikhailovna was strong woman, who went through a divorce, but managed to raise two children. Aliana took the best from her. She had a strong influence on her daughter. She was the only mother of all those on the project, whom the team treated better than the rest. It's hard for me to talk about this now. This is a great loss for any person. Aliana is a strong girl, she can handle it! I Furthermore I’m sure that she and Sasha will definitely have a second child – a girl. Aliana’s mother left with dignity and will now watch her daughter from heaven and help all those people who helped her here. I don’t know, it’s hard to imagine a person who hasn’t even broken his own elbow, and then there’s the loss of his mother. Everything will be fine for her, I sincerely wish it for her. Everything is ahead of her,” Liberge shared with the editors.