Types and classification of industrial injuries by severity. What is injury? Valery Konkin, occupational safety and health consultant for the Volgograd region administration, talks about compliance with safety regulations at work.

Every person has experienced trauma in their life. They can occur both at home and during work. Various objects and phenomena can damage the body. In order to properly assist an injured person and provide adequate treatment, you initially need to know what types of injuries exist, when and how they occur, and what to do first when they occur.

What is trauma?

Trauma is the impact of the environment or external factors on human tissues and organs or on the entire body in general. Such influence human body responds to a number of anatomical and physiological changes accompanied by local or general reaction. Trauma can affect not only the integrity of organs and tissues, but also their functionality.

There is also such a concept as “injury”, which is understood as a set of injuries that are repeated under the same conditions for the same population group over the same time period. This statistical indicator, giving an assessment of a particular type of damage in a certain population group. The injury rate allows you to analyze the epidemiology of various types of herbs and select the best options for prevention.

Types of injuries

The classification of injuries is quite diverse; injuries can vary depending on the factor that provoked them and the degree of damage to various tissues.

First, let's look at the main categories of injuries depending on the nature of the damage and the factor that caused them:

  • mechanical. They are obtained from a fall or impact, while varying degrees soft and hard tissues body;
  • thermal. They are obtained when the body is exposed to high and low temperatures. It can be thermal burns(if exposed to high temperatures) or frostbite (if the body is affected by low temperatures). The second version of thermal damage is more dangerous because it has a latent period when the body gives too weak signals about the existing problem;
  • electric. A person can receive such damage from a lightning strike or technical electric current. Thermal energy can cause serious burns;
  • chemical. Damage can be caused by organic acids, alkaline compounds, salts of heavy metals;
  • radial The body is affected ionizing radiation or radiation;
  • biological. Damage can be caused by various infections, viruses, bacteria, toxins, allergens and poisons;
  • psychological. This is a special injury that is quite difficult to classify. It can be obtained during severe and prolonged experiences, as a result of which a painful reaction is observed from the vegetative and mental spheres.

The most extensive type of lesions are mechanical, so we will consider their varieties in more detail.

Mechanical injuries

The classification of injuries resulting from mechanical force is the most extensive:

  • operating room It is obtained during surgery;
  • random. Most often, a person receives it through his own fault or due to circumstances beyond his control;
  • generic Women receive such injuries during childbirth;
  • military Receiving damage to the body during combat operations.

There is another classification of damage resulting from exposure to mechanical factors. Such injuries are:

  • direct (when a traumatic force is applied to a specific place) and indirect (when damage occurs close to the place where the force was applied);
  • multiple and single;
  • closed (when the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is preserved) and open (when the mucous membranes and other organ tissues are torn).

Mechanical injuries may result in the following types damage:

  • abrasions. With such damage, the integrity of the upper skin layer is compromised, and lymphatic or blood vessels may be affected. At first, abrasions have a wet surface, which quickly becomes covered with dried blood and plasma. The crust falls off over time, leaving a lighter area of ​​skin in its place. Complete healing of the abrasion occurs after 1-2 weeks;
  • bruise. This type is formed due to rupture of blood vessels. The blood that spills out of them is visible through the superficial layer of skin, which gives the bruise a blue-red hue. The color changes over time, from purplish blue to greenish yellow. The duration of the recovery period for such injuries depends on many criteria and varies among different people. The speed of healing is affected by the depth, size and location of the bruise;
  • With dislocations, the bones in the joints are displaced. Joint dislocations occur more often upper limbs. Additionally, soft tissue rupture may occur;
  • fractures. With such damage, the integrity of the bones is damaged. Additionally, rupture of nearby tissues, damage to blood vessels, muscles and hemorrhage occurs. Fractures can be located inside soft tissues, then they are called closed, but if during a fracture the skin ruptures and the bone fragment comes into contact with environment- open fracture.

Another fairly extensive variety mechanical damage are wounds. They are very dangerous for human health, since when the integrity of the tissue and mucous membranes is damaged, significant blood loss and infection can occur on the wound surface.

Wounds are classified depending on the conditions of their occurrence:

  • cut. They are applied with sharp cutting objects, such as knives;
  • chopped. They are made into objects with a small cross-section;
  • stab-cut;
  • torn. Their cause is tissue overstretching;
  • bitten. They are left on tissues by the teeth of people and animals;
  • chopped. They are the result of exposure to a heavy sharp object, most often an ax;
  • crushed. The tissues are not only torn, but also crushed;
  • bruised. Inflicted by a blunt object or resulting from a fall on a blunt object;
  • firearms. Such wounds are caused by firearms or shrapnel from exploding ammunition;
  • scalped. This type of wound is characterized by separation of a certain area of ​​skin;
  • poisoned. Wounds into which a toxic substance enters during an injury or bite.

Classification of injuries by severity

All types of damage can have varying degrees of severity:

  1. Easy. As a result of such an injury, no serious disorders occur in the body and the person remains in working condition. This degree includes abrasions, scratches, minor bruises and sprains, and abrasions. Such lesions require medical attention. For minor injuries, moderate physical activity is allowed.
  2. Moderate weight. Injuries of this kind lead to significant disturbances in the functioning of the body, and cannot be avoided without medical assistance. A traumatologist can give sick leave for 10-30 days. In this case, physical activity is undesirable.
  3. Heavy. This type of damage leads to pronounced disturbances in the functioning of the body. A person may be unable to work for more than a month. In most cases, hospitalization of the victim is required, followed by treatment in a hospital.

Depending on the degree of impact, the following types of injuries are distinguished:

  • spicy. When one or another traumatic factor influences;
  • chronic. When the same traumatic factor affects the same place;
  • microtraumas. When damage occurs at the cellular level.

Classification by damage location

Depending on the location of the injury, injuries are divided into the following types:

  • isolated. The damage is localized in one organ or in a segment of the musculoskeletal system;
  • multiple. Several injuries occur at once;
  • combined or polytraumas. In such a situation, several areas of the body are damaged at once, for example, the head, chest and limbs. Often, when more than 5 zones are injured, a person may experience traumatic shock;
  • combined. Such lesions can be inflicted sequentially or at one time, but by different agents, for example, chemical and thermal burns. Often these injuries are very severe clinical picture and high mortality rate of victims.

Classification by penetration degree

Depending on how deep the damage has penetrated into the body, it is customary to distinguish the following types of injuries:

  • superficial. The damage affects only the skin and skin vessels, resulting in hematomas and abrasions;
  • subcutaneous Damage affects tendons, ligaments, muscle fibers, joints and bone tissue;
  • cavitary. This is the most severe type of injury from this classification, since they are characterized by damage to internal organs located in the natural cavities of the body.

Spinal injuries

The spine is one of the most important parts of our body, so its injuries are classified as a separate section. The spine can be damaged by falling from a height, during a car accident, doing strength sports, and even by improperly lifting heavy objects. Depending on the cause of spinal injury, there are:

  • compression The vertebral body is compressed, cracked or broken. Such an injury can damage not one, but several vertebrae at once;
  • damage caused by excessive bending and unbending of the ridge. You can get them not only in a car accident, but also if safety precautions are not followed;
  • spinal bruise. This injury is dangerous due to its complications, which can arise if medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner;
  • gunshot wound to the spine.

Spinal injuries are also distinguished depending on the affected area. Most often they are diagnosed in the lumbococcygeal region, most rarely in the thoracic region, there are also injuries to the cervical and coccygeal region.

Spine injuries can be open or closed, and with or without spinal cord injury.

What to do in this or that case

Depending on the type of injury, the first health care And further treatment will differ, so it is important for the victim to immediately call an ambulance or take him to a doctor immediately after the injury. First aid could be as follows:

  • with sprained ligaments. Limit the injured area with a bandage, apply ice over it, and place the area itself above the level of the head;
  • with dislocation. The dislocated limb is fixed and ice is applied to it. It is strictly forbidden to adjust it yourself!;
  • for bruises. A cold compress is sufficient; in rare cases, a fixing bandage may be needed;
  • for fractures. The limb is immobilized as much as possible and ice is applied to it;
  • the wounds are first washed with warm running water or hydrogen peroxide, the bleeding stops, and the edges of the wound are coated with iodine. A clean, dry bandage is applied over the top;
  • in case of frostbite, you need to warm the victim with dry heat and touch the skin on the affected areas as little as possible;
  • In case of burns, you need to cool the affected area with running water. cold water, give a painkiller and cover the wound surface with a clean one soaked in cool water sheets;
  • In case of electric shock, you must initially separate the victim from the action of the current; to do this, you can either turn off the switch or throw the person away with a wooden board or stick. Next, the victim needs to be laid down, covered with a blanket and given a warm drink.

Whatever the injury, in order to prevent the development of complications and negative consequences, follows in mandatory At the first opportunity, consult a doctor about it.

Every person has been injured at least once in their life. Whether it was minor or extensive, there are many variations. Hit electric shock, fractures or just sprains, small cuts and large lacerations- In such situations, you should definitely seek medical help.

The classification of injuries is extensive, and any division is highly dependent on a large number of factors. In case of injury, the integrity of all tissues in the human body can occur: soft, bone, connective. The skin will also be damaged. The cause of injury is usually external influences.

Various injuries literally accompany a person, as if nature itself reminds us that no one is perfect. Common violations are, first of all, mechanical injuries, after them - electrical and psychological. Radiation trauma is recognized as the most complex by all indications: the effect of radiation on the body is almost impossible to reverse.

Even food or any other poisoning is considered an injury. In the modern world, you cannot find a person who has not been injured at least once in his life. It is very important to diagnose the type of injury and provide appropriate treatment. emergency assistance, because the victim’s life may depend on it.

The generally accepted terminology consists of only two parts:

  • trauma is damage to the integrity of the human body (organs, skin, tissues), resulting in changes in human anatomy and physiology. Such shocks are accompanied by a reaction of the body, in other words - manifested symptoms;
  • traumatism is a complex of repeated or resulting injuries. Characteristic: the same conditions, reasons and time.

Types of classification

The main types of injuries can be classified according to various symptoms, species, etc. Many of the characteristics are confirmed medical practice traumatologists.

Type of damage

As mentioned, injuries have multiple validated classifications. That is why the first classification is by type of injury.

The type of damage characterizes the integrity of the skin. The following injuries are diagnosed immediately:

  • closed - the skin is not damaged;
  • open - the skin is damaged. As a result of internal pressure, in response to external influences, the skin begins to collapse.

The first "victims" open type there will be mucous membranes. As a result of ruptures in the mucous membranes, cracks can occur, which can easily become infected. This will lead to many complications. Open type injuries occur with bone fractures; other manifestations are quite rare.


Severity is a very important criterion for assessing any disorder. Damage is assessed from top to bottom - from simple to complex.

  • Light type.

IN human body no significant disruption occurs. Signs of, for example, a fight are immediately obvious - abrasions, scrapes, bruises and minor sprains. There is no loss of legal capacity.

Medical assistance is still necessary to treat even the slightest scratches. It is recommended to reduce physical activity during treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Average type.

Damage causes severe problems to the body - serious bruises, cuts, open wounds, dislocations, etc. The victim begins ambulatory treatment, in some cases hospitalization is required. Sick leave lasts from 2 weeks to 1 calendar month. Physical overexertion is contraindicated, but performance is partially preserved.

  • Heavy type.

Serious injuries that entail dramatic changes in the victim’s body - most often, these are various fractures, internal bleeding, ruptures, etc. The victim is urgently hospitalized, the period of treatment and rehabilitation starts from 1 calendar month.

The degree of injury affects the order of care clinical treatment, on the physical activity of the victim. Seeking medical help is necessary - a bruise, for example, may turn out to be much deeper than it seems, and also accompany more serious damage. Lack of attention to the symptoms shown can cause serious consequences for the body in the future.

Impact on the body

There is an established characteristic of injuries by type of impact - acute and chronic. Acute injuries occur due to the unexpected appearance of a damaging factor. Chronic exposure characterized the periodic nature of the trauma factor to a specific area of ​​the body or body.


For people professionally involved in sports, separate category injuries: sports. They are all characterized by the fact that injury occurs during active sports.

Constant physical activity can lead to the following changes in the body:

Injury statistics

Sports-type physical injuries are common among professional athletes and people actively involved in sports.

In most cases, exercise in gymnastics is characterized by impairment of the upper body; arms are often injured - 70-75%. Injuries to the lower body during athletics account for 66% of injuries in this sport. Boxers suffer from facial and head injuries in 65% of cases. Athletes who frequently handle the ball often injure their hands - 80%, and those who play tennis - the elbow in 70% of cases. Those involved in football, respectively, the knee - 47 -50%.

Localization of damage

Classification by location of injury:

  • isolated - one of the organs or part of the musculoskeletal system is injured;
  • multiple - characterized by many identical injuries;
  • combined - violations occur in several areas, intersecting with each other. Another name is polytrauma, which most often occurs in car accidents. In the case of more than 5 areas of injury, traumatic shock develops, leading to death;
  • combined - disorders that appear in a certain sequence or at one moment. The nature of the appearance - mechanical, chemical and thermal - interact with each other, combining into one injury.

Penetration depth

Another principle for characterizing various injuries is the depth of the injury:

  • superficial - only the skin and small blood vessels are affected, causing small cuts, hematomas, abrasions, etc.;
  • subcutaneous - connective tissues (tendons, ligaments), muscle tissue, joints and bones are injured;
  • cavitary - a severe type of damage, characterized by extensive damage to internal organs.

Certain types of injuries

The most dangerous types of injuries that entail complete deprivation of legal capacity in some cases should be removed from the general classification.

  • Spine

Spinal injuries often occur as a result of falls from great heights, traffic accidents, and strength sports. However, you can get injured simply by lifting something heavy.

The number of such cases has led to the creation of a separate classification based on the type of damage.

  1. Compression - the spinal column is damaged as a result of pressure or fracture of the vertebral bodies. The cause may be cracks, irregularities, often multiple: several vertebrae are damaged at once.
  2. This actually occurs due to frequent flexion and extension of the column, which entails an increased load on all parts of the spine. Characteristic of accidents, often occurs when safety is not observed when playing sports or in professional activities related to the transfer of heavy objects.
  3. Ridge bruise is characterized by deep tissue damage, but is often mistaken for a simple bruise and proper treatment assistance is not provided. Growing swelling and internal bleeding affect the spine, beginning to compress the vertebrae together, and this leads to a compression type of injury.
  4. A gunshot wound, rare for the average person, immediately damages both the tissues and bones of the spine.

In addition, there is a distinctive feature of spinal injury - depending on the location. In the case of the vertebral ridge this is various departments- cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral and coccyx. It is characteristic that shocks thoracic occur rarely, while the lumbosacral spine is injured more often.

And, of course, there is a classification by type - open and closed injuries. A separate type is spinal cord damage or its absence.

  • Muscle

Muscle damage occurs perhaps most often and is characterized by completely different symptoms.

Contracture is characteristic of increased muscle tone, as a result of which a spasm occurs - severe pain is felt and radiates to the entire muscle area, but there is no specific localization for the pain. Soreness also belongs to a similar type - as a result of overload, irreversible consequences arise.

Muscle strain - some fibers of the muscle tissue are damaged. Connective tissues (tendons and ligaments) remain intact. This also includes the rupture of part of the fibers, only in this case the surrounding connective tissue also suffers.

A muscle tear is the most serious injury because the muscle tissue is also torn off, affecting the connective tissue. The pain is severe, you cannot strain the muscle - it is torn. In particular difficult cases muscle separation occurs.

  • Joints and bones

Mild damage to joint and bone tissues occurs frequently even in everyday life. This includes a variety of bruises, disorders inside the joints, dislocations and subluxations, intra-articular fractures and simply fractures.

They are divided by type: open (intra-articular fractures and wounds) and closed.

Risk factors for damage

There are many reasons why any type of injury can occur:

  1. Lack of attention when moving - a person may fall, stumble, or hit something static;
  2. Careless movement, exaggerated assessment of possibilities. A common reason for young people doing parkour, skateboarding, etc.;
  3. Failure to comply with or ignore safety regulations. Typical for athletes who exercise independently, as well as for people engaged in heavy production;
  4. Untreated injuries result in repeated damage to the weakened area;
  5. Lack of warm-up, improper execution of exercises when playing sports.

There are a huge number of reasons, but they are all related to the human factor. With the exception of injuries during a natural disaster, at this moment a person is traumatized because he cannot do anything against nature.

Types of injuries

Trauma is damage of the same nature in similar conditions. Since traumatism is any damage to the anatomical integrity of tissues and organs due to exposure to external factors, there are types of traumatism.

Mechanical injuries are grouped according to the nature of their occurrence. The injury occurs at rest or during movement - when falling.

Exist individual species injuries:

  • production - arise in industry and agriculture;
  • transport - further divided into road, railway, aviation, shipping, etc.;
  • street - as a result of a fall in an open space;
  • domestic - injuries that occur at home due to a combination of common causes or intentionally caused;
  • military - injuries that appear during military operations;
  • sports.

Each type has distinctive features that have a direct connection with its character, as well as with the reasons for its receipt. In production types, for example, open wounds occur more often, and on the street - fractures and dislocations. Sports are characterized by bruises and tissue sprains. All types are treated by doctors at a regular hospital, except for the military. The military falls under the purview of military hospitals.

Mechanical damage can be caused by bladed weapons, labor and production tools, and household damage can be caused by various items, tools. Instruments of damage are divided into blunt and sharp.

Diagnosis of injuries

Any damage requires timely diagnosis to begin proper treatment and prevent consequences. First of all, after the application is carried out initial examination: the victim is examined and the cause of the injury is determined. This helps rule out internal damage and order further tests.

The main types of diagnostic studies are as follows:

  • X-ray - gives an idea of ​​the condition of the skeleton;
  • computed tomography (CT) - allows you to assess the condition of bone and joint tissues;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) - necessary to determine damage to internal organs and soft tissues: cartilage, tendons, etc.;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - assesses the condition of periarticular tissue, connective and intervertebral discs;
  • endoscopy - used only with a combination of tissue trauma to accurately assess the injury and the presence of a tumor.

Diagnostics is very important for injuries, since only based on its results can treatment and rehabilitation of a person begin.

Injuries occur in people at different ages and situations. The risk group includes people leading an active lifestyle, the elderly, and children. Injuries are fraught severe complications, it is important to provide first aid to the victim in a timely and correct manner, consult a doctor as quickly as possible, and follow all recommendations.

In case of serious injury, be sure to consult a doctor

Classification of injuries by severity

Trauma is a violation of the integrity of the skin, damage and deterioration of the functions of various tissues, organs, and blood vessels under the influence of external factors. There are many causes of injury, so pathologies are divided into different groups and types.

Injury severity:

  1. Extremely severe - incompatible with life, immediately or within a short period of time leads to death.
  2. Heavy – characterized by bright pronounced signs disturbances in general well-being require immediate medical care, hospitalization, the person loses working capacity for at least 1 month.
  3. Moderate severity - cause some changes in the functioning of internal organs and systems, treatment is carried out in a hospital or at home, the period of incapacity is 10-30 days.
  4. Lungs - a person experiences only minor discomfort, which does not affect his ability to work. Treatment can be carried out independently; the duration of therapy for acute forms is about 10 days.

Serious injuries must be treated in hospital

Trauma is a statistical concept; it refers to mass injuries that occur in certain conditions among people of the same type in any time period. These indicators have great importance to compile the right plan preventive measures. There are industrial, household, sports, children's, and household forms of pathology.

Types of injuries and characteristics

Depending on the nature of the injuries, injuries are divided into open and closed.

With open injuries, the integrity of the skin is compromised, they are accompanied by severe bleeding, and infection often penetrates into the wounds, which causes the development of a purulent process. Such injuries are the result of mechanical damage; they also occur with open fractures. Self-medication is unacceptable; medical assistance is required.

Closed injuries are more common; in them there are no wounds or deep scratches on the skin, but hematomas and swelling may appear, and sometimes develop internal bleeding. The most common are sprains, dislocations, soft tissue bruises, and closed fractures.

Closed injuries are characterized by the appearance of bruises and hematomas

Main classification of wounds:

  • mechanical - a sharp mechanical effect on tissue, this includes surgical and birth injuries;
  • thermal – occur when the skin is exposed to low or high temperatures, this includes burns and frostbite of varying severity;
  • electrical – the effect on the body of household or natural electric current;
  • chemical – manifested by contact or inhalation of aggressive substances, which can affect the skin or internal organs;
  • radiation – develop against the background of prolonged exposure to radiation;
  • biological – develop under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, toxic substances, insect poisons on the body;
  • psychological - the cause is stress, experienced shocks, against their background psychosomatic problems also form.

Additionally, when classifying, their nature of impact is taken into account. With isolated injuries, only one organ or department is damaged. In case of multiple injuries, several injuries of the extremities, head, and soft tissues with similar parameters are diagnosed. Combined – there is deterioration of several organs and departments at once musculoskeletal system, brain injuries.

Damage can affect various parts - limbs, spine, abdomen and other internal organs, brain, eyes, soft fabrics, skin and mucous membranes.


Such injuries occur quite often in Everyday life– hitting the corner of furniture, falling on a slippery floor, asphalt, ice, soft tissues, joints, bones, tendons, and muscles suffer. Most often they are acute, sudden, but sometimes chronic injuries and microtraumas are also diagnosed, which occur with minor but regular exposure to mechanical factors.

Types of damage:

  1. Bruise – occurs when struck by a blunt object due to a fall. Symptoms – the integrity of the skin is not compromised, the damaged area swells, pain occurs on palpation, and a hematoma quickly develops. The most dangerous are joint bruises.
  2. Subcutaneous hematoma - the result of pinching or strong compression of soft tissues, a fall, an impact. Under the influence of mechanical factors, small vessels burst, blood enters the subcutaneous tissue. The bruise initially has a red or blue color, gradually acquires a yellow or green tint, and pain occurs when pressure is applied.
  3. Abrasions are shallow but numerous damage to the epidermis or mucous membranes. Injuries are accompanied by minor pain, burning, slight bleeding, the surrounding skin swells and becomes red.
  4. A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes of varying degrees of intensity. Signs: severe bleeding, severe pain, the person turns pale, and may lose consciousness.
  5. Compression - injuries to tissues, bones and internal organs that occur during prolonged exposure to heavy objects; they are often diagnosed during earthquakes, mountain collapses, and mines. In damaged areas, toxins begin to accumulate, which can penetrate into the general bloodstream, and necrosis begins.
  6. Rupture of tendons, ligaments, can be complete or partial– a common sports injury. Symptoms are pain, swelling, bruising, dysfunction of the joint or the entire limb as a whole.
  7. Dislocation - displacement of bones at the site of articulation, accompanied by a sharp, sudden severe pain, the joint completely or partially loses mobility, swells, its appearance. Such injuries can be intrauterine, birth, or pathological.
  8. – complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone, characterized by severe pain, swelling, which quickly increases, and sometimes the temperature rises. With an open fracture, bleeding occurs, the appearance of the limb changes, moving fragments can be seen, and a crunching sound is heard on palpation. The pathological form is diagnosed in elderly people; it occurs against the background of osteoporosis.

Fracture is a type of mechanical injury

Severe mechanical injuries, especially brain and internal organs, pose a threat to human life. The functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems is disrupted, the general reaction manifests itself in the form of shock, collapse, fainting, and anemia.


This group includes thermal burns, frostbite, heat strokes, electrical injuries at home or at work.

View Causes Symptoms
Electrical injury Exposure to the body from electric shock or lightning · depressed area of ​​skin that has a yellow or brown tint;

· convulsions, loss of consciousness, disturbances in heart rhythm and breathing;

· After a lightning strike, a branched scarlet pattern remains on the skin.

Burn Exposure of tissue to heat, the temperature of which is more than 44 degrees - liquid, fire, burning objects, flammable mixtures, sun rays Divided into 4 groups, depending on the depth of the lesion:

· I – slight redness, short-term burning sensation;

· II – numerous blisters, inside which white or yellow liquid accumulates;

· III, IV – when tissue is exposed to high temperatures for more than 1 minute, the process of cell necrosis begins, paralysis develops, and metabolic processes are disrupted.

Frostbite Impact on the body of low temperatures, cold water, frosty air Stages of frostbite:

· I – the skin becomes pale, tingling and burning occurs;

· II – bubbles with yellow liquid appear inside, after warming, pain and itching occurs;

· III – the liquid in the blisters becomes bloody, the process of skin necrosis begins;

· IV – necrosis spreads to soft tissues.

Chemical and biological

Chemical burns occur when the skin or mucous membranes come into contact with alkalis, acids, and other toxic, aggressive, and toxic substances. At the initial stage, a film appears on the damaged area, or the upper layer of the epidermis is torn off, the surface becomes pink. In grades III and IV, a dry or wet scab appears.

Development of a chemical burn

Symptoms of biological injuries depend on the type pathogenic microorganism. After an animal or insect bite, the injured area swells, turns red, and anaphylactic shock may develop. The venom of some snakes affects blood clotting, work nervous system, confusion and hallucinations may occur.

Animal bites can cause tetanus or rabies.

Complex forms of lesions

Many injuries are accompanied by many dangerous symptoms, irreversible processes in tissues begin to develop, which is fraught with disability and death.

Type of injury Main symptoms
Cranial · repeated bouts of vomiting;

· prolonged loss of consciousness;

· memory impairment, delirium;

double vision desire sleep;

Convulsive conditions, nosebleeds.

Eye damage · itching, lacrimation;

· redness of the mucous membrane, burst vessels in the protein;

· severe swelling, blue discoloration of nearby tissues

Spinal injuries · bruise – pain syndrome that covers large areas, swelling, hemorrhages, decreased mobility;

· distortion – pain of a sharp nature, which intensifies with movement and palpation;

· fracture of the processes - severe piercing pain, the damaged organ is noticeably visible on the surface of the back.

Military · signs of severe intoxication against the background of toxin poisoning;

Fractures, most often open;

· damage to internal organs;

· extensive skin damage from burns;

· concussion, wounds.

The most common injuries that occur in road accidents are cervical region spine, women are more susceptible to such injuries than men due to underdeveloped muscles in this area. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, numbness of limbs, memory loss.

Which doctor should I contact?

Depending on the location of the injuries, treatment is carried out by a surgeon, traumatologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, or orthopedist. Sometimes you may need to consult an infectious disease specialist, toxicologist, dermatologist, or psychotherapist. During the recovery period, a physiotherapist, physical therapy specialist, and massage therapist are involved in therapy.


The initial collection of anamnesis, questioning of the victim or eyewitnesses is carried out by ambulance doctors and on-duty traumatologists - they assess the type of injury, the degree of damage, their location, measure blood pressure and heart rate. Then the treatment is carried out by a specialist who prescribes the necessary types of studies.

Main types of diagnostics:

  • MRI, CT – allows you to assess the degree of damage to bones, soft tissues, the presence internal hematomas and pathological processes;
  • Ultrasound of damaged organs, soft tissues, tendons, cartilage;
  • X-ray is necessary to create a clear picture of the damage.

To determine the exact size of damaged areas, the presence of hidden edema and hematomas in complex and combined injuries endoscopy is prescribed.

X-rays are important to determine the clear extent of damage

Treatment of injuries

Any injury, even minor, requires medical supervision, since often hidden processes occur during damage, which cannot be determined independently. In therapy, medications and various fixing devices are used; at the recovery stage, physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy are included.

First aid

General steps for any type of injury are to place the victim in a comfortable position, provide complete rest, calm, call ambulance. If there is bleeding, it must be stopped by applying a tourniquet, tight bandage, cold compress - be sure to note the time when the manipulation was performed. For arterial bleeding, clamp the area above the wound; for venous bleeding, apply pressure below.

What to do for various types of injuries:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries - place the victim in a room with dim lighting, raise the head slightly and turn it to the side so that the person does not choke on vomit. Attach cold compress, before the ambulance arrives, monitor the person’s consciousness.
  2. In case of injuries to the arms and legs, the injured limb should be placed on a small cushion, ice should be applied, and then a fixing bandage should be applied.
  3. If the spine is damaged, you should not try to sit the person down; the victim must be carefully laid on a hard surface, with bolsters placed under the knees and neck. Although doctors do not recommend performing any manipulations for such injuries.
  4. The presence of a foreign body in the eye - do not rub the damaged organ, wash it carefully. Remove particles small size You can use a clean handkerchief to pull the lower eyelid down a little, or turn the upper eyelid out a little. For more serious injuries, it is only permissible to apply cold to the site of the blow or bruise and call a doctor.
  5. If an animal bites you, you need to wash the wound with soap and water - dissolve a third of the piece in 400 ml of water. laundry soap, carry out the procedure for at least 5 minutes. Apply antibacterial ointment, or streptocide powder, apply a sterile bandage.
  6. If you are bitten by an insect, apply a piece of refined sugar to the damaged area; if you are prone to allergies, take an antihistamine.
  7. In case of frostbite, remove all cold clothing, place the person in a warm room, give him warm tea; if there are no blisters, you can rub the skin with alcohol.
  8. For minor burns, the affected area should be freed from clothing, a cold compress should be applied for 20 minutes, Panthenol should be applied, and a loose bandage made of sterile material should be applied. These measures can also be carried out for chemical burns, if they are not caused by lime or sulfuric acid. The burned area should not be treated with iodine or greasy ointments.
  9. Sulfuric acid burns should be treated with a solution of 200 ml of water and 5 g of soda, if the injury is caused by alkali - diluted vinegar. If damaged by alkali, oil or fat must be applied to the skin.
  10. At severe burns cold, no local medicines can be used, it is necessary to make a bandage, give the person warm tea, and place the burned part of the body at the same level as the heart.
  11. In case of electrical injury, it is necessary to check the pulse and breathing; if they are absent, begin resuscitation - indirect massage heart, artificial respiration.

You should not try to straighten a limb on your own, remove bone fragments, or abuse painkillers and sedatives.


Group selection medicines depends on the severity of the injuries, their location, the patient’s age, the presence additional symptoms and chronic diseases.

How injuries are treated:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs – Ketorol, Ibuprofen;
  • antispasmodics - Papaverine, No-shpa, improve blood flow to the affected area;
  • means to prevent blood clotting in the form of tablets and ointments - Heparin, Aspirin, Troxevasin;
  • for traumatic brain injuries - Piracetam, Nootropil;
  • for eye damage - Diklo-F, Tobrex, Mezaton, drops eliminate inflammation and have an antibacterial effect;
  • microcirculation correctors – Actovegin, restore damaged vascular walls, accelerate the regeneration process;
  • cooling ointments – Menovazin, Efkamon, used during the first 24–36 hours after injury;
  • external agents with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects - Fastum gel, Deep Relief, prescribed on the second day after injury;
  • warming ointments - Myoton, Finalgon, improve blood circulation and the regeneration process, can be used 28 hours after injury.

Fastum gel has anti-inflammatory properties

Burnt areas must be treated with Panthenol several times a day and lubricated with sea buckthorn oil during the healing stage. When treating any type of injury, you must follow drinking regime– drink at least 2 liters of water, herbal or green tea in a day.

Possible complications and consequences

Any injury without proper and timely treatment is dangerous due to various complications; in order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to undergo an examination and listen to all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Possible complications:

  • In case of injury to the cervical spine, the spinal cord may be damaged, which will lead to disruption of the breathing process and death;
  • bedsores due to prolonged immobility;
  • sepsis – due to untimely treatment of wounds;
  • partial or complete loss of vision, memory;
  • gangrene, disruption of internal organs;
  • deformation of the skin, scars, cicatrices, dermatoses;
  • if the bones do not heal properly, the length of the limbs may decrease, which is fraught with decreased functionality and constant attacks of pain.

Scars often remain after skin damage

With burns and frostbite, necrotic processes develop quickly; without timely treatment, amputation may be required.

The consequences of injuries can be felt even after 10–15 years; this manifests itself in the form of arthrosis, hernias, pinched nerve endings, and chronic bursitis.

No one is immune from injuries; you can get them at home, at work, or on the street. Timely medical care and proper treatment will help avoid complications and sometimes death.

Traumatology is the science of damage to human organs and tissues. She studies traumatism, its prevention, the organization of trauma care and the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Trauma, or damage, is a sudden impact of factors external environment(mechanical, thermal, chemical, etc.) on tissues, organs or the body as a whole, leading to anatomical and physiological changes, accompanied by a local and general reaction of the body.

Damage, depending on the application of force, is divided into direct and indirect. They can be isolated - with damage to one anatomical and functional formation of the musculoskeletal system; multiple - with damage to two or more anatomical and functional formations or damage to blood vessels and nerves in different segments of the limbs; combined - damage to internal organs in various cavities with trauma to the musculoskeletal system - and combined - the simultaneous presence of two etiologically dissimilar injuries in the victim (for example, a fracture of the humerus and burns of the body).

The mechanical factor can manifest itself in the form of pressure, stretching, rupture, twisting moment of force or shock. In this case, the force of influence of the external factor on tissues and organs is directly proportional to the direction (directly or at an angle), speed and duration of exposure, which leads to varying degrees severity of injury. The most common injuries include bruises, wounds, dislocations, bone fractures, limb separations, burns, frostbite, electrical injuries, etc.

TO bruises(contusio) include mechanical damage to tissues or organs, often without compromising the integrity of the skin. In this case, subcutaneous fatty tissue is destroyed, and hemorrhages occur with disruption of arterial, venous circulation and lymph flow. Swelling of soft tissues, increased local temperature, and redness of the skin (reactive hyperemia) occur. With bruises in the area of ​​the extremities involving muscles, tendon-ligamentous apparatus, joints, musculoskeletal function is disrupted; with bruises of organs (heart, lung, brain, etc.), functions specific to these organs are disrupted. The severity of the bruise depends on the strength of the external influence and the location of the damaged tissues and organs.

Compression(compressio)- damage to organs or tissues caused by pressure from the outside or from neighboring organs or tissues. Compression of the brain (hematoma, edema, tumor), heart (hemopericardium), and lungs (hemothorax, pneumothorax) poses a serious danger to life. A separate nosological group includes long-term compression of the soft tissues of the extremities, less often the torso, which results in long-term compression (crushing) syndrome, or crash syndrome. In its development, the main role is played by traumatic toxicosis caused by the products of decay and impaired metabolism of compressed or crushed soft tissues.

The severity of the condition of the victims is aggravated by the development of acute renal failure.

Wound(vulnus)- any violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes under the influence of external mechanical influence or internal influence - a bone fragment. There are superficial wounds and deep ones - with damage to large vessels, nerves, and internal organs.

Dislocation(luxatio)- complete separation of the articular ends of the bones; with subluxation, partial contact of the articular surfaces is maintained, but with deformation of the contours of the joint and joint space (excessive expansion, uneven narrowing, etc.). A distinction is made between fracture-dislocation (intra-articular fracture of the dislocated end of the bone) and bone dislocation with extra-articular fracture. The dislocated bone is considered to be dislocated. A dislocation is considered fresh up to 3 days from the moment of injury, stale - up to 3 weeks, old - more than 3 weeks. Based on etiology, dislocations are divided into traumatic, habitual, congenital and pathological. Traumatic dislocations occur more often with indirect trauma with forced violent movement in the joint exceeding its amplitude normal movements. Habitual dislocation occurs mainly in shoulder joint after an undertreated or incorrectly treated primary traumatic dislocation. Repeated dislocations may occur with different frequency due to minimal external violent influences and even normal movements in the joint with a large amplitude. Congenital dislocation is formed as a result of dysplasia (underdevelopment) of the joint. Predominant defeat hip joint was and remains a serious orthopedic problem. Pathological dislocation is the result of destruction of the joint by some pathological process (arthrosis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, tumor).

Fracture(fracture ossis) called bone damage with a violation of its integrity. Most fractures are caused by mechanical forces that exceed the strength of normal bone. Less commonly, a fracture occurs from minor forces (from the weight of a limb or body) and is considered pathological (in the area of ​​a tumor, cyst, inflammatory process). More often, fractures are closed, less often (1:10) - open (the fracture area communicates with the wound). If the wound was caused by external violence, then the fracture is considered primary open. If the skin is perforated by a fragment (shard) of bone from the inside, then the fracture is considered secondary open. This division is of fundamental importance, since in a primary open fracture, soft tissue destruction and microbial aggression can significantly affect the surgical tactics and method of treating the fracture.

Injuries- a social phenomenon, as a result of which certain groups of residents, who are in the same working and living conditions, are injured. The following types of injuries are distinguished.

I. Occupational injuries.

1. Industrial.

2. Agricultural.

II. Non-occupational injuries.

1. Household.

2. Street:

a) transport;

b) non-transport.

3. Sports.

III. Intentional injury (murder, suicide, self-harm).

IV. Military injuries.

V. Childhood traumatism.

1. Generic.

2. Household.

3. Street.

4. School.

5. Sports.

6. Other accidents.

Work injury arises as a result industrial accident when workers are exposed to various production factors. All employees are subject to mandatory social insurance from accidents and occupational diseases.

The causes of accidents at work are divided into objective and subjective. TO objective reasons conditionally include technical and sanitary-hygienic, subjective - organizational and psychophysiological.

TO technical reasons include equipment malfunction; uncoordinated switching on of electricity and other energy sources; lack of fencing of the danger zone, etc.

TO for sanitary and hygienic reasons include poor lighting; air pollution; increased radiation, etc.

Organizational reasons are improper organization of work; poor quality training on labor safety issues; admission of unskilled workers to high-risk work.

Psychological reasons are fatigue and inattention during monotonous work; weakening of self-control; self-confidence; unjustified, unlawful risk.

Up to 80% of accidents occur due to erroneous or delayed actions of workers. The main cause of accidents and injuries is the risk factor. Risk can be legal (acceptable) and illegal (unacceptable).

Investigation and recording of accidents. All accidents that occurred at work are subject to investigation:

  • during execution labor responsibilities, as well as actions in the interests of the enterprise without instructions from the employer;
  • at the workplace, on the territory of an enterprise or at another place of work during working hours, including prescribed breaks;
  • while putting production tools and clothes in order before starting or after finishing work, as well as for personal hygiene;
  • while traveling to or from work, including on your own transport used for production purposes;
  • during accidents (fire, explosion, collapse) and their elimination at production facilities.

About an accident as a result of which the employee, according to a medical report, lost his ability to work for one day or more or there was a need to transfer him to another, more light work for a period of at least one day, an act is drawn up in form N-1.

The head of the enterprise, having received a report of an accident, by order appoints a commission of investigation consisting of the following composition: the head (specialist) of the labor protection service (chairman of the commission), the head of a structural unit or chief specialist, a representative of a trade union organization, a sanitary and epidemiological supervision specialist ( acute poisoning), authorized labor collective on labor protection issues.

The owner of the enterprise approves five copies of the act in form N-1 within 24 hours. One copy of the N-1 act, together with the investigation materials, is stored for 45 years at the enterprise where the accident was registered. Copies of the report are kept until all measures are taken to eliminate and prevent the hazardous production factor.

The fight against injuries is usually carried out in three areas:

1) prevention;

2) organization of trauma care;

3) qualified and specialized treatment.

This problem still remains one of the most acute problems in traumatology, since injuries annually claim a significant number of human lives and transform even larger number victims into disabled people and thereby causing enormous moral and material damage to the state.

Traumatology and orthopedics. N.V. Kornilov

Trauma is the process of damage to tissues, organs, nerve endings, lymphatic and blood vessels in the human body under the influence of the external environment. There are several reasons why different types of injuries are distinguished.

By severity

Depending on the consequences on the human body, injuries are distinguished:

  • Lungs - abrasions, contusions, bruises, etc. Do not lead to disability and do not cause consequences. It is enough to treat the injured area at home.
  • Medium - deprive a person of the opportunity to work for a period of 10 days to one month.
  • Severe - lead to serious changes in the human body, the period of incapacity for work is from one month. Requires immediate hospitalization.

According to the nature of the damage

Depending on the characteristics of the damage, injuries are distinguished:

  1. Open. Associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Often accompanied by infection and, as a consequence, suppuration. Open injuries occur due to mechanical damage, etc. They require mandatory consultation with a doctor.
  2. Closed. Damage without compromising the integrity of the skin. Swelling, pain, abrasions, and bruises are observed at the site of injury. The most common types of closed injuries:
  • bruises;
  • concussions;
  • dislocations;
  • sprains;

Main classification

Depending on various factors and external influences, the following types of injuries are distinguished:


They occur quite often. They can be obtained by an object that moves directly towards the person, or if the person himself moves and hits a hard or sharp object (hitting the corner of a table, falling to the floor). As a result of mechanical damage, abrasions, scratches, wounds, frostbite, fractures, ruptures of tissues and organs, etc. are formed.

  1. Abrasions are damage to the integrity of the epidermis, blood and lymphatic vessels.
  2. Wounds - mild, moderate or severe damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. They are a threat to the body as a whole.
  3. A bone fracture is a complete or partial anatomical disorder of a person’s bone or skeleton, which entails ruptures of muscles, joints, and tissues.

Classification of fractures:

  • simple and complex;
  • intra-articular and extra-articular;
  • open and closed;
  • complete and incomplete;
  • single, multiple, combined.

According to statistics, fractures are more common in street injuries (accidents), stretch marks and abrasions - in sports.

Domestic injuries

Causes of domestic injuries:

  • When diving in the “bomb” position, many divers and swimmers simply do not know the bottom topography.
  • Improper care of young children.
  • Open wells, roofs of houses.
  • Use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Incorrect use household appliances and cutlery.
  • Poor quality of electrical wires and gas pipelines.
  • Failure to comply with safety regulations in private homes - open fires, burning leaves in the fall, children playing with matches.
  • Gunshot, knife and other types of wounds.

Domestic injuries also include:

  • falling from a height (high-rise building or stairs);
  • insect, snake and animal bites;
  • poisoning ( carbon monoxide, food, chemical);
  • (uninsulated sections of the electrical panel or wires);
  • injuries in an elevator shaft;
  • falling icicles or damaged parts of the house.


Injuries resulting from exposure of the body to low temperatures, strong winds and high humidity. You can get frostbite on your limbs and individual parts of the body (arms, legs, ears, nose). Skin the whole body is pale, blue or violet, with a clear sensation of “goose bumps”. Frostbite usually occurs at temperatures of -10 – -20 degrees and below. As a result, some areas of the skin may become dead.


The damage is the same in people who spend a long time in the same type of working and living conditions.


Dangerous type of damage. The blast wave can cause serious injury to a large number of people. In addition, toxins are released into the air, leading to poisoning of people.


Dangerous tissue damage upon contact with:

  • fire;
  • flammable liquids;
  • electricity;
  • high temperature;
  • chemical reagents;
  • radiation.


Impact of electric current on various parts of the human body.


Damage caused by radiation energy that releases radiation.


A special kind. This includes quarrels, depression, frequent stress arising from family discord and scandals. To improve emotional condition, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant, relieve internal discomfort, understand the problem and solve it. If it is not possible to relieve the tension, and the situation is only heating up, then sedatives. In the worst case scenario, the patient is referred to a specialized hospital for treatment of depression.

Depending on the location of the injury

Genitourinary system

Injuries genitourinary system you can get the most different ways. The external and internal genital organs, bladder, kidneys, testicles, scrotum, urethra, urethra. Symptoms that require immediate consultation with a doctor include the presence of blood in the urine, painful urination, change in the color of semen or discharge. If you receive a minor injury to the stomach or groin area, it is better to visit a doctor, as the consequences can be very dire.


A common cause of kidney injury is a blunt, heavy blow to the stomach or lumbar region (falling on your back during icy conditions, during a fight). Accompanied by damage to other organs. IN war time gunshot wounds kidneys were found everywhere. But in peacetime, only 0.2–0.4% of patients suffer from firearms.

The first sign of kidney injury is blood when urinating. Acute pain in the area of ​​impact increases with urination and physical activity.


A blow to the groin or lower abdomen can rupture the bladder. If a rupture occurs when the organ is filled with urine, the fluid enters the person's body. Otherwise, a submucosal hematoma appears, which resolves after some time without consequences.

The patient is worried sharp pains lower abdomen, lack of urge to go to the toilet, purulent and bloody issues when urinating. Injury Bladder perhaps without breaking it. Then big picture much simpler: moderate pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, small amount of blood.

Important! At minor injuries and abrasions in the pelvic or lower back area, you should seek help. The doctor will give advice and calculate the likelihood of injury and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

Male genitals

The penis and scrotum are most often injured by a blow to the buttocks, while zipping up trousers, or during a medical examination. If the testicles full of sperm, there is a risk of breaking them upon impact. In these cases it is shown surgery. The penis and scrotum have good regeneration due to a rich network of blood vessels.

Female genital organs

Rupture of the genital organs in girls occurs during rape, with legs widely separated (during stretching or gymnastics). Injury to the vagina, bladder, and uterus occurs due to unsuccessful abortion, childbirth, and genital surgery.

Unlike men, in women the urethra is injured extremely rarely, in cases of a direct sharp wound or a pelvic fracture.

Craniocervical injuries

A car accident or a strong blow from a heavy object can cause a traumatic brain injury. In case of violation of the upper cervical vertebral region craniocervical damage occurs. It is accompanied by paralysis of the ligamentous-articular apparatus. Timely diagnosis can save the life and health of the patient.