Joanna Rowling sequel to Harry Potter. Star Trek and books

- British writer.

JK Rowling was born in the town of Chipping Sodbury in Gloucestershire, near Bristol, and became the eldest of two daughters in the family. When the future writer was nine years old, the Rowlings moved to the town of Chepstow in the county of Gwent (Wales). After graduating from high school there in 1983, Rowling entered the University of Exeter, where she studied French. This gave her the opportunity to spend a year in Paris.
After graduating from university, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree, Rowling moved to London, where she changed several jobs. She spent most of her time with the international human rights organization Amnesty International. In 1990, the future writer moved to Manchester, and that’s when she first came up with the idea of ​​a children’s book about a boy wizard. Also in 1990, Rowling's mother died of multiple sclerosis. A few months later, Joan got a job as an English teacher in Porto, Portugal's second largest city.
In Porto, Rowling met her future husband, television journalist Jorge Arantes. They got married in 1992, from this marriage they had a daughter, Jessica. Quite soon, Rowling and Arantes broke up: her husband, according to the writer, literally kicked her and her daughter out of the house. By Christmas 1994, Rowling was back in the UK. She and her daughter moved to Edinburgh, where her younger sister Di lived at the time. By this time, a significant part of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, had already been written. In an effort to complete the book, Rowling did not take a permanent job and finished writing the novel in cafes, including the popular Nicolson’s, which belonged to her relative.

In 1995, Rowling sent the first draft of the novel to two literary agents, and the first returned the text almost immediately, not considering it promising, and the second, Christopher Little, nevertheless undertook to add the manuscript. He succeeded a year later: “Harry Potter” attracted the interest of the small London publishing house Bloomsbury. His employee Barry Cunningham offered the writer a modest advance (one and a half thousand pounds sterling) in August 1996, which Rowling readily accepted.
The first printing of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in 1997 and amounted to only a thousand copies, half of which went to children's libraries. The book did not make much of an impression, but critics still noticed it. The Scottish organization The Scottish Art Council provided Rowling with a grant so that she could begin the second volume of Potter.
In the same year, at a professional fair for children's literature publishers in Bologna, Barry Cunningham managed to sell the rights to the American edition of Harry Potter to Scholastic, which offered the writer an unusually large advance for a debutante - $105,000. The writer had, however, to change the title of the book to “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”). Subsequently, she never adapted the titles of the novels for an American audience.
The second book about Harry Potter (“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”) appeared in 1998. That same year, the film studio Warner Bros. bought the film rights to two Rowling novels. They were released in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Both were directed by Chris Columbus. Rowling herself wanted to see Briton Terry Gilliam direct the films, but the choice was left to the studio.

The third and fourth novels ("Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" were published in 1999 and 2000
Just after Christmas 2001 (December 26), JK Rowling remarried. This time her chosen one was Edinburgh anesthetist Neil Scott Murray. The birth of two children (the couple had a son, David Gordon Rowling Murray, in March 2003, and a daughter, Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray, in January 2005) slowed down work on new Potter sequels. The fifth book ("Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix") was published in 2003, and the sixth ("Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince") - in 2005.
The seventh and final novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was released in the UK and US, as well as several other countries, at midnight on July 21, 2007 local time. The premiere of Rowling's book was preceded by a series of leaks: several hackers and pirates posted a synopsis and then digital photographs of the American edition of the book on the Internet. An investigation undertaken by Scholastic publishing house revealed the sources of the leaked photographs: they turned out to be Levy Home Entertainment (LHE) and, which, despite the embargo, delivered approximately 1,200 copies of the novel to American readers. One of the buyers posted the reshot pages of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” on file-sharing networks. In addition, two days before the release of the novel, The New York Times published a review of the novel written by the publication's leading critic Michiko Kakutani. The author admitted that she bought the book from a New York store that also violated the embargo. Rowling and publishers Bloomsbury and Scholastic have asked those who already have copies of the novel to “not ruin the fun for other readers.”
Film adaptations of Rowling's third, fourth and fifth novels appeared in 2004, 2006 and 2007, respectively. The sixth film ("Half-Blood Prince") was released in 2009, the seventh ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows") is expected to be released in two parts. The first part of "The Deathly Hallows" was released in 2010, and the second - in 2011.

Rowling has repeatedly assured that the seventh novel will be the last in the series, but on the eve of its release she did not rule out that she would write a continuation of the adventures of her heroes in the future. Her agent also announced that the writer plans to publish an encyclopedia of characters and realities from her novels.
The total worldwide circulation of the first six Harry Potter novels was 325 million copies. In March 2007, 41-year-old Rowling's fortune was estimated by Forbes magazine at one billion dollars.

The Harry Potter novels brought the writer many awards, including Nestle Smarties Gold Award (three times), British Book Awards, Children's Book Award (twice), The Booksellers Association/The Bookseller Author of the Year Award (twice), Scottish Arts Council Children's Book Award (twice), Spanish Prince of Asturias Award. In 2000, Rowling became an Officer of the Order of the British Empire.
Rowling does a lot of charity work. In particular, she supports the Single Parents Foundation and the Foundation for Research into Multiple Sclerosis, the disease from which her mother died.
Rowling is named among the close friends of Sarah Brown, the wife of the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

October 20, 2010 JK Rowling became the first Andersen Prize winner
The first winner of the Hans Christian Andersen Literary Prize was British writer JK Rowling, CBC News reports. This newly established prize is awarded to children's writers for their closeness to Andersen's ideas.
The award ceremony took place on October 19 in Andersen’s homeland, in the Danish city of Odense. The monetary reward for the prize winner is 500 thousand crowns (about 100 thousand dollars).

After leaving school, Rowling tried to enter Oxford, but ended up becoming a philology student at the University of Exeter. In addition to French, Rowling studied ancient Greek and Roman literature at the university.

After graduating from university, Rowling moved to London, where she changed several jobs, including a position at Amnesty International, a human rights organization.

While traveling from Manchester to London on a crowded train, Rowling conceived the idea for a novel about a black-haired, bespectacled boy who was unaware of his magical powers. She started work in the evening of the same day, having reached home. After the death of her mother in December 1990, the main character of her future novel was an orphan boy grieving for his dead parents.

In the early 1990s, Rowling lived in Portugal, where she taught English language as foreign language. In 1993 she moved to Edinburgh.

In 1995, the writer sent the first chapters of the book to several literary agents. In 1997, the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was first published by Bloomsbury. The publisher suggested that the writer print her initials on the cover instead of her full name, citing the fact that boys would not want to buy a book written by a woman. Since Rowling did not have a middle name, she chose the letter "K" as her initial, in honor of her grandmother Kathleen - "J. K. Rowling". The book gained popularity among the public.

In 1999, the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, was published.

The fourth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was published on July 8, 2000, with a UK record edition of one million copies.

The next Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, was published in 2003, followed by Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in 2005.

The last book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was published in 2007.

Interest in Harry Potter and income from book sales increased with each new novel. Rowling's works have been translated into 67 languages.

In December 2007, the collection “Tales of Beedle the Bard” was published, which was also mentioned in the last book about Harry Potter, and the text of one of the tales is given in full in the novel.

Rowling's first novel for adults, The Casual Vacancy, was published in the UK in September 2012.

Under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, the writer published two detective novels, The Cuckoo's Calling (2013) and The Silkworm (2014).

The writer also announced that she had already written half of her third crime novel and had begun work on the plot of the fourth. It is planned that there will be more than seven books connected by a common hero - detective Cormoran Strike.

Rowling is the screenwriter of a number of films about Harry Potter - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (2001), "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (2002), "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (2004), "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" ( 2005), "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (2007), "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (2009).

In two parts of the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", released in 2010 and 2011, she is also a producer.

JK Rowling has various charitable organizations: the Single Parents Foundation, the Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation and others. She is the founder of the charity Lumos, which defends the rights of mentally retarded children in poor European countries.

In 2012 she performed with short speech at the opening ceremony of XXX summer Olympic Games in London.

Rowling is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. In 2001 she was awarded the Order of the British Empire, in 2009 - the Order of the Legion of Honor (France). Her awards include the Hugo Award (2001), the Prince of Asturias Award (Spain, 2003), the W.G. Literary Award. Smith (2004), Edinburgh Prize (2008), Hans Christian Andersen Prize (Denmark, 2010), etc. Rowling was awarded the British Book Award several times (1998, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2008).

In 2001, JK Rowling married anesthesiologist Neil Murray. In 2003, the couple had a son, David, and a daughter, Mackenzie, in 2005. She also has a daughter from her first marriage, Jessica (born in 1993). The writer took her husband’s surname, but publishes books under her former name, which is more familiar to readers.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Joanne Rowling is a British novelist, screenwriter and film producer, best known as the author of the Harry Potter series of novels.

Born July 31, 1965 in the town of Yate (Gloucestershire). In addition to Joan, the family also had a younger sister, Dianna. When the future writer was 4 years old, her family moved to Winterbourne, where she and her sister often played with children named Potter. Joan visited primary school St. Michael's, founded 200 years ago by British philanthropist William Wilberforce. It is believed that the director of this school, Alfred Dunn, became the prototype of the director of the school where Harry Potter studied.

Joan loved telling stories since childhood. She wrote her first fairy tale at the age of 5-6 years. When she turned 9, her family moved to Tutshill. It was a difficult period: Joan's mother was often ill, and her relationship with her father did not work out. The girl visited high school Vaidin, where her mother worked. The writer's favorite subjects were English and other foreign languages. She loved to tell her friends stories about heroic characters. Immediately after leaving school, she entered the University of Exeter, where she studied French. After graduating, she moved to London, where she worked briefly as a secretary-translator.

In 1990 she moved to Manchester. Joan's mother, who had long suffered from multiple sclerosis, died in the same place. Soon the future writer moved to Portugal, where she taught English. In between lessons, she wrote her novel about a boy who studied at a magic school and was distinguished by his extraordinary abilities. In 1992, she married a young journalist. A year later, the couple had a daughter, but they divorced. Joan and her little daughter moved to Edinburgh, closer to her sister. She received a grant from the Scottish Arts Council to complete her book. When the time came to publish her work, Joan faced many rejections. Eventually, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was purchased by Bloomsbury.

After publication in the UK, Joan was talked about as a writer, and the book about Harry Potter won the Book of the Year award. When the rights to the book were bought by the publishing house Arthur A. Levin/Educational Literature for a significant sum, the writer was able to quit teaching and devote herself entirely to writing. All subsequent books in the Harry Potter series became bestsellers in both the UK and the USA. The first Harry Potter film was produced in 2000 by Warner Brothers. There were eight film adaptations in total, and all of them occupied leading positions. Today, the stories of Harry Potter and his fight against the Dark Lord have become some of the most popular children's books in the world.

The story of JK Rowling, whose books have been among the most popular in the world for many years, is similar to the fairy tale of Cinderella. From a practically poor inhabitant of foggy England, thanks to the tales of Harry Potter, she turned into a favorite writer of millions of children and adults. How did she manage to achieve all this and not get sick with such a contagious “star” disease?

The childhood years of the future writer

JK Rowling was born on the same day as her literary “child” Harry Potter - July 31, but in 1965. Her parents - Peter and Anne Rowling - were ordinary people who lived poorly.

A little less than 2 years after Joan, her younger sister Dianne was born, with whom the novelist was always very close.

Rowling's condition even at its most best years was modest, so the sisters had to earn extra money from a young age, cleaning in a local church, even in winter. They paid very little for this work, but this was the only opportunity for young Dianne and JK Rowling to have their own money.

The biography of the future writer formed the basis for many episodes of her books. Perhaps this is why they look so realistic, despite the fact that they are fairy tales. So, for example, the girl’s parents met at King’s Cross station, and Joan received her education at St. Michael's Primary School, which became the prototype of Hogwarts. And its director's name was Alfred Dunn, so it's not hard to guess under what name he appeared in the epic. Sean Harris, Joan's childhood friend, became the prototype of Ron, and in the role of the know-it-all and nerd Hermione, the writer portrayed herself in school years. It's worth noting that Sean had own car Ford Anglia, which played a key role in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Rowling developed an interest in the writing profession very early. While still a schoolgirl, she composed fairy tales and read them to her younger sister. It is not surprising that after graduating from school (in 1982), Joan went to study French and German philology at the University of Exeter.

Death of JK Rowling's mother

Despite the fact that the novelist’s family was not rich, Joan remembers her childhood years as some of the happiest of her life. Before her mother began to show symptoms of multiple sclerosis (from which the woman later died), Anne Rowling constantly organized holidays for her daughters, for which she baked delicious cakes. However, when fatal disease began to manifest itself, and the doctors sent the unfortunate woman home to die, the life of the family became a real hell.

Anne tried to hold on until the last, but her health deteriorated at a catastrophic rate. This period deeply traumatized Joan. Subsequently, it was because of this that JK Rowling made her books so gloomy and sad.

There are things that the novelist regrets most in her life, in particular, the fact that her mother never found out about her daughter’s new novel, although at the time of her death (1990) Rowling had already completely thought out the plot of the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Relationship with father and work in Portugal

The family took the death of Anne Rowling very hard. To help his daughters cope with all this, Peter Rowling did not allow the girls to see dead mother, something Joan could never forgive him for.

Because of this tragedy, each family member became isolated, and the relationship between father and daughters became increasingly cool. And then they went completely wrong, and have not resumed to this day.

After graduating from university (1986), Joan Rowlin worked as a secretary in London. But soon she left for Portugal to teach English at an evening school.

JK Rowling and the Young Wizard with the Scar

It was here, during a break between classes at school, that JK Rowling wrote the first 3 chapters of the future novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

The writer composed the plot of this work much earlier, when she was once traveling from Manchester to London. That day the train was delayed for a long 4 hours. Suddenly, Miss Rowling came up with the idea of ​​writing a fairy tale about a boy wizard. Taking advantage of the forced wait, she managed to think through the plot of the entire novel, so when she got to pen and paper, she wrote down her idea.

However, she was able to fully engage with the novel only in Portugal, when she had at least somewhat recovered from her worries about the death of her mother. But at that time, JK Rowling was not destined to finish her masterpiece. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” came out of the writer’s pen later, because she got married and gave birth to a child, and due to these concerns she did not have time to write. But when she separated from her husband, the writer had no opportunity to stay in Portugal with her four-month-old daughter in her arms. Therefore, she returned to her homeland.

But I couldn’t find a job. At this point, Rowling began to experience depression, which made her feel like her life was over and there was no hope. More than once at these moments, the future writer had thoughts of suicide, but the woman managed to overcome them: she decided to finish writing her novel and try to publish it. For many months, living on unemployment benefits, constantly in fear that social services may take her daughter away from her, Joan was typing her novel on an old typewriter. When it was ready (1995), the woman managed to find the literary agency Christopher Little Literary Agents, which began representing her interests. Manuscripts of the book were sent to many publishing houses, and 12 of them refused to publish it. In the end, Bloomsbury agreed to publish JK Rowling's debut novel (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) and paid her £1,500 as an advance.

However, before the book was published, 2 long years passed, during which Rowling continued to be poor. Her philological education turned out to be of no use to anyone in Great Britain, so she began to study at the pedagogical school of the University of Edinburgh in order to have the right to teach in England.

After the release of her debut novel about Harry Potter (1997), its creator instantly became famous in her homeland and received an eight-thousand-euro grant to write a sequel to the novel, which was published in next year and confirmed that “Harry Potter” is not a one-day affair. Now, Rowling wrote one book almost every year, which children all over the world read with pleasure. Her fees grew exponentially. And when Warner Bros. bought the film rights, the former poor single mother turned into a millionaire.

Soon (2001), the first film in the series was released, and now even those who had not read Rowling’s books became fans of the epic based on them. It is noteworthy that not only the books and characters themselves acquired cult status, but also their creator. Children and teenagers all over the world were simply crazy about her, because she was the only one who knew the secret of the future of Harry Potter and his friends. Fans from all over the world stood in line for hours to get her autographs.

However, with the advent of fame came its unpleasant companions. Thus, having become the most famous children's writer of our time, Rowling turned into a frequent heroine of the yellow press. She was accused of all mortal sins, including creative crisis. In addition, Joan and her family were followed everywhere by reporters and fans, and sometimes went so far as to rummage through the trash near her house.

Fortunately, the novelist managed to cope with all this with dignity, and when in 2007 she finished the 7th novel in the series - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - the writer believed that she had put an end to this topic.

New Potter book

However, years passed and she changed her mind. Thus, in 2016 it was published a separate book play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child".

JK Rowling, in this long-awaited work for many fans, told how the future fate of her heroes developed.

Also in 2016, the play was staged in the UK, and for the first time in history, Hermione was played by a black actress.

Soon after its release, the writer was offered to sell the rights to the film adaptation of the book “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.” JK Rowling refused this, citing the fact that the book was written for theater production. However, Warner Bros. just in case, they created the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child brand if Joan, known for her fickle temperament, nevertheless allowed a movie to be made based on this work.

Rowling's Charity Books

In addition to the novels telling about the fate of Harry and his comrades, in 2001 the writer wrote 2 short stories: “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” and “Quidditch: From Antiquity to the Present Day.” Both of these books are different time read the young wizard Potter.

It is noteworthy that these stories were intended for a charitable foundation, which received almost 16 million pounds for their publication. And in 2016, Part I of the book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” was filmed. Its sequel is due to be released in 2018.

New literary horizons: the novel “The Casual Vacancy”

In addition to books about wizards, Rowling has written other successful works. The first of them was the social novel “Casual Vacancy”. JK Rowling created it for young people and adults. It talks about various social problems in a small provincial town with the fictitious name of Pagford.

Of course, the book could not reach the level of popularity of the Potter novels, but it also turned out to be very profitable. And in 2015, based on it, the television series of the same name “Casual Vacancy” was filmed. JK Rowling, by the way, actively participated in writing its script, as, indeed, in all other cases of film adaptations of her books.

Detective story with Robert Galbraith

The story about the investigation into the murder of supermodel Lula Landry by veteran Cormoran Strike liked readers, but did not particularly impress them - 449 copies were sold in stores in 3 months. But after one of the reputable literary publications (The Sunday Times) noted that The Cuckoo's Calling was too good for a debut writer, critics suspected that a more experienced writer was hiding under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

Having compared the name of the publisher and editor, as well as conducting a linguistic analysis of the novel, Richard Brooks (editor of The Sunday Times) suggested that the real author of the detective story is JK Rowling. Later, these suspicions were confirmed, and sales of the novel increased fantastically.

The writer herself was unhappy that her deception was discovered so quickly. However, she did not abandon the detective genre and a year later published a sequel - the book “Silkworm”.

JK Rowling: personal life and children

For the first time, the writer walked down the aisle with TV reporter from Portugal Jorge Arantes. Quite soon after meeting, the lovers began dating. And in October 1992, the relationship was formalized after it turned out that the future author of the Harry Potter series of novels was pregnant.

Jessica Isabel Rowling-Arantes, who was born 9 months after this, became a real joy for her mother. However, the baby was not even 4 months old when her parents divorced. According to biographers and Arantes himself, he beat his wife, and this became the reason for the separation, although Rowling herself never confirmed this fact.

Despite the disaster with her first marriage, the writer still took the risk of marrying again. Her new boyfriend turned out to be divorced anesthesiologist Neil Michael Murray. Despite the fact that both spouses had bitter experiences behind them family life, Neil and Joan were able to find mutual language and build a strong family.

In addition to her eldest daughter from her first marriage, Rowling has two more children: David Gordon Rowling-Murray and Mackenzie Jean Rowling-Murray.

Charity JK Rowling

Having experienced firsthand what poverty is, the writer, having become rich, began to use part of her funds to help others - she organized her own charitable organization Voluntary Charitable Trust.

This institution focuses on helping single mothers and low-income families. In addition, Rowling actively sponsors research into the treatment and prevention of multiple sclerosis.

The amount of money donated by the writer is measured in tens of millions a year, which is perhaps why Rowling’s real wealth is less than that attributed to her by journalists.

"The Magic of Words: The JK Rowling Story"

The biography of this storyteller interests her fans no less than her works. Therefore, the famous storyteller is constantly interviewed and invited to all sorts of events. Also, several documentaries and films have been shot about her fate. The most detailed is the 2011 film - Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story.

Unlike other projects (for example, JK Rowling: a Year in the life), this is a full-length movie in which actress Poppy Montgomery played an adult JK Rowling. The biography of the writer in this tape is not presented in chronological order, but through the prism of various flashbacks.

Despite its many flaws, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story is a completely worthy attempt to tell viewers about the background story of Harry Potter.

Interesting facts

  • Joan is a quarter French and a quarter Scottish on her mother's side.
  • The writer's parents really wanted their first child to be a boy. When the girl was born, they wanted to give her male name, but later changed their minds and named the girl JK Rowling.
  • The writer's biography is full of paradoxes. So, some religious figures call her books satanic, although for Joan herself this is strange, because she sincerely believes in God, even if she does not agree with official church doctrines in everything.
  • Rowling initially dreamed of studying at Oxford, but she was not accepted there and had to settle for Exeter.
  • Individual print publications periodically announced the owner of an impressive fortune - 500 million pounds to a billion. However, Rowling denies that she is that rich. According to her, talking about your money is bad manners. At the same time, she admits that she has long been a millionaire.
  • Every week the writer receives 1000-1500 letters. It’s interesting that only half of them are from fans, because more often they write to her charities asking for donations.
  • Regarding wealth and charity. Joan believes that having a large fortune imposes certain obligations on its owner, in particular the need to care for those who are less fortunate.
  • The popularity of the writer contributed to the appearance of JK Rowling in films and even in animated series. So, in The Simpsons, its main characters once went on an excursion to the UK, where they met Harry Potter’s “mother”. By the way, in this episode (season 15, episode 4), the novelist voiced herself.

Today, JK Rowling, despite her wealth and fame, does not stop writing. According to her, she does this because she truly enjoys the process of creating a new work. Therefore, fans of the writer have real hope that she will write more than one novel about the fate of Harry Potter.

JK Rowling, whose biography can amaze any reader, is the famous author of the novel about the good young wizard Harry Potter. Not only children are familiar with her work, but also adults who read such popular books and watch films based on her works.

JK Kathleen Rowling's childhood

The biography of the popular writer dates back to July thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five. Little Joan was born in small town Yate, which is located in England, near Bristol. As a child, the baby was plump, and poor eyesight forced her to wear glasses. Also in early age Joan was a dreamer - she loved to write fairy tales and then tell them to her little sister. This made a very good impression on the girl.

Joan's childhood was calm and happy. Her family consisted of her parents, grandmother and younger sister. The future writer was very friendly and kind. Classes at school brought only joy. She especially loved literature and English classes.

However, when she was nine years old, her family moved to the village, so the girl had to change school. The new environment had an impact on the heroine of the article bad influence. The teachers did not like her, and her classmates considered her unsociable and secretive.

JK Rowling's teenage years

The biography tells about the new move of the Rowling family, which took place when the writer was fifteen years old. From this moment on, the life of a young girl loses all its bright colors. Unfamiliar surroundings new school and the abandonment of old friends had their effect Negative influence. In addition, around this year, Joan's grandmother left the world, and her relationship with her father became increasingly tense. The final point becomes terrible disease moms - multiple sclerosis, which was never cured.

British writer Joan Rowling, whose photo you can see in our material, wanted to go to Oxford after school, but her attempt was in vain. So the young girl began her student life at the University of Exeter, choosing a philological direction, as her parents advised her to do. However, after graduation, she was never able to find her calling in life, having changed more than one job. But in nineteen ninety, she met an interesting young man and decided to move to Manchester. However, the couple's relationship did not last long.

How the legendary story of Harry Potter began

It’s hard to believe, but the idea of ​​a novel about a young wizard came to the writer completely spontaneously and unexpectedly. One day, when Joan was returning to London, her train was stopped in the middle of the road and delayed for several hours. The waiting was boring and tedious, so the writer looked at the landscapes that opened before her eyes. And it was at that moment that she imagined the image of a boy who would soon go to school for witches and wizards. Returning home, Joan immediately began writing the novel. Unfortunately, her mother died at this time.

A bitter loss forced the girl to leave home country and start new life. She decided to settle in Portugal and work as a foreign language teacher at a university. Working full time made it difficult to work on the novel, which had changed a lot since my mother died. The book clearly shows the experiences of a boy who experienced the loss of his parents. After all, the writer herself felt the hardships of such a life.

Unsuccessful marriage and return to England

JK Rowling (her biography is direct confirmation of this) met her future husband in Porto, returning home. Their wedding took place in nineteen ninety-two. A few months after this event, the young couple found themselves separated, as Jorge was sent to army training. During his absence, the writer finished the first three chapters of the book about Harry Potter. In nineteen ninety-three, Joan's daughter was born. But the husband was not very happy about this event and kicked the mother and newborn child out the door. The woman had no choice but to go to Scotland to visit her younger sister. After staying there for a while, she decided to rent an apartment. A young mother without work and without money lived with her baby on government benefits and tried to write at least a few lines of a novel in every free minute.

End of work and publication of the first book

British writer JK Rowling, whose biography captivated the whole world, found the strength and finished writing the first book about the wizard, whose name was Harry Potter. In nineteen ninety-five, the novel was first published.

It was not easy to come up with a magical, completely new world. It took five whole years. But writing a book turned out to be more than just challenging task. It is not so easy to publish this creation. Joan bought the cheapest typewriter and typed out several chapters of the novel. However, not a single publisher liked the story about the young wizard. The author was desperate and did not want to try anymore. But her sister persuaded Joan to send her novel to another publishing house. She did just that. And only after a year of desperate attempts, the story of Harry Potter was published. And soon the writer received a grant to write her next book.

Long-awaited success

British writer JK Rowling published her first thousand books in 1997, half of which were sent to children's libraries.

And when the story about the surviving boy began to gain rapid popularity not only among children, but also among adults, Joan auctioned off the right to publish the novel for one hundred and five thousand dollars and bought it with that money good house, where I moved with my little daughter.

A few years later, it was decided to film this creation. Actors from England were cast in the roles of three young wizards: Daniel Radcliffe. The film was so successful that box office receipts reached almost a billion dollars.

Real popularity

After the publication of the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the writer began writing a second novel, called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The Boy Who Lived series consists of seven books. JK Rowling, whose biography is reflected in her works, received an award for every novel she wrote about the magical world.

The author closely followed all the scripts and controlled the filming process. She really wanted the picture on screen to accurately reflect the novel she had written. And during the filming of the last two parts, Rowling was also a producer.

Secrets of family life

Joanne Rowling ( short biography is confirmation of this fact) remarried in 2001 to doctor Neil Scott Murray.

Two years after the start of family life, the couple had a boy, and two years later, a girl. As the writer herself says, in her free time she likes to walk with children, as well as draw and cook delicious food.

From Joan: “Find something that brings you joy, and then someone who will pay for it.”