Guard dogs for protecting children. Which dog is better to bring into a private home? Small dogs as guards

Residents of the private sector primarily see a four-legged pet as a protector of the family and the owner’s property. We will tell you in our article which dog is best to get to guard a private home. A breed suitable for guarding a private home must meet the following specific criteria:

  • medium-large or large size;
  • wool suitable for a dog to live outdoors all year round (thick undercoat);
  • wary attitude towards strangers:
  • the pet should not trust strangers;
  • easy care and maintenance;
  • good learning and training abilities;
  • endurance and powerful strength;
  • indifference towards other animals.

Before getting a dog to guard a private home, you need to study special literature on this issue so as not to make a mistake with your choice. Not every breed is suitable for this important mission. Rescue dogs or hunting breeds are unlikely to be suitable for this mission.

Guard dogs for a private home

German Shepherd defending territory

Ensuring home security is not an easy task. This can be done with the help of competent selection of guard dog breeds. Faithful dog, a formidable protector and a good-natured companion in children's games - can these qualities be combined in one breed? Let's figure out which dog is better suited for protection. Canine specialists and satisfied owners will advise which breed to choose to protect a private home.

Breeds not suitable for protection

All dogs instinctively protect their territory. But some are too peaceful in nature and have such a positive attitude towards all people that they are simply unable to distinguish a guest from an intruder. To select a suitable four-legged guard, you should figure out which breeds are absolutely not suitable for this role:

  • all hunting breeds (huskies, pointers, greyhounds, etc.). They are friendly to humans and are a threat to any pets. Both qualities are not suitable for a security guard;
  • fighting breeds (pit bull terriers, bull terriers). These breeds are genetically related to humans, because... bred for baiting animals;
  • dogs without undercoat (boxers, Dobermans, etc.) will not withstand winter cold. And if they are taken into the house, the yard will be left without a guard;
  • Rescue breeds (Labrador, St. Bernard, Newfoundland) were bred specifically to protect people; they are completely gentle and good-natured.
  • Huskies are friendly to all strangers. And if they are trained to act as guards, then it is impossible to predict their behavior;
  • Mastino-Neapolitan. A large and powerful dog treats his family well, but is extremely aggressive towards other people. If it is given security tasks, the animal may become uncontrollable.

Criteria for choosing a good watchman

Dog experts say that good guards should not be angry or aggressive. They need to be taught friendliness towards family members and a healthy distrust of strangers.

The German Shepherd is the best guard dog

Attention! The best breed requires the best host. Even if the dog runs freely around the yard, it is necessary to take it for walks periodically. Walking promotes successful socialization and the ability to navigate correctly in any situation. Some breeds vitally need additional stress, for example, German shepherds, for whom service is the meaning of life.

Qualities important for an excellent defender:

  • a genetic tendency to guard, which not every breed has;
  • friendliness to children;
  • receptivity to learning;
  • frightening appearance.

Another important criterion is the ability to withstand heat and frost. It is this indicator that determines the choice of an animal for a private household or for guarding an apartment.

Ideal four-legged guards

A faithful friend and devoted protector, capable of serving at any time of the year, can be a representative of one of 7 breeds suitable for protection.

  1. The German Shepherd is a fierce protector and affectionate friend who loves children. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence (3rd place in intelligence) and good memory, which means it is easy to train.
  2. Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Dogs have a strong territorial instinct. They can be headstrong and ferocious, so they require strict upbringing.
  3. The Giant Schnauzer is affectionate towards children, obeys its owners at a glance, and lends itself well to training. For the sake of protecting people and their property, he is capable of any feats. The dog needs exercise and regular care for wool.
  4. The Moscow Watchdog is a young breed that enjoys well-deserved respect. They are considered more peaceful than Caucasians or Central Asians. Unpretentious animals combine a gentle attitude towards family members and a spiteful attitude towards strangers. They cannot be kept on a short chain; constant training is required.
  5. The Black Terrier is distinguished by its strength, endurance and energy. He can play with children all day long, without ceasing to monitor the inviolability of his territory. Requires careful grooming and regular haircuts.
  6. The Rottweiler is a smooth-haired dog with a developed undercoat. Withstands the cold of the south and central Russia. Characterized by vigilance and distrust. Raising this breed is impossible without rigor and reasonable, consistent toughness.
  7. The Tibetan Mastiff is good-natured, but brave and smart. Capable of being an unyielding guard and cheerful companion for any family member.

When choosing a reliable watchman, you should avoid rare and fashionable breeds. Rare breeds are distinguished by their high cost and unexpected reactions during training. And the demand for fashionable dogs causes an increase in supply from non-professional breeders. Such animals may lose the qualities inherent in their breed.

Advice. Constant keeping on a chain or in an enclosure is not allowed. It is better if the dog can move freely throughout the yard.

One of the main rules of training is education from childhood. Moreover, you cannot cause aggression in the puppy, otherwise instead good friend an uncontrollable creature may grow up.

A dog must know and obey only its owner and family members. It is strictly not recommended to accustom her to strangers and allow them to feed the animal. The dog's social circle can only be expanded to his closest relatives, who often come to visit.

Attention! The biggest mistake is to buy a dog and expect it to be an unsurpassed watchdog due to the behavioral characteristics of the breed. Any pet needs to go through the basics of training.

Not everyone knows that a puppy needs to be taught not only unquestioning obedience, but also the ability to win. The dog should feel like a leader, but clearly know its position in the family hierarchy. Special games to instill in your pet the ability to solve complex tasks and professional dog handlers can help you win in unexpected situations.

The term guard dog breeds usually means service four-legged dogs that have innate skills or good results in training in the following “disciplines”: protective guard, sentry, escort, sentinel and sentry service. In the common understanding, guard dogs are bred to protect property, territory or a person (owner). Differences in the theory and understanding of the “majority” give rise to a lot of controversy. Let us immediately note that everything service breeds universal to one degree or another, and good coach will train any dog ​​to guard. The question is whether the four-legged animal feels that guarding is his duty and calling or whether he “defends” the object because it is necessary. Below, we will look at the photos and names of breeds that are worth having for protection.

What kind of dog should be for a private home?

Having a dog in a private home is not easy pet, but also a serious security guard. The animal should feel comfortable both at home and outside.

The requirements for a dog for your home are somewhat broader than for an animal for keeping in an apartment. Among them:

  • Breed-based character: There are dog breeds that are adapted to outdoor conditions and have good guarding qualities. If Labradors are valued as family companion dogs, they are unlikely to become guard dogs. This also applies to hunting dogs.
  • Temperament: Even within the same breed, dogs can be completely different. Having chosen a breed, you should not buy a puppy based on the first advertisement. He can grow up absolutely calm and domestic, even if representatives of his breed have opposite qualities.
  • Size: the most obvious requirement. For a private home you need a dog of at least medium size, ideally large.
  • Prospects for education: the dog must be formidable towards strangers, but allow them into the territory at the first request of the owner. Therefore, you need to choose an animal that is prone to obedience training. We are not talking about basic commands (for example, “Lie down”), but about more serious things. Considering this requirement, you should look not so much at the breed, but at the puppy’s parents.

Large breeds for private sector protection

German Shepherd

If you need a dog to guard a house on the street, or an apartment, then a German Shepherd is the ideal choice. This breed is very trainable, remembers commands for a long time even after a long period of inactivity, is good with children and is an unsurpassed protector. Fury German Shepherd enough for a gang of robbers, and affection for all family members.

When adopting a German Shepherd, remember that this breed is incredibly active and requires increased physical activity. Any owner who takes a dog for protection and protection must take care of physical development pet. By the way, Germans take third place in the list of the smartest dogs.

Giant Schnauzer

For him, guarding a private home is his favorite pastime. Unpretentious, loyal and incredibly brave, the Giant Schnauzer is a formidable guard who will not be afraid of the devil or God when it comes to protecting his owner. Rizens are easy to train, gentle towards children and affectionate towards their owners.

This breed is very active and will not miss the opportunity to frolic with its owner. Be sure to physically exhaust the dog so that all the dog’s energy is directed in a peaceful direction, and also contributes to the recruitment and maintenance muscle mass. Perhaps the only drawback of the Giant Schnauzer may seem to be grooming.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed is one of the largest, so there is no need to say what will happen to those who decide to visit you with bad intentions. Powers Caucasian Shepherd there will be enough for a pack of wolves in the person of ill-wishers, devotion - so as not to abandon the owner in difficult times, and kindness to steadfastly endure any childish pranks and rejoice at every step of the owner.

Being very large breed, the Caucasian Shepherd does not require long walking. 1-1.5 hours of walking a day with the opportunity to frolic is enough to maintain physical strength pet on the level.

Alabai or Asian Shepherd

In some ways, these dogs are similar to Caucasian Shepherds, they are also very ferocious and big dogs. True, they are not as shaggy as Caucasian Shepherds. Alabai are difficult to train, they can be stubborn and are happy to demonstrate this character trait to everyone. Therefore, we advise you not to get this dog if you do not have experience in training such animals. If you have no experience, but you have already got a dog, then we advise you to apply for training to special schools where experienced instructors work. The Asian Shepherd is a reliable protector of your family and home.

Apartment security guard

A more stringent selection is required here, because the pet will live side by side with a person. Sometimes the main criterion is the size of the animal, especially if we're talking about about modest spaces. But for fans of large and giant breeds, this factor is not decisive, and they get a mastiff or Great Dane while living in a small apartment.

If we talk about average indicators, most future owners pay attention to the following:

  • the dog must be medium or small in size;
  • it is desirable that the animal sheds little or does not have this tendency at all and does not have the characteristic smell of a dog;
  • short coat;
  • the pet should not have excessive salivation;
  • the dog must be clean;
  • the animal should not be hyperactive and require a lot of space.

Of course, the owner himself determines what is important to him and what he can “turn a blind eye to.”

Breeds of dogs for apartment security:


There is still debate about the real homeland of this breed, but most are inclined to believe that it is Egypt. There she was involved in herding livestock, protecting farms and politicians, as well as transporting letters and parcels. The dog's height is 60 cm at the withers, weight is 70 kg. A massive beast that will obey only its owner.

He is very easy to train and loves children; he can give little ones rides on his back. Unpretentious to environmental conditions, it can live both in an apartment and in a private house. Doesn't bark at cats or chase cars. He is friendly towards other dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting these two breeds, which are beyond competition.


The fastest guard dog, strong, beautiful, graceful, smart and brave. The Doberman is extremely sensitive; he even sleeps with half his eyes open. This is an excellent option for protecting private property or apartments. However, in order to teach this dog to be obedient, it should be trained from infancy.


The Boxer is a very strong and strong dog. He quickly remembers all commands and always obeys his owner. This breed of dog is popular all over the world, and very often, these dogs are bred as guards. The Boxer gets along well with children and other pets, he will always true friend and an excellent bodyguard.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso is a very expensive and rare breed dogs. Animals of this breed are very kind, well-mannered and patient. But when it comes to the life and health of the owner, Cane Corsos turn into a ferocious beast that is capable of tearing anyone apart. That is why, this breed dogs are suitable for guarding apartments and private houses.

Bodyguard dog for humans

Any dog ​​that has security and guard skills can become protection for a person. Moreover, even if these skills are weakly expressed and the pet is not a worker. Thanks to his boundless devotion and love, he is able to protect his master in any dangerous situation.

Sustainable nervous system and the pet’s psyche is another one important factor. For example, a dog that is afraid of everything will be able to bite an enemy, but only if it is he who is in danger. In turn, a large and kind dog will get involved in a squabble, defending its owner.

Thus, we can conclude that a properly raised animal with a balanced psyche can become an excellent bodyguard for a person.

The guard dog is entrusted with a special mission - protection, protection of the owner and his property. At the right approach The dog will cope with this task perfectly. In fact, a representative of any breed is capable of becoming a guard, but for this each dog must be trained. It is important not to forget, no matter what the character of four-legged friend, a person takes full responsibility for his behavior and upbringing.

What to consider when raising a puppy

  • It is necessary to completely or at least partially limit the animal’s communication with strangers. In such conditions, the pet will treat every stranger with distrust and suspicion: without this feeling, full-fledged protection of the territory is impossible.
  • Don't forget to take your dog for walks and introduce him to new places. She must behave calmly and confidently in different situations.
  • A protective dog cannot help but be a leader. Allow the puppy to win games, but only until a certain age (6-7 months), otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop into aggression.

This is interesting! A good option for those who want to achieve ideal training are special courses in which the animal is taught obedience and following various commands.

Many people living in country cottages try their best available methods protect your family from visits from uninvited guests. Moreover, each of them solves this problem differently. Some install alarms, others buy weapons, and others get large watchdogs. In today's article we will tell you which dogs are suitable for guarding a private home.

Central asian shepherd dog

Alabai is one of the oldest breeds, the formation of which lasted for several millennia. These huge animals were distributed over a vast territory stretching from Tartary to China. Their ancestors are considered to be shepherd dogs that lived in the same area and accompanied people everywhere. Since the development of the population occurred in difficult conditions of water shortage and hot climate, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs They became very resilient and strong. It is interesting that the Kazakhs considered the Alabais one of the seven vital wealth.

Those who are choosing a dog breed to guard a private home are advised to pay attention to these massive, majestic animals. Just the sight of alabai can scare off uninvited guests. Height adult is about 65-70 cm, and the weight varies from 40 to 80 kg. As for the character of the Central Asian Shepherd, it is quite contradictory. On the one hand, these are phlegmatic and easily trained dogs with well-defined guarding qualities. On the other hand, Alabai are very independent and proud creatures, representing real threat for strangers and other dogs.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

People who are choosing a dog to guard a private home can be advised to pay attention to these powerful shaggy animals with a serious character. These aboriginal dogs, descended from the Tibetan Great Danes, have a long history dating back three thousand years. Initially, they were used to accompany flocks and guard human habitation. It is noteworthy that the muzzles of Caucasian Shepherd dogs are depicted on the coats of arms of several famous Georgian princes, and in XVIII century these dogs served in the Turkish army.

Representatives of this breed have long been recognized as one of the best dogs to protect a private home. They have an intimidating appearance and impressive size that can frighten an attacker. The height of an adult Caucasian is 64-75 cm, and the weight should not be less than 45-50 kg.

These powerful dogs endowed with a complex independent character. They have a pronounced protective instinct, turning them into fierce and fearless defenders. Caucasians are very distrustful of strangers and require serious training.

Slovak dude

People who are thinking about purchasing a dog to protect a private home and children can pay attention to these snow-white beautiful animals. Representatives of this breed were bred in the 17th century. According to one version, their ancestor is herding dog, according to another, they originated from the Arctic wolf.

The Slovakian Chuvach is a powerful, beautiful animal with well-developed muscles and an elongated head. The height of an adult is 59-70 cm and weighs 31-44 kg. Distinctive feature representatives of this breed are considered to have uneven coat white color.

Like any other dog for guarding a private home, the Slovakian Chuvach is very attached to its owner and his family members. He will never let you into the territory entrusted to him strangers. Interestingly, this dog is prone to independence. He can make his own decisions and is sometimes stubborn.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Those who have still decided which dog to get to guard a private home can be advised to pay special attention to these large animals, which have proven themselves well as protectors.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a large dog, whose height is 72-77 cm, and its weight ranges from 55-80 kg. Under the strong, elongated body with a powerful back and wide croup are smooth, muscular limbs with rounded paws and arched toes. On a massive head with a weakly defined stop, there are dark almond-shaped eyes and triangular drooping ears. The entire body of the animal is covered with dense, hard, white fur with dark spots.

At the first glance at the Pyrenean Mastiff, it immediately becomes clear that this is one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. In addition to their impressive size, representatives of this breed are endowed with a corresponding character. They are very affectionate towards their owner and his family members, but distrustful of strangers. These animals are quite smart and easy to train. At proper education They make not only excellent protectors, but also good companions.

East European Shepherd

Those who are trying to figure out which breed of dog for guarding a private home best adapts to the Russian climate can be advised to opt for these service dogs, characterized by high performance and adaptability to any conditions of detention. Vostochniks were bred in the USSR on the basis of the German Shepherd.

Unlike their ancestors, they are distinguished by their impressive size. The height of an adult is 62-76 cm, and the weight reaches 30-60 kg.

Like any other breed of dog for guarding a private home, these animals have a balanced character. They are very confident in themselves and distrustful of strangers. Easterners have a well-developed active-defensive reaction and a stable nervous system. Representatives of this breed are easy to train, love children and need regular exercise.

South Russian Shepherd

These animals with a deceptive appearance will not go unnoticed by those who are trying to figure out which private home guard dog is suitable for keeping in an enclosure. The exact origin of representatives of this breed still remains unknown. But their appearance suggests that they were bred specifically for open-air work. Interestingly, South Russian Shepherds were on the verge of extinction. And to restore the population, they were crossed with bobtails, Komondors and Caucasians.

Even a cursory glance at the South Russian Shepherd is enough to understand that this is a dog for guarding a private home. The height of an adult is 62-66 cm with a weight of 48-50 kg. Peculiar business card Representatives of this breed have luxurious long hair.

South Russian Shepherd Dogs are characterized by waywardness and territorial aggression. Therefore, they should not be started by people who do not have experience. These animals with early age tend to be dominant and need firm upbringing and serious training. They are very distrustful of strangers and are capable of causing injury.

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Representatives of this breed are considered perfect dogs to protect a private home. They have long been used by nomads to accompany sheep flocks and to protect human habitation. It is interesting that the second name of the wolfhound, which sounds like “hotosho”, translated from Buryat means “a dog guarding the farmstead” or “yard wolf”.

These large and very beautiful animals are distinguished by their impressive size. The height of an adult male dog should not be less than 74 cm. Under the strong body of a typical Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound with a wide chest and powerful bones there are long muscular limbs. The voluminous head with perfectly developed jaws has dark eyes and drooping triangular ears.

In general, these are very balanced dogs, selflessly devoted to their owner and his family members. They are wary of strangers and will never let them into the protected area. Despite their impressive size, Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds are very collected and are able to instantly move to active actions.

Moscow watchdog

Just by the name alone, it becomes absolutely clear that representatives of this breed are considered one of the best dogs for guarding a private home. Interestingly, they were bred at the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery under a special government order. Among their ancestors are German Shepherds, Newfoundlands, Russian Foothounds, Caucasians and St. Bernards.

As a result, breeders managed to obtain a large animal, the height of which in some cases reaches 80 cm, and the weight varies from 60 to 80 kg. In addition to their impressive size, these dogs are endowed with excellent protective qualities and enormous physical strength. They are easy to train and rely on their handler for everything. They are great with children and often make good nannies. Moscow watchdogs are discreet, independent and self-confident dogs that do not show causeless aggression.

Tibetan mastiff

Those who are interested in which dog is best for guarding a private home can be advised to learn more about these shaggy beauties, whose history dates back more than one millennium. They have long accompanied herds and guarded the homes of Buddhist monks. Interestingly, the first mentions of Tibetan mastiffs date back to ancient times. Aristotle himself admired their power and intelligence.

The weight of these giants varies from 60 to 80 kg, and the average height of an adult male is 70 cm. The terrifying appearance of these animals is complemented by a corresponding character. If in the presence of their owners they behave very quietly, then, when left alone, Tibetan mastiffs turn into ferocious guards. They are smart, stubborn and prone to dominance. Therefore, it is extremely important from puppyhood to convey to the dog who is boss in the house.

Black Russian Terrier

For those who have not yet decided which dog is best for guarding a private home, it would not hurt to find out about the existence of another unique breed. It is not for nothing that the Black Russian Terrier is considered the pride of Russian cynology.

These strong animals perfectly combine high adaptability, fearlessness, reliability, excellent trainability and unpretentiousness. They are very smart, cunning, agile and balanced. Representatives of this breed are able to instantly absorb new information and accurately complete assigned tasks.

German Shepherd

These versatile noble animals are deservedly considered one of the best dog breeds for guarding a private home. They have an unusually successful combination of external beauty and excellent working qualities.

Germans are very loyal to their owner and his family members. They are wary of strangers and always rely on excellent developed intuition. These animals are quite reserved and patient. They are easy to train and need regular exercise.

In this article I will tell you what breed of dog to choose to protect a private home, as a watchman. I will consider the characteristics of a number of breeds, what to look for when buying a puppy. I will also describe the basic rules of training guard dog. Which breed will suit for security.

Of the several hundred breeds known today, most of Can start for street security service, for a dacha. Also for the protection of the child and family.

In fact, any dog, using its instincts, can be trained to guard the territory in which it lives.

But a true born guard must have additional qualities, not just in size, medium or large.

Animals, during for long years used to protect objects and territories, are endowed with the following qualities from birth:

  • distrust of strangers;
  • indifferent attitude towards pets;
  • ability to make decisions in critical situations, without the participation of the owner;
  • stable psyche;
  • unpretentiousness.

Anger, as a character trait, is not decisive when choosing a security guard. An overly aggressive dog that barks at everyone who passes by the fence will quickly tire the owners and neighbors.

A guard dog must have thick and dense hair, as it will have to all year round live on the street.

Russian winters are such that they do not allow the use of such beautiful breeds as, .

Special training for home security

There are two types of desirable behavior for a pet if it detects an intruder: to attract the attention of the owners of the apartment by barking loudly or to attack the thief and hold him until the owners arrive. The latter option is preferable in cases where the dog is guarding large territory or is on site without people.

In both cases, an assistant will be required to play the role of the intruder.

The person must have experience working with dogs and know how to behave in the event of an animal attack.

Voice training

For successful learning For this type of protection, the animal must already know and execute the “Voice” command.

The defendant, imitating an invasion of the site, makes noise near the fence. The owner monitors the dog’s behavior, catching the moment when the animal becomes interested in what is happening, and gives a command - Voice. The dog barks, and the thief immediately becomes quiet, imitating his departure.

The pet is rewarded with a treat.

After some time, the lesson is repeated.

In most cases, the protective instinct makes itself felt, and the dog himself immediately raises his voice when he catches a stranger near his territory.

To prevent the pet from barking senselessly at any noisy passerby, before the start of the lesson, she is given the command - Security or - Watchmen. Later, the command will become an indication for the dog to start working.

Detention training

An assistant, in this case dressed in a special protective suit, enters the site.

The animal should receive food only from its own bowl, from the hands of one person!

The owner of the animal encourages the pet to attack the intruder by letting it off the leash. If a dog attacks a person and bites his sleeve, this is considered right action. The animal is encouraged.

Training of this kind requires special skills. An inexperienced dog breeder should seek help from dog handlers.

A guard dog should be raised differently than a companion dog. Guard dog It is advisable to protect from excessive communication with strangers. Ideally, the dog should only know the owner and his family well.

The guard dog should not be given treats so that she can catch the pieces on the fly or allow all guests in the house to treat the pet.

The best breeds of dogs for protection

Below are the most popular guard dog breeds in our country.

One of the most famous breeds service and guard breeds. He is distinguished by high intelligence, quick learning, and universal working qualities. German Shepherd is in the top five smartest breeds peace.

The price for a pedigree German Shepherd puppy starts from 25,000 rubles. Upper limit can reach up to 60,000.

Representatives of the breed are of impressive size; the height at the withers of males reaches 65 cm. The animal is covered with thick hair, which allows it not to freeze in winter.

Shepherd dogs are used to guard the territory of a site and a private house, after completing a training course.

To the obvious strengths breeds can be classified as:

  • sharp mind;
  • pronounced instinctive prey behavior (readiness to attack and pursue an intruder);
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • physical strength and endurance.

Unfortunately, the popularity of the breed led to the appearance on the market large quantity dogs from unscrupulous breeders. Cases of hereditary diseases (dysplasia, allergies) have become more frequent. To protect yourself from buying an unhealthy puppy, you should contact clubs and reputable breeders.

A large and strong breed, which has long been used to protect livestock and the peasant’s home. The animals have an impressive appearance, thanks to their thick and long hair, strong bones. The weight of the Caucasian Shepherd reaches 60 kg.

To purchase a puppy of this breed, with all the documents, will cost 15 - 25 thousand rubles.

Animals are unpretentious in care, have good health. The character of the majority is naturally distrustful of to strangers. But the Caucasian treats other pets calmly.

It has pronounced leadership qualities that help the animal, without human intervention, carry out security service. But these same qualities make it difficult to train a dog. A Caucasian will only obey a strong and confident person.

Often representatives of the breed are prone to excessive aggression. This breed should be taught patience and obedience.

Already from the name of the breed it is clear that its specialization is protection. She was bred from a mixture of St. Bernard and Caucasian. The result was a large individual (over 60 kg in weight and 65–70 cm in height), with thick hair.

The price for a purebred puppy ranges from 25 to 60 thousand rubles.

He has a balanced psyche and good learning ability. It lacks the malice and desire for leadership of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Without further ado, the Moscow watchdog will simply not let a trespasser back out of the area, holding him until the owners arrive.

The most expensive puppies belong to the show class; it is customary to take these individuals to exhibitions and get offspring from them. For protection, you can purchase a pet-class puppy, with minor interior flaws that do not affect working qualities.

A service breed suitable for guard duty. Strong and energetic dog, weighing 35 – 48 kg, requires strict education and training from an early age.

The cost of a Giant Schnauzer puppy ranges from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

Training an animal to attack a person is strictly prohibited!

This dog cannot be considered as a guard dog.

Choosing the right one for protection country house, you should be guided not only by the natural characteristics of the dog, but also by Russian realities. Domestic breeds are better adapted to our harsh conditions: Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs, Moscow guard dogs.