Exam Russian language task 15 theory. In denominative adjectives with suffixes

Task 15 of the Unified State Exam 2018 in the Russian language. Theory.

Task 15 is aimed at identifying your knowledge on the following topics:

Placing a comma at homogeneous members;

Placing a comma in the BSC.

Comma for homogeneous terms

A comma is needed

No comma needed

between homogeneous members not related by unions

The museum staff carefully preserved the collections, systematized them, studied them, organized exhibitions, and published scientific articles.

, , , ,

between two similar members if they are connected by a single union

The museum staff carefully preserved the collections, studied and systematized them.

between homogeneous members connected by adversarial unions, but, yes (in the meaning But), however, but

The museum staff carefully preserved the collections, systematized them, studied them, but at that time they could not organize an exhibition.


between two homogeneous members, if they are connected by a single union in a pair

The museum staff carefully preserved the collections and studied them.

between homogeneous members connected by repeating unions:
creative, yes (meaning And), neither... nor dividing or, either, then... then, either... or, not that... not that)

The museum staff stored the collections, systematized them, studied them, organized exhibitions, and published scientific articles.

And, and, and, and

in stable combinations

neither fluff nor feather, and laughter and sin, neither light nor dawn, etc.

before the second part of the double conjunctions, not only..., but also...; both... and...; not so much..., but; although..., but...; if not... then etc.

The museum staff not only stored the collections, but also systematized them, studied them, organized exhibitions, and published scientific articles.

[ not only but ], ,

Commas are not used if several definitions are not homogeneous members

between paired homogeneous members connected by AND and OR

Museum staff carefully preserved and studied the collections, organized exhibitions and published scientific articles.

And , and

In a complex sentence, a comma is usually placed between two grammatical stems.

Nature is waking up and people are preparing for winter.

There is no need for a comma in a compound sentence.

In the following situations:


1. If there is a common minor member of the sentence

In autumn, nature falls asleep and people prepare for winter.

2. If there is common to partsintroductory word, phrase, or sentence, particle, isolated member sentences (comparative turnover).

To our surprise, the weather changed suddenly and it became really hot.

Long live the light and let the darkness disappear

Further meetings were just as pleasant and the conversations were just as useful, like the first time.

3. If the parts compound sentence there is a common subordinate clause or a common non-union part

When mom entered the room, 1 / the fragments of the vase were lying on the floor 2 / and the children were trying to collect them 3

As often happens, the bad is remembered and the good is forgotten

4. If the parts of a complex sentence are:

1) interrogative sentences;

2) incentive offers;

3) exclamatory sentences;

4) nominal sentences;

5) impersonal offers, and having synonymous words as part of predicates

1) When will you come again and can we meet?

2) Try to do everything well and may everything work out for you!

3) How good you are and how I like everything!

4) Heat and stuffiness. Cold and rain.

5) Hot and stuffy. Cold and rainy.


1.If there is a common minor member sentences, a comma is placed before the conjunction if the conjunction is repeated:

In such weather, the wolf does not prowl, and the bear does not crawl out of the den.

2. An adversative conjunction is not a unifying element, after which or before which there are two connected by a conjunction and simple sentences, so a comma is placed before and:

Ibrahim would have been very happy to get rid of it, but the assembly was an official matter, and the sovereign strictly demanded the presence of his entourage (P.); He suppressed a sigh and slowly began to roll up a cigarette, but for some reason his hands trembled, and he spilled tobacco on his knees (Sh.); The thunderstorm passed and the clouds cleared, but the stuffiness still remained.

Job source: Solution 2450. Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The sparkling waves laughed mysteriously and ran onto the shore and crashed loudly against the stones.

2) Be silent, hide and hide your feelings and dreams.

3) The whirlwind raged for about an hour or an hour and a half and then suddenly died down.

4) Childhood memory turned out to be tenacious and the first meeting with the theater remained in it forever.

5) In his work, M. Voloshin tried not only to comprehend Russia’s past but also to predict its future.


In this task you need to put commas in a complex sentence or with homogeneous sentences.

1. Let’s determine the number of grammatical bases in these sentences: a simple sentence or a complex one.

1) Sparkling waves mysteriously laughed And ran up to the shore and loudly crashed about the stones. Simple.

2) Shut up and hide And thai and your feelings and dreams. Simple.

3) Vortex raged about an hour or an hour and a half and then suddenly poem. Simple.

4) Children's room memory turned out to be tenacious and the first meeting with the theater stayed in it forever. Complex.

5) In your creativity M. Voloshin had tried Not only comprehend Russia's past but also predict her future. Simple.

2. Determine the placement of commas in a complex sentence. Rule: a comma is placed at the boundary of parts of a complex sentence if simple sentences do not have a common minor member.

4) Children's room memory turned out to be tenacious (,) and the first meeting with the theater stayed in it forever. Complex, there is no common minor member, a comma is needed. ONE comma.

3. Let's determine the placement of commas in simple sentences. Rule: one comma is placed before the second homogeneous member in the absence of conjunctions, before a single adversative conjunction or before the second part of a complex conjunction (both ... and etc.).

1) The sparkling waves laughed mysteriously and ran onto the shore and crashed loudly against the stones. Homogeneous predicates are connected by the repeated conjunction “and” (they laughed, and ran, and crashed). TWO commas.

2) Be silent (,) hide and hide your feelings (,) and dreams. Homogeneous predicates are connected by the conjunction “and” (be silent, hide and hide). Homogeneous objects are connected by the repeated conjunction “and” (both feelings and dreams). TWO commas.

3) The whirlwind raged for about an hour or an hour and a half and then suddenly died down. Homogeneous predicates are connected by the conjunction “and” (rage and verse). NO commas.

5) In his work, M. Voloshin tried not only to comprehend the past of Russia (,) but also to predict its future. Homogeneous predicates are connected by the conjunction “not only, but also.” (not only to comprehend, but also to predict). ONE comma.

4. We write down the numbers where commas should appear in the sentence.

We write the answer in numbers without spaces or commas, in any order.

Answer: 45 or 54

The fifteenth task of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language involves testing students' knowledge of the rules of punctuation of the Russian language. For correct completion of this task you can get as many as two primary points, so you need to prepare well for it. The theoretical material below can help with this.

Theory for task No. 15 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Punctuation for homogeneous sentence parts

A comma is placedThere is no comma
Between homogeneous members not connected by unionsBetween two homogeneous members connected by the conjunction “and”
Yesterday I read, cleaned, cooked.Yesterday I read, cleaned and cooked.
Between homogeneous members connected by adversative conjunctions a, but, yes (in the meaning but), however, butBetween two homogeneous members, if they are connected by a single union in a pair
Yesterday I read and cooked, but didn’t have time to clean up.Yesterday I read and cooked.
Between homogeneous members connected by repeating unions:In stable combinations
coordinating and, yes (in the meaning of and), neither... nor and dividing or, or, then... then, either... or, not that... not thatNeither light nor dawn, and laughter and sin, neither this nor that, here and there, neither for ourselves nor for people
Yesterday I not only read, but also cooked.
Between several homogeneous members connected by unions and and orBetween two verbs in the same form, acting as a single predicate
Yesterday I both read and cooked.I'll go read a book.

Punctuation in a compound sentence

A comma is not placed before the conjunction “and” if
If there is a common member of the sentenceIn spring, nature wakes up and people enjoy the warmth.
(general member of the sentence – “in spring”)
If there is an introductory word common to both parts of the sentenceAs often happens, we forgot about the good and remembered the bad.
If parts of a complex sentence have a common subordinate clause or a common non-union partWhen I woke up, the sun had not yet risen and everyone in the house was sleeping.
Interrogative sentenceWhen will we see each other and will you tell me everything?
Incentive offerRead the task carefully and do it!
Exclamatory sentenceHow brightly the sun shines and how beautiful the sea!
The proposal is indefinitely personalIn the neighboring house they turned off the lights and lit a candle.
The offer is impersonalIt is necessary to carefully study this paragraph and make notes in your notebook.
Nominal offerFrost and sun!

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 15 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language

The fifteenth task of the demo version 2018

Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in the memory for a long time.
  2. Among the most ancient images on the walls of Paleolithic caves are human handprints and incomprehensible patterns with random interweaving of wavy lines.
  3. Descartes built the logic of knowledge from the simplest and obvious to the complex and incomprehensible.
  4. For artistic speech characterized by both imagery and emotionality.
  5. The poet sees either the diamond shine of a birch tree, or the velvet shine of arable land, or the amber shine of candles.
Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • The captivating beauty of Russian landscapes is amazing and remains in the memory for a long time.- The sentence is simple, complicated homogeneous predicates, connected by a single conjunction AND, so there are no commas in the sentence.
  • Some of the most ancient images on the walls of caves of the Paleolithic era include impressions of a person’s hand, and incomprehensible patterns with random interweaving of wavy lines.- The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous additions, connected by a repeating conjunction AND, which means we put ONE comma between them.
  • Descartes built the logic of knowledge from the simplest and obvious to the complex and incomprehensible. A simple sentence complicated by two groups of homogeneous additions, interconnected by single conjunctions I. There are no commas.
  • Artistic speech is characterized by both imagery and emotionality. The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous additions, connected by the conjunction both... and..., between the parts of which there is always a comma. ONE comma per sentence.
  • The poet sees now the diamond shine of a birch forest, now the velvet shine of arable land, now the amber shine of candles.- The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous additions, connected by the conjunction that..., then..., then..., between the parts of which there is always a comma. There are two commas in the sentence.

Answer: 2, 4.

First version of the task

  1. The sun set and fog fell on the ground.
  2. The sun set, it became cool and fog fell on the ground.
  3. The sun turned red, became huge and began to slowly set behind the forest.
  4. The sun turned red and became huge; it began to slowly set and then completely disappeared behind the forest.
Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We place punctuation marks and find sentences with one comma.
  2. We place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • In the evening the sun set and fog fell on the ground.– The sentence is complex, has two parts, two grammar basics (), we do not put a comma, since two simple sentences in a complex sentence have a common secondary member of the sentence In the evening.
  • The sun set and fog fell on the ground.- The sentence is complex, has two parts, two grammatical bases ( 1 – the sun has set, 2 – the fog has fallen), we put a comma between parts of a complex sentence, since there is no common secondary member of the sentence, there is no common subordinate clause or part of an impersonal sentence.
  • The sun set, it became cool, and fog fell on the ground. The sentence is complex, consists of three parts ( 1 – the sun has set, 2 – it has become cool, 3 – the fog has fallen), we put commas between parts of a complex sentence. This difficult sentence with several grammatical stems unrelated common member sentences or introductory words.
  • The sun turned red, became huge and began to slowly set behind the forest.- The sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous predicates; we put one comma between the first and second predicates, before a single conjunction. And with homogeneous members, a comma is not placed.
  • The sun turned red and became huge, it began to slowly set, and then completely disappeared behind the forest. The sentence is complex, consists of two parts, has two grammatical bases ( 1- the sun turned red and became huge; 2 – it began to set and disappeared); each part in turn is complicated by homogeneous predicates: the first comma is placed between the parts of the complex non-union proposal, the second comma separates homogeneous predicates.

Answer: 2, 4.

Second version of the task

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

  1. Our ability to think about the consequences of our actions and deeds is what distinguishes us from animals.
  2. Man is able to think about the consequences of his actions and deeds, and this distinguishes us from animals.
  3. A person is able to think about the consequences of his actions and decisions, and this distinguishes us from animals.
  4. What distinguishes us from animals is the ability to think about the consequences of our actions, actions and decisions.
Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We place punctuation marks and find sentences with one comma.
  2. We place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • Our ability to think about the consequences of our actions and deeds is what distinguishes us from animals.- In the first sentence, a comma is not required - between homogeneous members of “actions and deeds” there is a conjunction “and”.
  • Man is able to think about the consequences of his actions and actions, and this distinguishes us from animals.- In the second sentence you need to put one comma - after the word “actions”; it will separate the grammatical stems of “a person is capable” and “it distinguishes.”
  • A person is able to think about the consequences of his actions, actions, decisions, and this distinguishes us from animals.- The third sentence requires three commas. Commas are placed between homogeneous members, as well as between parts of a complex sentence.
  • The ability to consider consequences is what distinguishes us from animals.- In the fourth sentence, a comma is not needed, since the sentence is simple, uncomplicated.
  • What distinguishes us from animals is the ability to think about the consequences of our actions, actions and decisions.- The comma here is placed only between homogeneous members that are not connected by a union.

Answer: 2, 5.

Third version of the task

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

  1. Bacteria, fungi and invertebrate animals are involved in a whole cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and support its existence.
  2. Both bacteria and fungi and invertebrate animals are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and maintain its existence.
  3. Both bacteria and fungi and invertebrate animals are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and this maintains its normal existence.
Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We place punctuation marks and find sentences with one comma.
  2. We place punctuation marks in sentences.
  • Bacteria, fungi and invertebrate animals are involved in a whole cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and maintain its existence.- We place a comma here between homogeneous members not connected by the conjunction “and”. There is no need for a comma after the word “soil” because the predicates “involved” and “support” are homogeneous, connected by the conjunction “and”.
  • Bacteria, fungi, and invertebrate animals are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil and support its existence.- In this case, the conjunction “and” connects several homogeneous members, so commas must be placed in front of it.
  • Both bacteria and fungi, as well as invertebrate animals, are involved in the cycle of biological and chemical processes in the soil, and this maintains its normal existence.- The first comma is placed as part of the connective “both ... and ...”, and the second separates the grammatical foundations of a complex sentence.
  • The normal existence of soil is maintained by biological and chemical processes involving both bacteria and fungi and invertebrate animals.- Again, a comma in “both ... and ...”.
  • Biological and chemical processes with the participation of many biological components maintain the normal existence of the soil.- The fifth sentence does not require punctuation - homogeneous members “biological and chemical” are connected by the conjunction “and”.


  1. There is no longer any measure, no name, no comparison for our suffering.
  2. Only the yellow squares of the windows of the log hut cut through the darkness and in the center of the blizzard round dance a bright red tongue dances.
  3. Bird whistles and clicking greet the morning in the forest and coastal bushes.
  4. The nuts are either ground into flour in a hand mill or placed in water overnight and kneaded into dough the next morning.
  5. Summer came late this year and was unlike any other summer.

2. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. With frightening haste, the fog left the swamp and its white wisps looked like swans soaring into the sky.
  2. In dark and damp spruce forests with big amount There are few blueberries and mushrooms.
  3. The cart was jumping up and down, falling somewhere into the depths, and then swaying.
  4. Not only among the Slavs, but also among all ancient peoples, the oak was revered as a sacred tree.
  5. Shots rang out somewhere behind the houses and drowned in the blue dome of the sky.

3. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. Only under the wall of the brigade barracks and near the poles of the fence are tufts of dusty grass sticking out.
  2. Then suddenly the starling lets out a nightingale's ringing trill, or quacks like a wild duck.
  3. The autumn sun and wind dried the leaves on the trees and colored them yellow and brown.
  4. All day long I wandered through the forest, climbed into the very jungle and looked at the tracks on the ground.
  5. The wind raged, rippled the cold puddles, and bent the slender, flexible poplars to the ground.

4. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. The shadows of the old blackened trees fell into the rooms and therefore the apartment was always gloomy and cold.
  2. The alarmed swan rose above the water and flapped its wide silver wings.
  3. Nomadic life did not change anything in Oska’s appearance, character or speech.
  4. I was tormented by the feeling of either approaching troubles or an incipient illness.
  5. Brown hares run through the fields at night, digging up winter crops and leaving tangled tracks in the snow.

5. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. I walked out the door and saw a fox at the steps of the porch.
  2. Daily trips to school through a dark, dense forest strengthened not only Glebka’s muscles but also his character.
  3. The streets themselves seemed like gorges or river beds.
  4. Later Glebka got used to rustling sounds and forest noises and to the darkness.
  5. Flowers appear above water only in morning hours or in the evening.

6. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. The night grew colder and the river smelled damp.
  2. Lida was shaking either from cold or from fear.
  3. The flowers subtly and delicately smell of the freshness of the river and hay.
  4. The entire space from the edge of the village to the lake was filled with tents, stalls, carts and cars.
  5. The next day, Mikhail Prokofievich calmly went to Sokolniki or Kolomenskoye for a walk and indulged in reflection.

7. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. After all these events, Petka and Vaska forgot about the tent for several days.
  2. The sun sank into crimson clouds and it began to rain several times.
  3. The dense crowns of the trees in the master's garden quietly murmured thoughtfully, and their barely audible rustle merged and faded away into the deep silence of the night.
  4. The next morning the grandfather put on clean boots and new bast shoes, took a staff and a piece of bread and wandered into the city.
  5. Every bush and every tree collects rainwater on its leaves and showers the traveler from head to toe in large drops.

8. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. Marina successfully passed the first and second screenings and was admitted to the exam before the state commission.
  2. All the heavy and dense foliage of the poplar trembled and made noise from the storm.
  3. Small wrinkles spread out like rays around the grandmother’s eyes, and streams of greeting laughter and barely noticeable clever cunning ran from her eyes.
  4. The ice floe began to move under our feet and the crack began to grow before our eyes.
  5. Only our northern spring plays so easily with winds and fogs, rains and frosts.

9. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. Before evening, people gathered at the station not only from the village but from all the neighboring villages.
  2. I gave up solving the problem and ran into the garden to see the kids.
  3. One day he [Mikhail Prokofievich] could sleep entirely, but then he wrote or read books all night long.
  4. Within a second, Sedletsky was able to see streams of rain and wet roofs of houses and a black seething canyon in the lowland.
  5. The man took off his hat, put it under his arm, wiped away the sweat with his only hand and calmly looked around.

Theory for Task No. 15 Unified State Exam 2019 in Russian

The difficulty of this task is that the spelling of N/NN depends on the part of speech, and there are also a number of exceptions that need to be remembered.

Work algorithm:

  • Read the assignment carefully. It is important to look for a word with the number of N indicated in the task. Please check again before entering your answer on the form.
  • Determine the part of speech.
  • If you are dealing with adjectives and participles, then the full or short form in front of you is important.
  • According to the part of speech and the form of the word, remember the rules and exceptions.

It's important to know about adjectives and participles!

-answers questions (which one, which one...) and indicates the attribute of an object.
-can be formed from a noun and from a verb imperfect form.
-It has short form, answers the question “what (a, o, s)?”

-combines the characteristics of an adjective and a verb, answers 2 questions: which one? + participle questions.
-derived from a perfective verb
-has a short form, answers the question: “what was done (a, o, s)?”
-divided into active and passive.

Active participles(the action is performed by a noun) answer the question: what is he doing, what was he doing?

For example:
reading person (the person reads himself)

Passive participles(action is performed on a noun) answer the questions: what is being done, what is being done.

For example: read book (someone read a book, i.e. an action is performed on the book.)

How to distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle:

Verbal adjectives- these are adjectives formed from a verb stem in a suffixal way, retaining only genetic connection with verbs. (can be replaced with an adjective synonym)
Examples: Tanning, copying (with the suffix -linen). Exclamatory, fortune-telling (with the suffix -teln-y). Experienced, lethargic, burnt (with the suffix -l-y, go back to Old Russian participles). Hanging, flammable, explosive, -uch- (-yuch-), go back to the Old Russian participles).

Participatory formations, (also classified as adjectives) i.e. participles that have lost their aspectual and collateral meanings, as well as verb control(adjectival participles). Boiled, faceted, gifted, torn, fried.

1) retain their verbal character (can be replaced with a construction with a verb)
2) can be formed from perfective verbs
3) may have dependent words unlike adjectives.

Н, НН in suffixes of adjectives and participles

1. In denominative adjectives (derived from nouns), which have no basis -n, and in non-derivative adjectives;
Blue; green
-an-, -yan-, -in-:
Excl: tin, glass, wood
1. In denominal adjectives with a stem on -n;
Sleep - sleepy
Length – long
2. In denominative adjectives with suffixes
-enn- , -he N-
3. In adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, without prefixes, except Not-) and dependent words
Paint (chapter NV without prefix) - painted
Frighten - frightened
Their spelling does not change as part of complex words (smooth-colored, fresh-frozen, but smooth-colored, because there is a prefix o)
Excl: desired, made, unseen, unheard of, accidental, unexpected, unexpected, sacred, cutesy, slow, long-awaited, wakeful, cursed
3. In participles formed from perfective verbs, with prefixes (except Not-) and/or with dependent words:
Painted (but: unpainted), painted (with what?) with oil paint;
Worn out (but: unworn), worn (by whom?) by brother suit
Excl: named brother, imprisoned father, smart child, bride's dowry, forgiven Sunday, finished man In some prefixless participles formed from perfective verbs:
Given, abandoned, bought, decided, deprived
4. In short participles:
Seeded - seeded (a, o, s)
Reflected - reflected(a,o,s)
4. In full participles (adjectives) with -ovanny, -yovanny:
Pampered, cycled
Excl: forged, chewed
5. B short adjectives, if there was one in the complete ones -n-
Young girl - young girl
Green trees - trees are green
In short adjectives, if there were full ones -nn-
A valuable thing is a valuable thing
Long road - long road
Remember. In nouns and adverbs formed from participles and verbal adjectives, the same amount of -n- is written as there was in the word from which they were formed: