Rules of verb control in Russian. Control options19

Management in Russian is a subordinating relationship in which the main word in a phrase requires the placement of a dependent name in a certain case.
However, not all governance norms are equally strong.
Some of the governance norms are easily distorted.

1. Big number errors in the construction of constructions with control are associated with the influence of words with similar meanings and their control.

Here's an example:
Let's say that in a television program the presenter, addressing the guest of the program, said:
“Let me remind you that two years ago you said the opposite.”

In this sentence, the verb remember can have only one dependent word - in the accusative case (remember something), while the single-root verb remind can have two dependent forms: accusative And dative(with the meaning of the addressee of speech) – to remind someone of something.

Under the influence of this verb, the construction “remember you” arises, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

An example of the above-mentioned influence of controlling words that are close in meaning can also be seen, for example, in the group of verbs with the meaning of feeling, speech, thought, transmission of information (explain, prove, report, and others).

Under the influence of combinations like: talk about something, think about something - in speech there is often an erroneous use of an object in the prepositional case with the preposition about (about something), for example, in the following verbs:

With verbs visual perception the object is usually expressed in the accusative case with the preposition na (look at the picture).
Under the influence of this construction, errors like: admiring the sea, instead of the normative - admiring the sea, are common in speech.

Be sure to pay attention to the control of the following verbs: take a closer look at someone, watch someone; take a closer look at something.

Also be sure to pay attention to the difference in the controls of words with similar meanings:

To be offended by his words is to be indignant at his words;
worry about your daughter - worry about your daughter;
admire patience - marvel at patience;
problems with construction - a question about construction;
similar to the previous formulation - identical to the previous formulation;
drive up to the city - get to the city;
unfamiliarity with the problem - lack of awareness of the problem;
receive income from renting apartments - generate income from renting apartments;
pay attention to your problem - pay attention to your problem;
to offend with a warm welcome - to be offended by a warm welcome;
be based on the results of the study - rely on the results of the study;
preoccupied/preoccupied with affairs - anxiety about/for affairs;
review of the monograph - review of the monograph;
condemn to eternal hard labor - sentence to eternal hard labor;
report on your work/about your work - be responsible for your work;
influence the results - affect the results;
advantage over him - superiority over him;
testify to power - show power;
imbued with anxiety - filled with anxiety;
warn of danger - warn against danger;
familiar to us - familiar to us;
slow down development - hinder development;
patent for discovery - priority in discovery;
get used to the team - get accustomed to the team;
influence the economy - affect the economy;
unravel affairs - sort things out;
pay attention to the problem - increase attention to the problem - pay attention to the problem;
typical of him - characteristic of him;
the true price of a person is the price of bread - the cost of bread.
characteristic of him - inherent in him;

When these words are used in speech, the control of one word is replaced by the control of another, similar in meaning. For the same reason, errors and omissions are common when using a number of words different parts speeches:

The crown of art (wrong: the crown of art);
afraid of mother (colloquial: afraid of mother);
what we managed to achieve (wrong: what we managed to achieve);
reach seventy centimeters in length (wrong: reach seventy centimeters in length);
touch on a question (obsolete: touch on a question);
the key to success (wrong: the key to success);
to conjure something (incorrect: to conjure something);
avoid danger (wrong: avoid danger);
take part in the fair (wrong: take part in the fair).
affect the salary (wrong: affect the salary);

It is necessary to take into account that in the Russian language, words with the same root of different parts of speech can have different controls:

Angry at a stupid joke - to be angry at a stupid joke;
surprised by his patience - surprised by his patience.

Thus, nouns formed from transitive verbs require not an accusative, as with a verb, but genitive case:

At the same time, in most cases, words with the same root have the same control. Therefore, the following constructions will be erroneous:

Devote your life to serving the people;
put the country's wealth at the service of the people ( regulatory governance: serve the people, put at the service of the people, serve the people).

3. In speech, there are frequent errors associated with the substitution of control for words with the same root.

4. Differences in control may be due to the use of the word in different constructions and in different meanings.

5. For consumption dependent word in one case or another, the meaning of this word also influences.

6. Errors in the use of prepositions in synonymous constructions are quite common in speech. For example, the prepositions with and from are synonymous when indicating the place from which the action is directed. However, there is also a difference between them.

7. It should be noted that currently (especially in formal business style) there is an expansion of some prepositions (primarily by and o), which are replacing non-prepositional constructions or constructions with other prepositions. The use of prepositional constructions is not always normative

8. Quite often in speech there are errors associated with the use of a certain case with one or another preposition.

9. There may be shortcomings in the use of some prepositions limited to a certain type of expressed relationship.

10. When constructing a sentence, it is necessary to take into account the semantic connections of the members of the phrases included in this sentence. In particular, a common mistake is to omit a necessary dependent member of a phrase.

11. A very common speech defect is the so-called “stringing of cases,” that is, the arrangement of several identical case forms in a chain. Most often there is a string of genitive cases: the house of the nephew of the coachman's wife.

Russian syntax is distinguished by its richness and variety of controlled construction options. For example: We drove through the forest- drove through the forest- drove through the forest- drove through the forest etc.; I work in the evenings- I work in the evenings; rested for a week- rested for a week; five minutes earlier- five minutes earlier- five minutes before...- five minutes before and so on.

Many of these constructions differ only in shades of meaning, which we differentiate quite clearly. For example, the combination provide someone with something - means: to supply in sufficient quantity (provide climbers with equipment); provide to someone something - means: to make something undoubted, true, to guarantee something (provide good care for patients).

Difference between designs ask for money- ask for money, look for a place- look for places and so on. is that the first options point to a specific, specific object (a certain amount of money, your place), and the latter have general meaning (some amount, indefinitely, any place). Difference between designs drink water- drink water, buy books- buy books, bring bread- bring some bread and so on. lies in the fact that the genitive case denotes the spread of the action not to the entire object, but only to a certain part or quantity of it, and the accusative case indicates that the action is completely transferred to the object.

Of stylistic interest are those control options that receive stylistic reinforcement (remarks to student- comments to the student<книжн.>; talk about friends - talk about friends<разг.>; be absent due to illness- be absent due to illness<оф.-делов.>).

In Russian, a number of controlled constructions express completely homogeneous relationships: study at the Institute- take courses; was in fifth year- was in second grade; work at the post office- work in a workshop; lives in the village- lives on a farm and so on. These syntactic constructions are characterized by great stability in Russian syntax, and choosing the desired form of control in such cases is not difficult.

Synonymous words often require the use of different cases:

admire courage- bow before courage

despise danger- ignore danger

get involved (interested) in music - love (study) music

be outraged by the outrages- to be angry (angry) at the ugly person

shy away from necessity- fear necessity

be unhappy with the review- be disappointed in the review

reprimand an employee- reproach an employee

understand the need...- be aware of the need

When using them in speech, sometimes associative errors occur, similar phrases are mixed up: Authordescribes events (instead of: tells, narrates events or: describes events); Hedidn't calm down with this (I was not satisfied with this, I did not calm down on this); Confidencein your own strength (confidence in what? in one’s own abilities; faith in what? in one’s own strengths).

When using parallel variants of non-prepositional and prepositional controls that coincide in meaning, it can be recommended to give preference to more specific constructions with prepositions, since in them the grammatical meaning is expressed more clearly. Let's compare: letter to mother- letter to mother, letter from mother.

To avoid distortion of the meaning of a statement, you should be especially careful about control options that allow for double interpretation. Thus, ambiguity may arise in phrases: portrait of Repin(a portrait painted by Repin, or a portrait of the artist himself?), the director needs to be advised(will the director himself advise someone or should he listen to the advice of another person?). Similar designs require correction:

To the teacher much more was needed Teacher should have

explain. explain a lot.

Explanation brother's answer Explanation answer suggested

seems unconvincing. brother unconvincing.

Ordered us help with work. They ordered that We


However, in speech there are still such “ambiguous” constructions, the meaning of which is clarified by the context (deception of the priests, economic assistance to India, criticism of Belinsky, finally, in the song: The shooter's bullet missed...).

An inappropriate pun can also arise when using derivative prepositions that unexpectedly manifest their primary meaning in the text; There was a firethanks to watchman(why should I thank him?); Please give me academic leavein view of illnesses(you cannot foresee illness!).

It is impossible not to take into account the bookish coloring of some prepositional constructions, to ignore the clerical shade introduced into speech by denominative prepositions. For example, under the influence of the official business style, constructions with prepositions are fixed in the modern Russian language o, by: indicate the need, note the importance, dwell on it, discuss about something, express agreement that, keep in mind about it, state about it(non-prepositional constructions will be correct: note the importance of, discuss something, keep it in mind, as well as constructions with other prepositions: indicate a need, express agreement with something and so on.). From paired phrases: response to this work- response to this work; review of this article- review of this article; indicators for these enterprises- performance of these enterprises and so on. - the first ones have a clerical coloring.

It is also undesirable to “string” identical case forms. An example of such a construction was once given by the linguist A.M. Peshkovsky: the house of the doctor's brother's coachman's wife's nephew. Undoubtedly, such management cannot be approved.

In special cases, control options are expressive. Let's compare constructions with different forms of addition for verbs with negation: He does not speakthe truth ; Henever won't telltruth ; Heno one won't telltruth ; Henever won't telltruth ; He doesn't want to saythe truth ; Hedoesn't say something ; He can't help but saythe truth ; The truth he still won't tell. Additions in the form of the genitive case with a verb with negation strengthen and emphasize this negation. And, on the contrary, constructions with an addition in the accusative case “mute” the meaning of negation.

With two or more control words, a common dependent word can only be used if these main words require the same case and preposition, for example: read and take notes from a book, write out and memorize quotes. Incorrectly constructed phrases: organize and lead a group (organize- What? lead- how?); show care and attention to orphans (care- about whom? attention- to whom?). Correcting such sentences usually requires the use of a pronoun: organize and lead a group; but sometimes you have to add another control word: pay attention to orphans and take care of them.

It is interesting to note the peculiarities of the use of some Russian prepositions. Yes, prepositions V And on have their own antonyms: in - from, to- With. For example: went to Crimea- returned from Crimea, went to the Caucasus- came from the Caucasus, entered the building- left the building and went to the station- came from the station. However, this situation is not always maintained: went to the Volga region- returned from the Volga region, send to all parts of the country- receive from all over the country.

How to say: upon receipt of a response or upon receiving a response? We miss you or for you? Pretext By in the meaning “after” it controls the prepositional case, therefore: upon receipt of an answer, at the end of the performance, after studying the issue- book options, and after receiving etc. - neutral options. In the meaning of the reason (retired due to health reasons) or goals (city landscaping work) pretext By controls the dative case.

A more difficult question to answer: We miss you or for you? If in combination with nouns (we miss our son, we miss our children) and with 3rd person personal pronouns (miss him, miss them) pretext By controls the dative case, then in combination with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person the same preposition is used with the prepositional case: we miss you(Not you), miss us(Not according to us). Such are the vagaries of this pretext.

It also has a stylistic feature: when denoting an object that needs to be obtained, obtained, the use of the preposition By has a colloquial character, for example: go mushroom picking (mushroom picking).

Control - view subordinating connection, when cutting to express certain semantic relations the main word requires the placement of a dependent word (noun) in a certain case, with or without a preposition. For example, the verb see requires the placement of a noun in wine. without a preposition, if this noun names an object that is seen: to see a forest, a performance, etc. The main word is the word, the form of which is chosen only at the request of the meaning necessary for a given act of communication, and the dependent word is the form to -rogo is predetermined not only by the needs of a given meaning, but also by the main word. Therefore, the main word can be put in any inflectional forms inherent to it, and the choice of inflectional forms of the dependent word is determined by the main word and those semantic relationships in which the main and dependent words are between each other, cf.: saw (see, saw, would have seen and etc.) forest.
If, when agreeing (see), it is enough to know only the grammatical form of the main word and you do not need to know anything about its lexical meaning in order to name the form of the dependent word, also without knowing anything about its lexical meaning (for example, an adjective is a definition of a noun in it. n. masculine gender singular part will certainly be placed in the same forms as the noun: strong wind), then with U. first of all it is necessary to know the lexical and grammatical meaning of the main word in order to determine the form of the dependent, cf.: to do business (creative p.), but do the job (vin. p.). Consequently, U. by its nature is a lexical-grammatical connection, in contrast to agreement - a purely grammatical connection.
A distinction is made between strong and weak U. Strong U. is due to the fact that the main word has such lexical and grammatical properties that it requires a dependent word that is in certain semantic relationships with the main word, cf.: wrote a letter, left the forest. With a weak U., the dependent word is not obligatory for the main word: the main word can be used in a sentence without a dependent one: I read this book in the library - I read this book. The number of strongly controlled dependent words is strictly determined by the lexical-grammatical meaning of the main word.
Depending on what lexical-grammatical properties need to be learned in order to choose the form of a controlled word, they differ: 1) strong U., in which it is enough to know certain lexical-grammatical characteristics of the main word common to many words to name the form of a dependent noun. So, with the verbs to be interested, to engage, etc., it is necessary to name a noun denoting the subject of interest, occupation, etc., and this noun will always be in the form creative. etc. without a preposition: to be interested in brands, philosophy, etc., to engage in mathematics, sports, music, etc. Sometimes in such cases it is possible to name two forms of a noun at once, from which one chooses to express the same relationship any: talk about a book, about a person, about Africa or talk about a book, about a person, about Africa.
A typical case of a strong command of the type under consideration is the connection of words in combination with object relations, when the main word is transitive verb, and the dependent is a noun in wine. p. without a preposition, naming the object to which the action of the verb passes: read a book, love the theater, do homework, create a project, etc.
2) Strong U., in which, to determine the form of a dependent word, you need to know the lexical and grammatical features of both the main and dependent words. Thus, the verb to settle requires that the place of settlement be designated; depending on what specific noun this place is named, the form of this noun is chosen, cf.: to settle in a valley, but to settle on a hill.
3) Strong U., in which the obligatory nature of the dependent word is determined primarily by the meaning of the prefix of the main word (verb or corresponding verbal noun); for example, in the verb to drive, the prefix in requires that the final point of movement (where to drive) be named: drive into the forest, up a mountain, under a bridge, etc. As in the second case, the choice of the form of the dependent word is determined here by the lec- syco-grammatical features of both the main and dependent words. There are, however, cases where the prefix specifies not only the obligatory nature of the dependent word, but also its form. So, with the verb to run over, there must certainly be a noun indicating what the collision was made, and this noun, regardless of its lexical meaning will be in the form of wines. P.
) Weak U., in which the choice of the form of a dependent word, given the given semantic relations between the main and dependent words, is determined by the lexical and grammatical features of both the main and dependent words. So, with the verb sing, the noun dependent on it, which names the place where they sing, can be used in two forms depending on the type of place where the action takes place: if it is a theater, then the noun is used with the preposition in: sing in the theater, if it is a street - with the preposition to: sing on the street.
There is a widespread point of view, according to the weak U., when purely adverbial relations develop between the main and dependent words (time, place, reason, condition, etc.), should be considered as an adjunct (see). The basis for this decision is that forms of nouns denoting different circumstances (in the forest, near the house, at five o’clock in the evening, etc.) can be combined with words of different, irreducible lexical and grammatical classes, cf.: sing in the theater, meet a friend in the theater. Hence the conclusion is drawn that these forms of nouns are not predicted at all, are not controlled by the main word. According to another point of view, it is necessary to distinguish determinants (see) from controlled words - such words in a sentence that are not formally connected with any other word, but extend the sentence as a whole: Voices are heard from the side of the garden; To be sure, I turned the key in the lock; Everyone makes mistakes. Determiners are usually located at the beginning of the sentence.
The main word in phrases with a connection
U. can be a verb (read a newspaper) noun (train movement, glass of milk, director’s order, award decree), adjective (angry with his son, full of nobility), adverb (alone with nature)

In the Russian language there are several types of subordinating connections between words. One of them is management. Control disorders can often be found in writing and speech. To avoid this, you should become more familiar with this type of syntactic connection.

What is management

Control is a type of connection between two words, where the main word determines the position of the dependent word: in what case it should appear, with or without a preposition. This connection can be either rigid and resistant to change, or more flexible, allowing for various variations.

How to distinguish management from coordination

It is important to be able to distinguish management from coordination. When agreeing, the main word dictates gender, number, and case to the subordinate. They seem to act as a single whole, and the subordinate word always changes after the main one. For example: handsome man - handsome men - handsome man(nouns agree by gender, and the number and case of the subordinate word changes along with the main one). Or: beautiful thing - beautiful things - beautiful things.

When controlling, the main word dictates only the case (and the presence/absence of a preposition) to the subordinate. The dependent word has a frozen form in a specific case and does not change in mandatory after the main one. For example: he asked her for a favor - she will ask her for a favor - they ask her for a favor. We see that the main word “ask” changes, but the subordinate “her” always remains fixed in the accusative case without a preposition.

Management is divided into types according to various criteria.

Prepositional and non-prepositional control

One of possible classifications- prepositional and non-prepositional control. As can be easily concluded from the name, prepositional control requires the presence of a preposition, but prepositional control does not. For example: confess something(prepositional), confirm something(unprepositional).

Often, a violation of control consists of replacing one of these types with another: operate with data(wrong) - manipulate data(Right), typical for men(wrong) - inherent in men(Right), pay bills(wrong) - pay the bills(Right), inquires about his affairs(wrong) - interested in his affairs(Right).

Often, between the same words there can be both prepositional and non-prepositional control. They may have slight differences in meaning or style, but none of them should be considered a violation of control. Examples: walk across the field - walk through the field, ride the train - ride the train, work in the evenings - work in the evenings, letter to father - letter to father, understandable to everyone - understandable to everyone, considered an eccentric - considered an eccentric, watch for the first time - watch for the first time , five meters wide - five meters wide, at a speed of seventy kilometers per hour - at a speed of seventy kilometers per hour.

Strong and weak control

Management is also divided into strong and weak. Strong control is characterized by the fact that the main word unambiguously determines the dependent case: write a book(accusative case required). Weak control involves variations in the forms of the dependent word: write about nature(prepositional), write with a pencil(instrumental case).

Types of control based on the morphology of the main word

Management can be divided into different kinds by parts of speech to which the main word belongs: verbal ( love art), adverbial ( despite the circumstances), object (left home), comparative ( lighter than a feather), numeric ( two children), pronominal ( she is with friends).

Typical examples of control violations in Russian

You should be careful when composing sentences in which the subordinate word can be attributed to different main words at once. This will not be considered a direct violation of control in the sentence, but may create ambiguity. For example: All the managers of our company came to meet the guests from London. With this formulation, it remains unclear: were the guests from London or the executives coming from London?

It will also be considered a mistake to line up large quantity words depending on each other in the same case form, even if management standards are met. Example: Category B driver training course students- syntax error.

A significant problem is the violation of the control of words with similar meanings, since very often the control norms of one of a pair of such words are automatically transferred to the second. Management should be distinguished in phrases similar to the following: to reproach for something - to reproach someone, to be offended by someone/what - offended by someone/what, to warn against something - to warn about something, to be happy about something/whom - pleased with something/whom, full of something - overflowing with something, to condemn something - to sentence something, happy with something/whom - happy about something/whom, to be a participant in something - to participate in something, to worry about something/whom - to worry about something/whom, identical to something - similar to something/whom.

One of possible errors- this is a violation of verbal control: doubt about something, tell for something, admire something, understand about something. Such usages can often be found in colloquial speech, however, they are a gross violation.

Sometimes, if there are several add-ons at once, confusion can arise, leading to loss of control. Example: organization and participation in the game- an erroneous version of the construction of a phrase. Words " organization" And " participation"require different controls, so they cannot be homogeneous members in this case. It will be right: organization of the game and participation in it. Love and admire the sea- wrong. Right: love the sea and admire it. Study and get involved in mathematics- wrong. Right: study mathematics and become interested in it.

Some features of management standards

It is worth mentioning separately about “legalized” errors in management, which are inherent in professional jargon, mainly legal. For example, such a well-known phrase as “ put on wanted list"from the point of view of literary norms is incorrect. This form of management does not exist in the Russian language. Can " announce that" And " announce something" Also used in jurisprudence, but formally incorrect, are such phrases as: condemn to imprisonment, for lack of corpus delicti, proceedings in the case, according to the order and others. However, they are widely used and can be found in official documents.

This article is devoted to the topic “What is management in Russian?” People whose work is related to constant use text editors have probably encountered a situation where the program underlines a phrase.

At the same time, the computer notes that there is a control error. How to avoid such situations and avoid mistakes? This will be discussed in this material.


This section of grammar, as you know, is devoted to sentences and phrases. The rules it contains help to correctly and accurately express thoughts when writing. Syntax, in turn, is closely related to morphology (the section that studies the composition of words, the smallest linguistic units - morphemes).

This interaction of these two branches can be explained by the fact that one of the elements of a phrase often requires a certain case, number, and so on from the other. These phenomena, as is known, belong to the morphological section.


Collocations can consist of two or more words, one of which is usually the main one, and the rest are secondary. There are three types of connections between them in Russian: control, adjacency and coordination.


With this relationship, all words have the same form, that is, number, case and gender. When the main or dependent element changes, the same happens to another member of the phrase.

For greater clarity, consider an example.

In the phrase “red jacket” the noun and adjective are masculine, single person, nominative case. If you change the number to plural (red jackets), then in this case both components acquire new endings.

Most often, such a connection is present in the phrases “adjective plus noun”.

In such cases, difficulties with spelling usually do not arise.


Another type of connection in phrases is called “adjacency.” It involves placing the main word in a certain number, gender and case, depending on the secondary element. In this case minor member will always remain the same, even if the main word takes a different form.

Adverbs or gerunds can act as an invariable element here.

Verb control in Russian

Many experts in the field of the Russian language call this type of connection in phrases the most difficult, since it is where the most mistakes are made.

What is management in Russian? The name of the connection type speaks for itself. Here the main word “guides” the secondary, demanding from him a certain shape.

Moreover, it itself can change, but the subordinate element always remains unchanged. The main word is usually a noun or a word that replaces it. Any part of speech can be a subordinate, but most often this function is performed by a verb.

For example: look at the sky.

Management issues in Russian

In cases with a control-type connection, difficulties arise when choosing the correct case for a noun. For example, in the phrase “wait for Monday” there may be typical mistake: “wait for Monday.” Such an oversight usually arises due to ignorance of the rules for using the verb present in a given phrase. And it says that this part of speech in this case should only be in the accusative case.

No less difficulties usually arise when using a preposition. The use of this part of speech is regulated by the rules of management of the Russian language. If you look at the control dictionary, which is posted on many sites on the Internet, you will find that in articles devoted to many verbs, the prepositions with which they are used are indicated.

A little about prepositions

It should be noted that in phrases like “verb plus noun” prepositions may or may not be present. Therefore, all verbs are divided into two types:

Those that require a pretext after themselves, and those that do not need one.

Most often, words denoting an action related to the work of the organs of vision are used with prepositions: look at, look at, look at, and so on.

Common Mistakes

Russian grammar textbooks often mention two types of errors that arise when using phrases with a control type connection:

  • Inaccuracies in the use of prepositions.
  • Errors in cases.

Often these two types of errors are present simultaneously.

For example, the phrase “admire the sea” contains errors of both types at the same time. Here the noun is used in the wrong case. Along with this error, there is another one: a preposition was used, whereas in this phrase it is not needed.

Causes of errors

Text editors often indicate not only the presence of an error in the text, but also possible options her corrections. In case of inaccuracy in management, the most probable cause wrong word choice.

Substitution of concepts

In the Russian language, as in many others, there is such a thing as a synonym. If there are many words to denote the same phenomenon, this certainly has a positive effect on the beauty of the text, its readability, and so on. However, for this reason, a number of difficulties arise, one of which is related to confusion in correct use prepositions in synonymous verbs.

Here is a similar example of management in Russian. It is customary to place the preposition “on” between the word “look” and the noun.

And after the verb “to admire” it is not needed. However, you can often find in print the phrases “admiring the mountains”, “admiring nature” and similar ones.

Conversational option

However, the use of some “irregular” forms of verbs in a type of communication called management is still acceptable.

Such examples of management in Russian are found in a conversational style. If the author wants to give his character’s speech a relaxed character, then he may well use the option “I admire nature” instead of the generally accepted “I admire nature.”

In the corresponding dictionaries, this form is sometimes indicated with the mark “colloquial” or “colloquial.”


No less difficulties arise when using words with the same root. Since the verbs pay and pay mean “to pay for a product or service,” they are perceived by some people as grammatically equivalent. Meanwhile, the first of them is used only with the preposition “for” standing after it, and the second is used without it. Therefore, using public transport, people pay for travel and pay for it. The use of other variants of this phrase is a violation syntactic norms Russian language.

How to avoid mistakes?

First of all, you just need to remember, when writing various texts, be it a letter to a friend or an official message, about the existence of such a phenomenon in the Russian language as connection in a phrase. This is especially true when using verbs together with nouns. In such cases, the control type is used, and it is considered by many experts to be the most complex.

Memory is the best consultant

If a person purposefully monitors the implementation of the rules of syntax (has an idea of ​​​​what control is in the Russian language), then, when going to describe the excited state of a character, he will most likely remember that it is possible to worry about someone, about which something or for someone or something.

In this case, there are two options, each of which is literary norm. If the author wants to use the verb “to be concerned,” then he should not put any prepositions after it.

In most cases, a person can restore the control rule in his mind by remembering one or more examples from the literature. If writing a phrase is difficult, you can turn to the dictionary of controls.

By the way, in other European languages ​​this grammatical issue also causes certain difficulties. That's why some English verbs, such as listen to the, are given in dictionaries and learned together with the following preposition.


This article covered the topic “What is management in the Russian language?” Other types of connections in phrases were also briefly considered. This material will be useful to a wide range of readers, including school graduates preparing to take the Unified State Exam, which usually contains tasks on this topic.