Globe horoscope for each month. Careless statements addressed to the manager this year could cost Leo his job; at work he will be faced with various interpersonal conflicts


2017 is a special year. The fiery rooster or phoenix comes into its own. He replaces the monkey, which, let's face it, didn't behave particularly well in 2016. The good news is that 2017 will be much easier and more enjoyable, because the fiery rooster is famous for its easy-going attitude to life and love of travel. The main disadvantage will be the fact that the rooster absolutely does not know how (or does not like) to solve his problems himself and prefers to shift them onto the shoulders of others. It’s a well-known fact that others are not happy with this – and that’s how it works.

Almost all Zodiac Signs will try to grab luck by the tail and many will succeed - winning in a casino or lottery, career growth or opening their own business. The main thing in this matter is to listen to your intuition, but not everything is so simple here...

Horoscope for Aries for 2017 from Pavel Globa

2017 will be quite unpredictable for Aries. Many unexpected prospects will open up, however, to achieve great success, you will have to act decisively. You will have to grab luck by the tail, which means you must always be collected and on the alert. This year it is important for Aries to be extremely restrained and self-possessed, to evaluate every word. You can try yourself in a new profession, get additional education: This is the year of learning about yourself and the world around you.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2017 from Pavel Globa

For Taurus, 2017 promises big changes in his personal life. However, the work will not make you bored - there is a high probability of a sharp change in the field of activity. And, most likely, this will open up new horizons for Taurus and change his whole life for the better. 2017 will give Taurus many interesting meetings and the opportunity to significantly increase their social circle. Favorable time for long trips. The motto for the year is “Don’t be afraid of change!”

Horoscope for Gemini for 2017 from Pavel Globa

In 2017, Gemini will sever unnecessary ties with the past - get rid of outdated relationships, change boring jobs, or stop communicating with friends who, for some reason, are no longer friends. This year, it is better for Gemini not to take risks, but to be as careful as possible and calculate every step they take. Adventures and dubious events will bring nothing but big problems.

Horoscope for Cancers for 2017 from Pavel Globa

For Cancer, 2017 will be quite difficult. Loss of strength, depression, disappointment - this is what you will have to fight with for the entire 12 months. It is better to avoid conflicts and ambiguous events by all means, and in general, as they say, sit it out. If Cancer manages to avoid getting into trouble before the end of the year, the last months of the year will bring him long-awaited peace and prosperity both in finances and in love. The year is suitable for self-discovery and self-education.

Horoscope for Leo for 2017 from Pavel Globa

In 2017, Leo will finally be able to make his most cherished dreams come true. Luck will favor him and give him many profitable situations. Success awaits representatives of this sign in business, study, creativity, family relationships. From a moral point of view, it will be somewhat difficult for those representatives of the sign who have not yet found their other half. The second half of the year is not the best time for long trips; it is better to plan them for the spring. To make the year as successful as possible, share this Horoscope with your friends.

Horoscope for Virgos for 2017 from Pavel Globa

With the onset of 2017, Virgo will feel an incredible surge of strength. At this time, there is a high probability of a change in beliefs and principles. The desire to become better will allow Virgo to expand her horizons - social, professional. Personal life will be more intense than ever, and may cause problems at work and school. This year, Virgo will be interested in psychology, philosophy, mysticism, religion - and will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained in life.

Horoscope for Libra for 2017 from Pavel Globa

2017 will not be an easy year for Libra. Indecisiveness can cause major problems at work. Libra will have to solve problems on their own, without counting on the help of family and friends. The second half of the year will be especially difficult - at this time there is a high probability of upheavals in your personal life. They will certainly have a negative impact on your work. At the same time, career growth in 2017 for Libra can be simply stunning. This year the foundation for success is laid.

Horoscope for Scorpios for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Scorpio is looking forward to a prosperous, smooth 2017. Representatives of this sign will be able to realize bold ideas that they have been nurturing for a long time. Representatives of this sign will become builders of their own lives, and they will succeed in everything they set their minds to. A good time to change your place of residence and other large-scale changes. The owner of the year - Rooster - will provide Scorpio with full support in all his endeavors. Intuition will be very strong.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 from Pavel Globa

With the onset of 2017, Sagittarius will feel confident, find the meaning of life, and finally begin to enjoy simple things. The year will give representatives of this zodiac sign many new opportunities, and with a certain amount of persistence and patience, they will be able to implement whatever they want. However, you should not plan complex long-distance trips at this time - the likelihood that they will be successful is negligible.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017 from Pavel Globa

2017 will be the year for Capricorn to find a balance between personal and social aspects life. Rethinking values, new ideas and perspectives - the time has come for this zodiac sign big changes. Numerous problems will have to be resolved quickly and decisively this year. The year for Capricorn will be extremely busy, sometimes difficult, but overall very successful. There will be many opportunities, using which Capricorn will be able to achieve great heights.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Aquarius will have a year of discoveries in 2017 - and above all in themselves. He will discover that he can experience emotions that he had never suspected before, and will reconsider many of his views on life. At the same time, all decisions of Aquarius should be focused exclusively on his personal opinion and intuition. Listening to others, he can make a fatal mistake. 2017 is very favorable for long-term travel and new business development.

Horoscope for Pisces for 2017 from Pavel Globa

2017 will be quite difficult for Pisces. Representatives of this sign will have to be efficient and energetic in order to achieve at least minimal success. In everything except work, the Rooster will be favorable to them and will give them many chances to radically change their lives. Pisces will be able to do interesting things that they haven’t dared to do before due to various reasons. Their main enemy on the path to success is laziness. It can cause many problems.

Pavel Globa has already prepared a detailed horoscope for all zodiac signs for 2017. All careerists will be delighted - their business will go uphill, since success in the Year of the Rooster is on their side. Pavel notes that changes await us in everything and they will be so amazing that representatives of all signs will only have time to be surprised... If you are looking for your correct horoscope, read the material! The year promises to be interesting!

General forecast

The patron of the year will bring good luck to workaholics and those who are used to working tirelessly. He likes a rich imagination, so favorable prognosis This also applies to creative individuals. The Rooster does not tolerate fuss and loves to see the work started completed. Among his favorites will be perfectionists who are ready to perfectly perform any task or assignment.
The more you invest, the greater the return will be in the form of useful meetings, acquaintances and cash savings. The astrologer's predictions regarding politics and the situation in the world recommend not to worry about the crisis. Its destructive power will reach its climax in the year of the Rooster, after which it will begin to decline rapidly. It is useful for states to reconsider development plans and strive for unification.

Secrets of the horoscope from Pavel Globa according to the signs of the zodiac

Predictions from Pavel Globa for zodiac signs for 2017 promise success if you are not lazy and take active action:


To succeed, Aries will need determination and assertiveness, which representatives of the fire sign do not lack. It is advisable to weigh each phrase before voicing it so as not to end up in an awkward position. The risk of changing jobs will be completely justified; a new education will not hurt. The year is rich in interesting plans, but Aries sometimes finds it difficult to find the strength to implement them. The forecast recommends not to put things off until later and not to linger in a boring position.


For stable Taurus, the year promises to bring dramatic changes in their personal lives. Interesting acquaintances and unplanned trips will bring a fresh spirit to life. There will be an opportunity to see new places, meet unusual personalities and improve communication skills. Taurus is not sociable by nature, but he is unlikely to be able to deny himself the pleasure of talking with extraordinary people. It is important to be able to put aside fears and be ready to dramatically change your field of activity, because predictions guarantee the success of any enterprise.


Geminis are no strangers to changes and life metamorphoses, but the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa predicts something unimaginable. Representatives of the air sign will begin restructuring by rolling up their sleeves. They will break off relationships that are quite boring, change routine work to free creativity, and even reconsider their circle of friends. However, the stars warn that it is advisable to calculate every step. Participation in tempting adventures will bring nothing but further problems and headaches. It is better to direct the flow of energy to the family, where spiritual comfort and harmony can be created.


The forecast for Cancer warns that the year could be quite stressful. Active actions cannot be undertaken, since there is a possibility of getting involved in a protracted conflict. A series of disappointments will bring loss of strength and depression, so it is better to sit out for a year, doing your usual things. The end of autumn will give Cancers personal and financial well-being. Not everything is so bad if you take the time to educate yourself and search for yourself. To avoid negative situations, it is important to maintain composure and a sober view of what is happening.

a lion

Predictions for Leo promise the fulfillment of their wildest fantasies. Everything you previously dreamed about will come true, and the Rooster will give you a favorable opportunity to realize your ideas. Any events will turn out in favor, and good luck will accompany you at work, in business and in love. The search for your soulmate will drag on indefinitely, but you can devote yourself to creativity or study. The spring period is ideal for long trips and travel, and in the second half of the year it is better to avoid traveling long distances.


Pavel Globa's forecast for 2017 will certainly please Virgos. In the first ten days they will feel an extraordinary surge of strength, which will not decrease during the remaining 12 months. Representatives of the earth sign will pay attention to their inner world and engage in self-improvement. Principles and life beliefs will be revised, and social and professional areas will expand horizons. An obstacle to achieving a goal can be your personal life, where Mexican passions, despite the reserved nature of Virgo.


Libra risks suffering from their own indecision, as the popular astrologer’s forecast warns about. Current problems will place an unbearable burden on the shoulders of representatives of the air sign. You won’t have to wait for help from loved ones and relatives, since they are also too busy. Changes in your personal life are coming in the second half of the year, but they will entail failures in your career. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to separate the important from the secondary. Predictions promise stunning career growth with the right priorities.


The year for Scorpio will be prosperous and calm; no adversity will disturb the representatives of the water sign. All forecasts will come true, because there will be enough time, effort, and money for this. Successful relocations, job changes and new relationships. It is necessary to listen to your intuition and retreat at the slightest doubt, since reinsurance will not hurt. A rich personal life will delight you with stability and harmony. Does not predict prognosis or health problems.


From the beginning of the year, Sagittarius will learn to enjoy the little things and look at life through the prism of optimism. The Rooster will provide many unique opportunities that it would be foolish not to take advantage of. Predictions will come true if Sagittarius shows patience and perseverance in achieving goals. It is advisable to abandon travel planning, since there are no favorable travel forecasts. Personal life will tire you so much that you will want to hide from loved one, but this is not a solution. You must muster courage and make a fateful decision.


Capricorn will search for harmony to find internal balance. The forecast does not deny the presence of exciting prospects if self-confidence appears. Problems will arise throughout the year, and they will have to be resolved decisively and quickly. The intensity of events is intertwined with life's difficulties, but at the same time the year is very successful. There will be time to communicate with friends and personal life, and to conquer new heights in your career.


Predictions for Aquarius concern his personal life, since he will have to experience the whole gamut of emotions. Representatives of the air sign hardly suspected what kind of storm was hidden inside them. When making decisions, you must rely only on intuition and your own opinion. Forecasts and recommendations from others can only harm budding relationships. In order not to be led by your loved ones, it is not advisable to tell them about the details or share what happened.


Pisces will encounter many difficulties along the way, as evidenced by astrological forecast. Even minimal success will require a lot of strength, all the energy and activity. Not everything is so gloomy, since the Rooster has saved a surprise in the career field. In 2017, Pisces will be able to do what they love, changing their disgusting place of work. Only natural laziness can prevent you from realizing your dream, so it is important to pull yourself together and move forward.
The Rooster thinks creatively and does not tolerate exhausting work, so 2017 will be rich in all kinds of discoveries and inventions. Predictions warn of the dangers of gambling, since there is a high risk of losing a large amount of money.
The year will alternate with white and black stripes, and failures will be replaced by success, so you should correctly distribute your forces and be able to adapt to changes.

What will the year of the Rooster be like for each zodiac sign?

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that next year will be prosperous and fruitful for almost all zodiac signs. Leap year, which has been particularly difficult for many, is coming to an end. This means that all the troubles are left behind and only good things await us ahead. What does an astrologer promise for everyone? zodiac sign?


For those born under this zodiac sign, the coming year will be interesting and a little unpredictable. New prospects will open up for Aries, but luck will accompany only those of them who show determination and ingenuity. At the same time, we must not forget about restraint and carefully control every word or action.

2017 – good time to gain new knowledge and master a new profession. Any information received at this time will definitely be useful in the future.

But money in 2017 should be spent with caution. It is better to postpone large purchases until the summer, and not take out a loan at all. In general, the year will be calm in terms of money, and many representatives of this zodiac sign will even be able to pay off all debts and loans, if they have any.

For lonely Aries, the Fire Rooster promises to find a soul mate, and for family ones - to improve their living conditions. In summer, you should be careful: conflicts in the family or among friends are possible. But in the fall Honeymoon will not keep you waiting.


Taurus will have more than enough energy in the year of the Rooster. Chronic illnesses and depression will no longer bother you, serious illnesses will be avoided. Taurus will be able to maintain energy and efficiency almost all year, but it will not be a bad idea to take care of rest in the summer.

In 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign can change their profession, try themselves in a new field, open own business.

Family Taurus should pay more attention to children, and single Taurus should start an affair with a person to whom they have been partial for a long time. Marriages created in next year, promise to be strong and promise large offspring.

Useful meetings, promising acquaintances, original ideas and amazing performance will provide Taurus with a good income next year.


For representatives of this zodiac sign, 2017 should be a year of change. Gemini will finally find the strength to change their boring job, end an outdated relationship and start new life. However, you should be careful in everything and not rush headlong into the pool.

For free Geminis, the year of the Rooster promises bright romances. Those with families should pay more attention to their older relatives, listen to their requests and advice. It is very important next year to set priorities correctly, not waste time on trifles and focus on the most important thing. A little patience - and the result will not be long in coming. 2017 will be especially successful for representatives of creative professions.

As for health, it will depend on your mood. Tired? Go on vacation and have a good time. Most the right time for relaxation - the end of autumn or the beginning of winter. And, most importantly, do not doubt your abilities. Fortune favors the determined.


A rather difficult year awaits Cancer. Disappointments, depression, loss of strength, conflicts with friends and work colleagues await representatives of this zodiac sign in the first half of the year. Therefore, the astrologer advises Cancers to “go underground” for a while, but the end of the year will bring prosperity and harmony in all areas.

You should also pay attention to your health. Emotional experiences and overloads can make themselves felt in the spring. Cancers should save their strength and rest more often.

The Year of the Rooster is ideal for self-education and self-development. In family terms, Cancers need to be more decisive. Single representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to find a soul mate. But the choice of a spouse must be approached responsibly: the possibility of unrequited love cannot be ruled out.

a lion

Luck will be Leo's constant companion next year. Circumstances will be as good as possible, so representatives of this sign will be lucky in work, in creativity, and in family life. Health will not let you down either, and Leo will feel cheerful and energetic all year.

Year of the Rooster good period in order to assemble your team and start your own business. But if you continue to work not for yourself, then be careful in communicating with your superiors and colleagues.

For those Leos who have already managed to create their own family, the Rooster promises harmony and well-being in the home. Single Leos will also be able to meet their soulmate. Most likely this will happen in August, but here it is very important not to miss the moment and recognize your one or only one in a crowd of faces.


In the year of the Rooster, Virgos will want to change and become even better. Representatives of this zodiac sign should be prepared for a radical change in prejudices and principles.

The first months of 2017 promise changes in your personal life and success at work. But, in pursuit of wealth, you must remember to take care of yourself and find time to look back and take a break.

Conflicts at work or study are not excluded, especially in the first half of the year. But if Virgos manage to keep peace of mind and faith in the best, any negative consequences can be avoided. Restraint will not hurt in your personal life: you should not make unreasonable demands and claims on your significant other.

And those Virgos who have not yet managed to build a family should not be afraid to get rid of loneliness and make promising acquaintances.


A difficult year awaits Libra, however, if they can show determination in some issues, they will not only be able to avoid problems, but also achieve significant success. More independent decisions, courage and faith in a bright tomorrow - and everything will work out.

In the first months of the year, Libra will suffer from a lack of stability, and therefore be irritable and nervous. But you just have to get through this time. Everything will be fine by summer spiritual harmony will return.

Those who want to achieve significant career growth at work should sort out their relationships with colleagues and settle with old problems.

In the year of the Rooster, don’t forget about health. Walk more fresh air, relax, drink herbal teas and spend time with health benefits. It is possible that you may have problems with blood pressure and headaches, which you can get rid of without resorting to medical help.


Pavel Globa promises representatives of this zodiac sign a fairly calm year. Scorpios will be able to realize their plans and ideas, so they can start any global changes, change jobs if they don’t suit them, and solve housing issues. In 2017, it will not be amiss to listen to your intuition, be honest in everything, and boldly move towards the implementation of your plans.

Health will not fail Scorpios if they learn to control their emotions. In summer you should take a short trip. The idea of ​​going sailing will be a good one.

Not everything will be so simple in the Scorpio family. Loud scandals and stormy showdowns can be avoided, but omissions can be felt especially acutely. It will not be easy for Scorpios to find a new permanent partner in the year of the Rooster, but if they already have a relationship, they will be able to maintain it.


The Year of the Rooster will give Sagittarius a huge number of opportunities. You just need to be able to use them by showing determination, hard work and patience. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to gain confidence, harmony and meaning in life, achieve their goals and fulfill their cherished dreams. In family terms, Sagittarius will be able to strengthen relationships, and single people will be able to find their other half.

In the summer, Sagittarius will have so much energy that they will be able to work for three. It is possible to climb up career ladder, especially in the first half of the year. Those who have not yet found themselves professionally should try to find their dream job - the Rooster will certainly help with this.

Regarding health, exacerbations of chronic diseases and colds, so you should monitor your well-being and take timely measures.


Capricorns in the year of the Rooster need to rethink their lives and be ready for changes. It is very important to determine for yourself what is really important, and discard everything unnecessary as unnecessary. It is extremely important to find a balance between personal (family) life and career.

The year promises to be productive and eventful. New opportunities will open up for Capricorns and as a result they will be able to get a promotion or a solid profit. There may be problems that can be safely resolved if you show perseverance and determination.

In family terms, the Rooster guarantees Capricorns mutual understanding and harmony. Single representatives of this zodiac sign need to be prepared for stormy relationships that can develop into a strong family.


A time of discovery awaits Aquarius in 2017. You will be able to discover something new not only in the world around you, but also within yourself. Therefore, it is very important not to rely on the opinions of others, but to listen to your inner voice.

Aquarians should reconsider their principles, change their views and learn to feel when the body's reserves are depleted. Periods of excitement this year will be followed by periods of fatigue and weakness, so do not forget about rest.

IN professional field stability will be observed, only in the spring some problems may arise. There may also be minor difficulties in your personal life that can be overcome through joint efforts. The coming year will be promising for single Aquarius, who will have a stormy and passionate romance at the beginning of the year. It is possible that it can develop into a strong marriage.


In the coming year, the astrologer advises Pisces to forget about absent-mindedness and indecision. Only energetic and collected representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to achieve the desired success. In 2017 there will be many chances to change your life, but you need to have time to take advantage of them.

New prospects in work, the opportunity to engage in creativity or what you love are likely. Career growth awaits those Pisces who are active and courageous and forget about laziness. Expected at the beginning of the new year interesting acquaintances, flirting, romantic relationships. But closer to summer, you should already decide and have a wedding.

In terms of health, Pavel Globa strongly advises Pisces to forget about bad habits. Otherwise, in the summer, every cigarette you smoke or drink can remind you of yourself.


Each zodiac sign will be able to feel as comfortable as possible in 2017 by studying the predictions from the stars in advance. During this period, the Fire Rooster will not be favorable to all constellations, however, it will open up desired prospects for many. Astrologer Pavel Globa prepared for everyone zodiac constellations detailed forecasts. Therefore, in order to spend this period as fruitfully as possible, you should carefully study the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa.

Representatives of the fire element

Serious passions will boil over for Aries this year. In order to love affairs Aries will have to work hard to achieve the desired harmony. Pavel Globa points out to lonely Aries that the time has come for them to get out in public more often in order to meet their soulmate. Family Aries the stars advise you to start listening to the requests of your loved one and forget about misplaced pride.

Those Aries who will devote more time to work will succeed in financial matters. Aries men need to devote time to searching for useful connections or even finding a patron. Those Aries women who decided to get married this year will have to save a lot. A wedding ceremony requires good investments, so Aries will have to forget about squandering.

“An interesting fact is that it is Sagittarius who will want huge changes in 2017. Such a desire for Sagittarius will concern both the love and money spheres. There is a high probability that the fair sex will have a new love, because of which Sagittarius will want to say goodbye to old lovers. Pavel Globa warns that such a decision for Sagittarius may be hasty. For family men Sagittarians in 2017 will also want variety, however, they need to be careful with their desires!

Sagittarius will have good prospects in financial matters. 2017 is the ideal time to start your own business or change your activity. However, Pavel Globa recommends Sagittarius not to believe in empty and free promises about possible prospects. The astrologer advises Sagittarius to check all the options themselves before deciding to change activities.

For Leo, the horoscope indicates that in 2017 this constellation will have to carefully work on its behavior. This is especially acute for Leo women who are preparing for a wedding celebration. It also wouldn’t hurt for family Leos to be more restrained and less likely to show their dissatisfaction to their loved one. The horoscope indicates to Leo that in 2017 this constellation should try to spend time with family more often than with friends.

According to Pavel Globa, Leo may experience minor financial difficulties in the coming year. The astrologer advises Leos not to be afraid to ask family or friends for help. There is no need to hope that Leos will be able to hit the jackpot and win the lottery absolutely free. It is best for Leos to devote more time to self-education and work, and not to dreams of a comfortable future. Leos should not forget about rest this year.

Water Element

For Cancers in 2017, the horoscope speaks of the need to look at their lives from a different angle. In order to find a soul mate, Cancer women should unlock their potential and start loving themselves. Dancing, Pilates, yoga, beautiful outfits, high-quality cosmetics - this entire arsenal will help Cancers gain confidence. Pavel Globa advises Cancers to start working more actively on the love sphere. It's time for family Cancers to add a touch of romance to their relationships, weekends out of town, candlelit dinners - all this will come in handy.

In money matters, Rakov expects pleasant surprises in the middle of the year. A promotion up the career ladder or a salary increase will give Cancers additional incentive. The horoscope points to the fact that Cancers will benefit from listening to free advice from experienced colleagues. For those Cancers who have long dreamed of changing their occupation, it will be important to address this issue in early spring.

If Pisces dreams of great love, then their wish will come true at the end of winter. Pisces' love relationships will develop so rapidly that the thought of a wedding ceremony will appear in the minds of both lovers. Married women Pavel Globa advises Pisces to try more often to help their spouse and lend a helping hand in difficult times. In 2017, Pisces men will have a desire to add to their family, which is quite appropriate.

The horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017 warns Pisces not to agree to open a business together with friends. Such a decision could lead Pisces to financial losses. This year, those representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign who work in the office will not have prospects for growth. The heavenly bodies indicate that in 2017 Pisces will have to devote more time to self-development and improvement, since this is the only way next year they will be able to catch up on work.

Scorpios should trust their intuition more often during this period. If she tells Scorpios that they are ready for marriage, then so be it. It is best to schedule a wedding celebration for Scorpios in August or September. The horoscope advises family Scorpios to try to give free space to their loved one and not “stifle” him with your feelings.

Absolutely free recommendations from friends will help Scorpios change their workplace to a more prestigious option. Pavel Globa wants to warn Scorpios that in 2017 they try to get into fewer conflicts with management and colleagues. However, the astrologer confirms the fact that Scorpios should not form close friendships with employees either. An unexpected gift from relatives or even an inheritance will pleasantly please Scorpios in mid-autumn.

Representatives of the air element

Libra needs to devote time to themselves and their interests more often. The horoscope indicates that Libra does not need to try to dissolve in a loved one; they need to devote time to themselves. Married Libra women are advised to try to nag their husband less, but rather try to prove themselves to him as a caring spouse. In the love sphere, luck will smile on lonely Libras, fateful meeting can even take place on the street.

Excellent prospects await men of the Libra sign in 2017. A bank deposit will bring financial returns to Libra at the end of the year. The stars recommend that Libra go on a trip with the money they earn. Pavel Globa points out to Libra that this year they should refuse to change their type of activity. New options for growth may arise for Libra in the old place. A pleasant reward in the form of a bonus awaits Libra at the end of the year. It is best for the Libra zodiac sign to invest money in repairs during this period.

In 2017, Aquarians will have to think about their personal lives. The stars advise this constellation:

  • single Aquarius more often visit crowded places with friends to increase the chances of a successful acquaintance;
  • for family Aquarius, try to quarrel less with their partner and try to build bridges of friendship and trust;
  • to those Aquarians who for a long time meet, decide to take a serious step in the form of a wedding celebration.

According to Pavel Globa, great opportunities for career growth will appear for those Aquarians who work hard and think through promising projects. At the beginning of summer, some Aquarius will receive good news in the form of a promotion and a move to another city. For those Aquarians who have not yet been lucky enough to find another job, it is too early to lose heart, as unique opportunities will appear in March-April. After graduating from higher education educational institution(or even having received a second education) it will be easier to get a promising job.

The horoscope warns Gemini that they should try to find time for their significant other. Advancing up the career ladder is good, but your loved one expects more attention and tenderness from Gemini. In year Fire Rooster Single Geminis need to think about love relationships. Pavel Globa talks about the fact that the chance for a successful acquaintance and love relationship Gemini will have a big one in May. Geminis will be able to find a loved one completely free of charge on a dating site.

New financial opportunities will open up for those Geminis who are not afraid to take risks. Those Gemini women whose occupation is related to creativity will receive special pleasure from the work process. It's time for Gemini men to think about additional income, so this constellation should not refuse possible offers. At the end of winter, it will be important to put funds on deposit.

Earth zodiac signs

Having carefully studied the horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017, Virgos will come to the conclusion that they need to change something in their lives. Virgo men in the year of the Rooster should not be with those ladies for whom the soul does not lie. If Virgos are not yet ready for a wedding celebration and marriage, then they should not rush. The horoscope only recommends living together for now, since this method will allow Virgos to actually understand for free whether the right person is nearby.

For Virgo men, the horoscope recommends that in 2017 they think about going out to new level. For Virgo, this could be either opening a new business or changing the type of activity. The Fire Rooster will favor Virgo and help turn her plans into reality. It's time for Virgo to listen to free advice from experienced colleagues.

In 2017, Taurus will have to “step on the throat” of their desires. If a man or woman of the Taurus sign wants some new love affair, then they need to think in advance about the dire consequences. Family should come first for Taurus this year. Those Taurus who have been dating and in love for a long time need to think about wedding vows. Couples like Taurus and Taurus can have big fights. However, if one of the Taurus makes concessions, then quarrels can be avoided.

According to the horoscope, luck will smile on Taurus in financial matters in mid-autumn. Even if an offer of cooperation arises from Taurus for free and virtually nowhere, this is not a reason to refuse it. Taurus men should not lend money to friends, as this is fraught with irrevocable loss of funds. Playing the lottery will give Taurus women the opportunity to win a large sum at the end of February.

Having read the horoscope for 2017 from astrologer Pavel Glob as carefully as possible, Capricorns will understand that they have a good chance of improving their personal life. It is best for Capricorns to celebrate their wedding in early summer. You can invite really close people to the holiday, who will be happy for Capricorn and his loved one. Lonely Capricorns can expect memorable novels in the year of the Rooster.

A lucrative job offer will help Capricorns change their lives in better side. By agreeing to their friends’ idea to create a new project, Capricorns will realize their old dream for free. The horoscope recommends that Capricorns read more and improve themselves in the year of the Fire Rooster. At the beginning of summer, it is better for Capricorns to abandon the hasty desire to change jobs.

The most fruitful year for development will be for Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Libra. In the Year of the Rooster, new financial horizons will open up for them! The main thing for the Libra zodiac sign is not to miss your finest hour! Taurus is also advised not to deny themselves the opportunity to climb the career ladder.

It is difficult to find a person who is unfamiliar with the name of Pavel Globa, a famous and once popular astrologer. Some time ago he was popular, his name often appeared in the press, and his forecasts were called one of the most accurate. And, although today it is no longer widely heard, the horoscope compiled by Pavel Globa deserves not only attention, but also careful consideration.

Horoscope for 2017 from Globa

When making individual predictions, the astrologer devotes a lot of time to studying the situation in the world and the location of stars and their clusters tells him the future for entire countries and nations.

Thus, he has already managed to predict global events that occurred in the past and made his name, which allows us to take his words regarding the next year of the Fire Rooster with particular interest.

In general, Globa characterizes the year as unsuccessful for any financial transactions and therefore recommends focusing on the family and its creation. If you have money, hold it until better times and start looking for your soulmate. According to the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa, marriages concluded this year will be happy, strong and long, and children born (or conceived) in the year of the Fire Rooster will be healthy and talented. According to the famous futurologist, the year generally favors various kinds talents, so you should think about changing your occupation or paying more attention to your hobby. Perhaps your activity for pleasure will also become a money business.

At all money horoscope from Globa is not encouraging not only for the individual citizen, but for the entire country as a whole. So think about where exactly to store your savings. The securities market and foreign exchange market will be too unstable in 2017. The consequence of this could be the collapse of the economies of a number of countries. Especially those whose welfare is based on the price of “black gold”.

Political horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa

Despite the fact that Pavel Globa himself is now a less public figure, many of them listen to his words powerful of the world this. He continues to advise heads of state and government, making bold predictions and assumptions based on his many years of experience and observations.

Globa dedicated his horoscope for 2017 almost entirely to Russia. That is most of his predictions concern this particular country. He predicts an improvement in the economic situation and stabilization of the economy, but only by the end of the year. During the same period, the country expects a repeated drop in the price of the main energy resource that makes Russia an influential player in the world economy - oil. But thanks to the reasonable policies of the new government, which will be replaced in the fall of 2017, the crisis will be passed and overcome earlier than many countries in the world.

Globa also predicts the beginning of recovery Soviet Union. But not the state itself, but rather its territories under one flag. Kazakhstan and Belarus will come to Russia for support, recognizing their supremacy. And Russia’s friendship with China will only strengthen its position on the world stage. Speaking about military conflicts, the astrologer said that Russia will be one of the most active participants in most of them, but the mission of the troops will be purely peacekeeping.

For other countries Pavel Globa horoscope for 2017 also amounted to. In his opinion, the developed countries of Europe and Europe will suffer the most from the crisis. In pursuit of global economic dominance, the United States may make several unfavorable decisions for them, which will lead to the complete financial collapse of the country and the depreciation of the currency, the dollar. Therefore, the futurologist recommends investing in another currency - the euro, securities or real estate. But weigh every step and decision regarding money.

The European Union will be on the verge of collapse due to disagreements on issues further development and the general policies of the participating countries. According to Globa, the crisis is already approaching the states, which will become the starting point for the collapse of the unification and, in turn, will play into the hands of other countries, including Russia.