How to become a deputy of the municipal assembly 12 steps. Social activist – almost a deputy

In September, elections of municipal deputies will be held in all Moscow districts. The composition of representative bodies of local self-government for the next five years will be determined by voting results. The local budget, the development of the area, the improvement of streets and courtyards, as well as major repairs will depend on the elected members of the city councils of deputies.

The Village has compiled instructions on how to register as a candidate and vote in the election.

Who can be elected

Adult Russians who do not have citizenship of another country, as well as a residence permit or visa allowing permanent stay in another state, can run for municipal elections. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have Moscow registration. A candidate can be registered in any region of Russia, but this will be indicated on the ballot. In turn, if you have registration in Moscow, you can be elected in any convenient district without any problems, since the district of registration is not marked on the ballot.

You can go to the polls with minimal resources, but running a high-quality campaign, according to the educational portal of Dmitry Gudkov and Maxim Katz, will cost about 80 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to spend two to three weeks going door-to-door and communicating with voters in the district or hiring campaigners, which will increase the cost of the campaign.

Preparation period

Then you need to decide on the district. To do this, you can go to the Territorial Election Commission and ask for a breakdown of districts - the distribution of houses by district. The addresses and coordinates of TECs can be found on the website of the Moscow City Election Commission.

In addition, you need to choose between being nominated by a party or participating in elections as a self-nominated candidate. Nomination from a party that has its own deputy in the current convocation will make it possible not to collect voter signatures, which will simplify registration.

You should also prepare an initial package of documents:

Statement of consent to run for office, in which you can, among other things, indicate your affiliation political party;

Passport and (if available) certificate of change of full name;

Diploma of education;

Information about the main place of work or service, and, if available, a certificate stating that the candidate is a deputy;

Information about the amount and sources of income, as well as about the property owned by the candidate.

Registration and collection of signatures

Elections of municipal deputies are called by district municipal assemblies. After appointment potential candidates There are 30 days for nomination and registration (including collection of signatures). It is worth submitting documents as early as possible so that there is time to eliminate any shortcomings if any are discovered.

Those running as self-nominated candidates will have to collect signatures from 0.5% of the number of voters divided by the number of mandates. So, in a district with 30 thousand voters and five mandates, 30 signatures will have to be collected.

After submitting the documents, the candidate is given a direction to open an election account, through which money is spent to pay for campaign materials and events, as well as signature sheets. The agreement with the bank and account details must be provided to the TEC.

When collecting signatures, it is very important to follow the rules for drawing up the signature sheet: every formal error - incorrect abbreviation or signature going beyond the field - will be grounds for removing the signature.

Election campaign

After registration, the candidate remains to conduct a campaign. The main ways to find supporters are door-to-door visits, printed materials, online campaigning and organizing meetings with residents. In addition, you can organize special events, such as pickets. At the same time, all election campaigning must be paid for from the candidate’s election account, and printing of campaign materials is possible only in accredited printing houses.

After the elections

If you win, congratulations. Now the time has come to act for the benefit of the area, defending the interests of citizens. Although this is not necessary. Municipal deputyry is more like a volunteer activity than a job. The only duty of a deputy is to receive residents and go to meetings once a month. At the same time, deputies do not receive a salary, except for compensation for transferred powers from the mayor’s office in the amount of about 15 thousand rubles per month. However, deputies can use free public transport.

Many politicians are thinking about how to become a State Duma deputy, public figures, businessmen, actors and other public people. The status of people's choice opens up new opportunities for a person, provides him with immunity, high wages, an impressive number of privileges, compensation and benefits.

During the entire term of his powers, a State Duma deputy cannot be brought to criminal or criminal charges. administrative responsibility. Servants of the people cannot be arrested, interrogated, tried, searched, or called up for military service or military training.

Who can become the people's representative?

How to become a State Duma deputy? Russian legislation requires a number of candidates for this position: mandatory requirements. Persons over 21 years of age who have Russian citizenship and permanently reside in the territory of their state can obtain the status of people's representatives. However, he cannot apply for the position of deputy State Duma a person serving a sentence for a crime in prison, or someone who is convicted of judicial procedure incompetent.

Running for a political party

If a person meets all of the above requirements, when elections to the State Duma occur, he has the right to stand as a candidate. There are two ways to run for deputy: from any political force or through self-nomination. To become the people's representative, Russian citizen It is advisable to be a representative of a party registered with the Ministry of Justice.

To join it, he needs to visit the regional office and write an application requesting membership. Soon the person will be given a party card, and he will become a full representative of the chosen political organization. When elections to the State Duma take place, he will be able to run for deputy. To increase your chance of becoming a people's representative, you need to join one of the most popular parties.

Not every person is able to represent his political force in elections. To become a candidate for deputy, you need to get on the regional party list, and for this you need to have a certain authority both among colleagues and among voters. Usually, famous politicians, actors, and businessmen are at the top of the lists. The electorate knows these people well and is more willing to vote for them in elections. But nothing will prevent a previously unknown person from taking a place on the list of candidates if he establishes himself as an active party leader who puts the interests of the political force he represents above his own.

How can a self-nominated State Duma deputy become a State Duma deputy?

When a citizen who wants to become a deputy does not have any sympathy for any political force, he can run as a self-nominated candidate. Russian legislation defines a special procedure for registering such candidates. First, a self-nominated candidate needs to receive support from 0.5% of the electorate living in his district, and then notify the election commission of his intention to become a deputy. Small regions have their own rules. If a candidate is running in a district where the voting population is less than 100,000, then he must provide at least 500 signatures of support.

In order for the State Duma of the Russian Federation to open its doors to a self-nominated candidate, he needs to competently build his election campaign. In order to find out about the candidate as much as possible more people, he should be visible throughout the entire period of election campaigning: take part in public events, charity events, appear on television, radio, give press conferences, hold meetings with the electorate, communicate with people respected in society. Professional political strategists and image makers will help the self-nominated candidate win the difficult election race, so their services cannot be neglected.

Rules for conducting election campaigning

The election race begins immediately after a person registers his candidacy with the election commission. It is necessary to carry out the struggle for the deputy seat only within the legal framework. Bribery of voters and other dishonest methods to capture votes of the electorate are unacceptable. Exactly one day before the elections of deputies to the State Duma are to begin, the pre-election campaign stops and a day of silence begins. At this time, each voter is given the opportunity to finally decide who he will vote for.

Duties of deputies

The candidate who, during the elections, gains greatest number votes in your precinct. For such a person, the State Duma of the Russian Federation becomes the place of work for the next 5 years. Newly elected servants of the people have many responsibilities, including: participation in parliamentary meetings, work in committees, regular meetings with voters, handling parliamentary requests, etc. It is important to remember that people’s representatives have a huge responsibility, because the decisions they make often the fate of the entire state depends.

Competition among candidates

Any adult citizen knows how many deputies there are in the State Duma. Their number invariably amounts to 450 people, while there are disproportionately more people who want to take the place of servants of the people. A correctly chosen strategy will help a candidate beat his opponents and sit in the parliamentary chair.

It is no secret that an election campaign requires considerable cash, therefore, it is mainly wealthy people who get into the position of people's representatives, for whom the question of how to become a State Duma deputy is not as pressing as for ordinary citizens. They can afford to pay for the services of image makers, advertising, television broadcasts, campaign literature and other expenses associated with the election campaign, which will allow them to take their place in the hall of the State Duma without any problems.

Salaries of people's representatives

Many are attracted by the salary of a State Duma deputy, which, despite financial crises, always remains consistently high. Since September 2014, the monthly remuneration for servants of the people for their work is 420 thousand rubles. In addition to their salaries, deputies receive free official housing and vehicles, air tickets and vouchers to resorts. Except high wages and benefits, people's representatives are provided with paid leave of 42 days. The privileges and salary of a State Duma deputy are a tasty morsel for many citizens, so it is not surprising that before each election the number of candidates for people's representatives increases noticeably, and their struggle becomes tougher.

A deputy is a person elected by citizens to the legislative or representative power. A position that involves serious responsibilities has undeniable advantages. However, not everyone can qualify for it.

Who can become a deputy?

First of all, you need to become familiar with the restrictions imposed by law. The youngest deputy must be at least 21 years old. He should not be an employee of the state or other service, or a deputy of another government body other than the one designated for election.

Incapacitated citizens, citizens with a criminal record and foreigners cannot be elected. In addition to the framework of the law, there are also restrictions that society imposes on the people's representative. He, of course, must be ambitious, proactive, politically savvy, must have leadership qualities, competent speech and skills psychological impact on people.

How to become an assistant to a deputy?

The career of a servant of the people begins at the level of deputy assistant. This is a good chance to take your first steps in politics.

How to become a deputy's assistant

Most often, a deputy has several assistants, each of whom is responsible for a specific area of ​​work - the legal side, activities related to the electorate, or the writing of bills; accordingly, you can occupy the niche that is closest to you.

If you joined a party before starting your political career, it will be easier for you. You may be recommended for the position of assistant, provided that you are a goal-oriented and responsible person.

There is also the option to contact the current deputy directly, introducing yourself as an irreplaceable employee. Your chance in this case may be less than with the option indicated earlier, due to the lack of vacancies or non-compliance with the requirements. Deputy's assistant is your chance to take the first step in political career ladder and prove yourself, as well as delve deeper into the work of the legislative authorities.

How to become a deputy of local authorities?

So, when the first stage is completed, you are no longer a beginner and are ready to competently assess your strengths, financial capabilities for conducting election campaigns, you are supported by the party, you can try your hand at elections.

How to become a deputy

The threshold required to start working as a deputy is small - 5% of the population must support you. Service in local authorities is an excellent platform for demonstrating your capabilities.

How to become a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation?

For a deputy, protecting human rights is a fundamental responsibility. The path of a State Duma deputy begins with registering a person as a candidate. To do this, you need the support of the residents of your city. Also, at all previous stages, you should acquire useful contacts and develop a positive image.

Everyone has the opportunity to become a deputy

An important factor for success is the team. People who have confidence in you will help you achieve success, and then all the benefits of this position are yours. Deputies receive personal immunity and can count on medical and health resort services for them and their family members, and provision of transportation.

The editors of the site believe that the work of a deputy requires responsibility and dedication, and hopes that everyone who comes to power will act for the benefit of the people who elected them. At the end of the article, we recommend that you get to know the most influential women politicians.
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What you need to know about municipal elections?

The Council of Deputies of Municipal Entities is a representative body of local self-government. Its members are elected by popular vote in single-mandate and/or multi-member constituencies for a term of five years. Any citizen of Russia who has reached the age of 18 can run for office. It is not at all necessary to have a residence permit in Moscow.

But we must understand that municipal parliament is rather social work than the real one. No salary is paid for it; They pay compensation once a quarter for transferred powers from the mayor's office in the amount of about 15,000 rubles per month. Also, municipal deputies, in addition to the crust, are provided with free travel on public transport.

Elections of municipal deputies are called by district municipal assemblies. In total there are 124 districts in Moscow plus New Moscow. Since according to federal law elections should take place on one day, all of them will be scheduled for September 10. This will be officially announced during the week of June 12-18. Potential candidates will then have 30 days to nominate and register.

Since 2012, when municipal elections were last held, the size of electoral districts has been significantly increased. This, as well as the guaranteed low turnout - the elections coincide with the holiday period - complicates the conduct of election campaigns. But it is possible to win elections. To do this, you need to develop a certain strategy and tactics, as well as understand the structure of the electoral process.

Why become a municipal deputy?

Alexander Soloviev

Chairman of the movement Open Russia»

“The main privilege of municipal deputies is legitimacy. They are the only public figures in the area who were voted for in the elections. While the prefect, the head of the council and officials of city departments are brought down from above.

According to the law, a deputy alone can only reject a decision to hold overhaul. Other decisions require a majority of the Council. Nevertheless, over the past few years, deputies have succeeded in a lot - they stopped infill developments, thwarted the conclusion of corrupt contracts, changed plans for the improvement of areas, saved parks from cutting down, fought against landfills and influenced changes in the work system public transport. It turns out that the municipal deputy is such a local superman.

The most important thing in the story of municipal elections is that in any case you are better than those who vote at the direction of the government and try to escape from the meeting as quickly as possible. Therefore, we teach caring people how to become those who will truly defend the interests of Muscovites.”

How to become a candidate?

Get acquainted with members of the Territorial Election Commission (TEC) or deputies of the municipal assembly. Their addresses and coordinates can be viewed. It is necessary to maintain relations with them in order to monitor what is happening in the commission and promptly receive information.

Find voters registered in the district who are willing to sign for you. To do this, you can make a list of all your friends living in the area and go around your own and neighboring houses.

Prepare the first package of documents. This:

Passport. If available, then a certificate of marriage or divorce, a certificate of change of full name, as well as a diploma of higher education.

Certificate from the main place of work. If available, a certificate confirming the duties of a deputy and a certificate confirming affiliation with a political party or political association.

You need to fill out an application about your consent to run, which can be obtained from the local TEC, and about your income and property. You need to be especially careful with the latter: if you make a mistake, they will most likely write nasty things about you at the election stand.

Municipal assemblies must call elections by June 21. As soon as they are appointed in your area, take certified copies of documents to the local TEC (addresses are again at). A copy of the passport is certified by the election commission, the remaining documents are certified by the candidate himself.

Important! Be sure to receive written confirmation that your documents have been accepted. From this moment on, you are considered a candidate, although not registered.

After the publication of the decision to set the election day, candidates are given 30 days to nominate and collect signatures. In case of refusal, during this time you can have time to nominate and collect signatures at least twice.

They can refuse if the candidate has submitted an incomplete set of documents or the signatures for him were incorrectly completed or experts from the Federal Migration Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs recognized them as fake. And also in case of incorrect registration of the subscription sheet.

Until the beginning of September

Find like-minded people and create an election coalition.

Conduct a propaganda campaign.

How to fill out an application for consent to run for office?

The application must indicate passport details, place of residence, TIN (it can be viewed on the tax website), citizenship, information about vocational education, main place of work and position or occupation. It should also be noted in the application that if elected, you will stop engaging in activities that are incompatible with being a deputy (for example, civil service).

What restrictions apply to candidates?

There are many restrictions. But the main thing is that all operations must be carried out through an election account. Print campaign materials only upon prepayment from this account and exclusively in printing houses accredited for the elections. At the same time, you can only deposit 40 thousand rubles from your own money and two thousand each from individuals - voters who support you.

How to collect signatures and how many?

After submitting the first package of documents to the TEC, the candidate is given a referral to a Sberbank branch to open an electoral account. You need to transfer money through the account to pay for signature sheets - the candidate prints them himself. The agreement with the bank and account details are provided to the TIC.

To count required quantity signatures, you can use the formula “half a percent of voters per mandate.” That is, if there are five mandates in the district and 20 thousand voters, the candidate will only need to collect 20 signatures. To do this, you need to convince the voter to sign and provide his passport information. All data is recorded on the subscription sheet. If a voter's signature extends beyond the boundaries of a cell, it, and at the same time the neighboring one, may be considered invalid.

Is it possible not to collect signatures?

Yes. In the case of nomination from one of the four parliamentary parties or in the case of nomination from Yabloko in one of the 18 districts of Moscow, where there are deputies from this party in the current convocation.

What challenges do candidates face?

Konstantin Jankauskas

30 years old, deputy of the first convocation of the Zyuzino district

“I was born and live in the Zyuzino region. In 2012, I was elected here as a municipal deputy and this year I am also going to the polls. There are several reasons. First of all, I care about what happens in my area. Secondly, I don’t want Zyuzino to be represented only by deputies from United Russia - this is a party of officials, bosses and corrupt officials. When making decisions, they are guided by the interests of only these social groups. I would like the Council of Deputies to have at least one independent person representing the interests of the residents of the district.

What happened in the elections five years ago and what will happen now is absolutely different stories. In 2012, municipal elections, firstly, coincided with the presidential elections. That is, the turnout was greater, and election campaign it was easier to carry out. The second point is the “For Fair Elections” rallies, which frightened the authorities and forced them to allow a significant number of independent candidates to participate in the elections. I think this time there will be more administrative opposition to candidates. Five years ago, I did not have any difficulties registering my candidacy, although I know that in other districts candidates were removed based on signatures. That is, they declared the signatures for them invalid and on this basis refused to register.

During campaigning, candidates face a standard set of problems. For example, street cleaners instantly tear down all the leaflets and posters. And this year special people appeared who take out propaganda newspapers from mailboxes. By law, district and district newspapers must provide equal conditions for campaigning to all candidates. But in reality, only nominees from United Russia have such an opportunity.

But I never had any difficulties with local residents. I went door to door, handed out leaflets, made introductions. Everything was very positive. In general, I like social work. People also react with interest to the opportunity to communicate with the candidate.”

I have already made my first leaflet, with which I now go from house to house and communicate with residents. I just wrote about myself and why I’m going to municipal deputies. It took about eight thousand rubles to design and print a thousand copies. If a candidate wants to win, and not just hype on social networks, he will have to invest in the campaign. I'm thinking of using my own funds or trying fundraising. According to my calculations, a simple but confident municipal campaign will cost about 100,000 rubles.

The most difficult thing is to find not money, but time. The competitors have all the power of the administrative resource on their side, so independent candidates, in order to be known in the area, need to get to know the residents. Political strategists call this “Door to Door”. Although election day has not yet been announced, I have already started going door to door and talking about myself. There are a total of 4,600 apartments in my area, and I want to see them all. I will walk around the entrances every day for two to three hours, seven days a week. It's hard: you never know what's waiting for you behind the door. For example, yesterday I came to a woman who had a huge fat pigeon sitting in the middle of her room. But that's nothing. It happens that people just throw out all the negativity at you - it’s good that it’s not green stuff. This is probably the most difficult part of the campaign.

I really miss constant legal support. Of course, I can look up some things in the electoral legislation myself, and check some things with my colleagues from Gudkov’s headquarters. But it’s better when there is always a person in touch, ready to answer the strangest questions, like: “Can I be arrested for walking around apartments and getting to know the residents of the area?” I hope that closer to the elections I will find such a lawyer.”

Afisha Daily thanks the Open Elections educational center for its assistance in preparing the material.

Probably, many people dream of a dust-free job that would bring a high income. And if the position also presupposes the possession of power, privileges and high social status, then a lot of people will want to compete for such a place. After all, what harder work, the less they pay for it. And, on the contrary, prestigious

the position is usually not stressful physical strength. For example, deputies do not carry bags of cement and do not dig trenches. But their position is prestigious and highly paid. And that's why many would like to take it. Let's talk about how they become deputies.

First, legislative bodies come at different levels. Naturally, it is easier to become than the State Duma. This will require less time and effort. First, familiarize yourself with the regional laws governing the election process in How do you become a municipal deputy? It is possible to run as a self-nominated candidate, but to do this you will need to assemble an initiative group that would give effect to your candidacy. Naturally, in elections you also need luck to get the required percentage of votes. How do you become State Duma deputies? To do this, you must be at least twenty-one years old. Membership in any of the officially registered parties is also required. In other words, it is necessary that the political force of which you are a member nominates your candidacy. In addition, you must be legally competent.

The legal side of the process has been sorted out. So, you managed to be nominated as a candidate. What's next? You will have to participate in the election campaign. To do this, you need to prepare a campaigning methodology in advance and sketch out certain preparations. But what if there is no time and imagination for this? Then the candidate hires a whole team of political strategists who work with him, create a positive image, and so on. Continuing the conversation about how to become deputies, it must be said that election campaigns in our time are a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, considerable start-up capital is needed. How to become a city council member? In addition to everything described above, you will need a number of personal qualities - good communication skills, quick mind. Naturally, you must have an idea of ​​the position you want to occupy. If you lost in the elections, do not despair, it is possible that your political career is still at an end. There is a chance to try yourself in the role. This will give you the necessary political experience and will be a good incentive to start a serious career.

You probably already guess that in order to take this position,

There are few qualities such as initiative, charm, personal talents and skills. How do you become deputies without any connections with influential people? The answer is very simple. Most likely not. Perhaps in this case you will have some chance, for example, in elections to the village council, if the residents know and respect you. But in a larger locality you already need to move in special circles and make profitable acquaintances. You can, for example, try to join a party. Again, to do this you need to be more than an ordinary person in the street. You will have more chances if you are associated with big business, are a successful athlete, a famous actor, and so on. Popularity among the population will strengthen your position.

Naturally, this is not all that is needed to become a deputy. Only the main points are listed. If you think you have too few connections, money and influence to start with political career, do not despair. Perhaps you will bring more benefit to the state by working honestly as a mechanic, welder or driver than as a deputy.