The most realistic way to become a mermaid. Turn into a little mermaid without waiting for the full moon

Many girls, especially after watching popular series"H2O", they want to become mermaids. Whoever wants it, as if by a wave magic wand fairy fairy, acquire magical abilities and appearance

Barbie! This material discusses how to actually do this at home.

Who is this mermaid?

Mermaids are the name given to mythical creatures that inhabit bodies of water. They are mentioned in Slavic epics and tales of other peoples.

Ancestors believed that a girl who drowned herself from unrequited feelings for her beloved or because of forced marriage turned into a mermaid.

People depicted them as naked girls with fish tails instead of legs. Mermaids were given eternal youth, the unsurpassed art of seducing men. The legends live on.

However, in real life It is unlikely that you will meet them. Since ancient times, people have composed fabulous legends, including those about mermaids.

They are sometimes considered unapproachable, charming and seductive girls - the dream of any man.

Methods in real life

To transform into a mermaid without a full moon, with power, like the characters from your favorite TV series, there are several ways:

  • A visit from a mermaid to the bathroom is caused by placing a piece of paper smeared with toothpaste and turning off the lights. They ask her to join the society of mermaids.
  • In the summer at night you need to swim in a pond naked, overcoming your fear. When diving, you cannot close your eyes.

    If you don't stop being afraid, real mermaids can drag you into the abyss. The transformation will be completed in a month, with daily rituals.

  • The bath is drawn, large candles are placed in the corners. You need to take a dip, making sure to wet your hair; under no circumstances should you dry it. Then they go to bed, wearing bright shorts or a skirt.

Known real methods, used during the full moon:

  • IN summer time year, it is necessary, standing on the balcony, to pour water from some container, leaving a little to wash, and drink the rest. The water is completely consumed.
  • It is necessary on every fifth day of the same month to go outside at midnight, holding fish scales. It is pronounced: “Moonlight will give strength, the legs will turn into a tail, I wish this.”
  • On a full moon, a container of water is placed outside and a shell is lowered into it. When on water will fall moonlight, she will take the power of the moon. The next evening, the shell is placed under the sheet before going to bed.

Proven methods

Becoming a mermaid is not easy, but with the right amount of persistence you will definitely succeed.

There are known effective, proven methods, using which any girl will turn into a mermaid:

Name Description
Strength of mind Only truly strong-willed girls are able to make the transformation.

It is necessary to remain fit, slim, with neat and beautiful nails, Healthy food. Train your memory and body, take care of your hair

Herring tail On a full moon, a herring tail is eaten and washed down with a glass of milk. To consolidate the transformation, take a hot bath
Necklace While in a pond, this accessory is put on the neck and said: “Let there be a tail instead of legs, let the lungs breathe under water, I ask for magical power.”

You will transform constantly while wearing the chain

New Year Water is filled into a container and boiled. It should cool down before the New Year.

At midnight on New Year's Eve he plunges into a vessel right hand and stand for five minutes. You need to be by the window

Anomalous zone It has been established that there are anomalous zones, endowing with special abilities. This also applies to mermaids.

One of these are Scottish lakes. To transform into a little mermaid, you need to swim in a magical pond

With a magic mirror To do this, the main thing is to find it. Peering into the reflection, you need to try to get into the looking glass.

The biggest difficulty is that it is not easy to find a truly magical mirror. It does not happen in an ordinary home. Searches are carried out in places where there is water

A note The wish is written down on a piece of paper. It is placed under the pillow at night and hidden in a secluded place. It is important that the note is not found

Regardless chosen method, the main condition is that you must truly desire transformation. Success is possible only with strong faith and constant work on yourself.

Necessary rituals

To transform into a little mermaid like Ariel, you can follow some rituals to ensure success:

  • It is carried out using three mirrors, two candles and fish scales. The mirrors are placed as follows: one in front of you, the other two on the sides.

    Candles are placed and lit in front. A container of holy water is placed nearby. Scales are poured onto a paper sheet and your own hair is placed.

    The paper is folded into an envelope and set on fire from candle flames. While he is burning, peering into the reflection from the water, the queen of the mermaids is mentally called upon and asks her for strength.

  • Gathering various herbs, and a wreath is woven from them. White, red and blue ribbons are alternately woven into it.

    The spell is said: “With the weaving of the ribbons, magical power flows into me. All secrets will become available to me.

    Let the water make me a mermaid." The main condition is that this should be done before dawn.

    Water is collected in big basin. You need to stand in it, wearing a red shirt, and douse yourself with water three times from head to toe.

    A few coins are then poured into the container. The next day, water with coins is poured into the nearest pond, and a wreath is also placed there.

  • You need to come to a pond or other body of water at night, available nearby where little mermaids can live.

    Gradually entering the water, the words are pronounced: “I will become a mermaid, with a tail and magical power. The sisters will accept me." This ritual is carried out for at least a month.

  • The ritual is performed using a green paper sheet, a blue pen, a knife, your hair and a peacock feather.

    Your dream is written on paper, then it is cut into many small pieces.

    Hair with a peacock feather and scraps of cut paper are placed on Blank sheet, wrap themselves up and bury themselves near the nearest body of water.

    They must first be placed in a plastic bag. Three months later he digs himself out. If you couldn’t find it, it means your wish was taken by the little mermaids, and it will be fulfilled.

  • Every mermaid has her own patron. Every time you swim in a pond, mentally turn to it with this request - one day it will come true.

    The stronger your appeal, the more likely success.

Do you believe in mermaids? Charming, kind, powerful creatures that conquer the water element? Most likely, you have seen films and the h2o series about them. And, for sure, I imagined myself in the place of one or another heroine, rejoiced and saddened with her.

Do you know that you can completely fulfill your dream and become whoever you want? Special, not at all like the people around you. And accomplish everything I dreamed of, looking at the TV screen in fascination. To surprise someone, to prove something to someone, maybe to repay someone for past grievances. Let's look at proven methods, shall we?

Method one: at home and right now

I have no doubt that you know the main difference between a mermaid and a human. This is the tail. A real scaly fish tail. With which you can only feel comfortable in the water. But this doesn’t bother you at all? You will be able to swim freely among the colorful sea ​​fish and corals, breathing water as easily as air. In addition, you will have magical powers that are unique only to mermaids. You can control thunderstorms and wind, heat and freeze water - you can do all this and more at any time.

Video: how to make a mermaid tail

Ask an adult to help you make a real mermaid tail. This video will show you the main steps

Method two: become a mermaid without a tail, but with strength

It turns out there are many specific ways of transformation. There are both very complex and extremely simple ones, and they all promise to make you a real mermaid. I haven’t tested them on myself and I can’t guarantee you the results. But there’s nothing stopping you from trying it yourself? The main thing is to firmly believe that everything will work out. There is no way in this matter without faith. Are you ready?

Then let's begin. Let's start with spells. Very little is required of you: learn a few simple phrases and say them at a certain time. Here, remember:

When taking a bath or shower in the evening, say 3 times: “I won’t sleep at night so that by morning I will become a mermaid”. After that you go to bed, but you can’t fall asleep, you have to think about mermaids all night. You can only fall asleep at dawn. When you wake up, go take a bath - if you did everything right, you will feel magical powers.

There is also a very simple way. Before going to bed say:

“A new day will come - I will become a mermaid.
If I want, I’ll stay at sea forever.
If I want, I will be happy on land.
All I need is a beautiful tail.”

These are just a few examples of spells. A serious future mermaid will be able to find many more of them. Moreover, many claim that the methods they present have been tested on themselves.

There are other ways besides spells. You will be advised to brew special witchcraft potions, swim in ponds during the full moon, and so on. But... let's try with spells for now.

Give freedom to your imagination or the third method (imaginary)

Imagine that you have already become a mermaid like in h2o. You can imagine at night before you fall asleep, and then you will dream vivid dreams about a mermaid's life. You can imagine sitting in a boring lesson. Here it depends only on the strength of your imagination whether the splashing of the waves will block the tedious explanations of the teacher. But in class it’s still better to focus on the task, otherwise you might inadvertently become a bad mermaid. But in city transport or while walking down the street, your imagination doesn’t have to be limited.

So, choose the method that suits you best and act. If you really want to achieve your goal, you will certainly achieve it. And for you the question “Is it possible to become a mermaid in real life without a full moon?”

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Many girls would dream of having superpowers - being able to attract and charm any guy, being dexterous, strong. The image of just such a cheerful, beautiful, carefree and capable maiden is closely associated with the ancient mythical creature- a mermaid. They are also often called Mavkas, firecrackers, kupalitsy. According to ancient legends, mermaids are practically no different in appearance from people - they are beautiful and cheerful young girls who live in forests, preferring to live in tall oaks and linden trees. However, over time, legends change, some of them are supplemented and become more and more confusing. That is why today mermaids can be divided into several types:

  • forest mermaids - living in forests and outwardly similar to humans, that is, they are mermaids without a tail and having ordinary legs;
  • aquatic mermaids - classic mermaids that live in water and have a fin instead of legs;
  • evil mermaids are the spirits of stillborn children or children who died unbaptized, more often they are called Mavkas.

Whatever the folklore, no matter how many skeptics there are in the world, there are more and more eyewitnesses who have met a real mermaid in life. There are also testimonies from some girls that there is real opportunities become a mermaid for real, almost at home. The editors decided to understand the peculiarities of Slavic folklore and find out how people turn into mermaids.

Is it possible to become a mermaid?

If you decide to turn into a mermaid for real, it is worth remembering that any esoteric ritual can harbor the most unpredictable consequences. The mermaid, according to ancient Slavic mythology, is not a very friendly creature. For example, real forest mermaids without a tail loved to joke. Moreover, the jokes of the forest maidens were by no means harmless; they jumped from the trees and tickled random travelers to death.

Ways to become a mermaid that can be found on the Internet are often absurd and have nothing to do with the rituals that were performed many centuries ago by girls who dreamed of escaping real life and immersing themselves in a magical forest or water world. However, in some ancient manuscripts it was possible to find some ways to become a mermaid.

How to become a mermaid a real mermaid

In one of the ancient Russian manuscripts "Vedati Beelzebel we learn", dated 1187, preserved in one of the world's largest libraries, there is information about “roso” girls living among trees and waters, which most likely means a description of mermaids. An analysis of the document and an attempt to translate it from Old Church Slavonic into modern Russian lifted the curtain on a popular girl's secret.

According to the manuscript, mermaids do not live in water, but prefer wooded areas, but they can “grow” a tail in water. Compare with modern research Slavic folklore, such creatures can only be called mermaids without a tail. Becoming one is not so simple and common; girls with ancient genes are not even aware of such a feature, however, in the above chronicle, historians managed to find several more interesting facts.

Becoming a mermaid at home without any conditions is almost impossible. Some girls can indeed, through the power of faith and determination, discover such abilities in themselves, but this is only available to those in whose family there have already been Mavkas or mermaids.

You can become a mermaid without a tail only by being convinced that air and water are a single and inseparable space, by feeling the power of both elements. After which, on the full moon, you need to spend as much as possible an hour in the water without moving, while saying the phrase: “Aer ukupiti syta unench improvei abiye yuza”(Old Slavonic language). Words must be pronounced quietly but clearly, understanding what you are asking for and who you want to become. The time of year: summer or winter does not matter, but we can safely assume that in those days it was unlikely that girls tried to turn into a mermaid in a modern bath, therefore it is best to practice the esoteric ritual in a lake, preferably a forest one. However, according to some sources, the method is quite effective when performed in an ordinary bathroom, but it is important to understand that faith and attitude are of the utmost importance.

A modern way to become a mermaid in real life

The modern method bears little resemblance to the truth, but some reviews give girls hope of turning into a mermaid right now, without leaving home.

On the feast of the Holy Trinity - one of the most important Christian holidays taking place on the fiftieth day of Easter, Sunday, you need to fill the bathtub with warm salt water (without sea salt and essential oils!). Church consecrated candles should be placed around the bathtub, designed to protect against the participation of the evil spirit in the transformation. You definitely need to hang a mirror in the bathroom. Having plunged headlong into the water, you need to hold your breath as much as possible and mentally imagine yourself in a large open body of water, for example, a forest lake. It is important to feel clearly and fully own legs, moving smoothly, like a fish tail. It is important to feel the cold “flow” in the legs, or rather, to feel the cold in them, despite warm water bathroom When the air supply runs out, you should not surface; you need to wait a few more seconds until the cold in your legs becomes clearly noticeable.

This transformation into a mermaid, although seemingly simple, requires enormous energy, both body and energy. It is important to clearly understand the purpose of the “experiment” and what the result will be. The result will be a gradual adaptation to aquatic environment– with each further dive into any body of water, you will be able to feel more and more strength in yourself. Finally, when you realize that you no longer need to hold your breath while swimming in the lake, pay attention to your feet! This is the final stage of becoming a mermaid for real - after energetic changes, you will see how your body will transform in its native aquatic environment.

It is also important to understand that you won’t be able to become a real mermaid right now, no matter what spells you cast. Transfiguration – difficult process, for which you need to prepare and be ready.

Conversion dangers and warnings

The image of a mermaid was first found in Old Church Slavonic folklore, but over the centuries it has spread throughout the world. According to Western myths and legends, there is a type of mermaids that, unlike the “domestic version,” constantly live in the aquatic environment, attracting fishermen. But if anyone pays close attention to the water nymph, she will immediately pull him under the water. In fact, in Old Slavonic documents there are indeed references to evil mermaids, but they were considered to be the spirits of stillborn children - Mavkas. Is there a risk, when trying to become a mermaid for real, of turning out to be not the creature you want and forever locking yourself in the body of a half-man, half-fish looking for a new victim? Hardly anyone knows.

Transformation into a mermaid - a movie with 47 million views

There are so many ways to BECOME A MERMAID

Let's list some of them.

1. First method- buy it or, then you can be very similar to a mermaid.

2. Second method- fulfill special rituals, preferably on a full moon.

For example, there is an opinion that this method will help

on a full moon, you need to take a glass of water, go outside and cast a spell: Magic power come to me. Say 3 times while looking at the moon. Then drink all the water and go to bed.

In the morning, instead of legs there should be a fish tail.

Or for example, another ritual to become a mermaid

Every night before going to bed, write the following spell on a piece of paper 33 times: “I am turning into a mermaid! My legs become a tail. I am purchasing magical power! You need to do this for exactly 33 days without missing a day.

If you miss even one day, you need to start all over again.

Result: the legs should turn into a tail.

3. The third method, the most effective: Go to the pool and swim a lot, learn to breathe under water. Swim with your legs pressed tightly together like a real mermaid. There is an opinion that then things will begin to change on their own and will begin to look like the body of a mermaid.

Whether the second and third methods are realistic is up to you to decide, you can try to use them.

It definitely won't get any worse.

But if you find other ways on the Internet, be careful! Some of them can be dangerous.

It’s better to just learn to swim well, buy yourself a tail and become a mermaid for a while.

After all, even in films about mermaids, for example in the TV series, the heroines become mermaids only for a while when water hits them. And in ordinary life they are also ordinary girls.


How to become a mermaid at home, for real? Mermaids... it seems to me that these creatures are real, why do you say? Because they control certain elements such as air and water, at the same time they can breathe freely when going underwater! And there are legends that say that mermaids can take the forms of various creatures. I heard that not all these creatures have their own tail, they can also live among ordinary people like us. How to become a mermaid for real at home, I will tell you that there are quite a lot of ways that will help you become a mermaid, if, of course, you yourself really believe in them. Maybe you shouldn’t become a mermaid, otherwise I recently wrote an article, . Then you can become a beautiful mermaid.

The simplest methods on how to become a real mermaid at home.

The first method to become a mermaid. Write on paper what mermaid abilities you would like to see in yourself? How do you want to look? You need to describe all the details in great detail in order to become a mermaid, the more detailed you write, the better. When the full moon rises, this piece of paper must be placed on the windowsill, moonlight should fall on it, this necessary condition. In the morning, you should look at a piece of paper and make sure there are no extraneous notes or marks on your sheet. If you see any changes in the recording, then you know that you have more chances to become a mermaid. To do this you need to go to the bath and take it. At the same time, you need to constantly think about turning into a mermaid.

The second method on how to become a mermaid. To do this, when the moon becomes full, fill a mug with water, put a shell in it and place it under the light of the moon. When the third day of the week comes, once every 12 hours, no earlier and no later, think that you are becoming a mermaid and wipe yourself with this water. It is especially effective to wipe with such water on the seventh day, immediately after Easter. It has also long been known that mermaids become active on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. You probably know that it is celebrated on July 7th. People say that on the day of Ivan Kupala, various miracles happen, including people becoming real mermaids.

The third way to become a real mermaid at home. It is associated with bathing. To do this, on the eve of the fullest moon in the sky, you need to take water in the bath: dilute the water with sea ​​salt, then heat it up a little, put a lot of shells there, you can also fill it with sand from the seashore. You need to attach a mirror to the bathroom wall that looks at the moon, and the moon should be reflected on the water. You must be in the bathroom, and look without looking away at the reflection of the full Moon, this must be done until it disappears completely. Even if you have to look at the moon for a long time, keep your eyes open and look at the moonlight; if you close your eyes, the magic may disappear. And you have to constantly think about the mermaid and tell yourself “I want to become a mermaid, I want to become a mermaid.” As you know, thoughts materialize, and you will definitely become a mermaid. But if suddenly the moon disappears behind the clouds, then immerse your body in water. Then pretend as if you are already a mermaid, and you are swimming in the sea, stay like this until you become a mermaid, or if you don’t succeed today, then the procedure should last about 10-15 minutes. Next, get out of the water and wipe your body with a towel, except your hair. You need to go to bed with a wet head. And when you fall asleep, always think about the mermaid, and that you want to become a mermaid. To enhance the effect, place it under your pillow. seashells. When you wake up in the morning, if you have not turned into a mermaid, then wear a skirt, shorts or trousers of the color that you want to see when you become a real mermaid.

The fourth way to become a beautiful mermaid at home. There is such a spell as to become a mermaid, but, unfortunately, in Everyday life it won't work. To get it to work, you need to wait until the moon is full and go into the bathtub late at night and turn off the lights everywhere. Call the mermaid three times. If you suddenly hear some noises or sounds, it will mean that mermaids are coming towards you. You should not be afraid of this, if they appear, then ask them to give you a tail, thank them, and then go to bed.

The fifth way to become a tailed mermaid. There is another method similar to the one described above: you need to write on a piece of paper that you want to become a mermaid and put it on the very edge of your bathroom sink, turn on the warm water, and then call the mermaid three times. These two ways to become a real mermaid should definitely work, after which mermaids will come to you. Tell them your name, have a heart-to-heart talk with them, ask various questions, and she will mentally answer all your questions. Finally, ask them for magical skills on how to become a mermaid and don't forget to bow. The mermaids will watch you for many months, and think about whether to take you into their group or not. If they see that you reliable person, then they will give you the tail. This tail appears on you at the most unexpected moment and instantly. But remember - while they are still checking you, you cannot tell people about the existence of mermaids and meeting them.

The sixth way to really become a mermaid. If you are afraid to call mermaids in the bathroom, then try other methods that are not very scary for you. For example: you can wrap fish scales around your hair, put them in a piece of paper and set them on fire. Dissolve the ash in water and drink it, always thinking about how to become a mermaid.

The seventh way to become a real mermaid at home. You can also try this method: place two mirrors opposite each other, and stand between them, and say: “I am a mermaid, I am a mermaid,” repeat this several times, and then take a bath. Of course, do all this during the full moon; if you do it at any other time, it simply won’t work.

The eighth way to become a tailed mermaid. There is a belief that believes that people can turn into a mermaid if they swim for a long time in the summer in a river, sea, or lake, and at the same time constantly think about it: how to become a mermaid. You might as well swim under the full moon and think about mermaids the same way. It is important that you need to train every day, if you do not do this, then the magical powers may disappear in just a few days and will never return. Just think, maybe you will be one step away from fulfilling your dream of becoming a mermaid. So don’t stop, achieve your goal, perhaps you will be lucky, your tail will grow, and you will join the ranks of mermaids. But be very careful, suddenly something goes wrong, and in place of the mermaid you can become someone else, a mysterious creature. If I were you, I would not rush to become a mermaid, because the Almighty GOD (Allah) made you a man, and you should be proud of this. Maybe in next life, if you really want it, HE will give you the body of a mermaid.

I hope that you all understand that all of the above methods and tips on how to become a real mermaid at home are just a myth, no one has tested them. And if anyone tried it and became a mermaid, then don’t forget to share which method works best and accept everyone into your ranks. Maybe someone has their own ways of becoming a mermaid, write. And if you didn’t succeed, then try to become .