Can a nursing mother have sauerkraut? Cabbage during breastfeeding: benefits, harms, choice of variety and method of preparation Favorites

Are children really breastfeeding sensitive to food eaten by mom? Can cabbage and other gas-producing vegetables cause anxiety in babies?

To the question “Can nursing mothers eat cabbage?” answered by a breastfeeding consultant, a specialist from the Center distance learning Breastfeeding consultants “Project ProBreastfeeding”, member of the Union of Professional Support of Maternity (SPMS) Yulia Khomenko.

Substances from the food you eat may appear in milk within 1-24 hours after eating the food, but on average this time is 4-6 hours. It depends on many factors and, first of all, on your individual metabolism, the amount eaten, the frequency of feeding the child, and other things. The good news is that you don't have to worry too much about this. Today, experts believe that there are no special dietary rules that a nursing mother should follow if nothing bothers the baby.

“What about gas and colic?” - you ask. Indeed, for many years there was an opinion that the consumption of gas-forming foods (cabbage, legumes, broccoli, etc.) can lead to increased formation of gases in a child. This opinion is incredibly persistent, but completely unfounded and not supported by research. All children, regardless of the mother’s nutrition and type of feeding (breast/artificial), have days when there is increased gas formation, there is restlessness and frequent regurgitation. This happens because the digestive system of babies is still immature. Almost all children experience gas from time to time, and they all outgrow it.

Gases are a byproduct digestive process. Food causes gas formation because its mass and the hydrocarbons it contains (sugars, starches, soluble fiber) enter the stomach, and bacteria begin to digest them, releasing gas. This gas then accumulates in the intestines. But the food mass that the bacteria break down does not enter breast milk; it remains in the intestines along with the bacteria. Neither gases nor undigested hydrocarbons (the decomposition of which can cause gas in mom) enter the mother's blood, and therefore cannot pass into the milk and cause gas in your baby.

The moment when intestinal bacteria the baby breaks down the sugar and starches that entered his body from breast milk, he produces his own gases, which again is natural part digestive process. This doesn't mean that certain products will not bother a particular child - this sometimes happens, and most often it happens in very young children, in the first month after birth. But, if the baby reacts to some product in the mother’s diet (this also includes vitamin complexes, and iron supplements, and dairy products, etc.), then you will most likely see other symptoms, such as excessive regurgitation, colic, diarrhea, rash or runny nose. If several of these symptoms are combined and there is increased gas formation, it is advisable to exclude the “culprit” product from the nursing mother’s diet for some time, but after a couple of weeks it can be returned again, but in small quantities.

You shouldn't give up any product forever. After all, the list of foods that can cause gas formation and a baby’s reaction is individual and almost limitless, and if you try to avoid all these foods, you will be completely in vain limiting your diet. In addition, some nutritionists and lactation experts have identified another interesting side in the matter of ensuring full and balanced nutrition nursing mother. They believe that breast milk imparts the flavors of foods consumed by the mother. Therefore, children have the opportunity to get used to different taste sensations, and, as a rule, this leads to the fact that they have less problems with nutrition as they get older.

It is also important to remember that the cause of increased gas formation in a child can be not only foods. Here are some of the possible “culprits” of this problem: the mother has a lot of milk, the baby swallows air when crying, using the wrong bottle, thrush, rare bowel movements (remember that this is the norm when breastfeeding after the first 4 weeks!), all that what the child receives in addition to breast milk (vitamins, medicines, tea, herbs, etc.), formula (since it is not a specific and natural food for the child). If your baby is very worried about the presence of gases, contact a lactation consultant - he will help you identify and gently eliminate the cause of the concern.

If your regular diet is fairly healthy and balanced, then there is no reason to change it in any way. With the exception of some foods, a nursing mother can eat whatever she wants, including chocolate and cabbage, but in moderation and carefully monitoring the baby's reaction. Remember the main principle of nutrition for a nursing mother is moderation. You shouldn't overeat even the most useful product, but you shouldn’t categorically refuse the “unauthorized” but your favorite dish.

May it bring you only joy!

A nursing mother must adhere to a certain diet. Otherwise, the baby may experience problems with the digestive tract and bloating. Remains open question eating cabbage. Some women believe that this vegetable causes the accumulation of gases in the intestines and pain in the baby's tummy. Others, on the contrary, enjoy eating cabbage and see this as a particular problem.

According to many breastfeeding experts, cabbage has very valuable qualities and should be present in the diet of a nursing woman. However, eating the vegetable raw contributes to the development of flatulence. In this case, it is best to eat cabbage stewed. Such a dish will bring benefits to the young mother, and will not cause any gastrointestinal disorders in the baby.

The benefits of stewed cabbage

Vegetable contains a large number of various vitamins and minerals. Any variety of cabbage contains:

  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • beneficial amino acids;
  • coarse dietary fiber;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins A, B, K, C, PP;
  • zinc.

The composition of the vegetable makes it the most valuable in dietary nutrition. Cabbage does not cause fat deposition and promotes better absorption of coarser foods - meat. That is why cabbage is often combined in cooking with various meat varieties and tomatoes.

Cabbage is often eaten raw, but for the benefit of the mother, it is necessary to eat the vegetable stewed. Important aspect– it must be simmered under a closed lid to preserve maximum useful substances. The extinguishing time should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Do not overcook cabbage, otherwise it will become tasteless.

The dish has a lot of useful properties:

  • saturates the body with beneficial vitamins;
  • rejuvenates and restores cells;
  • does not have an allergenic effect.

Various varieties of vegetables can be consumed in stewed form. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage are suitable for the diet for breastfeeding.

Some mothers believe that cabbage can cause colic in their baby. However, this is not the case. Colic is natural physiological process when colonizing the baby's intestines beneficial bacteria. You should not succumb to the stereotype that cabbage will cause fermentation in the mother’s gastrointestinal tract and negatively affect the baby’s intestines. Stewed vegetables do not cause fermentation. But it is better for a nursing mother to avoid raw foods.

Selection of varieties for breastfeeding

A wide variety of cabbage varieties allows you to diversify the menu of a nursing woman as much as possible. Any cabbage is good. Preference can be given to broccoli and cauliflower, blue cabbage, sea cabbage or white cabbage.

Broccoli perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins and is well absorbed. Has many beneficial properties:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • relieves stress.
Broccoli owes these properties to its composition. This type of cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin A. It improves vision and helps get rid of many eye diseases. Cabbage perfectly energizes you for the whole day and promotes a good mood.

Cauliflower- rich in vitamins and improves intestinal function. It removes toxins from the body and is absolutely safe for pregnant and lactating women. Cauliflower is included in complementary foods immediately after zucchini, so this vegetable does not have negative influence on the baby's body. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C.

White cabbage - contains folic acid, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Widely used for stewing and preparing first courses. Fresh white cabbage you can start eating in the third month after giving birth. In the first month, you should start eating stewed cabbage in moderation. The vegetable perfectly eliminates swelling, saturates the body of a nursing mother with all useful amino acids and substances. This variety prevents the development of lactostasis and relieves pain in the mammary glands. Since ancient times, raw cabbage leaves have been applied to the breast for bleeding nipples and mastitis.

Sea kale is a beneficial seaweed for the human body. The product contains a large amount of iodine. Sea kale must be consumed for health thyroid gland and all endocrine system. The product can be consumed in small quantities in the second month after a woman gives birth.

How to properly introduce cabbage into your diet after childbirth

After the birth of a baby, you should be very careful with the introduction of many foods into your diet. You should try to eat this or that vegetable in minimum quantity and at the same time observe the reaction of the baby’s skin. The following signs indicate food intolerance in an infant:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • nervous restlessness;
  • stomach pain;
  • allergy.

Any manifestation of an allergic reaction indicates that the baby is intolerant to cabbage. However, this is such a rare occurrence that it is unlikely that every mother will experience an allergy to cabbage. The vegetable does not cause an allergic reaction in children and is indicated for use in all child care institutions.

You can introduce cabbage into the mother’s diet as early as the second week after birth. However, only in stewed form. There are a lot delicious recipes cooking cabbage, so the dish will appeal to many nursing women. You can't stew cabbage with ground pepper and other spices. This can cause heartburn and irritation of the stomach lining. Bay leaves can be used in moderation in cooking. This spice does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes. However, the leaf must be removed from the dish after cooking the cabbage so as not to spoil it. taste qualities food.

Cooking recipes

A nursing mother should cook cabbage properly. Boiled cauliflower inflorescences are very tasty. They can be baked in the oven with cheese and egg. It is not recommended to fry any cabbage while breastfeeding. Fried foods are poorly digestible and lack beneficial substances. You can also make delicious and nutritious soups from cabbage. Moreover, cabbage of any variety is suitable for first courses.

It is better to cook stewed cabbage for a nursing mother with the addition of a small amount of water and bay leaf. If the baby is not allergic to tomatoes, then you can add a couple of tomatoes or a spoon to the dish tomato paste. Salt is added to taste, but you should not consume large amounts of salt while breastfeeding. The spice promotes fluid retention in the body and the appearance of swelling. You can also stew cabbage with carrots and potatoes.

Cabbage is indicated for breastfeeding as beneficial nutritious product. A dietary vegetable brings considerable benefits to a nursing woman, so you should not give it up.

Video: mother's nutrition while breastfeeding

Any variety of cabbage, be it white cabbage, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, if grown without the use of harmful additives, includes a large number of elements that have a beneficial effect on human body. U individuals this vegetable provokes flatulence, but this is more likely due to the characteristics of their digestive tract- high sensitivity or some diseases. Many mothers during breastfeeding are afraid to use cabbage in their diet, associating it with the occurrence of colic in the child.

There is an opinion that if cabbage provokes fermentation in the mother’s stomach, then the child will have the same reaction. This judgment has a right to exist, especially if a woman is going to start feeding her baby cabbage. But basically, colic is the baby’s body’s response to the activity of bacteria in the digestive system that enter it from environment.

How to properly introduce the product into your diet

The likelihood of an allergy in a baby to cabbage is negligible, but you should not ignore the possibility of its manifestations.

— This vegetable should be introduced into the menu of a nursing woman, like any other new product for her child, with extreme caution.

- It is necessary to closely monitor the condition skin baby and his stool.

Healthy skin, mucous membranes, normal functioning excretory system They will tell mom whether she can eat this vegetable.

- A rash, upset stomach or constipation in a child indicate a fact food intolerance and in all likelihood allergies.

Fresh cabbage for breastfeeding

Fresh white cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C and various beneficial substances. But still, it should be consumed with caution while breastfeeding. Both fresh and stewed, it causes bloating the most. Juicy cabbage leaves, beaten until the juice is released, can quickly relieve breast condition at the first signs of mastitis or reduce inflammatory process, associated with poor emptying of the breast after feeding or pumping.

Sauerkraut for breastfeeding

The main limitation when breastfeeding is sauerkraut, although it contains an abundance of healthy ingredients, including natural antibacterial agents. But in this case, there may be an adverse effect on the child’s digestion. This is due to the presence of acid and all kinds of seasonings used to ferment vegetables in the dish.

It will be better for the baby if the mother puts aside sour and salty foods for a while until feeding is completed. And if the mother still decided to eat a little sauerkraut, then It’s better to add a pinch of cumin to it. This will add piquancy to it and reduce the likelihood of gas formation in the intestines.

Cauliflower while breastfeeding

Cauliflower has a delicate texture and contains virtually no tough fiber. This explains its good effect on the gastrointestinal tract of both the nursing mother and the baby. Its use has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the biliary system and liver, and also helps to normalize stool.

When the baby is 2-3 weeks old, mommy can cook cauliflower soup for herself - due to the low fiber content, this dish is perfectly absorbed by the body. A delicious dish made from boiled cabbage inflorescences baked in the oven. But frying while breastfeeding is not the best remedy. heat treatment any dishes.

Sea kale for breastfeeding

This product will undoubtedly be useful for the child and mother if they have a deficiency of iron or phosphorus. Kelp, like all seafood, is rich in iodine, which is the main element for the activity of the thyroid gland.

Remembering that excess iodine is no less harmful than its deficiency, a nursing mother’s diet should include no more than 150 grams of kelp per week. Besides seaweed during breastfeeding can provoke allergies in a child.

Brussels sprouts for breastfeeding

Brussels sprouts contain many beneficial substances. These are sugars that provide energy for the body, proteins, many vitamins and minerals. It is not capable of harming the baby if it is eaten, boiled or stewed.

Brussels sprouts should be included in the diet carefully, starting with a small portion, which can be gradually increased in the future if the baby has no problems.

When breastfeeding there is this type cabbage to the mother is not recommended until the baby reaches three weeks of age.

It is acceptable to include other types of cabbage in the menu.: kohlrabi, Savoy, Peking, broccoli.

There is no need to be afraid of consuming cabbage, but you should not overuse it either. Making a decision to enter a separate type cabbage on a woman’s menu, first of all, pay attention to the baby’s well-being and his reaction. If, nevertheless, the child develops colic and allergies, then consumption of the vegetable should be limited during breastfeeding.

Video about the benefits of cabbage

Mothers of newborn babies and pediatricians continue to argue about the effect of a nursing woman’s diet on the baby’s well-being. Domestic doctors are of the opinion that certain products should be excluded from the menu as they contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions and increased colic. Their foreign colleagues believe that the influence of food on a newborn is very indirect, and allow them to eat everything after birth, but adhering to the principles healthy eating. Cabbage during breastfeeding can have different influence for crumbs, it all depends on the presence of allergic reactions and the method of preparation.

Any type of cabbage, if it was grown without the use of prohibited drugs, contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. White cabbage is rich folic acid and vitamin C, broccoli - vitamin A and protein. Colored and Brussels sprouts have excellent dietary properties.

For some people, this vegetable causes bloating and increased gas formation in the stomach. But this is more likely due to the peculiarity of their digestive tract - hypersensitivity or some kind of disease.

Many women during breastfeeding breast milk They avoid eating cabbage, associating it with the occurrence of colic in the baby.

Related articles: Diet of a nursing mother (list of products during breastfeeding)

There is a stereotype at work here - if cabbage causes fermentation in my stomach, then my child will have a similar condition. This opinion has a right to exist, especially if a woman feeds cabbage to her child. But for the most part, colic is the baby’s body’s reaction to settling digestive system numerous bacteria entering it from the environment. There is no direct relationship between the diet of a nursing mother and the frequency and intensity of colic.

Rules for introducing cabbage into the diet after childbirth

Cabbage eaten by the mother during breastfeeding can harm the baby's health only if he is allergic to this product. Naturally, we are not talking about spoiled vegetables - their consumption is under no circumstances acceptable.

The possibility of a baby developing an allergy to cabbage is very small, but you shouldn’t write it off. You need to introduce a vegetable into the menu like any other New Product, with caution, carefully watching appearance baby's skin and his stool. Their reaction will tell you whether a nursing mother can eat cabbage. A rash, diarrhea or constipation will warn of the presence of a food intolerance, and possibly even an allergy. In this case, you should forget about cabbage for at least six months.

We also read: Other vegetables while breastfeeding

Methods for preparing cabbage for a nursing mother


A couple of weeks after giving birth, your mother can try making cauliflower soup. Thanks to low content fiber, this type of cabbage is remarkably digestible. A delicious dish can be made from boiled cauliflower inflorescences baked in the oven. But frying during breastfeeding is not the best The best way heat treatment.

Gradually, you can introduce other types of cabbage family vegetables into your diet. The main thing is to adhere to the principles of healthy eating. It’s better to eat boiled cabbage or stew it, so it can be preserved beneficial features, and the effect on digestion will be weakened.

White cabbage

You should use fresh and stewed white cabbage with caution; it most strongly causes flatulence. It is better to add Chinese cabbage to salads. But juicy cabbage leaves, beaten until the juice appears, can significantly alleviate the feeling of fullness in the chest when large volumes of milk arrive or relieve inflammation associated with poor emptying of the breast by the child.


The most important limitation applies to the use of sauerkraut while breastfeeding. This is due to high content acids and salts, as well as the need to use seasonings for sourdough. It is advisable to postpone this tasty dish until the end of feeding.

Sea kale during breastfeeding

Despite its name, seaweed is not a vegetable, but an algae. It will be very useful for women whose babies suffer from a lack of iron or phosphorus. These microelements will come in handy for mommy herself to maintain her health.

Kelp, like all seafood, is rich in iodine. Since excess iodine is no less harmful to health than its deficiency, sea kale can be included in the menu of a nursing woman no more than 150 grams 3 times a week.

When deciding whether to include any type of cabbage in the menu when feeding your baby with breast milk, focus on the baby’s condition and his reaction. You shouldn’t be afraid to eat cabbage, but you shouldn’t overuse its possible negative properties either. If, nevertheless, the mother’s heart suggests that cabbage should be abandoned because the newborn’s colic gets worse from it or allergies begin, then perhaps you should listen to it. After all, few people are better able to understand what her child needs than a mother.

Reading on the topic:

Tomatoes while breastfeeding What nursing mothers should not eat Cucumbers while breastfeeding Fruits during breastfeeding Large article on breastfeeding with WHO recommendations and tips for nursing mothers

Nutrition while breastfeeding video

White cabbage is one of those vegetables that are not recommended for breastfeeding. This is a difficult product for a child’s still fragile digestion, especially in the first two to three months of lactation. Such cabbage during breastfeeding often causes colic and increased gas formation. Therefore, it is recommended to eat the product after 4-6 months of lactation and only in heat treatment.

But cauliflower and broccoli, on the contrary, are very useful for nursing mothers and babies. At the same time, the vegetable can be introduced into the diet in the first month after the birth of the baby. Hypoallergenic product is easily digestible and does not cause negative reaction in a newborn!

It is rich in vitamins and elements that a child needs for full growth and development. The composition of the product will also help the mother recover faster after childbirth.

Useful properties White cabbage can not only be eaten. The leaves of this vegetable are used for compresses for lactostasis. They dilute stagnation of milk, relieve pain and swelling in the chest. Compresses are also used for prevention; Broccoli and cauliflower contain record amounts of folic acid, vitamin A and B vitamins compared to other foods. In addition, the vegetable contains a large amount ascorbic acid. Interestingly, the content of vitamin C in broccoli exceeds the content of this element in citrus fruits! Read more about the benefits and rules for eating cauliflower breastfeeding read the link Seaweed during breastfeeding will replenish iodine deficiency in a woman’s body and infant. Iodine ensures energy metabolism, stimulates growth and development, regulates heart function and blood clotting, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Types of cabbage

View Characteristic Use during lactation
White cabbage Causes increased gas formation and colic in the baby, relieves breast swelling during feeding Can be added to soup and consumed in stew form after 4-6 months of lactation; compresses from the leaves are used if a nursing mother has breast pain
Colored Cleanses the body and improves digestion, reduces the risk oncological diseases, gastritis and ulcers, strengthens the immune system, helps with stress Start with soups 3-4 weeks after birth, then you can eat them boiled or stewed.
Broccoli Boosts immunity and resists viral diseases, improves bowel function Start with soups a month after the baby is born; do not use if you have digestive disorders or stomach diseases
Marine Improves metabolism, normalizes thyroid function, improves memory Can be eaten after 3 months, but should not be overused, as the vegetable often causes allergies in infants
Pickled Contains a large amount of salt and various seasonings, as well as acid. These components are very harmful to the body and cause stomach problems, sometimes poisoning. Strictly prohibited during breastfeeding

Rules for eating cabbage during lactation Cauliflower and broccoli can be eaten after the third week of lactation. Sea - in three months. White cabbage begins to be introduced into the diet no earlier than four months; During the first six months of feeding, it is recommended to cook the cabbage in stewed form. You can add potatoes or carrots to the dish. However, carrots should be eaten with caution when breastfeeding, as due to bright color it sometimes causes an allergic reaction. But frying food in the first months of lactation is not recommended. You can add vegetable oil to the finished dish;

Add cauliflower and white cabbage to soups and broths. Warm liquid stimulates lactation. Remember that a nursing mother’s daily diet must include soup!; Be mindful of the dosage. An excess of even the most useful product leads to negative consequences. Be especially careful when eating seaweed, which can be eaten while breastfeeding no more than three times a week, 150 grams each. A serving of cauliflower or broccoli is up to 200 grams per day; Do not use if breastfeeding sauerkraut due to the spice and acid content!;

Before eating, choose your vegetables carefully, use only fresh ones! Poor quality products cause stool disturbances and severe intoxication in both mother and baby. Read here what other foods you can eat while breastfeeding.

Can a nursing mother eat cabbage? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. It depends on many factors. For example, on your metabolism, individual tolerance, the amount of product consumed.

There is an opinion that eating cabbage while breastfeeding causes gas and bloating in the baby. But this is not confirmed. All babies have problems with gas formation, but this happens because their digestive system has not yet matured.

In addition, breast milk does not contain food particles that the mother ate, but only those absorbed by her body nutrients and vitamins.

Most experts believe that strict restrictions on cabbage consumption during breastfeeding are not necessary. And if this does not bother the child, then a nursing mother can consume cabbage in reasonable quantities.

It is better to introduce cabbage into your diet 3 months after giving birth. Initially, it is better to eat cabbage stewed or boiled. Start with small portions. Carefully monitor your baby's reaction. If a child experiences discomfort and some signs of digestive disorders, then the introduction of cabbage into the diet should be postponed.

Read more about the rules for introducing new foods into the diet in the article: Nutrition for a nursing mother>>>

What kind of cabbage can a nursing mother eat?

Experts believe that there is no big difference in the effects of different varieties of cabbage on the human body. Each variety is useful in its own way, although it can cause some discomfort in the digestive system.

But when choosing cabbage for the diet of a mother who is breastfeeding, preference should be given to Brussels sprouts, broccoli, or at least cauliflower.

Brussels sprouts contains vitamin C, iron, fiber, phosphorus, potassium. Broccoli is in second place in terms of health benefits; it contains protein that is not inferior in properties to animal proteins. And in terms of protein content it surpasses sweet potatoes, spinach and asparagus. Cauliflower contains a large amount of microelements and vitamins. Its use has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract. White cabbage is a source of vitamins and folic acid; nursing mothers should be careful with this variety of cabbage. It contains a large amount of fiber, which is not absorbed by the body, and discomfort occurs in the intestines. Sauerkraut contains vitamin C and lactic acid, which helps suppress the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

Sauerkraut due to high content It is not recommended for nursing mothers to consume salt, but if you decide to treat yourself, add cumin to it to prevent gas formation. If, nevertheless, you are faced with this problem and with colic in your baby, see the course Soft Tummy>>>

It makes sense to carefully introduce cabbage into the menu of a nursing mother, following all the rules for introducing new products. As they say: everything is useful in moderation!

Mothers of newborn babies and pediatricians continue to argue about the effect of a nursing woman’s diet on the baby’s well-being. Domestic doctors are of the opinion that certain products should be excluded from the menu as they contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions and increased colic. Their foreign colleagues believe that the influence of food on a newborn is very indirect, and allow them to eat everything after birth, but adhering to the principles of healthy eating. Cabbage during breastfeeding can have different effects on the baby, it all depends on the presence of allergic reactions and the method of preparation.

Myth about the dangers of eating cabbage for a nursing mother

Any type of cabbage, if it was grown without the use of prohibited drugs, contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. White cabbage is rich in folic acid and vitamin C, broccoli is rich in vitamin A and protein. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts have excellent dietary properties.

For some people, this vegetable causes bloating and increased gas formation in the stomach. But this is more likely due to the peculiarity of their digestive tract - increased sensitivity or some kind of disease.

Many women avoid eating cabbage during breastfeeding, associating it with the occurrence of colic in the baby.

There is a stereotype at work here - if cabbage causes fermentation in my stomach, then my child will have a similar condition. This opinion has a right to exist, especially if a woman feeds cabbage to her child. But for the most part, colic is a reaction of the baby’s body to the colonization of the digestive system by numerous bacteria entering it from the environment. There is no direct relationship between the diet of a nursing mother and the frequency and intensity of colic.

Rules for introducing cabbage into the diet after childbirth

Cabbage eaten by the mother during breastfeeding can harm the baby's health only if he has access to this product. Naturally, we are not talking about spoiled vegetables - their consumption is under no circumstances acceptable.

The possibility of a baby developing an allergy to cabbage is very small, but you shouldn’t write it off. You need to introduce a vegetable into the menu, like any new product, with caution, carefully observing the appearance of the baby’s skin and his stool. Their reaction will tell you whether a nursing mother can eat cabbage. A rash, diarrhea or constipation will warn of the presence of a food intolerance, and possibly even an allergy. In this case, you should forget about cabbage for at least six months.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

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Methods for preparing cabbage for a nursing mother


A couple of weeks after giving birth, your mother can try making cauliflower soup. Due to its low fiber content, this type of cabbage is easily digestible. A delicious dish can be made from boiled cauliflower inflorescences baked in the oven. But frying during breastfeeding is not the best method of heat treatment.

Gradually, you can introduce other types of cabbage family vegetables into your diet. The main thing is to adhere to the principles of healthy eating. It is better to eat boiled cabbage or stew it, this way it will retain its beneficial properties and the effect on digestion will be weakened.

White cabbage

You should use fresh and stewed white cabbage with caution; it most strongly causes flatulence. It is better to add Chinese cabbage to salads. But juicy cabbage leaves, beaten until the juice appears, can significantly alleviate the feeling of fullness in the chest when large volumes of milk come in or relieve inflammation associated with poor emptying of the breast by the child.


The most important limitation applies to the use of sauerkraut while breastfeeding. This is due to the high content of acid and salt, as well as the need to use seasonings for sourdough. It is advisable to postpone this delicious dish until after feeding.

Sea kale during breastfeeding

Despite its name, seaweed is not a vegetable, but an algae. It will be very useful for women whose babies suffer from a lack of iron or phosphorus. These microelements will come in handy for mommy herself to maintain her health.

Kelp, like all seafood, is rich in iodine. Since excess iodine is no less harmful to health than its deficiency, sea kale can be included in the menu of a nursing woman no more than 150 grams 3 times a week.

When deciding whether to include any type of cabbage in the menu when feeding your baby with breast milk, focus on the baby’s condition and his reaction. You shouldn’t be afraid to eat cabbage, but you shouldn’t overuse its possible negative properties either. If, nevertheless, the mother’s heart suggests that cabbage should be abandoned because the newborn’s colic gets worse from it or allergies begin, then perhaps you should listen to it. After all, few people are better able to understand what her child needs than a mother.