When is Parents' Saturday in November? Days of remembrance of Orthodox soldiers

In the hearts of loved ones and relatives, the deceased always remain alive - to the same extent they are alive for God. Commemoration, which must be carried out in certain days, allows you to pay tribute to the deceased, ask for forgiveness of their souls - and simply remember the good things that were associated with them during life.

Dear site visitors, you will find memorial days for 2019 in new article: Parents' Saturdays 2019

Parental Saturdays in Orthodoxy

The commemoration of the dead in Christianity is carried out on days specially designated for this - parental Saturdays. These days are associated with the reading of prayers and holding services specifically for the deceased. Funeral services are held on these days by every church. Parents' days change from year to year in terms of dates; you should find out about them in advance.

Orthodox calendar with memorial dates for 2018

According to the Orthodox calendar, for 2018 these dates will be as follows. Ecumenical parental Saturdays, of which there are nine in total, are celebrated with an ecumenical memorial service; these days are suitable for commemorating each of the Christians who have died at any time. The most important days of remembrance are considered to be the following:

date Name Description
10.02.2018 Meat Saturday Taking place a week before Lent, before the week of the Last Judgment, it is suitable for praying for mercy for all deceased Christians. Meat-free memorial day is celebrated before the beginning of Maslenitsa week and falls on absolute permissiveness in food. After Meat Saturday, restrictions on the consumption of meat products begin, but fish and dairy menus are allowed.
Saturdays of Lent The second, third and fourth weeks of Great Lent are celebrated every Saturday and have cleansing meanings, primarily for living people. Praying for souls who have left the world of the living during a period of strict fasting is akin to a sacred ritual of repentance. IN Lent every Saturday can be considered a parental Saturday - the full Liturgy can only be read on rare days, and therefore, it is not possible to pray for the deceased as often as necessary. But Saturdays allow the deceased to receive prayerful protection from loved ones, which is important from a Christian point of view. After the Liturgy on Saturdays, a memorial service is performed for the deceased.
17.04.2018 Radonitsa Radonitsa comes on the 9th day after Easter, April 17 in 2018, and on this day the church resumes the commemoration of the dead, which was interrupted for Easter week, and before that for the period of Lent.
26.05.2018 Trinity Saturday It takes place before the holiday of Trinity, often at this time people not only strive to visit the cemetery and pray for the souls of their loved ones, but also to carry out spring cleaning of the churchyard. Trinity Orthodox parental Saturday, which characterizes the annual cleansing of the soul by the Holy Spirit and presupposes its higher sanctification. Numerous beliefs and rituals are associated with this day, both prohibiting certain actions and obliging actions. The Saturday before the very ritual holiday - Trinity, allows you to remember those for whom the church does not have the right to pray: suicides, criminals and other sinners. The holiday of all three sacred relics is considered the most productive in turning to God, and you can ask both for the salvation of the souls of the dead and living people.
09.05.2018 Victory Day May 9 is not only Victory Day, but also a day for prayers for those who died defending their Motherland in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, all those who fell in World War II are remembered and remembered.
03.11.2018 Dmitrievskaya Saturday Dimitrievsky memorial day is dedicated to the veneration of the exploits of knights, warriors, fighters of the Battle of Kulikovo and other battles. Parental Saturday received this formulation in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Correct behavior on funeral days

Reverence for ancestors and deceased loved ones is an integral part of every person’s emotional experience, and commemoration is usually carried out sincerely. But it is worth knowing that in this matter there are own rules, which must be followed in order to avoid mistakes that will cause outright harm.

All the canons of the day on which you decide to hold the commemoration must be fully complied with. For each of the memorial days there are private ones, own traditions, but there is also a general set of rules, norms of behavior for Orthodox man who remembers his loved ones on Parents' Day.

So, on this day you should visit the temple and pray, light a candle for the repose, you should also give alms, help those in need by giving them funeral products. It’s worth going to the cemetery, if possible, leaving gifts in the form of baked goods or sweets on the graves, and doing the cleaning. If conditions permit, cleaning the cemetery and decorating the grave on one of these days will be very helpful.

But at the same time, Orthodox commemoration excludes alcohol. Drinking alcohol is sinful, and it makes no sense to combine a known sin with the remembrance of loved ones; in addition, it is immoral. You cannot turn a funeral meal into a drinking binge. Foul language in the cemetery is also prohibited; those commemorating must be in a bright, calm state spirit, nothing should interfere with quiet reverence. Crying and grief are not an obligatory component of commemoration; bright memories and memories of pleasant moments associated with the deceased are the best atmosphere for commemoration, because despondency is also a sin.

Sayings and signs on Parents' Saturdays

There are a number of signs and sayings associated with memorial days, and they all carry a certain folk wisdom. You can find a lot of correct words, what are the words worth? “While your parents are alive, honor them, but when they are dead, remember them.”. Folk sayings They teach us to remember the deceased with kindness, and not with evil, to say goodbye to the deceased and let them go.

As for signs, there are even more of them.

  • On Trinity Saturday freshly cut aspen was brought into the house - it was believed that if its leaves did not lose during the night green color, then there will be no dead people in the house for a year. The black leaves in the morning indicated the opposite.
  • On Dmitrievskaya Saturday observed the weather - it is believed that if this day is warm, with a thaw, then spring will be early, and if on the contrary, then spring will be delayed. Until this day, it was believed that winter had not yet come, the weather had not settled. It is also believed that rivers should freeze on this day.
  • After the funeral meal, nothing can be removed from the table; everything is left overnight as is. Pancakes baked on this day are also associated with some signs - the first of them should be intended for the deceased, and if it fell on the floor, it was necessary to read a prayer for protection, since this could promise death in the family. A wedding on parent's Saturday is also a very bad omen.
  • On any of your parents’ Saturdays, you can go to the cemetery to remember the deceased, and Christian tradition prohibits leaving alcohol on the graves; it is believed that this can only aggravate the suffering of the soul, especially if during life the person was distinguished by such an addiction. Too lavish funerals with an abundance of food, frequent snacks on this day and alcohol consumption are also not welcome.

During parenting days The Orthodox world remembers people who have passed away, close relatives (that’s why the name is “parental”), as well as those who fell on the battlefield. Parental Saturdays in 2018 (Orthodox calendar) also include dates that glorify the martyrs of the faith. No exact dates days of remembrance of the dead, because they all depend on the time when Easter takes place in each year. On Saturday we find peace from working week, and we can remember our loved ones, distant relatives, and everyone who was dear to us.

Orthodox calendar of parental Saturdays in 2018 for commemorating the departed.

The first memorial day. This is Meat Saturday, or Ecumenical. They remember relatives and close people, usually those who died suddenly. It occurs shortly before Maslenitsa, so pancakes are also baked on Ecumenical Saturday. One pancake is brought to the grave, it is intended for a relative. The next pancake is given as a small gift to children and poor people.

For three parental Saturdays in March 2018, the Orthodox world remembers those people who died observing self-restraint. At this time, reading the sorokousts is not allowed. Parents' Saturdays 2018 before Easter are days during Lent when you can remember your relatives.

This day is named Radonitsa. Is the main memorial Saturday. What date is Big Parents' Saturday in 2018 - April 17.

They remember not only family members, but also those who died during the war.

Saturday – Semik. Semik is not an Orthodox day of remembrance of the dead, but its roots come from folk tradition. Suicides and unbaptized children are commemorated.

It's called Trinity Saturday. Celebrated before the holy holiday of Trinity. Prayers are read for relatives, with the goal that their souls will be at peace in the next world, as well as for the eternal life of departed dear people.

The Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Soldiers originates from the period of the war with Turkey. Memorial Day of John the Baptist, who died defending his faith.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday is a day when, in addition to departed family members, soldiers who died during the Battle of Kulikovo are commemorated.

Why are memorial Saturdays called “parental” Saturdays?

There are two explanations:

  • The first is based on the meaning of the name. At this time, we remember our parents and older relatives who are not with us.
  • Second, according to Christian beliefs, after death a person goes to his ancestors, i.e. parents (according to folk legends).

What is the main memorial day?

The main memorial day is the 9th day after Easter. At this time in a row Orthodox countries the dead are remembered, and traditional ceremonies are also held that have a connection with these events. These are predominantly Russian memorial days, since the dates of memory are according to Orthodox calendar also contain the names of Russian saints, victorious warriors.

In many cities and regions of Russia, the main memorial Saturday has its own name, namely:

  • Radovnica;
  • Easter of the Dead;
  • Graves.

In general, in every place in Russia Radonitsa can be called differently - but the essence of this day remains the same, veneration and memory of those who have gone to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Orthodox Parents' Saturdays are dedicated to the remembrance of the departed.

Radonitsa - Great Parental Saturday

Why is Radonitsa called this way? The main idea is to congratulate the departed on Easter, which, according to beliefs, also applies to them. One day all the dead will be resurrected, and the Kingdom of Christ will come, and everyone will rejoice - this is how the church officially explains the meaning of the name “Radonitsa” or “Radunitsa”.

A number of rituals or traditions are associated with the main memorial day. So, it is customary to “christen” with the dead Easter eggs– after all, it is believed that the deceased also hear and understand the holiday and want to celebrate it. The eggs turn red. In a number of cities and villages in Russia, it is customary to leave Easter treats - eggs, as well as kutya in the cemetery, or bury them near the house where the deceased once lived.

What to cook

We mentioned that on Radonitsa they eat kutia - this is a cereal dish, which is supplemented with various dried fruits, raisins, nuts or poppy seeds, and consists of wheat and rice cereals. The first thing to start with is this treat if we're talking about about the funeral meal.

  • In other regions of Russia, it is customary to bake pancakes, including on Radonitsa - to treat the aforementioned relatives with a hearty dish;
  • It is not so important whether the pancakes are made of thin dough, or richly decorated and rich in filling - the only important thing is how well they are buttery;
  • According to legends, the dead understand that they are remembered by the amount of butter on their pancakes. This pancake needs to be put in a basket and taken to the cemetery.
  • Treats for the deceased are served with special respect.

Funeral services on Saturdays are also held at home. If during Radonitsa people drink alcohol, then this is done without clinking glasses - since ancient times it has been considered at least bad omen do this. The use of knives and forks is not allowed. Everything that has not been eaten is under no circumstances removed or thrown away - because the leftover food can be fed to the birds, which can symbolize gratitude, respect, and a universal connection with the world.

How to remember the dead correctly

  • Check a relative’s grave, repair it if necessary, paint it, plant flowers;
  • When a person comes to the grave, you need to light a candle and read the words of the prayer;
  • Relatives are remembered from the best side, in a respectful tone;
  • At the end of the holiday, you need to treat yourself to a traditional Easter treat and congratulate all the dear departed on Easter.

Of course, in addition to small rituals and traditions, the semantic center of Radonitsa becomes visiting the dead. Relatives gather together, or visit the graves of the dead one by one (depending on the connections that were maintained by the living and dead people). So, a wife can visit her husband separately, or go to the grave with the whole family. The main thing is to show due attention and respect to the person you are commemorating.

Radonitsa is a bright day, so you need to make sure that at the end of the funeral everyone is in a good mood.


The history of parental Saturdays as a holiday is not the simplest. Before Soviet times (namely, before the revolution of the 17th year), it was considered absolutely normal to visit a cemetery as a tribute to the memory of the deceased. IN Soviet period Of course, the attitude towards memorial dates has changed radically. However, even then citizens managed to remember the dead, observing the basic Orthodox traditions, and just to remember my parents again and just dear people who were not with them.

Special commemoration of the deceased according to the canons of the Orthodox Church in 2018, parental Saturdays, and not only, by day. Features of each day of remembrance, what to do on Parents' Saturday.

Most days of special remembrance of the dead are shifted relative to Easter; there are memorial days that are not tied to the celebration of Easter - all the dates for 2018, their features and traditions.

Parents' Saturday- the traditional name of the day when the Church especially prays for the dead. Since ancient times, Saturday has been considered a day of rest, so on this day we pray for the repose of our loved ones and all Orthodox Christians who have died from time to time. Almost all days of special commemoration of deceased relatives and loved ones are set in church calendar back in early Christian times. All dates in the article are given in the new style.

First, let us pay attention to the days associated in the annual circle of services with the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

UNIVERSAL PARENTAL SATURDAY (MEAT SATURDAY) in 2018 falls on February 10. Ecumenical commemoration on this day was established on the basis that on the following Sunday the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ are remembered. In addition, meat-free Parental Saturday takes place during the period of preparation for Lent; on this day, Christians are called to remember that we and the departed are in the one Body of Christ, since God has everyone alive.

The funeral 2nd, 3rd, 4th SATURDAYS of GREAT LENT fall in 2018 on March 3, March 10 and March 17, respectively.

All Parents' Saturdays, All Souls' Days in 2018

In addition to the ecumenical remembrance of the dead, which takes place on special days of parental Saturdays, the Church performs ecumenical requiem services during the second, third and fourth weeks of Great Lent. On these Saturdays, the Church prays for the forgiveness of Orthodox Christians of “voluntary and involuntary sins... and their eternal repose with the Saints.”

On the days of remembrance that fall on cold period year, Orthodox Christians try to visit the temple and remember their departed loved ones at home. With the onset of warmer weather, people go to cemeteries to tidy up their resting places. The first large flow of those who commemorate occurs shortly after the Bright Feast of Easter, on Radonitsa.

All Parents' Saturdays, All Souls' Days in 2018

Radonitsa occupies a special place in the annual circle church holidays- this day is located immediately after Holy Week. The Church calls on Christians not to suffer over the death of loved ones, but to rejoice at their birth into eternal life.

On this day, the same funeral service is performed as on Ecumenical Parental Saturday during the Holy Week. The similarity of these days of remembrance is also that they are located in the church circle a week before fasting. Trinity Saturday is placed on the calendar a week before the start of the Apostolic (Petrine) Lent, while Meat Saturday is placed a week before Lent.

Several days of special commemoration do not correspond to Easter.

All Parents' Saturdays, All Souls' Days in 2018

This is DMITRY SATURDAY, which in 2018 falls on November 3. This day of remembrance was established by the Russian Orthodox Church on the Saturday preceding the day of memory of Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday was introduced into the church circle of worship at the request of Dmitry Donskoy after the Battle of Kulikovo. On this day, the Church traditionally remembers all the deceased Orthodox soldiers.

All Parents' Saturdays, All Souls' Days in 2018

IN last years Another day of remembrance has become widespread, with special significance. This is MAY 9 - remembering the memory of those who suffered in dashing years Great Patriotic War. This day is not approved by the Church, the tradition is just being formed.

Some Eastern Christians have a tradition of another memorial Saturday - before the Day of the Intercession Holy Mother of God– POKROVSKY SATURDAY. In 2018 it falls on October 13th.

On all days of church remembrance, it is advisable to remember the deceased who was baptized during the lifetime of the Divine Liturgy. For this purpose, special notes are submitted in advance, colloquially called “Lunches of Repose.”

All Parents' Saturdays, All Souls' Days in 2018

The reading of the UNSLEEPING PSALMTER has long been considered a great almsgiving for a departed soul. This requirement can be ordered in many Orthodox monasteries.

There is also a custom of ordering MEMORIAL SERVICES, which can be served not only in churches, but also in cemeteries.

It is possible to perform a memorial service in a secular manner, without the invitation of a priest. This is the so-called FUNERAL LITHIA, and can be performed by a layman in a cemetery or at home.

Exists ancient tradition consecration of KUTIA - specially prepared cereals with dried fruits and honey. After consecration in the temple, this funeral dish is eaten at home with prayer.

All Parents' Saturdays, All Souls' Days in 2018

In addition, it is widespread among Orthodox Christians to remember the dead by giving ALMS for them. Special place occupied by the supply of products “ON CANON” - offerings of products to the temple by the laity. What is brought goes to the choir meal, in support of the families of the clergy, as well as to those who work in the church and everyone in need.

In Christianity there are certain days of remembrance of the dead, they are called Parental Saturdays. For what reason these days were named so, no one knows for sure. There are several versions of the origin of the name, the first says that on the day when deceased people are remembered, a person first of all remembers those closest to him.

If parents are no longer alive, then naturally they are the first to be remembered. The second theory says that when a Christian goes to another world, that is, dies, he returns to his forefathers. In other words, after death on Earth, he meets with his deceased father and mother, grandfathers and grandmothers. Saturday was chosen for a reason; it has always been considered the busiest day among the other days of the week.

What date is Parents' Day in 2018, 5 Parents' Saturdays

There are 5 Parental Saturdays in the Orthodox Church. Meat-free universal Parental Saturday, on this day Orthodox believers ask God for mercy to all departed Christians. Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday - before the day of the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter.

Private parents' day, this Saturday, according to Christian tradition, deceased parents are remembered in the Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian Orthodox churches. Similar days include Mikhailovskaya, Dmitrievskaya and Intercession Saturdays.

Parental 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays during Great Lent exist in order not to deprive the deceased of prayers for their repose throughout Great Lent, since during this period, according to Christian regulations, the usual commemorations of the deceased are canceled.

What date is Parents' Day in 2018, exact dates

According to Christian customs, the graves of deceased relatives must be kept in order and cleanliness. This is a sign of respect. But leaving food and alcoholic drinks on graves is not permissible. In Orthodoxy, such actions are considered desecration of the souls of deceased Christians. It is recommended to give food to the poor or distribute it with a request to commemorate a certain person who is no longer alive.

Dates for Parents' Saturdays in 2018:

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to show concern for the souls of deceased loved ones. This phenomenon is an integral part of Christianity as a whole, since this religion is one of the spiritual teachings that preach life after death and, in general, spiritual immortality.

It is also known that in Christianity there is a ban on commemorating deceased suicides. This means that they are not buried as those who died against their will, and also church ministers do not have the right to perform memorial prayers for them. With the blessing of a clergyman, relatives of suicides can pray for them on their own.

Very often, the days of remembrance of Christians are called “ecumenical Saturdays,” which is fundamentally incorrect. Despite the fact that these events take place alternately, there is significant difference. Let's try to figure it out.

Parental Saturdays in the Orthodox Christian tradition are known as days of remembrance of deceased Christians, and above all parents and other relatives.

Russian Orthodox Church distinguishes five parental Saturdays: Meat and Trinity, which are usually called Ecumenical, since on these days all deceased Christians are commemorated. And also three Parental Saturdays of Great Lent, when Orthodox Christians pray only for the repose of their ancestors.

An extraordinary sacred meaning is hidden in the sacrament of ecumenical and parental services. By offering prayer to all the departed, we do not divide Christians into friends and foes, but show boundless mercy and special Christian unity.

© Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov

Private Parent Saturdays

There are also so-called private memorial Saturdays in Russian Orthodoxy, which are associated with memorable dates national history and are celebrated only in our country. There are four in total:

  • Commemoration of deceased soldiers or the day of remembrance of all those who died during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War- 9th May
  • Radonitsa or the day of general church remembrance of the dead - April 17
  • The Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Soldiers, established by Catherine II - September 11
  • Demetrius Saturday or the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki - November 3

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent

In March 2018, the Orthodox celebrate three special memorial days during each week of Lent. The nearest Parent's Saturday is celebrated on March 17, in the fourth week of Lent.

On memorial Saturdays, Christian services are held according to a special charter, and after the full Liturgy, ecumenical funeral services are performed.

What can you eat on Parents' Saturday?

According to tradition, our ancestors set the table with kutia on Mother’s Saturday - Lenten dish from honey and wheat. It is clear that no one eats wheat anymore, so it can be replaced with rice. To prepare kutia, simply boil rice and add honey and sugar syrup to it. The finished dish can be decorated with dried fruits.

What can you do on Parents' Saturday?

On the coming Parent's Saturday, which falls on March 17, you need to visit the graves of your relatives and put them in order. In the evening, all Orthodox Christians go to church for a service, where they pray for their departed loved ones and ask God to grant them peace in the next world.

After the service, you should, if possible, distribute alms to those in need. It is believed that in this way a person can remember deceased loved ones, who are not usually remembered in Christianity. These include suicides, victims of abortion, or the unbaptized.

What not to do on Parents' Saturday

Tears on this day are not welcome, so it is better for believers to refrain from unnecessary grief and simply pray for their relatives.

It is important to remember that Parents' Saturday is not a reason for a feast. Alcoholic drinks and lavish “funerals” are strictly prohibited.

Refusing help if you can provide it is strictly condemned.

You cannot quarrel, become depressed or raise your voice at anyone. In general, it is useful to adhere to this rule on other days.

You can do household chores, but at an easy pace, without straining.