We begin to see the aura: the best technologies. Exercises for seeing the aura

Aura vision

Seeing an aura is considered by esotericists to be a primary and obligatory stage of mastery. It seems that in general a lot of people see it, and those who have not yet paid attention to it can learn to do so quite quickly.
The “Practical Trainings” (http://a-s-t-r-a-l.nm.ru/trening.htm) says: “In order to develop the ability to see an aura, you do not have to use any special energy resources of the body, activate energy centers or learn to control consciousness. Anyone who performs the training techniques suggested below can see an aura.”
There is a book “How to See the Aura in 60 Seconds” by M. Smith, who is listed as a specialist in this field, conducting various classes and training. Judging by the given method, anyone can see the aura, “even a skeptic,” regardless of his esoteric advancement. Well, it’s a matter of technology and individual characteristics- learn to see also in color all the “layers” of the aura. The technique is extremely simple (this technique is presented in an intriguing and little-by-little manner, so I will give only the most basic): "Place the person you are working with half a meter in front of a flat white vertical surface. Ask him to relax and breathe deeply. For best perception, you need to be no closer than three meters from him, and the light should not be bright and directed directly at the object. Best of all. natural light. The aura sensing technique requires you to look beyond the head and shoulder area. Focus on the wall behind the person. As you peer through their silhouette, you will very soon notice a vague white or grayish silver halo surrounding the body, as if there was a light source behind the person , directed upward.
The glow will likely disappear soon. This is due to the natural reaction of most people who, when they first see a halo, involuntarily turn their gaze to the person himself, rather than continue to peer at the wall. As soon as you focus your gaze on the background again, the halo will appear again. You must train your eyes so that they do not return to normal focus - this is the main difficulty of training.
Once you have mastered the technique of holding the “through gaze,” you will notice that you can easily see colors, shapes, rays, and even secondary fields of the aura.”

Next come the increasingly exciting possibilities of determining a person’s state by his aura, etc.
M. Smith claims that in training groups there are practically no people who could not master this technique of vision.
Naturally, I checked all this. I saw the aura immediately, without any problems. It is visible in any objects, not just in people, regardless of their type. Therefore, if what M. Smith is talking about is indeed an aura, then everyone can see it.
It would be very interesting to understand all this, and not just believe. This means that those who prefer to believe without thinking will simply not find anything useful further. Let's try to enable the ability to compare data.
If one of the esotericists begins to argue that no, that the aura does not need to be seen in this way and is not given to everyone, then he, firstly, enters into an argument with no less esoteric authority, and secondly, the effect actually exists and there is no reason to claim that it is somehow worse, and special methods for those especially dedicated will be too similar to simply messing with one’s head and, thirdly, no one claims that such vision is aerobatics, but everyone says that it is the entry level , accessible to everyone and, therefore, provides sufficient simple technique, and this is exactly what is available to everyone.
So, we need to find out whether it is an aura or just an optical feature of human vision.
An aura is considered to be a certain “subtle” component of the human soul, unknown to the science of nature. If inanimate objects cannot have an aura, then the effect is only optical illusion. But, unfortunately, many esotericists believe that in general everything in nature is alive, and part of a single Cosmic Mind, so that stones, in principle, can have an aura. Such, for example, as S. Grof claims that with the help of LSD or holotropic breathing one can move into any object, real or even mystical.
In short, either the effect is not an aura, or the stones are people too :) Let’s assume the latter (otherwise there’s simply nothing more to talk about).
M. Smith asks: “Don’t you now think that you have found a long-lost sixth sense?”
It’s interesting, the thought immediately arises: why suddenly, and how is this lost? Here it is! and, if it really is so informative and useful, then it would never have been lost, but on the contrary, it would have been developed, sharpened and would not have represented any secret to anyone. This is a very strong and serious argument, which simply has nothing to oppose. Esotericists do not contrast:) they simply do not notice this argument, just as they do not make other, even the simplest comparisons, for example, about the consequences of possessing an aura of inanimate objects (it is interesting that in that book there was not even a hint of attempts to see the aura of inanimate objects). only human!).
So, if the aura is not an illusion, then a person’s states, his character and many other things are clearly determined by it useful information, which, of course, must be reliable and accurately reflect all of the above.
Is it possible to record an aura using physical devices? The author claims that he sees his own aura in the mirror. This means that the mirror is capable of reflecting the “subtle” components of the soul in exactly the same way as light. This is a strong argument in favor of the idea that the effect is only optical illusion. And, at the same time, there is an argument that the aura can be recorded with instruments.
There are a lot of articles that talk about diagnosis by aura. Including about diagnostics using the Kirlian method. Using this method, we generally got the hang of learning anything about the body. Why this is not so has already been described in the selection of materials Kirlian Effects. There is no need to look at this material right now, there are too many documents there. Just remember to do it later! What's important now is the summary: this is a hoax. The images of the “aura” obtained “using a gas-discharge visualization device by Professor Korotkov” have the most material (in any sense of the word) basis. However, there are many articles that refer to this in attempts to prove the existence of an aura.
There are aura photography services available. There is such an installation in an esoteric store on Leningradsky Prospekt (not far from the Belorussky railway station). Here are the experiments that were carried out there: Photographing the aura. And here is deception. I went to an appointment with a Moscow witch ("a great hereditary seer, magician and psychic" - as stated in the prospectus). In a magnificent office with security, a waiting room and a reception area, an imposing, heavy-backed ruler of lost souls reigned, for whom all those who came were visible right through. So, she used exactly those same photographs for explanations with clients! :) She gave me a bill for 15 grand to stop the machinations of fate and straighten my completely lopsided aura (yes, by the way, with esotericists nothing happens for free, despite the fact that they unanimously say that there is no true magician for money, etc., although having forgotten themselves, they no less ardently claim that you need to pay for everything - in the literal monetary sense of the word :)).

We started “seeing” the aura a long time ago. At the beginning of the century, the “greatest psychic” Edgar Cayce wrote about the aura. Apparently this was quite convincing for that time, but today his arguments with which he expresses his views seem too primitive. It is worth reading the text at the link to compare it with modern ones.

They claim that with persistent training you can see not only a narrow halo around the body, which (many already agree) is an optical effect, but the aura itself, which is located much wider - 30-50 cm from the body. There is no doubt at all that with persistent training you can develop glitches of any kind and quality (of those that appear, for example, in a mirror when you persistently look at it, which started the tradition of girlish fortune-telling). Visual analyzer the brain is capable of forming any detector or signs of perception that are persistently presented in reality or in the imagination (see the large selection on the mechanisms and capabilities of the brain "On systemic neurophysiology). The colors and shapes of the "aura" will never coincide with those obtained on any devices for its visualizations. Moreover, they will not coincide with the descriptions of other “seers”, unless a correct experiment is carried out, excluding the exchange of impressions with appropriate statistical processing, excluding mutual guessing. For some reason, nothing similar to such an experience is described anywhere, although what can be simpler!? And only this can be the only reliable argument.
There is an interesting story describing how magicians fool each other and quite sincerely: How Sasha saved the witch

Even simple glasses for seeing the aura are offered (http://biomagic.narod.ru/o4ki.htm):
“These glasses are not simple, but such that instead of lenses they have dark plates with 2 holes for the pupils, approximately 2 mm each. It’s no secret that seeing the aura is the same physical property man, truly lost. This property works by defocusing the eyes. Glasses help to defocus the eyes. ".
Again - about a lost property, which, however, is easily restored with holes in the glasses :)

What kind of optical effects and illusions arise when performing aura vision techniques? An excellent example is one of these techniques (http://goroskop.su/uprazhneniya_po_videniyu_aury.htm), in which the visible effect is declared to be an aura:
Exercises for seeing the aura
Concentration exercises
The following exercises are aimed at stimulating the relationship between the two separate hemispheres of our brain. It is known that the left eye is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, while the right eye is connected to the left. When we use both eyes independently and look at the combined image, it means that precise communication between both hemispheres has been achieved to synthesize a complete image.
Such exercises are extremely stimulating and beneficial. They not only increase our mental potential, but also double our bio-energy and increase the intensity of self-healing processes within our “body-intelligent” system.
Exercise 1.

Exercise 2.
In this exercise you have to combine the yin-yang of two separate halves. Move 1 meter away from the monitor. Post your forefinger in the middle of the distance to the monitor, at the level of the eyebrow and just below the drawing. Focus on the tip of your finger, but look at the 2 halves of yin-yang behind it, try to achieve ideal sign ying-yang, no spaces or overlaps.

Try to stay in concentration for at least 60 seconds, but ideally about 5-10 minutes for best result. Please note that white dot on the red half of the yin-yang, turquoise appears and on the white point of the turquoise half, red appears. You see the auric colors, and the seemingly incomplete yin-yang now appears correct.

Now, instead of fingers, do these exercises with any other similar-shaped objects :)
It is interesting that some esoteric resources describe the possible mechanisms of such illusions (http://blacmagia.narod.ru/learn/kurs/sensor/thema02t/index.htm):
"Vision of the aura
If you look at the landscape around you, with your vision slightly defocused, you get the illusion of seeing ethereal frames. The same effect occurs if you simply look at a large surface of dark and small spots on a light background.
As a rule, if you look at a distance of 3 meters and further, the vision of the aura becomes clearer. What is the basis of this?
Due to the defocusing of vision, a noise effect occurs in the display of vision from the left and right eyes. The brain processes slightly distorted signals, and ultimately forms pseudo-3D images that are taken as a vision of the aura. There is a relationship between the blood supply to the eyes and the movement of the streams.
A similar picture (with big amount points) can be observed while being in a meadow, among the grass, or observing thousands of leaves on trees. One gets the feeling of streams of aura falling from trees, or an aura hanging like a haze over a field. "

If you look closely at this drawing without focusing your gaze, you will see the “aura” surrounding the black contours:

The essence of the visual illusion is more clearly understood from the figure:

Along the continuation of the light stripes against a dark background, a foggy horizontal spike appears. It is this illusion that in many esoteric schools is passed off as a vision of an “aura” when, instead of stripes, two fingers are held facing each other.
About the mechanisms of occurrence visual illusions can be read in the article Illusions of perception.

How ambiguous are all the “explanations” given in support of demonstrating the existence of an aura or “subtle energy bodies” can be seen even from simple example data comparisons in the article How I Researched My Shell. However, gullible beginners are offered just such simple “proofs” and it is believed that this is enough :)

  • Vision training exercise using wood

In order to learn to see a person’s aura and frequency flows with your eyes, you need to properly adjust your gaze. Our eyes, as an optical instrument, perceive only objects and processes that reflect light. If you learn to adjust your gaze so that it does not focus on objects reflecting light, then you can see the aura, frequency flows, and other energy processes.

It should be remembered that not all visual effects observed during training are an aura. Sometimes it will be clean water hallucinations, optical illusion.

Sometimes something else can be mistaken for an aura, such as the imprint of an image on the retina or scattered light reflected from a surface. But these are only special cases that do not change at all the fact that the aura can be seen, and without special effort. If six months after you start training, you don’t see the aura, it’s because of laziness.

There is one important point, which often causes misconceptions. “Clairvoyant” and “A person who sees an aura” are far from the same thing. The term “Clairvoyant” usually means people who see the energy, structure of any field interactions and processes in them. But for this you already need to activate higher energy centers, be able to control them, be able to control consciousness and much more. (Teacher's clarification required).

We perceive the aura, as a residual effect of vibrations in the structure and energy of an object, with our eyes. And we perceive the structure and energy itself, as if by ourselves, coming into contact, and then we can arbitrarily use what we received, either visualizing an image, or transforming it into sensations, etc. This description shows that to “see” one must be able to sense, be aware and interpret. Theoretically, this skill can be developed by anyone.

Exercises should be stopped as soon as you feel tired. Otherwise, you will not be able to fully engage.

Exercise for developing vision with background lighting

We raise our hand and look through our fingers against a light, uniform background until a white haze appears around them.

To begin with, it is best to take not just a uniform light background, but use a light gray or white illuminated coating. You can take a large white piece of paper and place it in front of the lamp so that the light passes through it. The light should not blind the eyes and should be soft and even when passing through the sheet. If necessary, fold several sheets together for greater density.

Almost ideally, this design replaces a regular monitor with a white window expanded to fill the entire screen. Sit opposite the constructed background, 30-50 centimeters away, so that you can sit comfortably and at the same time the field remains in height directly in front of your face. Raise your hand and place it in the middle of the field at a distance of about 5-10 cm from it, turning your palm towards you, fingers looking up.

Now relax, relax lower jaw, cheekbones, and then forehead. Try to get rid of thoughts and concentrate on the lesson. Try to maintain this state throughout the entire exercise.

Relax your eyes and begin to look at your hand, spreading your fingers slightly so that there is about 1 cm between them. You need to see all the fingers and the background at the same time. At the same time, the eyes will become unfocused and must remain relaxed. Look freely without looking at anything in particular. Sit like this for a few seconds, if desired. Perhaps already at this stage you will see a glow near your fingers and a small haze 1-5 millimeters thick or a little more.

Now begin to slowly move your hand to the right and left within 5-10 cm, while continuing to look. The haze will become clearer and more noticeable. If you didn’t see it when your hand was motionless, now you will notice that when you move your fingers, a train stretches behind your fingers, or that you see some kind of movement in the background next to your fingers. In this case, you can also slowly turn your hand in the plane of the palm (leaving it with your palm facing you). The easiest way is to place your hand on the table on your elbow and slowly tilt it along the background to the right and left.

Continue moving your hand and looking until you see a clear glow and a dense fog 5-10 mm wide around your fingers. Work with this, realize at what focusing the haze is visible and at what focus it is not. Learn to quickly gain the desired focus.

You can turn your palm so that your fingers look to the side and, moving your hand up and down, observe the glow emanating from your fingertips. In this case, only the hand moves, and not the entire arm. If you move quickly, then in front of each finger you can see light ball. Slowing down, it is clear that this is the same haze and rays are still visible from it.

The rays look either like something dark, or vice versa, like light emanating from the tips of the fingers - depending on the focus. At the same time, for each finger there was one light ray in the center and came out straight. And there may be two dark ones on the sides, and they come out at an angle of 30-40 degrees to each other to the sides. In general, real rays are light, but sometimes, in contrast with them, the surrounding background is perceived as darker and this can be seen as dark lines, also coming out of the fingers a little to the side.

To better see and, moreover, feel the rays coming out of your fingers, after a couple of minutes, bring your second hand to the first, placing them so that there are three centimeters between your fingertips. Now move both hands in opposite directions. You will see rays coming from each hand. At the same time, they will be visible more clearly and will be drawn towards each other, even intensifying. And when the fingers are opposite, you can feel a light soft touch at the tips - just in the places where the rays of both hands intersect with each other. Play with this for a couple of minutes.

Then try decreasing and increasing the distance between your hands. As the rays come closer, they will enter each other and unite with one glow, and then, as the hands slowly move away, they will stretch for some time, maintaining integrity, but then they will break into two again. At the same time, you can feel this gap in your fingertips. Play with this for a couple of minutes.

Then you should change the background from white to black or dark blue and repeat everything in any order. The haze will be visible even more clearly than before. Afterwards the background can be changed to other colors. In this case, the color of the haze will change slightly.

When moving your hands in all parts of the exercise, the movement should be gradually slowed down, ensuring that over time, even after stopping the movement, the haze is clearly visible and retains its thickness. In the future, you yourself will find the right rhythm and alternation of stages for yourself.

If after the entire exercise you were able to see only a small glow around your fingers, 1 mm thick, then most likely this is an optical illusion caused by the refraction of light at the border of the fingers. The effect of the exercise should give the appearance of a dense haze 5-10 mm wide, the opacity of the space in this place. After a certain time, the haze can turn into a single nebula for the entire hand, especially clear near the fingers. You will see a kind of gaseous cloud-film around your hand, which will move with it.

As you progress, you should abandon the backlight and practice only against a uniform background, which is somewhat more difficult.

Exercise with colored and white paper

Take colored construction paper and a large piece of white paper, approximately 60 cm by 1 meter in size. You will see a vision phenomenon that has nothing to do with the aura, but thanks to this technique you can learn to see a person's aura.

Place white paper on the floor under a dimmable lamp. Place a sheet of red construction paper in the middle. Now fix your eyes on the middle of the colored paper and do not blink. Wait 30 seconds.

While still looking at the red sheet, quickly remove it and look at the same place on the white sheet. For a split second you will see a complementary color to the color you were looking at before. If you had red, then you will see green. The afterbirth is always different from the original color, but their shape is the same.

The resulting afterbirth, luminous, transparent, will look as if floating. If you carry out such an experiment on four or five sheets of paper in a row, which only takes a few minutes, by the time the experiment is completed you will have a certain sensitivity to seeing this kind of color images - luminous, transparent and floating in space.

These colors are very similar to the auric field, except that they are more advanced, since only a few people have pure and clear auric colors.

For the next stage of training you will need a partner; It is advisable that you both wear white clothes. This is the most easy way see colors. Of course, clothing will not drown out the aura, but its colors can make it difficult or easier to see the aura. Place your partner against a white wall, take a lamp with a dimmer switch, turn it on full blast and shine the light on your partner.

Now take a piece of construction paper and have your partner hold it 2.5cm from their face under their nose. Step back and look at the color as you did before; fix your gaze on this sheet, count to 30 and ask your partner to remove it. You will see a complementary color floating in space in front of your partner. By alternating sheets of colored paper, you will get used to the colors of the "afterbirth" around your partner, and your mind will adjust to the idea.

Then you can place colored paper behind your head or shoulders, at a distance of 30-60 cm from your partner. Do this four to five times until you get used to seeing the colors floating around his body. Now remove the colored paper and continue to look at your partner while very, very slowly turning down the brightness of the lamp.

You will come to a point where the person's body will become completely dark - then, bang! - all the colors will suddenly flash and you will see an aura. The whole thing. You will know that these are the real colors of the aura, and not additional ones that you saw before, because many changing colors will appear before you.

Exercise with paper. Second option

If you do not have an assistant, then you can do the following. Find or create an area of ​​vertical surface in the room with a uniform, neutral color. For example, gray wallpaper without a pattern is quite suitable. Place a one-color three-dimensional object, for example a red ball, 50 centimeters in front of this background. Sit at a distance of 1-2 meters from the ball and look 20 centimeters behind it and slightly to the side. Soon you will see how it begins to form around it colored spot. Achieve clear visibility and consistent spot size. Work this way with objects of different colors.

Plants, like humans, have their own aura, and learning to see it is most likely not as difficult as the human aura. Therefore, if you intend to See, try to start not with a person, but with plants and trees.

Without much effort, the etheric shell of trees is clearly visible at night, confirm this fact for yourself, then proceed to more careful contemplation with a defocused gaze. But even in contemplating plants, there are caveats, you should have sufficient quantity energy, since plants can both give energy and take it away, when contemplating, do not let it consume you.

The first time it is unlikely that you will succeed, perhaps, in seeing the ethereal shell, but if you regularly practice the exercise, you will see how the field, the shell, expands. And of course, you should not pull out the plant you are going to contemplate.

The exercise is performed on fresh air on a clear day. Lie on your back and calmly look at the sky. Or just take a relaxed walk. You should not focus your gaze on one thing. Achieve a distracted look while still remaining focused. After some time, you will notice small translucent balls or tiny dark vortices that appear for 1-2 seconds and disappear again. These are energy fields. Do not get carried away with a long examination of this phenomenon; the main thing is to establish a stable visibility.

Focus your unfocused gaze on the crown of trees or on the leaves of plants. After a while you will see a translucent glow around them.

This is the aura of the plant. It can be of different colors. As soon as you begin to clearly see the aura of plants, try to close your eyes and feel it, like some kind of compaction, felt not by the body, but by some sixth sense. It may appear as a dense mass or feel like a structure. It's a subtle feeling, but if you develop it, the perception will become clearer.

Exercise to develop the perception of the aura of OBJECTS

Unfocus your gaze and look at an object (preferably your personal one) until you see a characteristic translucent glow around it. This is his aura.

Please note that, unlike plants, the aura of objects may not be as bright, but it is more stable and does not change. Also keep in mind that it is better to start practicing with objects that have served you for more than seven years, because in this case their aura will be quite clear. Gradually move from old items to newer ones, and then from your personal things to others.

Exercise “Observing the energy field around your HANDS”

Sit in front of a light, uniform background in a comfortable position that keeps your body relaxed.

On initial stages as a background, it is preferable not just a light plane, but a light gray or white illuminated coating, for example, a sheet of thick matte paper placed in front of a table lamp. At the same time, the light should not blind the eyes: passing through the thickness of the paper, it becomes soft and evenly diffused.

Sit down so that the constructed screen is at face level at a distance of approximately 30-50 cm. Raise your hand so that it is approximately in the center of the background plane at a distance of 5-10 cm. Turn your palm towards you, with your fingers looking up. Try to relax, it is especially important to feel complete relaxation in the eye area so that your gaze can freely unfocus.

After this, start looking at your hand with your fingers slightly spread. You need to see all the fingers and the background at the same time. The eyes should remain relaxed and the gaze unfocused at all times. Look freely, not peering at something specific, but as if through your palm. After a while, you will notice, or rather, even feel a faint glow around your fingers and a translucent haze 1-5 mm thick.

Now begin to slowly move your hand to the right and left within 5-10 cm, while continuing to look. The haze will become clearer and more noticeable, and when you move your fingers you will see a translucent “trail”. Continue moving your hand and looking until you see a clear glow and a dense fog 5-10 mm thick around your fingers.

Try to track at what focusing the haze, fog and glow are most clearly visible. After you achieve results using a light backlit background, try practicing without the backlight. Later, it is recommended to change the background from white to black or dark blue, and the haze will be visible even more clearly than before.

Subsequently, you can work with the background of any other colors, and the color of the haze will change slightly in each case. While working on this exercise, you should ensure that the haze is clearly visible and maintains its thickness even after stopping the movement.

Everyone has an aura, but only a few see it! Now you can find out how to do it yourself! Methodology for developing ability!

Aura is the energy shell of the body. Ancient esoteric knowledge is confirmed by modern scientists that the human body is not one: besides the physical there is more thin bodies, and the aura¹ is a reflection of the existence of subtle bodies.

This article describes an exercise with which you will learn to see a person’s aura.

Exercise for developing aura vision

For this exercise you will need a sheet of colored paper measuring 10*10 cm, blue or dark green.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body.

2. Feeling relaxed, he opens his eyes and unfocuses his gaze according to the principle of “looking into nothing”, trying to cover with his vision the entire picture that his eyes are capable of seeing. The image may double - a sign that everything is going right.

3. A person pays attention to colored paper, which is located in front of him at a distance of 50 cm from his face.

4. The practitioner peers with a defocused gaze at the colored paper.

It is necessary to use your imagination to “zoom in” and “zoom out” of the image. After some time of practice, this effect will become noticeable with normal vision.

5. Then you need to concentrate your attention on the corners of the piece of paper: in acute forms the most powerful energy accumulates.

6. The practitioner begins to look through the piece of paper, as if it had become transparent.

The most important thing is to keep your vision unfocused! There is no need to highlight the paper, its color, sharp corners or a dark background in the background, you need to generalize your view, as if what you see are parts of a single image.

7. Continuing to look with a defocused gaze “through” the paper, after some time the person will begin to notice a weak, barely noticeable glow, vibration along the edges of the paper. This etheric body⁴, the first sign of an aura.

The effect of this practice occurs only with regular training. At first the glow will be white, but as the ability develops you will begin to see different colors, clear forms and features of the aura!

In order for the result to come faster, and you can see the aura and continue to develop this skill, here are some useful tips:

  • During practice, it is recommended to think about pleasant things. Positive emotions increase hypersensitivity.
  • There is no need to overdo it by repeating thoughts: “Now I’ll see her!”, or something similar. It is enough to simply relax your mind and concentrate on the exercise.
  • To overcome doubt, the question of faith and disbelief, it is recommended to look at this exercise as training the body: if you play sports, your muscles become stronger and your body becomes more perfect. In this practice, everything is exactly the same: keep doing it, and the effect will appear!
  • You need to be persistent. Things must always be completed, even if emotions say that everything is pointless.
  • It is very useful to pay attention to all changes. Celebrate progress in all areas of practice: that concentration has become stronger; the fact that unnecessary thoughts no longer interfere, etc. This will strengthen your intention to achieve results!
  • Before class, pronounce the following statement: “I am in harmony with the world, I component! This synchronizes a person’s consciousness with his spirit and helps in the development of extrasensory abilities.

Ways to enhance the superpower to see auras

There are some conditions under which the aura is more visible.

Dimmed rooms are well suited: the eyes pay less attention to details and are easier to unfocus in the dark; this allows you to see the image of the aura more clearly.

1. When evening comes, the practitioner goes out onto the balcony and selects an object whose aura he will examine. For example, your hand.

2. It is necessary that there is a person from the room behind bright light, which can provide good lighting.

3. A man looks out of focus at his hand against the dark sky.

When the skill of seeing an aura has already been developed, he will soon see a glow along the contours of the hand and will be able to examine it in detail.

Also effective method training is looking at the outlines of trees against a dark sky.

IN evening time and at night the trees are always darker than the sky; If you peer with a defocused gaze in the manner described above at the crown of a tree, you will be able to see a glow along its contour.

Auras of other people. How to watch?

Observing the energy shells of other people is best to start with the head. That's where the glow is strongest; Once you see it, you can easily see the whole aura of a person.

It is useful to consider the auras of people in places where they gather, where they do not move. For example, on subway escalators or open-air concerts. People do not move, and this allows you to calmly see the glow.

In order to strengthen your abilities, you need to examine the aura in different places every day.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura - invisible by the human eye the shell that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (Wikipedia).

² Learn the technique of cleansing the energy shell

An aura is a physical manifestation of the soul, and a person is able to see them. There is nothing supernatural about this - just ordinary physics and normal vision.

Seeing the aura is not difficult, and after reading the instructions, you will learn how to do it in one minute. Auras vary in color, the color of the aura is associated with the state of your body and your character traits. Moreover, you can learn to change the color of your aura, thereby supporting wellness, identify your illnesses even before their signs appear, and promote the healing of ailments. Having mastered the art of seeing auras, you will also acquire the ability to recognize the attitude of others towards you.


The two exercises below will help you learn to see auras, both your own and other people's, using ten simple recommendations. The first, etheric, layer of the aura can be seen by everyone, since it is close to the body and, as a rule, is the brightest. The second, astral, shell of the aura is located further from the body, it is more diffuse. Please note that these layers may change colors and blend, and are rarely separated by a clear line.


Place the object of observation at a distance of 45 to 60 cm in front of a white wall. At first, it is advisable to avoid painted or patterned walls.

Use indirect lighting - natural, diffused daylight if possible. Avoid neon lights and direct sunlight.

View the object from a distance of at least 2.5 - 3 meters.

Ask your subject to relax, breathe deeply, and rock slightly from side to side, keeping your arms relaxed and your palms open.

Look past the subject's head and shoulders, focusing your gaze on the wall behind him.

Try not to look at the object, focusing on the structure of the plaster or the background that is behind the object.

Peering along the outlines of the body, at the border of the body and air, you will notice a strip of blurry light around the object, about 1 cm wide. This is an ethereal aura.

Keep looking “through” the object and you will see it as if it were backlit, perhaps with a bright yellow or silvery light. One side may be brighter or pulsate slowly. Auras are rarely uniform.

All people are different. Some objects will have a less distinct aura than others, and not every observer will see the colors the first time. A vague membrane, or halo, around the body becomes noticeable quite quickly, usually within a minute or even less.

Try working with different objects and experimenting with lighting and backgrounds. Soon you will see a second, wider band of light spreading around the body to a width of 10 to 50 cm. This is the astral aura. It is usually darker and more diffuse.


Stand in front of the mirror, half a meter away from it or further, if possible.

Make sure you have a white or neutral background visible in the mirror behind you.

Relax, breathe deeply and rock slightly from side to side.

Focus your gaze on the surface texture of the wall behind you.

Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a shell of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly.

Remember to follow your breathing, as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.

Lighting should be dim, not too bright and not too dim. Experiment. The aura cannot be seen in complete darkness, and the bright light blurs even the most iridescent aura.

The color of the clothes doesn't matter. As you learn to distinguish the color of your aura, you may find that it does not harmonize with certain items in your wardrobe, but, nevertheless, you will understand that the true color of your aura is not affected by clothing.

Try some experiments with color projection. Choose a color and try to visualize it. With this exercise you can temporarily change the base color of your aura, and the change will be noticeable.

As you exhale, the aura will increase. Listing numbers from one to thirty will help you release energy. After every two numbers, take a breath. After the number twenty, hold your breath, increasing the counting speed, and you will see how the size and vibration of your aura changes. When you restore calm breathing, the aura will return to its previous size, but may increase in brightness.

I am attaching a video to this post in which you will find 2 unique vision trainings to develop the ability to see the aura!!!


Colors have certain emotional characteristics, known in most cultures of the world for centuries. This explanation can be used as a basis for analyzing the relationship between emotions and colors, and also provides information about the main organs of the body that are affected by these colors.


Achievements in the spiritual sphere, connection with the divine, mystical insight, cosmic self-awareness.


Inspiration or deep wisdom. May indicate a spiritual or pious nature. Artistry and harmony with nature. The ability to control oneself.


Powerful psyche, intellect, logical thinking. Pure blue color demonstrates the ability to intuition. Dark shades indicate a suspicious, overthinking personality or a dreamy mindset.


Love and kindness, compassion, optimism, “breath of life.” Balance, harmony, a penchant for healing, the ability to bring peace. Clean green color indicates adaptability, versatility. Dark shades mean deceit, jealousy, mental trauma.


Will, physical stamina, activity. Dark, lifeless shades of yellow demonstrate suspicion, envy or greed. Concentrated in the solar plexus area.


Ambition, sexual power. Dark or cloudy red shows a tendency towards passion or anger. Focused on the genital area.


Physical liveliness, energy, physical strength and health.


SCARLET- lust, base passions, materialism.

PINK– selfless love, tenderness, modesty.

BROWN- greed, selfishness.

GOLDEN– higher “I”, good qualities, harmony.

SILVER– versatility, high energy, constant change.

GREY– depression, low energy, fear.

BLACKbad thoughts, malice, evil intentions.