Allowances for class rank to prosecutors. Social support measures for prosecutors

The assistant prosecutor prepares materials for court appearances, collects evidence and builds a line of accusation. He must have a sharp mind, analytical skills and oratory skills. On behalf of his superiors, he conducts inspections and identifies illegal actions of managers of all ranks.

Professional salaries

The earnings of specialists include the salary associated with the position held, additional payment for the title and experience work.

The table shows the salaries of assistant prosecutors depending on place of residence and position held:

Star. pom. prosecutor Pom. on special occasions Assistant
thousand roubles. USD thousand roubles USD thousand roubles. USD
Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation 84,1 – 86,2 1330-1362 80,3 – 82,1 1267-1299 66,4 – 68,1 1045-1077
Prosecutor's offices of large cities
Prosecutor's offices of medium-sized cities (5 – 6 gr.) 59,2 – 61,4 934 — 966 58,3 – 60,4 919 — 950 52,2 – 54,3 824 — 855
In small towns (group 7) 58,5 – 60,1 919 — 950 57,3 – 59,2 903 — 934 51,1 – 53,4 808 – 839

For comparison, the salaries of prosecutors in senior positions:

  • - / - in Gen. prosecutor's office - 90,000 rubles. ($1425);
  • deputy prosecutor – 70 – 80 thousand ($1109 – 1267);
  • head of the investigation department - 80 - 85 thousand ($1267 - 1346).

Group 1 includes cities where more than 1500 thousand people. In group 2 - settlements with a population of up to 1 million 500 thousand people.

In 2018, the Government planned to reduce spending on prosecutorial bodies to RUB 61.1 billion., and in 2019 – up to 60.6 billion. In connection with this decision, serious reductions in the number of employees are possible, but those who remain will receive increased salaries and good material support.

Payment of colleagues in the military department

Salaries of prosecutors' office employees are determined as a percentage of the tariff rate of the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. His rate, in turn, is 80% from the salary of the Chairman of the RF Armed Forces, i.e. RUB 25,678. ($407). Based on these data, it is possible to calculate the income of all employees.

The table shows the salaries of employees of the prosecutor's office of the military department as a percentage:


Senior assistant military pr-ra Pom. on special assignments Assistant Military Prosecutor
Ch. military prosecutor's office 86 82
Military - / - regions, autonomous districts and territories 72 70 62
- / - cities and regional centers:
number of employees – over 10 people. 62 57
from 6 to 10 employees 61 54
up to 6 people 60 53

Additional payments and incentives

Assistant District Attorney receives a salary 20 – 25 thousand rubles. ($317 – 396). The monthly income of prosecutors' office employees does not consist of salary alone. Monthly additional payments are most earnings.

These include:

  • incentive bonuses;
  • payments for class;
  • for a scientific degree;
  • for special merits;
  • for working with classified information.

General the amount of additional payments and incentives can increase the salary several times.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the coefficients of monetary additional payments for employees of the prosecutor's office are determined:

  • senior assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, performing special assignments - 4;
  • senior assistant First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation – 2.5;
  • pom. prosecutor for special assignments in the regions of the Russian Federation – 1.75;
  • pom. prosecutor - 1.

Benefits for employees

Assistant prosecutors enjoy the same benefits as all employees of the prosecutor's office:

  1. The pension is 80% from the basic salary + mandatory additional payment - 5,5% from the same amount.
  2. Free medical care for employees and their families.
  3. Paid leave is provided for 30 full days + additional leave of necessity.
  4. The state provides free health, life and property insurance at the expense of the budget.

Payments are made based on the insured event:

  • if the performance of official duties resulted in the death of an employee, then his family will receive 180 of the employee’s salary;
  • if, as a result of the injuries received, a disability occurs that precludes the performance of job responsibilities, pay 36 salaries;
  • in case of bodily injury that does not result in disability, the employee receives 12 salaries;
  • damage caused to the property of an employee of the prosecutor's office or his family is compensated in full from the country's state budget.
  1. Free travel is provided in all types of transport, except taxis.
  2. Those in need of improved housing conditions purchase separate housing from federal budget funds allocated for these purposes.
  3. Housing rent is compensated.
  4. Children of prosecutors' office employees are provided with priority places in kindergartens, schools and summer recreation camps.

The job of an assistant prosecutor is not only prestigious, but also quite profitable, in addition, there is real opportunity climb up career ladder.

Length of service years determines the basic income of employees. How longer person serves in the prosecutor's office, the higher his salary.

Job responsibilities

Graduates of law universities who have completed postgraduate education courses become assistant prosecutors. Students who want to work in the prosecutor's office strive to do internships there. This helps you delve deeper into the work, determine your specialization and get to know the team.

A stranger they will not be accepted into the prosecutor's office - working with secret documentation requires extreme caution.

If a student manages to prove himself with the best side, that is, there is a chance that he will be hired when a vacancy appears.

Main responsibilities of a specialist:

  • supervision over the implementation of laws in the entrusted territory;
  • for the implementation Constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens;
  • the legality of the actions of bailiffs;
  • for compliance with laws and the rights of citizens in government institutions;
  • takes part in judicial and investigative processes;
  • combats corruption;

    How much does an assistant prosecutor earn - overview

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The prosecutor's office is the whole system bodies supervising the implementation of laws in the Russian Federation. The organization itself is paramilitary, that is, it consists of military law enforcement services and civilian ones. The prosecutor's office has no relation to any branch of government; it can carry out all its actions and powers without interference from the legislative, judicial or executive branches.

In principle, it is noted that from the first day of its foundation in Russian state The structure of the organization itself has not changed at all. But, naturally, the functions, powers and responsibilities of employees have changed. Today, it is mandatory for them to have a higher legal education and gain experience as investigators. That is, you should not hope to move from university chairs directly to the prosecutor’s chair; such responsible work requires experience. Due to the persistent negative attitude towards prosecutors, myths are created about widespread corruption in their ranks. Let's find out how much they pay for the work of a prosecutor.

Presidential order

Several years ago, the President of the Russian Federation signed decrees stating that all employees budgetary organizations must raise wages until 2020, focusing on the annual percentage of inflation and rising prices for products from the consumer basket.

In principle, everything happened in accordance with this order, until 2020. But the crisis in the country has had Negative influence on the economy, as well as filling the budget. In the current situation, wages stopped increasing, and in addition, indexation was cancelled. In 2019 it will be produced, but only by 5.5 percent, while inflation is expected to be 12 percent. This indicator is relevant for everyone budgetary institutions, and not just in the prosecutor's office.

The prosecutor's salary can increase not through an increase in salary, but through additional payments and various financial incentives. As competent people from the government clarified, salaries will increase only for those who show effective work and corresponding results. It is not yet entirely clear what criteria are used to measure the effectiveness of a prosecutor. Compared to other state employees, prosecutors and their assistants today receive quite a lot. Due to the budget deficit foreseen in advance, which will not be enough for almost 2 trillion. rubles, we can conclude that even the promised indexation will not be carried out at the beginning of the year, but only closer to October and only if the economy stabilizes.

Prosecutors' income

What is the average salary for representatives of this profession, and on what basis is it calculated? It’s not difficult to figure this out, the main thing is to know the basic criteria. For example:

  • prosecutor's experience;
  • what rank he holds at the time of accrual;
  • what is his basic salary?
  • what is the amount of bonuses and regional payments.

Summing up these indicators, we get a fairly noticeable cash payment.

But as it became known, this year the president received instructions that it was worth cutting costs. The prosecutor's office decided to do this not by laying off employees, but by waiving bonuses. For example: an assistant prosecutor's salary is only 15,000, but various additional payments and bonuses can increase the amount of payment by almost 200%. 45-50 thousand get proxies, while the salary of the owner of the prosecutor’s office has long exceeded 60-80 thousand rubles. Since the organization's expenses would have to be cut by 10 percent, the annual bonus would likely not be paid. In this case, the fact of the discrepancy is not clear; having indexed the amounts, the government still took more with the other hand.

Who is a prosecutor and the advantages of this profession

First of all, this is a high-quality qualified specialist, performing the functions of the prosecution in controversial proceedings. There are several more points that characterize the direct responsibilities of the prosecutor:

  • participation in trials and assistance in civil and criminal disputes;
  • the opportunity to appeal a court decision if it violates rights or does not take into account the law;
  • protesting sentences, adopted acts, as well as incorrect procedural determinations;
  • initiation of criminal or administrative cases;
  • coordinating the actions of law enforcement agencies;
  • exercising supervision over compliance with laws (in their approved form).

If the work of the prosecutor is carried out properly professional level, then the salary will be replete with bonus payments. The bet itself is also quite significant, as mentioned earlier. This is one of the main advantages. We can also note a certain importance of the prosecutor’s office employees and the prospect of professional growth. The more experience you can gain, the more valuable your work in the prosecutorial field will be.

It is also worth noting the clear hierarchy that exists in the organization. Absolutely all employees are subordinate to the Prosecutor General, but not directly, but through their immediate superiors. IN general outline it looks like this:

  • General Prosecutor's Office;
  • prosecutor's office of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • city ​​and district prosecutor's office.

The prosecutor himself usually also has several people subordinate to him:

  • first Deputy;
  • deputy;
  • Department head;
  • major assistant;
  • ordinary assistant.

The salaries of all these appointees are in the range of 40,000 to 80,000, as stated earlier.

Where to begin

Everyone who took the corresponding chair had to study at a specialized law school. Next, work for a number of years as an investigator, since it is important for a prosecutor to have practical experience in handling cases. Later, after successfully passing the medical examination, the prospect appears of moving to work in the prosecutor's office, as an assistant to the current boss. Helper responsibilities include:

  • making independent decisions;
  • preparation of reports on the progress of the process;
  • conducting the necessary investigation, by order of the prosecutor.

There is a list of actions that the assistant cannot perform independently and must obtain a resolution from management. For example:

  • issuing a warrant to search the premises;
  • extension of arrest periods;
  • extension of the necessary investigation period.

You will have to prove yourself from the best side in order to move to the rank of senior attorney with the prosecutor. All this time, the salary will not yet be high, but your boss may reward you for Good work. After you learn how to navigate your work and continue to improve yourself, you will have the opportunity to take the coveted chair. Of course, then the main difficulties will only begin, since the work is extremely difficult and responsible. But status and salary will certainly increase.

In 2018, the average salary of a prosecutor in Russia was 60,292 rubles. It depends on the level of management, position, rank, and length of service in the prosecution authorities. The highest official salaries can be found in Moscow, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg; minimal - in Magadan, Astrakhan, Belgorod. The increase in wages occurred twice - in 2014 by 5.0% and in 2018 - by 12.0-18.0%. The Prosecutor General's earnings exceeded 0.5 million rubles. High salaries are paid to prosecutors in Switzerland, Andorra, Norway; some of the lowest are in Ukraine and Moldova.

The prosecutor's office is one of the central authorities responsible for the detection and identification of offenses. The key requirements for the profession are impeccable knowledge of the nuances of Russian legislation, the practice of applying the law, and judicial precedents. All this justifies the high wages of employees of this government agency. The high salary of a prosecutor is also a factor in curbing the temptation to commit corrupt acts.

In 2018, the average salary of a prosecutor in Russia was, according to Rosstat of the Russian Federation, 60,292 rubles. per month, including in the district prosecutor's office 48,924 rubles, and in the regional and regional ones - 54,519 rubles. The average salary of employees of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia was set at 83,103 rubles.

Table 1. How much do prosecutors earn in Russia in 2018

Source: Rosstat

Important point! Together with the high level of remuneration, prestige and career prospects, the activities of prosecutors are highest level responsibility in decision making, since participants trial can submit at any time . It is important to mention the exposure of the employee himself and his family members to danger, difficulties in matters of employment in the field of prosecutorial supervision, as well as the likelihood of psychological and emotional state employees of the prosecutor's office.

What does the salary of a public prosecutor depend on?

The salary of state prosecutors, which, like that of a doctor, a teacher kindergarten, paid from the state budget, varies widely: from 40 to 500 thousand rubles. It is possible to talk about how much a prosecutor earns only based on a wide range of factors:

  1. Rank. Specialists may receive special employee titles based on their length of service and achievements. Investigative Committee Russia (captain, major, lieutenant of justice), as well as class ranks of prosecutors (lawyer 1st, 2nd class or counselor of justice). Since prosecutors receive bonuses for their rank, they directly affect their earnings.
  2. Job title. The prosecutor's office employs assistants, senior and chief specialists, not to mention the existence of a position Prosecutor General Russia.
  3. Level. The salary of specialists at the district prosecutor's office varies from 40 to 70 thousand rubles, at the regional level - from 60 to 90 thousand. The salary of a prosecutor in Moscow at the level of district investigative bodies is 70-150 thousand, while the monthly income of the Prosecutor General of Russia is approaching to 500 thousand rubles.
  4. Work experience. Since prosecutors receive bonuses for length of service, like other civil servants and the military, the length of service in the prosecutor's office directly affects the amount of remuneration.

Reference! Main function public prosecutor - a description of the motives of the person who committed the offense. The high remuneration of these civil servants is explained by the need for strict compliance with all moral and official aspects in the course of their activities.

What is the salary of a prosecutor in different cities of Russia?

There is another factor that determines the salary of Russian prosecution representatives - the region of their activity. Depending on the region of the country, the average salary varies widely: from 40 to 90 thousand rubles.

Source: Rosstat of Russia

Important point! Statistics show that there is little difference between prosecutors' salaries by gender, with men earning a national average of 65,000 and women earning just over 64,000.

Increases in earnings and indexation

In 2014, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation decided to increase salaries for civil servants, on the basis of which the salaries of prosecutors’ office employees increased by 5%.

In 2015, 2016, 2017 The salaries of prosecutors' office employees were affected only by indexation: the increase over three years was 4.7%.

Reference! In 2012, the issue of consistent increases in the salaries of prosecution workers in 2014 and 2018 was discussed. In 2018 it was adoptedResolution "On the establishment of official salaries of prosecutorial employees of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation" № 206 , on the basis of which they increased as a percentage of the salary of the First Deputy Prosecutor General Russian Federation. In absolute terms, earnings increased by 12-18%.

Salaries of Russian prosecutors over recent years

Over the past 5 years in Russia, the average monthly salaries of prosecutors have changed upward due to a two-stage increase - in 2014 and 2018. As a result, from 2013 to 2018, the average pay for prosecutors increased by 29.1%.

Source: Rosstat of the Russian Federation

How much do employees of the prosecutor's office - investigators, prosecutors, assistants, lawyers - get paid?

There are many specialists in the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation - lawyers, heads of departments, investigators, etc., whose salaries are in the same dynamics as the salaries of state prosecutors.

Table 2. Remuneration of employees of the prosecutor's office in 2018 (after increase)

Job title Per month, rub. Per month, %
Prosecutor 60292 100
First Deputy 54028 78
Deputy 49822 76
Major assistant 46204 70
Special Assistant 44395 67
Assistant 36175.2 60
Head of Department 46204 70
Deputy Head of Department 44395 67
Department head 46204 70
44395 67
Department head 41792 66
Deputy Head of Department 38586 64
Investigator of the department 37381 62
Lawyer of the department 36175 60

Prosecutors, as representatives of government, have a good social protection from the state. The same applies to close relatives and family members of employees. Speaking about this, we can list the protection factors - these are life, health, property and property of the listed objects.

The procedure and conditions for the implementation of state protection of prosecutors are determined by the Federal Law “On State Protection of Judges, officials law enforcement and regulatory authorities", as well as other acts of the Russian Federation.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has a service to ensure its own safety and physical protection of workers.

The burial of prosecutors who died in connection with the performance of official duties, as well as prosecutors dismissed from service who died as a result of bodily injury or other harm to health in connection with the performance of official duties, is carried out at the expense of funds allocated to finance the prosecutor's office.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ)

Prosecutors have the right to constant wearing and storage of combat hand-held small arms (pistols, revolvers) intended for personal protection and special means, as well as to use them in the order established by law Russian Federation. The types and models of these weapons and the procedure for their acquisition by the prosecutor's office are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2010 N 404-FZ)

Prosecutors are also protected by insurance, that is, compulsory state personal insurance in an amount equal to 180 times their monthly salary.

Organs state insurance insurance amounts are paid in the following cases:

Death (death) of a prosecutor during his work or after dismissal, if it occurred as a result of bodily injury or other harm to health in connection with his official activities - to his heirs in an amount equal to 180 times the average monthly salary of the prosecutor;

Causing bodily injury or other harm to health in connection with his official activities to the prosecutor, precluding further opportunity to engage in professional activities - in an amount equal to 36 times his average monthly salary;

Causing bodily injury or other harm to health in connection with his official activities to the prosecutor, which did not result in permanent loss of ability to work and did not affect the ability to engage in future professional activities - in an amount equal to 12 times his average monthly salary.

If the prosecutor was injured while performing his duties, after which the employee cannot perform professional activity, then the employee is paid monthly compensation in the form of the difference between his average monthly salary and the pension assigned in connection with this, without taking into account the amount of payments received under compulsory state personal insurance.

In the event of the death of a prosecutor in connection with the performance of official duties, as well as a prosecutor dismissed from service who died as a result of bodily injury or other harm to health in connection with the performance of official duties, the disabled members of his family who were dependent on him are paid monthly compensation in the form the difference between their portion of the deceased’s (deceased) salary and the survivor’s pension assigned to them, excluding the amount of payments received under compulsory state personal insurance. To determine the specified part of the salary, the average monthly salary of the deceased (deceased) is divided by the number of family members who were dependent on him, including those of working age.

The family of the deceased retains the right to receive comfortable living quarters on the conditions and grounds that existed at the time of the death of the prosecutor.

Damage that was caused by the destruction or damage of property belonging to the prosecutor or his family members in connection with his official activities is subject to compensation to him or his family members in full.

As for the reason for refusal to pay insurance amounts, this can be attributed to different cases. For example, the basis for refusal to pay insurance amounts and compensation in the cases provided for in this article is only a verdict or court ruling against a person found guilty of the death of the prosecutor, causing him bodily harm or destruction or damage to property belonging to him, which established that these events are not related to the official activities of the prosecutor.

In accordance with Article 44 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1991 N 2202-1 (as amended on November 28, 2015) "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" there are different types monetary maintenance of social security for prosecutors:

  • 1) Additional payment:
    • - for class rank
    • - for length of service
    • - behind special conditions service (in the amount of 175 percent of the basic salary)
    • - for complexity, tension and high achievements in service (up to 50 percent)
  • 2) Percentage allowances:
    • - for a registration degree and academic title in a specialty corresponding to job responsibilities
    • - for the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation”
  • 3) Bonuses based on service results for the quarter and year
  • 4) Other payments provided for by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation
  • (as amended by Federal Law No. 284-FZ dated December 30, 2012)

Additional pay for tension, complexity and high achievements in the service is established by the heads of the body or organization of the prosecutor's office, taking into account the amount of work and the results of the service of each employee.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 N 233-FZ)

Monetary remuneration for the Prosecutor General is established by the President of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated 06/05/2007 N 87-FZ, dated 12/28/2010 N 404-FZ).

Official salaries of prosecutors are established by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation as a percentage of the official salary of the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, which is 80 percent of the official salary of the Chairman Supreme Court RF.

For persons filling certain positions of prosecutorial workers in the prosecutor's office, a monthly monetary incentive is established.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 30, 2012 N 284-FZ)

Right to social Security indicated in Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says that Russia is a social state, and its policy is aimed at creating good conditions that will give a decent, free life and development to people. Social security for prosecutors is perceived as additional measure income, and prosecutors do not need it as much as many poor people whose salaries would like to be better. But it is worth noting that such people are provided with social security in the first place, what about prosecutors, this is one of the social security programs for civil servants, which is not only bypassed for them, but is a pleasant addition to the basic salary, and is an incentive for good valiant service . People criticize the government because social security is not developing and there is no benefit from it, but if you imagine that it would not exist at all, then it’s immediately scary to stand up for the people, and the more you disagree with the criticism.

After all, thanks social programs, for many children, not healthy people, elderly, in my opinion, the level of living in the country is growing. If it weren't for this, I don't even want to imagine what would have happened. The minimum that can be imagined free medicine, no cronyism, no subsidies, which are so necessary for some. If he talks about historical concept and the development of social security, what comes to mind is that such a concept existed back in Ancient Rus'. It still exists in an evolving form.

So, if we talk about the concept and essence of social security, then this is a component of state policy, which is expressed in providing certain citizens with monetary assistance from the country’s budget. The motive of this situation is to create equal conditions for the existence of people in the country. The concept of social security is meant as protective function. Other possible classification this is differentiation social assistance and social security. Social security is provided on the terms established by the state, at the expense of public off-budget funds, in the event of social risks, to maintain the well-being of citizens.

Social security can be divided into classifications. These are Centralized and Decentralized.

Social security is a very important and independent branch of law. This is a kind of struggle with the citizens of the state. This is also a collection legal norms that regulate social relations. Social consists of five types.

The first pension, which directly depends on age, length of service or, in our case, length of service, disability, loss of a breadwinner, and the like.

The second is payments various kinds benefits. This includes temporary disability, families, and children.

The third is benefits, compensation, services for categories of citizens (veterans with many children, disabled people).

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has a territorial scope of activity. As a federal authority, it extends its activities throughout the country.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a centralized system of bodies, which includes the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, territorial and specialized bodies, as well as a set of scientific, research, advisory, educational and publishing institutions.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in strictly defined current legislation forms and types. The Law on the Prosecutor's Office includes: the implementation of prosecutorial supervision, the implementation of criminal prosecution, participation in courts and in meetings of representative bodies of state power and local self-government, coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat crime, participation in law-making activities, international cooperation, as well as consideration and resolution of requests containing information about violations of the law.

In cases of death of an employee in connection with the performance of official duties, as well as dismissal from service of an employee who died as a result of serious harm to health in connection with the performance of official duties, disabled family members of employees who were dependent on them are paid monthly compensation in the form of the difference which came to their share with part of the salary of the deceased employee and the pension assigned to him in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, without taking into account the amount of payments received under compulsory state personal insurance. Employees of the prosecutor's office are subject to compulsory personal insurance at the expense of the state.

Social security in a democratic society, that is, in ours, is an area of ​​​​crossing the vital interests of citizens, a sense of ownership and distribution, legal tricks and their regulation, social policy country, the validity of the socio-economic rights of a citizen. This is also the activity of realizing universal human moral values ​​and benefits, or, more precisely, solidarity, humanism, equality, the arches of man and the moral foundations of man. Therefore, we can endlessly talk about how social security is important for all people and all professions.

For prosecutors, honor and duty are perhaps the most important aspects of their profession, and they must be accompanied by material bonuses, if we speak in youth language. Material support as an incentive for workers not to get involved in corruption, which is developed in our country. Moreover, if there are people in the employee’s family whose children he must care for and provide for, who suffer from illness, poor health, are disabled, and so on. The state is obliged to pay extra to such people and provide financial support in every possible way.

Actuation social law employee and any citizen of the country for social protection has its own characteristics and principles (which are spelled out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other acts of an international and Russian nature) are carried out in various kinds of specific organizational and legal forms, and from them one can find social support and social services and social support is of enormous importance in the role of social protection.

The features and principles of social security include the following aspects: grounds precisely prescribed by law that create the need for a mechanism for social security of people to ensure normal life.

A normal and civilized society cannot exist normally without certain human rights and freedoms. This serves as the main aspect of the existence of social security and protection, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Such freedoms are created as the state reaches a cultural, moral and spiritual level that opens up new possibilities.

The legal framework for social security, which we discuss in this chapter, determines the level of minimum wages. Retirement age, degree of disability.

Guarantees for provision and protection related to the upbringing and development of children and other cases that are provided for in the laws on social security of the Russian Federation are also highlighted.

According to Law No. 247-FZ O social guarantees employees of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, who was mentioned above, that legal basis, namely this law regulates relations related to monetary allowance and pension provision employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, providing them with the necessary housing for their families, health insurance and ensuring everyone medical services in case of injury to both employees and citizens of the Russian Federation dismissed from service in the authorities, including members of their families and persons who were dependent on them and the guarantees provided for them (Article 1.1).

Family members of the employee and former employee internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and other family members and citizens of the Russian Federation who are related to this law are considered:

  • - Spouse of the employee (registered married to the employee)
  • - Spouse or husband of the deceased employee (also registered as married)
  • - Minor children, children over 18 years of age who have become disabled before adulthood, and children under 23 years of age studying in educational institutions on a full-time course.
  • - persons who are fully supported (dependent) by employees internal organs(citizens dismissed from service) (Article 1.2).

Let's continue our topic important aspect- monetary allowances for employees. And so, what we know is that salary is the main source of income for any internal affairs employee. When I say internal affairs officer, I mean prosecutorial employees, because that’s what they are. This is also an incentive to fulfill job duties and respect the honor and duty of the employee.

Payments to employees are carried out in accordance with this law and other acts of the Russian Federation.

It consists of a monthly official salary in accordance with the employee’s position and a salary in accordance with the assignment of a special rank, which is the full monthly salary of this rank and other monthly payments.

Speaking about the amounts of these salaries for positions and special ranks, they are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, upon the proposal of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. As well as the head of another government agency in which employees serve. (Article 2)

Based on all of the above, we can say that the social security of employees has a fixed fundamental nature in relation to the legal legal regulation, and form a clear system.

Also, the salary depends on federal law about the budget of the Russian Federation, and can increase and decrease. It also depends on inflation and decisions on salary increases by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Concerning additional payments employees, you can consider the following payments:

  • - monthly bonus to the basic salary for length of service
  • - for a qualified title
  • - for special conditions of service
  • - for working with information constituting a state secret
  • - bonuses for conscientious performance of duties
  • - payments for achievements in service
  • - allowance for special risk for life in service in peacetime.

It is also worth noting the coefficients associated with work in high-mountainous, desert, waterless areas and percentage premiums

As for the salary bonus for length of service, it is set in the following amounts:

  • - from two to five years - 10 percent
  • - from five to ten years - 15 percent
  • - from ten to fifteen years - 20 percent
  • - from fifteen to twenty years - 25 percent
  • - from twenty to twenty-five years - 30 percent
  • - from twenty-five years and more - 40 percent
  • - third class - 5 percent
  • - second class - 10 percent
  • - first class - 20 percent
  • - upper class- 30 percent

The monthly salary supplement for special service conditions is set at 100 percent of the salary. The payment procedure is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Specific sizes are established by another executive body in the field of internal affairs in which the employee serves.

The salary bonus for working with state secret information is 60 percent of the salary. The payment procedure is established in the same way as described above.

As for bonuses, we can say that they are characterized and paid for the performance of official duties (conscientiously), and are paid in the amount of three maintenance salaries per year, paid in the manner determined by the head of the federation. executive authority.

Incentive payments for achievements in service in the amount of one hundred percent of the employee’s monthly salary. The procedure is also determined by the head of the body where the employee serves.

There are also coefficients of additional payments to the salary for those who serve in the Far North (high mountain areas, desert and waterless areas). To implement these coefficients and percentage premiums, the following are taken into account:

  • 1. official salary
  • 2. salary for special rank
  • 3. salary bonus for length of service (length of service)
  • 4. bonus for a qualified title
  • 5. allowance for special conditions of service
  • 6. bonus for secret information, or rather for working with it.

The procedure for applying coefficients is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Also, in addition to everything, other additional options can be installed. Payments and allowances. They are regulated by the volume of importance and complexity of tasks.

Now I mention employees who serve outside the Russian Federation and resolving issues regarding payment in foreign currency. In principle, everything that has been said before explains how and with what allowances, bonuses, etc. are paid to such employees (Article 19). The procedure is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Employees captured, missing in action, as well as in the status of a military commander, also receive some kind of compensation, allowances and monthly allowances. They are paid to spouses of employees.

Employees performing duties in another position are paid a salary based on the salary of the position they are replacing.