Negative characteristics of a student butt. Student characteristics - what kind of document is this?

Student from the place of study may be required not only for employment. Call for military service, interaction with law enforcement agencies, admission to another educational institution (for example, when transferring to another university) - all such life situations require the provision of this document. How to write a description, what exactly to include in it and what to focus on - read the article below.

Structure of characteristics from the place of study

Despite the fact that compiling a profile is the responsibility of the dean’s office or rector’s office, students often have to do this on their own. Typically to save time. It’s not difficult to write a description, especially since unified form is not provided for such documents.

However, it is still worthwhile to comply with generally accepted standards, especially if the reference is intended to be sent to an official institution. For example, to the military registration and enlistment office or to the enterprise where the graduate is going to find a job.

The structure of the characteristics from the place of study includes several points:


Full name of the addressee (institution for which the characteristics are being prepared), position, surname and initials of the manager or authorized employee (for example, head of the personnel department).

The absence of a heading with a note indicating the direction of the characteristics at the place of requirement at the end of the document is allowed.

Questionnaire part

Personal details of the student or graduate being characterized: last name, first name, patronymic, date (sometimes place) of birth, as well as year of enrollment educational institution, number of course and study group, name of faculty and department.

Academic Data

Assessment of academic performance, attitude towards learning, level of class attendance. This section usually contains information about the achievements of the person being characterized - participation in social work, Olympiads, competitions, etc.


Descriptions of the student’s personal qualities: characteristics of character and behavior, assessment of the level of culture, discipline, data on relationships with other students and teachers. If the characteristics are drawn up for sending to the military registration and enlistment office, it is appropriate to make a note about sporting achievements.

Final part

Date of compilation of characteristics and signatures of employees educational institution- as a rule, this is the curator of the group in which the student is studying, and the dean of the faculty or his deputy.

Important: if the reference is drawn up on the letterhead of an educational institution, it is not necessary to indicate its name in the text.


Download specification

The standard characteristics for a student are as follows:

Full name and postal address of the educational institution


Anton Petrovich Sidorov, born January 12, 1995, has been a student (name of educational institution without address) since 2010. Currently studying in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Law, study group Yu-333.

During his studies, he established himself as a conscientious, disciplined student. No absences from training sessions and seminars good reason did not allow. He copes with the curriculum “excellent” and “good”. The average academic score is 4.7. Has no difficulties in learning.

He takes an active part in the social and sports life of the university: he is a member of the 3rd year KVN team and captain of the university volleyball team.

The character is calm and self-possessed. Avoids conflicts, friendly, affable, sociable. Responds well to criticism.

He enjoys well-deserved prestige among the students of his group. He is friendly with classmates and students of other groups and faculties. He is polite and tactful with teachers and representatives of the university administration.

Date Curator of the Yu-333 group (signature)

Dean of the Faculty of Law (signature)

The characteristic is given at the place of requirement.

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This page contains a sample student profile

Alexey Ivanov studied at the KhVNGI Institute from September 1, 2005 to May 30, 2010. How a student is capable, has good memory, Alexey Ivanov is diligent in mastering knowledge of his profession.

Inclined to study natural and exact sciences. During the sessions he was active and attentive, and worked systematically.

He mastered the exact sciences with ease. The results of his studies showed a high level of knowledge. I attended classes regularly and there were no absences without good reason.

Alexey was inclined to mutual understanding, camaraderie, respect for senior teachers, and never had problems with discipline.

In extracurricular activities was an active participant in various interest groups. He was a participant in sports competitions from football and tennis.

I enjoyed visiting the information technology club. Interested in technology.

The character is light. Easy to find mutual language with peers, respects elders.

Alexey Ivanov is a good conversationalist, well-read, and has a simple, balanced character.

The characteristic was issued for presentation at the place of demand.

Dean of the Institute (Last name First name Patronymic)

Head of Faculty (Last Name First Name Patronymic)

Group leader (Last name First name Patronymic)

Based on the purpose of writing, the student’s characteristics are compiled by a representative of the educational institution (class teacher, group leader, head teacher, director of the university). The characteristics of the student trainee are drawn up by the mentor to whom the student was assigned.

Writes a character reference for a student to the court classroom teacher or the group leader, after which this description is signed by the director of the educational institution or the head teacher. The student’s profile for the employer must contain the student’s professional traits, his level of knowledge, hard work and character traits.

In such a characterization of a student, focus attention on the student’s activity and independence, and not on his professional skills, since he has not yet worked much practically.

The student characteristic differs from any other characteristic in that it contains several grades related to the direction after educational professional activity. The student profile should contain maximum reliable information about the student; this can help in the future to avoid various troubles and misunderstandings.

There have been many cases in life when, thanks to a characterization, a person was acquitted in court. If a student’s profile is compiled by law enforcement agencies, then its content and the entire emphasis is placed on the student’s personality, and in the background his performance in an educational institution (school, institute, college, college, etc.)

The text of the characteristic consists of four parts::

1. Personal details of the person for whom the profile is being written (placed in the center of the sheet or in a column on the right).

2. Information about activities or studies (from what year he has been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery of skills, or knowledge of educational material).

3. Assessment of business and moral qualities: information about encouragement (discipline): relationships in the team.

4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

For example, below we provide sample characteristics.

Characteristics from the place of study

(the name of the institution)

(address: zip code, city, street, house)


student _________________________ faculty

(Student's full name)________

(Student's full name) _____. _____ year of birth, has been a student ____ since 20__. Currently studying in the _th year of the ____________________ faculty, majoring in &ldquo________________________&rdquo.

During the period of study (student's full name) he proved himself to be a conscientious, responsive, versatile student. Showed particular interest in studying academic disciplines social and psychological orientation.

(Student’s full name) _____ has a pronounced creative personality, creative thinking, their own, different from generally accepted, views on the structure of society, which lies in the dominant role of humanism, philanthropy and non-violence over the individual.

In communication with students and teachers he is polite and friendly. He has an equal relationship with everyone. If there are difficulties, seeks to find a compromise.


Dean of the Faculty ___ (signature) ___/ ___ (signature transcript) ___

Characteristics from the place of study

A reference from your place of study may be needed in several cases. Sometimes the employer asks for it when you get a part-time job, wanting to combine work and study. Or it may be required at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. But whatever the reason, the form of the document and its typical content remain approximately the same.

Unlike a student's autobiography. characteristic is compiled responsible person from the institute. It should reflect the following points:

  1. Full name, as well as basic information of the questionnaire plan.
  2. Data where the student is studying, in which course and department.
  3. Characteristics of educational and professional qualities.
  4. Characteristics of the student’s personal qualities, his relationships with teachers and classmates.
  5. Conclusions and an indication of where the characteristic is intended

It is also customary to evaluate the psychological and moral qualities of the student, his characteristic inclinations and abilities. Now let's look at examples.

Sample characteristics from the place of study


for student Anton Pavlovich Venediktov, a graduate of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University

Student Anton Pavlovich Venediktov is a second-year student at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, at the department of nanotechnology and quantum mechanics. During his studies, he showed himself to be a responsible student.

Took part in cultural events organized by the university: freshman day and open doors. Member of the institute KVN team.

Passed industrial practice at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Marine Physical-Technical Systems, has established himself as a responsible trainee.

Shows special abilities in physics, passed educational practice in the department's laboratory of optics and photonics.

In contacts with classmates, Anton Venediktov shows leadership qualities, is non-conflict, and is always ready to help friends and acquaintances.

In 2010, he was nominated for a scholarship from the Governor of St. Petersburg based on the results of two examination sessions.

Teachers characterize Anton Venediktov as a capable student who can further reveal his engineering talent in professional field subject to intensive training.

The specification is given for presentation at the place of request. Seal. Signature.

Form template for student characteristics from the place of study

Full name, date of birth, studied at the evening department of _______________________ (name of the institute) from September 2005 to July 2010.

During his studies, __________________ (full name) showed himself to be a purposeful, disciplined and capable student. Successfully mastered educational material in specialized disciplines. In general education subjects, semester and coursework, I received good and excellent grades. Graduate work in the specialty _________________ on the topic: ____________________ is novel and reflects the high professional training of the author.

During an introductory internship in ___________________ and an industrial internship in __________________ ________________ (full name) showed good knowledge of engineering and programming skills in languages high level and the ability to apply practical work knowledge acquired at the university. During the internship, he successfully completed all assigned tasks, demonstrating himself with positive side. Has a penchant for rationalization activities. Good production and training confirmed by characteristics and reviews from the places of ___________________ (full name) internship.

___________________ (full name) was a member of the student scientific circle, made reports at scientific and practical conferences and was nominated for a grant based on the results of a number of published works.

_________________ (full name) easily finds a common language with others, is always friendly, in controversial situations seeks compromise, prone to creative activity.

The qualification degree _______________________ (full name) fully corresponds to his knowledge and skills, which allows him to be recommended for enrollment in graduate school in the specialty _______________.

The characteristics are given for presentation to graduate school __________________________.

Characteristics from the place of study

born in 1992

graduate of Svatovskaya secondary school, I-III degree.

Svatovsky district, Lugansk region

Vasily Chaadaev studied at this school from 1st to 9th grade. The guy is capable, has a beautiful memory, but did not show diligence in mastering knowledge. More willing to study natural sciences. I worked unsystematically in the lessons. I felt certain difficulties in studying the exact sciences. The results of his studies showed an average level of knowledge.

He attended school irregularly and missed classes without good reason. He was prone to minor offenses and had problems with discipline. Sometimes he behaved defiantly and aggressively.

I didn’t show any particular curiosity in extracurricular activities. He took part in sports competitions in football and tennis. I enjoyed attending the computer club. Interested in technology.

The character is complex. The guy needs constant supervision from adults. Behavior is not predicted.

The characteristic was issued for presentation at the place of demand.

Characteristics of the student from the place of study

For admission to work, to the military registration and enlistment office and in many other cases, a student’s characteristics from the place of study may be needed. With this document, the educational institution where the student was previously gives him psychological characteristics and characteristics of academic performance and discipline. At its core, the characteristics of a student from the place of study are similar to similar document from the place of work. But in this case, it must be prepared on the letterhead of the educational institution and contain its seal, as well as have the signature of the dean or rector of the educational institution. The student’s characteristics are compiled by the leader or curator of the group, an employee of the dean’s office or other representatives of the educational institution.

Example of a student's profile

The student’s profile from the place of study is compiled according to the following rules:

1. It must indicate the details and exact address of the educational institution where the student studied, as well as its full name. Sometimes this information is indicated on the form. In any case, it should be located in the header part of the document.

2. Complete information about the student. They mean not only the data on the questionnaire (date of birth and full name), but also the period during which he studied at the institution, the name of his group, specialty, faculty.

3. Characteristics of the student based on his academic performance, attitude to learning, abilities in certain areas of knowledge. Here it is also necessary to indicate his points for training, achievements, participation in the life of the institution outside of school.

4. Characteristics of his personality traits: both behavioral and psychological. Here it is necessary to indicate the type of his thinking, what kind of relationship he had with the team, his level of culture.

5. The last part of the document is reserved for the date of its preparation and signature of authorized persons - the dean.

Please note that the specification should contain only information that corresponds to reality. Because the student’s characteristics from the place of study give a general idea of ​​the student at the new place of work.

I need a sample reference from my place of study (institute), please help.

EVGENIYA-) Student (167), closed 1 year ago

P I Master (1955) 5 years ago

Student characteristics

Student Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Grachev, born in 1989, is a student of the Komi Republican Academy Civil service under the Head of the Komi Republic since 2006. Currently completing his 2nd year studies at the Faculty of Law and Documentation.

During his studies at the Academy, he proved himself to be a conscientious student. He copes with the curriculum with “good” and “excellent” marks. Does not allow absences from classes and violations of discipline.

The average grade point is 4.75. Actively participates in the social and sports life of the Academy, being a member of the Academy’s KVN team and a player in the academic futsal team.

Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Grachev is characterized by us as a disciplined person. Has a calm character and avoids conflict situations, tactful. He enjoys well-deserved authority among other students in his group. Has friends among other Academy students.

In communication with students and teachers he is polite and friendly. He has an equal relationship with everyone. Completes assigned tasks on time. If there are difficulties, seeks to find a compromise. Thinks creatively.

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Documentation Science

Other answers

1. Characteristics from the practice of a student, full name, who completed an internship at the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex of the Simferopol region.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, a student at the Law Firm “KATU” of NAU, during his industrial practice as an understudy economist at the agro-industrial complex “Vinogradny” of the Simferopol region, established himself as a responsible, efficient and persistent person. Deepened and consolidated theoretical knowledge and skills into solutions economic issues. Conducted research work on the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex.

· natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure and specialization of production;

dimensions resource potential farms and the efficiency of their use;

· the state of technology and economic efficiency of production in crop production;

· relationships between the economy and enterprises: organizations;

· establishment of a market economic mechanism.

Fulfilled all orders of the chief economist and took an active part in economic activity enterprises.

The level of knowledge with which the trainee came to the practical training was quite high. Knowledge in the field of enterprise economics, as well as the ability to work on a computer, allowed the student to easily understand the organization and features of economic work at our enterprise.

There were no comments to the student during the internship period. I, the chief economist of the Vinogradny agro-industrial complex, V. N. Okorokova, believe that the work carried out by Alexey Aleksandrovich Porutchikov, compiled in the “Report on Industrial Practice,” deserves an excellent rating.

2. Characteristics of a student’s practical experience in economics

Characteristics from practice of a third-year student of the Southern Branch of the Crimean Agrotechnological University.

Student full name from June 21, 2010 to July 16, 2010 was sent by the Law Firm "KATU" NUBiP of Ukraine to undergo industrial practice at OJSC Plemzavod "Krymsky" of the Saki region, to study and master the industrial practice program.

During the internship, the student showed herself as a competent student, diligently attended and in full executed the installed program.

During the internship, the student showed good level theoretical knowledge, and consolidated them with practical skills with a large degree of independence in work, took an active part in the work of departments and provided assistance to their specialists. She showed diligence, hard work, reliability and goodwill in her work.

The student is sociable, diligent, disciplined, conscientiously followed the instructions of the head of practice from the enterprise.

Passage of industrial practice in the discipline "Economics of the enterprise" is recommended to be assessed as "excellent".

3. Characteristics from student practice at a winery

Full name, student of TBP group 31.1 of the Southern Branch of the National Agrotechnological University National University Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine, Faculty of Technology, underwent practical training at Evpatoria Winery LLC from 06/05/10 to 07/30/10.

During the internship, the student got acquainted with the basic methods of bottling wine in Tetra-pak prism and Brik formats, performed various work in the bottling shop, showed herself as a conscientious, diligent worker. Throughout my practice I strived to get maximum amount information.

Head of practice from the plant: Slyusarenko V.I.

4. Characteristics of the student from the place of practice, accounting practice.

Ch. accountant of the Crimean experimental station of horticulture IS UAAS for a 3rd year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "Crimean Agrotechnological University" NAU Babin Maxim Mikhailovich.

During the internship at our company from 23.06.08 to 19.07.08, student Babin M. M. has established himself as a conscientious and responsible trainee. The level of professional training and skills is quite acceptable for a future bachelor's degree in Accounting and Auditing. During the practice, the student was also entrusted with the right to help accountants fill in some registers for ongoing business transactions at that time.

Examples of characteristics from student practice will be constantly added.

5. Characteristics of the student from the place of technological practice

Full name passed an industrial practice at SE "Alushta" in the period from 10.09.2007 to 03.10.2007.

The student got acquainted with the acceptance of grapes and the production of wine materials, studied the range of products, got acquainted with the technologies in the field of processing wine materials.

Full name has proven himself to be a responsible, efficient, disciplined worker. He has proven himself on the positive side in the team.

At the request of authorized bodies or organizations, a document such as a character reference for a student from the place of study can be drawn up. Moreover, it can become one of the documents characterizing a person when considering cases of administrative offenses or criminal prosecution.

On the website we have posted examples of the most common characteristics that can also be used in relation to a student: , . In this case we will consider general example such a document for a student when transferring to another university. The same example can be used to present such a document during employment, law enforcement agencies and any other organizations.

An example of a student's profile from the place of study

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Kemerovo State Polytechnic University

6500056, Kemerovo, st. Krasnoznamnaya, 49


Zavyalov Makar Viktorovich, born September 5, 1997, has been a student at the Kemerovo State Polytechnic University since July 20, 2015. He is currently studying full-time in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Law, study group YUK-415. Enrolled in a budget place, Unified State Examination results – 272 points.

During his studies, he established himself as a conscientious and disciplined student. Copes with the curriculum GPA academic performance – 4, 3, has no debt in disciplines, does not experience difficulties in studying. Specialization - civil law And civil process. Successfully defended coursework at the end of the 1st and 2nd courses, grade “excellent”. He did not allow absences from lectures and seminars without a good reason.

He takes an active part in the social and sports life of the university: he is a member of the volleyball team.

Character - calm, friendly. Avoids conflicts, is friendly, friendly, sociable. Reacts correctly to criticism. Among the students of the group YUK-415 enjoys well-deserved authority. He is polite and tactful with teachers. Takes an active part in seminars and scientific research.

This specification is given for presentation at the place of request.

Curator of the group YUK-415 Svetlogorskaya A.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Bezborodov A.A.

How to prepare a profile for a student from the place of study

In most cases, the characteristics are compiled by the student himself, depending on the purpose of its presentation. Such a responsibility may also be assigned to the curator of the group where he is studying. In any case, such a document has its own structure and content.

A characteristic is always an evaluative document. Since one of the main indicators for a student is academic performance and absence of debt in disciplines, such information is included in mandatory are included in the document.

To prepare a profile for a student from the place of study, you will need information: about the results of the USE, the results of passing exams and tests, protection coursework s, participation in public life University, cultural life. Character traits based on interactions with classmates, other university or college students, and teachers.

Structure of characteristics for a student from the place of study

The document is drawn up on the letterhead of the educational institution, indicating its full name and address. We offer the following document preparation algorithm:

  1. Indicate full name student, date of birth, date of admission to the educational institution, faculty, course, form of study, group number, results upon admission
  2. Academic performance, average grade, results of defending coursework, specialization (if any)
  3. Participation in the public life of the educational institution, conferences, olympiads, availability scientific developments, publications in scientific journals
  4. Features of character, temperament and relationships in the team and with teachers

The student's reference form from the place of study is signed by the dean of the faculty, indicating the date of issue.