Action plan for finding a job in a new city. To work in another city

If the idea of ​​looking for a job in another city has already crossed your mind, read our recommendations to significantly simplify the process of your out-of-town employment.

Let's prepare ourselves mentally...
... and we take the first step not to buy train or plane tickets, but to go online. We study all available information about the region where we want to go: the labor market, the cost of renting housing, salary levels, etc. We compare conditions in different regions and choose the most suitable ones.

If you are a citizen of another country other than Russia, keep in mind: Russian employers consider resumes of candidates from neighboring countries quite carefully, but are not always ready to accept foreign citizens to work. Some companies do not have the opportunity to provide applicants with housing; others are not allocated quotas for attracting foreign specialists. In your case, it would be correct to first find out how the issues of registration of foreign citizens in Russia are legally regulated on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

First we “move” to the resume
It’s not at all difficult to start looking for a job in another city if you know which boxes to tick in your resume and which cherished words write to the employer. For example, if you are looking for a job in several cities at once (let’s say, your own and some others), in the “City of Residence” resume line, indicate the city where you live now, and in the “Personal Information” block in the “Moving” section, mark “Ready” and indicate all the cities you are ready to travel to. If there are no specific preferences, just marking “Ready” is enough. This will expand the circle of potential employers: resumes can be found by employers both in your city and in others where they are ready to hire nonresident candidates.

In the “Additional information” field of your resume, you must indicate whether you are ready to take care of finding housing and registering in the city where you are going to work, or vice versa – you are looking for a job with housing provided. It would be useful to indicate the timing of the possible move for information to the employer.

If we go to Moscow
If, like the well-known Chekhov heroines, you are drawn to move exclusively “To Moscow!” To Moscow!”, then in the “City” field it is better to immediately write “Moscow”. In this case, only employers in the capital will see your resume in the database. But in the “Additional information” field, it would still be a good idea to indicate where you live now, why you want to move, whether you are ready to take care of organizing your stay, what time frame you are ready to arrive at the place future work.

If we are going to work on a rotational basis
To search for a job on a rotational basis, in your resume you need to indicate the city of your residence, the item “Ready to move” and the type of employment “on a rotational basis” (section of the resume “Wishes for work”). Other wishes relate to the work schedule (for example, 30 days every 30), working conditions, etc. -specify in the “Additional information” field.

Let's meet the employer halfway
The resume has been published, but we don’t leave things to chance: we look for vacancies in cities that interest us on our own, respond to suitable options, and don’t just wait for employers to find us themselves. Superjob has a convenient search page for this - to get the required selection, you need to specify the desired city, type of employment, salary, etc.

Writing a cover letter correctly
Starting communication with the employer with cover letter, do not forget to write in detail and taking into account the specific vacancy about your desire to work in this city, in this position and in this company. If the vacancy is particularly interesting to you, you can once again emphasize that you are ready to take care of your own living expenses and explain how soon you are able to start work. It wouldn’t hurt to tell you in more detail about your professional experience and your previous place of work. You must understand that the employer is unlikely to have all the information about companies in other cities. You shouldn’t get carried away with abbreviations and names that are understandable only to local residents (WHATTOTAMITPiTD - it’s unlikely that such a name will say much to people from the outside). You need to clearly and clearly explain what the profile of your previous work was, what place the company occupied in the market, etc.

Be sure to write whether you are ready to come for an in-person interview or conduct it, for example, via Skype - help the employer get a clearer picture of you and make a positive decision!

We arrange a remote interview
There are a lot of employers, and it can be difficult and expensive for a candidate to come to another city for an interview. Modern computer programs (Skype, etc.) can solve this problem. Perhaps a recruiter or HR person will be happy with a telephone conversation at first. Naturally, for more in-depth contact you will still have to appear to the employer in person.

As for the primary, you need to prepare for it in the same way as for the usual one. For example, prepare possible questions, dress appropriately, during a video conference, remove foreign objects or pets from the room, ask children or other family members to leave. By the way, about counter questions to the employer. Your situation is special and requires a special approach: you definitely need to ask all the important questions to the recruiter, but try not to bombard him with a lot of requests and conditions already at the first stage of interaction.

We show advantages over local candidates
Prepare in advance an answer to the question of how you can be useful to the company, try to give the most specific and comprehensive answers at the interview. For example: “When are you ready to start work?” - “As soon as I finish my business at the current place. The journey will take so much time, so in so many days I will be able to go to work.” This answer is good not only because you show yourself as a responsible person, but also because it gives you precise deadlines. A vague “well, probably in a couple of months...” will be received much worse.

During the interview, you should not discuss with the recruiter (except if he does not ask you about it) the everyday nuances of moving, tell how much the ticket costs, what you are ready to transport and how you plan to live. Provide a minimum of information that is significant to the company: do you have housing in the new place, are you moving alone or with your family, etc. By and large, the employer does not care who you are or where you are from - he just needs a good employee. By demanding a special approach to yourself, you obviously lose to less picky candidates.

However, in every specific case everything is decided individually, and a professional will eventually find a decent job and an adequate employer. The main thing is to go towards the goal. If something doesn’t work out, we are always ready to help each of you. Write to us via the system feedback on the website, describe your problems and wishes. We will show you how to find suitable offers, compile a selection of vacancies, and advise on how best to rewrite or format your resume so that your job search is a success.

Good luck! And let any changes in your life happen only for the better!

You can study all employers’ offers on the “Work in Russia” portal, reports Rostrud. There are places for both “tops” and general workers. If you sort them by salary, the top line will be taken by an offer for a boss in the Perm region. He is offered a salary from 100 thousand to 280 thousand rubles per month. There are several offers for salaries up to 90 thousand rubles, mainly for turners. The lowest paid offer is a vacancy for a janitor in the Rostov region - 8 thousand rubles per month.

One of the main reasons for the low mobility of citizens is the uncompetitiveness of salary vacancies, says the vice-rector of the Academy of Labor and social relations Alexander Safonov. Why go to another region if you can earn almost as much there as in your small homeland?

Anyone who decides to work in another region can receive 225 thousand for moving, accommodation and other expenses

The second reason is uncertainty about the future. Plus purely everyday problems - housing, for example. As a rule, those who choose to work in another region travel from depressed regions and regions to developing ones, and the price of real estate in them is very different. People are much more interested in working on a rotational basis. Due to the fact that prices in depressed regions are lower than in progressive ones, a person can live quite comfortably on what he earns.

According to the expert, in order for citizens to stop being afraid to change their place of residence, the state should help them. First, we need social support services. Secondly, additional guarantees, for example, an open-ended employment contract.

In the USA, for example, says Alexander Safonov, healthcare specialists working in remote regions and small towns earn 30-50 percent more than their colleagues from large cities and established medical institutions. This is precisely due to the fact that, having gone to work in distant lands, a person is deprived of many communications of a social nature, and he also has higher costs of settling into a foreign environment.

By the way, now from the federal and regional budgets in Russia an employer who hires a person under the labor mobility program is compensated 225 thousand rubles, from which the employee must pay for relocation, training, accommodation and other expenses. In the first 1.5 years of the program’s implementation, 2.2 thousand people moved, Denis Vasiliev, deputy head of Rostrud, said earlier.

Anyone who is interested in a vacancy on the “Work in Russia” website can also obtain information about the cost of rental housing and the infrastructure of the locality.

So, you have decided that it is time to leave your native land and start searching in a more promising city. What's next? And then read this article from and slowly gather your thoughts and suitcases.

Make sure you need it

Before changing your location, decide where exactly you want to go. We recommend based on the following criteria:

  • Do you have friends, acquaintances or relatives in the selected city? Still, at least minimal support in a new place will not harm anyone. It's good if you have someone to turn to for help unfamiliar city.
  • Are specialists of your profile in demand in this city? Maybe, of course, you dreamed of working in a coal mine in Kyiv, but most likely, certain difficulties will arise here.
  • What prospects will open up for you after moving. If in city N the same thing awaits you, plus or minus, as at home, think carefully. Especially if in your locality you are already provided with your own housing. Moving is a responsible step, and it’s good if it turns out to be justified.

Evaluate the offers on the market

In the city you are interested in. Look at what they offer, what salaries, conditions, requirements. Think about whether you can find housing in the desired area, what part of your salary you will have to pay for rent (if you have to). Find as many options as possible to immediately evaluate all the possibilities.

It's good if you know what company you want to work for. Then it is possible in all cities where its offices are located.

Perhaps at first you will be able to, and if you and the employer suit each other, then you will already decide to move.

Send your resume, wait for an interview

  • Be sure to indicate in which city you want to work and that you are ready to move.
  • Also tell us why you decided to take this step. Emphasize that this is a mature decision by a committed person.
  • If possible, agree on . If there are several of them, it will be more convenient to communicate with employers so as not to travel to another city for a conversation.

Enlist the support of your loved ones and make up your mind!

Even if you are fully prepared to move, it can be difficult at first to drop everything and move away. But if you decide, go for it! Especially if you found exactly what you were looking for.

It's great if your loved ones support you. If you have a family, it won't be easy for her either. But it will be easier to survive the changes together. If your family is against it, you will have to overcome this obstacle. Tell them about the prospects that await you in your new place, about the opportunities that will open up for your family. Infect them with faith in their abilities.

Remember the old saying: “The fish look for the deepest places. Where is the best place for a person? Look for the best and find “yours”! knows that you can do anything!

The “Great Labor Migration” of Russians began back in 2014. The sudden crisis forced some to leave the country altogether, others to go to work in more “grain-producing” regions.

Residents of Russia aged 17-21 are the most mobile group. Study and work are the most common cause for relocation, and St. Petersburg and Moscow are the favorite cities of internal migrants.

No one is surprised by the trend of “brain drain” to the capitals: here there are more opportunities to assert oneself, develop, and the salaries are corresponding. For example, as of September 2017 in Moscow - 46,700 rubles, when the average in Russia is 31,200 rubles.

However, finding a job in another city is not easy. Especially if the move is still only in the plans, and while careful exploration of the local labor market is being carried out.

What are employers afraid of?

The labor market has developed certain stereotypes and fears about nonresident job seekers. The first and most important phobia of managers is that the employee will not fit in. If you don’t like the team, the new city or the job itself, that’s all - the company loses an employee, time, money and profit.

On the other hand, a visitor is more interested in staying, because he needs to pay for rent and eat something. Therefore, it is believed that a provincial is a diligent worker.

In turn, residents of megacities are perceived as more competent and demanding candidates.

What are job seekers afraid of?

It is important to remember that searching for a job from afar may not yield results. In capital cities, competition is much higher, and while the candidate decides to move and sorts out other related issues, the employer will already find a less problematic applicant. It is better to look for work locally, having settled problems with housing.

But it is also possible to understand the desire of job seekers to protect themselves from impulsive decisions - no one wants to be left in an unfamiliar city without money and work.

A strategy will help make moving less “traumatic”. Participate in conversations on professional forums, attend conferences, do freelancing in your free time, ask for expert assessment work - establish yourself in the professional field, and even better - make friends and colleagues in different cities.

In the future, such acquaintances will be useful when finding a job. According to surveys of managers, a review of a candidate from an already proven employee guarantees almost 100% a job offer. Employers will not miss the opportunity to get a proven and experienced employee into their team.

Main questions

The task of a candidate from another city is to convince the HR manager of the seriousness of his intentions and dispel all fears. The employer needs help making a decision; to do this, prepare answers to the following questions in advance: how the first interview will take place, is there an opportunity for a personal meeting, when can you start work, has the housing issue been resolved.

Another important question- why did you decide to move? In the case of small towns, everything is clear - no work, no prospects, and so on. But often residents of fairly large cities and even Muscovites are ready to move to remote corners of Russia.

Where to begin

Prepare your resume. Indicate the place of future employment in the “City” column. For example, if you are looking for a job in Moscow, write - Moscow.

You should not indicate several cities, this reduces the attractiveness of the profile.

Typically, the first remote interview takes place over the phone or Skype. Check in advance the serviceability of the equipment and the quality of the connection to the Network. Be sure to agree on a time.

Choose a suitable interior with good light. Despite the fact that the meeting was not personal, no one canceled the dress code and norms of business conduct.

According to statistics, the average time for an employer to recall after an interview is 1 week. Some organizations take months to vet each applicant.

Stay in touch and try to provide the necessary information on time.

Now the personnel market is a candidate's market. Typically, people want to increase their income level when moving. As a last resort - do not lose all those comfortable conditions the jobs they had in hometown.

According to company research MarksMan, one of the consequences of a significant increase in real estate prices has been a decrease in employers' interest in regional managers. If over the past year and a half companies have been actively inviting people from the regions, then this moment the situation has changed.

According to the MarksMan company, the average manager today is a man 27–33 years old, earning about 55,000–75,000 rubles per month, he has a family and Small child. If the wife works, this is another plus of 35,000–40,000 rubles to family budget. At the same time, every manager wants to correspond to the status of his position in the company and look successful.

As a result, both the capital manager and the regional manager have long given up the illusion of ever making money on own apartment. For metropolitan specialists, living with their parents is unfashionable and inconvenient, while regional specialists do not even have this opportunity. Therefore, candidates from the regions who dream of living in Moscow need to very quickly get their bearings on prices and adjust their “cost” to include rent.

Visit us at "Career Encyclopedia" a question came from a reader asking for advice on how to behave in the following situation:

I am being offered a higher position than I currently hold, - position of director. When asked what kind of compensation package I can expect, the company responds by asking: “What level of remuneration and compensation package would you be interested in?” At the same time, I have to move from one city to another by 2-3 years. What to ask from the employing company? What can I count on?

Since the reader did not specify whether he was going to move to the capital or, conversely, from Moscow to the “regions,” we asked our experts to consider both situations.

From the regions to Moscow...

–Traditionally, it is the employer who first raises the topic of remuneration during negotiations, asking about the candidate’s salary expectations. When considering an offer for a new position related to moving to another city, the applicant needs to independently calculate the desired level of income.

The salary must correspond to the level of qualifications and responsibility of the position, taking into account the market situation, plus 15–50% for “inconveniences” associated with staying in a foreign city. It is worth keeping in mind that currently the cost of living in the capital is higher than in other Russian cities. In addition, in Moscow, a specialist may encounter costs that are unusual for him. For example, if he is moving from a small town, daily travel expenses will be new to him. public transport or gasoline. The applicant needs to compare prices for products, usual services and entertainment in his hometown and in the capital, and determine an acceptable salary.

A standard compensation package must be provided to the candidate. According to market practice, he can negotiate the following compensation related to relocation:

    payment for air or train tickets and luggage transportation from his hometown to his place of work and back at the end of the contract for him and his family;

    if a person moves and the family remains in their hometown, he can discuss paying for travel to see loved ones, for example, once a quarter;

    “lifting” – a one-time payment from 50 to 100% of the salary;

    payment for rental housing for the entire period of work in another city and payment for housing search services; It would be a good idea to discuss the parameters of the apartment in advance and approximate cost rent;

    provision of a voluntary policy health insurance for the applicant and his family members who are moving with him.

All these and other relocation conditions proposed by the company are usually fixed in the employment contract.

From Moscow to the regions...

Nina Karelina, managing partner consulting groupIMICOR:

– Today, the regions are developing no less actively than Moscow. Therefore, the problem of lack of qualified personnel is also quite acute there. One of the reasons is the lack of quality education.

Let's take for example catering business. In large or even small towns businessmen want to open premium restaurants. It is quite possible that they will be pioneers in their city. Accordingly, they often place bets on Muscovites who were engaged in similar activities in the capital.

Nowadays the personnel market is a candidate’s market. Typically, people want to increase their income level when moving. As a last resort, do not lose all those comfortable working conditions that they had in Moscow.

I will give an example from the practice of our company. In a premium restaurant, the candidate was a cook and was directly subordinate to the chef. After working for a certain time, he, of course, gained experience and changed jobs - he took the position of a chef in a mid-level restaurant. Subsequently, he was offered a job in another city and promised to rent an apartment within walking distance from his place of work at the company’s expense. Although it often happens that the compensation package is so attractive compared to the previous salary that the candidate can rent a house on his own.

But most often, if we're talking about about a high position or a rare specialist, housing is provided. As for other components of the compensation package, they will vary depending on the position. Somewhere it could be mobile connection, somewhere - a car. Be that as it may, if a person is moving for 2-3 years, then the conditions should be as comfortable as possible.

Ideally, an employing company wants to find an employee who will be motivated not only by money. The reasoning of the person moving may be in the spirit: “In Moscow I am one of the majority, but there I will be the first.” You can “play” on such a person’s ambitions. Although in most cases the person moving can count on an increase in income.

If the applicant is actively searching, then he needs to determine what exactly he wants from his future job: increased income, career growth? It is necessary to clearly define your desires and the vector of further development.

I advise the candidate to boldly say what compensation package he expects. It’s better to talk about the expectations that exist, rather than shutting down and trying to find out what the company can offer. If the proposed position in another city is of the same level as the current one, then it makes sense to demand higher financial compensation. If a specialist worked in a lower position and is now moving up a step career ladder, then he should regard this as a good opportunity to express himself, even if his income level does not change much.

Yulia Ivanova, head of the Moscow office THI Selection:

– Many candidates, naming the desired level wages, rather evaluate the cost of the position for which they are applying. But I would advise you to evaluate yourself: what are you worth as a specialist in a particular field. Often we come across candidates saying: “Well, since there is so much functionality here and high level responsibility, I would consider an offer from...”. In my opinion, this is wrong.

In order to correctly and objectively evaluate yourself, firstly, you need to talk about this topic with a recruitment consultant, since he is well versed in the labor market, meets with applicants and employers every day and knows the level of compensation for a particular position in different companies .

Secondly, review open positions on sites for at least the last two to three months - their number, basic requirements and the proposed level of compensation. Having determined his “worth,” the candidate needs to evaluate the benefits, risks and “inconveniences” associated with the new position. What are his prospects? If this is a move, what will a new position in another region give him in terms of professional experience? Accordingly, it is quite logical to ask the employer a question: will he be able to provide housing or will the specialist rent it himself, will he help with relocation, will the candidate have the opportunity to travel to Moscow to visit his relatives? Some companies provide temporary housing for the first 3 months, others pay for airfare to Moscow and back for the weekend (usually for managers).

But you should not include expenses to the maximum in compensation, otherwise you may appear to the employer as a “golden” employee and lose future opportunities and prospects. This should be a completely reasonable figure that corresponds to the market situation.

Evgenia Tolkacheva