Benefits and harms of coconut for the health of the body. What is useful in an exotic nut

Coconuts are not as commonly available because they are not as widely available in stores as citrus fruits or bananas. And although it is much easier to transport coconuts, and it is also much more convenient to ensure their safety, people who are not used to such exoticism are in no hurry to sweep these fleecy nuts off the shelves. That is why not every inhabitant of our country will be able to answer what coconut tastes like and how it is useful for the body? And if, nevertheless, a coconut was purchased, is it necessary to use it with caution in order to avoid harm to the body?

So that buying and using coconut does not cause you any doubts, we suggest talking about the benefits and harms of snow-white coconut pulp and products made on its basis.

Interesting Coconut Facts

The original places of growth of coconut palms are the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, but the name "coconut" has Portuguese roots. Translated from this language, the word "coco" means "monkey". And for good reason - if you look closely at the three dark dots on the surface of a shaggy nut, you can see a monkey muzzle.

During the intertribal wars on the Polynesian skeletons, coconut palms often saved fugitives from enemies, because wide sprawling foliage (up to four meters long) and a huge height (about twenty-five meters) perfectly protected from arrows, and the extracted coconuts served both as food and drink. By the way, coconuts themselves were often used as a defense weapon - heavy coconuts with a thick dense shell, with a well-aimed hit, immobilized the enemy for a long time.

According to scientists, coconut trees belonging to the "palm" family are included in the list of the oldest vegetation that still exists on the planet.

By the way, coconut is not a nut at all, as we used to call it. If you look in detail, then it is a drupe (dry bone of coconut palms), and quite weighty and large - on average, a coconut weighs about 2.5 kg and can reach a diameter of 30 cm. Inside the fruit is pulp and juice (or coconut water). As it matures, the juice thickens, turning into snow-white elastic pulp. The process of ripening coconuts is stretched - the fruits do not ripen all at the same time, but gradually throughout the year.

Cultivated coconut palms are now quite common in the Caribbean, Hawaii, southern California and Florida, India and Polynesia.

Unlike other palm trees, coconut does not harm sea ​​water, near which it grows well. The roots of coconut palms do not go very deep underground and easily absorb the moisture present in the soil. Salty water does not harm not only the palm tree, but also its fruits - a coconut can “travel” across the sea for a long time, and when it hits the shore, a new palm tree can almost certainly grow out of it.

The composition of coconut and its calorie content

Coconuts are not without reason so loved abroad - they useful composition extensive and varied.

Although for those who are on a low-calorie diet, this product is recommended in small quantities due to its high calorie content - 100 g of freshly mined coconut pulp contains from 350 kcal. If you have come across products with the addition of dried coconuts (muesli, flakes), then keep in mind that its calorie content is even higher - 100 g of dried coconut pulp is equal to 590 kcal.

Although coconut juice with a diet is quite acceptable for use - 100 ml coconut water add only 17 kcal.

In general, coconuts are unlikely to become food for dieters. However, in reasonable quantities, coconut pulp is a powerful source of energy, so necessary for our body. Moreover, there are not so many fats in coconut (up to 30%), when compared with the same walnuts or hazelnuts, which percentage oils in the composition - 70 and 80%, respectively.

The benefits of coconut pulp stem from its constituent components, including:

  • antioxidant substances
  • unsaturated fats
  • fast-digesting sugars with a predominance of fructose, due to which glycemic index coconut pulp is not so high (45 units)
  • amino acids
  • cellulose
  • natural oils
  • vitamins C, E, A, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6)
  • manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, calcium, zinc, potassium
  • rich fatty acid, especially important among which is lauric acid, which has the ability to lower cholesterol

We are discovering coconut from a new side - what is its use for the human body?

It is not for nothing that the coconut palm has been dubbed “a tree that has a thousand uses” - the benefits of coconut and the products derived from it are extremely important for the body.

Coconuts with a lot of juice inside (not to be confused with coconut milk, which is the result of mixing coconut meat and water) are not sold all that often. Low-calorie coconut water tastes sweet, but still slightly sour. The main benefits of coconut juice are:

  • quenching thirst, preventing dehydration;
  • decrease in fever;
  • elimination of infections in the bladder.

By the way, pasteurized coconut juice, provided there are no impurities and preservatives, retains everything beneficial features!

Possessing properties physiological saline, coconut water is recommended for urolithiasis and diabetes.

When to Eat Coconuts

  • joint diseases
  • low immunity
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • vegetarian food
  • hormone imbalance
  • type II diabetes
  • urological diseases
  • metabolic disorders
  • vascular diseases
  • eye disease, blurred vision
  • heart problems
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • dermatological diseases

Where Can Coconuts Be Used?

Coconuts are truly amazing, you can get a very diverse set of secondary coconut products from them:

  • shavings
  • oil
  • milk
  • syrups and liqueurs (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)
  • puree and cream

Of course, fresh coconut rarely reaches us. Most often, we purchase dried and crushed coconut meat in the form of coconut flakes. Its main purpose is usually to decorate baked goods. Desserts, cereals, puddings, and snacks are prepared using coconut flakes.

Coconut milk also has a place in cooking - sweet dishes and desserts, drinks, soups, sauces are prepared on its basis.

Coconut shell is used as a raw material for the production activated carbon. They also manage to create toys, souvenirs, musical instruments, dishes.

Coconut fibers are used in the production of mattresses, ropes, ropes, building materials, brushes, fishing nets and furniture.

The harm that is fraught with coconut

The good news is that this product is practically devoid of contraindications and can only harm in case of individual intolerance and a tendency to gain weight. At chronic diarrhea You shouldn't get carried away with coconuts either.

That's all - in other cases, you can safely enjoy coconuts. The main thing is to purchase a quality nut - without external signs damage and violations of its integrity (nicks, cracks). Another tip for buying is if you shake the coconut, you should hear the juice splashing weakly in it.

A little video about the benefits of coconut milk

What is coconut water? You will find the answer to the question posed in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you about the properties of the presented product, how it is formed and what effect it has on the human body.

General product information

Coconut water is the liquid endosperm of fruits (usually young) How is it formed? In the process of ripening, droplets of oil secreted by copra enter the tissue of the fruit, which further turns the liquid into coconut milk. After that, the drink begins to thicken and harden.

Coconut water, which was extracted from the fruit without a single crack, is sterile. There were times when it was used in medical purposes when saline is not available.

How is it obtained and consumed?

Coconut water is obtained easily and simply. It can be drunk directly from the fruit by punching a hole in it with a sharp object. It is advisable to consume such a drink immediately after opening, since under the influence of light and oxygen it deteriorates very quickly.

It should also be said that natural coconut water is often packaged and sold in bottles or jars that do not let the sun's rays through.

A distinction is currently made between Malaysian edible coconuts, typically Thai, and Brazilian Coco Anão.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

No wonder in traditional medicine water extracted from a young coconut is used to treat various diseases. Because it contains great amount nutrients including minerals, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and cytokinins.

It should also be noted that such a drink is a source of the most important for human body macro- and microelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, selenium, boron, iodine, sulfur and molybdenum). Among other things, coconut water contains (leucine, valine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine and phenylalanine).

Application of the drink

The health benefits of coconut water are that it contains a large number of nutrients. Thanks to high content minerals, as well as hydrating properties, the presented drink is successfully used in fitness. For example, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization recommends using coconut water as a natural energy drink those who are professionally involved in sports.

For a long time, scientists have proven that coconut water, reviews of which are only positive, is natural product, which contains all the elements necessary for a person. Especially if he plays sports. This is due to the fact that such a drink is very rich in potassium. It is this substance that an athlete needs when he begins to have muscle cramps.

Effect on the body

Coconut water, the composition of which was presented above, is able to act as a real natural antioxidant. In other words, with the constant use of this drink, the human body receives more and more new forces for an intensified fight against radicals (free), which, in fact, contribute to premature aging internal organs and skin cells.

Coconut water is often referred to as a valuable tonic liquid. After all, it contains a lot of potassium and sodium chloride, which act as electrolytes in hot summer weather. This is characterized by exactly the same level of balance (electrolyte) with human blood. That is why its constant use allows you to get rid of excess weight, thanks to the evasion of metabolism.

As mentioned above, studies of this drink have shown that the cellulose found in coconut water is quite similar to human blood plasma. In this regard, such a liquid with pulp is extremely useful for athletes and those whose work is associated with regular and intense physical exertion.

It should also be noted that all synthetic energy drinks contain not only a large amount of sugar, but also artificial flavors. As for coconut water, it includes only natural ingredients which have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

In what cases are they used?

It is impossible to argue with the fact that the properties of coconut water are beneficial for the human body. After all, it is not without reason that it is regularly used by those who have obvious health problems.

Let's take a look together at which cases coconut water is especially useful.

Side effects of taking coconut water

Like any other food containing a large amount of minerals and vitamins, a coconut drink can also cause side effects. As a rule, they are subject to people who are prone to allergic reactions or heavy allergic diseases. However, it should be noted that coconut water is safe for young children, as well as lactating and pregnant women.

Coconut water is a liquid from the category of so-called super drinks. It is absolutely natural, well absorbed by the body and has a huge arsenal of useful properties. Of course, drinking juice directly from a coconut through a straw is a separate aesthetic, but a store-bought drink in tin can no less useful and enjoyable. In countries such as Malaysia and Thailand, coconut water is called the "life juice", and it is valued much more than everyone recognized for its usefulness. mineral water! However, this "life juice" has its own contraindications.

From this article you will learn:

What is coconut water

Coconut water or juice is a liquid plant substance that forms inside the coconut fruit as it ripens. Inside the nut consists of a solid oily mass white color covering the walls, and sweet clear juice. Initially, the liquid occupies the entire space of the fruit, but gradually hardens, connecting with the oil coming from the copra (shell). Thus, the riper the nut, the more pulp it contains.

Coconut water is the endosperm, the special liquid found inside young coconuts. The endosperm of the fruit is very useful, as it is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, and other valuable components, including live enzymes - enzymes.

Coconut water is completely liquid, and slightly hazy in appearance.

If the fruit does not have cracks, coconut juice is absolutely sterile, so theoretically it can be used to wash wounds. Occasionally, this is practiced by Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians and other peoples. South-East Asia. In general, the inhabitants of these countries consider coconut water to be something special, for them it is an ordinary way to quench their thirst. Particularly hospitable locals even treat tourists for free with a drink.

You can drink coconut water directly from the nut by punching a hole in one of its holes. It is also nice to sip the juice imposingly through a cocktail tube.

The well-known brand Cocoyoyo in Russia warns that you should not expect a rich coconut taste from water, which is inherent in shavings. Green nut juice has a refreshing, slightly sweet taste. It is difficult to get used to it the first time, as, for example, celery juice or. A chilled drink is tastier and better tones, so it is recommended to drink it that way.


After opening the fetus, it is necessary to drink liquid in short time. It quickly deteriorates under the action sun rays and from contact with air. Due to the oxidation of many components, the juice acquires a sour taste and can be harmful to health. Therefore, it can be seen that in the resorts, a coconut cut for drinking is closed from above with a lid from the cut off part.

For export sales, coconut water is packaged in containers made of opaque materials: metal cans, paper boxes and bags. At the enterprises involved in bottling products, lines are installed without oxygen access and sunlight. This allows you to transfer the juice from the nuts into the package, so to speak, in its original form.

leader Western market coconut water is the company Vita Coco, which is gaining the attention of the consumer not only good quality and great productivity, but also collaboration with many stars. Among them are Rihanna and Madonna. Brazilian company Amazonia is promoting with model Adriana Lima, Zico with basketball star Kevin Garnett and Paralympian Joshua George, and SoBe Lifewater with actresses Yvonne Strahovski and Ashley Greene. Coconut juice brands common in Russia are CocoWell, Taste Nirvana, Cocoyoyo, King Island, Chaokoh, Foco and Ufeelgood.

In 2016, the annual production of this product exceeded $2 billion. Given the growing popularity of coconut water, experts expect a significant increase in this indicator. For ordinary consumers, this is a plus, since this trend makes the product more affordable.

Coconut Water vs Coconut Milk: What's the Difference?

The notion that coconut water and coconut water are the same product is wrong. Water, as already mentioned, is juice, a natural liquid that accumulates inside the drupe. And milk is made artificially, although it has completely natural composition. Coconut milk, whose beneficial properties are also extensive, is made from crushed pulp, peeled from split nuts.

Is coconut milk and coconut water the same thing?

Due to the huge fat content, coconut milk has a higher calorie content - up to 200-250 kcal per 100 grams. And the juice of coconut fruits, on the contrary, contains practically no fats or proteins. Only a small part of sugar-carbohydrates raises its calorie content to 17-20 kcal per 100 ml.

In countries where coconut grows freely, the scope of these liquids also varies. Water is drunk to quench thirst, restore the body after exercise. And if they drink milk, it is strongly diluted with water. Basically, soups are cooked on it, smoothies, desserts, pastries, cereals are made.

Coconut water benefits and harms

Chemical composition and calorie content

Coconuts intended for drinking juice are harvested at the age of about six months. Sterile liquid contains a lot of antioxidants, organic acids, enzymes, phytohormones, minerals and vitamins.

For marketing purposes, coconut water is often called a storehouse of vitamins, referring to the presence of B1-B9, C, E, PP and H in it. The variety is impressive, but the content of them in the drink is so low that it is not able to completely cover consumption. You should not count on coconut water as a remedy for beriberi. This is not its main use.

Bringing much more value minerals. The juice of young coconuts is high in potassium. This element plays an important role in supporting water-salt balance in organism. After exhausting workouts or walking under the scorching sun, the body loses a lot of fluid. Potassium is washed out, and the balance of salts is disturbed. Drinking coconut juice helps to avoid such consequences. In addition, it accelerates muscle recovery, reduces pain in them after exercise.

Nutritional value of coconut water per 100 grams:

  • calorie content - 17-22 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 2-5 g;
  • proteins -<1 г;
  • fats<0,5 г.

It is a common fact that during the Second World War, Japanese and British doctors used coconut water as an intravenous saline solution for large blood losses. Based on this, it was believed that this liquid is close in composition to blood lymph. But it's not.

Coconut water was suitable for this task due to its sterility and availability. In combat conditions, there was no better alternative, so I had to use what I had. In fact, coconut juice cannot fully replace saline. Moreover, the high content of potassium adversely affects the work of the heart, provoking arrhythmia or even stopping.

  • In the course of ongoing experiments on this topic, it was found that coconut water perfectly suppresses appetite. At the same time, it contains much fewer calories than, for example, the same fruit juices. This is a very, very valuable quality for everyone who wants to lose weight!
  • By filling the stomach, coconut water, if drunk 40 minutes before meals, automatically fills the stomach and prevents overeating during the main meal. The amount eaten will be much less, and this immediately reduces the calorie content of the daily diet.
  • In addition, coconut water has a fairly low glycemic index. This means that you will not want to eat for a long time after eating it. Drinking enough coconut water can "cancel" your appetite until the next meal.
  • The dietary use of palm nut liquid is due to its low calorie content. In addition, the product has a very gentle effect on the mucous membranes, without causing irritation of the stomach and intestines, even in large volumes.
  • The main effect of this product during the diet is rapid fat breakdown and digestion of food due to biologically active enzymes, such as phosphatase and catalase, diastase, etc.
  • The nutrients in the fluid speed up the metabolism and saturate all the cells with oxygen, which helps facilitate the weight loss process.
  • Elevated potassium levels help rid the body of excess moisture, which also releases dangerous toxins. The intestinal microflora is being adjusted, and its purification from toxins is accelerated.

As an addition to any diet, nutritionists recommend drinking 3-4 glasses of coconut water per week.

Try to use coconut water from young nuts. The older the nut, the less useful and tasty its water is.

If you are struggling with excess weight - keep moderation in drinking this drink, do not get carried away, count the calorie content of your diet, taking into account the coconut water you drink per day!

Coconut water: benefits in cosmetology

A wide palette of vitamins and minerals in palm fruits has contributed to the fact that coconut water has been used in cosmetology. Its action for the skin is reduced to the following effects:

  1. Antioxidants slow down skin aging and eliminate free radicals from the body.
  2. Hormones of plant origin - cytokinins - reduce the likelihood of tumor formation and accelerate cell renewal, make the skin elastic.
  3. Vitamins improve the protective functions of the skin of the face and body and regulate hormonal levels, which reduces the number of rashes.
  4. The beneficial elements in the composition of the liquid have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the water reduces the number of acne, quickly clearing the skin.
  5. Lauric acid helps to lighten age spots and eliminate small mimic wrinkles.
  6. Regular rubbing of the skin serves as a prevention of prickly heat, and also accelerates the healing of abscesses and ulcers formed due to chickenpox, measles, smallpox, etc.
  7. When applied to the décolleté and neck areas, the skin is smoothed and moisturized, its color is evened out.
  8. Applying walnut water compresses reduces redness and flaking in case of eczema.
  9. Fading skin receives a wonderful effect of toning and lifting.
  10. Coconut water copes with such body defects as stretch marks and cellulite. To do this, the skin is lubricated with this agent and covered with cling film for 60 minutes.
  11. The presence of biologically active substances of the B-group ensures the benefits of the product for hair and nails. Rinsing the head with this water gives the curls shine and strength, improving the structure of the follicle.

Most people limit themselves to washing with coconut water and rubbing different parts of the body, replacing the moisturizing tonic for combination skin with the product. However, this liquid can be added to various cosmetic products, such as creams. You can also pour a small amount of water into cleansing masks for oily skin types and mix the liquid with sandalwood powder to create a rejuvenating homemade mask. It is applied to the face until completely dry.

Coconut water: benefits and harms for athletes

An unusual role in human health has coconut liquid as a natural energy drink. Water from young palm fruits, due to the abundance of carbohydrates, gives a lot of strength, improves tone and gives vigor, relieves fatigue and lethargy. It also makes the body more resilient, which is very important for athletes in competition and training.

The benefits of fluids are also significant in the framework of rehydration. An increased level of electrolytes helps to quickly and efficiently quench your thirst, even in tropical hot conditions. Therefore, coconut water is an integral part of sports nutrition. You can use it after heavy exertion on the body or throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Experts say that a glass of coconut water contains 10% of the daily requirement for potassium. Therefore, it is added even to simple refreshing invigorating cocktails. At the same time, the liquid contains a minimum of sugar.

Coconut water in cooking

Most often, pomace from palm nuts is used in its pure form. Progressive supporters of a healthy diet add it to cocktails, and lovers of a sweet and creamy nutty drink add it to coffee. Many Asian dishes are based on the use of liquid coconut as part of the creation of curries and soup dishes. You can add this water to desserts to give the aroma and taste of coconut and even to hot dishes, such as seafood.

  • An invigorating and rejuvenating coconut water smoothie fortifying the body with antioxidants and moisture. You need to mix the pieces of one green apple, 120 ml of liquid, a dessert spoon of grated ginger root. Three handfuls of spinach and half a peeled lemon are also added. All this mixture is whipped in a blender. If desired, you can add honey, no more than 3 tablespoons.
  • Another energy cocktail restores strength for the whole day after any kind of physical activity. Peel a small pineapple by cutting out the core that is not needed for the recipe. Free half of the melon from seeds and skins. Peel a couple of green apples, remove the middle with seeds from them. Grind all fruits and send to beat in a blender. Then pour in a liter of coconut water and repeat the mixing procedure until the desired consistency.

The main contraindications of coconut liquid

  1. Palm fruit water is not recommended for people who are allergic to any nuts, and even more so to coconuts.
  2. With a weak digestive system in the stage of exacerbation of diseases, this product should not be abused. In particular, we are talking about bloating and indigestion.
  3. Disorders of the kidneys allow you to drink water only after negotiations with the doctor.
  4. A high level of potassium in the body leads to a ban on coconut liquid, because it already contains so much of this element.
  5. Two weeks before surgery, you can not drink water from coconut, otherwise blood pressure can change dramatically right during the operation.

For pregnant and lactating women, children and seniors, coconut water is completely safe.

Storage and shelf life of coconut water

The liquid from the fruits of the palm tree is stored in a separate sealed container. You can use a plastic container or a glass jar, but the main thing is to make sure the lid is intact. You can keep the water at room temperature or in the refrigerator, but it is better not to store this product for more than a week. The only exception is a liquid frozen in the form of ice, which does not lose its properties for 2-3 months. Sometimes coconut water will produce cream during storage that can be used within a week.

Coconut water is a liquid from the category of so-called super drinks. It is absolutely natural, well absorbed by the body and has a huge arsenal of useful properties. Of course, drinking juice directly from a coconut through a straw is a separate aesthetic, but a store-bought drink in a can is no less useful and enjoyable. In countries such as Malaysia and Thailand, coconut water is called “life juice”, and it is valued much more than mineral water recognized for its usefulness! However, this “life juice” has its own contraindications.

Coconut water, or sap, is a liquid plant substance that forms inside the fruit of the coconut palm as it ripens.

Inside, the nut consists of a hard, oily white mass that covers the walls, and a sweet, clear juice. Initially, the liquid occupies the entire space of the fruit, but gradually hardens, connecting with the oil coming from the copra (shell). Thus, the riper the nut, the more pulp it contains.

If the fruit does not have cracks, coconut juice is absolutely sterile, so theoretically it can be used to wash wounds. Occasionally, this is practiced by Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians and other peoples of Southeast Asia. In general, the inhabitants of these countries do not consider coconut water to be something special, for them it is an ordinary way to quench their thirst. Particularly hospitable locals even treat tourists for free with a drink.

You can drink coconut water directly from the nut by punching a hole in one of its holes. The well-known brand Cocoyoyo in Russia warns that you should not expect a rich coconut taste from water, which is inherent in shavings. Green nut juice has a refreshing, slightly sweet taste. It is difficult to get used to it the first time, like, for example, celery juice or wheatgrass. A chilled drink is tastier and better tones, so it is recommended to drink it that way.

After opening the fetus, it is necessary to consume the liquid in a short time. It quickly deteriorates under the action of sunlight and from contact with air. Due to the oxidation of many components, the juice acquires a sour taste and can be harmful to health. Therefore, it can be seen that in the resorts, a coconut cut for drinking is closed from above with a lid from the cut off part.

For export sales, coconut water is packaged in containers made of opaque materials: metal cans, paper boxes and bags. At the enterprises involved in bottling products, lines are installed without access to oxygen and sunlight. This allows you to transfer the juice from the nuts into the package, so to speak, in its original form.

Coconut Water vs Coconut Milk: What's the Difference?

The notion that coconut milk and water are the same product is wrong. Water, as already mentioned, is juice, a natural liquid that accumulates inside the drupe. And milk is made artificially, although it has a completely natural composition. Coconut milk, whose beneficial properties are also extensive, is made from crushed pulp, peeled from split nuts.

Due to the huge fat content, coconut milk has a higher calorie content - up to 200-250 kcal per 100 grams. And the juice of coconut fruits, on the contrary, contains practically no fats or proteins. Only a small part of sugar-carbohydrates raises its calorie content to 17-20 kcal per 100 ml.
In countries where coconut grows freely, the scope of these liquids also varies. Water is drunk to quench thirst, restore the body after exercise. And if they drink milk, it is strongly diluted with water. Basically, soups are cooked on it, smoothies, desserts, pastries, cereals are made.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconuts intended for drinking juice are harvested at the age of about six months. Sterile liquid contains a lot of antioxidants, organic acids, enzymes, phytohormones, minerals and vitamins.

For marketing purposes, coconut water is often called a storehouse of vitamins, referring to the presence of B1-B9, C, E, PP and H in it. The variety is impressive, but the content of them in the drink is so low that it is not able to completely cover consumption. You should not count on coconut water as a remedy for beriberi. This is not its main use.

Minerals are of much greater value. The juice of young coconuts is high in potassium. This element plays an important role in maintaining the water-salt balance in the body. After exhausting workouts or walking under the scorching sun, the body loses a lot of fluid. Potassium is washed out, and the balance of salts is disturbed. Drinking coconut juice helps to avoid such consequences. In addition, it accelerates muscle recovery, reduces pain in them after exercise.

It is a common fact that during the Second World War, Japanese and British doctors used coconut water as an intravenous saline solution for large blood losses. Based on this, it was believed that this liquid is close in composition to blood lymph. But it's not.

Coconut water was suitable for this task due to its sterility and availability. In combat conditions, there was no better alternative, so I had to use what I had. In fact, coconut juice cannot fully replace saline. Moreover, the high content of potassium adversely affects the work of the heart, provoking arrhythmia or even stopping.

Benefits of coconut water for the body:

  • In the course of ongoing experiments on this topic, it was found that coconut water perfectly suppresses appetite. At the same time, it contains much fewer calories than, for example, the same fruit juices. This is a very, very valuable quality for everyone who wants to lose weight!
  • By filling the stomach, coconut water, if drunk 40 minutes before meals, automatically fills the stomach and prevents overeating during the main meal. The amount eaten will be much less, and this immediately reduces the calorie content of the daily diet.
  • In addition, coconut water has a fairly low glycemic index. This means that you will not want to eat for a long time after eating it. Drinking enough coconut water can significantly reduce your appetite until the next meal.
  • The dietary use of palm nut liquid is due to its low calorie content. In addition, the product has a very gentle effect on the mucous membranes, without causing irritation of the stomach and intestines, even in large volumes.
  • The main effect of this product during the diet is the rapid fat breakdown and digestion of food due to biologically active enzymes, such as phosphatase and catalase, diastase, etc.
  • The nutrients in the fluid speed up the metabolism and saturate all the cells with oxygen, which helps facilitate the weight loss process.
  • Elevated potassium levels help rid the body of excess moisture, which also releases dangerous toxins. The intestinal microflora is being adjusted, and its purification from toxins is accelerated.
As an addition to any diet, nutritionists recommend drinking 3-4 glasses of coconut water per week.

Try to use coconut water from young nuts. The older the nut, the less useful and tasty its water is.

An unusual role in human health has coconut liquid as a natural energy drink. Water from young palm fruits, due to the abundance of carbohydrates, gives a lot of strength, improves tone and gives vigor, relieves fatigue and lethargy. It also makes the body more resilient, which is very important for competitive athletes and training.

The use of fluid in the process of rehydration is also significant. An increased level of electrolytes helps to quickly and efficiently quench your thirst, even in tropical hot conditions. Therefore, coconut water is an integral part of sports nutrition. You can use it after heavy exertion on the body or throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Experts say that a glass of coconut water contains 10% of the daily requirement for potassium. Therefore, it is added even to simple refreshing invigorating cocktails. At the same time, the liquid contains a minimum of sugar.

The main contraindications of coconut liquid

  • Palm fruit water is not recommended for people who are allergic to any nuts, and even more so to coconuts.
  • With a weak digestive system in the stage of exacerbation of diseases, this product should not be abused. In particular, we are talking about bloating and indigestion.
  • Kidney disorders allow you to drink water only after consulting a doctor.
  • A high level of potassium in the body leads to a ban on coconut liquid, because it already has a lot of this element.
  • Two weeks before surgery, you can not drink water from coconut, otherwise blood pressure can change dramatically right during the operation.
For pregnant and lactating women, children and senior citizens, coconut water is completely safe.

Storage and shelf life of coconut water

The liquid from the fruits of the palm tree is stored in a separate sealed container. You can use a plastic container or a glass jar, but the main thing is to make sure the lid is intact. You can keep the water at room temperature or in the refrigerator, but it is better not to store this product for more than a week. The only exception is a liquid frozen in the form of ice, which does not lose its properties for 2-3 months. Sometimes coconut water will produce cream during storage that can be used within a week.

Coconut water is the clear liquid of young coconuts. Basically, it's coconut juice. It belongs to one of the most refreshing drinks created by nature. It has many nutritional and beneficial properties for the human body.

Coke water is very popular in tropical countries where coconut grows. It is often sold by street vendors by cutting the fruit of a green walnut. This liquid, contained inside the unripe fruit, is an excellent refreshing and tonic agent.

Each such nut can contain from 200 ml to one liter of coconut water. In mature it contains less. The liquid that is contained inside a ripe nut is coconut milk.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut palms grow in all subtropical countries. Each such tree can produce several hundred nuts in a season.

There are many varieties of coconut palms. Therefore, the taste and aroma of the juice will be different. It depends:

From the type of palm tree;

Location from the sea;

and other conditions.

The liquid inside the green coconut is sweet and sterile. Contains many beneficial nutrients. This:

B vitamins, ascorbic acid;

Minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sulfur, chlorides;

Enzymes: phosphatase, catalase, peroxidase and others;

Amino acids: alanine, arginine, aspartic acid cystine and others;


Cytokinins are a class of phytohormones that stimulate cell division. Studies show that they have anticarcinogenic properties, slow down aging, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Most of the juice is glucose and fructose. Their concentration is approximately one and a half to 5.5 percent in the first months of ripening. Then it slowly falls and reaches about 2 percent at the stage of full maturity of the nut.

It is richer in mineral composition than orange juice. More than half of all minerals are potassium. It plays an important role in the functioning of the urinary system.

In addition to potassium, there is a significant amount of sodium. 100 ml of water contains 250 mg of potassium and 105 mg of sodium.

Studies show that the composition of coconut water is close to the composition of human blood. This is a great isotonic refreshing drink.

In order to extract the liquid, young nuts are harvested when they reach 5-7 months of age.

Benefits of coconut water for the body

It quenches thirst well and can be an alternative to plain water. In addition, it contains many nutrients for humans.

Coconut water:

Promotes weight loss;

Useful for problematic skin;

Suitable for sports nutrition;

Increases blood circulation;

Maintains the pH level in body fluids;

Fights free radicals;

Good for hydration;

Removes toxins;

Does not contain fats and cholesterol.

Medicinal properties

In countries where coconut palms grow, it is used to treat many diseases. Before saline was available, coconut water was used instead. After all, the liquid inside the nut is sterile.
To this day, despite the ban in official medicine, it is used in emergency cases.

For therapeutic purposes, coconut juice is used:

With diarrhea;

As an antihelminthic;

With vomiting;

For feeding infants suffering from indigestion;

With urinary tract infections;

To stimulate growth;

Against prickly heat (it dries well pustules, including those caused by smallpox, chickenpox, measles).

The presence of proteins and saline makes coconut water a good remedy during cholera.

An excellent tonic for the elderly and sick people.

Effective in the treatment of kidney and bladder stones, as it has diuretic properties.

As a diuretic, it can be used for urinary tract diseases.

In the treatment of AIDS, it contributes to the rapid absorption of drugs, increasing their content in the blood.

Of course, the use of coconut water for medicinal purposes is practically inaccessible in our country. All this applies to fresh coconut water, i.e. water that has just been extracted from the nut. It is quite possible to use canned coconut water to replenish the supply of useful elements.

It has a good effect on the digestive tract, improving the process of digestion, increases metabolism.

Beneficial for high blood pressure, swelling of the hands and feet. It is recommended to consume in the morning to stimulate electrolyte balance.

How to choose and store coconut

We only sell mature coconuts. Green, with juice, not yet. But who happens in tropical countries, saw them on sale.
rare to find coconut water. We still have it exotic. However, in large cities or in online stores you can buy it.

Of course, it contains preservatives to extend the shelf life.
Yes, and the taste is different from the water of a freshly opened nut.

If you bring coconuts from a vacation in a tropical country, then you can store them at room temperature for 5-10 days.

After opening the nut, the liquid quickly turns sour due to the high enzymatic activity. Store leftover liquid in the refrigerator.

Freezing is allowed. After defrosting, it does not lose its properties.

When used in water, you can add a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint, orange zest, lemon and more.

It's easy to take it out. This will require a sharp knife. Preferably not small. Open the nut from the bottom or top.

You can drink immediately with a straw or pour into a glass.

By the way, don't throw away the nut! The tender coconut flesh inside is also very tasty and sweet.

Harm and contraindications

There are almost no contraindications. You can not use it with individual intolerance or allergy to coconut.
Excessive consumption can cause kidney failure due to an increase in potassium levels in the blood. Possible arrhythmia, loss of consciousness.

True, hyperkalemia can only be caused by drinking a few liters of coconut water for a short time.

With excessive use, it is possible:

Increased blood sugar levels;

Lowering blood pressure (especially in people predisposed to hypotension);

Dehydration due to diuretic properties;

Laxative effect.

It should be limited to people prone to obesity and rapid weight gain. 300 ml of water contains approximately 60 kcal.
The disadvantages include a strong diuretic effect, which is not very convenient in certain situations.

Thus, summing up, it must be said that coconut water is a healthy drink. You can drink it in moderation.

What is coconut water see in the video