Behavior of an insecure man. Unsure man

“I think we're all at least a little insecure, and there's nothing wrong with admitting it. But when we try to counter this insecurity by cultivating an illusion of control, we create problems for ourselves by taking ourselves and everything we know too seriously.” – Sushant Singh Rajput

Getting stuck in a swamp of self-doubt and starting to exhibit appropriate behavior is not easy, but very easy, especially considering the fact that the world all ready to show us that we will never be good enough, no matter how hard we try. This is a very dangerous way of thinking, especially if it becomes a habit, and it is doubly dangerous when you are in a personal relationship with someone who is also insecure.

The line between behavior caused by self-doubt and true passion is too thin and blurred to be clearly recognized. However, fortunately, there are several very clear signs by which you can recognize men who are distinguished by deep self-doubt, which can over time ruin any, even the best relationships. Yes, they are not always easy to recognize, but it is still possible. And you should remember that no matter how strong your boyfriend or husband’s self-doubt is, it’s not you who should correct this situation. Well, you can't do that, to be honest. They can get rid of uncertainty only through persistent and daily work on themselves. But you can very well help them with this, and therefore we have collected in this article for you several disturbing manifestations of anxiety that you should be wary of, and which do not have the best effect on relationships.

So, here are 10 main signs of insecure men:

1. He tells you about his boundless love on the second date.

Oh, so he confessed his boundless, ocean-like love for you already on the second date? Starts talking about moving in with you after the third, and tries to discuss what you will name your children? If this is the case, then this is a clear sign that you should run away from him, and far away. He has too much self-doubt to be a good partner and believes that if he doesn't have you right here and now, something terrible will happen. This sign is quite difficult to recognize, primarily because we all tend to think of declarations of love as something sweet and wonderful - This is truly wonderful, but not when you hear it from someone you have known for a week at most. Trust your instincts, and try to recognize this as a sign of self-doubt, not honesty and openness.

2. He avoids direct eye contact.

Body language can sometimes speak much louder than words. Insecure men are rarely able to look their interlocutor in the eyes, especially if he has romantic plans for this very interlocutor. This is because the eyes of any person are very expressive, and they often allow you to look deep into his soul. It's clear that when a man is insecure, he doesn't want you to see it. So if, during intimacy or leisure time together, a man avoids looking into your eyes, this is a very alarming bell.

3. He scares you

In fact, many bullies behave this way only because deep down they have severe self-doubt, and try to compensate for it through insults, as well as verbal or physical violence. But, of course, this cannot be an excuse for such an attitude towards you. If you have experienced any type of violence or mistreatment, know that it is unacceptable and there is no excuse for it. If you really love your partner, try to convince them to seek help from a specialist who can help them solve this problem But in any case, don't let them take it out on you. And... don’t be fooled by the “tough” character he tries to show to the outside world- in fact, he is worried about deep self-doubt.

4. He threatens to leave you.

Another very characteristic sign of your partner's lack of self-confidence is his belief that he has a huge influence over you, so much so that he tries to manipulate you by threatening to leave you. This threat may be a sign that he is afraid of losing you on your initiative, and is proactive. It could also be an attempt to get confirmation from you of your own importance in your life using manipulative techniques.

5. He doubts you and doesn't trust you.

Does he doubt the veracity of your words when you stay at work for a long time, or go somewhere with friends? Excessive jealousy is a classic sign of lack of self-confidence. Again, it is a consequence of the fear that you will leave him, and he will not be able to prevent this. He feels like he's not good enough for you, so he tries to stop you from hurting him the only way he knows how - by hurting you first. Don't let him fool you. Try to look beyond the façade of his manipulative tactics and see the self-doubt that lies beneath.

6. He has low self-esteem

If he constantly compares himself to your friends, or, say, to male celebrities that you like, and not in his favor, then it is very likely that he has fairly low self-esteem. Perhaps this problem is much easier to solve than others, because in this case his lack of self-confidence is associated with physical appearance. Try organizing a “beauty day” for him, if possible. Encourage him to buy new nice clothes, make new hairstyle, finally buy that high-quality razor with trimmer and try it out. Even such seemingly small changes can work a real miracle with his self-esteem.

7. He forgives nothing and forgets nothing.

One of characteristic features A healthy personal relationship is the ability to leave minor disagreements behind, and the ability to learn from mistakes made. If the man with whom you decide to connect your life remembers everything, even the smallest grievances, then it is very likely that he suffers from lack of self-confidence and the prospects for your relationship. If you really like him and want to help him, try to convince him that the past should stay in the past, and he should focus on the present and future, and not on old quarrels.

8. He stalks you on social media

Does he “like” your every post on Facebook or Instagram? Of course, the reason for this could be that he simply likes everything you write, but it’s unlikely; he's probably just stalking you in the digital world. Perhaps he even imagines himself as a kind of digital detective, trying to find out all the ins and outs about you from social networks. Try not to expose too much to everyone. Let the personal remain personal.

9. He doesn't respect your personal space.

If you repeatedly catch him reading text messages on your phone, looking at the history in your browser, or wondering what and who is writing to you in in social networks, then, most likely, he is extremely unsure of both himself and his ability to maintain your relationship. He is trying to “catch” you in advance in obvious or imaginary infidelity and an attempt to leave him, so that he will not feel so bad when (as he is consciously or subconsciously sure) this happens. Try to explain to him that this behavior is unpleasant to you, that you, like all people, need your personal space, and he should respect it.

10. He gets angry when you're not around.

The life of any married couple cannot - and should not - revolve entirely around their relationship. If you want this relationship to be strong and fulfilling, both you and your partner need to have at least some life outside of it. And if your partner is angry and annoyed by any of your attempts to spend your free time not in your company, this means that he does not trust you or your friends. Of course, this does not mean that you can leave him alone every evening, making him feel unwanted, but... try to convince him that you need to spend your free time from time to time on yourself, and not on him, and not even on you two.

A few final thoughts

Often, men suffering from self-doubt and the behavior that accompanies it are not even aware of what it looks like from the outside. They may well think that there is nothing wrong with them and resist your attempts to help them, but the right approach can help you greatly improve your partner's self-confidence and make him believe in the future of your relationship. If you think this is necessary, try to convince him to seek professional help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. Explain to him that there is nothing scary or shameful about this. And when positive thinking will replace the negative, you will certainly see how the behavior of your “other half” will change for the better!

You want to be behind him, like behind a stone wall. But what to do if the legendary wall turns out to be pressed cardboard?

This is how nature intended it millions of years ago: a strong partner is needed to create a family and offspring. Therefore, you are completely justifiably afraid for your future.

For harmonious relations It is necessary for a man to be responsible, courageous, strong and achieve his goals.

Yes, at the beginning of a relationship a man seems to be at least a demigod. And you melt from new sensations and compliments faster than the ice in his whiskey.

And the shortcomings seem so insignificant that they cannot spoil anything. And while he looks after him beautifully, what’s the point of noticing anything?

As a result, character traits and behavior patterns gradually become visible that can no longer be hidden by courtship.

He often fantasizes, is lazy, promises a lot, but does little - it is quite possible that there is something of him in him. Darwin would have cried over something like this.

Therefore, even at the beginning of a relationship, I advise you to take a closer look. So that later you have no reason to shed tears.

A hundred for courage

The foundation of low self-esteem, fear of failure and unwillingness to cope with difficulties is laid in childhood. a man is fully equipped with internal imbalance, if there is one.

To give imaginary self-confidence, he often resorts to alcohol, games, even drugs. Alternatively, he changes women like broken toothpicks.

If you meet a man who insults, humiliates or “plays” with you, know that he is healing his sick ego at the expense of you.

Are you confident? - Yes, my mother told me so

Infants - special type complexed men. Initially, they are looking for mothers, housewives or women with good income. Mama's boys shift responsibility onto the woman: everyday life, or decision-making.

At the same time, everyone is to blame for their failures - the ex, the government, bad weather. By the way, ask about his past relationships. You will hear how he was betrayed or not loved and respected enough.

A decent man will never water ex-woman dirt. Due to this, only men with low self-esteem assert themselves.

Even if the candy-bouquet begins like a fairy tale, over time they will also morally (and God forbid physically!) lower their woman. As if by chance or “with the best intentions.”

Either she’s dressed wrong, her hair doesn’t suit her, or she’s not smart enough... Think carefully, maybe the problem isn’t you at all?

Grandmother's tales

To hide his uncertainty, he will talk about his grandiose plans. How he has his eye on an apartment in the center and is planning to buy (but he doesn’t say that it’s already been 10 years).

That he plans to move to Rome (he dreamed of it since his youth, but something got in the way), or will open a big business (but his time has not come yet, so he’s quite happy with 9 to 6).

Conversations and fantasies add to his status. And not only in the eyes of others, but also in your own. Oh, how he would like to be like that, but alas...

You will recognize him from a thousand, lift your rose-colored glasses and assess the situation soberly. Unconfident man:

1. Listens to other people's opinions

Just yesterday everything was okay, but today he’s finding fault with your undercooked cutlets - rest assured, because Aunt Sveta said so and she knows better.

And it doesn’t matter whose opinion is a priority for him - his mother, brother or friends. He is dependent and weak. Unable to make decisions on his own. This also affects. It is not he who controls, but him.

2. Doesn't take responsibility

The level of responsibility speaks of his maturity, again - of self-confidence. If a man is afraid of difficulties, he will not be responsible for business, finances and a woman.

3. Jealous

He secretly, in the most secluded corner of his soul, underestimates himself as a man. And if a woman also compares him to some Max in a Porsche or Borey with big biceps, it blows his mind.

There will be interrogations with confessions. Another sign is discussing other men with an element of humiliation.

From the series: “Just think, I bought an apartment... If I had such parents, I wouldn’t be without an apartment either. The area is terrible! And in fact, there was once a morgue in this place!”

4. Loves too much

Attention, care and diminutives can also be strangled.

In the first stages of a relationship, maybe someone likes this - 1000 and 1 SMS a day “how are you”, “how are you feeling”, “how are you in the mood”. But very soon this will start to bother any self-sufficient woman.

Intrusive calls, overprotectiveness - this is an active show of how good he is. You will be surprised, but such “love” often hides a deceitful nature.

We don't have time for this! He sets priorities and definitely not in favor of lifelong correspondence.

5. Shows off

And an insecure man promises mountains of gold, a hand and a heart. He just wants to hook a woman as quickly as possible. Until you realized that he was a rogue and a windbag.

A worthy man does not trumpet how wealthy he is. He doesn't talk, he does.

Is it possible to make an insecure man strong?

One of the options is yes. If he is ready to change, not at your suggestion, but on his own, after looking at himself from the outside. If he is by nature a zero without a wand and he likes it, you will only suffer.

It's like carrying water with a sieve into the pool. I just want to say: “Darling, there are seas and oceans around you. Why are you fooling yourself?”

A man worthy of a man. Write in the comments if you tried to change your man and what came of it.

You can't put smart thoughts into someone else's head. He had been cultivating this in his brain for years!

Do you notice such traits in your man? Then remember 3 things:

  • don't feel sorry for him;
  • do not allow yourself to be humiliated;
  • don't help financially.

If you love drama and, then you can practice the game of “who will win.” But, most likely, you will just waste time.

Many girls fight with windmills like Don Quixote. Instead of a spear, they take love, motivation, and become a personal coach or psychologist. But as a result, they turn into a “see how I can do it myself” woman, a mommy.

When he was little

Low self-esteem and self-doubt are buried deep in childhood. To dig or not to dig - the choice is yours. But if you are tired of living in limbo, in constant uncertainty, remember that you choose your men yourself.

Believe me, there are hundreds around normal men- strong, generous, caring and attentive. You can attract one too!

If he is initially worthy, there will be no point in wasting time convicting him of uncertainty.

I believe in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Uncertainty interferes with life. This is a serious complex that needs to be fought. The article provides effective method, which has a positive effect on self-esteem and a sense of confidence.

One of the most unpleasant and even harmful properties psyche is a feeling of uncertainty. It negatively affects the behavior of both men and women. But beautiful creatures can be forgiven for this shortcoming, because they are predetermined by nature to be weak and defenseless. As for the stronger half of humanity, here uncertainty can be considered as a serious complex that needs to be fought.

Therefore, let’s try to figure out the problem using the example of men’s lack of confidence in themselves and their strengths.

Intelligence, beauty, strength will have no practical value if a man is deprived of a sense of inner confidence. Shyness and indecision will reduce all advantages to zero. They will block the path to success and personal life, and in work activity.

But do not confuse confidence with arrogance and rudeness. The latter is precisely generated by complexes. It is through cheeky behavior and outright rudeness that a person tries to disguise his inner weakness, fear and timidity.

How does a nasty and vile virus arise in the depths of consciousness that prevents many men from living? Naturally, it is not airborne. The complex originates in early childhood, When human psyche absorbs everything negative like a sponge. Children are very trusting. Any statement or remark of adults is perceived by them as an infallible truth.

But imagine that an adult is the carrier of a whole bunch of complexes. All of them will safely pass into the child’s psyche and settle down there. the best way. So-called “anchors” will appear, which will begin to negatively affect the baby’s behavior. He will become timid, shy, self-conscious. This pattern of behavior should cause a feeling of anxiety in parents and educators.

However, adults, burdened with their own worries, rarely pay attention to such trifles. Sometimes they are irritated by the child’s excessive indecisiveness and tightness. They do not want to understand that they themselves are the culprits of this. But instead of critically assessing the methods of their upbringing and the phrases that are constantly uttered, they begin to scold the baby, and sometimes even mock him.

First of all, you should come to terms with the situation and stop scolding yourself for being insecure and timid. You should not prohibit, but allow yourself to be shy and indecisive. In this case, it will be released very a large number of energy, which precisely fuels the complex. Having deprived it of a power source, you can proceed to the next step.

It is necessary to gradually instill in oneself the idea that the complex is not an internal essence, but only a role. Well I like it this way life stage play an insecure person. I am a free person and can create any image for myself. In this case, the negative dependence on indecisive actions will disappear and a state of inner freedom will begin.

When communicating with people, you will no longer be visited by a feeling of annoyance at yourself for some flaws in your behavior. After all, they are performed only in accordance with the chosen role. And you need to play it well, since any task should be done conscientiously.

Never, under any circumstances, scold yourself. Treat the world around you with a sense of humor. Come before strangers in the form of a confident and categorical person, and then return to your usual image. Experience the feeling of pleasure from the bewilderment of others. Be sincerely pleased with your acting talents.

Gradually you will begin to perceive yourself a full-fledged person who is not afraid to appear insecure and uptight to others. Then comes a feeling of indifference to the opinion of the crowd. A deep conviction will arise in your soul that you can look the way you like. Love this image and perceive it as authentic, corresponding to your inner essence.

Never forget that you are surrounded by real people. And they are more concerned about their appearance and personal behavior than anyone else. Therefore, you should not think that your personality is of such great importance in the eyes of others. Draw appropriate conclusions and proceed to the third stage of the fight against the uncertainty complex.

At some point, feel that you are tired of the role of a timid and indecisive person. It's time to try on a different image. This is a confident demeanor, courage and determination. But there may be a paradox here. When it finally appears desire completely get rid of the complex, and suddenly it turns out that it no longer exists.

The game of indecision will do its job and completely transform you into a different person. Everything will happen by itself and absolutely unnoticed. Even close people, friends, acquaintances will not pay attention to this, since the process of changing the psyche will take a certain period of time and will occur gradually.

In this case, all that remains is to wash your hands and move on through life with your head held high. But you must always remember simple truths, which will never allow the complex to come back. This is, first of all, an absolute right to any failure. It is impossible to always win. But retreat is not defeat. It only makes it possible to realize other ways to achieve a goal.

You shouldn’t be afraid, lower your self-esteem, or get hung up on negative emotions. In any business, a certain amount of humor is necessary, since laughter has enormous power. Great importance have ease and relaxedness. Thanks to them, psychological control over one’s behavior disappears. A person becomes himself, that is, unlike others. And this always elevates him in the eyes of other people.

Overcoming uncertainty is not as difficult as it may seem at first.

The main thing is to become the master of the situation.

And always remember that it is hard only at the beginning, then it becomes much easier, and the process of transforming into a different person begins to go like clockwork.

Incredible facts

Unsure man- This headache for any woman.

Many women whose relationships started out great eventually discovered that their man was completely insecure.

You need to understand that these games test your loyalty and extract from you the words of approval that he needs. In the end, you will either be stuck in an unhealthy relationship or end the game by letting him leave.

8. He talks about his exes and how they betrayed him.

According to him, these girls never loved him. He insists that in past relationships he was solely the victim. He was used and cheated on. Perhaps there is some truth in this, and this could be the reason for his complexes, or maybe he has an incorrect picture of what is happening in his head due to his lack of self-confidence.

Women tend to sympathize with the offended and deprived. Therefore, if his stories touch your soul, you may decide that you will never leave or hurt him. Be careful and take his ex stories with a grain of salt, or you could be stuck in an unsuitable relationship for a long time.

He is aware of every update on your page, every photo, tweet or new post. It follows you and always knows what you are going to post. He might even get upset if you don't warn him about what you're going to do on your page.

10. He checks your phone

He peeks out of the corner of his eye when you receive the message. He may casually ask you who you are texting or demand that you show him your phone number. He may feel like you're hiding something from him, even if it's work email or online orders.

11. He smothers you with his attention and gifts.

What girl doesn’t want to drown in gifts and attention? However, do not rush to conclude that he is doing this out of great love for you. Perhaps he is simply driven by the desire to buy your love and make sure that you do not leave him.

12. He suspects you of cheating

You cannot shake his conviction of your infidelity. He may accuse you of flirting with a waiter, having an affair with a co-worker, or simply looking around for someone better.

It's not necessarily that he doesn't trust you. He just feels that he is not good enough for you, so it will only be a matter of time before you cheat.

13. He gets upset when he can't be with you every day.

A few minutes after your date, he calls or sends a message that he misses you. This is so cute, you think. But believe me, there can also be too much attention.

Over time, this can develop into an obsession, and he will blame you for working too much, meeting with friends and not paying enough attention to him personally.

14. His mood depends on you

In relationships, we become more sensitive to our partner's mood. However, for an insecure man, his mood is completely dependent on you.

If you are happy and show him your love, he will be happy good mood. If you're exhausted trying to cope with everything and you don't have time to reassure him of your feelings, he starts to feel depressed.

Think about the incredible pressure such a codependent relationship puts on you. After all, you need to be in a good mood all the time so that he doesn’t get upset.

15. He is very sensitive to criticism

Nobody likes to be criticized, but insecure people accept even humorous or constructive criticism close to heart. Due to low self-esteem, they cannot stand it when suspicions of their insecurities are confirmed and their shortcomings are pointed out to them.

If you are honest about the fact that his attention is suffocating you and you need some time alone, he may turn these words against you. Instead of listening to your concerns and thinking about his behavior, he loses his temper and becomes defensive.

Such a man is ready to solve any girl’s problem. He will come running at the first call for help.

Henpecked men are beneficial companions for any lady.

But, alas, the girls treat them with disdain, calling them “Yes, this Kolya is a rag, not a man!” Unfortunately, men who don’t know this will spend years repairing her computer, always helping out in unforeseen situations, but they will never be able to become her lovers. A gentleman and a henpecked man are two different categories.

  • henpecked- this is the kind of man who always fulfills any woman’s request, even at the expense of his time, his business, and even his dates with another woman.
  • Gentleman- he is happy to help the lady, but not always, but when he can. At the same time, he clearly understands that his woman likes him and they, of course, will continue their whirlwind romance, because the sweet lady looks at him with tenderness and lust.

2. Interrogation at the meeting

Frankly, on dates you are always wary when a stranger starts asking you: “Where is the company where you work?” The only thing worse than this is the question: “How much money do you have in the bank?” Any meeting should not be an interrogation, which takes place in the form of a question and answer, but in the form of a conversation when one person enthusiastically tells something about himself and the lady echoes him, because they are both interested in the topic being discussed.

3. An insecure man

The man’s insecurity simply shines through - this is manifested in his dull, wandering gaze, and in his untidiness, and in the fact that he slouches. By agreeing to a date, a lady assumes that she will have an interesting time with a nice interlocutor who will behave in such a way that she does not get bored.

An insecure man is unattractive, it’s as if he’s trying to psychologically hide from everyone in the world, he’s afraid to say an extra word, he’s withdrawn, he performs unnecessary manipulations with his arms and legs, he has shifty eyes, sweaty hands, his whole appearance says: “I’m not confident in myself, and, most likely, nothing will work out with you, because I’m a loser and the fact that you agreed to go on a date with me is an accident. The date will end and we will never see each other again.”

The disadvantages of this behavior Men are also the fact that they can be very critical of women, completely indelicate, jealous, suspicious, fearful, and generally uninteresting. Women like confident men, next to whom it will be interesting to spend time and just relax.

4. Shower with gifts

Alas, you either like a man or don’t like him. If you don’t like him, he is used to obtain material benefits. Try to do this: give flowers, but you shouldn’t present expensive gifts to a woman you don’t know well, otherwise she’ll get used to it and take it for granted. It’s interesting that the gifts received doesn't make her feel that she owes this man something sexually. Not at all - she gives him her time, her attention.

5. Premature declaration of love

If a woman is not in love with you, then she can take advantage of your feelings, mock a man’s love, and use you in every possible way. It is better to confess your love after a certain period, for example, six months - this way it will be clear that your feelings are true, and the woman will most likely also become attached to you during this period. Sometimes women are in no hurry to confess their love, but simply wait for men to confess first, but this should not be done too quickly, because this can only indicate love, which passes quickly enough, and is not always mutual. Let time pass- this way there is a greater chance that your feelings will be mutual and the woman will not refuse you, because you have been together for so long and have been a real gentleman with her.

6. Excessive differences in material terms, appearance,interests

Needless to say, if you are from different social classes, it will not be easy for you to introduce your lady to rich relatives or for her to introduce you to her rich dad and mom. The difference will always be visible, and you can also get reproaches from any side for obtaining material benefits.

Too strong a difference in external attractiveness will also be a reason for unreasonable or justified jealousy, from which sometimes a person goes crazy and decides to commit illegal actions and persecution. It is advisable that at least one hobby you had was the same, or so that a woman at least somehow supports your activities in football, sailing, skydiving. Since you will spend a lot of time on your hobby, if she is not interested in it, she will remain on the sidelines and will be deaf to your statements about how interesting it was to go kayaking or jumping from a parachute.

A common cause brings people together - this should be taken into account when interests coincide.

Most often, they are together for quite a long time, practically identical people- they have the same position in life, the same goals, similar character qualities - such people long years together. Too much different people can get together for a while, but only for a while, because then one will be annoyed by her slowness, and she will be unbearable by his temper. Choose a person who is similar to you - then everything will be much easier.

7. Fake behavior

When meeting a lady you don’t know well, you can try to pretend to be a hot macho man, a sociable person, whatever. But if she falls in love with this image, then you will have to be like this for the rest of your days, and it’s quite difficult to play a tedious role all your life. At the meeting you need to be as natural as possible and be interested in your lady.

When a man behaves constrained, compressed, looks around, is silent in response, asks strange questions or reacts strangely, then the impression is created of either his inadequacy or the presence of serious mental illness, or that he is married. If you invite a woman on a date, be sociable, listen, and not just talk, give her compliments - it’s so nice for any woman to hear that she is so charming in this dress, and what soft hair she has, and what beautiful eyes!

8. Believing that she is perfect

Nobody is perfect. If you proceed from the conclusion that this particular woman will be ideal, then you can quickly be disappointed. Every woman has a number of shortcomings. It’s just that the whole difference is whether you can put up with these shortcomings. Will you be satisfied with her capriciousness or silence? Can you accept the fact that she will spend hours talking on the phone with her friend? If not, then there is no need to waste your time, you will not have a long-term relationship anyway.

Take a closer look at the person– she must definitely be liked in appearance, in addition, she must have an interesting inner world, after all, appearance fades over the years, but what remains inside, intellectual fullness or an excellent sense of humor, and perhaps self-irony - believe me, will always attract. Make good jokes yourself. And just decide for yourself right away: what you are ready to put up with in a woman’s behavior, and what, well, you’re not ready to accept.

9. Think that girls like money and handsome males

There are definitely ladies who are attracted to money and a man’s appearance is not particularly important to them. This is understandable - they want to get settled in life at the expense of a man. If you dig deeper into the psychology of such a woman, you may notice a certain infantilism in life, when she clearly decided for herself that everything in life can be achieved at the expense of money, and not her own earned money, but received from a man.

But the truth is that rich men often exchange such ladies for young, beautiful ones, and the old wife is left to live the way she can live with the remaining amount. Handsome men are more interesting for very young girls, since they don’t have any experience yet, so they rush to the cover. If you dig deeper, then handsome man fed up with female attention, a true “narcissist” adores only himself. Such men are of little interest to an intelligent woman, except for procreation.

Women like smart, cheerful men, who will be interesting and not boring to be around, and they are also looking for responsible men with whom they can start a family.

10. Stop surprising if the girl is not indifferent to you

If a girl becomes bored with her beloved man, she can find another, next to whom she will not feel sad. A woman should be interested and have fun with a man.