Roulette leash for dogs: tips for choosing, features, types and reviews. Leash-roulette: the dangerous side of the coin Which tape measures for dogs are better?

Leashes are a must when walking pets. A dog tape measure is a convenient mechanical device for holding a dog in outdoor conditions. It is durable and ergonomic, so it is also popular among owners of other animals - cats, ferrets.

Roulette for dogs - types

The device consists of a plastic case in which a spring mechanism is placed, and a wound leash. The design has a handle (rubberized or not), made to fit the size of a person’s hand, and a control button. The principle of its operation is simple - the tape is snapped with a carabiner to the animal’s collar and acts as a leash. The owner can control the pet without unnecessary movements. When deciding how to choose a roulette leash for a dog, you need to study their varieties. By type they are divided into cable and belt. Both types are strong and durable and can withstand loads well.

Tape measure belt for dogs

This is a flexible and less traumatic material than a cord. The original function of a belt on a spring is that, unlike a simple leash, it does not sag and quickly rewinds with one movement of a finger. The dog leaves - he stretches, the pet returns to the owner - the ribbon is shortened. This way your pet walks in comfort and feels maximum freedom of movement.

The belt leash of the tape measure sometimes gets twisted and does not wind well onto the reel. If he gets entangled in the bushes, then the tape is easier to get out - it is clearly visible. A wide belt is recommended for large pets; if pulled, the rope can injure the owner’s legs or palms. The length of the product varies from 3 to 10 meters; when choosing, it is important to take into account the size of the individual and walking conditions.

Roulettes for dogs are equipped with additional features - blocking the movement and returning the dog. The stop function makes it possible, if necessary, to press the brake button, and the belt stops unwinding - the pet will not be able to go further. The ability to return the dog so that it does not go where it is not needed allows you to shorten the tape and the pet will come closer to a safe distance.

Cable tape measure for dogs

There is a cord product that uses a thin rope instead of a belt. These are the best tape measures for dogs. small size. They roll up simply and quickly, have a light, comfortable weight and rarely get tangled. Cable accessories are longer than belt ones, they are rigid and do not slow down the operation of the box. The carabiner in such a product breaks or jams infrequently.

The disadvantage of such an accessory is that if it is quickly and sharply folded or if the pet makes active jerks, you can get a burn or cut on an open area of ​​the body - the legs or palms. Under no circumstances should you grab the cord with your hands. If the animal is obedient, slow and small, you can safely buy it corded equipment - such injuries are practically excluded.

Another interesting type of accessory is on springs, in which a braid is attached to the cord in the carabiner area. The section of the roulette leash with the ribbon addition is not pulled into the box; only the cable part is rolled up. This accessory can withstand more than heavy loads. Do not grasp the cord with your hands - you can injure your palms when sudden movement pet. In this case, the possibility of skin burns due to accidental contact of the hand with the cable during a jerk is eliminated, thanks to the tape. This product is suitable for medium and small pets.

Ammunition for animals is supplied additional functions. A dog roulette with a flashlight will appeal to owners who prefer early or late walks, especially in winter time days. The lighting runs on batteries and makes it possible to control your four-legged friend on the street, for example, to make sure that he doesn’t eat anything dangerous. The disadvantage of this product is its large weight compared to other carabiners, but it can not be used constantly, but as needed.

How to choose a roulette leash?

When purchasing an accessory, they are guided by the breed of the individual and its dimensions. The device is designed for a certain tension force. In this case, the weight of the pet is taken into account, to which 5-10 kg is added. to define the parameter. The following sizes are allocated for products - minimal, small, medium, large and giant. A dog walking tape with a rubberized handle is more reliable - it does not slip out of your hands. A convenient product has a swivel that allows the box to rotate without twisting the belt. The best device is one that allows you to control your pet without any extra effort.

Dwarf pets are not capable of a powerful jerk, unlike large fighting breeds. Therefore, for small and slow animals, a cable is quite suitable - it is lighter, does not get tangled, quickly rewinds and without much tension on the part of the animal will not cause injury to the owner. If you purchase a product with a detachable collar, then the cord stuck in the bushes will easily hide itself in the box if it is separated from the dog.

This product for a small pet can easily withstand the weight written on the packaging. The tape measure for small dogs is selected to be small, so that if it falls, the massive handle will not injure the fragile pet. For small breeds, heavy carabiners are an unnecessary measure. They are dangerous and can cause injury. Many breeders choose glamorous leather products or decorated with rhinestones for decorative pets.

U massive dog heavy weight and high belt tension, especially if he is not obedient. Roulettes for big dogs are selected according to all the rules for calculating the voltage of the product. This will allow you to be confident in the reliability of the belt and always keep the situation under control. It is important to choose an accessory with an ergonomic reinforced body that does not harm the owner’s hand. You can use products with a metal carabiner. It withstands traction enormous power even in severe frosts.

For giant and massive animals, a dog belt tape measure is best suited. For large pets, it is recommended to choose a model with a safety loop. It is attached around the neck next to the collar, has a metal ring that clings to the main carabiner. Insurance is needed for extraordinary situations. If the ring on the collar breaks or the collar itself breaks, the loop will help control the dog.

For such pets, the product is selected in accordance with the size of the pet and its behavior. The medium size dog walking tape is marked M on the packaging. The length of the product is also important:

  • 10 m cord suitable for animals not yet accustomed to commands;
  • a tape 5 m long is suitable for medium-sized individuals (20-25 kg);
  • for heavier dogs, purchase an 8 m product.

When choosing, you need to consider who will be walking the pet. If your pet is cared for by a woman, a child, or he is active and curious, it is better to buy him a belt harness - if the animal jerks strongly, it is easier to hold him and there is less chance of injuring his hands. For trained and obedient dog For a medium size, you can buy a cable version with a ribbon from a carabiner.

Sometimes the promenade, even with two four-legged individuals, turns into chaos. It is inconvenient for owners who have to walk several animals to use more than one carabiner - they have to be rearranged, the ribbons can get tangled. In this case, the best tape measures for dogs are double ones, having several belts in one box. They allow you to control each pet individually.

Sometimes this design is equipped with a rotator, which reduces the likelihood of belts tangling. These models are heavier than regular ones. There is another type of ammunition - spark. In it, the ribbons cling to one ring attached to a carabiner. But if the pets are active, then the likelihood of several belts getting tangled is very high. They need to be taught to move in unison.

We have already talked about the convenience of the roulette leash in the previous article “”.
According to its design, the roulette leash presented on our website comes in two types:

It should be noted in advance that in terms of reliability and convenience when walking with an animal, both options are not inferior to each other.

Now let's look at the features of the roulette leash with a cable and with a tape.

Easier than with tape.

The tape may twist during twisting.

The cable may get tangled in bushes.

Leash tape measure with a cable it rolls up a little faster than the same leash with tape.

The tape is clearly visible on the street.

Roulette with cable usually longer than roulette leash with ribbon.

Leash tape measure on the tape it rolls up to the very end, while the leash on the cable, due to its design features, leaves 50 - 80 cm.

Whatever type of leash you choose, there are certain rules using this gadget for walking with an animal:

  1. Choose a tape leash strictly according to the weight of the animal. If the leash is designed for up to 20 kg, this means that the weight of the animal should not exceed 20 kg.
  2. To avoid injury, do not stop the cable or tape while reeling in.
  3. When driving on a busy street, keep the leash of the tape measure on the lock. Release the retainer in uncrowded areas.
  4. Do not attach the tape measure to a choke collar or prong collar.
  5. Do not let your animal climb into the bushes, as the leash may get tangled.
  6. The animal is accustomed to a roulette leash just like a regular long leash. It should be noted that the puppy must first be accustomed to a regular leash and then to a tape measure.
  7. Like any gadget, a roulette leash requires some care - always remove dirt from the tape or cable when winding it up. When wet, it is recommended to unwind the roulette leash to its maximum length and dry it to avoid corrosion of the winding mechanism.

High-quality tape measures for dogs are very convenient for both the pet and the owner. Almost free walking in urban areas without the risk of losing your pet, additional opportunities and methods of training, simple and comfortable control of the dog’s position – a dream! All that remains is to choose “the very taste” so that the fashionable device does not cause problems for either the owner or his pet.

A few words about the simplest device of a roulette for dogs: a spring located inside the body is subject to tension - the leash is pulled out. When the dog approaches the owner, the spring is compressed and the leash is retracted. To lock the length of the leash, press the button. To fix it, press the button deeper (until it clicks) or lift a special “lever” - depending on the roulette model. This is necessary so that you do not have to constantly keep your finger on the button, for example, while driving along a highway.

Size matters

About the size of pets a little lower. First of all, I would like to draw the reader’s attention to the size of the tape measure for dogs: the handle should fit in the palm like a glove, and the weight of the tape measure should not overload the hand. Too bulky and heavy models are not just uncomfortable, they are dangerous. Like too light! Such a tape measure, with the slightest pull, will slip out of the palm, fall to the floor and scare your pet with a roar.

A tape measure leash must be comfortable and ergonomic for large dogs, because the more massive the pet, the higher the pressure on the hand during the jerk. But you shouldn’t buy a huge plastic thing if you’re going to walk a decorative dog: such a colossus can hurt your pet, falling out of your hands and quickly rolling away, especially in winter, when the paths are covered with ice.

Cable or tape?

Canon or Nikon, Mercedes or BMW? Eternal disputes that will never be resolved. The same applies to the type of leash in roulette for dogs: some like only tape, others prefer cable. Here are some facts, and you decide for yourself what is closer to you:

  • the cable easily retracts and extends, almost never getting tangled, the tape bends and can get stuck “at the exit”, which will make it impossible to use the tape measure;
  • if the dog is actively jumping around the bushes, it will be easier to unwind the tape. But if it is possible to unfasten the carabiner (that is, if the dog knows for sure that he will not run away without a leash), the cable will retract itself, and the tape will get tangled in the branches, you will have to disassemble the twisted loops with your hands;
  • if a child is walking the dog (which is generally unacceptable, but not about that now), a tape measure belt for dogs is preferable, since the quickly reeling rope can damage the palm. And don’t rely on the child’s obedience; in a moment of fright, he will still grab the cable with his hand (someone else’s dog will jump up, a car will pass close, etc.).

All tape measures are designed for a specific draw weight. If the dog is very disobedient and has a habit of suddenly rushing at cats (birds, passers-by), mentally add 5-10 kg to the bully’s weight. It is believed that for large dogs the roulette leash should be a ribbon one, but for pets less than 30 kg a rope is enough. But in practice, if the product is of high quality, both the cables and tapes can withstand the weight indicated on the packaging. Carbines break more often (especially in the cold), but more on that below.

A dog tape measure is one of the most important walking accessories for the vast majority of owners. But new dog lovers often wonder which tape measure is best for dogs.

First you need to decide on a brand. There aren't very many of them on the market. Triol, Ferplast and Flexi are the most common.

The most comfortable and high quality. In the future, we will analyze all the parameters using the example of roulettes from this company.

What type of tape measure should I choose? There are only two types. Roulette on a tape and roulette on a cable. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so I will list them and you will decide for yourself.

First, let's look at a rope roulette.

✅ It is lighter than tape.

✅ Doesn't get very wet in the rain.

✅ The cable practically does not get dirty.

✅ Doesn't flutter in the wind.

❌ The cable is poorly visible to others. And during the day, and especially in the evening and at night. If the dog has gone far from the owner, then passers-by and cyclists may not notice the cable and cause injury to themselves and your dog by running into it.

❌ A dog can cause injury to others if the cable passes tangently with the skin while unwinding the tape measure. Such burns are very painful and take several weeks to heal (tested on personal experience). Your dog may also become entangled in the cable and cause similar injuries to himself.

❌ If your dog is confused with another dog's leash, then such knots are more difficult to untie. Plus, you can burn your fingers if one of the dogs decides to run somewhere while untangling.

Roulette on tape

✅ Clearly visible from a long distance. But it is worth mentioning that it is better to choose bright ribbons. Blacks will be less visible in dark time days.

✅ Tape is stronger than cable. There is less chance that she will accidentally rub or snack on another dog.

✅ It is easier to untangle leashes if dogs get confused while walking, which happens quite often. Eat Great chance that the tapes will turn out to be different color, in addition, they are less likely to get tangled into knots, and even if this happens, due to its width it is much easier to untangle.


❌ Tape tape is heavier. And if with a tape measure for a small dog this does not play a special role and the difference is not so obvious, then with a tape measure for a large dog this weight is very noticeable.

❌ The tape flutters in a strong wind, which can irritate the owner. If you live in a very windy area, this can be a serious disadvantage.

❌ The tape gets wet in heavy rain, and after a walk you should leave it unwound and let it dry. Otherwise, it may start to smell unpleasant.

❌ If the tape is not black, then it will get dirty. Dogs often rub their leash on something, which can leave marks on the tape. It will have to be washed from time to time, and it will quickly lose its appearance.

❗️ It is worth paying attention to how the carabiner is attached to the tape or cable. In the Flexi Vario leash-roulette model, it can be attached to the main cable through a replaceable strap, which is attached to a plastic fastener. This prevents the tape measure from hitting your dog on the head if it accidentally falls out of your hands, you can replace it with a light-up belt or a shock-absorbing belt if the dog pulls you hard with sudden jerks. But this plastic element can crack and break during active games with other dogs, from hitting some surface or from a strong tug. And then the dog will break off the leash, which can be very dangerous. And the tape measure itself will break, it will need to be replaced.

Once you have decided which tape measure you need, with a cable or with a tape, you need to decide on the size.

Dog leashes come in several sizes.

XS up to 8 kg (they only come in 3 meters)

S up to 12-15 kg

M up to 20-25 kg

L up to 50-60 kg

XL up to 75-80 kg

All these parameters are indicated on the packaging of each tape measure.

You should focus on your expected weight adult dog. You should not buy a smaller tape measure for your puppy; he will quickly grow and break it.

If your dog is already an adult, then you should take it with a small weight reserve. If the dog's weight is upper limit specified, it is better to choose the next size. If your dog weighs 14.5-15 kg, take a tape measure up to 20 or up to 25.

The next point is the length of the tape measure.

For decorative dogs There are tape measures with a length of 3 m, 5 m and 8 m. Most often, 3 meters is not enough, plus they have a very small body and handle, such a tape measure fits only on 3 fingers. But it is convenient for travel, you can easily put it in your pocket or purse, it definitely won’t take up much space.

The 5 and 8 meter tape measures are larger and fit much more comfortably in the hand. Choose the length according to your dog. If she is very active and constantly plays with other animals, then you should take a closer look at the 8 m option. But as a rule, most owners of small dogs choose a 5 m tape measure.

For medium and large dogs there are options for 5 and 8 m. And here again you need to look at your dog. If she plays with other dogs in an open space and you can't let her go, then you might want to look at the 8m option to give her more freedom. If you can let the dog off the leash, or in your company all the dogs walk on roulettes and are not let off, then you can get by with five meters.

Any dog ​​owner knows that walking with an active and inquisitive dog can sometimes be a challenge. A four-legged friend can run out onto a busy street or scare a child. Therefore, with early age The puppy must be taught to walk on a leash. Nowadays tape measures for dogs are especially popular. The price of such a device varies depending on its quality. Which leash is better to choose?

How does a roulette leash work?

Not everyone knows what a dog walking tape is or how it works. In fact, the structure of such a leash is very simple - inside the box there is a spring that can be tensioned by a cable or tape.

If the pet approaches the owner, the spring will compress and the leash will rewind. This simple principle of operation is liked by many pet owners, making it easier to walk with particularly active animals. By the way, if your leash is out of order or you just decide to buy new model, don't take it apart. This can be dangerous, because the spring inside behaves unpredictably.

What functions does a dog tape measure perform?

The main function of the roulette is to control the animal during a walk. But this is not the only purpose. What else can this device do?

  • There is no need to pull the leash or wrap it around your hand. Its length is very easily adjusted by pressing a button or lever.
  • Short-term stop function - if you need to abruptly stop the pet, just press the button - the animal will not move further.
  • The long-term stop function is present in almost every roulette model sold in our country. If the owner needs the dog to walk at his feet or he accustoms it to the “near” command, this moment is simply life-saving.
  • Pet return function - not all manufacturers add such a button to the body of the tape measure for dogs. Flexi, one of the most famous brands in Russia, can boast of this function. If you urgently need to bring your pet closer to you, just raise your hand and press the brake button. The hand should look towards the runaway dog.

Should I focus on the size of the leash body?

When choosing a roulette leash, you must take into account many details. The first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the leash box itself. Focus only on your feelings - the handle of the leash should fit into your hand like a glove. Its weight should not overload or strain your hand, because walks with your pet can be long. You shouldn’t choose a tape measure that is too light either; it can jump out of your hand and frighten a sensitive animal with a roar (especially small breed dogs).

Don’t buy a very heavy tape measure for such dogs, in case it slips out of your hands and hits the baby...

Tape measure for dogs: cable or tape?

Which leash is better to buy? Should I choose cable or tape? It's really complex issue, because every owner buys what he likes. Both cable and tape have both pros and cons. The choice is yours!

A leash with tape can easily become tangled and will take time to return to its original state. If the dog is very active and jumps through the bushes in the park, the tape may also get tangled in the branches. With a cable, such situations almost never happen.

It is worth paying attention to the size of the pet itself. Experts insist that tape measure is for dogs large breed must be equipped with a tape, while small dogs up to 30 kg, a cable leash is enough.

If the product is of high quality, then you can safely rely on the weight indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. But if you want to buy a product like a dog tape measure inexpensively, don’t be surprised if it can’t support the weight of your pet or the carabiner breaks.

Evaluate the quality of the leash when purchasing

When buying a roulette leash, first of all evaluate its carabiner; it is this part that most often fails first. Evaluate its size; a large iron part is inappropriate for a small dog. It is good if the carabiner has a device that protects the leash from twisting. To check the strength of the device, take the carabiner by the loop and give it a strong tug. This is the only way to truly test the reliability of the loop. If you are the owner of a very big dog, then buy a leash with a reinforced carabiner. This is especially important in winter period, since metal becomes brittle at subzero temperatures. It is in winter that such parts deteriorate.

In addition to the carabiner, there are other parts in the tape measure that require quality assessment. Tape measures for dogs, the price of which rises above 1,500 rubles, must have buttons and levers that can be pressed clearly and quickly and do not jam during use. The body must be durable, without unnecessary parts. It is better to choose a tape measure body covered with rubber; it is stronger than ordinary plastic. But remember that the rubberized box is heavier than usual.

Review of the best tape measure models for dogs

There are many brands and models of tape measure dog leashes on the market. Which ones should you pay attention to?

  1. Vitacraft - this company was one of the first to conquer the market of our country. The Vitacraft dog tape measure has a high price, but is famous high quality and reliability. Reviews from dog owners about it are very good. However, there is one caveat - after some time of use, the leash cable may wear out and cannot be repaired. But this doesn't happen very often.
  2. “Flexi” is the most famous brand of tape measures for dogs in our country. The manufacturer offers the buyer a product at an excellent price-quality ratio. Many dog ​​breeders in Russia recommend using leashes and collars of this particular brand, leaving rave reviews. The prices for the goods are encouraging, for example, the Flexi tape measure for dogs (5 meters) costs about a thousand rubles.
  3. "Ferplast" is an ideal option, according to consumers, for owners of large dogs weighing up to 60 kg.
  4. Frigo roulettes delight their customers with interesting colors.
  5. “Volker”, “Trixie”, “Kostel” are brands less known on the market, but also have their own circle of consumers and deserve good reviews.

Stores may also offer other brands of dog leashes. Which one to choose is up to you.

Multi-dog leash

Are you the owner of several dogs? Then, most likely, it will be inconvenient for you to hold two (or even more so three) tape measures in your hands. It's hard in physically. Perhaps you have already tried a spark and were disappointed in it. If dogs do not know how to move synchronously, walking will become torture for the owner. A roulette leash for dogs will help you out. This item can be purchased inexpensively in online stores.

This tape measure is equipped with two leashes and is somewhat heavier than a regular one. Plus, if your dogs are very active, they may tangle the lines. But for dog owners who prefer sedate walks, this thing is a real find!

Roulette leash with flashlight

Manufacturers of pet products go to great lengths to make life easier for their owners (and increase sales of their product). If you like to walk late, when it’s already dark outside, a tape measure with a built-in flashlight will be a good helper. Such a leash will especially help owners of playful dogs who like to pick up everything from the ground in the dark and chew on everything. The flashlight runs on regular batteries.

Rules for using a leash-roulette

When purchasing a new leash, the owner should become thoroughly familiar with it and the rules for its use. It is important to know that the tape measure creates tension, so under no circumstances should you fasten it to a strict, jerky collar. You don’t want to harm your pet’s health, do you?

When going for a walk, keep the leash secured to short length. Only by going out to a park or a sparsely populated place can you loosen it and let the dog run around almost freely.

The tape measure for dogs up to 50 kg is powerful and reliable, so never grab the rope with bare hands. If the dog runs suddenly, pulling on the leash, you risk severely injuring your palm.

Do not buy a roulette leash for a puppy “for growth”; it will be inconvenient for both you and your pet. The dimensions of the leash must exactly match the size of the dog. By the way, you should accustom your puppy to a tape measure only when he is already accustomed to a regular leash. And watch the puppy’s adventures in the bushes until the ribbon becomes tightly entangled in the branches.

A roulette leash allows you to walk your animal almost freely in urban areas, provides simple control of the dog’s location and interesting opportunities for training your pet. Which tape measure to buy for your pet is decided by each owner personally. Choose high-quality leashes that do not cause inconvenience four-legged friend and you!