Print cards of domestic and wild animals. Wild and domestic animals for children: pictures with names and videos

A picture is an image of one or more objects that are interconnected in meaning. It serves as an excellent visual aid that promotes better assimilation and perception of the material being studied. Especially great importance play educational pictures to teach children, help them improve visual memory. Therefore, if you want to convey to your child some important information, then in mandatory Show him children's pictures or photos on this topic. In this way, he will perceive everything you tell him about much more effectively. This way you will significantly expand inner world baby.


For example, beautiful pictures and photos of animals for children introduce them to the many species that exist in nature. You probably won’t meet a single child who has never seen a cat or a dog. By the way, they can live not only on the street by themselves, but also at home. It is pets that become our helpers and best friends. You can watch online or download and print beautiful cards showing pets on our website.

Best friend a person is considered a dog. Basically, a family living in a small apartment gets dogs ornamental breeds(lapdogs, poodles) because they get along well with their owners and are easy to care for. Children's pictures of animals allow you to get acquainted with some of these breeds and study the world of dogs in more detail.

For people living in the private sector, it is preferable to have service dogs and guard breeds for the purpose of protecting private property, including home. Color photos of such dogs can also be viewed on our website.

As for cats, there are no particular breed preferences for catching mice. The main thing here is that they cope well with their responsibilities. And as a pet our smaller friends, Persian or Angora breed. In general, dogs and cats are pets that instill in children a sense of kindness, caring for someone else, and bring peace and tranquility to the home.

The world of pets is not limited to just cats and dogs. Children's age kindergarten it is necessary to introduce other pets living in Russia: pigs, goats, cows, horses, rams. All of them are very necessary for a person. If you do not have the opportunity to show the children these animals live, use beautiful black and white and color pictures showing pets.

Wild animals

Beautiful pictures for children, animals with inscriptions also introduce wild animals Russia, living everywhere, just not in apartments with people. This is the main difference between wild animals and domestic ones. Their preferred method of obtaining food is hunting, which requires certain skills and abilities. It’s not for nothing that they say that in wildlife the strongest survives. In forest conditions, cunning and dexterity are the main qualities for survival.

gray hare and forest deer:

Children can learn about such animals from the pages of numerous fairy tales, which colorfully tell about their behavior and role in the wild nature of Russia. And black and white or color pictures for children about animals, which can be viewed on our website, will only contribute to their better perception and memorization.

Black and white pictures

Educational pictures about animals for kindergarten children with inscriptions allow you to study the inhabitants of the tundra - the north of Russia. Black-and-white or color cards with tundra animals introduce children to representatives of the fauna that they may never see in person. Children's pictures with the inhabitants of the tundra can help parents and educators in studying the topic “Wild Animals”. The north of our country - the tundra - is characterized by harsh nature, and children in kindergarten or school must know about how they eat and what kind of lifestyle the inhabitants of these regions lead.

Forest animals are also presented on our website. Forest inhabitants are not limited to the geography of the north of the country. Forest animals live in the middle zone, and even in the south.

We present pictures and photos of African animals. Educational pictures with the inhabitants of Africa will also allow you to get acquainted with representatives of the fauna, which your child will rarely or will not see in person. Africa is characterized by a hot, arid climate. The task of the teacher or parent is to tell what they eat and how lions, rhinoceroses, tigers, camels and other animals of distant Africa live.

Believe me, if you show your child black and white or color pictures with animals of Russia in the form visual aid, then he will understand and remember any information presented to him much faster. Listen to this recommendation, and the result will not take long to arrive. You will soon see this for yourself.

So, you can find children's pictures with pets, inhabitants of the tundra, forest and Africa on our website. Introduce children to the natural environment and teach them to take care of it!

What should a preschooler know about animals? Firstly, is it a wild or domestic animal, an animal of the forest, the north or Africa, that is, its habitat. Secondly, what kind of “house” does the animal live in if it is wild: it could be a hole, a den, a hollow, or the animal does not make a home for itself at all. Thirdly, what does this animal eat? A captivating story is what you need. And be sure to accompany this story about animals with pictures, because we know that visual memory Helps a lot in teaching a preschooler. Let's talk with the child about wild animals and show cards - mnemonic tables, so the kids will be better interested in the topic and remember all the details visually and figuratively.

Wild animals of the forest


The hare lives in the forest. He does not dig holes for himself, but hides in bushes, in recesses under roots, under branches, where he builds a winter hut for himself. The hare's main food is grass, hay, and young tree branches. The hare also eats vegetables, fruits and berries, if he can find them.


The fox is a wild animal. She lives in the forest, in a hole. The fox is a predatory animal. The main food of foxes is insects (beetles, earthworms) and small rodents (voles). If the fox manages to catch a hare or a bird, which does not happen very often, she will happily eat them too. Often foxes settle next to humans and steal poultry from poultry houses. Sometimes she can also feast on fish washed up on the shore. She will not disdain berries and fruits when she is hungry.


The wolf is an animal of the forest. Wolves live in a den. Wolves hunt in packs, so they are able to catch large prey: elk, deer. The wolf will gladly treat himself to both the bird and the bunny. In hungry years, wolves can attack livestock, but this happens very rarely. Wolves are very cautious and afraid of humans.


Hedgehogs live in the forest. They rarely dig holes themselves, more often they occupy someone else’s or build a nest among protruding roots, under a bush, in depressions in the ground, dragging there a lot of leaves, dry grass and moss. In winter, hedgehogs hibernate. Hedgehogs eat mainly insects. If they come across a snake, they might eat it too. Don't mind eating mushrooms, acorns, berries and fruits.

Brown bear

Brown bear is a wild animal of the forest. For the winter, the bear builds a den for itself and hibernates. The main food of bears is berries, roots, and mushrooms. If a bear finds a bird's nest, he will feast on eggs; if he finds a hive of wild bees, he will eat honey. The bear knows how to catch fish and eats it with pleasure. He can even eat a mouse if he manages to catch it. He will not disdain carrion either.


A squirrel lives in the forest. She finds a hollow in a tree and settles there. The squirrel eats berries, fruits, mushrooms, nuts, acorns and grains. Stores supplies for the winter, hiding them under roots or among tree branches so as not to starve in winter.

Desert Animals


Camels live in desert and semi-desert. They don't build housing. They feed on grass (both dry and fresh), tree branches, camel thorn, ephedra, wormwood, and chew saxaul branches. Camel accumulates in humps nutrients, so he can go for a long time without food.


Fenech lives in deserts and semi-deserts. He digs himself a hole in the sand. Fennec fox is omnivorous. It feeds on insects, lizards, bird eggs, small rodents, and plant roots that can be dug up in the desert.

When the child has become acquainted with animals, their way of life, and nutrition, let him try to tell himself about what he remembers. Pictures and diagrams with an algorithm for composing a descriptive story will help with this >>

At first, you may not be able to get a coherent story, then try printing and cutting the cards above into sectors, and ask your child to arrange the pictures correctly.

More detailed stories for children about animals can be found on our website in the sections:

Developmental activities with preschoolers give results only with correctly selected visual material. Drawings of objects, people, pictures of animals are irreplaceable for the learning and development of children. Speech therapists use such images both in group and individual work. How to do it right?

General operating principles

If you want to get the maximum benefit from using visual material, then you need to follow several important rules:

  1. It is important to select images taking into account age characteristics pupils. Children (up to 3 years old) need to be shown cards of domestic animals and birds only with those fauna inhabitants that the children can meet in person.
  2. The drawings should show real forest dwellers, animals of the seas and oceans, pets, and farm inhabitants. Avoid stylized images of wild animals and their domestic counterparts. The color of the coat and parts of the body should be natural, just like in nature. Not all children's pictures can be used in classes. For example, drawings of cartoon animals are completely inappropriate.
  3. It is important to choose images only with a light background, it does not distract attention.
  4. Cards with images should be attractive and durable enough. If you couldn’t buy good flashcards, you can glue the pictures onto cardboard yourself or laminate them.

Series of pictures “Domestic animals and their babies”:

Types of pictures

All cards for speech therapy sessions can be divided into several groups.


Small cards, with one picture (an animal) on each. For example, in the series “Wild animals of our forests” there will be a wolf, an elk, a badger on them.

Kit “Animals of the North” will consist of drawn walruses, arctic foxes, and seals.


Illustration paintings with several characters and a plot. They help children write detailed, detailed stories using nouns, adjectives, and verbs. One plot picture allows you to discuss several topics at once: what benefits do pets bring, who cares for them, where they live.

brain teaser

A set of drawings depicting some kind of story, a plot in development. For example, some animals look different in winter and summer. An image of a squirrel in a gray and red coat, for example, allows a child to compose a story about the change of seasons and the preparation of animals for winter.

Drawings of wild animals and their babies allow you to come up with a story about the childhood of a small animal.

Coloring pages

Outline images are another opportunity for speech development kids. High-quality coloring books help you master many new concepts and learn to use descriptive adjectives and prepositions. They also additionally stimulate the speech center (through regular training). Simple coloring pages can be used for children from 3 years old.

Coloring pages “Wild animals”

Examples of games and activities with pictures of animals

  • "Who am I talking about?"

Cards with images of domestic animals and birds are laid out in front of the players. The presenter describes one of them, without naming, the first one to guess who we're talking about, takes the card for himself. The one who collects the most pictures wins.

  • "Who is this?"

Ask your child: “Which wild animals of our forests change their coats in winter? (they hibernate, eat berries, are not afraid of water). He must select cards, explaining his choice.

  • "Compare and Tell"

You need to select two images. These can be any wild or domestic animals and birds - very similar or completely different. The child is asked to name as many common or distinctive features between them. The younger the children, the less similar the animals should be.

  • "Remember and find"

If you take paired pictures of animals and their babies, you can play one of the “memory” options. The cards need to be turned face down and then shuffled. Each player can open only two pictures. If a pair is formed, then the player takes it for himself. The winner is determined by the number of cards collected.

  • “Our animal friends, domestic and forest”

Invite your child to take cards from the pile, talking about the habits of the selected inhabitant of the forest or farm.

Drawing animals can be an excellent speech therapy tool. It is easy to choose a suitable picture from a book, but it is better, of course, to use special card sets.

Fedorova Ekaterina

speech therapist-defectologist

1) Print the cards and stick them on thick cardboard (or laminated ceiling tiles).

2) Laminate them with tape on both sides (buy the widest tape).

3) Cut out each card (if you glued it to a ceiling tile, it is convenient to use a stationery knife and a ruler for cutting).

What can you play with children's cards?

First you need to remember what is written on the cards.

Game 1.Who came to visit?
Take some animal cards. And say “Look, this is a cat. The cat came to visit you. Meow meow. Oh, who is this? Dog! I came to visit you too! The dog says woof-woof. Show me where the cat is? Where is the dog, show me with your finger.” Some children do not point at the picture, but look from one to the other (pay attention to this). Be sure to praise your baby.

Game 2.Cook.
You need a baby plate and your baby's favorite toy (doll or soft toy). Take pictures with vegetables and fruits. “Let's prepare a delicious salad for the doll. What should we put in it? Let’s put in a tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc.” By analogy, you can cook soup, compote, treats for guests, etc.

Game 3.Zoo.
Tell your child that now you and he will go to the zoo to look at the animals. Place the cards around the room and go from one to the other, naming the animals. (Similarly, you can play “Farm”, “Forest”).

Educational games with children's cards.

1) Mix cards of 2 or more topics (depending on the age of the child) and ask them to fold each topic separately.

2) Place the cards in a bag, take cards out of it one by one and name what is drawn on them.

3) Arrange the cards face up. The presenter names the pictures, and the children have to find them at speed, whoever is faster.

4) Take 2 or more cards (depending on the age of the child). Show each picture and turn it over. Ask the child to show where which picture is.

5) Cards can be used as counting material (count flowers, mushrooms).

Children's photo cards "Birds"(new)

There are 22 cards in the set (It is convenient to combine classes with cards with viewing a presentation on the topic " ")

Children's cards "Numbers from 1 to 20"

Set contains 20 cards (Numbers from 1 to 20, with corresponding number of dice)

Children's cards "Transport"

The set contains 16 cards (Airplane, helicopter, motorcycle, ship, car, tractor, a car, train, truck, excavator, crane, fire truck, taxi, police, ambulance, bus, water carrier)

The set contains 24 cards (Winter - 6 cards, spring - 6 cards, summer - 6 cards, autumn - 6 cards)

Children's cards "Wild animals"

The set contains 9 cards - bear, fox, raccoon. squirrel, hare, mouse, wolf, elk deer

Children's cards "Pets"

Set of 12 cards - pig, donkey, sheep, dog, cat, goose, rooster, turkey, duck, cow, horse, goat

Black and white pictures for printing animals

Animal cards (pets)

My daughter loves animals very much, finds and recognizes them in any source. The most convenient and interesting method studying turned out to be cards. We don’t have many purchased cards (their cost is sometimes appalling, especially now while I’m on maternity leave), so I try to find some illustrations in magazines, brochures, cut out pictures and glue them onto cardboard. I like realistic images of animals (photos) and drawings; I believe that it is useful for a child to know what the animal actually looks like and what the picture looks like. In my BB I plan to create a personal archive of such cards. I don’t know what will come of this, but I hope that it will be convenient for me to “take out” material from here for printing.

First in line are pets.


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