Myths and facts about cleansing the body. Interesting healing methods

Salts and slags are the main enemies of our body. When these substances are deposited in the cells, they cease to function fully, as a result, the functionality of most organs and tissues is disrupted. Thus, the body quickly ages, and the person becomes weak. What to do in this case? What are the body's ways of cellular level exist?

Waste formation in the body

When nutrients enter the body, they undergo various chemical reactions, so they begin to actively oxidize. The body uses the released energy, and the substances that have been oxidized begin to be removed. This process is described ideally. But in fact, the substances do not completely break down, so slags begin to form. Such substances are difficult to excrete from the body and over time can become the cause of the body.

Ways to cleanse the cells of the body

The main methods include:

  • Sports loads.
  • Juice cleansing.
  • Enterosorption.
  • Thermal procedures - sauna, bath.
  • Cleansing with infusion kombucha.

It is best to use all procedures in combination, so the effect of them will increase significantly. It is worth noting that physical exercise- this is one of effective ways cleansing the body. In addition to cleansing, exercises increase the effectiveness of other procedures performed. If you exercise regularly, you will not accumulate various toxic substances in your body and.

Cleansing at the cellular level with different juices

Freshly squeezed juices are natural solvents. To get rid of toxins, you need to drink juices from beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, apples. Prepare juices before drinking, so it will retain all useful qualities. Many people ask: is it possible to just eat fresh vegetables instead of juices. You can consume, but the cleaning effect will be reduced.

It is important to know how to properly cleanse the body with juices. Follow these basic guidelines:

  • Radish juice is one of the most powerful. It is recommended to drink at least one tablespoon three times a day. Once you get used to it, you can increase the dosage up to 100 grams. Be sure to take the juice before meals, do not forget to dilute it with water.
  • beetroot juice quickly affects the body. It is necessary to drink it three times a day before eating half a glass.
  • cabbage juice ideal for those who suffer overweight. The drink actively burns fats. You need to drink it three times a day for half a glass.
  • apple juice, You can drink as much as you want, but always before eating.

Attention! Juice cleansing should continue for several weeks.

Enterosorption is a reliable way of cleansing at the cellular level

You need to take activated charcoal or other sorbents. These substances bind and remove toxins from the body. It is important to understand the process of such a cleansing method. Each person excretes about 10 liters of gastrointestinal juice per day. One of the parts of the juice is filtered in the blood, and in the lower intestinal section it begins to be absorbed into the blood again.

How does enterosorption affect the body?

  • Rejuvenates the body.
  • It removes toxins from the cells, so the brain, heart, cell membranes begin to recover and work at the highest level.
  • Cleansing the intestines from bile, which accumulates a large number of cholesterol.

How to conduct a cleansing course of enterosorption?

  • Take - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • The procedure is repeated in the morning and evening.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid.
  • Stick to a diet in which you need to significantly reduce fats and include fruits and vegetables in your diet. The course of therapy lasts about a month.

Thermal procedures are an effective method of restoring the body

Sauna, bath help to remove toxins through the skin. You don't even realize that the skin is also a human organ. Every day, about 700 grams of fluid begins to be released through the skin, and that’s all harmful substances– radionuclides, salts, slags.

When perspiration increases, harmful substances come out, thus clearing the cell fluid, lymph, and blood. Bath is one of the best cleansing procedures for the body. It is important to follow this pattern:

  • Before visiting the bath, you need to do sports every day for at least half an hour. Pay attention to weight training, walking, running.
  • Drink freshly squeezed juices daily, you can add coniferous plants to them.
  • Go to the bath three times a week.

Please note that not only harmful substances are removed in the bath, but also useful ones, for example, minerals. To replenish their number, it is necessary to take vitamins, plant extracts and other useful substances.

It is important what kind of water we drink. If you try to replenish the amount of liquid with tap water, the effect of the bath will not be high. It is better to prefer distilled water. It improves the condition of the body. It is necessary to cleanse the body in this way within two weeks.

Forbidden! The bath is contraindicated for people with weak vessels, heart, immunity. Before visiting the bath, it is best to consult with your doctor.

You can not visit the sauna, bath? Take advantage of hot showers and baths. The main condition is that the body must lose a large amount of fluid.

Thus, if you want to be healthy, do not forget to regularly cleanse the body. For the effect to be noticeable, stick to healthy lifestyle life. Pay attention to your diet, exercise. Reconsider your attitude to life, you must be optimistic about everything. The main thing is to believe that everything will work out for you, it will be so. And don't forget, health comes first and everything else comes after!

For proper cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the body, a pre-prepared program is needed, which will include the cleansing of all organs in the correct order, thereby cleansing the body as a whole.

There are many ways to cleanse the body at home. Therefore, it is necessary not only to choose the most effective and safe methods, but also to use them in the correct sequence. If the cleansing procedures are performed in the wrong order, then the still uncleaned organs will interfere with the general cleansing and nullify the results of all previously carried out cleansing measures.

The scheme of cleansing the body at home

So, a comprehensive cleansing of the body, which one way or another will help to carry out a complete cleansing, includes only 4 steps:

  • Colon cleansing.
  • Kidney cleansing.
  • Cleansing the body at the cellular level.

If necessary, it is supplemented with a course of anthelmintic drugs.

Step One - Colon Cleansing

Large intestine - section gastrointestinal tract(GIT). Its length is about 2 meters and its diameter is about 5 cm. The main function is suction. nutrients and waste disposal.

An important component of the large intestine is its microflora. It consists of many (about 500) species of different bacteria whose activities affect the entire body. The microflora of the large intestine can be disturbed due to:

  • Wrong diet.
  • Eating large amounts of fat, high-calorie and starchy foods.
  • Insufficient consumption plant food containing fiber.

As a result, dysbacteriosis occurs in the lumen of the large intestine, as a result of which:

One of the means for cleansing the intestines at home is hydrocolonotherapy with salted water.

To cleanse the intestines with this method, you need to do the following: take 1.5-2 liters of water heated to about 40 ° C boiled water and dilute salt in it (preferably use Karlovy Vary, sea, etc.). The volume of salt is approximately 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Advice: according to the mechanism of action, such a remedy resembles, but is not able to replace it with strong food or other intoxications. However, for routine bowel cleansing, it is much more effective than.

Salt is necessary so that water from the solution is not absorbed into the intestines. The ideal concentration of salt for cleansing is 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. But drink this salt water extremely difficult. It causes a strong gag reflex, which causes gastric lavage, and not bowel cleansing. Salt water should be taken according to the following scheme:

It is best to perform bowel cleansing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Step Two - Liver Cleansing

The liver simultaneously performs a number of important functions: digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, etc. One of the most important is the (filtration) barrier function. All blood from the intestines, along with nutrients and many other (including toxic) substances, first passes through the liver, where it is filtered, and then spreads throughout the body.

Improper nutrition and stress factors lead to the formation of stones, which are detected in more than a third of the population at an older age. These stones are hardened bile and form both in the liver and in gallbladder. Stones vary in size from grains to walnut. Large stones are able to partially or completely overlap bile ducts and interfere with the normal flow of bile. In stagnant bile gradually multiply pathogenic microorganisms, which in addition to obstructive jaundice cause inflammation of the liver.

To avoid data pathological reactions, you can resort to folk remedies liver cleansing, including with the help of herbal infusions.

Some healing herbs possess choleretic action, and each of them acts on certain areas of the liver, which allows you to achieve complex cleaning when used together.

To cleanse the liver, decoctions based on the following herbs are considered the most effective:

The sequence of preparation and intake of infusion to cleanse the liver:

  1. It is necessary to pour 2-3 tablespoons of pre-prepared herbs into a container and mix them. After that, place 3-4 tablespoons of this dry mixture in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave to infuse. Before taking the tincture, it must be carefully filtered.
  2. Ready infusion should be consumed as follows: in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm infusion, drink the second glass at night, before going to bed. To perform a complete cleaning, you need to repeat the techniques within 1 month. Every day during such cleaning there will be an increased volume of bowel movements, along with which toxins will be removed. This course herbal cleansing should be done 1-2 times a year.

Advice: it's not the best effective technique liver cleansing. In addition, it acts gradually and takes a rather long period of time, therefore it is not suitable for emergency cleaning of the organ.

Step Three - Cleansing the Kidneys

The kidneys are the most important organ for maintaining homeostasis - the optimal state of the body. The paired organ performs a number of functions:

  • Excretion of unnecessary or harmful substances from the body.
  • Maintaining the required concentration certain substances in the blood (protein, glucose).
  • Regulation of the volume of water in the body.
  • Adjustment of acid-base balance.

Pathological changes in the kidneys are manifested in the form of mucus, sand and stones in the parenchyma or pelvicalyceal system. The reason for their appearance may be the nature of the food and water consumed, the time of their use (eating at night), genetic predisposition, etc.

Symptoms indicating contamination of the renal tissues:

  • Edema, primarily on the legs.
  • The deposition of salts in the joints.
  • Violation of acid-base balance.
  • Violation of the basic functions of the kidneys, the occurrence of inflammatory diseases.

To cleanse the kidneys of pathological accumulations in traditional medicine most commonly used diuretics plant origin.

For a kidney cleansing course, any diuretic of plant origin is suitable (“Diuretic collection”, lingonberry leaf, Birch buds etc.), which can be bought at the nearest pharmacy. You also need to prepare 2.5% fir oil in advance.

Advice: in traditional medicine the drug Pinabine is used, which includes: 50% solution essential oil spruce or pine needles. Its action is similar to that fir oil.

Prepare a diuretic according to the instructions for the drug. Immediately before use, add 5 drops of fir oil to the product. Dosage - 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

On the 3rd-4th day of taking the remedy with the addition of fir oil, some turbidity should appear in the urine. This is a sign that the deposits in the kidneys have begun to dissolve, or rather, turn into sand. To these small particles harmful deposits easier to remove, it is recommended to make morning runs or just jump for several days.

If the patient after some time feels pain in the kidneys, this may indicate that quite big Stone began to move through the ureters. In this case, it is recommended to take a hot bath, which will help expand urinary tract and minimize the risk of injury.

The entire procedure usually takes 1-2 weeks, but if sand remains in the urine, the duration of the procedure is increased.

Advice: during the ripening season of watermelons, watermelon can be used to achieve a diuretic effect.

Repeated cleansing of the kidneys can be carried out approximately 1 time per year.

Step four - cleansing the body of toxins at the cellular level

To remove accumulated salts and toxins from the cells, you can also use natural solvents. These include freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. To dissolve slags use:

  • Radish juice.
  • Beet juice.
  • Cabbage juice.
  • Carrot juice.
  • apple juice, etc.

It is necessary to squeeze fruit into juice immediately before use, since the longer the juice is stored, the less useful properties remains.

  • Radish juice. This juice is a powerful cleanser. It is better to start using 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 100 g. It is also recommended to take it before meals, and if necessary, drink it. clean water.
  • Beet juice. It also acts quite strongly, so they use it 100 grams 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Cabbage juice. Good for people with overweight body, as it simultaneously promotes the burning of fat cells. You need to take it before meals, 100 g and 3 times a day.
  • Carrot and apple juice. They can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities, observing the multiplicity of 3 times a day before meals.

The duration of taking juices for cleansing from toxins is 1-2 weeks.

Additional measures - anthelmintic therapy

  • Crush a few cloves of garlic in a convenient way.
  • Pour the resulting slurry boiled water room temperature.
  • Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wet a small piece of cotton wool with infusion and wrap it in a bandage.
  • Paste in anus for 20 minutes.

Another option is a garlic enema:

  • You also need to knead a few cloves of garlic and pour water at room temperature.
  • Strain the resulting mixture and use for an enema according to the standard method.

Complete cleansing of the body at home is a rather complex and lengthy set of remedies from alternative medicine, which allows you to free the body from toxins and toxins, thereby healing and rejuvenating a person.

A comprehensive cleansing of the body should always be carried out according to a pre-prepared scheme. It is important to follow the correct sequence of procedures, since harmful substances from one organ can nullify all efforts to clean up another.

Today, cleansing the body is essential for survival in a hostile environment. modern cities. Scientists counted how many harmful substances modern man accumulates per year:

  • 3.75 kg of pesticides,
  • 5 kg of artificial preservatives and food additives in products
  • inhales 2 kg of solids.

There are many cleaning methods available today. Among them are useful, ineffective, and even deadly. Including those offered in clinics by doctors. Therefore, I recommend that you look into this. To save you time, I have provided you with information on the most popular methods - both dangerous and safe. So, in a few minutes, you yourself will be able to determine which method is dangerous and which is not. But first, how to avoid contamination of the body.

How to reduce body toxicity

To less often resort to cleansing the body, try not to pollute it. You won’t be able to avoid this completely, especially in the city. But something can be done. Here are some suggestions.

Drink purified water

If from a store, then it is better to choose water extracted from surface sources such as Arkhyz. Latest Research show that artesian water from a depth of more than 100 m is not useful to humans.

Do not eat sausage, sausages, etc. with harmful additives

If English scientists have found cancer-stimulating additives in them, then in Russia there is even more lawlessness. In addition, these products now contain a lot of soy. And this is a double risk.

  1. Soy contains phytoestrogen - female hormone. He brings women closer to frigidity, men to impotence and femininity.
  2. Almost all soy is genetically modified. The implications are little known, and some research results are hidden by corporations producing such products. So far, it has been established that this leads to infertility - this is how nature puts a ban on the transfer of mutations to the next generations.

Create a healthy environment in your home

Use new technologies. Throw away all these Feri, Ariely, Tides, Persils and other chemicals. They contain toxic substances: phosphates, anionic surfactants (surface active substances), chlorine compounds. They are saturated with your clothes and through the skin they enter your body.

Children especially suffer - their delicate skin easily misses this chemistry, and the cleansing system is still weak. Use new materials for washing dishes and cleaning the house, excluding any detergents - ekologija-doma >>

From what and from whom you need to cleanse the body


1. slag- These are the natural products of the vital activity of cells and themselves, dead cells. AT healthy body the mechanism of their removal is well debugged and leading role This is where the liver comes into play. AT modern conditions she is often overwhelmed and needs help. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically cleanse yourself of toxins. But it is desirable to do this purification by safe methods.

2. Toxins, carcinogens, toxic substances

These are, basically, the fruits of civilization - our ecology. They get to us in three ways:

  1. through the lungs— harmful substances in the atmosphere of the city and at work;
  2. with foodvarious additives, preservatives, dyes, flavoring and technological additives, derivatives of improper cooking;
  3. through the skin, are the active substances in detergents, phosphates left on clothes after washing, solvents, poisons from insect bites, etc.

Every day, we inhale 12 m³ of air, where more than 100 harmful substances and bacteria

3. Deposits caused by metabolic disorders due to malnutrition, lifestyle, and harmful substances from food and the environment, these are:

  • cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • deposits on the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • fatty deposits in the liver, under the skin, in the muscles (cellulite), and in other organs;
  • kidney and gallbladder stones, etc.

4. Free radicals are ionized molecules of substances that are formed as a result of the action of toxins, solar and artificial radiation. They destroy cell membranes and disrupt intracellular metabolism, which significantly accelerates the aging process of the body.


Methods for cleansing the body. Dangerous and safe

Today, cleansing the body is a commerce and there are deadly methods. It is not so easy to figure out where are dangerous and where are safe, especially if doctors recommend them to you. I think you understand that cleansers are a large segment of the market and huge money is being made here. And if so, then no one cares about your safety, including doctors - everyone has long spit on the Hippocratic oath. Interestingly, the more dangerous the method, the more it is advertised. So let's go.

Not all books and TV shows with advice on cleansing the body can be trusted.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and natural recipes, this is wonderful and Malakhov has a lot here useful tips. But, only not in the field of cleansing the body. Pseudo-scientific methods, even in such a seemingly harmless area as cleansing the body, are very dangerous.

Malakhov cleansing with vegetable oil, enemas and lemon are undeservedly popular. These shock procedures often lead to complications and emergency medical assistance. In my correspondence, there were cases when people using the cleaning according to Malakhov felt bad, there were even those who died. But this happened a few months after cleansing - the body can resist for a long time until it exhausts its strength.

Here is what Professor E. A. Glickman said about this method of purification in his report at the Congress "Healing the World":

“The so-called methods of cleansing the body and individual organs are not cleansing at all. For example, when cleansing the intestines with enemas, only stool, and after all, the intestine is a complex system that has suction villi, intestinal and endocrine glands, nervous system, muscle layers. Liver cleansing with oil lemon juice is not a cleansing, and the excreted stones are the result of the interaction of bile and oil. In addition, many methods of so-called “cleansing” are far from being safe for the body, they can cause exacerbations and even serve as a trigger for the disease.”

The professor gave a number of examples when cleansing the intestines with enemas led to spastic colitis, while cleaning the kidneys and liver to exacerbate their diseases. These pseudoscientific methods cleanings are based on the primitive idea of ​​the intestine as a plumbing device.

Another dangerous method of cleansing the body is hydrocolonotherapy.

This is the same enema, but with a pump. You will be washed with all the insides, and at the same time they will destroy all the microflora - both harmful and useful. True, then they will sow useful, but not yours. At the same time, you will be shown what comes out of you and you are simply delighted that you have been so well and thoroughly cleansed. Immediately after the procedure, you really experience lightness. But no one will tell you what such a cleansing of the body can lead to in 2-3 months.

The microflora in the gut is a complex community of bacteria. And everyone has their own. It is easy to break it, it takes a long time to restore it. Imagine that you have dozens of types of bacteria, useful, harmful, neutral somehow got along with each other and suddenly - a tsunami. And then you will be populated with only one species.

Mechanical blood purification - plasmapheresis. Deadly danger!

Now this method is widely advertised. Its essence is the division of blood into cell mass and plasma. Blood plasma is purified from toxins, hormones, bacteria, then filled with vitamins and returned to the bloodstream.

This is complex equipment with various pumps, separators, special solutions, etc. Before you decide on this method, think about the following:

Can doctors say that today they know absolutely everything about blood? It turns out not. Because there are institutes and laboratories in the world that continue to study this topic, and there is no end to discoveries and dissertations.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • can this complex apparatus always be absolutely infallible?
  • can it always be absolutely pure?
  • can a laboratory assistant make a mistake at least once in a lifetime?

Any of these factors can be tragic for you, as it was for Vladimir Turchinsky. These honey. services are presented as rejuvenation of the body. Well, in some ways they are right, Vladimir remained young.

In fact, it is necessary to purify the blood in this way only for a very limited range of known diseases and conditions, but not for prevention. Here is the opinion of research doctors from the clinic of gravitational blood surgery:

“The need to use this method in complex treatment other diseases is still under discussion, because, when using the principles evidence-based medicine, its effectiveness has not yet been proven.

Cleansing the body with sodium thiosulfate

It is a chemical sulfur compound. Formula: Na₂S₂O₃ or Na₂SO₃S is a salt of sodium and thiosulfuric acid.
Antidote - that is, it is able to bind poisons and toxins, convert them into safe compounds. It is used for poisoning with heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury cyanides). It is prescribed by doctors for exacerbations of allergies.

It is administered intravenously. Explicit side effects does not have.
The use of sodium thiosulfate is due to the weakening of the functions of the liver to neutralize harmful substances. Or, when the dose of poisons and toxins received is such that it requires extra help. In any case, after detoxification with sodium thiosulfate, the liver's own cleansing functions should be restored. The most efficient and safe way to do this herbal remedies. Here are three such complexes for different states liver.

  1. two programs with an average and serious condition liver - hepa help >>
  2. complex with chitosan in one capsule to restore the liver and cleanse the body — clearing>>

Starvation and strict diet - the wrong way to cleanse the body

Fasting not only does not contribute to the full cleansing of the body, but is also a stress factor. This can lead to improper reorganization of metabolism and complications. Often fasting or a strict diet is used to reduce weight and get reverse effect. The mechanism of this phenomenon is as follows.

Let's say the energy value your usual daily ration was 2000 kcal. And if you typed excess weight, then 200-300 kcal were superfluous and turned into fat. But you decided to lose weight with the help of a diet and limited the diet to 1000 kcal. At the same time, our body, as in every mammal, made its own conclusion - the Hard times and it is necessary to switch to an economical mode of energy distribution. After the end of the diet, you again switched to a normal regimen of 2000 kcal. And the new economical mode of the body amounted to only 1500 kcal. Those. extra 500 calories already! That is why you begin to gain more weight than before the diet.

As you can see we are talking only about diseases, but advertise for everyone. This is another way of making money on the ignorance of the population.

In nature, cleansing the body has long been provided

The modern, scientific approach to cleansing the body is based on the fact that biological substances are evolutionarily provided for this purpose in nature. Plants have everything to cleanse the liver, kidneys, intestines, blood vascular system, lymphatic systems - for any organ and system of the body in nature there is a means for purification and restoration.

Red clover- one of the plants containing substances that purify the blood

And all this is effective and completely safe, because the creator intended it that way. This was used in medical practice also Hippocrates and Avicenna.

The task of cleansing the body comes down to converting harmful substances into water or fat-soluble forms and removing them naturally. There are two phases of detoxification - two chains of complex biochemical transformations. And to accomplish this is only possible for natural biological substances that only plants can synthesize. This is how the cleansing of living organisms has been carried out for millions of years - this is how nature and its creator arrange it. That is why all attempts by "specialists" to cleanse the body with more primitive methods sometimes end tragically.

A scientific approach to safe cleansing of the body

To cleanse harmful substances from sections 1,2,3 - slags, toxins, carcinogens, toxic substances and deposits by the scientific department in Novosibirsk scientists have developed two programs:

To determine which program is right for you, I recommend going through a special test >>.

Do you personally need to cleanse the body?

Indeed, after all, many people live like this, and do not think about it. But, if you have read up to this point, then you have already thought, or already have serious occasion. Of course, cleansing scientific approach brings both healing and rejuvenation, but what will happen if this is not done? Yes, nothing special, just then you replenish the usual statistics of diseases, complications and mortality. You add to the crowd statistics, such as in this diagram:

Structure of mortality in working age in 2009
typical for many regions of Russia

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The time has come clear all body fluids from toxins. These mainly include intracellular fluid, blood and lymph.

What are we clearing the body of at this stage?

Scientists have found that in the body of an adult accumulates, in addition to other dirt, up to 2 kg of toxins and salts. Being deposited in cells, these substances hinder their activity, which leads to disruption of the functions of many tissues and organs, and the body begins to age prematurely!

Therefore, to complete the cleansing of the body, it is required to get rid of these harmful substances. To cleanse the body of toxins and salts, it is necessary to cleanse all body fluids from them.

How are toxins formed in the body?

Various nutrients entering the body, as a result of chemical transformations, are oxidized. In other words, they break down into simpler ones. The energy released at the same time is used by the body, and the oxidized substances are easily excreted. But on different reasons, complete splitting (oxidation) of all substances does not occur. Here are the under-oxidized substances and are called slag. (In a broad sense, slags are sometimes understood as all the dirt in the body).

Under-oxidized slags are already difficult to be excreted from the body. Over time, debris can accumulate in large quantities and poison the body.

Methods of cleansing the body of toxins.

The following methods are used to clean body fluids from toxins:

Cleansing the body of toxins - physical exercises.

The role of exercise in cleansing all cells of the body from toxins hard to overestimate:

  • Physical activity is one of the best means for complete oxidation of slags ( cleansing the body of toxins).
  • Exercise not only cleans the cells of the body from toxins, but also increases the effectiveness of other cleansing methods.
  • Also, regular classes sports help prevent further formation and accumulation of toxins.

Cleansing the body of toxins with juices.

To remove accumulated salts and slags, you can also use natural solvents. These include freshly squeezed juices. Suitable for slag dissolution:

  • radish juice,
  • beet juice,
  • cabbage juice,
  • carrot juice,
  • Apple juice
  • and etc.

It is necessary to prepare such juice immediately before use, otherwise it may lose the desired qualities.

The question arises. Isn't it possible to eat whole vegetables directly for cleansing from toxins? Of course you can, but the cleaning effect will be worse.

Recommendations for the use of juices to cleanse the body of toxins:

  • Radish juice for cleansing toxins: this juice is highly effective. You can start using it in a tablespoon 3 times a day. Gradually bring a single dose to 100 gr. It is better to take this juice before meals, but in this case it must be diluted with water.
  • Beetroot juice for detoxification also acts quite strongly, so they use it 100 gr., 3 times a day, before meals (for 15-20 minutes).
  • Cabbage juice for detoxification especially suitable for overweight people, because promotes fat burning. It is worth taking it before meals, 100 gr. and 3 times a day.
  • Carrot and apple juices for detoxification can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities, but also 3 times a day and before meals.

The duration of juice therapy for cleansing toxins is several weeks.

Purification of the body from toxins - enterosorption.

The essence of this method of purification from toxins is ingestion activated carbon or other sorbents (sorbents are substances capable of binding and removing harmful elements from the body, in our case, slags).

In a person, 10-12 liters of gastrointestinal juices are secreted during the day. The liquid part of these juices is filtered from the blood, and in lower sections intestines, it is reabsorbed into the blood. The sorbent acts as a filter that purifies the liquid (gastrointestinal juices) inside our body.

Thus, the result of enterosorption is blood purification.

  • Enterosorption has a variety of positive effects on the human body:
  • Detoxification of the body (purification of toxins) has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Purification of cells from toxins affects all organs and systems of the body: tissues of the brain, heart and even cell membranes are restored.
  • Enterosorbent cleanses the body not only from toxins. For example, bile released into the intestines, which contains a lot of cholesterol, is cleansed.

enterosorption, as way to cleanse the body of toxins, less natural than sports, juice therapy and thermal treatments, but very effective.

The course of purification from toxins using enterosorption can be carried out as follows:

  1. Take 1 tablet of activated charcoal per 10 kilograms of body weight.
  2. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.
  3. Drink at least two liters of water.
  4. follow the diet with low content fats. Eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. The duration of this course is 2-4 weeks.

Purification of the body from toxins - thermal procedures (steam room, sauna).

Cleansing the body of toxins with the help of thermal procedures carried out through the skin. Skin is the biggest human organ. Every day, up to 600 grams of fluid is excreted through the skin. Together with the liquid, of course, almost all the substances in it come out, including the spent ones. Substances released through the skin include slags, salts, radionuclides, and much more.

Thus, if we significantly increase sweating, and hence the release of harmful substances (toxins) and, at the same time, we replenish the body with completely clean water, then all the fluids of our body (blood, lymph, cellular fluid) will become much cleaner. We, with the help of a bath, will noticeably cleanse the body and increase the level of health.

An approximate scheme for cleansing body fluids (blood, lymph) from toxins using a bath:

  1. Before the course bath procedures start doing daily physical exercise 30 minutes (at least). It is best if this is work for muscles with weights, but running, walking, etc. is also possible. This will lead to the oxidation of toxins both in cells and in the blood. Then the slags will be easily removed.
  2. To dissolve harmful substances already deposited in the cells and vascular bed, take freshly squeezed juices. To this we can add the intake of preparations containing oil of coniferous plants.
  3. Go to the sauna 2-3 times a week. It is important that during the steam room, you lose a significant amount of fluid. Together with it, you will also lose a large amount of slag.
  4. However, along with sweat, some necessary substances. These primarily include various minerals. Lost minerals need to be replenished. To replenish, you can use everything good complex, which would contain all the most important elements for the body (vitamins, macro- and microelements, herbal extracts, etc.) or more carefully monitor the content of these substances in the diet.
  5. It is also important what water to replenish the liquid lost in the steam room! After all, if we use the dirty inside tap water, then the effect of the bath will be blurry. It is often recommended to drink distilled water. Some researchers argue that only drinking distilled water for several months helps to achieve some improvement in the body. However, when drinking distilled water, it should be remembered that such water does not contain the minerals we need, so you can combine it - use both distilled and mineral water (about choosing mineral water note the absence of fluoride in its composition). You can also purify tap water at home - using freezing, silicon or other methods.

The duration of the course of bathing wellness procedures for cleansing from toxins is from 2 weeks or more.

With great care, bathing procedures should be approached by people with poor health, with weak heart and vessels! In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a bath or sauna, then you can use hot baths or showers. The main thing is that the body loses as much fluid as possible.

The duration of health-improving (cleansing, rejuvenating) bath procedures is from 2 weeks or more.

Cleansing the body of toxins with infusion of Kombucha.

"Tea kvass" (infusion of kombucha) perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. About cooking infusion a healthy lifestyle - eat right, do not eat the most harmful foods, play sports.

  • If desired, you can continue cleansing the body with fasting.
  • The metabolism is normalized, the outflow of bile improves, they disappear. When the body is completely cleansed, normalization occurs metabolic processes accompanied by the dissolution of stones in and.
    It will be much better if we purify all aspects of our lives, including our body, mind, spirit and environment. You can cleanse your whole life, or you can only highlight the body, in which, no doubt, a lot of toxins and waste from food processing accumulate. Therefore, a complete cleansing of the body will give you the opportunity to significantly improve the healing of the body and your well-being after or physical overwork, as well. In short, I propose to arrange a spa at home once a year - to conduct a course of complete cleansing of the body.
    Finally convinced that you really want the full, you start by ensuring that nothing and no one distracts you and cannot stop you from this goal. When and how you begin the course of complete cleansing of the body, largely depends on your current situation. If you're a fast eater and live on nerves, there's a lot of preparatory work to be done, and if you have an organized diet, then your personal preparation is almost done. You must choose a time when you can engage in a complete body cleansing program. January and February are perfect for this. A Great 40-day fast from November 28 (I use this time) is also suitable. If you plan to take a vacation to rest or heal, the best option you just can't imagine.
    In other words, a slagged liver and intestines will derail the plan faster than a piece of cake or a double serving of ice cream. What is the point of following any diet if internal organs overloaded with toxins?
    basis complete cleansing of the body is within those 30 days. This combination of dishes is useful: fruit for breakfast, fish and salad for lunch, brown rice with fried vegetables for dinner. In between meals, you can have a snack with nuts, cheese and fruits. At the same time, raw food must be present on the menu - it is she who gives coarse fibers that enhance cleansing ability of your body.
    plays essential role in complete cleansing of the body. Fresh lemon juice and hot water will help you not only cheer up, but also cleanse your liver. Waking up in the morning, drink a glass daily hot water with juice of 0.5 lemon and 1 tbsp. l. , and after a day or two, drink early in the morning 0.5 tbsp. hot water with 1 tbsp. l. and lie down with your right side on a hot heating pad for 40 minutes. This will help normalize acid-base balance in your body and expel stagnant bile.
    Helps the cleansing process and activates the liver of a medium-sized bunch of grapes, a head of fresh garlic, a glass of carrot or beetroot juice and 2 cups or fennel. If you want to include absolutely all of the above in your program of complete cleansing of the body - well, fine, but in any case, you should eat at least two types of products daily.
    Water regulates our body temperature from the inside, helps food move through the body, removes toxic substances, prevents formation and helps the body avoid infection in the body. Water cleanses, rejuvenates and restores, so this is the most important point of the program. complete cleansing of the body. During the day, it is imperative to drink at least 1.5 liters of artesian water.
    Another important body responsible for complete cleansing course, are . They maintain fluid balance in the body, acid-base balance. Activates the kidneys and helps the program complete cleansing of the body(of your choice): 1 tsp. fresh in a cup of hot water, drunk slowly, slowly, 1 tbsp. freshly made cranberry juice with (to taste), a large handful of fresh blackcurrants (or 1 tablespoon of juice from it), a handful of dried apricots (dried apricots).
    Brown algae help speed up the metabolism and continuously support the cleansing process of the body.
    During the complete body cleansing program, you should eat at least 3 times a day, and a maximum of 5 times, and in strict accordance with the list of recommended foods. Within 30 days, you should not go without food for more than 4 hours (to gastric juice did not irritate the stomach).
    Among the cereals that we eat, foods with coarse fibers have the greatest cleansing ability, especially brown rice, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines and maintains blood sugar balance.
    Fresh and raw vegetables, fruits and salads contain a lot of nutrients that form the basis of a healthy and balanced diet. They contain ingredients that help with, and brain disorders. Nuts contain great amount unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and plant fibers.
    We also need to include some fats in our diet - vegetable oils(walnut, sunflower,), nuts, olives and fish, which are sources of protein and fat. Be sure to make sure that your daily diet includes 2 servings of these foods.
    known for 3.5 thousand years, but for most people it is a discovery. Colon lavage helps to cleanse the intestines of accumulated poisons, gases, fecal matter and mucus that have accumulated in the folds of the intestine. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the intestines of brown rice, nuts and legumes. Washing the intestines with a decoction of chamomile (you can use an enema) allows you to radically speed up the process complete cleansing of the body. To soften the fecal masses and toxins in the intestines, it is necessary to massage it during washing.
    Eat at least one serving of yogurt, cheese, or milk daily (cheese and yogurt are exclusively made from sheep or goat milk, and milk - only goat, sheep).
    It is very useful for a full period of time in 5 days to take a bath with Epsom salt, 5 minutes a day to practice breathing exercises, half an hour a day to do physical exercises, take a cold shower every morning or wipe off cold water, once or twice a week, work in the garden, in the apiary, constantly smile and assure yourself 5 times a day that everything is going well with you.
    Sauna with birch broom, massage brush and pumice stone for feet, as well as therapeutic baths, have been popular for many centuries. complete cleansing of the body inside. Baths with aromatic (essential) oils are no less useful.

    I also suggest watching a video about " Complete cleansing organism":

    Today's dessert for all those who like to learn something new:

    The longer you look at this picture, the more you see :)

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