The most famous wizards. The most famous good wizards, magicians, fairies


Magic has attracted humanity since time immemorial. The human being is always drawn to something complex, unidentified and inexplicable. These days there is a lot of talk not only about the paranormal, but also about people with paranormal abilities. There are plenty of magicians and fortune tellers in every city, but most of them are not who they say they are.

Anyone can call themselves a magician, but in reality such people can be counted on one hand. Their fame has been preserved in history. All these people made important contributions to world magic and left an indelible mark in the memory of many. Find out about the most famous magicians and wizards who existed and exist in reality.

1) Members of the Order of the Golden Dawn

Magical order, received official name Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, included a group of people involved in the occult in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Great Britain.

Although this order once went through a schism, its members still managed to resolve differences, and it has survived to this day.

2) Samuel Liddell (1854-1918)

Liddell was one of the most influential members of the magical Order of the Golden Dawn. He had a passion for magic, the occult and mythology. For his time, he led a unique lifestyle, for example, he did not smoke and did not eat meat. It was rumored that he allegedly played chess with pagan gods.

One member of the order said that Liddell would make his move and then close his eyes, waiting for a signal to make a return move. No one knew who exactly won.

3) Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

Crowley is considered one of the most famous magicians and occultists; he was an astrologer and Satanist, studied Kabbalah and founded the religious movement of Thelema. The theory of its flow is based on the power of Will. One of his most famous quotes is the following: "Do your Will, so be the whole Law".

Aleister Crowley led a controversial lifestyle for his time, experimented with various drugs, and spoke openly about sex. Crowley was also a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn.

4) Penn and Teller

Penn and Teller are a famous duo of illusionists who perform magic tricks in Las Vegas and sometimes appear on television.

Pen and Teller don't have many tricks in their arsenal, but they have become quite famous thanks to their performances and collect great amount spectators.

5) Siegfried and Roy

Siegfried and Roy are a duo of performers who, like Penn and Teller, primarily worked in Las Vegas.

Siegfried and Roy's shows included stunts with trained animals that made huge predators disappear on stage and then reappear to the surprise of the audience. Due to Roy's injury in 2003, the duo stopped performing.

6) Mark Wilson (b. 1929)

Mark Wilson, a famous magician in America and host of popular programs, began showing his magic shows also in Las Vegas, and then on television back in the 1950s. Wilson worked at the dawn of the television era and was subsequently imitated by many.

7) Lance Barton (b. 1960)

Lance Barton is another famous American illusionist who has become famous for his unique abilities to entertain audiences. Barton fell in love with magic back in early childhood, and at the age of 20 he had already received an award International Brotherhood of Magicians.

Presidents and kings watched his show, and hosts of famous programs invited him to their projects as a guest. In Las Vegas in the 1990s, the 1,200-seat Lance Barton Theater was built specifically for his performances.

8) Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (1805-1871)

Robert-Houdin has been called the father of modern magic and illusionism. A former watchmaker, Houdin followed the traditions of other magicians and performed his own tricks in theaters and at private functions. It was Houdin who first showed the trick of catching a bullet.

9) David Copperfield (born 1956)

David Copperfield, whose real name is David Seth Kotkin, is perhaps the most famous magician and hypnotist of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, whose shows amaze with their scope and extraordinary tricks. He began practicing magic at the age of 12.

In addition to the fact that Copperfield can demonstrate amazing tricks, he is also a wonderful storyteller who captivates the audience with his interesting stories, while also amazing with the power of magic. Among the master's most famous stunts are stealing the Statue of Liberty and flying over the Grand Canyon.

10) Harry Houdini (1874-1926)

Houdini is perhaps the most famous magician. For many, magic and the name Houdini are practically synonymous. His career began at the age of 9, when as a boy he began to demonstrate unusual tricks, capturing the imagination of the public. Later he became a real master in his field.

Houdini's magic was that he could get out of the most hopeless positions and situations, being tied up, chained, and so on. He was the author of several books dedicated to his skills, and also often exposed charlatan magicians.

In the world

Rating 5

Many people today have reached the heights of fame only due to the fact that they have certain knowledge of magic. Throughout the entire period of development of society, certain names have surfaced that to this day are associated with Satan and dark forces. For some, this secret knowledge has become the path to great wealth and universal recognition, but...

Summary 5.0 excellent

Many of the people today have reached the heights of fame only due to the fact that they have certain knowledge in of magic. Throughout the entire period of development of society, certain names surfaced that are still associated with Satan And dark forces. For some, this secret knowledge became the path to great wealth and universal recognition, but for others it turned into horrific torture and even death.

After detailed study and analysis of representatives of the world supernatural and magical, ten people were identified who came from different walks of life, famous for their abilities and talents more than others. Some of them had a very pretty appearance, and from mentioning the names of others the blood runs cold in my veins. But still, they are all united by one common criterion - they were all sorcerers And witches.

#10 Mall Dyer

Many centuries ago, namely in the seventeenth century, in St. Mary's County (Maryland) there lived a strange woman named Moll Dyer. Unfortunately, on this moment no information has been preserved regarding her family and origin. However, her whole life was shrouded in mystery. People who lived next door to her said that she was acting strange. Moreover, this woman practically did not communicate with anyone and lived like a hermit. She was often noticed collecting herbs. It is precisely for his abilities in the field of “ traditional medicine» Moll Dyer was charged in connection with Devil And witchcraft

One cold night her hut was set on fire by generous people. But for some reason she was not at home. The woman was running from human malice into the forest and wandered through it for several days. Some time later, her tortured body was discovered by local boys.

Interesting fact: the body of a young woman was found on a high cliff. She was in a position kneeling and raising her hands to heaven. They say that this is how she asked the forces of nature for help and punishment for those men who burned her father's house. It was her knees that left marks on the stone block. The next winter it fell on that village a curse. There were terrible frosts that claimed more than one life. The cold spared neither adults nor children. Exactly at winter time years people suffered from epidemics and serious illnesses. This curse lay on the village for centuries.

About this day, local residents say that they greet them on cold evenings ghost sufferers surrounded by strange animals. According to modern historians, it was this witch who became the prototype for the creation movie "The Blair Witch Project". Just talk one hundred percent about real existence Moll Dyer impossible, because apart from the stone, there is no evidence of her life.

#9 Laurie Cabot

One of the most popular American witches was a girl from California Laurie Cabot. Her story is legendary: the once famous dancer studied magical art and had an incredible interest in witchcraft. It was the desire to explore the unknown that brought her to the territory of New England. After many years of study magic spells and the witch's craft in particular, the woman discovered her own store in Salem (Massachusetts). As you know, it was here that people persecuted witches. The city is considered the historical epicenter hunt for sorcerers and magicians. For a long period of time, the woman was afraid to announce her addiction to magic.

In 1970, the favorite Laurie Cabot– black cat, stuck on one of tall trees. The animal sat there for about two days without any support from local rescuers. Moreover, firefighters officially refused to save the animal. Then Laurie stated that she needed the animal to perform magical rituals. As a result, the rescuers hastened to climb the tree and handed the frightened animal into the hands of the “seasoned witch.” In the 70s, just one mention of witchcraft horrified every city resident. Salem.

It was this woman who formed the guild of witches and began to gather annually witches' coven. And her business began to develop with incredible strength. Over the years, the store has also become a popular place among visitors and tourists.

Then to Cabot fame and universal popularity came. Even the country's officials recognized its power. Thus, the governor of Massachusetts awarded her the title of official witches of Salem.

According to Laurie Cabot, any witch crimes And curses return to her (to the performer) with the trio. She believes that witchcraft powers are a combination of magic, nature and astrology. However, today others come to the same opinion. psychics And witches. You can ask them about this personally and even take consultation with psychics online anyone can do it on any issue or occasion. All you need to find is a reliable psychic on the Internet. For example, you can ask for help from psychics "".

No.8 George Pickingill

In the nineteenth century he lived George Pickingill. His name sounded like something frightening to the people of that time. Plus, the image of this man became the horror of everyone. He was incredible tall, had long, tangled hair and pointed nails. He was distinguished by excessive hostility towards people around him. The people considered him to be a cunning man and knew that he was studying folk magic and witchcraft. He was involved in the agricultural sector and always claimed that his roots stretch back to one of the most famous witch families. He considered himself a true witcher.

If you trace his ancestry, you can find in the eleventh century a woman named Julia Pickingill. In those distant times, she was an assistant to a local lord, and used witchcraft to predict his fate. All the residents of the village in which “Old George” lived spoke of him as an unpleasant and evil person. For alcohol and money, he could terrorize anyone. Some even openly feared him. But in fact, George had very serious knowledge in the field of healing and even helped local peasants resolve disputes.

In certain circles the man enjoyed incredible fame. He was recognized as an associate ancient god horned, and assistant Satan. They also believed that his knowledge of witchcraft was limitless. But Pickingill recognized only real witches and sorcerers who have true origins and whose lineage stretches back to the Middle Ages. He was a purebred, and demanded the same from everyone who wanted to take part in witches' sabbath. In addition, in some books they also wrote about him that he hated women. In order to take part in devil worship, many women were required to perform highly dubious tasks.

No. 7 Angela de la Berta

In the thirteenth century there lived a witch who had a noble, noble origin. Her name was Angela de la Berta. The Holy Inquisition decided to execute this unpleasant woman through burning. What was the reason for such a brutal massacre? A number of crimes that, according to the monks, she committed:

  • having a sexual relationship with the owner of Hell;
  • the birth of the wolf demon and the snake demon;
  • devouring and killing children.

In fact, all the woman was guilty of were health problems, namely mental disorder, and, among other things, her persecution was also associated with the fact that she supported Gnostic Christianity, which denied knowledge and science Catholic Church. At the great trial she was recognized as a witch and after many hours of torture burned at the stake. In those days, burning was considered a very common method of combating witchcraft.

No. 6 Sorcerer Abramelin

If we talk about the authenticity of this story, then it was lost back in the fifteenth century. But the legacy of this sorcerer continues to live to this day. Mage Abramelin gave rise to a whole movement and a huge number of imitators revere him. For the first time, information about this representative of the entire supernatural world appeared in the writings of Wurzburg. It was he who studied his deeds and even received answers to a huge number of questions related to magic and witchcraft. Wurzburg wrote down everything that the great wizard conveyed to him. His books reveal methods control of evil and good spirits and there is even a complete classification of these entities.

His entire system was based on certain magical symbols, something like that, but they were activated at certain times of the day and used for specific rituals.

« The Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin"- this is exactly what the scripture printed in 1900 was called. This creation became incredibly popular among occultists. Everything described in it began to be practiced by millions of people around the world. One of his followers was even Crowley Aleister.

#5 Alice Kyteler

Honestly, a long period of time wizards and witches expelled from the entire territory continental Europe, but the people of Ireland did not pay such attention to this phenomenon. But in the end, they began to hunt witches in this God-forsaken area. One of the first to suffer from the long arm of the church was a woman named Alice Kyteler. The whole reason is that she was engaged in usury, and all the men who surrounded her and directly shared her bed died mysteriously. Thus, she grew rich and became the owner of all the property of her fans and husbands. Thus, the fourth man who fell into her network began to feel pain, and his own children acquired foul odor, similar to a rat, this happened precisely when he decided to leave all his property to the charming woman.

Kyteler in 1324 she was recognized as a witch and conspirator of a society of heretics. Not only was she called the first witch of Ireland, but she was also credited with a connection with incubus Local authorities have made more than one attempt to put her behind bars, but extensive connections and the presence of allies prevented them from doing this.

Kyteler disappeared in an instant, leaving her young son and servants behind. According to some historians, she fled under cover of darkness and was buried in England. Until the end of her days, the woman knew no need and lived in luxury.

#4 Tamsin Blate

In the nineteenth century in England (Cornwall) there lived a woman named Tamsin Blate. She was revered as a woman who knew a lot about herbs, and natural witch. As for the term “natural witch,” it was formed in Ancient times, when small villages and cities were surrounded by dark forests and thus hid from the world and the horror that surrounded them. It was rumored that Tamsin could cope with serious spells and ancient curses, which sometimes mowed down more than one village. She was also a very good healer and predicted the future.

But everything good has its own back side. U Tamisen– it was her husband. As it turned out, the addiction to witchcraft ran in the family. Despite the fact that Jameson was a highly respected magician, the locals did not like him for his addiction to strong drinks and love of hooliganism. After some time, the couple decided to separate, but at the end of their lives they began to live together again.

Modern psychics of the city of Moscow about Tamison Blythe they say that the effectiveness of her curses was related to her reputation and the incredible energy that she put into her deeds.

One day, a local shoemaker did a poor job of repairing the witch’s shoes, and as a result, her mouth burst out with curses against him. She said that a man would no longer be able to earn his living in this way. As a result, very little time passed and all the local residents turned away from him. He fled the village.

No. 3 Eliphas Levi

Eliphas Levi or gigolo Louis Constant demanded that the name given to him be translated into Hebrew. According to historians, this man was studying magical art And witchcraft. Among other things, he also studied various faiths: Judaism and Christianity. He needed all this knowledge in order to combine information in the field alchemy and even Tarot. Later alchemy recognized as a strange phenomenon and equated to the occult.

After studying so many different beliefs and movements Levi I almost became a priest. However, after a while he was rewritten from a magician and sorcerer to a scientist. Only he had some kind of mysterious charisma and could cast magic. From his pen came countless books about magic and occult rituals. One of his works, called “Baphomet,” was especially popular. According to him, it was a creature of the satanic type, which originated from the Middle Ages. It was he who was worshiped by the famous Knights Templar.

According to Alphonse, this divine figure was a representative of the “absolute”. The theorist himself depicted this monster in the form of a winged woman with a horned head, similar in appearance to a goat. It is she who comes to mind when a person first mentions occultism.

#2 Raymond Backland

This person is very famous, much more popular than all those who were previously listed on this list. Psychics about Raymond Backland they say that he became the founder Wicca American branch. Being deeply impressed by Wicca Gardnerian, Backland used the writings of Gerald Gardner and created his own variation of the "New World", which eventually became known as "Six-Wicca".

Usually Backler involved as a person who knows a lot about magic. He has occupied one of the most revered places at devilish gatherings since the 60s. He was considered an expert in all things that had at least some connection with neo-paganism. In 1992 Backland notified all representatives and followers of the occult about his resignation. He no longer practiced the magical arts. For him, the magical craft now began to exist only on paper. After his resignation, he wrote many works on the topic of magical rituals and witchcraft in particular. He currently lives in the USA, in the state of Ohio. Backler lives in all alone and, as before, devotes himself to books.

No. 1 Agnes Waterhouse

The most famous witch in the world who ever lived in what is now England was a woman called Mother Waterhouse ( Agnes Waterhouse). She was found guilty of witchcraft for the reason that, together with two other witches, she made love with Devil. They also said about her that she often sent curse people and caused bodily harm to people.

An interesting fact, but the clergy did not undertake any long period time is nothing against Agnes. For the first time in the history of witch hunts, a woman was sentenced to death for witchcraft ordinary civil court. In her witness statement, Waterhouse admitted that she was involved in carrying out magical rituals and was an assistant Devil.

According to local residents, the pet Agnes- named Satan, helped her do evil. It was her that the witch used to destroy the townspeople's livestock. There was also a rumor among the people that the animal helped her cope with her enemies. According to the witch herself, her life was sinful, the king of hell himself told her that death would come to her through hanging or flames. Moreover, knowing about her future, the witch could not correct or change it. Her life was cut short in the arms of a hanged man. But here are two other witches, who, like Agnes Waterhouse, were convicted of the same atrocities and found themselves free.

After the judge announced the verdict, all satanic courage and bravado disappeared somewhere. When the hour of execution arrived, all the people present in the square assured that Agnes swore her innocence and prayed for forgiveness from God.

From everything written above it follows that magic developed in parallel with man and was an integral part of him. But at the moment, witchcraft is no longer associated with nature and worldly forces, whose place is to be on Earth and flourish and help, but with crime.

Even in ancient times in Rus', women who knew special knowledge were called “witches”. Understand the law and potions and even know how to communicate with wild animals. Today all this has practically been lost, because man, led by the Devil and his greedy nature, has turned everything into commerce. However, if desired, among the paid psychics And fortune tellers omniscient can be found true magicians And witches. They will help not only with advice, but also with a magical word.

As I continue to look at the site, I often wonder who are the positive characters here and who are the negative ones? And I can’t clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes subsequently do very good deeds, and the seemingly positive heroes do the opposite.

The most famous good wizards, magicians, fairies

I present to you a list of the most famous wizards, sorcerers, magicians and other sorcerers.

Merlin is a magician and sage from Celtic myths, mentor to King Arthur.

>Gandalf is a light magician, leader of the forces of Good from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Fairy from the fairy tale "Cinderella" - godmother Cinderellas.

>Stella (in the original - Glinda) - the good sorceress of the Pink Country from A. Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

>Villina (in the original - the Good Witch of the North) is a good sorceress, ruler of the Yellow Country from A. Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

Goodwin (in the original - Oz) - The Wizard of the Emerald City from the fairy tale of the same name by A. Volkov

Yoda is the wisest Jedi, the teacher of many great Jedi from J. Lucas' Star Wars series.

>Aslan is a lion, the central character of the Chronicles of Narnia book series by Clive Lewis

>Mage Ged is the main character of Ursula Le Guin's fairy tale "A Wizard of Earthsea"

>Mage Ogion the Silent - teacher of Ged from Ursula Le Guin's fairy tale "A Wizard of Earthsea"

>Harry Potter is the main character of a series of novels by the English writer J. K. Rowling

Old Man Hottabych - a genie from the Soviet story of the same name - a fairy tale by Lazar Lagin

>Anton Gorodetsky is a light magician, the main character in S. Lukyanenko’s novels about the Watches

>Geser - the main light magician from S. Lukyanenko’s novels about the Watches

Howl is a wizard from Diana Wynne Jones's novel Howl's Moving Castle.

William Bell - character from the series "Fringe"

Walter Bishop's longtime laboratory partner, now head of Massive Dai...

Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich - a minor character in Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich is the father of the main character of the novel, Vladimir A...

Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - the hero of Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

Troyekurov Kirila Petrovich is one of the main characters of Pushkin's novel Du...

Evgeny Bazarov - the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons”

The novel takes place in the summer of 1859. Young...

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Capt. Jack Sparrow

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Probably I like negative heroes because, firstly, they are beautiful, secondly, they all have a sad story, thirdly, they must be smart, and fourthly, he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative heroes are mysterious, brave, but it’s a pity that sometimes these heroes often die at the end of the film or at the end of the anime... But some heroes realize their guilt and begin to fight for the side of good.

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The most famous good wizards, magicians, fairies.

The great magicians of the past amazed their contemporaries with incredible miracles that even today scientists are unable to explain.


So, around 1400, at the court of the Bohemian king Wenceslaus, a sorcerer named Zito was known. In front of the whole yard, he sat in a nutshell harnessed by a pair of trained beetles, and rolled around in it like in a carriage. He also forced a rooster to lift a huge log and, as easily as if it were a dry twig, turned haystacks into pigs and then sold them.

The no less famous alchemist and magician Albert the Great once invited the German emperor and his retinue to dinner in the dead of winter. The table was set in the garden, right in the snow, under the bare branches of the trees.

The guests began to grumble, finding the joke inappropriate. But as soon as the emperor and his entourage sat down at the table, the summer sun suddenly shone in the sky, the snow and ice melted, young grass grew out of the ground, the trees became covered with leaves and blossomed, and some even had ripe fruits. Soon it became so hot that the feasters threw off their caftans and began to look for shade.

But as soon as the meal was over, the sky darkened, the trees were bare, and such cold set in that the guests ran home to warm themselves by the fire.

Our “native” Jacob Bruce, the “personal sorcerer” of Peter I, also belonged to the world elite of warlocks. Legends attribute to Bruce the possession of the strongest symbols of mystical power - the “Ring of Solomon” and the “Black Book”, which were allegedly kept in the Sukharev Tower. Bruce's alchemical laboratory was located here, in which, at the request of the king, he worked on creating an elixir of eternal youth.

The “Solomon seal” on the ring helped Jacob Bruce “to perform all sorts of sorceries.” Well, it’s scary to even think about the “Black Book”. This is what contemporaries said about it: “The Serpent wrote it, from the Serpent it passed to Cain, from Cain to Ham, who cunningly hid it in a hiding place during the flood, and when the flood was over, he took it out. Then the book passed to Ham’s son Canaon; it was present during the pandemonium of Babylon, and in the cursed city of Sodom, and with King Nebuchadnezzar, and sowed evil everywhere. It is written in gibberish with magical signs. The one who reads it receives the highest power over the world, all demons obey him, all desires are fulfilled, he can curse whomever he wants.”

A court magician had a similar book, as well as the famous magic mirror, with the help of which it was possible to summon the dead from the other world to our world Polish king Sigismund Augustus Peter Twardowski, whose fame in Poland was as great as that of Jacob Bruce two centuries later.

There are still a lot of legends about the famous warlock of the 16th century, but one of the most famous is about his marriage.

Deciding to get married, Tvardovsky proposed to the governor’s daughter Angelika Porai, but she rejected him, saying that he was an old sorcerer. Then Tvardovsky decided to rejuvenate himself! He drank a witchcraft potion, after which his servant Matt rubbed the master’s body with a special ointment, put him in a coffin and buried him secretly.

A year later, Matt dug up the grave. There was a baby lying in the coffin and crying loudly! The servant had to take him home and feed him milk from a horn. But the very next day the child stood up, began to run around the room, play and grow quickly. He soon turned into a handsome young man whom Angelika could no longer refuse.

However, the happiness of the newlyweds turned out to be short-lived. Angelika began to cheat on her husband right in her house, and one day Tvardovsky found his wife in bed with a clerk. Unable to bear such a betrayal, the great sorcerer, calling all his servants into the bedroom, right before their eyes - as an edification to others - turned the clerk into a dog, and his wife into a cat!

Pyotr Tvardovsky died, or rather, disappeared without a trace, in 1573. His body was never found.


In his time, the Marquis of Montfert, aka Count de Bellamy, aka General Saltykov, aka Count Saint-Germain, also knew how to disappear masterfully. He lived under different names and titles and, appearing from nowhere, went into nowhere.

In 1750 in Paris and in 1760 in Moscow, Saint Germain was the most popular person. There was a trail behind him mysterious stories and legends - everyone knew him as a dark mystic, occultist and alchemist. There were rumors that he had the philosopher's stone and created the elixir of immortality. Count Cagliostro, by the way, - worst enemy Saint Germain - confirmed that he owns a vessel with a magical liquid.

Sometimes it seemed that Saint Germain was completely delusional: he suddenly began to talk about the smallest features of the appearance of Plato and Seneca, all the Christian apostles. How could he know such details?

Once in Dresden, the coachman Saint-Germain was asked about the age of his owner. “I don’t know for sure, but in the 130 years that I have served him, he has not changed at all,” he replied.

Madame de Pompadour, confidant and the favorite of Louis XV, in her memoirs, described the case when Saint-Germain, at the request of the king, with one wave of his hand eliminated a defect in a diamond from the royal treasury, which brought him into childish delight.

In addition, the count, according to a high-ranking witness - the Russian general-in-chief and senator Peter Panin, - with the help of his philosopher's stone, transformed tin and lead into gold, as well as ... men into women and vice versa, as the French Marquise d'Urfe wrote about .

Time was merciless to those around him, sparing only one mysterious count. Old men said that they met Saint Germain in aristocratic salons during their youth.

Saint Germain's grave has not yet been found. A year after his “death” in 1784 in Paris, at a meeting of the Freemasons, he was identified by one of his former acquaintances. In 1788, the French envoy to Venice, Count of Chalone, met Saint Germain in St. Mark's Square. In 1814, the still young-looking count appears on the sidelines of the Congress of Vienna. When people who knew him rushed to greet him, he tried to quickly bow out, and no one saw him again in Vienna.

Already during the time of Louis Philippe, a certain Major Fraser appeared in Paris. Despite his English name, he was not English and was an exact copy of Saint Germain. By this time, there were almost no people left in Paris who personally knew the famous count. And yet one such person was found, he also managed to meet the major, and with each meeting he was convinced of the similarity of the young officer with the mysterious count. Major Fraser demonstrated a detailed knowledge of the social life of France almost a century ago!

When, in the next conversation with him, his interlocutor mentioned the name of Saint-Germain, the major immediately disappeared from Paris.

In addition to Cagliostro, a contemporary of Saint-Germain, so to speak, was Giuseppe Pinetti, the court physicist of the Prussian king Frederick II, who performed miracles that amazed the crowned heads different countries. No one could find a reasonable explanation for what he was doing. And there were many who wanted to test his supernatural abilities. Among them was Russian Emperor Paul.

By that time, Pinetti had already become famous in Berlin, Stockholm and Paris, he was admired and feared. Now he had to confirm his reputation as a wizard in St. Petersburg. Which is what he did from the moment he appeared at the Palace, where he was invited at 7 o’clock. He was a full hour late, irritating the emperor and bringing the tension of the people waiting for him to the limit.

But what was the general confusion when all the palace clocks, totaling at least 20 pieces, suddenly showed instead of eight o'clock seven - the hour for which the reception was scheduled. Pinetti justified himself with this to Pavel. However, immediately after the acquittal, all the clocks struck eight times, that is, they showed the correct time.

The intrigued king invited the guest to his place the next day. At noon he was supposed to appear in the imperial office. True, having decided to play a joke on Pinetti, Pavel ordered every single entrance to the palace to be locked ahead of time, and took the keys and put them on his table. In addition, he instructed the security staff tripled for this occasion not to let anyone in to see him.

And yet Pinetti showed up for the reception! Or rather, he literally materialized out of thin air in the emperor’s office!

This had such an effect on Pavel that he hastened to send the guest out of Russia, calling him “ Dangerous man" Pinetti’s departure, by the way, stunned St. Petersburg residents no less than his arrival. As promised, he left the city on a certain day and time, leaving all 15 city outposts at once! Moreover, in each of them the guest’s departure was registered according to all the rules, and a crowd of onlookers accompanied his carriage.


Albert von Bolstedt, whom we have already mentioned above, was born in Germany around 1193. His life is remarkable primarily for the fact that it successfully combined theology with magic, philosophy with magic. The monk’s learning surpassed all ideas of the ordinary human mind, and soon in Europe his name was no longer used without the prefix “Great.”

Being a pragmatic scientist and naturalist, Albert the Great paid a lot of attention to alchemical experiments, and detailed description method of making gold, as well as precious stones from cheap source material he left in his book “Oracles or Alchemical Riddles”.

However, many magicians and alchemists of antiquity believed that in the laboratory it was possible to obtain not only gold, but also, with the help of magic spells, to grow an artificial creature of human nature - the so-called homunculus. It was believed that their owners possess secret power, power over the forces of the Universe.

Albert the Great, according to his contemporaries, possessed such power and authority! In particular, the famous philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas, being a student of Albertus Magnus, once ran away from his teacher’s house after one of these homunculi spoke to him in a human voice!

This incident occurred in 1246, in Cologne. Then the student Thomas knocked on the door of his teacher’s house. Footsteps were heard outside the door. Foma became wary. No, these are not the steps of Martha - the old maid who constantly let him in, he decided. Maybe Albertus Magnus hired a new servant? The student heard the sound of a bolt being pulled back. The door opened slowly.

“Good morning, Frau,” said the surprised Thomas and walked into the hallway. “Good morning,” the woman replied, closing the door. Her voice and gait were unnatural, and her face was bloodless, devoid of any expression, Thomas Aquinas later wrote in his autobiographical notes. A terrible guess crept into his heart. Having made the sign of the cross and repeating spells against the devil to himself, the theologian approached the woman. She was already sitting in a chair and making measured movements with her hand, which held a fan. Suddenly her hand froze.

“The teacher is waiting for you in the library,” she said in the same lifeless voice. At the same moment, Thomas began to see clearly. Grabbing the poker standing by the fireplace, he entered into single combat with the “devil”...

When, hearing the noise of the “battle,” Albertus Magnus ran into the room, it was all over: his creation, mutilated and dead, lay on the floor...


The ancient philosophers and at the same time the sorcerers Zosima from Greece and the magician Simon, as well as the 13th century alchemist Arnold de Villanova, also had “their” homunculi. But the generally recognized master of making artificial creatures was the famous Paracelsus. It was he who first described in detail how to make an artificial man. However, this is not a recipe that can be used at any time.

First, it was necessary to take a flask, put a decent amount of human sperm into it, and then seal it. The flask with sperm was buried in horse manure for 40 days, and after being removed from there it was subjected to “magnetization” (the essence of this process is not clear enough). During this "gestation period" the homunculus, the fragile and transparent proto-man, was thought to take shape.

Then the flask was supposed to be opened to begin feeding the little man. This was done by daily adding a small amount of human blood, while the temperature around the flask was maintained as in the womb of a mare. After 40 weeks, if everything has been done correctly, you will have a fully developed, well-proportioned human baby, just a very small one. In a few months he should grow to the size of a normal adult.

“He can be raised and trained,” Paracelsus instructed, “like any other child until he grows up and can take care of himself.”

In the secret documents of the legendary Rosicrucians on the creation of homunculi, the following is written: “May dew collected on the full moon, two parts of male and three parts of female blood from pure and chaste people are mixed in a vessel. This vessel is placed on moderate heat, causing the earth to be deposited below, while the upper part is separated into a clean flask and from time to time added to the vessel, into which one grain of tincture from the animal kingdom is also added. After some time, stomping and whistling will be heard in the flask, and you will see in it two living creatures - a man and a woman - absolutely beautiful, through certain manipulations you can maintain their life for a year, and you can learn anything from them, because they they will be feared and revered.”

Medieval occultists also created homunculi from earth, wax and metals. The mysterious creature made its owner invulnerable, helped to get rich and famous. In addition, according to legend, homunculi “saw” what was hidden from view ordinary people, and told about this to their masters, who used the acquired knowledge to the greatest benefit for themselves.

The zealots of the faith argued that the devil himself was considered the father of the homunculi. The zealots of the faith argued that the devil himself was considered the father of the homunculi. And the magician had to sell his soul to him because the latter endowed soulless objects with his devilish power. And this agreement could only be terminated with the help of complex magical rituals.

Names dark magicians and witches of Europe

Absinthe - absinthe. In this case, the name personifies the Power of Darkness.
Ague is what malaria was called in the Middle Ages.
Ahriman is a destroyer spirit, the personification of the evil principle in Zoroastrianism.
Alcina is a sorceress from Italian legends.
Amanita - mistress of poisoned mushrooms.
Amarantha is a mythological unfading flower from Greek myths.
Amaranthus - amaranth flower, also known as "love lies bleeding." In ancient times it was used to stop bleeding.
Amethyst - amethyst. This stone is associated with the ability to save from drunkenness, as well as from celibacy. And astrology is considered a symbol of divine understanding.
Annabel Lee is the heroine of the tragic poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
Artemisia is a character from Greek mythology and is also a type of wormwood used to make absinthe.
Ash - ash.
Asmodeus is one of the names of Satan.
Astaroth is a Christian demon.
Asura is a "demon" in Hinduism.
Asya is said to mean “born in a time of sorrow” in Swahili.
Atropine is a type of poison.
Avalon is where King Arthur went after his death.
Avarice - greed. One of the seven deadly sins.
Aveira - "sin" in Hebrew.
Avon - in Hebrew - impulsive sin of voluptuousness.
Azazel is a biblical demon in the form of a goat.
Azrael (Esdras) - Angel of Death according to the Koran.
Beelzebub is the Hebrew version of Satan.
Belial is another Satan.
Belinda is one of the satellites of the planet Uranus. Presumably, the etymology of this word is based on the ancient designation of a snake.
Belladonna poisonous plant with purple flowers.
Blood - what a great name!..
Bran/Branwen is the Celtic word for raven.
Briar - thorn, thorn.
Chalice - a special cup for holy blood.
Chaos - Chaos. In its original meaning: the state in which the Universe was before the reign of the Greek gods.
Chimera/Chimaera - Chimera. In Greek mythology, a hybrid monster with the head and neck of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake.
Chrysanthemum - chrysanthemum. A flower considered a symbol of death in Japan and some European countries.
Cinder is another name for ash.
Corvus/Cornix - "raven" in Latin.
Dark/Darque/Darkling etc. - several versions of darkness. One who masters Necromagic
Demon/Daemon/Demona - several variations on the theme of demons.
Dies Irae - day of wrath, day of judgment.
Digitalis - digitalis, another poisonous flower.
Diti is the mother of demon in Hinduism.
Dolores - "sorrows" in Spanish.
Draconia - from "draconian", meaning "severe" or "extremely serious".
Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia. A fantastic place where everything is very bad.
Elysium - in Greek mythology, dead heroes go there.
Ember - fading embers.
Esmeree - according to legend, the daughter of a Welsh king, turned into a snake by the efforts of sorcerers. She returned to human form thanks to the kiss of a beautiful young man.
Eurydice - Eurydice, a tragic female character in Greek mythology.
Evilyn - beautiful female name with the root "evil".
Felony - sounds almost like the common Melanie.
Gefjun/Gefion - a Nordic goddess who took dead virgins under her wing.
Gehenna is the name of Hell in the New Testament.
Golgotha ​​- Hebrew for "skull". Hill in the shape of a skull on which Christ was crucified.
Grendel is the monster in Beowulf.
Griffin/Gryphon is a mythological monstrous hybrid: the body of a lion, the wings and head of an eagle.
Grigori - fallen angels in the Bible.
Grimoire - grimoire. Book describing magical rituals and spells containing magical recipes.
Hades - Greek god of the underworld.
Hecate is an ancient Greek deity of moonlight, a powerful sorceress.
Hellebore - hellebore. A flower blooming in the snow in the middle of winter. According to medieval belief, it saves from leprosy and madness.
Hemlock - hemlock. Strong poison. For example, Socrates was poisoned with it.
Inclementia - "cruelty" in Latin.
Innominata is the name of an embalming agent.
Isolde- Celtic name, meaning “beauty”, “one who is looked at.”
Israfil/Rafael/Israfel - the angel who must cut through the beginning of the Day of Judgment.
Kalma is the ancient Finnish goddess of death. Her name means "cadaverous stench."
Lachrimae - "tears" in Latin.
Lamia - "witch", "sorceress" in Latin.
Lanius - "executioner" in Latin.
Leila - "night" in Arabic.
Lenore is the heroine of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry. But this is the name chosen by those who work as a spiritualist.
Lethe - Summer. The river of oblivion in the underworld in Greek mythology.
Lilith is the notorious first wife of Adam. Very ominous.
Lily - lily. Traditional funeral flower.
Lucifer - fallen Angel, often associated with the Devil.
Luna - “moon”, Latin.
Malady is practically a Melody, but not. The word means "disease".
Malice - bad intentions.
Malik is the angel who rules Hell according to the Koran.
Mara - in Scandinavian mythology, a demon who sits on his chest at night and calls bad dreams(nightmare). The Greeks knew this demon under the name Ephialtes, and the Romans called it Incubon. Among the Slavs, this role is played by the kikimora. In Hebrew, "mara" means "bitter."
Melancholia is a very gothic/doomy name for a girl. Or a boy...
Melania/Melanie - "black" in Greek.
Melanthe - "black flower" in Greek.
Merula - "black bird" in Latin.
Mephistopheles/Mephisto - this is what the Devil was called during the Renaissance.
Minax - "threat" in Latin.
Misericordia - "compassionate heart" in Latin.
Mitternacht - "midnight" in German.
Miyuki - "silence of deep snow" in Japanese.
Moon, Moonless, Moonlight - everything that concerns the Moon. By the way, Luna - ancient symbol fertility.
Moirai - Moirai. Greek goddesses of fate.
Monstrance is an empty cross with the holy spirit “sealed” inside.
Morrigan - Celtic goddess of war and fertility.
Mort(e) - “death”, “dead” in French.
Mortifer/Mortifera - Latin equivalents of the words “lethal”, “fatal”, “deadly”.
Mortis is a form of the Latin word for death.
Mortualia - grave pit.
Natrix - "water snake" in Latin.
Nephilim - Nephilim. A member of a race of giants, the sons of fallen angels.
Nocturne - nocturne. Romantic “night” genre of music.
Obsidian - obsidian. Black stone formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. Used in surgery because is sharper than steel.
Oleander - oleander. Beautiful poisonous flower.
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolizing the end, the finale.
Orchid - orchid. Exotic rare flower.
Osiris - Egyptian ruler of the underworld.
Penance - repentance, penance.
Perdita - "lost".
Pestilentia is a Latin term meaning "plague", "unhealthy atmosphere".
Reaper - aka Great Reaper, Grim Reaper. English - male - version of a bony old woman with a braid.
Sabine/Sabina - Sabines or Sabians. Chosen by those who practice love spell magic more
Sabrina/Sabre/Sabrenn - goddess of the River Severn among the Celts.
Salem is a popular witch killing site in Massachusetts.
Samael - Angel of Death according to the Talmud.
Samhain is an analogue of Halloween.
Sanctuary - sanctuary.
Serpent - "snake". Symbol of evil in many cultures.
Shadow - “shadow”. By the way, a common nickname for black cats.
Tansy - tansy. According to legend, its seeds cause miscarriages.
Tartarus is the Greek equivalent of Hell.
Tenebrae - "darkness" in Latin.
Thorn(e) - thorn.
Tristesse/Tristessa - "sadness" in French and Italian.
Umbra is another word meaning "darkness".
Vespers - morning prayers in in Catholicism.
Willow - willow. "Weeping tree", a symbol of mortal sadness.
Wolf(e) - wolf or she-wolf
Xenobia - "stranger" in Greek.

Yama/Yamaraja is the lord of death in Hinduism.