Online English dictionary with sentence transcription. English transcription, translation and pronunciation of frequently used words

The world today is such an open Information system. Alas, very often the search for the information we need is limited by what we do not know foreign languages. However, if previously you had to sit for hours in front of thick foreign dictionaries, now a translation of the required text can be obtained in just a couple of seconds. In addition, you can even listen to how a particular word should be pronounced. All you need to do is just use the services online translation chikov with pronunciation.

Google translator online pronunciation

Of course, the leader in the top online translators on the Internet. The Google Translator interface is extremely simple and understandable even to users who have visited it for the first time. On the translator page you will notice two text fields. First, select the translation direction: the language of your initial text and the language into which you need to translate the information.

By default, Google Translator is set to Russian and English. And there are over 60 languages ​​in the database. Among them there are languages ​​of the Asian group, this is a definite plus. The directions of translation are varied. There are no restrictions on the size of the entered text. You can translate files big size, and even websites.

Using Google Translator is extremely easy. In the first field, insert the desired text to be translated. In the second field you will see an instant translation into the language you need. For translation, Google uses, in addition to regular dictionaries, translations already made on the Internet
In addition, you will also be able to translate the text you pronounce, listen to the sound of the original and the translation. In order to record text, you need to click the microphone sign; in the field on the right you will see the translation text into the language of your choice.

Yandex Translator is in second place in popularity. Largely due to the fact that this search system occupies a leading position on the Internet. Yandex Translator is easy to understand, but many users have noted that it is extremely inconvenient.

Yandex online translator with pronunciation of words

It appeared not so long ago, it just passed the beta testing stage. As a result, various malfunctions in the translator’s work, as well as inaccuracies in translation, are likely.

The principle of operation of Yandex Translator is similar to many other translators: you should select the purpose of the translation, then insert the original text into one field, and the translation will appear in another field.

The disadvantages of Yandex Translator are obvious. The small number of translation directions is disappointing, since only the most popular languages ​​are used. There are no Asian languages. In addition, the accuracy and quality of the translation sometimes raises criticism.

We encounter discrepancies in the spelling and pronunciation of English words already in the first lessons, when we independently begin to read short texts and translate them. Therefore, along with the alphabet and simple vocabulary, beginning students need to become familiar with the concept of English transcription. It is this multi-symbol system that helps convey in writing the pronunciation of the sounds that make up a word. In today's lesson we will analyze the work of these symbols in practice, i.e. We will learn how the English transcription, translation and pronunciation of the most useful words should sound correctly. In this case, examples of the correct sound will be presented in both English and Russian. But first, let's look at a few useful rules.

The principle of working with transcription

Record. Make it a rule that transcriptions of English words are always written using square brackets: book[ b ʊk ] - book.

Emphasis. To indicate emphasis, use an apostrophe or, more simply, a stroke icon , which preceded stressed syllable: dictionary[ˈdɪkʃənrɪ] - dictionary.

Special signs. The transcription may contain periods, colons, parentheses, and resized letters.

  • Dot - English uses this transcription mark as a syllable separator: undisputed[ˈʌndɪsˈpjuːtɪd] – undeniable.
  • Colon – indicator of a drawn-out long sound: water[‘ w ɔ:t ə] – water.
  • Parentheses are an indicator that the sound contained in them is not pronounced or is pronounced very weakly: happen[‘ h æp (ə)n ] - happen, happen.
  • The changed size of the letter is a designation of a sound that is not always pronounced. You can often find the r sound written in superscript format. This is an indicator that the pronunciation of a word depends on dialect or other circumstances, such as the following word: car[ k ɑː r ] - car. By the way, the British pronunciation of words is abbreviated UK, and the American pronunciation is US.

Repeated characters. Depending on the dialect being studied, the recording of transcription signs may also differ. However, only their spelling is different; these sounds are pronounced the same. Here are pairs of such identical symbols: [ɒ] = [ɔ] , [e] = [ɛ] , [ʊ] = [u] , [əʊ] = [ɔu] , [z:] = [ə:] , = [ɛə] .

Armed with these rules, let's begin our acquaintance with the transcription and pronunciation of the English language.

English transcription translation and pronunciation of popular words

It is not new to Russians that words are pronounced differently from how they are written. But the sometimes very large-scale discrepancy that occurs in English language, will amaze even the most unimpressive Russian speakers.

In the following tables we will study all the transcription signs of the English language, working out their correct sound using popular words. Since we still have an initial level of knowledge, we will work with pronunciation in easy mode, i.e. additionally deciphering English words Russian letters. In addition, each word will be presented With translation ohm into Russian. So by the end of studying the tables we will have significantly expanded our lexicon and, working with entry-level texts, we will be able to do without dictionaries and online translators.

Let's start with practicing vowel sounds, since they are the most “capricious” in pronunciation. Extend the short sound a little - and that’s it, you have already said not a ship, but a sheep. Therefore, be careful and monitor the quality of pronunciation of each sound.

Vowel sounds
Sound Word and transcription Russian pronunciation Translation

Long-drawn a, approximately like the stressed a in Russian. fell A that

start staat start off
park paak a park
large laaj large, large
arm aam hand
after [‘a:ftə] aafte after

uh, pronounced with articulation a

family family family
bad bad bad
apple ['æpl] Apple apple
dance dance dance, dance
can ken be able to

short a, as in Russian. St. A T

Sunday [ˈsʌndeɪ] Sunday Sunday
study [ˈstʌdi] stage study
suddenly [ˈsʌdənli] sadenly suddenly
cup cap cup, bowl
young young young

sound similar to Russian. cr ah

mind mind mind, thought
try try try
smile smiley smile, smile
life life life
sky sky sky

sound combination aw

house house house
now naw now, now
down down down
hour [ˈaʊə(r)] auer hour
flower [ˈflaʊə(r)] flower flower

drawn-out and, as in Russian. l And ra

evening [ˈiːvnɪŋ] evening evening
machine cars apparatus, machine
we in and We
because bicosis because
even [‘i:v(ə)n] Ivn even

short and as in Russian. whale

difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] dificelt difficult
story [ˈstɔːri] story story
different [ˈdɪfrənt] diffrent different
English [ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ] English English
decision design solution

sound combination ee

near nee close, nearby
hear heer hear
theater [ˈθɪə.tər] tieter theater
dear die Dear beloved
here hie Here

neutral sound, vaguely reminiscent of a or e. Often not pronounced.

second [ˈsecənd] second second, second
fire [ˈfaɪə(r)] fire fire
under [ˈʌndə(r)] andr under
across [əˈkrɒs] ecros through, through
banana benan banana

hard e, almost Russian e

never [ˈnevə(r)] nevr never
help help help, help
heavy [ˈhevi] heavy heavy
next next next
hotel wanted hotel

resembles the Russian sound hey in the word sh to her

fail fail failure
change change change, change
explain [ɪkˈspleɪn] xplain explain
page paige page
rain Rhine rain

sound combination uh

hair heer hair
square square square
chair chaer chair
care keer care
fair fair fair

Russian e, as in the word cl e n

first fest first
girl [ɡɜːl] girl young woman
Thursday [ˈθɜːzdeɪ] sir Thursday
bird bad bird
person [ˈpɜːsn] songs Human

drawn-out o, as in Russian. sl O in

water [‘wɔ:tə] wate water
almost [‘ɔ:lməust] Olmoust almost
before bifor before
horse hos horse
hall hall hall, hall

brief about

(note that final consonants are not devoiced!)

not notes Not
nod node nod
fog fog fog
stop stop stop
lot lot a bunch of

combination Ouch

boy the battle boy
foil foil foil
joy Joy joy
voice voice voice
toy that toy

combination OU

road road road
no know No
most bridge greatest
know know know
foal foul foal

long y, as in Russian. duck

fool full jester
room room room
move movie move
school cheekbone school


good [ɡʊd] buzz good
put put put
woman [ˈwʊmən] woman woman
skid use
human [ˈhjuːmən] human human
music [ˈmjuːzɪk] music music
student [ˈstjuːdnt] studnt student

The English transcription of consonant sounds is much easier for Russian speakers to perceive, so the translation and pronunciation of words here will be intensively practiced only for special cases.

Ш By periodically working with these two tables, you will improve your pronunciation over time, and eventually become the owner of an excellent British accent. At the same time, your active vocabulary will increase, so that soon you will be able to translate without difficulty simple sentences both into Russian and back into English. We wish you successful and speedy mastery of all the nuances English pronunciation! See you in new classes!
Sound Word and transcription Voice acting
Russian pronunciation Translation
[b] building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] building building, construction
[d] drink drink drink, drink
[f] forever fairware forever
[ʒ] pleasure [ˈpleʒə(r)] pleaser pleasure
pruv prove
[r] rainbow [ˈreɪn.bəʊ] rainbow rainbow
[s] summer [ˈsʌmə(r)] Samer summer
[t] travel [ˈtrævl] travel journey

The tongue is inserted between the upper and lower teeth. In this position it is necessary to pronounce f or s.

thank [θæŋk] tsank thank
three [θriː]

We want to English-Russian dictionary was the best online dictionary. The English-Russian dictionary makes translations from English into fast, free and effective. English translation and dictionary needs your help. Our users contribute new translation and vote for or against. All this happens completely free of charge! Online English translation may differ in different contexts. It is our duty to make the English-Russian dictionary better in order to make the English-Russian translation more effective.
Sign up and become part of a big family today. Each user adds new words to the English-Russian dictionary. In addition, you have the opportunity to appear in the world rankings. Compete and make ours English dictionary better. Offer English version translation. The English language has many faces, it is extremely important to add all the meanings and make English translation the richest. If you are not sure about the correct translation from English, use our English forum. Discuss translation from English, English-Russian online dictionary, and alternative English-Russian vocabulary, as well as topics related to the English language. You can also discuss the English language and the intricacies of learning it.

Do you often turn to a dictionary? Every person learning English sooner or later is faced with the need to find the optimal reference book. So today we will tell you which are the best online English dictionaries so that you can choose for yourself best option.

Let us recall that in the article “” we told you what a high-quality reference book should contain and how to choose a dictionary depending on your level of English proficiency and the format of the dictionary. We also recommended using some of the best reference books:, and And today we want to offer you a few more quality resources. You might like some of them.


On this site you will find a set of online English dictionaries.

  • Here you can use both an explanatory (English-English) and a translated (English-Russian) dictionary.
  • There is a help page that lists the main abbreviations used on the site.
  • The Cambridge Dictionary gives some of the most commonly used definitions of the word, whether it is a countable noun or not.
  • Several example sentences are given for each word - you will understand in what context it is better to use specific vocabulary.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation of the word in the British and American versions, as well as a transcription for each of these variants.
  • Collocations (expressions with this word) are given for each word, so you will understand what words the new vocabulary is combined with.
  • There is a list of idioms containing your word, you can also familiarize yourself with them.
  • A list of synonyms is also provided, as well as words related in meaning, so you can create your own set of homogeneous vocabulary and study it.

The only negative is that the English-Russian version of the dictionary provides only a simple translation of the word without explanation, which may be inconvenient for beginners.


This dictionary is interesting because it is not only an explanatory online dictionary of the English language, it also contains simple explanations.

  • You will be provided with many definitions of the word, each of them will be accompanied by several examples of use in context.
  • An interesting feature of this resource is that it contains interesting articles about the origin of words.
  • The website has a recording of the pronunciation of the word.
  • Here is a list of vocabulary that rhymes with the word you are interested in.
  • A synonymous series is proposed that will be useful in learning.
  • You can find translations of phrasal verbs and slang.

Among the disadvantages, we noticed that the recording of the pronunciation of the word and its transcription are provided only in the American version. And it is also quite difficult to find translations of English idioms.


  • For each word, the most common definitions and dozens of examples of using vocabulary in context are given.
  • There is a recording of the American and British pronunciation of each word, as well as a transcription for each of these options.
  • There is an indication whether the word can be counted or not (whether it is countable or not).
  • A list of idioms containing the requested word is offered, each of them is given an explanation and an example of use.
  • Frequently used collocations and vocabulary related to the concept you are interested in are indicated.
  • The resource provides a fairly wide range of synonyms for the word.
  • You can find translations of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs.


  • Here are some common definitions of the word.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation of the word, as well as a transcription for it.
  • There is a history of the origin of every word.
  • A number of synonyms for the word of interest are given.
  • A list of idioms is provided that include the word being studied.
  • The slang meanings of the word are highlighted in a separate block.
  • Given wise quotes, which use the word you are interested in.

Among negative features For this service, we note that there is no British pronunciation of the word; only a transcription is provided. A rather narrow dictionary of idioms is also presented.


This online English dictionary offers several versions of the interpretation of the word: more complex for native speakers and easier for those learning English.

  • Several definitions of the word are given.
  • Indicates whether the word is countable or not.
  • There are examples of using vocabulary in context.
  • Translations of the word into several languages ​​(including Russian) are provided.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation in British and American voice acting, and a transcription is also included.
  • Interesting statistics on the use of the word over the past 10 years are provided - you will find out how popular it is among native speakers.
  • There is a translation of idioms, slang, phrasal verbs.

We would include the lack of a number of synonyms for each word as a disadvantage. There are also no idioms related to the search word and few examples of vocabulary usage.

We have presented you with the best English explanatory online dictionaries. Look through them all, re-read our article on choosing a dictionary, to which we provided a link at the beginning of the publication, and choose the best option for yourself. It is best to use 2 dictionaries: one from this list and a translation one, for example Multitran. This way you can get as much information as possible about the vocabulary you are studying.

Real dictionary contains about 120,000 words and phrases that are most often used in modern Russian and English languages. In addition to ordinary vocabulary, many words and expressions on colloquial, scientific and specialized topics are presented.
For the clearest understanding of the pronunciation of words in dictionary entries Both parts of the dictionary are given a transcription based on the norms of generally accepted transcription. The dictionary will be useful to translators, teachers, researchers, schoolchildren and students of various universities.

abandon 1. n intemperance, self-forgetfulness; 2. and leave, leave; refuse [sth.] stop (searching, etc.).

abandonment n abandonment; abandonment; ease.

abate v reduce, weaken, moderate, alleviate; to ~ the pain reduce; to make a discount.

abduct and abduct, forcibly take away (from); physiol. retract, abduct [muscle].

abduction n abduction of another person [person, woman, child, ward, voter].

abearrance, -su n deviation from the right path; biol. deviation from the norm.

aberrant and erring; wayward; abnormal.

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Download the book English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary with transcription in both parts, Strong A.V., 2012 -, fast and free download.

  • The latest English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary with transcription in both parts, Strong A.V., 2015 - This dictionary contains about 150,000 words and phrases that are most often used in modern Russian and English languages. Besides...
  • - This dictionary contains about 120,000 words and phrases that are most often used in modern Russian and English languages. Besides... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary of typical errors in the English language, Vybornov A.V., 2012 - Exists a large number of words and expressions, the translation of which poses significant difficulties for those learning English. This dictionary will help... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Russian-English Dictionary, Dragunkin A.N., Dragunkina A.A., 2009 - This Russian-English dictionary is unique in its selection of vocabulary, since it includes a large number of extremely common words and phrases that are impossible ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

The following textbooks and books:

  • English-Russian explanatory dictionary of optics and optoelectronics, Shchapova I.A., 2012 - This book is an English-Russian Dictionary, which contains more than 4000 terms on optics, optoelectronics, optical methods of information processing, electronics... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary of English personal names, 4000 names, Rybakin A.I., 2000 - The dictionary contains 4000 English personal names and their derivatives, used in the UK, USA and other English-speaking countries. With every... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Dictionary of phraseological communities of the Russian and English languages, Naumova I.O., 2012 - The dictionary presents for the first time phraseological communities of the English and Russian languages, which are the result of the interaction of these languages. The publication includes 275 of the most common... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary PC, Mizinina I.N., Mizinina A.I., Zhiltsov I.V., 2006 - The dictionary includes about 14 thousand words and phrases in English and about 12 thousand in Russian, reflecting basic... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

Previous articles:

  • Russian-English dictionary of proverbs and sayings, 500 units, Kuzmin S.S., Shadrin N.L., 1996 - The dictionary contains 500 Russian proverbs and sayings with their interpretations, phraseological correspondences available in the English language, and various options translations. ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • Modern English phrasebook-dictionary, 2015 - This small phrasebook will become a very valuable assistant for you when traveling abroad. The material in the phrasebook is arranged thematically. ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English-Russian visual dictionary with transcription, 2017 - The English-Russian visual dictionary contains about 4,500 words and phrases and more than 3,000 pictures that help you remember information quickly and easily. Details... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary, Mazurin O.B., 2013 - This English-Russian dictionary contains 1,500 basic terms and concepts collected within secondary specialties vocational education in the service sector -... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries