A spell for a prophetic dream. How to induce (see) the desired dream - learning from ancient dreamers

Extrasensory perception and parapsychology, in the astral plane - the world of eons, all information about past events accumulates, and there is also a parallel reality with several options for the development of the situation in the future. Therefore, if the conspiracy is prophetic dream read before going to bed, prayer can work both as a strong weapon against unfavorable developments, and as a spiritual talisman that prevents the manifestation negative consequences situations. In Eastern religions, in order to enter into astral contact, years of spiritual perfection and days of tedious meditation are required, which is not always acceptable in the modern dynamically developing world. At the same time some Christian denominations admit the presence prophetic dreams, which are a kind of guide to astral world and are able to show options for the development of the future, which free will allows a person to shape in the right direction.

Unfortunately, not everyone who wakes up can correctly navigate signs of fate received during sleep. To interpret prophetic dreams, there have long been guides to the astral world - dream interpreters and psychics, and today much of this age-old wisdom and exoteric experience is presented in dream books.

How to induce a prophetic dream

There are several enough effective ways, how to correctly induce a prophetic dream, distinguish it from ordinary dreams and correctly interpret the received spiritual signs and guidelines. The most common of them is a request to otherworldly forces (eons) to induce dreams, predicting the future. In order for the prophetic dream plot to be effective, and for the events predicted during a night’s rest to occur, it is advisable to perform some preparatory steps:

  • before going to bed, preferably sleeping fumigate the room with incense;
  • if a person has a specific wish for the theme of the dream, You can put a small mirror under the pillow, after looking into it and making a wish;
  • if the desire is planned in relation to specific person(loved one, friend, relative or vice versa - enemy and foe) it is necessary that in this he looked in the mirror shortly before bedtime;
  • The mirror must be placed with the reflective side up.

After this you should read spell (spell for a prophetic dream), the text of which can be obtained from sorcerers, dream interpreters or in a dream book. The simplest text for programming consciousness is as follows: “ Let me dream what should come true. Amen».

A prayer is also read on the mirror:

“Darkness is reflected in this mirror, light is reflected in it, let my future be reflected in the mirror and in my dreams.”

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

Some people who want to test the power and effectiveness of the evoking spell seek to find out on what days prophetic dreams occur. Some people think they'll star in certain days solar or lunar calendar. However, a more widespread belief is about the magical power of images dreamed on certain days of the week:

  • dreams at night from Monday to Tuesday can come true only after a certain time - several months or years;
  • night from Tuesday to Wednesday empty in relation to dreams-predictions, the same can be said about dreams from Friday to Saturday And from Saturday to Sunday;
  • Wednesday Thursday– the time of dreams, which are most easily interpreted;
  • dreams from Thursday to Friday almost always prophetic and with their help it is possible to predict the future with fairly high reliability;
  • at night from Sunday to Monday You may have dreams that will come true by Monday afternoon.

A prophetic dream spell is used in cases where classical fortune telling does not give desired result. Usually, a prophetic dream warns of future events that will soon occur in a person’s life. The person in this dream receives information about what will happen to him in the future and will be able to prevent trouble. However, if before going to bed you mentally ask a question that interests you, then there is a chance that you will receive an answer to it in a prophetic dream.

Since time immemorial, our ancestors have attributed magical meaning dream This was done because very often a dream conveys human unrest at a certain moment of his experiences and problems.

In addition, prophetic dreams can predict a person’s near or distant future. Many have noticed that it happens that a recently dreamed dream becomes a reality.

However, you can’t just wait for the moment when you have such a dream. There is a special spell for a prophetic dream, which helps to make it so that you have not just a dream, but something that will happen in the near future.

As a rule, a combination of a great desire to see the future and a special magical ritual will help to realize your plans.

How to see a prophetic dream - rules

To magic spell If the prophetic dream was effective and the person had the opportunity to see his future, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of the ritual:

time spending
It is recommended to perform prophetic dream rituals in the last few days, when the moon is still rising. It is this time that has a beneficial effect on dreams, allowing a person to see not only his future, but also Possible Solution various problems.

complete privacy
Rituals for a prophetic dream should be carried out in a calm environment and in all alone. You should also sleep alone on the night you are about to have a dream. Before performing the ritual, it is best to take a relaxing bath and place herbs that you like in the room.

freedom from thoughts
To prevent the dream from being a projection of your own conjectures, you need to relax as much as possible the evening before the ritual and not think about the ritual. In addition, you should not speculate or think about possible dreams, as this may negatively affect the effectiveness of the magical ritual.

Following these simple rules, you can build a good base so that the plot used will bring maximum benefit and the person was able to see true prophetic dreams.

A person’s desire to know his future with the help of prophetic dreams is a completely understandable phenomenon.

This ritual is very simple and effective. It is performed when a person falls asleep.

However, it should be noted that you should go to bed on the day of the ritual long before midnight.

If a person is used to falling asleep late, then first you should stabilize your routine a little, and only then use this ritual.

This prophetic dream spell should be the last thing you say.

“So that I would dream about something that is destined to come true.
That’s how I want it, so be it!”

This prophetic dream spell is repeated five times. If it happens that a person does not see anything in a dream, then it is recommended to repeat the ritual. You can repeat the steps several times in a row.

And if you have a dream, then you need to blow into your fist early in the morning and say:

“I saw what I wanted!”

In many magical rites and rituals, the use of a mirror is very common.

Consider the following ritual for a prophetic dream, also using a mirror.

The peculiarity of this ritual is that it helps to induce a prophetic dream that will reflect the near future. For the ritual you will need a round mirror.

If you have the opportunity to purchase a completely new one, then it is better to do so. When using an old mirror, it should be wiped with alcohol.

Before going to bed, a mirror is placed under the pillow and the spell is read:

“How the darkness is reflected now in this mirror,
So the light will be reflected in my mind.
Let the mirror show me the future.
So that I would dream about it on a dark night, a moonlit night.
So that my dream is true.

The words are repeated seven times, after which you can fall asleep. After reading magic words It is not recommended to talk to anyone and get distracted.

When you wake up in the morning, you need to analyze what you dreamed. It should be taken into account that it may be possible to remember the dream in detail only a little later in the day, or even the next day.

In the morning, the mirror should be put away in a place inaccessible to strangers and stored there. The mirror can only be used for magical rituals.

Plot for a prophetic dream for the future

To find out what awaits a person in the near future, you can use a water ritual. To complete it you will need a glass of holy water and one candle.

When a candle is lit, a spell is read on the water:

“Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) see a prophetic dream.
So that she dreams of everything that will come true and happen,
So that she remembers everything, so that she knows.
My word is law, as I said, so it will be.

The words are read three times. When the water is charmed, she needs to wash her face and go to sleep. In bed, say the words three times:

“I made a wish - it will come true!”

Prayers for prophetic dreams

Bedtime prayer with candles

In order to conduct a prayer ceremony for a dream in which you will see the whole truth, you will need two wax church candles. They should be twisted into one with wicks in different directions.

Light both candles and take them to left hand. Hold the resulting “double” candle in the middle so that one wick is on top and the other on the bottom and read the following words:

“Mother Mother of God, I pray to you and Jesus Christ.
Let my desire become clear.
May the grace of the Lord come to me.
Through my dream, and in my memory.
Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future.
For the morning, for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen!".

After you say the last word this conspiracy, immediately extinguish the candle. Place it at the head of the bed or on a cabinet that stands next to your bed. Then go straight to bed. You definitely need to fall asleep before midnight.

Take whatever remains of the twisted candles to church within three days. There is a special tray for candle stubs, put it there. It is advisable to do this immediately in the morning.

Before bedtime prayer to the Mother of God

Another prayer for a prophetic dream, which you need to read before you get ready to go to bed. The peculiarity of this ritual is that you must go to bed and wake up alone.

If you share your bed with your spouse, try to find a reason to go to another room for one night. You must also be alone in the room. Make sure that no one wakes you up or disturbs you. Try to turn off your phone and alarm clock in advance.

The words of the prayer are read in a half-whisper seven times in a row right before you are about to go to bed:

“The servant of God (your name) hurried into the light when he heard the ringing of bells,
He hurried to mass, which the Lord himself celebrated, with his angels and archangels.
He held in his hands a magic wand and the keys to the gates of heaven.
So let the gates open before me, let them show me all their secrets.
So I will go to the Mother of God, so I will ask her about
Where does the white light come from?
She will answer all my questions and show me solutions to all problems.
May I remember everything that she shows,
All the future is mine, all deeds, all incidents,
I will know in advance what will happen to me
Yes to my near and dear ones,
To protect us from unfortunate misfortune, from black evil,
From human envy and from unpredictable danger.
In my dreams I will see everything.

If you didn’t dream about anything at night, then this good sign and that means you have nothing to fear. The ritual can be repeated only after two months. However, it is not recommended to resort to it unless absolutely necessary.

The secret of prophetic dreams - video

From time immemorial, many have tried different ways look into the future to know what will happen soon. Both classical fortune telling and prophetic dreams can help you with this. All these magical rites and rituals are exactly what will help you see the future in the safest way.

A spell for a prophetic dream is a ritual that can be classified as fortune telling. It can be realized if the performer has a great desire to look into his future, by doing special actions and pronouncing special magic words.

Prediction dreams are called prophetic. If necessary, a person can induce a prophetic dream for himself artificially by simply turning to magical ritual.

Like any magical effect, a prophetic dream spell requires compliance with certain conditions when used. There are three key requirements:

  1. The duration is the last few days of the waxing moon (before the full phase). This time is considered the most favorable, as it allows you not only to peek at your future, but also to find a solution to existing problems. this moment problems.
  2. Complete privacy, silence and tranquility. The environment should be as calm as possible; any contact with other people during the night should be reduced to zero. It is best to turn off all means of communication, and carry out the ritual itself before the day off, so that you can wake up on your own, and not when the alarm clock rings. You also need to sleep in bed completely alone. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to take a warm bath with essential oils(mint, lavender, rosemary), and in the room where you will sleep, hang herbs whose smell you like.
  3. A head cleared of extraneous thoughts. Before using the spell, try to let go of all disturbing thoughts, take your mind off the hustle and bustle, relax as much as possible and don’t think about the upcoming ceremony.

The correct internal mood before using a spell for a prophetic dream is a guarantee of the effectiveness of the ritual. For the ritual to be as beneficial as possible, be sure to follow the rules above. Another important point— you need to go to bed before midnight (it’s best 1-2 hours before). If you are used to going to bed much later, adjust your routine first.

Prophetic dream spells for home use

A simple way before going to bed

After a warm, relaxing bath, go to bed. When you feel like you are starting to fall asleep, whisper 5 times:

“Let me dream something that is destined to come true. So I wish it to be so.”

The ritual can be repeated if nothing is dreamed that night. A total of 3-4 repetitions are possible within one month. If you see a prophetic dream, in the morning after waking up, blow into your fist and say:

“I saw what I wanted.”

On the mirror

One of the most famous rituals performed with the help of a small pocket mirror round shape. For these purposes, it is better to buy a new mirror. If this is not possible, you can use the old one, but be sure to rinse it well under running water to remove extraneous information. Place a mirror under your pillow before you go to bed and say 7 times:

“As the darkness is now reflected in this mirror, so the light will be reflected in my mind. Let the mirror show me the future, so that I can dream about it on a moonlit night, on a dark night. May my dream be true! Amen!"

After pronouncing the spell, immediately go to bed. You can’t be distracted by anything else that night, you can’t start a conversation with anyone. After waking up in the morning, analyze what you dreamed. It is possible that this will take all day, or even two.

Hide the mirror remaining after the ritual and keep it out of reach. It can only be used for magical purposes.

To holy water

To look into your near future in a dream, you can use a ritual with holy water and church candle. Light a candle and chant the blessed water three times:

“Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (servant of God) (your name) to see a prophetic dream. Let him (she) dream about everything that happens and comes true. Let him remember everything, let him know. My word is law, as I said, so be it. Amen!"

Having spoken, wash your face with this water and go to bed immediately. When you are in bed, say three times:

“I made a wish - it will come true!”

Saturday conspiracy

This conspiracy can only be read on Saturday, and cannot be read on other days of the week. Speak the words onto a piece of fresh bread sprinkled with salt:

“Sunday - with Monday, Tuesday - with Wednesday, Thursday - with Friday. You, Saturday, have no friend. Here’s bread and salt for you, and give me a clear dream!”

Place the bread and salt at the head of your bed and go to bed immediately.

Friday prayer

The prayer is said strictly from Thursday to Friday, between 22-23 hours. You can read it only once a month.

Buy 2 thin candles from the church in advance. On the day of the ritual, weave them together so that the wicks are at two opposite ends. Take the resulting double candle with your left hand, light both wicks and speak:

“Mother of God, I pray to you and Jesus Christ. Let my desire become clear. Let the grace of God come to me - through a dream and into my memory. Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future - for the morning, for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, for (name the day whose events you want to predict in a dream) . Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

After reading the prayer, immediately extinguish the candle and place it at your head or on the bedside table. Go to bed right away. Try to fall asleep before midnight.

Take the remains of the candles to church and leave them in a special tray for cinders. This must be done within 3 days after the ritual.

Another video about how to see the future in a dream:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

People have been interested in such mysterious phenomena as dreams since ancient times. Bizarre images, pictures and visions that chaotically “inhabit our heads” do not often remain in memory, but sometimes pop up in our heads on occasion. Moreover, these pictures begin to come true; this phenomenon, which receives much attention, is called a prophetic dream. People have always given meaning to it and even evoked them, passing from mouth to mouth a conspiracy for a prophetic dream.

In this article:

Days when you can have prophetic dreams

Our ancestors believed that they dreamed when at night the soul left business and traveled around the world. Those nights were considered empty when the soul did not move far from its body. Typically, visions that come true are dreamed of infrequently and are more memorable, as they are distinguished by bright colors and a clear sequence of events. This concept is related to lunar calendar, therefore, both men and women often look for an answer to their question: on what lunar day do they come true? The fulfillment takes place on the waxing moon, which foreshadows something new in everyone’s life.

You should not at all attach importance to “empty” nights; they more often speak about the past than the future, carrying information absorbed during the period they have experienced. People see such dreams when the moon is leaving, which symbolizes parting with the past.

And, of course, any prophecy will be true at the full moon, when the moon has gained its strength and has come into close “contact” with the earth.

What is destined to come true, dreams regardless of whether you wish it or not. But people who have developed intuition dream about them more often, and it is not at all necessary to read a bedtime plot. Although many will not be bothered the right words to remember events, because They are often forgotten in the morning. But it is quite possible that before this or that event they were given a warning.

A spell for a prophetic dream before falling asleep

To better remember your night visions on Thursday or get an answer to a desired question on Monday, you can read a special conspiracy for one or another case. You should know that rituals and conspiracies for every day are carried out alone.

Ritual to remember

For the plot you will need:

  • thread and needle;
  • nightdress.

Nikami without a knot, sew your shirt to the bed and pillow with three stitches (beside yourself) with the words:

“My soul is still walking lunar time, without asking me, but returns home and doesn’t tell me anything. Track stitches, help me find out and remember what my soul is silent about, help me find out what she saw, what was revealed to her in the dark. As the threads are strong, so are my words. Amen".

Go to bed over a sewn shirt. It’s not difficult to interpret any dreams; the main thing is to remember what exactly you dreamed about that night. In order for everything to be better remembered in the head, a person should not get out of bed until he remembers even the smallest details.

Bedtime plot for a betrothed love ring

A spell for a prophetic dream is read by a girl (a dream for a guy). You will need:

  • ring;
  • thread, strong 1-1.5 meters;
  • candle.

Before going to bed, you should tie a ring to a thread, and call the other end of the thread to your shirt (you should remember that it is not safe to knit to yourself). With the candle lit, say:

“You roll my ring along the night paths to the house of my betrothed, turn around him three times and say that...” (here you should ask your question).

Place the ring under your pillow and lie down in bed. It is not advisable to get out of your bed. All conspiracies should be read before bed.

Conspiracy on stones about the love of the betrothed

The words are read by a guy (to a girl) on Monday night, you will need:

  • candle;
  • small stones (pebbles);
  • Holy water.

Rinse the stones well under running water and leave in holy water for a day. Before going to bed, light a candle and read the following words over the stones:

“Stones, stones, you keep centuries-old traditions, you remember what even people on earth no longer remember, you know what we don’t know. Help me find out under the moon what I don’t even know about. Let my soul fly to my dear servant of God (name) and find out...” (your question should be here).

Then put the container with stones under the bed and go to bed. It is advisable not to get out of bed that night until the morning.

If you are interested in the consequences of conspiracies, then you can sleep peacefully, because you are not causing any harm to anyone.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

People often wondered what days of the month, what dates or days of the week they have prophetic dreams, because every day of them can carry something in itself. As mentioned above, “empty” nights are associated with the past, and those that are destined to come true are associated with the future.

Days of prophetic dreams

  • On Tuesday - dreams are empty.
  • On Wednesday – the likelihood that it will be executed is low.
  • On Thursday, just like on Monday, dreams do not come true.
  • From Thursday to Friday - the most faithful dreams will appear.
  • From Friday to Saturday - nothing comes true.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - presumably only until lunchtime.
  • On Monday there are “dreams-wishes” for which you can make something.

As for numbers, only February 29 and Fridays before the holiday are considered magical, which we will discuss below.

Dreams that connect you with past, lived time should not be thrown out of your head; think about whether some of them may help you in solving some problem. For example, if during the week you persistently dream about the same thing on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, this does not mean that all this will come true. Most likely, he is telling you that you should pay attention to this situation.

Prophetic dreams indicate our future, which we still have no idea about. Unlike empty phenomena from the past, most often they are not symbolic, but come true based on the fact of the phenomena. For example, if you dream of a bag of oranges, it means that oranges will appear before your eyes in the near future. For more global phenomena, a period of three years is given. For example:

  • meeting a young man (girl);
  • job change;
  • moving;
  • marriage;
  • divorce;
  • loss, etc.

Often, both men and women are interested in: can one have a prophetic dream during the day? Daylight hours do not have the magic that they do dark time. But if you slept soundly, and the events during your vacation were very colorful, you should think about whether they want to tell you something? Therefore, when asked: when do dreams come true, our ancestors answer that at night in the light of the moon, but in those cases when the sky has something to tell a person, certain forces are ready to do this during the day.

When do prophetic dreams come true?

Most often, fortune-telling dreams come true if you have previously performed a ritual on how to see a prophetic dream.

But there are also days when dreams come true especially accurately. These include:

  • New Year;
  • Dreams for Christmastide;
  • Christmas (maiden fortune telling);
  • Epiphany (January 18);
  • Ivana Kupala;
  • Red Hill (girls often wondered about Monday).
  • Apple Spas;

In Rus' it has always been believed that all dreams that came during the celebration of Christian (and before that pagan) holidays prophesied the future. Girls often made wishes and addressed their requests to night phenomena.

Also, everything that took root in the kingdom of Morpheus comes true from Thursday to Friday; our ancestors generally took Fridays very seriously and believed that they all prophesied the truth:

  • first Friday of Lent;
  • Friday before the Feast of the Annunciation;
  • on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  • Good Friday;
  • on the eve of Trinity.
  • before the birth of John the Baptist;
  • before the celebration of the day of Elijah the Prophet;
  • Friday before the Assumption;
  • before the day of Archangel Michael;

Birthday dreams that coincide with the days of the week are powerful. Regardless of whether we are talking about the past or the future.

Birthday ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • silver candlestick and church candle;
  • Holy water;
  • silver cross.

A spell to make you have a prophetic dream

The night before going to bed, you should light a candle, put the cross in the water and read:

“Just as the moon in the sky and the stars shine silver and illuminate our darkness at night, so it would be that in my hand there is a silver cross, a silver candle, silver water would illuminate my path in the night, so that I could find answers to all my questions. To see my future: will I get married in the very near future or will I find new job, let everything be visible and memorable to me. May the heavenly powers hear me, servant of God/servant (name) of God! Amen"

There are also so-called dream-signs, which are interpreted in various dream books. Their reliability directly depends on your memory: you remember everything that appeared to you, which means you can try to make sense of it. The interpretation of the dream is described in great detail in many dream books.

Not everyone can see dreams, let alone prophetic ones. If you decide to learn how to manage your dreams and receive hints from them, be prepared to go through a long and difficult path. It is impossible to see a prophetic dream with the help of conspiracies or rituals on the first try. Unless, of course, you have great magical power.

Every dream means something. But most often it is interpreted from the point of view of psychology, not magic. And in this case, both sciences are closely intertwined. After all, you first need to learn how to control your subconscious, and only then demand help from otherworldly forces. If you are dreaming, the first step towards night predictions has been taken. If not, you have to hard work. Inducing dreams, especially prophetic ones, needs to be done in a good way physical condition. You cannot be sick, tired, or mentally exhausted during this period. Put off trying to dream until a better time. You should also not go to bed overfed or hungry; you should feel as comfortable as possible.

When you go to bed, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you will see a dream. First, try to see at least one object. You can imagine it or hold it in your hands while in bed. If you don't succeed the first time, don't stop trying until you are satisfied with the result. Next you need to learn how to manage your dreams. First of all, you must be aware that you are dreaming. To do this, you just need to look at your hand. If the lines on it blur, you are dreaming. Then you need to try to change the course of events. For example, fly or be transported to another place. This is also not easy, but after a while, you will be able to control what happens at night.

Then learn to see what you want. To do this, you need to program yourself while in bed. Convince yourself that this night you will dream about exactly the desired situation. Imagine it, think through the details. When this is no longer a problem for you, move on to receiving information from higher powers.

You need to induce prophetic dreams on the waxing moon. In the evening, take a relaxing bath with essential oils of sandalwood, rosemary, and lavender. Then drink green tea with the addition of mint. You should be calm and relaxed, don't think about problems. Focus on the question you want answered. You can write it down on paper and put it under your pillow. Read any conspiracy to induce a prophetic dream and go to bed. If you didn’t manage to see what you wanted the first time, try again, because getting the support of higher powers is not so easy.