Universal Primary Education Act. Is secondary education compulsory?

Law on education in the Russian Federation - 273 Federal Law, adopted State Duma On December 21, 2012, it completely regulates the education sector in our country. For managers, this document is a reference book, a kind of Bible, which they are obliged to know and strictly observe all provisions. It is advisable that both parents and students of various educational institutions also become familiar with the basic provisions of the Law.

Unfortunately, within the framework of one article it is impossible to analyze in detail the entire Law, each of its points. We will analyze the key, most important provisions that can help many consumers of educational services, since the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” is applied in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.

Basic Concepts

Education is a single, purposeful process of upbringing and training an individual, a set of acquired knowledge, skills, experience, moral values, and attitudes. The goal is the formation of a comprehensively developed citizen with high intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development.

It is a mistake to believe that education is only about obtaining information. Here we are using the terms incorrectly.

Training is the purposeful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Education is a process aimed at the spiritual and moral development of the individual, as a result of which the development of generally accepted rules and norms should occur.

Education includes training (acquisition of knowledge and skills), upbringing (mastering generally accepted norms), physical development.

education requirement

A teaching worker is a person who carries out the educational process. It consists of labor relations with an educational organization, performs certain job responsibilities getting paid for it wages. Before the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted, there were no restrictions at the legislative level for hiring a teacher in a school, a teacher in kindergarten. At school, it was quite normal to see as a teacher a person who himself had difficulty finishing school at one time. In the absence of professional personnel and low pay for teachers, few people went to pedagogical universities. The problem is aggravated by the very low percentage of graduates who decide to connect their lives with educational institutions.

Today the situation is different: the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes a ban on studying pedagogical activity persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications. In Art. 46 of the Law directly establishes that a person who has graduated from a higher educational institution has the right to be an education worker. Education alone is not enough. It will also be necessary to undergo an additional specialization in “Pedagogy” if the applicant’s university or college is not pedagogical.

Education document

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” provides for the issuance of supporting documents (certificate, diploma) for completing the following levels of education:

  1. Basic general.
  2. Average overall.
  3. Initial professional.
  4. A professional environment.
  5. Higher education - bachelor's degree.
  6. Higher education is a specialty.
  7. Higher education - master's degree.

Education system

Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” ( latest edition) contains a hierarchy of main components in unified system education:

  1. and the instructions are regulations, according to which they are obliged to carry out educational activities schools, institutes, colleges, etc. The status of the educational organization does not matter: commercial, budgetary, government - if it has a license to issue the relevant documents, then it is obliged to provide training based on standards.
  2. Direct implementation of training: educational organizations, teaching staff, students, legal representatives.
  3. Federal government bodies, authorities of subjects exercising control. the main role belongs to the Federal public service for supervision in the field of education (Rosobrnadzor). In the regions, this function is performed by the regional ministries of education. They monitor compliance with state standards in educational institutions.
  4. Organizations providing educational activities. In districts, district education committees are responsible for financing budgetary schools. They also conduct assessment activities in the controlled areas of all schools.
  5. Associations of natural or legal entities carrying out educational activities. A striking example serves as a trade union of teaching workers.

Goals of federal state standards

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” assigns a key place to federal state standards. They perform the following tasks:

  1. Unity of education. It follows that throughout the country, students receive the same level of education, which means equality of opportunity.
  2. Continuity. Despite the dynamic development and reform of the education system, the introduction of new standards and requirements, key task- maintain continuity. You cannot completely destroy the entire system every year for the sake of short-term political or economic gain.
  3. Variability. Despite the unity of education as a whole, the law on education in the Russian Federation excludes the strict totalitarian framework of unity when receiving it. Depending on abilities, desires, time are created various options achieving certain goals.
  4. Guarantee. It follows that the state controls the unity of education throughout the country.

You can study at home! Forms of training

It's hard to imagine to the Soviet man, but the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” provides for training not only in educational institutions. Article 17 lists the acceptable forms of training:

  1. In the traditional form - in specialized educational institutions.
  2. In an alternative form - outside specialized educational institutions.

The traditional form is divided into:

  1. In person.
  2. Correspondence.
  3. Full-time and part-time.

Distance learning is gaining popularity these days. In the century information technologies It has become a reality to visit museums, theaters, and rare exhibitions on the other side of the planet without leaving home. Information and communication technologies have also penetrated into education.

Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” - new law. However, he does not single out distance education as separate category. The student is at home, prepares according to an individual schedule, listens to lectures remotely, using communication channels. Therefore, distance education falls under the category of correspondence education.

Alternative form

It is not necessary to send a child to school today to receive it. The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” allows for this possibility. In addition, the state allocates money for alternative forms education for each child.


Obtaining a certificate outside of school is divided into two types:

  1. Family education.
  2. Self-education.

Family education involves shifting the function of education to the family. Exactly for similar form the state pays compensation. Of course, schools react very painfully to this. This is understandable: no one wants to be left without a salary. Arbitrage practice shows that the courts are completely on the side of the parents. The average compensation for a middle and senior student is about 10 thousand rubles.

The problem of involving child labor as cleaners

School duty is a tradition that we inherited from the Soviet past. Many parents still don’t see a problem with their children cleaning floors while on duty at school. However, Article 34 of the Law directly provides for parental consent to such involvement of a child in labor. Technology and labor training classes are mandatory. It is on them that students legally, in accordance with federal government programs, are required to engage in labor: sewing, cooking, woodworking. Everything else is only at the request of the parents.


So, the main law that regulates the field of education is the Federal Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Its articles contain a description of the organization educational process, competencies of local authorities, forms and types of education, rules for final certifications, etc. The most interesting points We discussed this Law in the article.

4. B Russian Federation the realization of every person’s right to is ensured through the creation of federal government agencies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies of the corresponding socio-economic conditions for its receipt, expanding opportunities to meet human needs in obtaining education of various levels and orientations throughout life.

Types of education in Russia

In Russia, these functions are performed by specialized institutions preschool education. The initial one lasts four years.

The main goal is to give the child a system necessary knowledge in basic subjects. Basic education lasts from fifth to ninth grades. It assumes that the development of the child should be carried out in the main scientific directions.

As a result, secondary educational institutions must prepare teenagers for the State Examination in certain subjects.

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

in Russia is regulated by several laws: the Law on Education, Federal Law dated August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (as amended on July 15, 2008) and other acts. At the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laws are sometimes adopted on certain aspects of preschool and primary education.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Perm Territory, Tomsk Region, Chechen Republic, etc.), ministers of education issue their own acts.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation - On Education in the Russian Federation, N 273-FZ, Article 66


Secondary general education is aimed at further development and formation of the student’s personality, development of interest in knowledge and creativity student, formation of independent skills educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, preparing the student for life in society, independent life choices, continuing education and starting professional activity.

3. Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student’s personality, the development of interest in knowledge and the student’s creative abilities, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, preparing the student for life in society, independent life choices, continuing education and starting professional activities.

What education is compulsory in the Russian Federation?


Which is mandatory in Russia? In accordance with the Law “On in the Russian Federation”, primary, basic and secondary general education is mandatory.

The obligatory general average in relation to the student remains until he reaches the age of eighteen. If we answer the question of what education is compulsory in Russia more simply, then it is compulsory that is received at school, i.e.

Article 66 Law 273-FZ On Education in the Russian Federation 2019 new


Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student’s personality, the development of interest in knowledge and the student’s creative abilities, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, preparing the student for life in society, independent life choices, continuation and the beginning of professional activity.

These two levels of school are compulsory for all children according to their age.

After 9th grade, the student has the right to leave school and continue studying at the selected secondary specialized school. educational institution(hereinafter referred to as SPUS) (responsibility for such a decision rests with parents or guardians). Special educational institutions are divided into technical schools and colleges.

In educational institutions (state and non-state), students are trained in available specialties for 2-3 (sometimes 4) years.

Website of students of school No. 917 ->

from other sources: The document establishes the obligation of parents to provide conditions for the education of children, however, no forms of liability are provided for violation of this provision. The maximum age for school students is 20 years. Parents (the students themselves upon reaching the age of 18) are given the right to choose a further form of education, such as transfer to the next class with debts for untaken courses.

1. Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expansion of education.

2. To master secondary educational programs vocational education Persons with education not lower than basic general or secondary general education are admitted, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

3. Obtaining secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education within the framework of the relevant educational program of secondary vocational education. In this case, the educational program of secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary general and secondary vocational education, taking into account the profession or specialty of secondary vocational education being acquired.

4. Admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by this part. When admitting students to educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions and specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, entrance tests in the manner established in accordance with this Federal Law. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, the financial support of which is carried out through budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, educational organization in accordance with the admission procedure established in accordance with Part 8 of Article 55 of this Federal Law, takes into account the results of applicants’ mastery of the educational program of basic general or secondary general education, indicated in the documents of education and (or) documents on education and qualifications submitted by the applicant, the results of individual achievements, information about which the applicant has the right to provide upon admission, as well as the existence of an agreement on targeted training with organizations specified in Part 1 of Article 71.1 of this Federal Law.

5. Receiving secondary vocational education under training programs for mid-level specialists for the first time by persons who have a diploma of secondary vocational education with the qualification of a qualified worker or employee does not constitute obtaining a second or subsequent secondary vocational education again.

6. Students in educational programs of secondary vocational education who do not have secondary general education have the right to undergo state final certification, which completes the development of educational programs of secondary general education and upon successful completion of which they are issued a certificate of secondary education general education. These students undergo state final certification free of charge.