Entrance test program in geography.

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"I affirm"

Rector of TyvSU

S.O. Ondar
Sambuu A.D.

(for applicants entering full-time study)

100400 TOURISM
Graduate qualification (degree) bachelor
Standard period for mastering OOP 4 years

KYZYL – 2011


The “Geography” exam is conducted to identify the level of training of secondary school graduates required for admission to full-time study at Tyvin State University. The purpose of this manual is to help applicants prepare for the exam on their own.

As the experience of conducting the exam and analysis of teaching practice shows, positive results can be achieved if, at the preparation stage, much attention is paid to the development of active cognitive activity: working with all types educational information, formation of analytical, classification skills, systematization of knowledge.

This program is aimed at graduates high school entering higher education educational establishments system of the Ministry of Education and Science. The materials presented in the program can also be used in geography lessons in high school to conduct final certification, control and verification work.

The structure and content of the program correspond to the Mandatory minimum content of geographical education in basic school, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The structure of the program includes 3 sections.



Shape and size of the earth. Earth as a planet in the solar system. Earth's movement, geographical consequences. Methods of depicting the earth's surface. Map and plan. Types of cards. Geographical coordinates. Scale. Types of scales.

Lithosphere. The structure of the lithosphere. The structure of the earth's crust. Rocks that make up earth's crust, their origin, classification. Forms of manifestation of earthly activity. Volcanoes. Geological chronology.

Relief of the Earth. Landforms. Mountains. Mountain systems of the world and their highest points. The greatest plains in the world. Placement and origin. Relief of the bottom of the world's oceans. Relief-forming processes.

Atmosphere. The concept of atmosphere. Boundaries, composition, structure, meaning of the atmosphere. Atmospheric belts, patterns and reasons for placement. General circulation of the atmosphere. Methods of studying and problems of atmospheric protection. Distribution and types of precipitation. Air masses. Their types. Climate. Climatic zones. Weather.

Hydrosphere. The concept of the hydrosphere. Parts of the hydrosphere. The water cycle on Earth, its significance in the interaction between the ocean and land. The world ocean and its parts. Characteristics of oceans and seas: composition, location, salinity, temperature, current. Islands, peninsulas, bays, straits.

Sushi waters. Compound. Determination of components, placement: rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers. Glaciation. Concept, main forms of manifestation, time frame. Landforms formed as a result of this process.

Biosphere. The concept of "biosphere". Structure and composition of the biosphere. Uneven distribution of living organisms in the biosphere, boundaries of the biosphere. Impact of organisms on earthly shells: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere. Human influence on the biosphere, its consequences.

Concept of soil. V.V. Dokuchaev is the founder of soil science. Formation, structure, properties. Soil types. Fertility. Relict soils. Patterns of distribution. Soil resources. Soil maps. Land reclamation. Change in the process economic use, combating soil erosion and pollution.


Continents and parts of the world. Exploration of continents and oceans. Discoveries of ancient scientists and medieval discoveries. Travels of Marco Polo and Afanasy Nikitin. Age of Great Geographical Discoveries. Voyages of Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Columbus. The largest geographical discoveries XVIII–XIX centuries. The latest geographical research.

Geographical location of the continents (Africa, Australia, Antarctica, South America, North America, Eurasia). Their characteristics are as follows: geological structure and minerals, relief, climate, inland waters and water resources, soils and land resources, flora and fauna, biological resources, modern environmental problems. Features of latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonation on different continents.

Largest regions of Eurasia: East and Central Asia, South and Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Central Asia; Southern, Northern, Central Europe; Russia (European and Asian parts). Characteristics of them geographical features according to the following plan: composition of the territory, geographical location, geological structure, relief, climate, inland waters, flora and fauna. Manifestation of zonality and azonality in the region. The influence of natural conditions on the distribution of the population, economic development of countries and regions.


A political map of the World. Typology of countries according to political and economic characteristics. Forms of government and administrative-political structure. Economic and political groupings of the countries of the world, their goals and objectives.

Population and labor resources. Location and size of the world population. Features of population reproduction. Birth rate and death rate ratio. Migration. Population structure: urban and rural (metropolitan cities); demographic (gender, age); national and linguistic composition (language families and peoples). Demographic policy of the countries of the world. The concept of labor resources, their characteristics.

World Natural resources. Types Classification. Features of accommodation. Modern economic problems.

World economy. World economy and stages of its development. The main centers of the world economy. International geographical division of labor. Geography of the main international economic and political organizations. Sectoral and territorial structure of the world economy. Geography of the main industries of the world. Major industrial areas of the world. Geography of the main branches of agriculture in the world. Major agricultural areas of the world. Geography of world transport.

Industries of the fuel and energy complex(oil, gas, coal mining, energy industries).

World metallurgical complex. Placement factors. Features of modern development. Ferrous metallurgy. Non-ferrous metallurgy.

Mechanical engineering complex of the world. Current status, placement factors, placement features. Raw material base. Location of enterprises in this industry: transport engineering, automotive engineering, machine tool manufacturing, agricultural engineering, precision engineering.

Chemical industry. Current status, placement factors, placement features. Classification of branches of the chemical industry. Leading countries in the production of main types of products.

Manufacturing and social infrastructure. Forestry, light, food industries. Current state, factors and features of placement, main development trends. Countries are leaders.

World transport. Current status, placement factors, placement features. Classification of transport sectors (structure, freight turnover): river, railway, sea, air, automobile. Leading countries in world transport.

Regional World Review. Countries of the world. Economic and geographical position of the country. Population, labor resources, their characteristics. Natural resources, location, problems of environmental management. Industries of specialization and trends modern development production, intra-regional and international relations. Features of sectors of the economic structure large countries.

Regional studies. Modern political map of the world. The diversity of countries in the modern world and their main types. Government system, forms of government, administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world. Differences between countries in terms of level of economic development and natural features.

Geography of the countries of the world. Economic and geographical characteristics of the USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, China, South Africa, Egypt, India, Poland (geographical location, natural conditions and resources, population, features of economic development, industry, agriculture, transport , intra-district differences in the economy, foreign economic relations).

Geography of Russia. Geographical location and borders of Russia. Geological structure, relief and minerals of Russia. Climate of Russia. Seas, rivers and lakes of Russia, their role in the life of the population. Soils and soil resources of Russia. Natural areas on the territory of Russia. Vegetation and fauna of Russia. Population of Russia: numbers, distribution, natural and mechanical movement population, demographic problems. Peoples of Russia. Urban and rural population. Largest cities. Peculiarities geographical location, nature, population, economy and history of the development of large geographical regions of Russia.

Features of the geographical and geopolitical position of Russia. Natural resource potential. Regional features of the dynamics of the number, distribution of the population, its national composition, urbanization, migration.

Structure of the economy and its features. Geography of the fuel and energy, metallurgical, engineering, chemical, forestry industries of Russia. Features of development and specialization of agriculture. Transport system Russia. Economic ties. European and Asian parts of Russia: features of their nature and socio-economic development.

Ukraine. Economic and geographical location. Natural and economic potential. Geography of population: quantity, renewal, urbanization, national composition.

Economy of the republic. Geography of fuel and energy, metallurgical, mechanical engineering, chemical industries. with agriculture: territorial differences in specialization. Transport system of Ukraine. Foreign economic relations.

The Republic of Moldova. Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. The leading role of the agro-industrial complex in the economy, its most important sectors. Modern problems of socio-economic and political development.

Republics of Transcaucasia (Republic of Georgia, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan). Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. Mining and processing industry. Specialization in agricultural production. Transport. Foreign economic relations. Contemporary political and social problems.

The Republic of Kazakhstan. Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. Level of development and features of the structure of the economy. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel and energy and chemical industry. Specialization in agriculture, food industry. Transport. Foreign economic relations.

Republic Central Asia(Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Turkmenistan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Tajikistan). Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population and labor resources. Main industries. Specialization of agriculture. Transport. Foreign economic relations. Contemporary political, social and environmental problems of the region.

Geography of the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. Specialization and structure of industry. Specialization in agriculture. Transport. Foreign economic relations. Modern problems of political and socio-economic development.

Republic of Belarus. Assessment of physical-geographical and economic-geographical position. Administrative division. Geographical names of Belarus. Territorial socio-economic system of the Republic of Belarus. Belarus in the international geographical division of labor. The relationship between natural, economic and social facilities territories. Territorial features of the nature of the Republic of Belarus and associated differences in settlement and economic activity. Natural and economic zoning.

At the entrance test in geography, the applicant must:

1) freely navigate physical, economic and political-administrative maps in accordance with the secondary program secondary school; have the necessary ability to work with geographical reference books, literary sources and cartographic materials;

2) know the patterns of zoning of nature globe, most character traits natural zones on different continents and oceans;

3) have an idea of ​​the components of nature and economy, natural-territorial, territorial-economic and natural-economic complexes;

4) be able to explain the connection between the components of the natural complex and sectors of the economy, know the basic principles and factors of production location and be able to show them using the example of individual sectors of the economy;

5) be able to systematically represent (characterize) the continent, state, industry and agriculture;

6) be able to explain the presence of minerals by the features of the geological structure of the territory, the influence of natural conditions on the specialization of the economy;

7) know the main features and forms of manifestation of the geographical division of labor both in the world economy and on the scale of the CIS;

8) know the features of nature, population, specialization, location of industries and agriculture of the Republic of Belarus, the level of their development;

9) be able to explain the influence of natural conditions on human activity and its impact on nature, know the principles rational environmental management, understand the essence of environmental problems;

10) be able to perform practical work provided school curriculum by geography.

Continents and their extreme points: Eurasia - m. Chelyuskin, m. Piai, m. Roka, m. Dezhneva; North America– m. Murchison, m. Mariato, m. St. Charles, m. Prince of Wales; South America– Gallinas metro station, Ben Secca metro station, Cabo Branca metro station, Parinhas metro station; Africa – El Abyad metro station, Igolny metro station, Almadi metro station, Ras Hafun metro station; Australia - York Cape, South-East Station, Steep Point Station, Byron Station.

Peninsulas: Alaska, Antarctic, Apennine, Arabian, Balkan, Indochina, Hindustan, California, Kamchatka, Kola, Korean, Crimean, Labrador, Malacca, Asia Minor, Mangyshlak, Iberian, Sinai, Scandinavian, Somalia, Taimyr, Florida, Chukotka, Yucatan, Jutland.

Isthmuses: Panama, Suez.

Islands: Azores, Aleutian, Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, New Ireland), Bahamas, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico), Greater Sunda (Sulawesi, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java), Great Barrier Reef, British (Great Britain) , Ireland), Hawaiian, Greenland, Franz Josef Land, Iceland, Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Baffin Island, Victoria, Banks, Ellesmere, Parry Archipelago), Canary Islands, Cyprus, Commander Islands, Corsica, Crete, Madagascar, Greater and Lesser Antilles, Greater and Lesser Sunda, Malay Archipelago, Mariana, Marshall, New Earth, Novosibirsk, New Guinea, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, Tierra del Fuego, Easter, Sardinia, Sakhalin, North Land, Sicily, Tahiti, Taiwan, Tasmania, Fiji, Philippine, Spitsbergen, Sri Lanka, Japanese (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).

Tectonic structures:

1) ancient platforms and their parts: Australian, Antarctic, African-Arabian, East European (Baltic shield, Ukrainian shield, Belarusian anteclise, Pripyat trough, Orsha and Brest depressions, Polesie and Zhlobin saddles), Indian, Chinese, North American (Canadian shield), Siberian, South American;

2) young platforms: West Siberian, Patagonian, Turanian;

3) geosynclinal (folded) belts: Mediterranean (Alpine-Himalayan), Pacific (Ring of Fire).


1) Plains:

A) deepest land depressions: Afar, Ghor, Death Valley, Qattara, Karagiye Depression, Turfan Depression, Air;

b) lowlands and plains: Amazonian, Great Chinese, Eastern European, Western Siberian, Indo-Gangetic, Colchis, Kura-Araxes, La Plata, Lankaran, Mesopotamian, Orinok, Dnieper, Black Sea, Middle Danube, North German, Turan, Fergana Valley, Central Australian (Central, Great Artesian Basin); Baranovichi, Lida, Narochansko-Vileyskaya, Orsha-Mogilev, Polesskaya, Polotsk, Pribugskaya, Slutsk, Central Berezinskaya;

V) hills: Valdai, Volyn-Podolsk, Donetsk Ridge, Dnieper, Privolzhskaya, Northern Uvaly, Central Russian, Central Plains; Belorusskaya ridge, Braslav, Vitebsk, Volkovysk, Gorodok, Dzerzhinskaya, Kopylskaya ridge, Lysaya, Mozyrskaya, Novogrudskaya, Orshanskaya, Shmyanskaya;

G) plateau and plateaus: Arabian, Brazilian, Great Plains, East African, Guiana, Gobi, Deccan, Western Australian, Patagonia, Central Siberian, Turgai;

2) Mountains and highlands: Altai, Antarctic Andes (Vinson), Alps, Appalachians (Mitchell), Armenian Highlands, Atlas, Great Basin, Great Dividing Range (Kosciushko), Greater Caucasus (Elbrus), Verkhoyansk Range, Eastern and Western Sayan Mountains, Himalayas (Chomolungma Mountain), Hindu Kush, Draconian, Iranian, Kazakh Upland Mountains, Cape Mountains, Karakorum Mountains (Chogori), Carpathians, Kopet Dag, Cordillera (McKinley), Crimean, Kunlun, Asia Minor, Lesser Caucasus, Mexican, Pamir (Samoni), Pyrenees, Rocky, Scandinavian, Sudeten, Tibet, Tien Shan, Ural, Khibiny, Central Massif, Chersky, Ethiopian.

Volcanoes: Ararat, Vesuvius, Hekla, Cameroon, Kilimanjaro, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Krakatau, Mont Pele, Orizaba, Stromboli, Fuji, Erebus, Etna.

Deserts: Arabian, Atacama, Great Sandy, Great Victoria Desert, Gobi, Kalahari, Karakum, Kyzylkum, Libyan, Namib, Rub al-Khali, Sahara, Taklamakan, Tar.

Rivers: Amazon, Amu Darya, Amur, Angara, White Nile, Brahmaputra, Vistula, Volga, Ganges, Darling, Dnieper, Dniester, Don, Danube, Euphrates, Yenisei, Zambezi, Indus, Irtysh, Kagera, Kama, Colorado, Columbia, Kolyma, Congo, Kuban, Coopers Creek, Cura, La Plata, Lena, Loire, Madeira, Mackenzie, Mekong, Mississippi, Missouri, Murray, Neva, Niagara, Niger, Nile, Ob, Ohio, Odra, Oka, Orange, Orinoco, Parana, Pechora, Rhine, Rio Grande, St. Lawrence, Northern Dvina, Sena, Syr Darya, Tagus, Thames, Tiber, Tigris, Ucayali, Ural, Yellow River, Elbe, Emba, Yukon, Yangtze; Berezina, Bug, Vilia, Western Dvina (Daugava), Neman, Pripyat, Ptich, Svisloch, Sozh, Shchara, Yaselda.

Channels: White Sea-Baltic, Vileika-Minsk water system, Dnieper-Bug, Karakum, Kiel, Panama, Suez;

Lakes: Aral, Baikal, Balkhash, Big Bear, Big Slave, Big Salty, Upper, Victoria, Huron, Geneva, Issyk-Kul, Caspian, Ladoga, Lopnor, Maracaibo, Michigan, Nyasa, Onega, Ontario, Sevan, Tana, Tanganyika, Titicaca , Chad, Ayr, Erie; Dolgoye, Drivyaty, Lukomlskoye, Naroch, Osveyskoye, Chervonoye.

Reservoirs: Bratskoe, Nasser (Aswan); Vileyskoye, Zaslavskoye, Lyubanskoye, Osipovichskoye, Soligorskoye, Chigirinskoye.

V falls: Angel, Victoria, Iguazu, Niagara.

Oceans: Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Pacific.

Seas: Adriatic, Azov, Arabian, Baltic, Barents, White, Bering, Bellingshausen, East China, East Siberian, Greenland, Yellow, Caribbean, Kara, Coral, Red, Laptev, Norwegian, Okhotsk, Ross, Sargasso, Northern, Mediterranean, Tasman, Weddell, Black, Chukotka, South China, Japanese.

Bays: Alaska, Bengal, Biscay, Great Australian, Guinea, Hudson, Kara-Bogaz-Gol, California, Carpentaria, Mexican, Persian, Sognefjord, Fundy.

Straits: Bab el-Mandeb, Bassov, Bering, Bosphorus, Wilkitsky, Gibraltar, Dardanelles, Drake, Kara Gate, Kattegat, English Channel, Magellan, Malacca, Mozambique, Pas de Calais, Skagerrak, Torres.

Oceanic gutters: Aleutian, Sunda, Kuril-Kamchatka, Mariana, Puerto Rico, Philippine, Chilean.

Ocean currents: Bengal, Brazilian, East Australian, Gulf Stream, Western Australian, Western winds, Canary, Kuril, Kuroshio, Labrador, Intertrade Current, Mozambican, Peruvian, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Northern Trade Wind, Somali, South Trade Wind.

National parks, reserves: Yellowstone, Ngoro-Ngoro, Serengeti, Tsavo; Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky, Braslav lakes, Narochansky, Polessky, Pripyatsky.


  1. Geography of continents and oceans. Dushina I.V., Korinskaya V.A., Shchenev V.A. M.: Education, 1996.

  2. Geography of continents and oceans. Krylova O.V., Gerasimova T.P. M.: Education, 1996.

  3. Geography of continents and oceans. Finarov D.P. and others. M.: Education, 1997.

  4. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade. Dronov V.P., Rom V.Ya. M.: Bustard, 1997.

  5. Geography of Russia. Nature. Barinova I.I. M.: Bustard, 1996.

  6. Geography. A large reference book for schoolchildren and applicants to universities / Ed. I.I. Barinova, V.A. Gorbaneva, I.V. Dushina and others – 2nd ed. – M.: Bustard, 1999.

  7. Geography. Population and economy. 9th grade Alekseev A.I., Nikolina V.V. M.: Education, 1997.

  8. Geography. Beginner course. 6th grade Petrova N.N. M.: Bustard, 1997.

  9. Geography: A guide for applicants to universities / Ed. V.P. Maksakovsky, I.I. Barinova, V.P. Dronov et al. M.: Bustard, 2003.

  10. Kizitsky M.I., Timofeeva Z.M. How to pass the Unified State Exam in Geography with 100 points. Rostov-on-D: Phoenix, 2003.

  11. Kuznetsov A.P. Population and economy of the world. 10th grade: Textbook. for general education textbook establishments. M.: Bustard, 1997.

  12. Maksakovsky V.P. Economic and social geography of the world: Textbook. for 10th grade general images. institutions. – 10th ed. M.: Education, 2002.

  13. Our home is Earth. 7th grade. Dushina I.V., Korinskaya V.A., Shchenev V.A. M.: Bustard, 1996.

  14. Polyakova M.O. Geography. Short course for applicants to universities: Proc. allowance. M.: Exam, 2004.

  15. Nature of Russia. 8th grade. Rakovskaya E.V. M.: Education, 1997.

  16. Nature of Russia. Barinova I.I., Rakovskaya E.V. M.: Education, 1996.

  17. Rakovskaya E.M., Barinova I.I. Nature of Russia: Textbook for 8th grade. M.: Education, 1994.

  18. Physical geography for preparatory departments of universities / Ed. K.V. Pashkanga. M.: graduate School, 1991.

  19. Physical geography. Gerasimova T.P. and others. M.: Education, 1996.

  20. Physical geography. Sukhov V.P. M.: Education, 1996.

  21. Economic and social geography of the world. Gladky Yu.N., Lavrov B.S. M.: Education, 1997.

At the geography exam, an applicant to a higher educational institution must show deep knowledge of this subject, freely navigate physical, socio-economic and political-administrative maps; be able to characterize the elements of the natural environment (relief, climate, water, soil, vegetation, wildlife) and show the relationships that exist between them; be able to assess natural conditions and their impact on human economic activity; know the basic patterns of distribution of production and population, be able to interpret them using the example of individual regions of the world and within the country; have the necessary skills in working on a plan, map, globe, with numbers and graphic material, etc.

I. General geographical overview of the globe

Geographical envelope is an object of geography. Main stages in development geographical science. Great geographical discoveries. Globe, plan and map. The concept of the horizon. Sides of the horizon. Ways to navigate the terrain. Ability to use a compass. Scale. Main differences geographical map from the area plan. Map projections. Measuring distances on a map using a scale. The ability to determine the height of mountains, the depth of oceans and seas from a map. Distortions on the map due to the spherical shape of the Earth. Types of cards. Physiographic and socio-economic maps and atlases. Methods of depicting geographical objects and phenomena.

The meaning of the map in human life and economic activity.

Earth is like a planet. Position of the Earth in the Solar System. Shape and movement of the Earth. Degree network. Shape of the Earth. Sizes of the globe. The daily rotation of the Earth and its consequences. Internal structure of the Earth.

Degree network on the map and its elements.

Geographic latitude and longitude (the ability to identify them on a map). Annual movement of the Earth. Change of seasons. Tropics and polar circles. Light belts. The importance of artificial Earth satellites and space rockets for studying the Universe.

Time. Time zones, date line.

Weather and climate. The concept of atmosphere. Changes in air temperature depending on the geographic latitude of the place and the height above ocean level. Atmospheric pressure and its measurement. Ability to use a barometer. Winds and their origin. Breezes, monsoons, trade winds. Atmospheric precipitation and its formation. Patterns of precipitation distribution on the surface of the globe. Precipitation measurement. The concept of evaporation, evaporation and humidification coefficient.

Difference between the concepts of “weather” and “climate”. Factors determining climate features. The dependence of climate on the geographic latitude of a place, proximity to the sea, sea currents, relief, and the nature of the earth's surface. Air masses and their types. Circulation of air masses (atmospheric fronts, cyclones, anticyclones) and associated types of weather. Synoptic map. General overview of climate zones. Climates of the Earth.

Climate influence on agriculture, transport, human health. Weather forecast.

Security atmospheric air from pollution.

Continental waters. Groundwater and its use. The special role of water in nature and economy. Use of water and ways to maintain its quality and volume. Hazardous phenomena related to water (floods, floods, avalanches, mudflows) and prevention of their actions.

Rivers. The river and its parts. Concept of a river valley. River feeding Pools and watersheds. The ability to show them on a map. Major rivers parts of the world. Use of rivers in human economic activities. Canals and reservoirs. Lakes and swamps and their economic importance.

Glaciers and cover mountain glaciers. Relief-forming activity.

Oceans and seas. The world ocean and its parts. Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean. Depths and salinity sea ​​water. The main seas, bays, straits, islands and peninsulas. Sea currents. Biological productivity. Economic importance of the seas. Prevention of sea water pollution.

The earth's crust and its heterogeneity. Stable and mobile areas of the earth's crust. External and internal forces that change the surface of the Earth.

The main features of the relief, their connection with the structure of the lithosphere. Lithospheric plates. Types of the earth's crust. Their structure and dynamics. Geological chronology. Types of rocks. Basic tectonic structures. Fold and platform areas and associated minerals. Exhaustibility of mineral resources and measures to improve their use. Relief development. Endogenous and exogenous processes of relief formation. Weathering processes.

Shapes of the earth's surface. Absolute and relative heights of the land surface. Plains, lowlands, hills and plateaus. The main lowlands and plateaus of the world. Mountains and highlands. The main mountains of the world. The interaction of relief and climate and their impact on soils, vegetation and wildlife.

The importance of climate in human economic activity.

Soils. Soil formation and diversity. The main types of soils, differences in their fertility. Patterns of soil distribution, soil map.

Flora and fauna. The concepts of "flora" and "vegetation", "fauna" and "fauna". Causes of ecological diversity. Mechanisms of adaptation of organisms to different natural conditions.

Natural areas. V.V. Dokuchaev is the founder of the doctrine of natural zones. a brief description of natural zones by climate, soil and vegetation cover, fauna.

The concept of the geographical envelope. The concept of a natural complex. Interrelations between the components of the natural complex. The formation of natural complexes as a result of the long-term development of the geographical shell of the Earth. Physiographic zoning.

Fundamentals of environmental management and nature conservation. The role of geographical science in organizing the rational use of natural resources.

Human and nature. Natural and anthropogenic landscapes. The direct influence of natural conditions on the human body. Indirect influence of natural conditions.

Natural resources and production. Classification of natural resources. Adverse and dangerous natural phenomena (NOE). Earthquakes and volcanism. Tsunami. Droughts, hot winds, hurricanes. Frost. Permafrost. Floods and floods. Avalanches, mudflows, landslides. Soil erosion.

Human environment and public health. Changes in natural complexes under the influence of human activity. Global and regional environmental problems.

Physiographic overview of the continents. Continents and parts of the world. Geographical location of the continent, components of nature, natural resources.

II. Socio-economic geography of the world

A political map of the World. States of the world and their capitals. Characteristics of the political map of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Changes on the political map of the world after the Second World War. Typology of countries by level of socio-economic development. Republics and monarchies; unitary and federal states. Historical and geographical regions of the world.

Natural resources, their placement and use. Exhaustible and inexhaustible resources. Minerals. Land resources. Water and hydropower resources. Soil and agroclimatic resources. Forest resources. Resources of the World Ocean. Protection and rational use of natural resources. Provision of various countries with natural resources.

World population. Population of the world and large countries. Types of population reproduction. Differences between countries in fertility, mortality, sex and age composition of the population. Labor resources and employment. Racial and ethnic composition of the population. The largest nations of the world. Religious composition of the population. Population migration. Urbanization and resettlement. Population density.

Geography of the world economy. International geographical division of labor. Scientific and technological revolution and the location of productive forces. Geography of industries. Geography of agriculture. Geography of transport and international economic relations.

Regional geography. Brief economic and geographical characteristics of large regions of the world and individual countries.

III. Russia and neighboring countries

Geographical location of Russia. Dimensions of the territory; sea ​​and land borders. Time differences in Russia and the CIS countries, time zones. Standard, maternity, summer time.

Physical geography of Russia and neighboring countries

Physical-geographical position of Russia and neighboring countries.

Relief, geological structure and minerals. The main features of the relief, their connection with the structure of the lithosphere. Main tectonic structures. Fold and platform areas and associated minerals. Areas of relief development. Landslides, mudflows, gullying, erosion, weathering.

Features of climate, air masses, their types.

Synoptic map. Patterns of heat and moisture distribution.

Inland waters and water resources. Main river systems and river basins. Food and river regime. The most important lakes. Swamps. The groundwater. Glaciers, snow cover. Permafrost.

Uneven distribution of water resources throughout the country and the need for land reclamation.

Soils and land resources; soil map.

Land resources, measures for their conservation.

Flora and fauna. Vegetation map. Forest resources. Animal world.

Diversity of natural complexes in Russia and neighboring countries

Natural zoning of Russia.

Natural zones of Russia and neighboring countries: Arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, forests, forest-steppes, steppes, semi-deserts, deserts, subtropics. Natural resources.

Altitudinal zonation in the mountains.

Zonal agricultural systems, protection and rational use of land and agroclimatic resources.

Ecological problems in different natural areas.

The main natural areas of Russia and neighboring countries: the East European Plain and Kola Peninsula; Ural; Western Siberia; Eastern and North-Eastern Siberia; mountains of southern Siberia; Far East; Carpathians, Crimea and Caucasus; Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The relationship between natural regions and economic regions of Russia.

Seas. Seas as large natural complexes. The seas of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans washing the shores of Russia. Ice conditions and duration of navigation. Use of natural resources of the Russian seas.

Economic and social geography of Russia and neighboring countries

Geopolitical, economic-geographical and transport-geographical position of Russia. Land and maritime boundaries. Economic influence of Russia.

Population. Number and distribution of the population. Historical features of settlement and development of the territory. Differences in population density. Settlement forms and types settlements. Urban and rural population. Settlement and urbanization. Functions of settlements. Urban agglomerations. Resettlement in rural areas. Population reproduction. Migrations. Demographic situation. Labor market and employment.

Ethnogeographical position of Russia and neighboring countries. Diversity of cultural worlds. National and religious composition.

Economy of Russia. Cyclicity of development. Features and place of the Russian economy in the system of neighboring countries and the world. The concept of a market economy. Structural features economy of Russia. Main directions of reforms.

The most important inter-industry complexes and industries.
Mechanical engineering complex of Russia

The role of mechanical engineering in accelerating scientific and technological progress. Industry composition. Specialization and cooperation of production. Factors for locating enterprises in the complex. Mechanical Engineering Map.

Fuel and energy complex of Russia

The role of energy in national economy. Industry composition of the complex. Location of main fuel and energy bases and energy consumption areas. Structure of the fuel and energy balance and its dynamics.

Maps of the complex's industries.

Oil and gas industry. The main areas of oil production and refining and natural gas. Pipeline system. Coal industry. Main coal basins, their economic assessment.

Electric power industry. Types of power plants and principles of their placement.

Prospects for the development of the fuel and energy complex. Energy and nature conservation.

Complexes of industries for the production of construction materials and chemicals

Composition and significance of complexes. Factors of enterprise location. Maps of industries of complexes.

Metallurgical complex. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Concentration and combination of production in ferrous metallurgy. Main metallurgical bases. Geography of metallurgy of light and heavy non-ferrous metals.

Chemical-forest complex. Factors of enterprise location. Main mining and chemical bases and chemical industry areas. Forest resources, forest-abundant areas. Geography of the most important timber industry complexes, problems of their formation.

Military-industrial complex (MIC)

The structure of the complex and geographical factors for the location of enterprises.

Agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Russia

Composition of the complex and its significance. Intensive and extensive farming.

Crop and livestock production, their interdependence. Agroclimatic map. Zonal specialization of agriculture. Agriculture in the suburban area. The main areas where grain and industrial crops. Main sectors and areas of livestock farming.

Food industry.

Complex for the production of consumer goods and services

The composition of the complex, its increasing importance. Light industry. Basic principles of location of the textile industry.

Transport complex of Russia

Composition and significance of the complex. Transport maps. Types of transport (railway, waterway, aviation, pipeline, road). The role of individual modes of transport in freight and passenger transportation. The most important transport routes, composition and direction of freight flows. The largest sea ​​ports and their specialization.

Non-production sphere

The concept of non-production sphere. The service sector and its territorial organization.

Economic and social geography of large regions of Russia

Administrative-territorial structure of Russia. Approaches to zoning. Map of economic regions. The concept of a free economic zone.

Western economic zone of Russia

Common features and problems of economic development in market conditions. Favorable natural and climatic conditions in most of the territory. High density population. Scientific and technical potential.

The predominance of manufacturing industries. Specialization in agriculture. General problems: energy, raw materials, water resources, protection and rational use of the natural environment.

Center and North-West of Russia. Economic-geographical location (EGP). Natural conditions and resources. Specialization in knowledge-intensive and labor-intensive industries. The most important machine-building centers; light and chemical industry; ferrous metallurgy; timber industry of the Volga-Vyatka region. Features of the APK.

Agriculture of Central Russia and the North-West. The role of suburban agriculture. Features of the agro-industrial complex of the Black Earth Region.

Recreation and tourism. " Golden ring Russia", Novgorod, Pskov, historical and cultural monuments, natural landscapes.

Fuel, energy and environmental problems. Problems of regulating the development of large cities and agglomerations.

Features of the territorial organization of productive forces. The role of Moscow and St. Petersburg in the development of sectors of scientific and technological progress, science, education, and culture.

European North. The influence of natural conditions on the development of territory, life and work of people. Fuel and energy, raw materials, forest and fish resources. Branches of specialization. Basic industrial centers. Sea transport. Problems of northern nature conservation.

North Caucasus. Changes in the economic and geographical position after the collapse of the USSR. The influence of vertical zonality on the development of the economy and the population of the territory. Multinationality and interethnic problems. Features of the agrarian-industrial complex, its role in the economy of Russia and the region. Heavy industry of the Lower Don and Ciscaucasia. Sea transport. The largest areas of sanatorium-resort facilities and tourism.

Volga region. Natural conditions and resources. The role of the Volga in the development of the economy and the distribution of the population. Branches of economic specialization of the Volga region. Problems of nature conservation in the Volga and Caspian Sea basins.

Ural. The location of the area is at the junction of the Western and Eastern zones. Branches of economic specialization. Industrial units. Orenburg gas processing complex. Problems of development of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, metal-intensive mechanical engineering, chemical industry. Raw material nature of specialization industries. Conversion of the military-industrial complex.

Nature conservation in conditions of high concentration of production.

Eastern economic zone of Russia

General features, trends and development problems. Concentration of fuel and energy, mineral raw materials and forest resources, their ways effective use in market conditions. Peoples of the North. Peculiarities of life of people in the North.

Western Siberia. Economic and geographical position, its changes after the collapse of the USSR. Diversity of natural conditions and features of the resource base. The role of the region in the fuel and energy complex of Russia. Problems of its development.

Eastern Siberia. Natural factors limiting the development of the territory. Natural resources: mineral, forest, hydropower, etc. Features of the development of the territory of Eastern Siberia. Branches of specialization. Hydroelectric power. The main centers of non-ferrous metallurgy, pulp and paper industry. Problems of Baikal.

Far East. Features of the EGP. Problems of settling the area. Mining, forestry and fishing industries. Sea ports.

Scientific centers of Siberia and the Far East.

Foreign economic relations of Russia.

Near Abroad

Baltic Republics. Natural conditions and resources. Features of the development of manufacturing industries and the agro-industrial complex. The coastal position and its influence on the economy of the Baltic states. Economic and geographical characteristics of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

Belarus. Economic-geographical location, natural resources and economic specialization. Mechanical engineering complex. Problems of development of industries using imported raw materials. Features of the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Ukraine. Natural conditions and resources. Features of settlement, population density and largest cities. Branches of economic specialization. Coal and metallurgical base of Ukraine. Energy problems, the republic’s dependence on oil and gas imports. Location of various branches of mechanical engineering, their connection with centers of ferrous metallurgy and labor resources. Features of the agro-industrial complex of the republic. Resort and recreational management. Main types of transport, seaports.

Moldova. Economic and geographical characteristics.

Republic of Transcaucasia. Similarities and differences in natural conditions and resources, branches of economic specialization. Subtropical farming. Recreational potential of the territory. Economic and geographical characteristics of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Kazakhstan. Economic and geographical location. The influence of natural conditions on economic development. Diversity of natural resources. Uneven population distribution. Features of the national composition. Branches of economic specialization. Location of mining industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Features of the development of the agro-industrial complex, the connection of agricultural specialization with natural and climatic conditions. Economic integration of Kazakhstan and Russia.

Republics of Central Asia. Economic and geographical location. Similarities and differences in natural conditions. Mineral, land, water and hydropower resources. Problems of rapid population growth. Features of settlement, ancient cities. National composition of the population. General features of economic specialization. Problems of development of desert territories. Economic and geographical characteristics of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

At the geography exam, applicants to higher education
the educational institution must:

  • freely navigate using physical maps,
    socio-economic, political;

  • characterize individual elements
    natural environment, revealing the relationships between

  • give an economic assessment of natural conditions
    and resources of the territory, show connections between
    natural environment and economic activities

  • know the basic principles of rationality
    production location;

  • have the necessary skills to work with
    statistical materials.

General geographical overview

Plan and map. Ways to navigate
terrain. Measuring distances on a map and plan.
General geographical and thematic maps and
atlases. Degree network. Geographic latitude and
longitude. Determination of geographical coordinates.
Tropics and polar circles.

Shape and movement of the Earth. Dimensions of the earth
ball. Annual and daily rotation of the Earth,
consequences of this rotation.

Lithosphere. External and internal forces, their
impact on the Earth's surface. Volcanoes and
earthquakes, areas of their distribution. Forms
earth's surface. Plains. Largest plains
peace. Mountains and highlands. Largest mountain systems
peace. The influence of relief on life and economic
human activity. Protection of the lithosphere.

Atmosphere. Warming of the atmosphere. Change
air temperature depending on
geographical latitude and height above level
ocean. Atmospheric pressure, reasons for change
pressure. Air masses and their movement.
Constant winds. Atmospheric precipitation and conditions
their education. Precipitation distribution.

Weather and climate. Weather observation.
Climate-forming factors. Impact of climate on
human life and economic activity.
Atmospheric protection.

Hydrosphere. The groundwater. Rivers and lakes.
Canals and reservoirs. Pools and watersheds.
Economic use of rivers and lakes.

Oceans and seas. The world ocean and its parts. Relief
the bottom of the World Ocean. Depths. Salinity of water.
The largest seas, bays, straits, islands and
peninsula. Sea currents. Economic
use of seas and oceans. Security

Biosphere. Variety of vegetation and
animal world. Natural areas of the world. Brief
characteristics of natural areas. Forms of protection
flora and fauna. The largest
biosphere reserves of the world.

The concept of the geographical envelope.
Natural complex. The relationship of natural
components in a complex. Continents and oceans -
largest natural complexes.

Continents and parts of the world. Geographical
position of the continent, natural conditions and resources.

General geographical patterns.
Formation of the earth's crust and its heterogeneity.
Stable and mobile areas of the earth's crust,
associated landforms and useful
fossils. Climates of the Earth. Atmospheric circulation.
Formation of the Earth's climate zones.
The influence of relief and climate on soil formation,
distribution of vegetation and fauna
on the continents. Changing nature under the influence
human economic activity.
Activities of the society for the protection and
restoration of the quality of the human environment
natural environment.

World population. Population and
distribution of population across continents. Concept of
races The largest nations of the world. Reasons influencing
to accommodate the population. Urban and rural
population. Urbanization, its pace and level.
Natural population movement and migration.
World religions.

A political map of the World. Characteristic
political map of Europe, Asia, Africa, America.
Types of countries in the modern world.

Geography of the world economy.
International geographical division of labor.
Geography of world industry. Geography
Agriculture. Transport of the world.
International economic and cultural relations,
their development. Economic integration and its
significance for the development of individual countries of the world.
New industrial countries. Brief
comprehensive geographical characteristics
individual countries of the world (at the choice of the examinee).

Russian Federation

Geographical location of Russia.
Physiographic and
economic and geographical location. Change
geographical location of the Russian Federation
in time. Dimensions of the territory, maritime and
land borders, border states.

Federal structure of the Russian
Federation. Republics, territories, regions, cities
Federal significance, autonomous region,
autonomous okrugs.

The difference in time on the territory of Russia,
Time Zones. Local and standard time, their role in
economy and people's lives.

History of exploration and economic
development of Russian territory.

Nature of Russia

Geological structure, relief and useful
fossils. Main tectonic structures
and associated landforms. The largest
plains and mountain systems. Earthquakes and
volcanism in the country.

Climate. Climate-forming factors and
atmospheric circulation. Patterns
distribution of heat and moisture throughout the country
(solar radiation, precipitation, evaporation,
evaporation, moisture coefficient). Influence
climate change on agriculture, transport and health
person. Climate-related hazards.
Weather forecast and its meaning.

Inland waters and water resources. Main
river systems of the country. The most important lakes.
Permafrost and its impact on
economic activity. Dangerous phenomena
associated with waters, and prevention of their actions.

Soils and land resources. Soil formation and
their diversity. Soil placement. Soil
map. Combating soil destruction and pollution.

Vegetation and fauna. Map
vegetation. Zoogeographic map.
Biological resources, their use and

Natural area as a natural complex. Brief
characteristics of the main natural zones of Russia.
Zonal specialization of agriculture.
Protection and rational use
agroclimatic resources.

Seas washing Russia. Features and
economic use of the North Seas
Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Conservation of the nature of the seas. Natural resource
potential of the territory.

Nature management and conservation in
territory of the Russian Federation. Role
geographical science in the organization
rational environmental management. Organization
environmental management in industrialized
areas and areas of new development. Regional
environmental problems and ways to solve them. Especially
protected areas. Characteristics of one of
reserves of the country (at the choice of the examinee).

Population and economy of Russia

Geographical division of labor and
economic specialization of individual regions

Population of Russia. Population and
National composition. Natural movement
population, migration. Demographic problems and
demographic policy. Urban and rural
population. Types of settlements. City. Role
major cities in economic and cultural
development of the country. Largest urban
agglomeration. Problems of large cities and their ways
solutions. History of the settlement of Russia and features
distribution of the population throughout the country.
Reasons influencing population distribution.

Economy of Russia. Development problems and
economic transformation. Branch of the economy.
Industries of material production and
non-production sphere. Geography of the most important
economic sectors: fuel energy;
mechanical engineering; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;
chemical industry; forest
industry; light industry; food
industry; Agriculture.
Characteristics of individual sectors of the economy
(meaning, structure, placement, modern
state, problems and development prospects).

Geographical features of large regions
Russian Federation

Natural and economic zoning.
Geographical features historically
established regions of Russia: Central Russia;
Volga region; North-West Russia; North European
parts of Russia; South of the European part of Russia; Ural;
Western Siberia; Eastern Siberia; Further

Comprehensive geographical characteristics
large regions of the Russian Federation
(features of geographical location,
natural conditions and resources, features
population, industrial specialization and
agriculture, socio-economic and
environmental problems and development prospects

Geographical features bordering
Russian states

Mutual cultural and economic ties.
Problems and development prospects
foreign economic and cultural relations of Russia
with neighboring countries of Europe, Asia, North
America. Russia's place in the world economy.



"I affirm"

Rector of TyvSU


(for applicants entering full-time study)



Graduate qualification (degree) bachelor

Standard period for mastering OOP 4 years

KYZYL – 2011


The “Geography” exam is conducted to identify the level of training of secondary school graduates required for admission to full-time study at Tyvin State University. The purpose of this manual is to help applicants prepare for the exam on their own.

As the experience of conducting the exam and analysis of teaching practice shows, positive results can be achieved if, at the preparation stage, much attention is paid to the development of active cognitive activity: working with all types of educational information, developing analytical and classification skills, and systematizing knowledge.

This program is aimed at high school graduates entering higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science. The materials presented in the program can also be used in geography lessons in high school, for final certification, tests and tests.

The structure and content of the program correspond to the Mandatory minimum content of geographical education in basic school, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The structure of the program includes 3 sections.



Shape and size of the earth. Earth as a planet in the solar system. Earth's movement, geographical consequences. Methods of depicting the earth's surface. Map and plan. Types of cards. Geographical coordinates. Scale. Types of scales.

Lithosphere. The structure of the lithosphere. The structure of the earth's crust. Rocks that make up the earth's crust, their origin, classification. Forms of manifestation of earthly activity. Volcanoes. Geological chronology.

Relief of the Earth. Landforms. Mountains. Mountain systems of the world and their highest points. The greatest plains in the world. Placement and origin. Relief of the bottom of the world's oceans. Relief-forming processes.

Atmosphere. The concept of atmosphere. Boundaries, composition, structure, meaning of the atmosphere. Atmospheric belts, patterns and reasons for placement. General circulation of the atmosphere. Methods of studying and problems of atmospheric protection. Distribution and types of precipitation. Air masses. Their types. Climate. Climatic zones. Weather.

Hydrosphere. The concept of the hydrosphere. Parts of the hydrosphere. The water cycle on Earth, its significance in the interaction between the ocean and land. The world ocean and its parts. Characteristics of oceans and seas: composition, location, salinity, temperature, current. Islands, peninsulas, bays, straits.

Sushi waters. Compound. Determination of components, placement: rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers. Glaciation. Concept, main forms of manifestation, time frame. Landforms formed as a result of this process.

World economy. World economy and stages of its development. The main centers of the world economy. International geographical division of labor. Geography of the main international economic and political organizations. Sectoral and territorial structure of the world economy. Geography of the main industries of the world. Major industrial areas of the world. Geography of the main branches of agriculture in the world. Major agricultural areas of the world. Geography of world transport.

Industries of the fuel and energy complex(oil, gas, coal mining, energy industries).

World metallurgical complex. Placement factors. Features of modern development. Ferrous metallurgy. Non-ferrous metallurgy.

Mechanical engineering complex of the world. Current status, placement factors, placement features. Raw material base. Location of enterprises in this industry: transport engineering, automotive engineering, machine tool manufacturing, agricultural engineering, precision engineering.

Chemical industry. Current status, placement factors, placement features. Classification of branches of the chemical industry. Leading countries in the production of main types of products.

Sectors of production and social infrastructure. Forestry, light, food industries. Current state, factors and features of placement, main development trends. Countries are leaders.

World transport. Current status, placement factors, placement features. Classification of transport sectors (structure, freight turnover): river, railway, sea, air, automobile. Leading countries in world transport.

Regional World Review. Countries of the world. Economic and geographical position of the country. Population, labor resources, their characteristics. Natural resources, location, problems of environmental management. Branches of specialization and trends in modern development of production, intra-regional and international relations. Features of sectors of the economic structure of large countries.

Regional studies. Modern political map of the world. The diversity of countries in the modern world and their main types. Government system, forms of government, administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world. Differences between countries in terms of level of economic development and natural features.

Geography of the countries of the world. Economic and geographical characteristics of the USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Brazil, China, South Africa, Egypt, India, Poland (geographical location, natural conditions and resources, population, features of economic development, industry, agriculture, transport , intra-district differences in the economy, foreign economic relations).

Geography of Russia. Geographical location and borders of Russia. Geological structure, relief and minerals of Russia. Climate of Russia. Seas, rivers and lakes of Russia, their role in the life of the population. Soils and soil resources of Russia. Natural areas on the territory of Russia. Vegetation and fauna of Russia. Population of Russia: numbers, distribution, natural and mechanical movement of the population, demographic problems. Peoples of Russia. Urban and rural population. Largest cities. Features of the geographical location, nature, population, economy and history of the development of large geographical regions of Russia.

Features of the geographical and geopolitical position of Russia. Natural resource potential. Regional features of the dynamics of the number, distribution of the population, its national composition, urbanization, migration.

Structure of the economy and its features. Geography of the fuel and energy, metallurgical, engineering, chemical, forestry industries of Russia. Features of development and specialization of agriculture. Transport system of Russia. Economic ties. European and Asian parts of Russia: features of their nature and socio-economic development.

Ukraine. Economic and geographical location. Natural and economic potential. Geography of population: quantity, renewal, urbanization, national composition.

Economy of the republic. Geography of fuel and energy, metallurgical, mechanical engineering, chemical industries. agriculture: territorial differences in specialization. Transport system of Ukraine. Foreign economic relations.

The Republic of Moldova. Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. The leading role of the agro-industrial complex in the economy, its most important sectors. Modern problems of socio-economic and political development.

Republics of Transcaucasia (Republic of Georgia, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan). Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. Mining and processing industry. Specialization in agricultural production. Transport. Foreign economic relations. Contemporary political and social problems.

The Republic of Kazakhstan. Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. Level of development and features of the structure of the economy. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel and energy and chemical industries. Specialization in agriculture, food industry. Transport. Foreign economic relations.

Republics of Central Asia (Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Turkmenistan, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Tajikistan). Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population and labor resources. Main industries. Specialization of agriculture. Transport. Foreign economic relations. Contemporary political, social and environmental problems of the region.

Geography of the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). Economic and geographical location. Natural conditions and resources. Population. Specialization and structure of industry. Specialization in agriculture. Transport. Foreign economic relations. Modern problems of political and socio-economic development.

Republic of Belarus. Assessment of physical-geographical and economic-geographical position. Administrative division. Geographical names of Belarus. Territorial socio-economic system of the Republic of Belarus. Belarus in the international geographical division of labor. The relationship between natural, economic and social objects of the territory. Territorial features of the nature of the Republic of Belarus and associated differences in settlement and economic activity. Natural and economic zoning.


At the entrance test in geography, the applicant must:

1) freely navigate physical, economic and political-administrative maps in accordance with the program of secondary school; have the necessary ability to work with geographical reference books, literary sources and cartographic materials;

2) know the patterns of zoning of the nature of the globe, the most characteristic features of natural zones on different continents and oceans;

3) have an idea of ​​the components of nature and economy, natural-territorial, territorial-economic and natural-economic complexes;

4) be able to explain the connection between the components of the natural complex and sectors of the economy, know the basic principles and factors of production location and be able to show them using the example of individual sectors of the economy;

5) be able to systematically represent (characterize) the continent, state, industry and agriculture;

6) be able to explain the presence of minerals by the features of the geological structure of the territory, the influence of natural conditions on the specialization of the economy;

7) know the main features and forms of manifestation of the geographical division of labor both in the world economy and on the scale of the CIS;

8) know the features of nature, population, specialization, location of industries and agriculture of the Republic of Belarus, the level of their development;

9) be able to explain the influence of natural conditions on human activity and its impact on nature, know the principles of rational environmental management, understand the essence of environmental problems;


Continents and their extreme points: Eurasia - m. Chelyuskin, m. Piai, m. Roka, m. Dezhneva; North America - m. Murchison, m. Mariato, m. St. Charles, m. Prince of Wales; South America - Gallinas metro, Ben Secca metro, Cabo Branca metro, Parinhas metro; Africa – El Abyad metro station, Igolny metro station, Almadi metro station, Ras Hafun metro station; Australia - York Cape, South-East Station, Steep Point Station, Byron Station.

Peninsulas: Alaska, Antarctic, Apennine, Arabian, Balkan, Indochina, Hindustan, California, Kamchatka, Kola, Korean, Crimean, Labrador, Malacca, Asia Minor, Mangyshlak, Iberian, Sinai, Scandinavian, Somalia, Taimyr, Florida, Chukotka, Yucatan, Jutland.

Isthmuses: Panama, Suez.

Islands: Azores, Aleutian, Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, New Ireland), Bahamas, Greater Antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico), Greater Sunda (Sulawesi, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java), Great Barrier Reef, British (Great Britain) , Ireland), Hawaiian, Greenland, Franz Josef Land, Iceland, Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Baffin Island, Victoria, Banks, Ellesmere, Parry Archipelago), Canary Islands, Cyprus, Commander Islands, Corsica, Crete, Madagascar, Greater and Lesser Antilles, Greater and Lesser Sunda, Malay Archipelago, Mariana, Marshall, Novaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk, New Guinea, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, Tierra del Fuego, Easter, Sardinia, Sakhalin, Severnaya Zemlya, Sicily, Tahiti, Taiwan, Tasmania, Fiji, Philippines , Spitsbergen, Sri Lanka, Japanese (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).

Tectonic structures:

1) ancient platforms and their parts: Australian, Antarctic, African-Arabian, East European (Baltic shield, Ukrainian shield, Belarusian anteclise, Pripyat trough, Orsha and Brest depressions, Polesie and Zhlobin saddles), Indian, Chinese, North American (Canadian shield), Siberian, South American;

2) young platforms: West Siberian, Patagonian, Turanian;

3) geosynclinal (folded) belts: Mediterranean (Alpine-Himalayan), Pacific (Ring of Fire).


1) Plains:

A) deepest land depressions: Afar, Ghor, Death Valley, Qattara, Karagiye Depression, Turfan Depression, Air;

b) lowlands and plains: Amazonian, Great Chinese, Eastern European, Western Siberian, Indo-Gangetic, Colchis, Kura-Araxes, La Plata, Lankaran, Mesopotamian, Orinok, Dnieper, Black Sea, Middle Danube, North German, Turan, Fergana Valley, Central Australian (Central, Great Artesian Basin); Baranovichi, Lida, Narochansko-Vileyskaya, Orsha-Mogilev, Polesskaya, Polotsk, Pribugskaya, Slutsk, Central Berezinskaya;

V) hills: Valdai, Volyn-Podolsk, Donetsk Ridge, Dnieper, Privolzhskaya, Northern Uvaly, Central Russian, Central Plains; Belarusian ridge, Braslav, Vitebsk, Volkovysk, Gorodok, Dzerzhinskaya, Kopyl ridge, Lysaya, Mozyrskaya, Novogrudskaya, Orshanskaya, Ashmyanskaya;

G) plateau and plateaus: Arabian, Brazilian, Great Plains, East African, Guiana, Gobi, Deccan, Western Australian, Patagonia, Central Siberian, Turgai;

2) Mountains and highlands: Altai, Antarctic Andes (Vinson), Alps, Appalachians (Mitchell), Armenian Highlands, Atlas, Great Basin, Great Dividing Range (Kosciushko), Greater Caucasus (Elbrus), Verkhoyansk Range, Eastern and Western Sayan Mountains, Himalayas (Chomolungma Mountain), Hindu Kush, Draconian, Iranian, Kazakh Upland Mountains, Cape Mountains, Karakorum Mountains (Chogori), Carpathians, Kopet Dag, Cordillera (McKinley), Crimean, Kunlun, Asia Minor, Lesser Caucasus, Mexican, Pamir (Samoni), Pyrenees, Rocky, Scandinavian, Sudeten, Tibet, Tien Shan, Ural, Khibiny, Central Massif, Chersky, Ethiopian.

Volcanoes: Ararat, Vesuvius, Hekla, Cameroon, Kilimanjaro, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Krakatau, Mont Pele, Orizaba, Stromboli, Fuji, Erebus, Etna.

Deserts: Arabian, Atacama, Great Sandy, Great Victoria Desert, Gobi, Kalahari, Karakum, Kyzylkum, Libyan, Namib, Rub al-Khali, Sahara, Taklamakan, Tar.

Rivers: Amazon, Amu Darya, Amur, Angara, White Nile, Brahmaputra, Vistula, Volga, Ganges, Darling, Dnieper, Dniester, Don, Danube, Euphrates, Yenisei, Zambezi, Indus, Irtysh, Kagera, Kama, Colorado, Columbia, Kolyma, Congo, Kuban, Coopers Creek, Cura, La Plata, Lena, Loire, Madeira, Mackenzie, Mekong, Mississippi, Missouri, Murray, Neva, Niagara, Niger, Nile, Ob, Ohio, Odra, Oka, Orange, Orinoco, Parana, Pechora, Rhine, Rio Grande, St. Lawrence, Northern Dvina, Sena, Syr Darya, Tagus, Thames, Tiber, Tigris, Ucayali, Ural, Yellow River, Elbe, Emba, Yukon, Yangtze; Berezina, Bug, Vilia, Western Dvina (Daugava), Neman, Pripyat, Ptich, Svisloch, Sozh, Shchara, Yaselda.

Channels: White Sea-Baltic, Vileika-Minsk water system, Dnieper-Bug, Karakum, Kiel, Panama, Suez;

Lakes: Aral, Baikal, Balkhash, Big Bear, Big Slave, Big Salty, Upper, Victoria, Huron, Geneva, Issyk-Kul, Caspian, Ladoga, Lopnor, Maracaibo, Michigan, Nyasa, Onega, Ontario, Sevan, Tana, Tanganyika, Titicaca , Chad, Ayr, Erie; Dolgoye, Drivyaty, Lukomlskoye, Naroch, Osveyskoye, Chervonoye.

Reservoirs: Bratskoe, Nasser (Aswan); Vileyskoye, Zaslavskoye, Lyubanskoye, Osipovichskoye, Soligorskoye, Chigirinskoye.

Vfalls: Angel, Victoria, Iguazu, Niagara.

Oceans: Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Pacific.

Seas: Adriatic, Azov, Arabian, Baltic, Barents, White, Bering, Bellingshausen, East China, East Siberian, Greenland, Yellow, Caribbean, Kara, Coral, Red, Laptev, Norwegian, Okhotsk, Ross, Sargasso, Northern, Mediterranean, Tasman, Weddell, Black, Chukotka, South China, Japanese.

Bays: Alaska, Bengal, Biscay, Great Australian, Guinea, Hudson, Kara-Bogaz-Gol, California, Carpentaria, Mexican, Persian, Sognefjord, Fundy.

Straits: Bab el-Mandeb, Bassov, Bering, Bosphorus, Wilkitsky, Gibraltar, Dardanelles, Drake, Kara Gate, Kattegat, English Channel, Magellan, Malacca, Mozambique, Pas de Calais, Skagerrak, Torres.

Oceanic gutters: Aleutian, Sunda, Kuril-Kamchatka, Mariana, Puerto Rico, Philippine, Chilean.

Ocean currents: Bengal, Brazilian, East Australian, Gulf Stream, Western Australian, Western winds, Canary, Kuril, Kuroshio, Labrador, Inter-trade current, Mozambique, Peruvian, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Northern trade wind, Somali, Southern Trade wind.

National parks, reserves: Yellowstone, Ngoro-Ngoro, Serengeti, Tsavo; Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky, Braslav lakes, Narochansky, Polessky, Pripyatsky.


1. Geography of continents and oceans. , M.: Education, 1996.

2. Geography of continents and oceans. , M.: Education, 1996.

3. Geography of continents and oceans. and others. M.: Education, 1997.

4. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade. , M.: Bustard, 1997.

5. Geography of Russia. Nature. M.: Bustard, 1996.

6. Geography. A large reference book for schoolchildren and applicants to universities / Ed. , etc. – 2nd ed. – M.: Bustard, 1999.

7. Geography. Population and economy. 9th grade , M.: Education, 1997.

8. Geography. Beginner course. 6th grade M.: Bustard, 1997.

9. Geography: A guide for applicants to universities / Ed. , etc. M.: Bustard, 2003.

10. Timofeeva pass the Unified State Exam in Geography with 100 points. Rostov-on-D: Phoenix, 2003.

11. Kuznetsov and the economy of the world. 10th grade: Textbook. for general education textbook establishments. M.: Bustard, 1997.

12. Maksakovsky and social geography of the world: Textbook. for 10th grade general images. institutions. – 10th ed. M.: Education, 2002.

13. Our home is the Earth. 7th grade . , M.: Bustard, 1996.

14. Polyakova. Short course for applicants to universities: Proc. allowance. M.: Exam, 2004.

16. Nature of Russia. , M.: Education, 1996.

17., Barinova of Russia: Textbook for 8th grade. M.: Education, 1994.

18. Physical geography for preparatory departments of universities / Ed. . M.: Higher School, 1991.

19. Physical geography. and others. M.: Education, 1996.

20. Physical geography. M.: Education, 1996.

21. Economic and social geography of the world. , M.: Education, 1997.

The textbook contains theoretical materials on geography covered during the high school course. Some material is out of scope school textbooks and provides a complete picture of modern geographic information, structuredly presented in the book. The manual is also intended for theoretical assistance in preparing for the Unified State Exam in Geography. For solving training problems, the author’s book “Geography. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2010.” Despite some updating of control and measuring materials every year, a common part remains united.

Subject and tasks of geography.
WITH Greek language the word geography is translated as land description (from “ge” - Earth, “grapho” - I write). Geography is an ancient science that originated at the very beginning of the development of human society and developed as it formed. Geography shows us the interaction and relationship between people and nature, the flow and processes of change in the relationship between society and the geographical environment.

Modern geography is divided into three main sections, each of which includes many other subsections. Despite this, all subsections in their diversity retained the combined features of the geographical approach: globality, complexity, specificity and territoriality.

Subsections of geographical science:
Physical geography: biogeography, soil geography, geocryology, geomorphology, hydrology (terrestrial hydrology, oceanology, limnology), glaciology, climatology, meteorology, paleogeography;
Socio-economic geography: world economy, population, industry, agriculture, services, transport, political geography, regional socio-economic geography;
Applied geography: military, historical, medical, recreational geography, cartography, local history, regional studies, toponymy.

1. Subject and tasks of geography (4)
2. Plan and map (6)
3. Earth - planet of the solar system (9)
4. Lithosphere and relief (11)
5. Forces changing the surface of the Earth (15)
6. Atmosphere (15)
7. Weather and climate (15)
8. Weather elements (17)
9. Hydrosphere (18)
10. Waters of land (19)
11. Geographical envelope and biosphere (20)
12. Natural areas (22)
13. Oceans (24)
14. Eurasia (25)
15. Climate, natural zones of Eurasia (27)
16. Africa (28)
17. North America (29)
18. South America (32)
19. Antarctica (33)
20. Australia (34)
21. Economic and geographical location (36)
22. Government system and administrative-territorial division (37)
23. Relief and geological structure (39)
24. Natural and mineral resources (40)
25. Climate and agroclimatic resources (41)
26. Inland waters and hydropower resources (43)
27. Soils and land resources (45)
28. Forest resources (46)
29. Environmental problems (47)
30. Number, population reproduction, migration (47)
31. Urban and rural population, its distribution, settlement of the territory, labor resources (48)
32. National and religious composition of the population (50)
33. Natural increase (51)
34. Russian Economy (52)
35. Industry composition and inter-industry complexes (53)
36. Fuel and energy complex (54)
37. Metallurgical complex (56)
38. Chemical forestry industry (57)
39. Mechanical engineering complex (58)
40. Military-industrial complex (59)
41. Agro-industrial complex (60)
42. Transport complex (61)
43. Light industry (62)
44. Food industry (63)
45. External economic relations of Russia (63)
46. ​​Economic zoning. Federal districts(64)
47. Western economic zone (65)
48. Central Black Earth economic region (66)
49. Central economic region (66)
50. Volga-Vyatka economic region (67)
51. Northwestern economic region (68)
52. Kaliningrad region (69)
53. Northern economic region (69)
54. North Caucasus economic region (70)
55. Volga economic region (71)
56. Ural economic region (72)
57. Eastern Economic Zone (73)
58. West Siberian economic region (74)
59. East Siberian economic region (74)
60. Far Eastern economic region (75)
61. World population (77)
62. Political map of the world (80)
63. World natural resources (81)
64. World economy (84)
65. Foreign Europe (89)
66. Countries Foreign Europe (90)
67. Foreign Asia (91)
68. Countries of Foreign Asia (92)
69. Africa (93)
70. North America (94)
71. Latin America (96)
72. Australia and Oceania (96)
73. Global problems of humanity (97)
74. Scientific and technological revolution (99)
Outstanding geographers (100)
Terminological dictionary (102)
Geographic nomenclature (134)
Applications (137).

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